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Hi Hanah,

Welcome to our list.

We have two sons, Louis (16) and Doug (14). Louis also has OCD.

He was diagnosed at age 12. We homeschool both of our sons.

Please keep us informed about Ezra's progress.

Take care.



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Dear Hanah,

Welcome to the list! I have a five-year-old daughter with OCD. No other kids!

When you said you'd always known something was " off, " with Ezra, that really hit


andra was never a normal baby or toddler, although she was (and is)

exceptional in many ways. Her behavior in public was often so inappropriate

that we had begun to think the world at large

would never see the lovely child we knew at home. We had also almost begun to

believe the implications that we were just plain terrible parents by the time

she was diagnosed.

Even my husband, in the month before the dx, had decided that most of her

problems were due to my impatience. I said, " I don't care if it is me, we are

going to get professional help. " That

was the beginning, last fall.

Between Prozac and CBT, we are able to focus on everyday life some of the time.

Today we are celebrating her first tooth finally falling out!

Take care,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, I'm new to the list. I must say I'm a little overwhelmed by what I've read

so far. Anyway, I have a doctor appointment in a couple of days and I'd like

some advice before I go. I suffer from

what I think is fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Three months after my son was

born I developed this burning pain in my lower right leg and both feet. It hung

on for a couple of months and then

disappeared. A couple of months ago when I had the flu and every other virus

going around my left knee started the same thing again. It feels like a burning

pain that hurts when there is contact or

pressure on the area. The pain can't be relieved by meds either. I also have

palpitations, irritable bowel, anxiety and I'm unable to fall back to sleep at


I've also been EXTREMELY fatigued and went to my repro endocrinologist for

tests. He said everything was fine but couldn't explain the fatigue. I also have

polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and

belong to the pcolist. PCOS is a metabolic disease (which might be caused by our

bodies producing too much insulin) and its symptoms are mainly anovulation,

weight gain and hirsutism. It can be

treated with Metformin, a diabetes medication that keeps our insulin in check. I

remember at one time reading many posts about a link between FMS and PCOS but

didn't pay enough attention. I've

always had severe migraines and headaches and only recently have I developed

this muscular/tendon pain.

What should I do to prepare for this doctor visit? What should I ask, etc?

I appreciate any advice.



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At 09:49 24.03.99 -0500, you wrote:

> Maybe a change of diet for O blood types could help.

>Ginger from Cincinnati

Hello Ginger,

Welcome to the group.

I believe it will help.

At least, It helped to all the other people suffering of allergies, who tried.

There are also few other things that may help for sever allergies:

-bowel cleanse


-gallstones cleanse

-house cleanse

-taking colloidal minerals

-taking flaxseed oil

Here are few things:


Dusan Stojkovic (O+)


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Tammy ,Welcome to the list,you will love the people here.I have learned

so much from them ,and respect their advice. I have found that they share

from their hearts ,the pain they have gone through with their children and

the small and large steps of victory . I'm sorry that your son has gone

through such a hurtful time.I have gone through the same thing last year

with my granddaughter (e) when her mom and stepfather got a divorce, it

took her a long time for her to get over it.e's mom has the same fear of

thunderstorms and tornadoes,she's 24 now and I wish I could say that she is

fine ,but she still has problems with it. Love Beth in In.

new to the list

> From: Tlpkc@...


> Hi All,


> I am a new mom to the list with a 10 year old son that has a fairly new

> diagnosis of OCD of about a year. His OCD has been exacerbated by the


> that his father and I have gotten a divorce and his father recently

> remarried. He feels threatened that his father now has a new wife and two

> new children in his life. He also has a tremendous amount of hostility

> toward his father which he is reflecting towards me. He is worried that I

> will leave him while he is at school like his father did. He also has

> constant worries about the weather especially thunderstorms and tornados.


> am happy to have found a group of people that have gone through, and are

> going through the same anxieties that I am facing now. I have felt very

> isolated, as few of my family and friends know anything about OCD and I


> found few resources locally, I live in NC, to assist me in parenting my


> He is currently going to therapy weekly and we are learning various

> techniques to assist him with anger control. He is on serzone and buspar.


