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Re: (unknown)

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Niave question but what are enzymes? I mean do you give it to the

child in herbs or something? I hope Idontsound too niave LOL


-- (unknown)

I'm wondering how many parents of girls with autism are trying the

enzymes? I've joined the enzyme group on and hear quite a bit of

good stuff regarding boys and enzymes, are girls showing the same signs

of success? I'd like to start Olivia on them but want to hear from other

parents first. Thanks, Rhonda

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There is an enzymes and autism board that deals with the subject. Some autistic

children have greatly benefited from using digestive enzymes in capsule form as

supplements for their children.



I'm wondering how many parents of girls with autism are trying the

enzymes? I've joined the enzyme group on and hear quite a bit of

good stuff regarding boys and enzymes, are girls showing the same signs

of success? I'd like to start Olivia on them but want to hear from other

parents first. Thanks, Rhonda

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It's to my understanding that they're basically designed to break up

foods in the digestive tract and help get rid of the bad crap. It seems

to allow alot of kids to go off the GFCF diet and eat regular stuff. You

should check it out it's worth looking into, I just hope I'm not sinking

my money into yet another super supplement that does nothing for my

daughter. I'm a skeptic at heart but figure what the hell. Wouldn't it

be grand if I finally did find something that worked!



http://www.enzymedica.com (click on Questions)

Here are some sights to check out and try the enzymes and autism group.

It's a little more technical than I anticipated but the people have been

very informative as well as helpful.

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HELLO: yeah but just going to the gym and socialising it's a burden and u

know how much we hate that interaction thing, i've learned by experience

that it's much better to spend the time on intellectual things than by

exercising and stuff, I do walk 3 times a week but i quit the weight

training because it was exhausting me

From: " a1thighmaster " <thighmaster@...>



Subject: (unknown)

Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 20:43:13 -0000


I disagree. I find that it's " use it or lose it " that applies. People

with thyroid disorders need exercise, particularly the muscle

building type. Muscle is virtually the only metabolically active

tissue in the body. Those with little muscle will have lower

metabolism and be more prone to fatigue. I exercise several hours a

week (not a day) and I find that I still have plenty of energy for a

demanding full-time job and a *lot* of other activities.

Best wishes,



> HELLO ALL: I have been doing less exercise and thus eating less

> carbohydrates, there is a thought in the western culture that if

you spend

> hours a day exercising that you are alowed to eat more, but that

only leads

> to fatigue early in life and so much exercise is not right for

people with

> hypothyroidism because it wears you out and exhausts your


> blocking other activities.

" Growing up it all seems so one sided, opinions all provided, our future pre

decided, detached and subdivided in the mass production zone, nowhere is the

dreamer or the misfit so alone. Conform or be cast out " - Subdivisions,



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Thanks for the information. I used b6 on my children with

magnesium but this timeIdecided to buy from kirkman lab just for convience

of not having to smash them. The 4 year old as well as the 9 year old

doesnt swallow pills at all. I am now going tolook thisup to the enzymes

and see if the price is OK Imay try that too.


-- Re: (unknown)

It's to my understanding that they're basically designed to break up

foods in the digestive tract and help get rid of the bad crap. It seems

to allow alot of kids to go off the GFCF diet and eat regular stuff. You

should check it out it's worth looking into, I just hope I'm not sinking

my money into yet another super supplement that does nothing for my

daughter. I'm a skeptic at heart but figure what the hell. Wouldn't it

be grand if I finally did find something that worked!



http://www.enzymedica.com (click on Questions)

Here are some sights to check out and try the enzymes and autism group.

It's a little more technical than I anticipated but the people have been

very informative as well as helpful.

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I had to jump in here...we tried the enzymes on our 3

yo daughter, Katelyn. We saw a little improvement

that I thought was due to the enzymes (we did not go

GFCF, though). We kept them up for 4 months until we

went on vacation and I forgot to take them along. She

was off them for almost 2 weeks and we so no

regression. We sumised from that that she did not

have a problem that warranted using enzymes any


We have found something that is helping her though.

It's called Super Nu Thera from Kirkman Labs. It's a

mulitvitamin with a high dose of B6 and Mag. It helps

with calming her tantrums and with cognitive abilities

and eye contact.

BTW, Katelyn is dx of PDD-NOS and high-functioning.

She is already verbal so I can't say we've seen

dramatic results in that area. Her main problems are

social and fine motor.


