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Congrats..... Diane and

We are so happy for you!!! We started our son on proefa apprx 10 days

ago....( he turned 2 this week)...

I haven't noticed the drastic improvement that you have but we have noticed

he is noisier. He's making the kinds

of sounds we would have expected from him as a baby..more

babbling....broooooom, da da da...etc. The other

morning I heard so many sounds coming from his room that I thought he must

have had some kind of

noisy electronic toy....but it was HIM!!! He has said " bah " (which is

ball) spontaneously for a long time

but yesterday when he said ball...I said " basketball " and he repeated

" bahbal " .... My other kids just squealed!!!

The store clerk just looked at us like...cute...but why all the

excitement...all he said was

" bahball " ? He had no idea how profound it was for us. I''m sure he

sounded like any other 2 yr old to him

Again congrats....


Mom to 14, 13, Greg 11 and Ricky 2.

---- Original Message -----

From: " Diane " <fivej@...>

< >

Cc: <boyohboy >

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 8:36 AM

Subject: [ ]

> I am sitting here....Crying with tears of Joy. (10) has been on the

> Omega 3 for 1 week and 4 days and just looked at me and said " me make


> soup for you mommy " The longest sentence my little boy has said in all his

> life. Last night while lying in my bed also said " Me love you

mommy "

> Not mama. Wow this stuff is really working.

> Diane

> Mommy to ny 16, 14, 12

> 10, 9

> Auntie Nanny to Kayleigh 1 month old

> Big sister to Dorothy 17 (mommy to Kayleigh)


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" yesterday when he said ball...I said " basketball " and he

repeated " bahbal " .... My other kids just squealed!!!

The store clerk just looked at us like...cute...but why all the

excitement...all he said was " bahball " ? He had no idea how

profound it was for us. I'm sure he sounded like any other 2 yr old

to him "

Yeahhhh little Ricky!!!! We are SO PROUD of you!!

Martha, that's why virtual and live support groups are so important,

it's great to share the information that is helping, therapies,

therapists, doctors, hospitals, schools, supplements, websites, etc.

They are all important, and every accomplishment is not only a

breakthrough for your child, but when you share it here, for many

more too!

As great as Tanner sounds today, http://www.debtsmart.com/talk believe me, I

know JUST how you feel!

By the time we found out about Early Intervention, we only had 6 weeks until

Tanner's third birthday. The people from EI asked me and my husband what our " 6

week " goals were for Tanner (severe oral and verbal apraxia at that point),

where he would receive one hour of speech therapy a week from them. We said,

" Well, he's been in private speech therapy now 1/2 hour to 45 minute sessions

for 4 or 5 months 2 to 3 times a week and his only word is " ma. " If he could

look at a ball and say " ba " in the next 6 weeks that would be great at this

point! " Well needless to say we started him on EFA supplements that weekend,

and within 3 weeks he not only could point to a ball and say " ball " but he

pointed to something yellow and said " lellow "

and something purple and said " purple " and the imitations and babbling just

" came " -like you said. (His story is in Dr. Stordy's book The LCP Solution, and

on their website http://www.drstordy.com) Tanner blew them away in Early

Intervention to say the least!

Go give Ricky a hug for us!! Appropriate therapy together with EFA (magic fish

oil as my son Dakota calls it) works wonders, so I'm sure there will be more

large breakthroughs to come for Ricky. (keep us posted)


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You are in a similar situation to ours. In the prequalifing tests my son's IQ

was 144. The average is 122 and he was 4 at the time. He told me one day that

he was, " upgrading his vocabulary " and that a car would now be a vehicle and

he didn't want to use baby words anymore. I was happy about his intelligence

but also realized that his already difficult speech to understand would be

near impossible for me until I learned his new " upgraded language " , and

totally impossible for the rest of the world to get at all. All this at less

than five years old. He's 6 now and really nearly totally cured. I think he

weathered the storm so well in part because of his intelligence. He could

look beyond today and know that tomorrow would be better. He could take the

teasing with a grain of salt and when we were having a bad day we could sit

down and discuss it as equals because he was easily as forthcoming with his

feelings as an adult would be if given the optimism of youth


The other amazing thing in his life was Omega3. Because the rest of his brain

worked so well I never hesitated to give Omega3 a try. I knew there was a

genius trapped in there and I had to give that genius a voice. The omega3 did

that for us virtually overnight.

He is well on his way to a normal life, (if there is such a thing) and we

couldn't be more pleased if it were for ourselves.

Good luck and keep me posted.


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Thats what I noticed at first with jacob also


Mommy to ny 16, 14, 12

10, 9

Auntie Nanny to Kayleigh 1 month old

Big sister to Dorothy 17 (mommy to Kayleigh)

Re: [ ]

> Congrats..... Diane and

> We are so happy for you!!! We started our son on proefa apprx 10 days

> ago....( he turned 2 this week)...

