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so what is the right conclusion??

Sorry if i were supposed to know but not thinking has been working for me!! :)

.. Still almost there, still have some minor symptoms but praying it out with

help of tachyon tools and violet flame

Love and Light


____ The purpose of the mind is to open the heart.

PS Also had some pressure in the heart area some weeks ago (just about

Katrina-time), one day right side, then middle next one left. There is a lot

lifted off my heart. no more than a slight discomfort now and an occassional

wave if someone completely flies off in anger or stares at my boobies..,,

My tachyon session left me without the enormous pain, when i hear about some

still having this pain i think back and oooch, but mentioning prayer or tachyon

is met with i dunno what reaction of people that sure know that does not help

and others keep suffering.

Love it free

Gruendg@... wrote:


you are right with this observation that rain diminishes the ES symptoms. In

elektroacupuncture I can measure the biological negative effect of a mobile

phone. This disappears when i put a layer of water of at least 2 cm inbetween.

Taking a fruit from trees in the vicinity of phone masts and measuring them

in elektroacupuncture, they are charged negative. But taking a fruit from the

other side of the tree showing away from the phone mast, it is charged much

less negative. This is due to the water contained in the leaves, that absorbs

part of the radiation. Using a metallic shielding does not diminish the effect


electroacupuncture, but it is turned positive while without this shielding it

was negative. This strange behaviour only can be explained through the Tesla

waves found by Nikola Tesla around 1890.

But no one seems to draw the right conclusions out of this observation, they

ignore it or laugh at it and continue suffering from EMF.

Dietrich Gruen

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I wonder if this explains why fruit is often much less juicy than it

used to be?

Re: Questions


you are right with this observation that rain diminishes the ES

symptoms. In

elektroacupuncture I can measure the biological negative effect of a


phone. This disappears when i put a layer of water of at least 2 cm

inbetween. Taking a fruit from trees in the vicinity of phone masts and

measuring them

in elektroacupuncture, they are charged negative. But taking a fruit

from the

other side of the tree showing away from the phone mast, it is charged


less negative. This is due to the water contained in the leaves, that


part of the radiation. Using a metallic shielding does not diminish the

effect in

electroacupuncture, but it is turned positive while without this

shielding it

was negative. This strange behaviour only can be explained through the


waves found by Nikola Tesla around 1890.

But no one seems to draw the right conclusions out of this observation,


ignore it or laugh at it and continue suffering from EMF.

Dietrich Gruen

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coconut oil is very good for pregnant women and children . It will keep you

healthy.It heals burns andwounds when used on the skin as a lotion. I use it

instead of moisturizer.

Here is some more information about coconuts



our group links have so much information in them. Many of the websites and

vendors have included the healthbenefits of coconut oil in them.

Coconut Oil/links/


Ketut Wiratama <ketut_wiratama@...> wrote:

Dear all,

I am from Bali, want to know about coconut oil more

detail. it is safe for Pregnant women or for children?

Can it use for skin? such as burn, massages etc.

Thanks for soon reply


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Gordon - don't rush into anything - take it easy - check things out - does

not sounds like you need quick treatment - Bexxar was indeed pioneered at

Michigan by Dr. Kaminsky -

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Hi Dianne,

Bandsters shouldn't expect to lose before they get some restriction from a fill.

With an empty band most folks can eat almost as much as they always did. With a

good fill you will not be able to eat as much. I'm not a believer in counting

calories, other than occasionally as a check on what you're doing, but others do

so religoiusly. To me that makes it too much like a " diet " and not a " new way

of living " . Either way, it is a big change.

I hope that your doctor isn't one who " sneaks up on a fill " so that it takes a

bunch of fills to get good restriction. Once you're restricted you'll see a

world of difference.

Also, it is normal for weight to vary a couple of pounds a day. I can easily

lose two pounds one day and gain them back the next. Water retention,

constipation, and all sorts of other things can make that difference.

Hang in there,



> Hello to all-


> My name is Dianne. I'm fairly new here, having posted only one other

> time. I had lapband surgery done August 23, 2005 by Dr. Green in Fort

> Worth, Texas.


> I go Friday for my first fill. I am so-o-o-o-o hoping that I will

> start to lose again. Having a $35,000 surgery, and not losing much

> weight is rather disheartening... Is this normal? And will I start to

> lose again?


