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Convergent findings from behavioral neuroscience, platelet,


and genetic studies indicate the involvement of 5-HT in many of the


of autistic disorder. Over the next decade, as the molecular biology of

serotonin related proteins is elucidated and medications are developed


this knowledge, it will be possible to assist people with autism to more

effectively control the disabling symptoms of aggression, anxiety, and

inflexible rituals and routines. As the molecular biology of the role of

5-HT in CNS development is elucidated, it may become possible to treat


prevent the development of the social and cognitive dysfunction of


through rational pharmacological or dietary intervention.

32. McDougle C, Naylor S, Cohen D, Volkmar F, Heninger G, Price L: A

double-blind, placebo-controlled study of fluvoxamine in adults with

autistic disorder. Arch Gen Psychaitry 1996, 53:in press.

This paper represents the first study in which double-blind efficacy,

without potential long-term irreversible side effects (i.e.


has been replicated for a class of medications, potent serotonin


inhibitors, in the treatment of core symptoms of autistic disorder. This

paper is also significant because it is the first study showing


efficacy for a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) in autistic

disorder, confirming an earlier systematic open trial with fluoxetine.

Although the core social and communicative impairments are not addressed


this class of medications, rituals, preoccupations, and routines


with anxiety and aggression often respond.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. I'm new to this list. I live in Las Vegas, NV and we have NO good

doctors here! I am considering traveling to CA for an appointment with

Dr. Goldberg. Can someone tell me about the regimen he uses for autistic

children. I imagine I will have to have some lab tests done prior to

traveling to the appointment for convenience sake. Also, does anyone

know if there is a long wait for first appointments? Overall, what can I



Debbie Joplin

Mom to , age 3


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Go to his website and read his work www.neuroimmunedr.com. If you are then

interested in pursuing this you can call his office and find out what you

have to do. His office is booking for after the new year so if you are

interested you may want to do this fairly rapidly. Dr. Goldberg does have

some guidelines in that his goal is to heal the immune system but his

treatment is child specific so what he does for one child may not be exactly

what he does for another.

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  • 1 month later...

linda, to get digest you have to go to ,

then go to the family. on the left of the page will be categories.

You want to go into COMMUNITIES. It will ask you to check digest or e-mail.

check disgest. It will ask you to confirm it on the next screen... then sign

out... if you do not confirm your changes they will not take place.

Thanks Rhonda, list owner

Parents and professionals are finding that BOTH Discrete Trial Training

(DTT)and Natural Environment Training (NET), together with the help of

Skinner's (1957) Functional Analysis of Verbal Behavior to be very effective

for children with autism. This list group was designed to discuss the

teaching approach. It is a place where parents and professionals

running home programs can discuss concerns and share their knowledge of this

type of teaching.

Join today. Send an e-mail message to: -subscribeonelist

VISIT Families for Early Autism Treatment -North Texas' (FEAT-NT) website!



[ ]

> From: Lynda Rands <lrands@...>


> set digest


> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

.. . . T h a n k f u l 4 . . .

... the mess to clean after a party because I have been surrounded by

friends (and their children)

... the taxes I pay because it means I'm employed and supporting everyone


... the clothes that fit a bit too snug because it means I have enough to

eat. (I'll diet next year)

... my shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the

sunshine getting old.

... a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning & a gutter that

needs fixing,

because it means I have a home & a mortgage.

... the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means I

can walk with crutches.

... all the complaining I hear about our government because it means we

have freedom of speech.

(excluding slander)

... my huge heating bill because it means I am warm and too lazy to get a


... the lady behind me in church who sings off key, because it means I

can hear,

have some tolerance and sense of humour.

... the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are

nearby (getting dirty)

... the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means

that I'm alive.

(must remember to get a new battery)

... weariness and aching muscles, because it means my body is healthy?

enough to reach, bend,

stretch and lift, despite arthritis.

... we are thankful to you, our family and friends, 4 caring, 4 Ur

thoughts, belief, 4 Ur positive energy ..

... 4 Ur presence, (presents), 4 Ur love (and obcessions).

... Autism (where would I be without it?)



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  • 2 weeks later...

At 11:17 AM 1/2/00 -0500, Craig Alenn , Ph.D. wrote:

>From: " Craig Alenn , Ph.D. " <cthomas@...>




>He is very quick to respond. You must be quite the reader with all of the

>lists that you are on.





