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Re: (unknown)

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My daughter was years ago chewing on paper and other things. Toothbrushes seemed

to be her big thing. She is 13 year old and it has improved, but about 4 weeks

ago she ate the shopping list when I was at the grocery store. The bad news for

my stopping was I was only halfway through the store and I really was not sure

what was on the list to buy. I was really upset and Jen became upset, because we

have going through this for years. I really think she did not realize she ate

the list until it was almost completely down and I only had a corner of the

paper remaining. The chew improved with Jen as she improved we addressed things

diet, vitamins, yeast overgrowth, amino acids, but most of all when Mercury was

remove from Jen. We are working with a DAN doctor... Dr. Arnold Brenner in

land is my daughters DAN doctor.

Take Care and God Bless,

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen and Kim

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Does anyone know of a DAN doctor in the Colorado New mexico areas?

Thanks Charlene

-- Re: (unknown)

My daughter was years ago chewing on paper and other things. Toothbrushes

seemed to be her big thing. She is 13 year old and it has improved, but

about 4 weeks ago she ate the shopping list when I was at the grocery store.

The bad news for my stopping was I was only halfway through the store and I

really was not sure what was on the list to buy. I was really upset and Jen

became upset, because we have going through this for years. I really think

she did not realize she ate the list until it was almost completely down and

I only had a corner of the paper remaining. The chew improved with Jen as

she improved we addressed things diet, vitamins, yeast overgrowth, amino

acids, but most of all when Mercury was remove from Jen. We are working with

a DAN doctor... Dr. Arnold Brenner in land is my daughters DAN doctor.

Take Care and God Bless,

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen and Kim

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This is the DAN list... I did see 2 listing in Colorado, but none in New Mexico.


I have been told that it is important ask what insurances the doctor accepts. I

have heard some of them can be expensive. I live in Pa., But I travel in

land to Dr. Brenner. I had contacted two others DAN doctors prior to Dr.

Brenner, but I did not like the response I received from their office staff or

their response to my inquiry.

My daughter's DAN doctor is fantastic and I love the staff, but I have no idea

about any of the others! Some of my friends who have autistic children in my

area also go to Dr. Brenner and they seem to have the same opinion.

Take Care and God Bless,


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Thanks for the information Beverly. California and New Jersey

seemed to have quite a few but where I am hardly next to none. Thanks for

explaining the insurance thing. I know how they can get LOL. charlene

-- Re: (unknown)

This is the DAN list... I did see 2 listing in Colorado, but none in New



I have been told that it is important ask what insurances the doctor accepts

I have heard some of them can be expensive. I live in Pa., But I travel in

land to Dr. Brenner. I had contacted two others DAN doctors prior to Dr.

Brenner, but I did not like the response I received from their office staff

or their response to my inquiry.

My daughter's DAN doctor is fantastic and I love the staff, but I have no

idea about any of the others! Some of my friends who have autistic children

in my area also go to Dr. Brenner and they seem to have the same opinion.

Take Care and God Bless,


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I've heard of kids doing this who are on the gfcf diet because the laundry

detergent has gluten in it and that's the only way left after the food is

eliminated to get their " fix " .

Not sure if this applies to your daughter but thought I'd pass it along

since it's kind of odd!

Joy Insinna


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I am sure this must be an old topic somewhere, but I am in

need of some expert advice. is eating all of our shirts.

Almost every tshirt or any shirt in the house is chewed into a

Vneck. HELP??????

God never gives you more than you can

handle. However, sometimes I wish God did not trust me so


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Barbie, we have a nebulizer-- but for some reason, the ped wanted him to use

the inhaler. ??? Both boys go to teh HEM and the GI tomorrow... then

ph sees the immunologist next week. ph's cough is a LOT worse. So.

..we'll see what teh HEM and GI say about it tomorrow.

We will be going to the mountains for a few days... it is just as far from

the docs/hosp as our house...


-- Re: (unknown)

Patti has anyone suggested a Nebulizer with inhaled meds. It really works

much better to get the meds a chance to coat the lungs. I do not believe


kids until they have any idea how to inhale the meds until they have done it

many times with a spacer. We were not allowed to used the inhaled albuterol

until Lucas was 6. Our doc will not consider the inhaled spacers when Lucas

is sick. We only use it for maintenance and in combination with the

nebulizer. You might check back with your doc. You can rent them but it is

usually in the long run cheaper for the insurance to purchase the machine.


your doc an allergist, immunolisgist or a pediatrician. I know many of our

peds do not want to get kids started on the nebulizer but it makes a huge

difference to keep you out of the ER. Take is not being able to breathe


seriously. You really need to look up the signs and symptoms of asthma and

respiratory distress . It just helps to know what to look for since

sometimes it can be subtle. BARBIE Hope little ph feels better soon.