--- joan migton <jandjmig@...> wrote:

> There is an enzymes and autism board that deals with

> the subject. Some autistic children have greatly

> benefited from using digestive enzymes in capsule

> form as supplements for their children.

> Joan


> (unknown)


> I'm wondering how many parents of girls with autism

> are trying the

> enzymes? I've joined the enzyme group on and

> hear quite a bit of

> good stuff regarding boys and enzymes, are girls

> showing the same signs

> of success? I'd like to start Olivia on them but

> want to hear from other

> parents first. Thanks, Rhonda



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Dearest ,

Oh man you might have opened a can of very angry worms here when

you said that about Americans and America it's self. I happen to be an

American and am extremely proud of that fact..... I certainly wouldnt want to

ever live anywhere else... One question here .... There are many

Americans here on this group... You hate us all??? No wonder you are

depressed.... with a hateful disposition like yours..... Enough sad.

Debbie ( a proud American)

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OH...........I see, your Excellence.




> Hello, thank God I am not from United States of America, the most

obese and

> corrupted nation of the world.





> From: Peaches14845@a...

> Reply-hypothyroidism@y...

> hypothyroidism@y...

> Subject: Re: (unknown)

> Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 12:24:21 EDT


> where are you from ???




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...You certainly know how to alienate the people who have tried so hard to

help you

Re: Re: (unknown)

Dearest ,

Oh man you might have opened a can of very angry worms here when

you said that about Americans and America it's self. I happen to be an

American and am extremely proud of that fact..... I certainly wouldnt want to

ever live anywhere else... One question here .... There are many

Americans here on this group... You hate us all??? No wonder you are

depressed.... with a hateful disposition like yours..... Enough sad.

Debbie ( a proud American)

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Hi, sorry. I like you all in this group, and I like U.S. and every good

society ;-)

From: Peaches14845@...



Subject: Re: Re: (unknown)

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 09:30:50 EDT

Dearest ,

Oh man you might have opened a can of very angry worms here when

you said that about Americans and America it's self. I happen to be an

American and am extremely proud of that fact..... I certainly wouldnt want


ever live anywhere else... One question here .... There are many

Americans here on this group... You hate us all??? No wonder you are

depressed.... with a hateful disposition like yours..... Enough sad.

Debbie ( a proud American)

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Thanks for the laugh...it is sooooooo true. I'm a great fan of cats and have a new kitten that I got in June. She was abandoned at a local small town convenience store near my best friends house and needed a home. I took her in but she has since let me know that this is her place and I'm just allowed to live here! We figure she was about 2 months old when she was found so that makes her about 4 months old now. Murphee is a girl (as best I can tell) and an orange cat with dark orange stripes and really has brought joy in to my life.

My parents have a Pikanese (sp?) and I call her my hairy sister because she's just like another family member. She goes on their trips when they travel and sits on a pillow on the console. My mother cooks her chicken every day for lunch which she grinds up in the food processor and sprinkles with cheese. I can't be sure that that is so good for her but my mother says that she won't eat anything else. I think she's one of those dogs that really has it made.

From the Planet Ruled by Animals,

Sizer wrote:

Saw a great cartoon one time:A woman is feeding her cat and her dog, and thought bubbles show what each is thinking.The dog says to himself: "She feeds me. She must be God!"The cat says to himself: "She feeds me. I must be God!"Have a good 1,

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Yes we are the hardest hit with the West Nile Virus and trust me I STAY INDOORS as much as possible..My skin is so sensitive to sprays that I even scared to use repellent so I don't go out much at dusk..As far as my daughter she wears repellent and waits for the bus..I know I sure don't need anymore illnesses any time soon..I have a return appt. with my GYN I think next week to see how it's going..Wish me luck..Hey don't wear out a hole in the back row..I'M COMING BACK!!!

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Hey I must be doing better..I swept today and I wasn't doing that yet..I don't think i"m still suppose to just yet but I'm tired of not doing nothing...I did have an awful headache today though but yesterday I was real busy and didn't get home till 1:30 this am and was tired I guess but I'm feeling better..Thanks for thinking of me...missing me and keeping things going while i was gone..Love all of you guys!!!!!!!

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Jan be sure to take care of yourself & do what the Doctor tells you. This place is not the same without you.


Jannewilms43@... wrote:

Yes we are the hardest hit with the West Nile Virus and trust me I STAY INDOORS as much as possible..My skin is so sensitive to sprays that I even scared to use repellent so I don't go out much at dusk..As far as my daughter she wears repellent and waits for the bus..I know I sure don't need anymore illnesses any time soon..I have a return appt. with my GYN I think next week to see how it's going..Wish me luck..Hey don't wear out a hole in the back row..I'M COMING BACK!!!

