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Re: (unknown)

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Spray yourself good and come on down..I changed the sheets on my bed a few minutes ago and that hurt my back too.Do you think the back pain has anything to do with the surgery ?? I sure wish I knew..

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I suppose I could stock up on Deep Woods off and come remind you Re: [ ] (unknown) No I don't think it is and my back hurt awful bad but I'm not doing it again soon..I loved the joke!!

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Oh yes I really do think the back pain has a lot to do with the surgery. I had my knee done June 26th and my hip and back still hurt. Re: [ ] (unknown) Spray yourself good and come on down..I changed the sheets on my bed a few minutes ago and that hurt my back too.Do you think the back pain has anything to do with the surgery ?? I sure wish I knew..

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Hi, I think you may be talking about the Analyst

http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/index.html Rose

Re: [ ] (unknown)

In a message dated 8/18/02 5:59:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

scottron2@... writes:

> Last year, when my daughter was first dx with an ASD, I was wandering

> around the web and came across a sight that I now can't find. It

> basically was this: you listed all your child's symptoms and then this

> company (for 25$, mind you), would enter them into a data bank and match

> you with other parents who's children had the exact same symptoms and

> what they did to help their kids. Does anyone know of this site? It

> helped those of us who's doc's were useless, and apparently, saved you

> from having to get them tested and whatnot. If anyone knows what I'm

> talking about, please let me know. Thank you. Rhonda


Rhonda -- As I recall, Dr. Sidney Baker started this; but I don't remember

the specifics. If you do a search on Dr. Baker, you might find something.

Seems like

I also saw it referenced on the Autism Research Institute site also.


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Sounds yummy. Just let me know when it's feeding time and I'll be right over!

I used to be married to my son's father and he changed cars like some people change clothes. I would come home and see a different vehicle in the driveway and think, "Oh, we have company." Then I would find out that, yet again, we had a new vehicle. At one point we had THREE car payments with just two drivers. I can't say I ever got used to this happening and it always bothered me. I just hated spending so much money on cars. To this day, he is still the same way...he just has a different wife to surprise!

Though it doesn't seem like it right now, I'm sure you guys will get through this and someday it won't seem as bad as it does right now.

Best of Luck,


I cook for my Shih Tzu Chicken and rice and steamed green beans I also allow carrot and other things in the diet. YOu bet.

Re: [ ] (unknown)

Hi, ,

Ah, yes, the planet ruled by animals -- or at least my household. We got our Kitty Boy from the local humane society when he was a couple of months old. He's part Siamese and something else (calico: is that a breed?). Very affectionate for a kitty, but a scrapper with other cats (we've taken him to the vet several times for 'battle wounds.) He's smaller than most of the cats in the neighborhood. You'd think that would stop him but he's a feisty little cuss.

>an orange cat with dark orange stripes and really has brought joy in to my life.<

Amen to that. They certainly win a place in your heart, don't they?

Neither Kitty Boy or Rooty Tooty (black lab-boxer) are enjoying the hot, muggy weather. Kitty Boy threw up this a.m. which he doesn't do often. It's either the heat or a routine hair ball.

>My mother cooks her chicken every day for lunch which she grinds up in the food processor and sprinkles with cheese.<

And I thought ours were spoiled rotten! That's a little over the top but, hey, she's your mom, right?

Take care,

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Dear Dawn,

It was really bare bones. And you are more wonderful.



>From: " DAWN RIDER " <israelswarrior@...>

>Reply-SSRI medications

>SSRI medications

>Subject: (unknown)

>Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 12:25:02 -0600


>Thanks Suzy!


>You are wonderful!



>----Original Message Follows----

>From: " suzy nakauchi "

>Reply-SSRI medications

>SSRI medications

>Subject: Re: Urgent - Please Make Your Voice Heard

>Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:39:13 +0000



>I sent a bare bones letter to each member of the A Committee.




>Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com



MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


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In a message dated Tue, 20 Aug 2002 3:17:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

bajalad@... writes:

> CAn Anyone provide me with information

> regarding the type of nutritional supplements that should be taken

> for persons HIV+ Also i need some info regarding what

> should be

> included in a diet.

Well, since no one claims to be HIV-positive longer than I have, you might want

to look at what I do for health. I don't take any supplements. You can learn

all my health secrets at sobehealthy.com. For the diet information, check the

links page. I didn't see any need to reinvent the wheel. Hope this helps. The

most important thing is to get over the mind-f*cking. The one thing all those

who are living healthy without AIDS, years after being given a death sentence,

have in common is that they fired their doctors. You cannot cure immune

suppression with poisoning, cutting or burning and those are the only tools

medical doctors have to work with. So when doctors say it is " incurable, " what

they really mean is they can't help you. Get as far from them as you can.


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.