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Most people lose well only after they get to a good level of

restriction, which may be 3-5 fills a month apart, or sometimes even

more. Until then, unless you are taking in fewer calories than ytou

need, you will not lose and may even gain. A good goal before a good

fill is maybe 1800 cal or so, for women,. After a good fill, aim for

1200-1500 cal a day, and be sure to get in the amounts of protein,

fiber, and calcium Bandsters need to do well., It's much more than

simplky eating less, you need to choose good bandf foods to lose well.

Keep the faith - getting to a good fill will make a huge difference.

Since you're not losing quite yet, I'd suggest you track your

calories for a couple weeks on www.Fitdaqy.com You'll need to learn

good food choices, good portions, and be able to get a handle on

calorie contanets of foods, to be able to lose wewll with banding.

The sad fact is - with or without the band - calories will always

count for us. Too mant - with or without the band - and we will not

lose. Good luck with this fill! Sandy R


> Hello to all-


> My name is Dianne. I'm fairly new here, having posted only one


> time. I had lapband surgery done August 23, 2005 by Dr. Green in


> Worth, Texas. I weighed in at 249 at time of surgery. I lost around

> 13 pounds right off the bat. I have taken up walking. I walk every

> morning for 30-45 minutes. Last time I weighed, I had gained two

> pounds back. I have not weighed since, but feel like I may have

> gained even more back. I try very hard to watch what I eat. I work

> and go to school and must admit that I have not yet mastered the


> of counting calories. I try alos, to keep my portion sizes down to

> the cup that that I am supposed to have, but can hold more than


> and probably fail miserably there...


> I go Friday for my first fill. I am so-o-o-o-o hoping that I will

> start to lose again. Having a $35,000 surgery, and not losing much

> weight is rather disheartening... Is this normal? And will I start


> lose again?


> Thanks in advance for all your help.


> ~D


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  • 3 weeks later...

ne: I have literally awakened sobbing because I dreamed I was fat

again. What a nightmare...not just a dream!

Dr. Peraglie says that most of us will have a rebound of about 10 percent of

what we lost. That's been true for me. Maybe even a few more pounds than

that. But when I really watch what I eat, I knock it off very fast. For

instance, I did Weight Watchers for a week and 9 pounds came off with little

problem. I did find it again this summer however, so after Christmas I will

join the long line of " normal " folks who need too knock off ten pounds

around the first of the year.

I have to drink a lot. I sometimes mistake being thirsty for being hungry.

If I feel hungry, I drink first to see if that's the problem. And even it

it's not, I need the liquid and it makes me feel full enough to put off

eating for a bit.

I can't offer much advice. I am fighting the same fight as you and I suspect

all of us who get to about two years out face the same challenges.

But I will say that these pounds are a hell of a lot easier to stare in the

face than the 160 pounds I was staring in the face almost six years ago! And

I am determined that I will NEVER be that fat and unhealthy again!



> Hi Folks!


> I have been very fortunate to lose what I have (175 lbs) and this

> month the scales started to stop then add a few pounds then fluctuate.

> I am 22 months out and I knew it would happen sooner or later. Okay

> this ride is now over and I have two questions, one what percentage of

> weight have you gained back if any?? And what kind of food do you

> post-ops eat to keep our new weight where we don't gain??

> I am so afraid of gaining, guess I will never get over this fear, but

> I am constantly hungry so I should be afraid. I can eat one minute and

> I am eyeing the room for what's next. Have tried cottage cheese in

> all sorts but cant eat it. So that is out. I still eat smaller

> amounts but again that is growing, SO before I have a major problem on

> my hands what is a sample of all your daily diets that have been

> successful keeping this weight off? I would like all input and ideas.


> Thanks,

> ne

> 1/5/04

> 310/137 (was 134 gained 7 pounds then lost 4)










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>From: " Flo Ballengee " <flo@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: QUESTIONS

>Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 12:50:01 -0500


>ne: I have literally awakened sobbing because I dreamed I was fat

>again. What a nightmare...not just a dream!


