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Hi, I myself is also a newbie, but reading about and getting more

educated about it has helped me to understand what my son is going

thru. I won't tell you want medications are the best but I will make this

suggestion; please look at all options especially about medicating your

son. Physciologist generally look at medications that help slow down the

child but forget about the socialism that is effected by those medications

(adderall, concerta and ritalin). Go to the website .com to get some

more information before your appt and your sons.

Good luck,

Bekki/ Oregon

" M. F. Meister " <gammfm@...> wrote:


First of all I am a newbie...

I have a young son, who is 5, whom I believe has ADHD & he is currently in

the beginning stages of being diagnosed by the school's psychologist.

The more I read, I also feel that I as an adult woman I have ADHD (or ADD).

I remember always being " hyper " when I was young and I have many of the

adult " symptoms " . My mom also just told me that a doctor prescribed

medication (not sure what was out then), but my mom didn't keep up with

giving it to me as she hated to " medicate " me. I spoke to my psychologist

today about it & have an appt. on Monday to see my family doctor about

possibly being diagnosed.

Anyway, about my son... We are seeing his pediatrician on Tuesday for his 5

year checkup & shots for Kindergarten. I want to talk to his pediatrician

also about my son having possible allergy problems (frequently is " sniffing

) & also about his ADHD issue and the fact that the school is Going to

access him. I really do think he has ADHD though. I am not sure what his

pediatrician's view is going to be. I don't know if she (the pediatrician)

will want to start him on medication now or wait to see what the school

psychologist says. If the pediatrician does want to put my son on

medication now or at some point in the near future, what medication is

generally used for 5 year old boys with ADHD? I know some medications are

for older children.

I am just trying to figure this all out - for both my son's situation and my

own situation.


- Ohio

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Happy to!

We learned of Dr. G. a couple of months after diagnosis and right after

beginning a home ABA program. We had been to a couple different drs.

and none of them had done much of anything. Jeff had suffered through

frequent bouts of illness accompanied by high fevers that sent us on

occasion to the emergency room. Dr. G. was the first to suggest any kind

of immune/allergy testing. The first results came back showing that he

was reactive to the foods he ate the most. We removed all suspect foods

from J.s diet and within a week his SDC preschool teacher called us ...

asking what we had done, because she was seeing significant positive

changes in him (we had seen similar changes at home). Exposure to

allergenic foods had obviously had a profound effect on him.

J. also had numerous immune abnormalities typical of the profile.

A neurospect showed the expected areas of hypoperfusion. We started

with antivirals if I recall correctly, and not much later, a very TINY

dose of Prozac, an ssri. Within a short time of starting the Prozac, we

saw a significant increase in language, and we were able to finally

defeat " pronoun reversal " which we had been trying to teach for the

prior 9 months. Around that time, J. who was nearly 5 years of age and

had previously been 100% dependent on diapers, was potty trained in a

single 4 hour ABA session. That weekend we took him to Disneyland

without any accidents! The high fevers had become a thing of the past.

Its been some years and some changes since then, we have been through a

variety of SSRIs to see what works best for J., did the course of

antivirals, did the Kutapressin, and J. is now a successfully

mainstreamed student doing grade level work and above. He still needs

some supports in school and we still have social issues to work

through. His immune panels are now much more normal looking. J. did

have a nasty flu bug this fall which, for the first time in many years,

was accompanied by the high fevers (105). Immune panels subsequent to

the illness showed a return of some of the abnormal viral titers - for

the first time in YEARS. I don't think it's coincidental and J. is now

back on antivirals for the time being.


and Daron Freedberg wrote:

> Hi Sandy,

> Can you tell us a little about your son and your journey?

> Thanks!





> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute and/or the Parent Coalition.






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Thank you for sharing your story. How old is your son

and what grade is he in? Barb

--- SandyD <sandy@...> wrote:

> Happy to!


> We learned of Dr. G. a couple of months after

> diagnosis and right after

> beginning a home ABA program. We had been to a

> couple different drs.