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This is the second time we tried sudafed in the mornings...and the first

time we've ever used benadryl. I think b/c he has tried all the allergy

meds, etc and none of them work, she wanted to give sudafed and benadryl a

shot. I am at my wits end...he has been sick since before December...adn of

course that was after only a few weeks of health... between the two o them,

We never have completel health in our house.


-- Re: (unknown)

I have been told by several ENTs not to use Sudafed or a decongestant


you want to loosen up the secretions. It is very drying. The quafinisin on

the contrary loosens the secretions. Are you doing any saline rinses. It


make a huge difference. BARBIE

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In a message dated 08/08/2002 4:06:59 PM Central Daylight Time,

Wannabhealthy@... writes:

> Hi everyone,


I have recently read in 3 places where you can use ground flaxseeds.

I make my own mixture and I do put some ground flax but I also use psyllium,

apple pectin, slippery elm, and bentonite. So there are other things to move

in along.


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Hi Tina,

Glad to hear Stephan has shown some improvement,hopefully the OT can help with his hands.About the MTX and Remicade,hopefully will chime in because Tabs a teen ager ond on the same meds. was put on 25mg MTX injection when he was 3 and that was scarey.I wish like anything could go up just a little more and see if it will fix his lft ankle like its fixed everything else,but it will be years before he is big enough.The rheumys wont up anything past what his body weight is,so try not to worry to much.I feal the quicker and harder you fight this disease the better control you can gain,then you can try getting to some lower more comfortable(moms peace of mind)doses.I hope this month Stephan has much improvement.

Love Becki and 4systemic


Hi to all:

My wasnt working for almost a week, and it finally is working!! Anyway, we had an AWESOME time at the AJAO confrence, it was such a wonderful experience for all of us, especially . Words cannot even express the gratitude we hold to the FACES group for making it all possible for us and our son. I hope everyone is well, I missed a lot of messages, and i am sorry. To the few I have read, Rusty, I am so glad to hear your sed rate is lower, that is wonderful. And to Casaria, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Tasie, I really hope everything works out well for you, if you ever need to vent, you can e-mail my personal e-mail address at tnorman91@.... and that goes to anyone in our group too. As for , i took him to see his rheumy today, and actually he seen a different doctor, she is the head of Rheumatology at Childrens Hospital. She said that he actually looks pretty good, except his hands, she said they are bad, very stiff, not much range of motion, she is sending him to occupational therapy now, hoping that will help. She also said his knees still are not the best, better than before (according to the doctor notes) but not good enough. She said she is giving him one more month to look better, or she is going to up the dosages on his medications, she said he can go a bit higher on the MTX (which scares me, he is already on 25mg injection a week), and up his remicade. So i really hope that we can work miracales with him in the next month! Sorry for rambling! Hope everone is well. Take care.

Tina and

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Hi Tina,

Abbie went up to 30 mg mtx quite some time ago. I think last winter (so weird that I can't remember exactly). It was the last try before Remicade. My greatest concern was that it would be too much for her liver, and we would lose our best med. But everything has worked out fine. While I think that Abbie will probably always be on some heavy meds, since she has always had to increase or add something every few months, I am very pleased that she has reamained balanced on the tightrope for the last year with no serious flare. It has however taken constant care, and until this summer, at least 1 dr appt/month. While the Remicade has not been a miracle all healer for us, it has brought about a stopping of prednisone. Abbie is now almost 3 months off with no rash or fever, only pain and stiffnes and occasional swelling.

She is so determined to play soccer again. She went running last night. She was only gone about 20 minutes, and came home saying she only ran a short way, mostly walked. An hour later she had ice packs on both hips, both knees and one ankle. Oh well, I guess that is what will get her through life.

Christy (Abbie, 13 systemic)

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Hi Terry

I am so sorry for your loss. I have 2 dogs that are like my kids. Their love is so unconditional. Please watch "The Pet Psychic" on the animal planet at 8pm EST.

Sonya, the psychic is so increditable and has the gift. The show is also funny at times. She talks to the animal through her mind and visa-versa for any problems or questions the owner has. It is truely amazing.

Terry Long wrote:

It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old & we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his Mom or sister.


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Terry ~~

I was sorry to hear your sad news. Pets just become such family members. My wishes for all your hearts to be soothed, even Dr. Pepper's.


Terry Long wrote:

It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old & we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his Mom or sister.


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I'm so sorry Terry. I have lost several dogs in the

past and I understand the grief. Tell Susy, my

thoughts are with her.


--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:


> It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget

> passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old &

> we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real

> hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him

> when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his

> Mom or sister.


