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Re: what do you miss most..

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I am honered to accept your thanks and i agree about not being for all the

wars.  To be honest, at the time, the Army was the only job thaqt would get me

outta Texarkana TX (we call it " Little Chicago " due the fact it's a hub for the

drug trade) and to places id never imagine id have went lol like Panama.  It was

a cool place when or before Noriega got control.  I had a super cool cultural

experience. I took a months leave and went into the jungle to live with the

native tribe of " Cunya " indians and the were very nice to me and gave us (me and

my wife ) mauch respect and gifts as long we respected custom all was so

cool.  They had a shaman, hell , probly licked toads hehe.  Yep that was a grand

time.  Any way i get to rambling.I couldnt control the politics but i could

learn from it all.  I may go back and visit my friend there, Marcos and his

Family We employed his wife as a maid and Marcos was a big man so naturally:body

guard and he was

good at it. I enjoyed serving.

but i enjoy learning.  Your recognition of what I did make me feel good.  Us

techies didnt have to do much killing or any at all in my case . Didnt keep me

from getting shot.  But what the heck.  I learned from that too. Im going out to

get me some good eatsnow man.

peace love and beat, dead , burnt babies(ty Arlow Guthrie)

G. Harold Ewing II USA ret.


From: " tomhfsu@... " <tomhfsu@...>

neck pain

Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 6:31:42 AM

Subject: Re: Re: what do you miss most..



It is a sad state of affairs that some of these so called peace advocates

take out this venom on the people who have served our country..

I may have been against some of our wars but that has no bearing on how I

feel about the men and women who fought them

Once again let me say that I for one thank you for your service..


In a message dated 10/29/2009 11:27:44 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

autarksbcglobal (DOT) net writes:


thanks as always, you reply in a way I understand. Heck i have been

called a lot of things my self. Some folks dont like the Army. called me a

killer, an unforgivable sinner. I dont care any more as i got to get by and

thosse voices are just dust in the wind. My dr says surgury is a 50% risk of

total paralasis. WE decided that wasnt a good thing. Now the meds are a

hassle. no high. just something i have to deal with and i cant live by

someone elses self made mores. I turn to the Lord for answers and i get them.

They do come in odd packages tho. Some what camoflaged. So to speak.

hope a good day comes your way,

pain free and feeling happy!


____________ _________ _________ __

From: " _birdcrazy624@ birdcra_ (mailto:birdcrazy624@ aol.com) "

<_birdcrazy624@ birdcra_ (mailto:birdcrazy624@ aol.com) >

_PainInTheNeck- PainInTheNeck- <WPain_

(mailto:PainInTheNeck- Back@groups .com)

Sent: Thu, October 29, 2009 6:13:09 PM

Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- <WBR>Back] Re:

Harold, & Tom, I used to feel guilty using narcotic pain relievers, &

Klonopin . If you were a nurse who used them for pain, or a medical


you were still seen as a drug addict, & an impaired person. I prefer to


myself as focused, & functioning with little pain. Yes, I choose not to

live with excruciating pain, & pain medication helps me to work when I


to, & enjoy the finer things in life. The medication makes me functional

not high. Actually I was called a substance abuser when I was only taking

Klonopin 1 mg at bedtime. I still only take the maximum of 2 regular


Vicodin's a day, & Motrin 800 mg at bedtime. I am fortunate enough, not

to need surgery, & will avoid it, until I risk permanent nerve damage,


ess, & intractable pain. Some spinal surgery further deteriorates the

other discs, because they need to compensate for the fused discs, which

results in significant degeneration, which necessitates further surgery. I


for the least invasive surgery, such as disc shaving for herniated discs.


also would get a 2nd, or 3rd opinion, before I used surgery as my 1st

treatment option. Just my personal opnions. June, RN

In a message dated 10/29/2009 12:37:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

autarksbcglobal (DOT) net writes:

Tom, I assuradly agree, with out them id be nothing, ive hade people


motrin lololol i take 450 mg oxycdone a day and 3 2 mg clonazepam and 2 10

mg valium out of 14 meds that arent addictive but i can go on living and

have some ok moments , yes sir, thats why they make them and those who


understand either like suffering or havent yet felt what we feel.

stay weel and painless friend,


____________ _________ _________ __

From: " _tomhfsuaol (DOT) tom_ (mailto:tomhfsu@ From: " _tomhfsu@<_ tomhfsuaol (DOT)


(mailto:tomhfsu@ (mailto:to>

_PainInTheNeck- PainInTheNeck- <WPain_

(mailto:PainInTheNe (mailto:PainInTh eNe<WBR>ck-

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:48:30 AM

Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- <WBR>B

The seemingly mundane moments in life looking back do seem to be


Find the thing that is most precious and decide that you will not give

that up..

That is what pain killers are for..

: )


In a message dated 10/29/2009 7:19:37 A.M. Mountain Standard Time,

caesareacattery writes:


Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I miss

being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main


on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older


do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to

make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails


cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers to

kick in so I can go vacumn.