> and none of them had done much of anything. Jeff

> had suffered through

> frequent bouts of illness accompanied by high fevers

> that sent us on

> occasion to the emergency room. Dr. G. was the first

> to suggest any kind

> of immune/allergy testing. The first results came

> back showing that he

> was reactive to the foods he ate the most. We

> removed all suspect foods

> from J.s diet and within a week his SDC preschool

> teacher called us ...

> asking what we had done, because she was seeing

> significant positive

> changes in him (we had seen similar changes at

> home). Exposure to

> allergenic foods had obviously had a profound effect

> on him.


> J. also had numerous immune abnormalities typical of

> the profile.

> A neurospect showed the expected areas of

> hypoperfusion. We started

> with antivirals if I recall correctly, and not much

> later, a very TINY

> dose of Prozac, an ssri. Within a short time of

> starting the Prozac, we

> saw a significant increase in language, and we were

> able to finally

> defeat " pronoun reversal " which we had been trying

> to teach for the

> prior 9 months. Around that time, J. who was

> nearly 5 years of age and

> had previously been 100% dependent on diapers, was

> potty trained in a

> single 4 hour ABA session. That weekend we took him

> to Disneyland

> without any accidents! The high fevers had become a

> thing of the past.


> Its been some years and some changes since then, we

> have been through a

> variety of SSRIs to see what works best for J., did

> the course of

> antivirals, did the Kutapressin, and J. is now a

> successfully

> mainstreamed student doing grade level work and

> above. He still needs

> some supports in school and we still have social

> issues to work

> through. His immune panels are now much more normal

> looking. J. did

> have a nasty flu bug this fall which, for the first

> time in many years,

> was accompanied by the high fevers (105). Immune

> panels subsequent to

> the illness showed a return of some of the abnormal

> viral titers - for

> the first time in YEARS. I don't think it's

> coincidental and J. is now

> back on antivirals for the time being.


> Sandy


> and Daron Freedberg wrote:

> > Hi Sandy,

> > Can you tell us a little about your son and your

> journey?

> > Thanks!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Responsibility for the content of this message

> lies strictly with

> > the original author(s), and is not necessarily

> endorsed by or the

> > opinion of the Research Institute and/or the

> Parent Coalition.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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He's now 14, an 8th grader, making A's and B's in regular classes,

including Algebra. He even brought his grade up in History, and he used

to HATE social studies. His teacher even marked his report card " A

pleasure to have in class. " :)

Since I'm sure some of you have your kids in OT or " SI " therapy, I'd

also like to mention that this past year we enrolled J. in " regular "

physical therapy in a sports medicine clinic. It was like MAGIC. They

actually made him work and it's paid off big time, everyone can see the

difference, and he's not the guy bringing up the rear anymore when he

runs laps. We have a locally grown sports league down here, designed

for kids who for one reason or another aren't able to compete in the

" real " leagues - not all the kids are " disabled " - and it's music to my

ears to hear the coach constantly shouting to the other kids to pass the

ball to J. He went from half-heartedly participating to being their

best basketball shooter! A lot of what our kids need to excel once they

begin to heal, is for someone to show them that now they CAN. Remind me

to tell you all about our " Dance Dance Revolution " therapy some day, too.


Barb Katsaros wrote:

> Thank you for sharing your story. How old is your son

> and what grade is he in? Barb


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Glad you are doing well. Sometimes drains do take longer than we

expect, but at least you have your wonderful hubby and a nice city to

wait with you. I am sure you will be on your way soon.


At 12:14 PM 5/16/2006, you wrote:

>Just a quick note to say hello. We're still here in Atlanta. We

>are both getting pretty tired of hotel living. Yesterday we did

>take a short drive before going to the doctor's but since we didn't

>get out of the doctor's until 9:00pm it was a really tiring day.