The maddening HE. You mean Isaac or somebody else, He?



Jennie who does read a little obsessively.

I go back to school this semester with four courses, and I have a feeling

my reading will be reduced for a while, list-wise, but I have always

managed to still read more than a lot of people, staying up to late, etc.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

please remove me from the list . I tried but nothing

happenned....Best regards,

Wind in Her Hair Sammis



Wind in Her Hair............


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Jadelyn McDowell is an undergraduate in communication disorders at the


of Wisconsin-Eau . She has spent the last year doing research on

Apraxia. She just received some funding to begin a project to development

an Apraxia tool--a diagnosis test and/or a kit full of " tools " to help with

therapy for children with apraxia. Her younger brother (6 years old) was

diagnosed with Apraxia and she has had a strong interest ever since.

Because I believe the these messages are so important to all of us who care

for children with apraxia, (and interesting), I will also post these

messages to our email list. I apologize since we will probably be over our

4 emails for this month.

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  • 1 month later...
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<< Andy I know that you use different tests,>>

I am not a licensed health care practitioner which in the US means I can't

order any tests for anyone, so I don't " use " tests. I see the results of

other people's tests that their doctor has ordered when friends feel like

sharing their personal information with me. I also of course see all the

stuff published in the " scientific " literature.

<<but does this increase on a

challenge test look very high to you compared to others you have seen?>>


<<We are continuing the normal

supplements we were using. Do you think this is okay? >>



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I have just received the results of a challenge test done with DMSA on my son who is 7. The sample taken before the DMSA showed 4ug/l of Mercury and the after sample showed 9ug/l. the before creatinine was 5.2mmol and the after creatinine 2.7mmol. My brother is a doctor but knows little about chelation. The lab reported that the increase( corrected for creatinine) showed an increase of 333% , The normal mercury increase they see is 150%.

Andy I know that you use different tests, but does this increase on a challenge test look very high to you compared to others you have seen? As I said yesterday I started chelation with LA on Sunday, 20mgs every 3 hours. I will do it for 3 days and take 4 days off. We are continuing the normal supplements we were using. Do you think this is okay? I will bb trying to get a script for DMSA also so that I can get any lead there is out too. Unfortunately I did not get the lead levels.

Any help/comments will be appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/19/00 9:50:12 PM Central Daylight Time,

berniew1@... writes:

<< I am familiar over several years on several lists with

thousands who have used oral DMSA chelation and have heard of very few

cases of adverse effects when a reasonable protocol and adequate

supplementation is used; I'm aware of a lot more who have been

helped, most are helped some, many a lot. >>

While my experience is more in the tens or so, I want to second this. I'm

sure there are cases where folks have problems with chelation but I have

personally not seen any long-term negative effects -- only very positive

ones. Most experience a temporary worsening of symptoms during a detox but

then get much better. Don't be afraid to move forward with this one since

treatment can make such a huge difference.

The comments that have been made about certain methods of chelation slamming

metals into the brain I think are a bit of an exaggeration to point out that

we do need to be careful about how we do it. That is an important point we

all need to keep in mind but it does seem to be scaring alot of people into

not doing anything. While detoxing too fast or stirring up the metals

without pulling them out of the body can cause a redistribution which could

send more into the brain, I haven't seen any good evidence that it all goes

straight to the brain. And, as you detox further, it seems like the body

will have more places to hide what doesn't come out.

While I would choose to do the every 4 hours protocol if we were to do DMSA

again, our doing it every 8 hours did not show any obvious negative effects

that you would expect to see if more went into the brain. To the contrary,

all three of us have experienced only improvements in cognitive function from

the various methods of detox we've done.

It is important to closely watch your child and reduce the dosage if things

get to be too stressful for them and find a good doctor to help you though so

you can run tests to verify that the metals are coming out and the liver and

kidney functions are working well. If you haven't found one yet, keep trying

or contact Dr. Holmes. She seems to know what she's doing and really seems

to care.


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I am very excited about all I am learning from the list but I am,to say

the least, also a bit overwhelmed with where to begin and frankly afraid

I might do the wrong thing and make matters worse......First do no harm

keeps coming to mind, trying to make informed, intelligent choices.