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At 01:47 PM 10/28/2009, you wrote:



>I do miss work and having that feeling of accomplishment, but what I really

>miss is:

Thanks for asking Tom, I'm still here, just reading the mail as they

used to say in the CB days.

I truly miss work. I get very down for having non-productive days and

sleepless nights. It would be nice that if we can't work, we would

have some of the benefits of an early retirement. But If we could

travel and do things, we'd be working and not disabled ;-) When I

see TV commercials with people running, or riding MT bikes, or better

yet Dirt Bikes I miss having that opportunity. I have all this time

on my hands but no drive to do anything. It would be great as a

photographer if I could get in a car and travel even a few hours to

museums and other places I'd like to see. My Wife tells me I can do

whatever I want, why stay home? But she is loving and understanding

and knows why. An hour in the car, usually and I am shot. Now when we

went on vacation I was actually able to drive for 6 hours without

much problem. That was with 2 sessions from my medical massage

therapist. I just started seeing him again, when the pain got too

much. I'd go 2x a week every week if the money wasn't an issue, but

it is, I must pay for it 100% $55 for 1/2 hour session.

I just had a 3 month narcotic follow up with my doctor today. I need

to do that every 90 days to keep getting new prescriptions. They have

me sign an agreement that I won't share or sell them, or they will

cut me off. Believe me I'm so grateful to get them, I'll never risk

getting cut off.

To answer your Worry question, that's my number one, losing my Doctor

and not having access to the opiates that work to control my pain.

Back to the miss question. I was a drummer in bands for years. I

really miss that. So I've taken out some ads on Craigslist and I'm

going to give it a try. Worst case I'll prove to myself and my wife

that Yes, I can't play for more than 15 minutes. But I need to

try. My Wife and I had a photo studio for 15 years and I was a

musician. I really miss having a creative outlet. That gave me

something to look forward to and kept my depression in check. I miss

working on cars. I was always a do it yourself'er when it came to car

repair. Heck I had my truck painted 2 years ago and can't find the

energy to wax it, how lame is that. I used to wax my Mustang so much

my Dad told me I was going to wax the paint right off it!

I tried my hand at blogging, mostly on political rants, but that

actually got me so upset, it had the opposite effect. The political

landscape today, both parties puts me somewhere between rage and

panic attacks. I realized I need to walk away from that for awhile.

I'm going to try volunteering at the animal rescue shelter, with the

understanding that I won't be a very reliable volunteer. When I'm

there I'll give 110%, but I never know if I'll sleep, when I'll get

up, or if I can travel. But I got a real softspot for anything or

person that is abused and can't stick up for itself.

Well that's my rambling rant for this AM. Yes Tom and others, I am

still here. Dave in Cold, Dark & Rainy PA.

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Thanks for your response........................



> > >


> > > Tom,


> > >


> > > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I miss

being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and suffering for

days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main street on Tuesday

and was not fun but she did not know that although the older kids do. I miss

being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to clean my house with

out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so hard to make the most of

what I have become. At the moment am checking emails while cooking my back with

a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers to kick in so I can go vacumn.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >

































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Dave, it sounds like we have some things in common.  I am a musician, 36 yrs on

piano , bass and guitar.  I like to work on cars, and i used to have some nice

photography equip. and used it.( It all was stolen and i never replaced it)  I

used to ride dirt bikes but had a bad wreck and quit.  The medsfor pain i get

make me feel better and i do play my instruments....what r u taking?  I also was

bipolar due untreated severe chronic pain...now treated my DX code says

" remisiveBP " and i just have some depresssion at time and i cant drive due to my

meds oxycodone, clonazepam, valium and 11 other due to 5 disabling conditions.

my pain is caused from arthritis so i can work out when i feel ok and for 44 yrs

old im in great shape  my doc said. like u i never know when ill have a super

bad day(no day is with out bad pain but i push on and the working out and having

a best dfriend that is a medical massage therapist who take good care of me(my

wife actually

allow her to do it and isnt jealous)(we are looking at 25 yrs married May 11


WHat is holding ya back? you say no motivation, you dont feelike doing stuff...i

can relate but the meds i get and cheryl's massage make me feel much better and

i just bought a yamahe elct. grand and love it.  It does eat at my neck (thats

where my pain is worst) but i have the free massage, tho i make her take money

as i have it and she is with out(disabled per psyche probs) anyway what is your

DX ?   MY disability is the fact the meds make me unemoployable/uninsurable , a

danger to workplsace. And the bad days are unpredictable so i cant commit to


Dont misunderstand me , my situation is depressing and i have times i just feel

sobad i lack motivation like u but at time i can beat it and have some creative

outlet and fix a friends car or work my garden. I am very tired and need to rest

if i can sleep...another thing in common. Lets talk about this and get you

motivated  we shoukld stay in touch. good nite and i wish you the best and my

prayers today go out for you .


G harold ewing II USArmy ret first sgt


From: Dave Cruikshank <d.cruikshank@...>

neck pain

Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 9:40:43 PM

Subject: Re: what do you miss most..