> look forward to sharing with you all and learning from your experiences.

> Thanks for allowing me to give a long winded intro!


> Tammy


> ---------------------------

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HI Tammy,


I also have a 10 yo daughter, Ziv, with ocd and depression. Her anxieties

are like your sons with thunderstorms and tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. She

also hoards which is a real pain around here because her father, brother and

sister also have ocd and they all hoard too! When Ziv's anxiety is

excessive, like recently, the doc and I discussed raising her

antidepressant. She is now on 150mg zoloft. Within 3 days she was already

coping better.

It is good to read that your son is going to a therapist. Anger

management is very important. Being consistent and available to him is all

that you can do to reassure him that you wont leave him. Tell him that you

may hate his actions, but you still love him. Does he still have contact

with his father?

Your worst case scenario is our son. Tom,16, could not control his anger.

If he couldnt control his environment he would become mean, aggressive and

even violent ( he was beating his father and I, and used to beat his

sisters). We gave up custody so that he would be out of the house. The home

he lives in now is working out fantastically for him. He still complains and

has difficulties, but because his anger is more under his control, he is

calmer, his rituals take less time, he is less aggressive, and he is being

rewarded with extra attention at the home. Lately all the other residence

are grounded and he is going to see movies and other places with staff on a

one on one basis. We hope to have him home in the winter.

Welcome to our happy family!!!

Our number 1 rule here is: Don't Forget to Take Care of Yourself!!

best wishes, wendy in canada

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Dr. March at Duke is probablyone of the foremost authorities on OCD in

children. He has written several books, one that has just been published


Dr. Reid , an OCD expert, is also in NC.

Welcome to the list.

jim in san diego

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Welcome the group! My heart goes out to you and your son....

I know how hard OCD is to deal with without the added problems

of feeling abandoned and other issues that divorce brings into the

picture. This is a great place to vent ( wonderful compassionate people

here) and get info.

I have a son (13) that has severe OCD, GAD, ADD and Aspergers.

He takes Luvox, buspar and Klonopin.

Take care Tammy and welcome to a wonderful list!

mary from La.

Tlpkc@... wrote:

> From: Tlpkc@...


> Hi All,


> I am a new mom to the list with a 10 year old son that has a fairly new

> diagnosis of OCD of about a year. His OCD has been exacerbated by the fact

> that his father and I have gotten a divorce and his father recently

> remarried. He feels threatened that his father now has a new wife and two

> new children in his life. He also has a tremendous amount of hostility

> toward his father which he is reflecting towards me. He is worried that I

> will leave him while he is at school like his father did. He also has

> constant worries about the weather especially thunderstorms and tornados. I

> am happy to have found a group of people that have gone through, and are

> going through the same anxieties that I am facing now. I have felt very

> isolated, as few of my family and friends know anything about OCD and I have

> found few resources locally, I live in NC, to assist me in parenting my son.

> He is currently going to therapy weekly and we are learning various

> techniques to assist him with anger control. He is on serzone and buspar. I

> look forward to sharing with you all and learning from your experiences.

> Thanks for allowing me to give a long winded intro!


> Tammy


> ---------------------------

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Tammy, Welcome and thanks for the information about

your son. He certainly is going though a lot of stress

right now. I am glad to hear that you have good

support to help you find resources. Anger plays a big

part in my families life too. Have you read the

Explosive Child? It is a book that helped me alot. I

have a 15 y/o son. He is starting high school

tomorrow! Exciting times for us. He doesn't take

medication but if he did I think it would really help.

He is miserable at home, but puts on a pretty good

face out side the home! Vivian in wa. st.


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Hi Tammy,

Welcome, we have a lot in common. I have a 10 year

old son that was diagnosed a year ago. His biggest

problem is storms! I have found with the therapy, his

anger has increased. He has leveled out somewhat as

he is making progress. I, too, do not have much

understanding from other family members outside our

home. I also have a husband with ocd.