>My drains are still draining too much for me to be released. So now

>I'm praying, hoping that Dr. Kolb will release me by

>Friday. UGH!!!!!! Seem like we have been gone a lifetime yet we

>don't look forward to coming home to 102 temps.

>Atlanta is a beautiful city though. We have met people here from

>Morocco, West Africa, Ethiopia, Bosnia, France, Kosovo, St. ,

>St. Croix and many others places. Very interesting as everyone has

>a unique story as to how they got to the United States.

>Well I miss you all and we just wanted to keep you up to date. I'm

>feeling better so I just have to be patient and obey the doctor.


>Penni & Tom



>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given

>by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or

>licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

>mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own

>decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a

>better world. " - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954,

>Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


>See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:





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Penni, Keep your chin up! You are on a new path to healing and I am so happy for you. It sounds like Atlanta is a great place! I've never been there, and I didn't realize they had such a diverse culture! Hopefully those drains will come out soon enough. You are in great hands. I know Dr. Kolb is treating you well and doing everything to make your healing a reality. Hugs, Pattypenniquilts@... wrote: Just a quick note to say hello. We're still here in Atlanta. We are both getting pretty tired of hotel living. Yesterday we did take a short drive before going to the doctor's but since we didn't get out of the doctor's until 9:00pm it was a really tiring day.My drains are still draining too much for me to be released.

So now I'm praying, hoping that Dr. Kolb will release me by Friday. UGH!!!!!! Seem like we have been gone a lifetime yet we don't look forward to coming home to 102 temps.Atlanta is a beautiful city though. We have met people here from Morocco, West Africa, Ethiopia, Bosnia, France, Kosovo, St. , St. Croix and many others places. Very interesting as everyone has a unique story as to how they got to the United States.Well I miss you all and we just wanted to keep you up to date. I'm feeling better so I just have to be patient and obey the doctor.Blessings,Penni & Tom

New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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  • 2 months later...
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Sounds like you are having ttrouble with the medication and the damage that it

doe to you.

I have only had RA since Sept of last year. I have been on Imuran which I had a

bad reaction from and lost 30 pounds. The doctor put me on Plaquinel and I only

took it 3 months till I got deathly sick again and lost more weight. Right now I

weight 96 pounds and I have completely quit taking all of the medicine. When I

feel a spell comeing on I put gloves on the keep my hands warn and then put

braces on them. I take a lot of Ibuprofen and so far I am doing OK, now that I

got all of the medicine out of my body.

My thoughts are with you,

[ ] Hello

I am a newbee to the group, but have been diagnosed with RA for almost

8 years, July 31 is my annivesery. Looking for a group to find out

about new treatments and overall support. I have done all the disease

modifying drugs, with no success. Currently I am on a regime of

methetrexate, prednisone, and nsaids. Got about 2-3 weeks between

flares, and am now experience organ damage due to prednisone(25mgs

daily). I know this all to be expected, but hoping something else is

out there that may help.

I look forward to your feedback. Take care and try to stay straight.

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--- In , " seyconmommy " <seyconmommy@...>



> I am a newbee to the group, but have been diagnosed with RA for


> 8 years, July 31 is my annivesery.

Welcome to the group Everyone here is great and willing to help in


Janet IN IL

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I am writing in response to something wyou wrote to a new member. I

have been on MTX ,Placquenel,and Prednisone. With a lot of side

effects which put me into the hospital and made me ery sick for 5

months and led to my asking the rheummy to take me off the MTX and

Placquenel-....which he did yesterday. I am waiting for the insurane

comany to approve the Humera and am looking forward to trying

it .....hopefully without the nausea/vomiting problems that I had

before on the other meds. My question is this...you mentioned that

you were on meds for Fibro....can you tell me what you are on for

that. My PCP says I have Fibro, the Rheummy won't even check me over

and do the trigger point testing........ " you don't need to have fibro

too " is what he says....no I don't need to but my other Dr thinks I

do...I would like it confirmed and would like to be on any meds that

would help me to move my arms and neck without pain in the muscles.