At 01:47 PM 10/28/2009, you wrote:



>I do miss work and having that feeling of accomplishment, but what I really

>miss is:

Thanks for asking Tom, I'm still here, just reading the mail as they

used to say in the CB days.

I truly miss work. I get very down for having non-productive days and

sleepless nights. It would be nice that if we can't work, we would

have some of the benefits of an early retirement. But If we could

travel and do things, we'd be working and not disabled ;-) When I

see TV commercials with people running, or riding MT bikes, or better

yet Dirt Bikes I miss having that opportunity. I have all this time

on my hands but no drive to do anything. It would be great as a

photographer if I could get in a car and travel even a few hours to

museums and other places I'd like to see. My Wife tells me I can do

whatever I want, why stay home? But she is loving and understanding

and knows why. An hour in the car, usually and I am shot. Now when we

went on vacation I was actually able to drive for 6 hours without

much problem. That was with 2 sessions from my medical massage

therapist. I just started seeing him again, when the pain got too

much. I'd go 2x a week every week if the money wasn't an issue, but

it is, I must pay for it 100% $55 for 1/2 hour session.

I just had a 3 month narcotic follow up with my doctor today. I need

to do that every 90 days to keep getting new prescriptions. They have

me sign an agreement that I won't share or sell them, or they will

cut me off. Believe me I'm so grateful to get them, I'll never risk

getting cut off.

To answer your Worry question, that's my number one, losing my Doctor

and not having access to the opiates that work to control my pain.

Back to the miss question. I was a drummer in bands for years. I

really miss that. So I've taken out some ads on Craigslist and I'm

going to give it a try. Worst case I'll prove to myself and my wife

that Yes, I can't play for more than 15 minutes. But I need to

try. My Wife and I had a photo studio for 15 years and I was a

musician. I really miss having a creative outlet. That gave me

something to look forward to and kept my depression in check. I miss

working on cars. I was always a do it yourself'er when it came to car

repair. Heck I had my truck painted 2 years ago and can't find the

energy to wax it, how lame is that. I used to wax my Mustang so much

my Dad told me I was going to wax the paint right off it!

I tried my hand at blogging, mostly on political rants, but that

actually got me so upset, it had the opposite effect. The political

landscape today, both parties puts me somewhere between rage and

panic attacks. I realized I need to walk away from that for awhile.

I'm going to try volunteering at the animal rescue shelter, with the

understanding that I won't be a very reliable volunteer. When I'm

there I'll give 110%, but I never know if I'll sleep, when I'll get

up, or if I can travel. But I got a real softspot for anything or

person that is abused and can't stick up for itself.

Well that's my rambling rant for this AM. Yes Tom and others, I am

still here. Dave in Cold, Dark & Rainy PA.

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The weather bothers me a lot.. I also can tell you most of your co-workers

don't care about your pain.. If you continue to work it will help to have a

note from your doctor.. Otherwise your pain will probably cost you your

job at some point.. That was what happened to me but I do not blame them

because I was highly paid and simply could not keep the hours.. I did more work

that any of the others and while I had the manager who hired me as boss I

was safe.

But, when he retired that was it for me.. People only care that you are

there as much as they are..

I am sorry but that is reality


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:30:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

dmj25@... writes:

I'm curious.....I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here are really effected

by the weather? I think most people don't believe me when I mention

it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of working. Which leads

me to anoI'm curious.....<WBR>..how I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here

are really effected by the weather? I think most people don't believe me

when I mention it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of

working. Which leads me t

> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older

kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails

while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers t

o kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


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The weather bothers me a lot.. I also can tell you most of your co-workers

don't care about your pain.. If you continue to work it will help to have a

note from your doctor.. Otherwise your pain will probably cost you your

job at some point.. That was what happened to me but I do not blame them

because I was highly paid and simply could not keep the hours.. I did more work

that any of the others and while I had the manager who hired me as boss I

was safe.

But, when he retired that was it for me.. People only care that you are

there as much as they are..

I am sorry but that is reality


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:30:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

dmj25@... writes:

I'm curious.....I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here are really effected

by the weather? I think most people don't believe me when I mention

it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of working. Which leads

me to anoI'm curious.....<WBR>..how I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here

are really effected by the weather? I think most people don't believe me

when I mention it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of

working. Which leads me t

> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older

kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails

while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers t

o kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


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Not for me..

I hope that there is maybe some for you however

: )


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:36:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Any hope of a non-pain future!


> I do miss work and having that feeling of accomplishment, but what I


> miss is:

> I had such a different plan for my retirement..

> I looked forward to playing doubles (tennis) in the morning with friends

> and then maybe having a beer afterward with the guys..

> I also planned to stay strong enough to be hiking well past the

> limitations of others and getting into the far reaches of national parks

where you

> are with only those who are into nature as much as Iza and myself are..

> In fact I had thought I might be a volunteer up in Yellowstone during my

> summers and to be active in the conservation of the indigenous wildlife


> wolves, bison etc..)

> I looked forward to sharing lots of sunrises and sunsets with Iza, of


> of the things I have look ed forward to this is the one that hurts the

> most..