This is a great source of information and support.

Let me know if I can be of any help.

Take care,

in PA

--- Tlpkc@... wrote:

> From: Tlpkc@...


> Hi All,


> I am a new mom to the list with a 10 year old son

> that has a fairly new

> diagnosis of OCD of about a year. His OCD has been

> exacerbated by the fact

> that his father and I have gotten a divorce and his

> father recently

> remarried. He feels threatened that his father now

> has a new wife and two

> new children in his life. He also has a tremendous

> amount of hostility

> toward his father which he is reflecting towards me.

> He is worried that I

> will leave him while he is at school like his father

> did. He also has

> constant worries about the weather especially

> thunderstorms and tornados. I

> am happy to have found a group of people that have

> gone through, and are

> going through the same anxieties that I am facing

> now. I have felt very

> isolated, as few of my family and friends know

> anything about OCD and I have

> found few resources locally, I live in NC, to assist

> me in parenting my son.

> He is currently going to therapy weekly and we are

> learning various

> techniques to assist him with anger control. He is

> on serzone and buspar. I

> look forward to sharing with you all and learning

> from your experiences.

> Thanks for allowing me to give a long winded intro!


> Tammy


> ---------------------------

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Hi Tammy!

Welcome! Hey, I was wonder, how's the Serzone working??

Hang in there! You can vent to us anytime! Much better to share what

you're going through than to share that part with your son. I wish you lots

of luck.

Hugs to you.


new to the list

> From: Tlpkc@...


> Hi All,


> I am a new mom to the list with a 10 year old son that has a fairly new

> diagnosis of OCD of about a year. His OCD has been exacerbated by the


> that his father and I have gotten a divorce and his father recently

> remarried. He feels threatened that his father now has a new wife and two

> new children in his life. He also has a tremendous amount of hostility

> toward his father which he is reflecting towards me. He is worried that I

> will leave him while he is at school like his father did. He also has

> constant worries about the weather especially thunderstorms and tornados.


> am happy to have found a group of people that have gone through, and are

> going through the same anxieties that I am facing now. I have felt very

> isolated, as few of my family and friends know anything about OCD and I


> found few resources locally, I live in NC, to assist me in parenting my


> He is currently going to therapy weekly and we are learning various

> techniques to assist him with anger control. He is on serzone and buspar.


> look forward to sharing with you all and learning from your experiences.

> Thanks for allowing me to give a long winded intro!


> Tammy


> ---------------------------

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  • 3 months later...

Hello All,

I'm new and just wanted to introduce myself. Since 1991 I

live in Beijing, China, where I studied Chinese Medicine

for 5 years. I also studied Taijiquan (Chen style), but I

am a bit lazy with that now.

Looking forward to meeting you all!





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  • 2 months later...

Hi Cheryl,

Just wanted to mention that Dr. Goldberg's web site is:



New to the list

> From: " 1raptor " <1raptor@...>


> Hi,


> I joined your list a couple of days ago. I have to say, this is a very

> active list and very interesting. I am always interested in things that


> be helpful to me.


> Unfortunately, both of my sons and myself, are dealing with this illness.

> My 17yo started to slide into this at about the age of 12-13. He started

> getting sick all of the time with various, colds and flu's. The morning

> fatigue, headaches, etc. My 10yo, was probably hit with neuro-immune

> dysfunction as an infant/toddler. I believe that I have had this since a

> pre-teen, in a milder form. Then in 94, came down with either

> viral/bacterial pnemonia, which pushed me into fullblown.


> Both of my sons are on a treatment protocol with Dr. Goldberg. They are

> coming along very nicely. I am the reason I am here. Since we are self

> employed, we only have insurance coverage for my sons. Add all the

> prescription meds they take, well you get the picture..... So I am working

> with a local doctor, struggling the best I can. I take a few things, but

> nothing that is any major help.


> I look forward to learning alot from all of you.