> I haven't noticed the drastic improvement that you have but we have


> he is noisier. He's making the kinds

> of sounds we would have expected from him as a baby..more

> babbling....broooooom, da da da...etc. The other

> morning I heard so many sounds coming from his room that I thought he must

> have had some kind of

> noisy electronic toy....but it was HIM!!! He has said " bah " (which is

> ball) spontaneously for a long time

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I have my son (and myself) on Omega3 from www.Epic4health.com

It is a 3000mg softgel and he takes it once a day. I'm not sure how it works,

but, 6 years after giving birth to my son, I am finally getting to meet the

extraordinary person that dwelled within him for all these years.

I see it having no side effects or negative effects at all. I recommend that

you try it. As parents of apraxic children, we should be open minded to any

thing that makes life a little easier for our children. For Zach the effects

were almost immediate. It is my understanding that some people see results

after 3-6 months. The important thing here is that almost everyone sees some

improvement. How can you go wrong?

Take care and keep in touch. I'm happy to answer any questions. I continue

to pray for all of us.


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Reading your posts brings back so many childhood memories of the farm I lived

on. We had more sheep than goats, but I can remember one spring that we had a

lot of baby goats that all needed bottle feeding. It was a lot of work, but

also a lot of fun. I sure wish you felt better. It must be so difficult to

deal with all these babies and feel so bad. I'd be tired of packing that

incision too. It figures that your doctor is on vacation for 2 weeks just when

you need him.

I'm glad the vicodan is taking the edge off of your pain. Hopefully you'll get

your pain med issue resolved once your surgery is taken care of.

Your mom may be right about looking into AD's to help you get through this.

Your rheumy SHOULD be thrilled that you are educating yourself. Your rheumy

and mine must have gone to the same school. I think mine would be happier if I

just took whatever he gave me without me questioning everything, but that is

just not my nature. I hope this is a pain free weekend for you.



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 11:15 AM

Subject: [ ]

Hi all,

Haven't written in awhile. Let's see, I am currently waiting to go meet a

possible new Primary doctor. She is young and I have my 4 page med history or

rather just the last 6 years to go over with her. I had a wonderful doctor who

retired and in today's insurance run medical system it is hard to replace her

but still trying. This is an interview and I hope it works.

My rheumy has me on vicodin which is helping-not pain free but somewhat

functional because he says that there is nothing else to offer me till my

systemic infections are all cured. Hope that the RA meds will work better then.

My next surgery to take out the gortex and treat the infection is set for 4/18

at 7:30 AM. Guess you could say that this is the easy one- the next one is

doing a muscle flap and putting the repair back in.

Last weekend the hole in my belly started flooding peritoneal fluid thus the

surgery was moved up but my surgeon is on vacation for the next 2 weeks. I am

sick of packing this thing.

Now have 23 baby goats less than 1 month old. 19 on the porch and 3 in the

study. My mini schnauzer whom I plan on breeding will probably be in heat while

I'm in the hospital-such planning. Well we have the Daddy too so I'm sure they

will figure it out without me.

My mother suggested that I talk to the Dr about my antidepressant considering

all that's going on now. Maybe.

Hope you are all feeling OK and welcome to new people but can't help but wish

you and me and all of us didn't need to bee here but since we do, glad we are.

Not sure that my rheumy is happy that I found you though!


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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Things are very wild here at the moment. We have 22 adults- 12 milking, 24

babies- 19 on the screen porch and 5 in Rubbermaid boxes in the study.

Afraid that due to my health all the baby boys and 6 adults are going to

auction next week. Can't get the energy to market them as pets and need to

cut back on my kids' barn chores a bit. They are in-house because I still

feed 3 time per day but tomorrow most will go out. My husband and son will

be arriving home from Utah. Steve flew out to drive home with Dan who has

been away for awhile-long story, but part of my stress factors.

I am already on antidepressants-200 mg Zoloft but rightnow not doing much.

Also am losing weight- 25 lbs. in 2 months. The RA pain makes it not worth

moving to get food and now I vomit whenever I eat anything substantial. Hey

I could use another 50 off!

I will admit dreading these abdominal surgeries, but at least my joints


hurt while I'm in the hospital- just my abdomen. Right now the hole keeps

getting bigger, the gortex is at the surface and I lost a piece of packing

gauze on Saturday.

On pain meds, does anyone know if the alter mood -like more depressed and

does anyone really have them work well?