> I do intend to keep my time in the morning with Iza and am ready to


> whatever pain to needed to not lose that but what has been lost does

> sometimes grate on a person...

> : )

> Tom



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Not for me..

I hope that there is maybe some for you however

: )


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:36:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Any hope of a non-pain future!


> I do miss work and having that feeling of accomplishment, but what I


> miss is:

> I had such a different plan for my retirement..

> I looked forward to playing doubles (tennis) in the morning with friends

> and then maybe having a beer afterward with the guys..

> I also planned to stay strong enough to be hiking well past the

> limitations of others and getting into the far reaches of national parks

where you

> are with only those who are into nature as much as Iza and myself are..

> In fact I had thought I might be a volunteer up in Yellowstone during my

> summers and to be active in the conservation of the indigenous wildlife


> wolves, bison etc..)

> I looked forward to sharing lots of sunrises and sunsets with Iza, of


> of the things I have look ed forward to this is the one that hurts the

> most..

> I do intend to keep my time in the morning with Iza and am ready to


> whatever pain to needed to not lose that but what has been lost does

> sometimes grate on a person...

> : )

> Tom



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Not for me..

I hope that there is maybe some for you however

: )


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:36:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Any hope of a non-pain future!


> I do miss work and having that feeling of accomplishment, but what I


> miss is:

> I had such a different plan for my retirement..

> I looked forward to playing doubles (tennis) in the morning with friends

> and then maybe having a beer afterward with the guys..

> I also planned to stay strong enough to be hiking well past the

> limitations of others and getting into the far reaches of national parks

where you

> are with only those who are into nature as much as Iza and myself are..

> In fact I had thought I might be a volunteer up in Yellowstone during my

> summers and to be active in the conservation of the indigenous wildlife


> wolves, bison etc..)

> I looked forward to sharing lots of sunrises and sunsets with Iza, of


> of the things I have look ed forward to this is the one that hurts the

> most..

> I do intend to keep my time in the morning with Iza and am ready to


> whatever pain to needed to not lose that but what has been lost does

> sometimes grate on a person...

> : )

> Tom



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Not for me..

I hope that there is maybe some for you however

: )


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:36:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Any hope of a non-pain future!


> I do miss work and having that feeling of accomplishment, but what I


> miss is:

> I had such a different plan for my retirement..

> I looked forward to playing doubles (tennis) in the morning with friends

> and then maybe having a beer afterward with the guys..

> I also planned to stay strong enough to be hiking well past the

> limitations of others and getting into the far reaches of national parks

where you

> are with only those who are into nature as much as Iza and myself are..

> In fact I had thought I might be a volunteer up in Yellowstone during my

> summers and to be active in the conservation of the indigenous wildlife


> wolves, bison etc..)

> I looked forward to sharing lots of sunrises and sunsets with Iza, of


> of the things I have look ed forward to this is the one that hurts the

> most..

> I do intend to keep my time in the morning with Iza and am ready to


> whatever pain to needed to not lose that but what has been lost does

> sometimes grate on a person...

> : )

> Tom



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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In a message dated 10/30/2009 6:19:32 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

borlan9191962@... writes:


I don't know the type and severity of your health issues, but here is what

I do know. Most spinal issues only get worse with time especially if you

are still working. I don't mean to scare you but that is just the nature of

the beast. I wish someone had told me this next info. before I got where I

had to quit my job. If you can take out short term and long term disability

through work or if you can afford it a private company. Make sure you have

disability protection on any loans and credit cards you have. And once you

get to the point you feel you can no longer work get a sympathetic doctor

that will help with forms and letters for your disability. Getting SS

disability is a long process. Insulate yourself financially as much as you can

before you have to quit work. I hope you get better and can continue working

and living a normal life.

As for the weather yes changes and extremes of any kind cause additional

pain, stiffness and immobility. My pain is the worst a day or two before it

rains. Guess it has something to do with pressure.

Jane H.

P.S.: Don't feel guilty. You did not ask for the pain. Do what you can and

if others don't understand then they are not people you really need in

your life.


> you can vacuum? evidently i'm on the wrong meds!



> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older

kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails

while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers

to kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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In a message dated 10/30/2009 6:19:32 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

borlan9191962@... writes:


I don't know the type and severity of your health issues, but here is what

I do know. Most spinal issues only get worse with time especially if you

are still working. I don't mean to scare you but that is just the nature of

the beast. I wish someone had told me this next info. before I got where I

had to quit my job. If you can take out short term and long term disability

through work or if you can afford it a private company. Make sure you have

disability protection on any loans and credit cards you have. And once you

get to the point you feel you can no longer work get a sympathetic doctor

that will help with forms and letters for your disability. Getting SS

disability is a long process. Insulate yourself financially as much as you can

before you have to quit work. I hope you get better and can continue working

and living a normal life.

As for the weather yes changes and extremes of any kind cause additional

pain, stiffness and immobility. My pain is the worst a day or two before it

rains. Guess it has something to do with pressure.

Jane H.

P.S.: Don't feel guilty. You did not ask for the pain. Do what you can and

if others don't understand then they are not people you really need in

your life.