Debra Viola

I am familiar over several years on several lists with

thousands who have used oral DMSA chelation and have heard of very few

cases of adverse effects when a reasonable protocol and adequate

supplementation is used; I'm aware of a lot more who have been

helped, most are helped some, many a lot. There are things that can

be done to help even without chelating. Zinc is metal antagonist for

example. But doing nothing is also a risk I think. There's a good bit

of experience available already. Hair tests are inexpensive and easy.

I assume most on the list have had them done by now, but if not why

not? Virtually all doing them find out somethng useful. Just like

virtually all doing the Great Smokies comprehensive liver detox test

find something useful in treatment. And likewise for the MetaMetrix

amino acid and organic acid panels.

http://www.gsdl.com or http://www.metametrix.com or



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Dear ...your comment alarmed me enough...

...it coincided

with a vax...

And you are willing to overlook the obvious? It may very well be that this

was NOT connected, but

when something is OBVIOUS or somewhat or maybe, I would certainly be


I like rings in noses, it makes people feel like I have something they don't

have!!!!!!! Uniqueness..power and don't go along with the mainstream becuase

sometimes the mainstream is COMPLETELY WRONG......

There is a conspiracy (documented), they do it knowingly or UNKNOWINGLY or

STUPIDLY or are just greedy. Those are reasons enough for me to question.

You can trust docs all you want, they are good at some things but not in the

questions of how to have a healthy immune system. They like to shade it,

bandaid it, cover it and hope it goes away. Meanwhile while they do that,

they suppress other functions that are natural in the body.

I can see this is going to be a long night. I actually look forward to the

challenge! (In loving concern, not to make my point). I don't get off on

being right, I get off on helping one more mom see the light.

Predispositions are just a doctors way of saying we don't know.....







>>, your opinion about vaccines is what we've all been taught is true.


>I have not been TAUGHT to believe in vaccines I am going from my expierence

>and the things I have read about them. You don't think I wondered about

>Sam's infantile Spasams and why they started when they did..it coincided

>with a vax, but after reading and weighing I have come to MY OWN conclusion

>that it wasn't a vax but his predisposition to siezures because of his

>stroke. I make up my own mind and don't get led around by a ring in my


>to believe what anyone that I address as " Doctor " says....trust me I have

>turned down treatments and such that have been leary of or felt isn't what


>want to persue right away..this diet being one of them, I put it off for

>over a year and half because I was gathering information for myself on it,

>and then some other circumstances. So I don't just go with the flow!!



>>But its a lie. I know it's a hard pill to swallow because it means

>>recognizing the dangerous fallability and deceit of both medicine and

>>our government


>In your opinion it's a lie in mine it's not. I just don't feel there is

>this big conspiracy going on that the goverment and medical comminuity is

>out to hurt our children. I'm not by any means denying that childern are

>not hurt by vaccines but I don't feel it was done with intentional malice.


>simply undeniable




>But I think at this point in conversation I have said my .02 and seem to be

>saying over and over so I'm going to declare the horse dead and quit





>I am TRULEY and DEEPLY sorry for everything that your child and all the

>others and like you I wish it never had happen.


>My child wasn't hurt by a vax but it is still EXTREMEMLY painful for me not

>knowing why he had a stroke and expecting a perfect healthy babie and not

>getting that..but more important than anything my son has a perfert soul!






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Have you seen the study that Lynn Redwood did on this subject? The

symptoms are eerily the SAME as Autism!! someone just listed where

you can go to read the study......but I can't seem to find it right at

the moment.


hi im

new to the group i have a son with regressive autism could anyone tell

me the early signsof mercury


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here you go.............

Re: [ ]

Have you seen the study that Lynn Redwood did on this subject? The symptoms are eerily the SAME as Autism!! someone just listed where you can go to read the study......but I can't seem to find it right at the moment. BRIAN CARBERRY wrote:

hi im new to the group i have a son with regressive autism could anyone tell me the early signsof mercury poisoning.

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May 9, 2000 Hypoxia associated schizophrenia

WESTPORT (Reuters Health) - Hypoxia-associated obstetric complications more

than double an infant's risk of early-onset schizophrenia, according to new

findings from a Finnish birth cohort study. " We propose that the neurotoxic

effects of hypoxia-associated obstetric complications may reduce the amount

of synaptic pruning required in late adolescence to cross the psychosis

threshold, leading to an earlier onset of schizophrenia, " Dr. Tyrone D.