> Terry




> ---------------------------------


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Terry please accept my heartfelt sympathies at Midgets passing. Please extend this to Susy it is so very very hard when we loose a pet.. [ ] (unknown) It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old & we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his Mom or sister. Terry

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Sorry to hear that, Terry. I know Diane's dog, Lady is having her bad days, I have a feeling she's not too much longer for this world. I know it's tough, we've had a couple of scares already and Diane gets pretty distraught. My thoughts are with you. -dz-

Terry Long wrote:

It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old & we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his Mom or sister.


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I'd love to put my two cents worth in on this subject. I have worked with

several children with the same problem re: chewing. Sometimes a

Chiropracter works in setting the Jaw... as there are so many tactile

problems that are involved, sometimes this is hard. Give it a try.. I've

seen it work alot. Peace to all... Mike

>From: " Beverly Weakley " <bridalsh@...>


><Autism_in_Girls >

>Subject: Re: (unknown)

>Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 23:05:26 -0400


>My daughter was years ago chewing on paper and other things. Toothbrushes

>seemed to be her big thing. She is 13 year old and it has improved, but

>about 4 weeks ago she ate the shopping list when I was at the grocery

>store. The bad news for my stopping was I was only halfway through the

>store and I really was not sure what was on the list to buy. I was really

>upset and Jen became upset, because we have going through this for years. I

>really think she did not realize she ate the list until it was almost

>completely down and I only had a corner of the paper remaining. The chew

>improved with Jen as she improved we addressed things diet, vitamins, yeast

>overgrowth, amino acids, but most of all when Mercury was remove from Jen.

>We are working with a DAN doctor... Dr. Arnold Brenner in land is my

>daughters DAN doctor.


>Take Care and God Bless,

>Beverly Weakley

>Mom of Jen and Kim




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Hi everyone. Susy & I would like thank veryone for your messages of sympathie. Susy, Mom & I are doing better but Dr Pepper is walking around as if he was lost. And I guess he is. Even Teddy "Mom's Dog" is a little upset.



Terry please accept my heartfelt sympathies at Midgets passing. Please extend this to

Susy it is so very very hard when we loose a pet..

[ ] (unknown)

It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old & we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his Mom or sister.


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I think I have mentioned before that I am a list owner to a list regarding the breed Shih Tzu. At the passing of a family pet other pets in the family structure such as dogs cats etc can enter a period of absolute grief and mourning. Sometimes they will stop eating and become lethargic. So much so they require veterinary assistance. This is so understandable as they have lost a friend and companion as well...... Dr. Pepper is lost in a way.. Its so sad.... [ ] (unknown) It is a sad weekend here in Az. Susy's dog Midget passed away yesterday. She was about 10 years old & we had her for about 8 years. Susy is taking it real hard, so is Dr Pepper. He is 7 years old & got him when he was a pup. He kind of thought Midget as his Mom or sister. Terry

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Have you heard of the Horse Whisperer? There are those who claim to be able to communicate with Doggies. And the doggies communicate back. I was skeptical to say the least. Till I saw it working. It resolved some fairly serious issues for a couple of our Rescues. Re: [ ] (unknown) I'ver been tempted to watch the pet physic at times.....Cause I got my little boy Shakey.......

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The Pet Physic is the best new show on cable. I have realized animals do understand us and have the most unconditional love and feelings.

Everynight on Monday at 8pm EST on the animal planet channel. I watching it right now.

Jannewilms43@... wrote:

I'ver been tempted to watch the pet physic at times.....Cause I got my little boy Shakey.......

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Animals responds to a soft trusting voice and tender touches. I probably traumatized some of my animals. God forgive me! Then I saw the Horse Whisperer and it changed my life. Now now I only associate with animals and just email people haha.


Have you heard of the Horse Whisperer? There are those who

claim to be able to communicate with Doggies. And the doggies

communicate back. I was skeptical to say the least. Till I saw

it working. It resolved some fairly serious issues for a couple

of our Rescues.

Re: [ ] (unknown)

I'ver been tempted to watch the pet physic at times.....Cause I got my little boy Shakey.......

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I will have to try to remember to set the VCR up so I can see it some time. I have known for a long time pets have deep feelings. One time a few years ago Susy & her Mom took a three week trip. Midget after a few days was crying because she missed Susy. Midget Dr Pepper & Teddy knew when we were upset & tryed to calm us. Having Dr Pepper & Teddy has helped us with the loss of Midget. I would like to thank we have helped them through this.


Darlene wrote:

The Pet Physic is the best new show on cable. I have realized animals do understand us and have the most unconditional love and feelings. Everynight on Monday at 8pm EST on the animal planet channel. I watching it right now. Jannewilms43@... wrote: I'ver been tempted to watch the pet physic at times.....Cause I got my little boy Shakey.......

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