> you can vacuum? evidently i'm on the wrong meds!



> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older

kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails

while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers

to kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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In a message dated 10/30/2009 6:19:32 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

borlan9191962@... writes:


I don't know the type and severity of your health issues, but here is what

I do know. Most spinal issues only get worse with time especially if you

are still working. I don't mean to scare you but that is just the nature of

the beast. I wish someone had told me this next info. before I got where I

had to quit my job. If you can take out short term and long term disability

through work or if you can afford it a private company. Make sure you have

disability protection on any loans and credit cards you have. And once you

get to the point you feel you can no longer work get a sympathetic doctor

that will help with forms and letters for your disability. Getting SS

disability is a long process. Insulate yourself financially as much as you can

before you have to quit work. I hope you get better and can continue working

and living a normal life.

As for the weather yes changes and extremes of any kind cause additional

pain, stiffness and immobility. My pain is the worst a day or two before it

rains. Guess it has something to do with pressure.

Jane H.

P.S.: Don't feel guilty. You did not ask for the pain. Do what you can and

if others don't understand then they are not people you really need in

your life.


> you can vacuum? evidently i'm on the wrong meds!



> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older

kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails

while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers

to kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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In a message dated 10/30/2009 6:19:32 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

borlan9191962@... writes:


I don't know the type and severity of your health issues, but here is what

I do know. Most spinal issues only get worse with time especially if you

are still working. I don't mean to scare you but that is just the nature of

the beast. I wish someone had told me this next info. before I got where I

had to quit my job. If you can take out short term and long term disability

through work or if you can afford it a private company. Make sure you have

disability protection on any loans and credit cards you have. And once you

get to the point you feel you can no longer work get a sympathetic doctor

that will help with forms and letters for your disability. Getting SS

disability is a long process. Insulate yourself financially as much as you can

before you have to quit work. I hope you get better and can continue working

and living a normal life.

As for the weather yes changes and extremes of any kind cause additional

pain, stiffness and immobility. My pain is the worst a day or two before it

rains. Guess it has something to do with pressure.

Jane H.

P.S.: Don't feel guilty. You did not ask for the pain. Do what you can and

if others don't understand then they are not people you really need in

your life.


> you can vacuum? evidently i'm on the wrong meds!



> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older

kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails

while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers

to kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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When I was nursing, I did have a Doctor's note stating what my limitations

are. Unfortunately managers force you to do things that you know will

cause injury, & this is what made me decide to have my orthopedic Doctor write

what my limitations are. If I don't follow my limitations, I will only

hurt myself, as I won't be covered by workman's comp. Being a nurse in a

nursing home, means I really don't need to physically lift patients, as this is

what the nurse's aides do. I left hospital nursing at my Doctor's

request, because my job there required heavy lifting. I was hired at a nursing

job with restrictions, & mid stream they decided they didn't like me working

with restrictions. Once I mentioned my lawyer, & the american disability

act, they changed their tune real quick. Having restrictions, means I

usually don't have to work in any significant pain, because I know what my

limitations are. Personally I keep how I feel to myself. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 10:28:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tomhfsu@... writes:

The weather bothers me a lot.. I also can tell you most of your co-workers

don't care about your pain.. If you continue to work it will help to have


note from your doctor.. Otherwise your pain will probably cost you your

job at some point.. That was what happened to me but I do not blame them

because I was highly paid and simply could not keep the hours.. I did more


that any of the others and while I had the manager who hired me as boss I

was safe.

But, when he retired that was it for me.. People only care that you are

there as much as they are..

I am sorry but that is reality


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:30:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

_dmj25@..._ (mailto:dmj25@...) writes:

I'm curious.....I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here are really


by the weather? I think most people don't believe me when I mention

it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of working. Which


me to anoI'm curious.....<WBR>..how I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in


are really effected by the weather? I think most people don't believe me

when I mention it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of

working. Which leads me t

> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the


kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking


while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers t

o kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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When I was nursing, I did have a Doctor's note stating what my limitations

are. Unfortunately managers force you to do things that you know will

cause injury, & this is what made me decide to have my orthopedic Doctor write

what my limitations are. If I don't follow my limitations, I will only

hurt myself, as I won't be covered by workman's comp. Being a nurse in a

nursing home, means I really don't need to physically lift patients, as this is

what the nurse's aides do. I left hospital nursing at my Doctor's

request, because my job there required heavy lifting. I was hired at a nursing

job with restrictions, & mid stream they decided they didn't like me working

with restrictions. Once I mentioned my lawyer, & the american disability

act, they changed their tune real quick. Having restrictions, means I

usually don't have to work in any significant pain, because I know what my

limitations are. Personally I keep how I feel to myself. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 10:28:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tomhfsu@... writes:

The weather bothers me a lot.. I also can tell you most of your co-workers

don't care about your pain.. If you continue to work it will help to have


note from your doctor.. Otherwise your pain will probably cost you your

job at some point.. That was what happened to me but I do not blame them

because I was highly paid and simply could not keep the hours.. I did more


that any of the others and while I had the manager who hired me as boss I

was safe.