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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Hi All, Darn this computer........I swear it needs a tuneup or something.

anyway..just letting you all know I still have my drain....went back for CT

today and they changed me to a new bag and need to go back Fri and hopefully

wont still be draining a lot.I had over 1000 ml from Friday till today on

top of the 600 they took out in CT. Anyway, I am still on 2 strong

antibiotics(funny my RA isnt bothering me? does this prove anything about

abs? )and there was no bacteria in the drainage...just seem to be someone who

fills up with fluid in my hernia area...hopes that will stop...no fevers

since being tapped again....and that's good...keepingme on ABs toward off

anything happening from drain site. Been really weepy lately from all

this...I think I am tired of the whole mess ......gee I wonder why? Judy in AZ

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How goes it today, ? How did the interview with the new primary go?

That rheumy of yours should be glad that you are trying to learn about your

disease and that you ask questions. I think he's afraid you'll keep him busy

with continuing medical education! Keep up the good work.

----- Original Message -----

From: " " <dat2352@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 11:15 AM

Subject: [ ]

> Hi all,

> Haven't written in awhile. Let's see, I am currently waiting to go meet a

possible new Primary doctor. She is young and I have my 4 page med history

or rather just the last 6 years to go over with her. I had a wonderful

doctor who retired and in today's insurance run medical system it is hard to

replace her but still trying. This is an interview and I hope it works.

> My rheumy has me on vicodin which is helping-not pain free but somewhat

functional because he says that there is nothing else to offer me till my

systemic infections are all cured. Hope that the RA meds will work better


> My next surgery to take out the gortex and treat the infection is set for

4/18 at 7:30 AM. Guess you could say that this is the easy one- the next

one is doing a muscle flap and putting the repair back in.

> Last weekend the hole in my belly started flooding peritoneal fluid thus

the surgery was moved up but my surgeon is on vacation for the next 2 weeks.

I am sick of packing this thing.

> Now have 23 baby goats less than 1 month old. 19 on the porch and 3 in the

study. My mini schnauzer whom I plan on breeding will probably be in heat

while I'm in the hospital-such planning. Well we have the Daddy too so I'm

sure they will figure it out without me.

> My mother suggested that I talk to the Dr about my antidepressant

considering all that's going on now. Maybe.

> Hope you are all feeling OK and welcome to new people but can't help but

wish you and me and all of us didn't need to bee here but since we do, glad

we are. Not sure that my rheumy is happy that I found you though!


> Temple

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The interview with the new Primary went well, have a physical on the 9th.

My rheumy isn't as bad as I make him sound. I have been on vicodin for a

few weeks and much better. Hopefully when the infection is gone the RA

drugs can work better. I have had some stomach problems but no consistency.

Basically can't eat a main meal in the evening without losing it. I've lost

25 lbs. in 3 months-first because I hurt so much and then because of getting

sick.. I think it's a combo of all of it. RA pain, infection(fever), hole

in my belly. multitude of goat babies, guilt and inadequacy feelings and

depression. It's got to get brighter, right? Thanks!


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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i had my blood pressure checked friday. it was back to normal levels 138/78.

i also was told my insurance would cover the remicade. more rumors about work

and losing our jobs. my friend said the best thing that would happen to me

would be for them to put me in a job i couldn't do, then they would have to

let me go. why is this happening?!? i wish it would just land and be done

with it so i knew what to do with my life. i can't even get a part time job

to make ends meet while on disability. i was able to put myself on a one time

vacation and get 18.75 hrs. that check will be here 4/20. all they told me is

jobs for most.


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Good news Kathy about your BP.....Stinks about your 1 time vacation, gee

don't spend it all in one place......Amongst everything going on here, I just

sent my taxes to the taxman & he cometh.........With all the time I missed,

my husband losing his job, etc, etc, etc, etc....I owe over

$2500.00.......that just about puts me out of commission. I guess if I send

the $1.25 that I can afford to send & the rest,maybe they will put me in

jail......3 meals a day, no kids, clothing allowance, could be OK........You

just don't think one more thing can happen, then the phone

rings..........LOL........They called me from my long term disability carrier

on Friday, left a message to return call on Friday, nothing, called again

today,left a message to return the call, still nothing, I am sure this can't

be good news either.........I also called the primary to get the results of

lab results to try to be responsible, the lab has lost them & no word there

either. I hope the effects of out of control sugar aren't too severe. I

am trying to keep my spirits up, but I can feel that sarcasm & hopelessness

coming over me. Sometimes you just feel like you are fighting all by

yourself & the fight is just too tough

Let me know how your job is going, I will keep my fingers crossed for


Gentle, tender, tax free angel hugs,


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wow debs, sorry you are having a rough time. it would be nice to just kick

back for awhile and not worry about $, cooking, cleaning, kids. i called my

sons school today. seems the report cards haven't come yet. i have gotten the

mail almost all the time. but what a coincedence his and his best friends are

" lost " in the mail. i still don't think i'd want to be in jail though. i have

enjoyed the nce weekend we had here. i cleaned out the flower boxes one day,

painted them and the trim on the shed yesterday, and today i swept and mopped

the floors. of coarse i am paying for it now. i wanted to paint last year and

never got to it. it felt good to cross it off the list. but then i feel

stupid for making myself feel this way now.