And I would like to find out why I havea MASS under the skin on my

right hip...a mass the size of my hand (with finger spread out). Is

this a fibro thing ??? It is only on the one side though. Rhuemmy

felt it and said it was inflamation of the muscle....isn't that part

of FIbro???? AM I missing something here???? any enlightenment by

anyone is requested! just jump on in here and enlighten me!! please!!

thanks jenna

>Kathy said

> > > The pain I am having now

> is predominantly fibro pain, and my rheumy and I are

> working on getting that under control too. I take

> different meds for the fibro, blood pressure, asthma,

> and anti-depressant, so I have a very crowded bathroom

> counter lol.

> Kathe in CA



> > __________________________________________________


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Ok, here are a couple of things to consider.

Meds for fibro.......Lyrica, it is used for nerve pain. I've only been on it

for 14 days now so we will see how well it works for me. I also take a muscle

relaxer at night or I wake up in total knots all over my neck and shoulders.

The mass: Have you ever heard of NF2? or NF1? This is neurofibromatosis. NF2

is tumors on the nerves, and USUALLY involves tumors on the 8th cranial nerve

which affects hearing. My sister (Leana) has it and my other sisters (Roseana)

oldest daughter has it. Leana has had brain tumor surgery from this and

Roseana's daughter at 29 had a stroke. It is usually genetic. Also, Leana

just called and and her 24 yo daughter just got back from the dr's and had a

positive ANA........not sure of the titer number on it yet. Weird!!

Leana wants me to have my dr checkfor NF2 as she was told she had MS, fibro,

lupus, RA, etc until they finally figured out she has NF2. Sometimes,I think,

especially with autoimmune issues that they just simply rule out other things

and leave you with whats left. I'm always very very proactive about my health.

I keep a copy of every test I have done. I think it is very important

especially when you see multiple specialty drs. I see a neurologist,

oncologist, orthopod, and my regular gp. I fired my rheummy and haven't found

another one yet.

Just wanted to give you some thoughts to think on and do some research.......it

is always better to be prepared and to ask your dr questions about every med and

test. Look on the internet for medications for fibro and see what pops up, then

go to your dr and discuss them and see what he/she recommends.



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Easier said than done, but I would find a new rheumatologist.

Another thing: fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain and sleep

disturbance, but it is not thought to be an inflammatory condition.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Re: Hello

> -Kathy,

> I am writing in response to something wyou wrote to a new member. I

> have been on MTX ,Placquenel,and Prednisone. With a lot of side

> effects which put me into the hospital and made me ery sick for 5

> months and led to my asking the rheummy to take me off the MTX and

> Placquenel-....which he did yesterday. I am waiting for the insurane

> comany to approve the Humera and am looking forward to trying

> it .....hopefully without the nausea/vomiting problems that I had

> before on the other meds. My question is this...you mentioned that

> you were on meds for Fibro....can you tell me what you are on for

> that. My PCP says I have Fibro, the Rheummy won't even check me over

> and do the trigger point testing........ " you don't need to have fibro

> too " is what he says....no I don't need to but my other Dr thinks I

> do...I would like it confirmed and would like to be on any meds that

> would help me to move my arms and neck without pain in the muscles.

> And I would like to find out why I havea MASS under the skin on my

> right hip...a mass the size of my hand (with finger spread out). Is

> this a fibro thing ??? It is only on the one side though. Rhuemmy

> felt it and said it was inflamation of the muscle....isn't that part

> of FIbro???? AM I missing something here???? any enlightenment by

> anyone is requested! just jump on in here and enlighten me!! please!!