But, when he retired that was it for me.. People only care that you are

there as much as they are..

I am sorry but that is reality


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:30:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

_dmj25@..._ (mailto:dmj25@...) writes:

I'm curious.....I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here are really


by the weather? I think most people don't believe me when I mention

it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of working. Which


me to anoI'm curious.....<WBR>..how I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in


are really effected by the weather? I think most people don't believe me

when I mention it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of

working. Which leads me t

> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the


kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking


while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers t

o kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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When I was nursing, I did have a Doctor's note stating what my limitations

are. Unfortunately managers force you to do things that you know will

cause injury, & this is what made me decide to have my orthopedic Doctor write

what my limitations are. If I don't follow my limitations, I will only

hurt myself, as I won't be covered by workman's comp. Being a nurse in a

nursing home, means I really don't need to physically lift patients, as this is

what the nurse's aides do. I left hospital nursing at my Doctor's

request, because my job there required heavy lifting. I was hired at a nursing

job with restrictions, & mid stream they decided they didn't like me working

with restrictions. Once I mentioned my lawyer, & the american disability

act, they changed their tune real quick. Having restrictions, means I

usually don't have to work in any significant pain, because I know what my

limitations are. Personally I keep how I feel to myself. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 10:28:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tomhfsu@... writes:

The weather bothers me a lot.. I also can tell you most of your co-workers

don't care about your pain.. If you continue to work it will help to have


note from your doctor.. Otherwise your pain will probably cost you your

job at some point.. That was what happened to me but I do not blame them

because I was highly paid and simply could not keep the hours.. I did more


that any of the others and while I had the manager who hired me as boss I

was safe.

But, when he retired that was it for me.. People only care that you are

there as much as they are..

I am sorry but that is reality


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:30:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

_dmj25@..._ (mailto:dmj25@...) writes:

I'm curious.....I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here are really


by the weather? I think most people don't believe me when I mention

it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of working. Which


me to anoI'm curious.....<WBR>..how I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in


are really effected by the weather? I think most people don't believe me

when I mention it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of

working. Which leads me t

> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the


kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking


while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers t

o kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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When I was nursing, I did have a Doctor's note stating what my limitations

are. Unfortunately managers force you to do things that you know will

cause injury, & this is what made me decide to have my orthopedic Doctor write

what my limitations are. If I don't follow my limitations, I will only

hurt myself, as I won't be covered by workman's comp. Being a nurse in a

nursing home, means I really don't need to physically lift patients, as this is

what the nurse's aides do. I left hospital nursing at my Doctor's

request, because my job there required heavy lifting. I was hired at a nursing

job with restrictions, & mid stream they decided they didn't like me working

with restrictions. Once I mentioned my lawyer, & the american disability

act, they changed their tune real quick. Having restrictions, means I

usually don't have to work in any significant pain, because I know what my

limitations are. Personally I keep how I feel to myself. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 10:28:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

tomhfsu@... writes:

The weather bothers me a lot.. I also can tell you most of your co-workers

don't care about your pain.. If you continue to work it will help to have


note from your doctor.. Otherwise your pain will probably cost you your

job at some point.. That was what happened to me but I do not blame them

because I was highly paid and simply could not keep the hours.. I did more


that any of the others and while I had the manager who hired me as boss I

was safe.

But, when he retired that was it for me.. People only care that you are

there as much as they are..

I am sorry but that is reality


In a message dated 10/30/2009 5:30:24 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

_dmj25@..._ (mailto:dmj25@...) writes:

I'm curious.....I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in here are really


by the weather? I think most people don't believe me when I mention

it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of working. Which


me to anoI'm curious.....<WBR>..how I'm curious.....<WBR>..how many in


are really effected by the weather? I think most people don't believe me

when I mention it....i think they just think it's an excuse to get out of

working. Which leads me t

> >

> > Tom,

> >

> > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I

miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the


kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking


while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers t

o kick in so I can go vacumn.

> >

> >

> >


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For some of us who are self supporting, not working without any source of

income is very difficult. It is even more difficult, when you go abruptly

from a high paying job, to a low paying job. I agree the best advice you

gave, is to insulate your self financially, & save money to plan for those

unexpected emergencies, & retirement. I am suffering needlessly, because I

spent money as if there was no tomorrow. I lived pay check to pay check, &

always had little savings in the bank. Now I found out who my real

friends are. I had friends who were there, when I could go out to expensive

places, & I could shower them with gifts, & provide free services to them. My

best friend is in the same boat as I am in, as she has neck, & spinal DDD,

with both neck, & spinal surgeries, & she is on disability. We are very

creative in finding inexpensive ways to entertain our selfs. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 2:59:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Thanks for your response....Thanks foThanks foTh



> > >


> > > Tom,


> > >


> > > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss.

I miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the

older kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able

to clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking

emails while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain


to kick in so I can go vacumn.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >
































> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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For some of us who are self supporting, not working without any source of

income is very difficult. It is even more difficult, when you go abruptly

from a high paying job, to a low paying job. I agree the best advice you

gave, is to insulate your self financially, & save money to plan for those

unexpected emergencies, & retirement. I am suffering needlessly, because I

spent money as if there was no tomorrow. I lived pay check to pay check, &

always had little savings in the bank. Now I found out who my real

friends are. I had friends who were there, when I could go out to expensive

places, & I could shower them with gifts, & provide free services to them. My

best friend is in the same boat as I am in, as she has neck, & spinal DDD,

with both neck, & spinal surgeries, & she is on disability. We are very

creative in finding inexpensive ways to entertain our selfs. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 2:59:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Thanks for your response....Thanks foThanks foTh



> > >


> > > Tom,


> > >


> > > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss.

I miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the

older kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able

to clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking

emails while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain


to kick in so I can go vacumn.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >
































> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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For some of us who are self supporting, not working without any source of

income is very difficult. It is even more difficult, when you go abruptly

from a high paying job, to a low paying job. I agree the best advice you

gave, is to insulate your self financially, & save money to plan for those

unexpected emergencies, & retirement. I am suffering needlessly, because I

spent money as if there was no tomorrow. I lived pay check to pay check, &

always had little savings in the bank. Now I found out who my real

friends are. I had friends who were there, when I could go out to expensive

places, & I could shower them with gifts, & provide free services to them. My

best friend is in the same boat as I am in, as she has neck, & spinal DDD,

with both neck, & spinal surgeries, & she is on disability. We are very

creative in finding inexpensive ways to entertain our selfs. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 2:59:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Thanks for your response....Thanks foThanks foTh



> > >


> > > Tom,


> > >


> > > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss.

I miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the

older kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able

to clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking

emails while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain


to kick in so I can go vacumn.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >
































> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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For some of us who are self supporting, not working without any source of

income is very difficult. It is even more difficult, when you go abruptly

from a high paying job, to a low paying job. I agree the best advice you

gave, is to insulate your self financially, & save money to plan for those

unexpected emergencies, & retirement. I am suffering needlessly, because I

spent money as if there was no tomorrow. I lived pay check to pay check, &

always had little savings in the bank. Now I found out who my real

friends are. I had friends who were there, when I could go out to expensive

places, & I could shower them with gifts, & provide free services to them. My

best friend is in the same boat as I am in, as she has neck, & spinal DDD,

with both neck, & spinal surgeries, & she is on disability. We are very

creative in finding inexpensive ways to entertain our selfs. June

In a message dated 10/31/2009 2:59:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

dmj25@... writes:

Thanks for your response....Thanks foThanks foTh



> > >


> > > Tom,


> > >


> > > Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss.

I miss being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main

street on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the

older kids do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able

to clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking

emails while cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain


to kick in so I can go vacumn.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >
































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The weather definitely makes it worse, the day before any cold front comes in

the pain gets a lot worse. I just love being a human barometer. Vacuming is

extremely painful to do, I have to summon up the courage to do it.

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hi ,

My pain gets worse with the weather also.  I love to vacuum as well as other

household chores

that are now very difficult to do now with this chronic pain.  We did pick up

this light weight

vacuum cleaner that I can lift, very carefully, and use it all by myself.  I

hate being so dependant

on someone else.  I am sure glad I can do a little vacuuming at least now.  It

is still hard to push it

around on a flat carpet floor but I try to manuver myself just right to push it

and not strain myself..lol..

and I have to take a few lay down breaks even vacuuming just this fifth wheel. 

I  hate feeling so useless,

so I endure some pain and take many breaks.

I love to cook too but can't stand very long at all anymore to cook so I have

learned to make spaghetti

pretty fast!  I chop those onions quick too. 

I still spend most of my time having to lay on one side or another as it hurts

just to lay down on my back with

my knees up.  It's almost like my lumbar back must be swollen or crooked enough

to push into the mattress and

make it hurt that way.  I don't know.

I am glad we got that smaller upright vacuum.  We were using a regular house

vacuum but it got to wear I couldn't push it or lift it and it isn't that

heavy.  I can't do much lifting anymore, it just crushes my spine, apparently.

Not only have I become a human baromenter also but I am sweating like crazy.  I

am going to have to shower

everyday as it gets very uncomfortable.   I am contributing this sweating to me

starting menopause.  

hugs, Coleen



From: <caesareacattery@...>

neck pain

Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 6:03:44 AM

Subject: Re: what do you miss most..

The weather definitely makes it worse, the day before any cold front comes in

the pain gets a lot worse. I just love being a human barometer. Vacuming is

extremely painful to do, I have to summon up the courage to do it.


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So... You have heard Alice's Restaurant.. How cool...