> Cheryl





> ---------------------------

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Al, Sorry, I should have posted that in my message. Are you also familiar

with the website? www.nids.net

If the immune profiling studies go as planned, maybe the immune modulators

will be an option for alot of us, someday. I hope!!!


> From: " Al Melillo " <melillo3@...>


> Hi Cheryl,

> Just wanted to mention that Dr. Goldberg's web site is:

> www.neuroimmunedr.com

> Al

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Hi Cheryl,

Immune modulators are available now that are OTC versions or

supplements. Moducare Sterinol claims to be an immune modulator and so is

cytolog(www.cytolog.com). Even they are only helpful to some but not a cure.


Re: New to the list

> From: " 1raptor " <1raptor@...>


> Al, Sorry, I should have posted that in my message. Are you also familiar

> with the website? www.nids.net


> If the immune profiling studies go as planned, maybe the immune modulators

> will be an option for alot of us, someday. I hope!!!

> Cheryl



> > From: " Al Melillo " <melillo3@...>

> >

> > Hi Cheryl,

> > Just wanted to mention that Dr. Goldberg's web site is:

> > www.neuroimmunedr.com

> > Al






> ---------------------------

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Welcome to the list, Cheryl,

This place is a fount of information and terrific people. Sounds like

you have a lot to offer, too. We did have another Mom active here for

awhile with an adult daughter who knew her onions too.


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Thanks Sheri,

The things we are doing for my sons are working pretty well. I wish I could

say the same thing about some of the treatments I have tried. With no

insurance, I have been trying different approaches. My local doc had me try

typhoid shots. I found some info on it and it sounded like it had some

possibilities. It is called fever therapy, I believe. When I had the

fourth shot, I did get sick, just like when you have the flu really bad.

Other than that, I seemed to be feeling worse over time. You are supposed

to start feeling better. Then I was reading information from one of the

recent CFS Conferences. It happened to have info about fever therapy, what

I read, did not make me feel too wonderful. They had found, for some

reason, that the ones that did not do well, were the ones with nickel

allergies.(even though there is no nickel in shots) Guess what, I am

allergic, have known for a long time. I am also allergic to

Thimerosol(mercury). I'm probably one that should get these things out of

my teeth, just too expensive.

Well it took me at least four months, to start recovering from that

experiment. Hoping to learn alot from all of you.


Re: New to the list

> From: Jerry <sheri.clark@...>


> Welcome to the list, Cheryl,


> This place is a fount of information and terrific people. Sounds like

> you have a lot to offer, too. We did have another Mom active here for

> awhile with an adult daughter who knew her onions too.

> Sheri


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Welcome to the safest list . No Zapping or fireburning here. I love this new

syndrome (Tape Rewind Syndrome - hereafter called TRS).

Sara Cohen, Mom to Elie, age 14 Ds/PDD?ASD?maybe apraxic, aphasic and still a

teenage boy!! (also 4 other so-called typical young adults - generation XY or Z

>>> <DianeBKJ@...> - 02/09/0 1:45 PM >>>

From: DianeBKJ@...

Hi everyone,

I have been reading your posts for awhile, but, haven't

had time to introduce myself. My name is Diane and I am the mother

of a 9 year old with DS. I also have two other girls 5 and 10.

Although Kristy does not have a formal diagnosis of ASD she has

many of the characteristics. She stares at dangling objects such as Barbie's

hair and the strings from her sneakers. She hates to have her hair

brushed, teeth brushed,nails and hair cut. I don't even attempt to brush

her teeth although they work on it at school.She has tape rewind syndrome

I live in New Jersey and she goes to a school for developmently delayed

kids. I couldn't imagine her in a regular school. Actually I had a hard time

finding a school that would accept her. She does not talk or sign.

Her only words are " I do " .

She attended a preschool till 7 that was all DS. Many of those kids

were reading at 5 and 6 years old. The director of that program told me

Kristy was one of the smartest one's there although looking at her functional

level she was one of the worst. I too feel she has great potential ,but

her teacher and the child study team think her low functioning is due

to her cognitive level. I am hoping that medicine might help her with her

extremely short attention span. My other daughters' have Selective Mutism which

means they will not speak in school. My ten year old has never spoken to any of

her teachers, but will whisper to them . She will speak in a normal voice

to a few friends at school. At home and everwhere else she is the normal

chatterbox. My 5 year old will be entering Kindergarten in September 2000.