> thanks jenna

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After 3 days of having my phone out and no internet connection and

going throught the 300plus emails...I have finally found this! Thanks

for answering. Kathe did too and said the same as you as to meds. I

am on soma which works well for me for muscle spasms, and

neurontin...the insurance co wouldn't pay for Lyrica so I take

neurontin...my PCP and pain Dr ordered these for me ....not the

Rheummy. so we will see if they work. I am baically on the right

meds.and as I told Kathe,,, I hope to be moving shortly and will

change my Rheummy then.right now I am on nothing for the RA as he

took me off MTX and placquenel becaue of the Nausea and vomiting so

until the insurance ok's the Humera....I have to stay with him to get


I will do some studying and look into the NF2/NF1 thing.......I was

surprised that he didn't tell me the right name or reason for what

was causing this mass on my leg. It still is there...no bigger/no

smaller...just there and sore. I'll see my Pcp and Pain Dr before my

next Rueummy appt (unless the Humera is ok'd) so I 'm going to run it

by the mtoo and see what they say.....at least the will sit down and

talk to me...not just talk and run likethe Reumy....I'd rather see

his PA at this point....he listens!! ANd doesn't run off in less than

5 minutes. It sounds like your family has really been hit with the

auto-immune parade of diagnoses!and the hits keep on comming!! Good

luck to you too!!jenna

- In , " Bickford " <Bickfordla@...>



> Jenna

> Ok, here are a couple of things to consider.

> Meds for fibro.......Lyrica, it is used for nerve pain. I've only

been on it for 14 days now so we will see how well it works for me.

I also take a muscle relaxer at night or I wake up in total knots all

over my neck and shoulders.


> The mass: Have you ever heard of NF2? or NF1? This is

neurofibromatosis. NF2 is tumors on the nerves, and USUALLY involves

tumors on the 8th cranial nerve which affects hearing. My sister

(Leana) has it and my other sisters (Roseana) oldest daughter has it.


> Hugs




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Thanks for the advice, finding a new Dr is on my list of things to

do. I just have to hang in there to get the Humera started at this

point. Plus I hope to be moving out of state...so would change then

anyway. In the mean time I'm going to do some homework and see what I

can find.And look for another Rheummy in case I can't move at this

point. At least I am on the right meds for fibro!! Soma was one of

the first meds my PCP put me on,and I am on meds to help me sleep (I

was up several nights in a row all night without them...and then I

would crash hard for 24 hours.And then be awake again for several

nights. Now I am on amitriptyline and neurontin..and they help me

sleep, usually) and seems to be working for me, in conjunction with

the vibrating mattress to break up the spasms.Except that lately I

have been having more muscle pain in my arms and neck that I've had

before...like can't reach for seat belt in car without big increase

in pain...all in arm and neck, or get in and out of tub anymore

without help. This is all new. Thanks........jenna

-- In , " " <Matsumura_Clan@...>



> Jenna,


> Easier said than done, but I would find a new rheumatologist.


> Another thing: fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain and


> disturbance, but it is not thought to be an inflammatory condition.




> Not an MD


> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org



> [ ] Re: Hello



.. My question is this...you mentioned that

> > you were on meds for Fibro....can you tell me what you are on for

> > that. My PCP says I have Fibro, the Rheummy won't even check me


> > and do the trigger point testing........ " you don't need to have


> > too " is what he says....no I don't need to but my other Dr thinks


> > do...I would like it confirmed and would like to be on any meds


> > would help me to move my arms and neck without pain in the


> > And I would like to find out why I havea MASS under the skin on my

> > right hip...a mass the size of my hand (with finger spread out).


> > this a fibro thing ???

> >>

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Good grief! Not to make you feel worse, but seeing your list of ailments makes

me feel a little better about mine! What are SLE and Spinal Stenosis? Also,

what are your worst symptoms with Sjogren's Syndrome? Mine is mostly dry eyes

and mouth. Eye dr. says I've already lost quite a bit of my tear film.

No, you can never have too many friends. Thanks for responding!

Robin <auntpooh63@...> wrote:

Hello, I am new here. I have been suffering from Sjogrens Syndrome,

SLE, RA, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis and Asthma since 1998. I figure

you can never have too many friends.