Cannon, of the University of California at Los Angeles, and colleagues

explain in the May 1st issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry. Dr.

Cannon and his team examined the reported link between obstetric

complications and schizophrenia in a cohort born in Helsinki in 1955. From

these individuals, 80 patients with schizophrenia were selected for

analysis, along with 61 of their unaffected siblings and 56 matched

controls. Obstetrics data were taken from prospectively ascertained record,

and all subjects underwent structured psychiatric interviews. After

adjusting for prenatal infection and fetal growth retardation, there

searchers found that hypoxia-associated obstetric complications increased

the risk of early-onset, but not late-onset, schizophrenia, with an odds

ratio of 2.16. This risk increased by an additional 2.16-fold for each

hypoxia-related obstetric complication, " such that the subjects with three

or more such obstetric complications were 10 times more likely to develop

early-onset schizophrenia as were those with none. " The timing of

hypoxia-related complications was important, as perinatal but not prenatal

oxygen deprivation was associated with early-onset schizophrenia. The odds

of early-onset schizophrenia were increased within families, but this

association did not reach statistical significance. This finding " indicates

that the occurrence of fetal hypoxia is independent of genetic risk for

schizophrenia, " the authors infer. " Our findings are consistent with

converging epidemiological evidence that obstetric complications, hypoxia in

particular, increase the risk for neuro developmental compromise and for a

form of adult schizophrenia with nearly onset, " Dr. Cannon and his team

conclude. " Taken together, the increasing evidence for the specificity of

obstetric complications to early-onset schizophrenia suggests that data in

previous studies that did not separate patients by age at onset may need to

be reanalyzed, " they add. Am J Psychiatry 2000;157:801-807.

[ ]


>>> MUM's News letter 10/98

>a support group for children with rare disorders.


>>> Thank you so much for the honor of being included in your news letter!

>>> Finally after many years of waiting I am able to give credit to the

>>> people who have helped us, and in turn may help other parents and their

>children as well.

>I intend to focus on my three little girls. However, I think it is also

> important to explain the illness that I had. In doing so I feel it

> would be easy to understand the familial disorder, and by using

>>> Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy we all were able to regain our health and lead

>a normal life style.


>>> In 1991 I was diagnosed with Lupus, Cerebral Vasculitis, Rheumatoid

>>> Arthritis, Including auto immune markers in the spinal fluid that

>>> indicated a demyelination process of acute Peripheral Neuropathy, all of

>>> which where documented by S.P.E.C.T. Brain scans, blood test, skin

>>> biopsy, spinal taps, along with lower and upper EMG's.


>>> To shorten this story, I was treated using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or

>>> HBOT for 28 treatments, I was sent back to the doctor who ordered

>>> additional S.P.E.C.T. Brain Scans, spinal taps, skin biopsy, EMG's and

>>> blood test. All of which returned to normal. My Doctors have since

>>> wrote many letters fully endorsing Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment!


>>> I have three little girls, all are two years apart in age, during the

>>> time of my illness and recovery all three little girls had very unusual

>>> illness constantly throughout their childhood. This illness included,

>>> joint pain with swelling, grand and petite maul seizures, bladder and

>>> kidney infections, Asthmatic bronchitis, Otitis Media, high protein in

>>> urine, back, neck, knee pain, gastrointestinal reflux confirmed by

>>> biopsy, chronic constipation, with fissures, head aches, skin rashes,

>>> unable to go in the sun, skin thickening, yeast infections both vaginal

>>> and under arms, delayed speech, positive ANA's with patterns abnormal

>>> S.P.E.C.T. Brain Scans. All three of my children missed at times 60

>>> days of school in a year. Final diagnosis, Collagen Vascular disease

>>> with lupus -like, Scleroderma overlap, connective tissue disorder, and

>>> at times their records read, CFS, and FMS. In short, a disease process

>>> in which the bodies immune system attacks its self, in the case of my

>>> three girls, Central Nervous system, Joints, skin, both internal and

>>> external.