In a message dated 10/30/2009 6:39:02 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

autark@... writes:


I am honered to accept your thanks and i agree about not being for all the

wars. To be honest, at the time, the Army was the only job thaqt would

get me outta Texarkana TX (we call it " Little Chicago " due the fact it's a

hub for the drug trade) and to places id never imagine id have went lol like

Panama. It was a cool place when or before Noriega got control. I had a

super cool cultural experience. I took a months leave and went into the

jungle to live with the native tribe of " Cunya " indians and the were very nice

to me and gave us (me and my wife ) mauch respect and gifts as long we

respected custom all was so cool. They had a shaman, hell , probly licked

toads hehe. Yep that was a grand time. Any way i get to rambling.I

couldnt control the politics but i could learn from it all. I may go back and

visit my friend there, Marcos and his Family We employed his wife as a maid

and Marcos was a big man so naturally:body guard and he was

good at it. I enjoyed serving.

but i enjoy learning. Your recognition of what I did make me feel good.

Us techies didnt have to do much killing or any at all in my case . Didnt

keep me from getting shot. But what the heck. I learned from that too. Im

going out to get me some good eatsnow man.

peace love and beat, dead , burnt babies(ty Arlow Guthrie)

G. Harold Ewing II USA ret.


From: " _tomhfsu@..._ (mailto:tomhfsu@...) " <_tomhfsu@..._

(mailto:tomhfsu@...) >


(mailto:neck pain )

Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 6:31:42 AM

Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck-Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck-<WBR>Back] Re:


It is a sad state of affairs that some of these so called peace advocates

take out this venom on the people who have served our country..

I may have been against some of our wars but that has no bearing on how I

feel about the men and women who fought them

Once again let me say that I for one thank you for your service..


In a message dated 10/29/2009 11:27:44 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

autarksbcglobal (DOT) net writes:


thanks as always, you reply in a way I understand. Heck i have been

called a lot of things my self. Some folks dont like the Army. called me a

killer, an unforgivable sinner. I dont care any more as i got to get by


thosse voices are just dust in the wind. My dr says surgury is a 50% risk


total paralasis. WE decided that wasnt a good thing. Now the meds are a

hassle. no high. just something i have to deal with and i cant live by

someone elses self made mores. I turn to the Lord for answers and i get


They do come in odd packages tho. Some what camoflaged. So to speak.

hope a good day comes your way,

pain free and feeling happy!


____________ _________ _________ __

From: " _birdcrazy624@ birdcra_ (mailto:birdcrazy62From: " _birdcr

<_birdcrazy624@ birdcra_ (mailto:birdcrazy62_birdcrazy624@ b>

_PainInTheNeck- PainInTheNeck- <WPain_


Sent: Thu, October 29, 2009 6:13:09 PM

Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- <WBR>Back] Re:

Harold, & Tom, I used to feel guilty using narcotic pain relievers, &

Klonopin . If you were a nurse who used them for pain, or a medical


you were still seen as a drug addict, & an impaired person. I prefer to


myself as focused, & functioning with little pain. Yes, I choose not to

live with excruciating pain, & pain medication helps me to work when I


to, & enjoy the finer things in life. The medication makes me functional

not high. Actually I was called a substance abuser when I was only taking

Klonopin 1 mg at bedtime. I still only take the maximum of 2 regular


Vicodin's a day, & Motrin 800 mg at bedtime. I am fortunate enough, not

to need surgery, & will avoid it, until I risk permanent nerve damage,


ess, & intractable pain. Some spinal surgery further deteriorates the

other discs, because they need to compensate for the fused discs, which

results in significant degeneration, which necessitates further surgery. I


for the least invasive surgery, such as disc shaving for herniated discs.


also would get a 2nd, or 3rd opinion, before I used surgery as my 1st

treatment option. Just my personal opnions. June, RN

In a message dated 10/29/2009 12:37:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

autarksbcglobal (DOT) net writes:

Tom, I assuradly agree, with out them id be nothing, ive hade people


motrin lololol i take 450 mg oxycdone a day and 3 2 mg clonazepam and 2 10

mg valium out of 14 meds that arent addictive but i can go on living and

have some ok moments , yes sir, thats why they make them and those who


understand either like suffering or havent yet felt what we feel.

stay weel and painless friend,


____________ _________ _________ __

From: " _tomhfsuaol (DOT) tom_ (mailto:tomhfsu@ From: " _tomhfsu@<_ tomhfsuaol (DOT)


(mailto:tomhfsu@ (mailto:to>

_PainInTheNeck- PainInTheNeck- <WPain_

(mailto:PainInTheNe (mailto:PainInTh eNe<WBR>ck-

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:48:30 AM

Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- Subject: Re: [PainInTheNeck- <WBR>B

The seemingly mundane moments in life looking back do seem to be


Find the thing that is most precious and decide that you will not give

that up..

That is what pain killers are for..

: )


In a message dated 10/29/2009 7:19:37 A.M. Mountain Standard Time,

caesareacattery writes:


Only when you can't so things anymore do you realize what you miss. I miss

being able to work, go out with my kids without being in pain and

suffering for days afterward, took my 5 year old trick or treating on main


on Tuesday and was not fun but she did not know that although the older


do. I miss being able to garden, drive anywhere. I miss being able to

clean my house with out pain. Going anywhere is painful but I do try so

hard to

make the most of what I have become. At the moment am checking emails


cooking my back with a heating pad and waiting for the pain killers to

kick in so I can go vacumn.

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