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-HI Robin...welcome...we hate why you are here...but we are the best

friends to have because we know what you are going through!! Everyone

here has been on different groups of meds, and different

treatment...there is a lot of experience here to help you through the

hard days!! Just ask if you have a question...you will probably get 10

different answers....but one of the will work for you! And fee lfree to

whine if you need to...we all need to on occasion...and someone will

offer you a kind word!!! Take care, and do come back!!! this is the

best place to be when the world doesn't understand...we do!!!!jenna

- In , " Robin " <auntpooh63@...> wrote:


> Hello, I am new here. I have been suffering from Sjogrens Syndrome,

> SLE, RA, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis and Asthma since 1998. I


> you can never have too many friends.


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Welcome Robin,

Hate that you have to be here but it is a very good group to belong

to. Mostly I am a lurker, and read much valuable information I find

here. Everyone is nice and helpful so don't be afraid to ask


Let us know more about you so we can help you better.

You definately have your plate full of problems. I really sympathize.

warm hugs,

Debbie L


> Hello, I am new here. I have been suffering from Sjogrens


> SLE, RA, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis and Asthma since 1998. I


> you can never have too many friends.


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SLE is Systemic Lupus Erythomotsis. Spinal Stenosis is a type of

Arthritis in the lower spine. My eyes stay so dry and itchy. My

skins stays really dry too.

> Hello, I am new here. I have been suffering from

Sjogrens Syndrome,

> SLE, RA, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis and Asthma since 1998. I


> you can never have too many friends.








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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, !

While I'm not in the Parma area, some of my family lives there, and that's where I grew up. So, we are sometimes around there. We live in Macedonia, which is only about 20 minutes away from Parma.

We do have a nice group of folks here who share lots of good information. I've only been a member for a month and a half and I've already learned so much! We're glad to have you here!

There's a monthly support group of the Autism Society of Greater Cleveland every first Wednesday -- maybe you've been to one of their meetings already. If not, it's held at St. Basil's in Brecksville, not far at all from Parma. Maybe I'll see you there sometime.


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- Welcome to the group! This is a friendly group of parents,

so I hope you make some connections! Also, we have a monthly (?)

mom's night out activity that you are more than welcome to attend.



> Hello,

> I am a mother of three children, one of whom is Autistic. My

youngest Noah, he is two and a half years old. He was diagnosed

around 20 months and he's been in Early Intervention ever since. We

are looking to meet other families in the Parma area. Please feel

free to E-mail me @ dmason815@...


> Thanks,

> Mason


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>Hello, and welcome to the group you will find everyone here great and

very helpful. I don't know about the hair thing I guess I am luck I

have had no problems with hair lost. that is good as I have very thin

hair anyway. Take care and again welcome to our family.

Janet IN IL

> Hello I am new here. Would love to chat to similar minded people. I

> was diagnosed with RA at 16. Felt very sorry for myself through my

> twenties as I had a hip replacement at 21, so no dancing the night

> away with my friends for me. At the moment things are manageable

> although I do ocasionally feel down. More the simple things. Making



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How much methotrexate are you on? I had some problems with hair falling out

- I don't have enough to be able to lose any! So my rheumy put me on folic

acid, 1mg daily, and leucovorin (folinic acid?) 8 hours after taking the

methotrexate. It's helped a lot, I still lose some hair, but I can deal

with it. I take 20mg of methotrexate orally, once a week.

How old are you now? I have a daughter who's 21, a son who's 27, another

son who's 31, and three grandchildren. My daughter's had chronic health

problems all her life, so I understand what you've been going through.

We definitely are like a family here, welcome!

On 8/23/06, dinkhummer <trudyrudge@...> wrote:


> Hello I am new here. Would love to chat to similar minded people. I

> was diagnosed with RA at 16. Felt very sorry for myself through my

> twenties as I had a hip replacement at 21, so no dancing the night

> away with my friends for me. At the moment things are manageable

> although I do ocasionally feel down. More the simple things. Making a

> fist, sitting on the ground for a picnic, kneeling, brushing your own

> hair and Bra straps-don't even go there.Am currently on methotrexate

> and have started losing my hair ( great) saves brushing it I suppose

> and I am wondering if anyone else has has similar symptoms. Will it

> grow back?