>>> I had heard that Dr. Harch MD treated children with success, I sent

>>> my own S.P.E.C.T. Brain scans to Dr. Harch MD and begged him to

>>> treat my three children. He agreed to meet with us in New Orleans. I

>>> drove the three children out to New Orleans to meet with Dr. Harch, For

>>> I knew that this was the only treatment that would work and I felt it

>>> had saved my life! Please understand that a person with a DX as I could

>>> normally not be able to drive from California to New Orleans alone

>>> without being completely well. Again to make a long story short, all

>>> three of the children were given S.P.E.C.T. Brain Scans before and after

>>> treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, blood work as well,

>>> the first set of blood tests revealed a Sedimentation Rate of more than

>>> 100 in one child, upper 60's in the other children, indicating gross

>>> inflammation. After using Hyperbaric oxygen therapy the test returned

>>> to normal! In addition the S.P.E.CT. Brain Scans were improved near

>>> normal as well after 40 treatments of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


>>> Since that time my children have received Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy

>>> about twice monthly. The difference in our life is without words! They

>>> have improved health, they can now play in the sun, and all of their

>>> grades have improved to the point of Principals Honor Roll and the

>>> program for the gifted. There treating Md. writes an RX for Hyperbaric

>>> yearly. Hyperbaric and Dr. Harch have impacted my life to which it

>>> will NEVER be the same. I can never thank Dr. Harch enough. We are

>>> deeply grateful to him.


>>> Sincerely,

>>> and



>>> It is for these Reasons we have opened over center for Health, Rapid

>>> Recovery Hyperbarics, It is dedicated to Dr Harch and Our children.


>Our children were also given Chelation therapy, and have had mercury

>fillings removed.

>Reaction for some of the illnesses we feel were in response to childhood

>immunizations and or heavy metals as mercury .


>>> 3:16

>>> Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics

>>> 1455 North Waterman Ave #124-126

>>> San Bernardino, Ca. 92404

>>> 909-889-7626

>>> 909-889-0517 chamber room Phone


>>> hyperbaric1@...

> www.hbot4u.com

>Dr Underwood MD, DO, JD.

>Medical director










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  • 4 weeks later...

, <Coopthedog@...>, " Cartwright "

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September 22, 2000


The United State Senate today passed by unanimous consent, the " Children's =

Health Act 2000. " This bill, reflecting a consensus agreement negotiated ov=

er the last several weeks between the House and the Senate, is based upon H=

..R. 4365, passed by the House in April and S.2868, introduced by Senators F=

rist, Kennedy and others in July. The bill passed by the Senate today is ex=

pected to be taken up by the House, under suspension, before the end of the=

Congress. The first title of the bill is the " Pediatric Autism Research Ac=

t of 2000. " Jon Shestack, President and founder of Cure Autism Now (CAN) is=

sued the following statement on the Senate action:

" The United State today, acting unanimously, spoke with compassion and visi=

on for a large group of suffering Americans, many of whom literally cannot =

speak for themselves, in passing the " Children's Health Act of 2000 " which =

contains the " Pediatric Autism Research Act of 2000. " From the bottom of my=

heart and on behalf of more than 400,000 Americans afflicted with autism a=

nd the millions more who love them, I want to thank everyone involved in th=

is truly wonderful gift to the nation which the Senate has today provided. =

Today the Senate has given the families of sick children real hope for a be=

tter future. The best scientists in the country tell us that treatment and =

a cure for autism is possible and now that process will begin in earnest.

I would like especially to thank Senator Slade Gorton of Washington State, =

who originally introduced the Pediatric Autism Research Act more than 2 yea=

rs ago. Senator Gorton, himself the proud grandfather of an autistic child,=

has a quiet and gentlemanly demeanor, but this belies a fierce commitment =

to fight for what he believes in.

Likewise, I wish to thank Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, who promised CAN=

that the Public Health Subcommittee, which he chairs, would complete work =

on a children's health bill during the 106th Congress and that our autism l=

egislation would be included. Today, Senator Frist completed his fulfillmen=

t of that difficult promise. The country is well served by having a physici=

an with Senator Frist's record as the Senate's key policymaker on public he=


Also owed an enormous debt of gratitude, in this bipartisan effort, are Sen=

ator Kennedy, the Ranking member of the Public Health Subcommittee, who has=

worked tirelessly to achieve today's victory for America's kids, and both =

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and Minority Leader Tom Daschle.