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edward -

i'm sure your a nice guy and i totally agree with you viewpoints when it comes

to hiv/aids. i have a rather puzzling question though, how in the world can you

claim to be hiv + since 1954 when it wasn't even discovered until decades later?

personally, i think hiv has been around a long time, like many still

undiscovered viruses, living out there lives and coexisting in our bodies. i

think a lot of people have had hiv for decades, but how can you say you know you

had it before the test?

tim -

curedaids@... wrote:

> In a message dated Tue, 20 Aug 2002 3:17:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

bajalad@... writes:


> > CAn Anyone provide me with information

> > regarding the type of nutritional supplements that should be taken

> > for persons HIV+ Also i need some info regarding what

> > should be

> > included in a diet.


> Well, since no one claims to be HIV-positive longer than I have, you might

want to look at what I do for health. I don't take any supplements. You can

learn all my health secrets at sobehealthy.com. For the diet information, check

the links page. I didn't see any need to reinvent the wheel. Hope this helps.

The most important thing is to get over the mind-f*cking. The one thing all

those who are living healthy without AIDS, years after being given a death

sentence, have in common is that they fired their doctors. You cannot cure

immune suppression with poisoning, cutting or burning and those are the only

tools medical doctors have to work with. So when doctors say it is " incurable, "

what they really mean is they can't help you. Get as far from them as you can.


> Lieb

> THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

> HIV+ since 1954 -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention.



> Read AIDS-Cured

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Send me an e-mail and I'll send you what I have.





I need some help really quick. CAn Anyone provide me with information

regarding the type of nutritional supplements that should be taken

for persons HIV+ Also i need some info regarding what should be

included in a diet. I would really appreciate any feed back that I

can get. I basically need some type of program to follow. Where I

live it's difficult to get this type of information. everyone seem to

be into the meds etc. Thanks in advance

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In a message dated Tue, 20 Aug 2002 7:13:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

gentryj@... writes:

> edward -


> i'm sure your a nice guy and i totally agree with you viewpoints when it comes

to hiv/aids. i have a rather puzzling question though, how in the world can you

claim to be hiv + since 1954 when it wasn't even discovered until decades later?

personally, i think hiv has been around a long time, like many still

undiscovered viruses, living out there lives and coexisting in our bodies. i

think a lot of people have had hiv for decades, but how can you say you know you

had it before

> the test?


> tim -

Glad you asked. HIV was not a new virus. Blood stored for over 50 years tested

positive for the virus (if we accept the test for the virus). In June of 1993

the cover story on Nature BIO/technology was on the hiv testing being proven

invalid. At the time they showed 16 things (other than alleged HIV) that could

make you test positive. The earliest were experimental polio vaccines made with

African monkey blood products. I believe I had that vaccine when I was in 4th

grade back in 1954. I know for certain that the experimental hep-b vaccine I

had in the mid-seventies is another source of testing positive. That is well


Keep in mind, no one has ever been shown to have this virus, it's all based on a

positive antibody test that has never been approved for diagnostic purposes.

So, technically, I'm PROBABLY poz since 1954. But in AIDSpeak, you're supposed

to drop the word " probable " from the vocabulary. After all, the only reason to

believe hiv causes aids is based on a 1984 press conference that announced " the

probable cause of AIDS " had been found. The press didn't print the word

" probable " then or in the 18 years since. It always " HIV -- the virus that

causes AIDS. "


THe world's #1 long-term non-progressor.

HIV+ since 1954 (probably) -- healthy and fit with NO medical intervention


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Dear Keri...God works in mysterious ways!!! I'm so grateful your hubby

is seeking help. I know this has been SO difficult for you. Hang in

there, kiddo. Keep praying, and keep us updated on you & your husband.

With Hope & Love...


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Hi Keri:

Great news!! God does indeed work in mysterious ways.

I firmly believe that those who have passed on are

still around us and still watch out for those they

loved while on this earth plane. Dreams are a

wonderful way of making contact with loved ones who

have passed. Your father-in-law obviously heard your

prayers and went to his son in this way to deliver his

own plea to yours that your husband seek more medical

help for his RA. It is amazing, isn't it? This is

truly evidence that prayers are heard and do work!

You are a wonderful strong woman and wife to have

continued to support your husband all these years when

he would not admit to himself that he needed help -

your prayers were spoken with true and loving heart

and spirit and I am very happy that they have been

answered. I also believe that we have all found each

other in this group for a purpose - maybe we have this

disease so that we may be a comfort and a strength for

each other when we are alone or there is sometimes no

one in our lives who really understands us. I'll be

keeping you and your husband in my thoughts!

Kathe in CA


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Hi again Mark,

When you have time can you contact me off the list at: owen.donnelly@...