South Pasadena, CA

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Me too! I have always fastened my bra that way, but sometimes even that is

difficult, to pull those straps up over my shoulders when they are hurting me.

But after some searching I have found a front closing bra that is

comfortable. That works well, and solves the problem on those bad days.

in WI

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Welcome to the group! You will find the people here

to be very friendly, very supportive, and there is

always lots of great information to be found in the

posts. I have been with the group now for four years,

and am still learning new things regarding RA!

I am 52, married 24 years to a wonderful supportive

man, and have two children 19 and 22. We live on a

small farm in southern california with horses,

chickens, assorted other fowl, and dogs and cats.

I love the rural nature and the animals - it's a lot

of work, but they do get me up and out of bed in the

mornings! Otherwise, snoozing away I would be!

I have been dx with RA for 7 years, and also have OA,

Fibromyalgia, and Raynaud's. I am taking meds for the

fibro, and Ultram ER, Enbrel, Methotrexate for my RA,

and blood pressure and asthma meds too. More than I

could ever have imagined myself taking - and


But they keep me going, and enjoying and quality of

life that I would not have without them. Sure, I

still have pain, and still have flares, but hate to

think where I would be without my meds.

That must have been very difficult to have been

diagnosed so young, in the years where teens are

supposed to be so active and doing things with their

friends. You had a right to feel sorry for yourself,

I am sure you missed a lot. Methotrexate can cause

some hair thinning, but I have heard once you stop the

med some of it does grow back. Don't know myself

because I have been on Mtx for four years now, and my

hairline in the front is just like my dad's and my

brothers - thin on the sides. I use my bangs as a

type of comb-over.

Oh gosh, bra straps and bras in general! I hate my

bra - not that it's a bad or uncomfortable one - but

putting it on is the pitts. It has about five little

clasps for support in the back, and it must take me

somedays 10 minutes to get them all done up - I clasp

one, and another pops back open, close that, and

another opens up, you have to clasp them all as fast

as possible so not to leave any gaps - oh my aching

hands and elbows. I have to find a front closure bra!

Anyway, I hope that you are having a good day today.

It is nice to have you here with us, just sorry for

the reason you are here. Just remember, you are not


Kathe in CA

--- dinkhummer <trudyrudge@...> wrote:

> Hello I am new here. Would love to chat to similar

> minded people. I

> was diagnosed with RA at 16. Felt very sorry for

> myself through my

> twenties as I had a hip replacement at 21, so no

> dancing the night

> away with my friends for me. At the moment things

> are manageable

> although I do ocasionally feel down. More the simple

> things. Making a

> fist, sitting on the ground for a picnic, kneeling,

> brushing your own

> hair and Bra straps-don't even go there.Am currently

> on methotrexate

> and have started losing my hair ( great) saves

> brushing it I suppose

> and I am wondering if anyone else has has similar

> symptoms. Will it

> grow back?










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I fasten my bra in front, with it around my waist or a little higher.

Then I turn it around to the back, put my arms through the straps, and

hoist it up. I did it that way before I ever got RA because it's so

much easier. Try it; you might like it.


On Thursday, August 24, 2006, at 04:11 PM, Kathe Sabetzadeh wrote:


> Oh gosh, bra straps and bras in general! I hate my

> bra - not that it's a bad or uncomfortable one - but

> putting it on is the pitts. It has about five little

> clasps for support in the back, and it must take me

> somedays 10 minutes to get them all done up - I clasp

> one, and another pops back open, close that, and

> another opens up, you have to clasp them all as fast

> as possible so not to leave any gaps - oh my aching

> hands and elbows. I have to find a front closure bra!

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