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you sound just like me!! my pain moves around. but yes my neck and back are

in it as well as my shoulders my hip, sometimes knees. muscle and joint pain.

dizzyness. muscle spasms. low grade fever. just feel blah, feet, ankles.

always wondering if i have the right dx!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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How does it feel without that binder? I hope your body starts healng

fast. You have been through hell and back. You are one tough lady. My

heart is with you. Joyce

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I can't go without the binder. There is nothing holding me together but the

binder and sutures and skin which hasn't healed yet. I'm kind of scared

about the surgery in June. Reconstructive surgery to move muscle from

somewhere else to over my abdomen (8 hours) and gortex replacement and

adhesion removal (4-8 hours) I will be good and wear the binder all the

time, the alternative is too scary. Thanks! The surgeon left two holes for

drainage and packing and the sutures are ~ 3 inches long-tight!


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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I'd be scared too. That is a very long surgery. Besides a tubal ligation,

I've never had any kind of abdominal surgery, so I can't imagine what you are

going through. I'd keep that binder on too and do absolutely nothing to stress

your stomach. Did you manage to send any of the kids to the auction? 24 is a

lot to deal with especially when they need to be bottle fed 3 times a day. I

hope all this stress doesn't make things worse for you. Since Dan is home,

does he help with them? You can use all the help you can get right now, but

just try to think of getting better. After this surgery is over, you'll be

back out there doing all the things you like to do. Are you still loosing

weight? 25lbs in 2 months is a lot to loose.

I went off Zoloft and took nothing but my nightly trazadone for a few months.

My doc prescribed Prozac, but I haven't filled it yet. I'm not to thrilled

about taking Prozac, but he says it will help with the FM pain. Zoloft made me

clench my jaw. Isn't that strange? I just didn't like the way it made me

feel. I hope Prozac is better.

Try not to dwell on your upcoming surgery. Waiting is always the worse part.

The more you think about it, the more nervous you'll be. I know that is easier

said than done.



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 12:11 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re:


I can't go without the binder. There is nothing holding me together but the

binder and sutures and skin which hasn't healed yet. I'm kind of scared

about the surgery in June. Reconstructive surgery to move muscle from

somewhere else to over my abdomen (8 hours) and gortex replacement and

adhesion removal (4-8 hours) I will be good and wear the binder all the

time, the alternative is too scary. Thanks! The surgeon left two holes for

drainage and packing and the sutures are ~ 3 inches long-tight!


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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We are down on goat numbers but wouldn't seem so to most people. 15 adults,

5 babies staying and 8 babies for sale-all doe. The baby bucks and 6 adults

went to auction but once done I try not to think of it. We actually had 26

babies. They will all be on 2 milk feedings per day soon. That just gets

poured into a lambbar-bucket with nipples-not hard. The kids including son

Dan really take care of the goats totally. I do process milk-i.e..

pasteurize it but now that the babies are getting older not as hard.

I take Zoloft for depression, doesn't help arthritis at all-still hoping to

find the magic cure!

I will take care.


Kuddle Kritters Farm

3 Fox Haven Way

Chelmsford, MA 01824





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thats true but i'll probably have to carry a big sign!!!i'm not visiting!!!

they will plaster my dr's orders over my back on a sandwich board!!! must

wear athletic shoes.


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Hi , If your son has an IEP, I would stress that summer

services are necessary. Two months of no speech could make

him regress, and he could lose important ground that he has

worked so hard to obtain. Hope this helps, I have 2 children

with Apraxia/Dyspraxia they are a girl and boy, ages 13

(son) and 8 (daughter) . Good Luck, H.

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Did you check out your health insurance? I was told 2 times by my health

insurance that my son's speech therapy was not covered. THEY WERE WRONG TWICE!

I have much better insurance than I

thought! Most people have 2 months worth per year. Please check out your

insurance. Usually the schools do not pay for speech during the summer unless

it can somehow be determined (how?)

that his not going will cause an actual regression in his speech. Probably not


landfin@... wrote:

> Hi, my name is . My 3 year old son was diagnosed with apraxia

> about 4 months ago. I was shocked, I had never heard of it. As soon

> as I came home I was right on the computer trying to gather

> information. I am so thankful for this group. I have recieved so

> much helpful information.



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