Needless to say the child study teem knows me very well and probably wish

I would move out of town.

I think this story is long enough .



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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 02/24/2000 10:27:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,

pitsen@... writes:

<< I have been doing FIRM tapes with pretty

heavy weights and trying to accomplish a more cut look only after several

Tae Bo workouts I can already see that look developing in my arms. >>

Welcome P!!

Just wait till you see what TB does to your abs!!


who is seeing abs in a 50 year old body that I never dreamt possible and saw

& felt the bottom of my ribcage this morning for the first time in a long

long time

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Welcome P...I think you are on another list I

am on too...taebo onelsit. I am going to have to see

about those firm tapes...can you give the web site

addy again. I know you did before but I accidently

deleted it


--- Pitsenbarger <pitsen@...> wrote:


> Hi everyone,

> I am and I just joined the list. I am not

> new to exercise at all

> but fairly new to Tae Bo. I had my third child last

> March and received the

> tapes while pregnant but never did them much after I

> had the baby. After

> hearing and seeing the infomercial I decided to get

> them out and give them

> a try. I have been alternating the Basic one day and

> Advanced next and just

> started last week. I can already tell a difference

> in my body. I am

> surprised it happened so quickly. I have been doing

> FIRM tapes with pretty

> heavy weights and trying to accomplish a more cut

> look only after several

> Tae Bo workouts I can already see that look

> developing in my arms. I joined

> the Live Advanced Auto ship and can't wait to get my

> first tape. I also

> ordered basic live 1 to have another basic to

> alternate in with the

> advanced tapes. P





> " We are all athletes in training for life rather

> than overweight folks trying to drop some pounds

> temporarily cuz Haste doe not make a Waist "


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Welcome . I am new here too. WOW already doing the Advance

tape in the first week is AMAZING! I had to wait almost six months I

think (don't knw the time frame for sure) and I was doing aerobic tapes

before starting Tae-bo. Nice to meet you! le

" michelle pitsenbarger " <pitse-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=12701

> Hi everyone,

> I am and I just joined the list. I am not new to exercise at


> but fairly new to Tae Bo. I had my third child last March and

received the

> tapes while pregnant but never did them much after I had the baby.


> hearing and seeing the infomercial I decided to get them out and give


> a try. I have been alternating the Basic one day and Advanced next

and just

> started last week. I can already tell a difference in my body. I am

> surprised it happened so quickly. I have been doing FIRM tapes with


> heavy weights and trying to accomplish a more cut look only after


> Tae Bo workouts I can already see that look developing in my arms. I


> the Live Advanced Auto ship and can't wait to get my first tape. I


> ordered basic live 1 to have another basic to alternate in with the

> advanced tapes. P


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Hi !

I know you form the other list..cause I am on that one too.Welcome to

this list! We are a great bunch of people here. I added you to the web site

as a member! The web site address is http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/

New to the list

> Hi everyone,

> I am and I just joined the list. I am not new to exercise at all

> but fairly new to Tae Bo. I had my third child last March and received the

> tapes while pregnant but never did them much after I had the baby. After

> hearing and seeing the infomercial I decided to get them out and give them

> a try. I have been alternating the Basic one day and Advanced next and


> started last week. I can already tell a difference in my body. I am

> surprised it happened so quickly. I have been doing FIRM tapes with pretty

> heavy weights and trying to accomplish a more cut look only after several

> Tae Bo workouts I can already see that look developing in my arms. I


> the Live Advanced Auto ship and can't wait to get my first tape. I also

> ordered basic live 1 to have another basic to alternate in with the

> advanced tapes. P



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> " We are all athletes in training for life rather than overweight folks

trying to drop some pounds temporarily cuz Haste doe not make a Waist "


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