>Dr. Peraglie says that most of us will have a rebound of about 10 percent


>what we lost. That's been true for me. Maybe even a few more pounds than

>that. But when I really watch what I eat, I knock it off very fast. For

>instance, I did Weight Watchers for a week and 9 pounds came off with


>problem. I did find it again this summer however, so after Christmas I


>join the long line of " normal " folks who need too knock off ten pounds

>around the first of the year.


>I have to drink a lot. I sometimes mistake being thirsty for being hungry.

>If I feel hungry, I drink first to see if that's the problem. And even it

>it's not, I need the liquid and it makes me feel full enough to put off

>eating for a bit.


>I can't offer much advice. I am fighting the same fight as you and I


>all of us who get to about two years out face the same challenges.


>But I will say that these pounds are a hell of a lot easier to stare in the

>face than the 160 pounds I was staring in the face almost six years ago!


>I am determined that I will NEVER be that fat and unhealthy again!








> > Hi Folks!

> >

> > I have been very fortunate to lose what I have (175 lbs) and this

> > month the scales started to stop then add a few pounds then fluctuate.

> > I am 22 months out and I knew it would happen sooner or later. Okay

> > this ride is now over and I have two questions, one what percentage of

> > weight have you gained back if any?? And what kind of food do you

> > post-ops eat to keep our new weight where we don't gain??

> > I am so afraid of gaining, guess I will never get over this fear, but

> > I am constantly hungry so I should be afraid. I can eat one minute and

> > I am eyeing the room for what's next. Have tried cottage cheese in

> > all sorts but cant eat it. So that is out. I still eat smaller

> > amounts but again that is growing, SO before I have a major problem on

> > my hands what is a sample of all your daily diets that have been

> > successful keeping this weight off? I would like all input and ideas.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > ne

> > 1/5/04

> > 310/137 (was 134 gained 7 pounds then lost 4)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 months later...


My sons arthritis started after an injury to his ankle.

Your pediatrician is wrong in saying he's faking because he is rheumatoid

factor negative.Most kids are negative because JRA is not the same disease as

RA.There are some children that are diagnosed at an older age with rheumatoid

factor positive polyarticular JRA but it is more a very early onset of adult RA.

Some children like my son just get slamed with the disease while some develop

more and more symptoms over a long period of time.

You need to try and remember everything that has happened in the past,you

don't need exact dates but just try and recall what joints hurt.You need to get


journal and start writing down what hurts and when,a key symptom is stiffness

in the morning when the child wakes up.

I hope you get some answers at your apointment and if infact it is JRA I

would find another pediatrician.You need someone with atleast a basic

understanding of the disease or someone that is willing to do some research and


about the disease and the meds used to treat it.


Becki and 7 systemic

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It's very possible that hyperflexibility is causing his problems...the

treatment mainly consists of things like Naproxen, joint supports and

physical therapy. I have some of these problems as well. You may want to

look at www.hypermobility.org ...there's some good stuff there and a very

active bulletin board. Good luck and I hope he starts feeling better.

(15, poly?)

On 2/4/06, johnnytommy2000 <cjfrancis@...> wrote:


> We have a six year old son adopted from Korea born with cleft lip and

> palate. He injured a shoulder 2 summers ago and has pain in it and

> other joints every since. Have since found out he has hyperflexible

> joints. Have been to numerous orthopedists. Finally am getting into

> ish Rite Hospital in Dallas for there rheumatology department in

> March. The orthopedist at ish rite put him on Naprosyn but he is

> crying every day with pain and is not his normal happy self. Has any

> one experienced like this and what can we do for him in the mean

> time. Our pediatrician thinks he's faking, he's had two rheumatoid

> factor bloodtests done by pedicatrican and one was 1 and the other was

> 12. Not concern for doc. Any advice would be helpful

> in Texas










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-HI ,

Have you tried warm baths, this usually helps a little.

hugs Helen and (8,systemic)

-- In , " johnnytommy2000 " <cjfrancis@...>



> We have a six year old son adopted from Korea born with cleft lip


> palate. He injured a shoulder 2 summers ago and has pain in it


> other joints every since. Have since found out he has


> joints. Have been to numerous orthopedists. Finally am getting


> ish Rite Hospital in Dallas for there rheumatology department


> March. The orthopedist at ish rite put him on Naprosyn but

he is

> crying every day with pain and is not his normal happy self. Has


> one experienced like this and what can we do for him in the mean

> time. Our pediatrician thinks he's faking, he's had two


> factor bloodtests done by pedicatrican and one was 1 and the other


> 12. Not concern for doc. Any advice would be helpful

> in Texas


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I agree with Becki... Caroline is both Rheumatoid Factor negative and

ANA negative and she is poly and has severe iritis!