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GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jannewilms43@... wrote:

Yes we are the hardest hit with the West Nile Virus and trust me I STAY INDOORS as much as possible..My skin is so sensitive to sprays that I even scared to use repellent so I don't go out much at dusk..As far as my daughter she wears repellent and waits for the bus..I know I sure don't need anymore illnesses any time soon..I have a return appt. with my GYN I think next week to see how it's going..Wish me luck..Hey don't wear out a hole in the back row..I'M COMING BACK!!!

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In a message dated 8/18/02 5:59:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

scottron2@... writes:

> Last year, when my daughter was first dx with an ASD, I was wandering

> around the web and came across a sight that I now can't find. It

> basically was this: you listed all your child's symptoms and then this

> company (for 25$, mind you), would enter them into a data bank and match

> you with other parents who's children had the exact same symptoms and

> what they did to help their kids. Does anyone know of this site? It

> helped those of us who's doc's were useless, and apparently, saved you

> from having to get them tested and whatnot. If anyone knows what I'm

> talking about, please let me know. Thank you. Rhonda


Rhonda -- As I recall, Dr. Sidney Baker started this; but I don't remember

the specifics. If you do a search on Dr. Baker, you might find something.

Seems like

I also saw it referenced on the Autism Research Institute site also.


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We don't doubt that for a minute! I'm going back out into the woods for another week. This time up to the door peninsula. Swimming and biking and hiking. It's beautiful land, lots of limestone cliffs. Peninsula Park was built during the depression, kind of to keep people busy and give 'em a paycheck. There's tons of hiking trails and a couple of real nice bike trails. We've had that west nile virus found in Illinois in animals, I haven't heard of any human casualties yet this far north. -dz-

Jannewilms43@... wrote:

Yes we are the hardest hit with the West Nile Virus and trust me I STAY INDOORS as much as possible..My skin is so sensitive to sprays that I even scared to use repellent so I don't go out much at dusk..As far as my daughter she wears repellent and waits for the bus..I know I sure don't need anymore illnesses any time soon..I have a return appt. with my GYN I think next week to see how it's going..Wish me luck..Hey don't wear out a hole in the back row..I'M COMING BACK!!!

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I cook for my Shih Tzu Chicken and rice and steamed green beans I also allow carrot and other things in the diet. YOu bet. Re: [ ] (unknown) Hi, , Ah, yes, the planet ruled by animals -- or at least my household. We got our Kitty Boy from the local humane society when he was a couple of months old. He's part Siamese and something else (calico: is that a breed?). Very affectionate for a kitty, but a scrapper with other cats (we've taken him to the vet several times for 'battle wounds.) He's smaller than most of the cats in the neighborhood. You'd think that would stop him but he's a feisty little cuss. >an orange cat with dark orange stripes and really has brought joy in to my life.< Amen to that. They certainly win a place in your heart, don't they? Neither Kitty Boy or Rooty Tooty (black lab-boxer) are enjoying the hot, muggy weather. Kitty Boy threw up this a.m. which he doesn't do often. It's either the heat or a routine hair ball. >My mother cooks her chicken every day for lunch which she grinds up in the food processor and sprinkles with cheese.< And I thought ours were spoiled rotten! That's a little over the top but, hey, she's your mom, right? Take care,

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Whats with this sweeping business? Thats not acceptable after surgery is it? Oh reminds me of a joke The bridebroom was looking so beautiful in white and her groom broom so handsome in his tuxedo on their wedding day. Suddenly the groom broom turned a little pale as his bride broom leaned over and whispered in his ear I think I'm having a little whisk broom He said No thats not possible are you ready yet are you sure your ready to hear why? they had not swept together yet!!!!!!!! Re: [ ] (unknown) Fluffy I'm not overdoing it yet..

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I liked that one.



Whats with this sweeping business? Thats not acceptable after surgery is it?

Oh reminds me of a joke

The bridebroom was looking so beautiful in white and her groom broom

so handsome in his tuxedo on their wedding day. Suddenly the groom broom

turned a little pale as his bride broom leaned over and whispered in his ear

I think I'm having a little whisk broom He said No thats not possible

are you ready yet

are you sure your ready to hear why?

they had not swept together yet!!!!!!!!

Re: [ ] (unknown)

Fluffy I'm not overdoing it yet..

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