Many thanks, OwenD


Hello all,my name is Mark, im an industrial paramedic,i am billeted at a

gold mine in Western Australia,i also work part time on my r and r at a busy

ambulance depot,in between sorting the garden,being a biological A.T.M for

the wife and kids,and walking the dogs.I am originally from

Blighty..Southampton.Always interested in trial results of medical kit,and

medical/biological/procedures,and scoring such classics as VIZ at second

hand book stores...regards Mark


Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

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Oh..what is your MSN I.D. Name?


I'm 25 with SMA Type II. I just graduated with my Master of Social Work and

work part-time at a mental health agency. I enjoy spending time with

friends, my pet rabbit, and talking on MSN Messenger. I got turned on to

this group via my friend, .

I hope to get the chance to communicate with all of you! -a


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Welcome a! Congratulations on your recent graduation! I also have a

Master in Social Work ('89) and work as a case manager in a hospital. I

have sma II and am married to .



I'm 25 with SMA Type II. I just graduated with my Master of Social Work and

work part-time at a mental health agency. I enjoy spending time with

friends, my pet rabbit, and talking on MSN Messenger. I got turned on to

this group via my friend, .

I hope to get the chance to communicate with all of you! -a


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welcome kristina!!! im lauren--23, sma type 2. Im also in social work--a

senior at san jose state, and will go for my masters after. im interning at a

childrens hospital.

a Bishop wrote:

I'm 25 with SMA Type II. I just graduated with my Master of Social Work and work

part-time at a mental health agency. I enjoy spending time with friends, my pet

rabbit, and talking on MSN Messenger. I got turned on to this group via my

friend, .

I hope to get the chance to communicate with all of you! -a


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What a coincidence....I did my field practicum at Children's too. I'd love to

get hired on there......but they require 3 years post-Master's experience. Email

me if you ever wish to " chat " . -a

Biancucci wrote:

welcome kristina!!! im lauren--23, sma type 2. Im also in social work--a

senior at san jose state, and will go for my masters after. im interning at a

childrens hospital.

a Bishop wrote:

I'm 25 with SMA Type II. I just graduated with my Master of Social Work and work

part-time at a mental health agency. I enjoy spending time with friends, my pet

rabbit, and talking on MSN Messenger. I got turned on to this group via my

friend, .

I hope to get the chance to communicate with all of you! -a


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My email addy for MSN is kbishop99@.... I'd love to IM with you!


Those Two wrote:Oh..what is your MSN I.D. Name?


I'm 25 with SMA Type II. I just graduated with my Master of Social Work and

work part-time at a mental health agency. I enjoy spending time with

friends, my pet rabbit, and talking on MSN Messenger. I got turned on to

this group via my friend, .

I hope to get the chance to communicate with all of you! -a


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Bridget - Hi! So how's it goin' with BFL and life? You can't come on here and

tease us with that little one-liner!




Just saying I have been lurking and I am alive and well!


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Sunbathing is a good idea Keri. Tess if you¹re not sun sensitive, it may

help. There is a connection between emotions and sunshine, although the

exact connection isn¹t fully understood. Studies suggest that some hormone

levels that effect emotion are directly affected by sunlight. Another

benefit of the sunshine is Vitamin D, which we need to synthesize calcium to

prevent osteoporosis, which is very prevalent in RA.

Tess I¹m sorry your roller coaster gives you such a rotten ride. I hope you

can find some things that make you feel better. Being cooped up in your

apartment may be adding to your depression. It¹s beautiful outside. Is

there a park nearby that you can sit in? You are such a sweetie and I

hate to see you so sad. I hope your toe is ok.



> Hey Tess, I'm proud of you for at least coming to the group. You stay

> with us. We'll all get you through this. Hane you changed your meds

> or anything, besides the diet?

> You need to do something weird or out of the ordinary. Through open

> your windows and lay inthe sunshine for a while (nude if you

> feel :)). Put on some music that makes you smile. Eat an orange.

> Drink a glass of Iced Tea. Have someone rent you a really funny

> movie. As soon as you start to feel a litle bit better get out there

> and volunteer somewhere. Some of the Daycares and Preschools around

> allow people to come in and read to the kids. There's a thought! If

> you can handle a bunch of screaming kids! Heck, maybe then you'll

> like your quiet apartment! I know I'd like some quiet sometimes! We

> love ya' Tess. Hang in there honey and do something funny!

> ((((((((((((((love you Tess)))))))))))))))

> Keri


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Hi a...I get sun flares very easily, sometimes within 15 - 20

minutes. It is sunny & bright & beautiful here...I always keep my

blinds open (I'm on the 2nd floor).

This 'falling into a hole' emotionally has been happening too much

lately. Really wears me down.

Since I have diabetes I watch my feet/toes. This infection just seemed

to pop up from no where.



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