We are proud of the senators who took the time to meet with us, listen to o=

ur plea and then take up the struggle on our behalf. And we are also proud =

of our families. On a daily basis they must be physicians, caretakers, educ=

ators and advocates, and for three years we have asked them to become polit=

ical activists as well. This is an incredible challenge, only made possible=

by the power of a family's love for their child.

The autism title of the Children's Health Act which was originally drafted =

by parents of autistic children, will correct 40 years of neglect on the pa=

rt of the federal government and the biomedical research community on the s=

ubject of autism. It authorizes a comprehensive federal war on autism, incl=

uding enhanced epidemiological work by the Centers for Disease Control, " ce=

nters of excellence " for research into autism under the auspices of the Nat=

ional Institute of Health, gene and tissue banking to facilitate research, =

and education programs on autism for both the medical community and the pub=

lic at large. This bill could not come at a more critical time, as every st=

ate in nation is reporting an alarming increase in the incidence of autism =

that verges on epidemic proportions.

Many of us had normal happy children who suddenly seemed to disappear over =

the course of a few months time. They will probably never marry, have meani=

ngful work or live on their own. Half of them will never learn to speak. We=

care for them and love them for who they are, but we also want more for th=

em. For so many years we have put our hopes and dreams aside, but today we =

can begin to reclaim them. The best scientists in the country tell us that =

treatment and a cure for autism is possible and now we are on the road.

Cure Autism Now is delighted that the grass roots political activism of the=

autism community helped propel the passage of a bill in the Senate today w=

hich not only addresses the needs of families with autism, but also intensi=

fies federal public health and research efforts on a large number of other =

health issues facing America's mothers and children. These other provisions=

of the bill include titles concerning fragile X, juvenile arthritis, asthm=

a, birth defects, hearing loss, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. " =20


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CONTACT: Eason<BR>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (212) 981-5251<BR>September 22,


CHILDREN'S HEALTH BILL<BR><BR><?/bigger></B><?/bigger>The United State Senate

today passed by unanimous consent, the " Children's Health Act 2000. " This bill,

reflecting a consensus agreement negotiated over the last several weeks between

the House and the Senate, is based upon H.R. 4365, passed by the House in April

and S.2868, introduced by Senators Frist, Kennedy and others in July. The bill

passed by the Senate today is expected to be taken up by the House, under

suspension, before the end of the Congress. The first title of the bill is the

" Pediatric Autism Research Act of 2000. " Jon Shestack, President and founder of

Cure Autism Now (CAN) issued the following statement on the Senate

action:<BR><BR> " The United State today, acting unanimously, spoke with

compassion and vision for a large group of suffering Americans, many of whom

literally cannot speak for themselves, in passing the " Children's Health Act of

2000 " which contains the " Pediatric Autism Research Act of 2000. " From the

bottom of my heart and on behalf of more than 400,000 Americans afflicted with

autism and the millions more who love them, I want to thank everyone involved in

this truly wonderful gift to the nation which the Senate has today provided.

Today the Senate has given the families of sick children real hope for a better

future. The best scientists in the country tell us that treatment and a cure for

autism is possible and now that process will begin in earnest.<BR><BR>I would

like especially to thank Senator Slade Gorton of Washington State, who

originally introduced the Pediatric Autism Research Act more than 2 years ago.

Senator Gorton, himself the proud grandfather of an autistic child, has a quiet

and gentlemanly demeanor, but this belies a fierce commitment to fight for what

he believes in.<BR><BR>Likewise, I wish to thank Senator Bill Frist of

Tennessee, who promised CAN that the Public Health Subcommittee, which he

chairs, would complete work on a children's health bill during the 106th

Congress and that our autism legislation would be included. Today, Senator Frist

completed his fulfillment of that difficult promise. The country is well served

by having a physician with Senator Frist's record as the Senate's key

policymaker on public health.<BR><BR>Also owed an enormous debt of gratitude, in

this bipartisan effort, are Senator Kennedy, the Ranking member of the Public

Health Subcommittee, who has worked tirelessly to achieve today's victory for

America's kids, and both Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and Minority Leader

Tom Daschle.<BR><BR>We are proud of the senators who took the time to meet with

us, listen to our plea and then take up the struggle on our behalf. And we are

also proud of our families. On a daily basis they must be physicians,

caretakers, educators and advocates, and for three years we have asked them to

become political activists as well. This is an incredible challenge, only made

possible by the power of a family's love for their child.<BR><BR>The autism

title of the Children's Health Act which was originally drafted by parents of

autistic children, will correct 40 years of neglect on the part of the federal

government and the biomedical research community on the subject of autism. It

authorizes a comprehensive federal war on autism, including enhanced

epidemiological work by the Centers for Disease Control, " centers of excellence "

for research into autism under the auspices of the National Institute of Health,

gene and tissue banking to facilitate research, and education programs on autism

for both the medical community and the public at large. This bill could not come

at a more critical time, as every state in nation is reporting an alarming

increase in the incidence of autism that verges on epidemic

proportions.<BR><BR>Many of us had normal happy children who suddenly seemed to

disappear over the course of a few months time. They will probably never marry,

have meaningful work or live on their own. Half of them will never learn to

speak. We care for them and love them for who they are, but we also want more

for them. For so many years we have put our hopes and dreams aside, but today we

can begin to reclaim them. The best scientists in the country tell us that

treatment and a cure for autism is possible and now we are on the

road.<BR><BR>Cure Autism Now is delighted that the grass roots political

activism of the autism community helped propel the passage of a bill in the

Senate today which not only addresses the needs of families with autism, but

also intensifies federal public health and research efforts on a large number of

other health issues facing America's mothers and children. These other

provisions of the bill include titles concerning fragile X, juvenile arthritis,

asthma, birth defects, hearing loss, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. "




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On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 06:45:30 EST starmuser@... wrote:

>Imagine having one child who has essentially " recovered " cognitively, and one

>who for whatever reason who has not. That's where we're at. turned

>around rapidly, after the introduction of antifungals and prozac, but then

>again, he also responded to ABA almost immediately. 's autism was very

>late onset...he was almost three. I truly believe this child remembered the

>time where he could speak and interact.


> slipped away after a bout of rotavirus which left him hospitalized when

>he was seven months old. He never came back from it. However, Dr.

>Goldberg's protocol has offered even our severely autistic six year old son

>hope for a better life. Since starting the protocol in September, he is

>reading, writing, and his ABA skill aquistion rate has skyrocketed. He's

>learned more in the last three months than he has in a lifetime. Tantrums are

>few and far between.


>Is he talking? No. Is he still autistic? Definitely. I wonder if I do an

>injustice to my older son when I adopt the idea that failure to recover means

>he's lost the game, or that I " ve failed him. Still, when flew past his

>big brother developmentally, it was a double edged experience. I was elated

>for one child, and heart broken for the other.


>We haven't seen Dr. G in person yet--(traveling cross country with this child

>just isn't an option right now), but our neurologist has embraced the

>protocol and is simply amazed by what our boys are doing. So am I. God give

>me patience to see this thing through, lol!




I was just wondering where you are located?? Could you please let me know!!

Thanks Kathy B





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On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 14:13:54 -0600 Palmer <palmerr@...> wrote:


>I know what you mean. Its been about a year for us. Although we see

>improvement, " autism " is the predominant feature. I wonder when this new

>class of immuno-modulators are going to make an appearance.




> Montgomery wrote:


>> Hi everyone,


>> I am wanting to hear from other families that are patients of Goldberg that

have children that haven't necessarily responded to or as quickly to his

regimine. My son is now 7 and we have been patients of his for over four years

now. We have, obviously, done everything he has suggested. My son currently is

on Celexa, Diflucan, Famvir, Kutapressin, and some vitamins and iron. My son is

still considered autistic, in that he meets all of the criteria. While he has

made progress over the years, we have been doing ABA to teach him his academics.


>> What I feel like I have is just a bigger and smarter autistic child, rather

than a less autistic child. Don't get me wrong- I'll take a smarter one over

nothing, but the reason we employed Dr. Goldberg as our autism specialist and do

all of the interventions he suggests is because he said he could help our son

become less autistic, if not recovered.


>> Goldberg himself has expressed frustration in our son's progress and vows and

declares he can still make a huge difference for him. He refers to us as a

" tough case " and says we just need to keep adjusting the meds, etc. until we get

it right.


>> I need to hear from other " tough cases " like ours who are doing the Goldberg

thing. Like I said, it has been over four years.


>> Thanks,


>> Trina

>>Hi, I really appreciate your letter and info here because we are getting

frustrated too. I guess I can totally relate to your situation. E mail me

privately for details!! Kathy B


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