Alia and Caroline, age 4, poly and iritis


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Arthurnator@...

Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 9:48 PM

Subject: Re: questions


My sons arthritis started after an injury to his ankle.

Your pediatrician is wrong in saying he's faking because he is


factor negative.Most kids are negative because JRA is not the same

disease as

RA.There are some children that are diagnosed at an older age with


factor positive polyarticular JRA but it is more a very early onset of

adult RA.

Some children like my son just get slamed with the disease while some


more and more symptoms over a long period of time.

You need to try and remember everything that has happened in the


don't need exact dates but just try and recall what joints hurt.You need

to get a

journal and start writing down what hurts and when,a key symptom is


in the morning when the child wakes up.

I hope you get some answers at your apointment and if infact it is JRA I

would find another pediatrician.You need someone with atleast a basic

understanding of the disease or someone that is willing to do some

research and learn

about the disease and the meds used to treat it.


Becki and 7 systemic

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- Have they done a SED rate or a CRP? Either of those test would

measure the amount of inflammation..

Faxing it? Get real. He's SIX!! He doesn't know what that would even

mean... I would switch doctors and get someone who actually wants to

help him out!

Alia and Caroline, age 4, poly and iritis


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of johnnytommy2000

Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 7:47 PM

Subject: questions

We have a six year old son adopted from Korea born with cleft lip and

palate. He injured a shoulder 2 summers ago and has pain in it and

other joints every since. Have since found out he has hyperflexible

joints. Have been to numerous orthopedists. Finally am getting into

ish Rite Hospital in Dallas for there rheumatology department in

March. The orthopedist at ish rite put him on Naprosyn but he is

crying every day with pain and is not his normal happy self. Has any

one experienced like this and what can we do for him in the mean

time. Our pediatrician thinks he's faking, he's had two rheumatoid

factor bloodtests done by pedicatrican and one was 1 and the other was

12. Not concern for doc. Any advice would be helpful

in Texas

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  • 3 weeks later...

http://Sparkspeople.com is a really number 1 spot and best of all it is free. It has all kinds of great info there and tools to help you. It is recommened you drink 8-8 oz glasses of water minimium a day.You don't have to count calories. I personally feel it helps me to count calories because it will surprise you the amount of calories in certain foods. Everyone here approches the losing wight in different ways. Some are on Adkins diet, some are on weight watchers, some just use portion control and other count calories. There are a ton of different diets out there and you can go about it in any number of ways. What I think everyone agrees on is you need to cut your food intake and get your body moving more then it is usual for you. My plan is nothing is off limits, I eat anything i want to but in portion control. And if I know I am going to have a big meal or splurge for a candy bar or something like that I will cut back on the other meals or the day.

~:~The Personal Touch~:~Tags, Stats, or anything else personalized with your name.Everything here is personalized!http://free.hostdepartment.com/t/thepersonaltouchMy Personal Web Site


Ok, OK where is the vault of knowledge you are all getting your vast knowledge from?

1. What is BMI? and how do you measure it?

2. How much is enough water?

3. I don't count calories, am I suppose to?

I use portion control, and do not use salt , I do not drink soda or coffee... no chips, cookies or candy as a rule. I do however indulge in a bite of cheese cake once a week. and eat bread. my husband likes to have homemade bread every day and I just can't resist that.

Thank you, for the bank of information,

If God puts so much effort in tiny flowers,imagine, just imagine, all He's created in you!¸.·´ .·´¨¨))((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:--:¦:- (( °º¤ «::(`v ¨):: » °..··..*.. ·· ..°*..·°-:¦::- `v´* Dyannea *-:¦:- °·..* * °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° * .·:*´¨`*:·.. ·:*´¨`*:·. ::: (³) ::: *: ^)' :* *·. ( .·* *·-:¦:-·*

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1. What is BMI? and how do you measure it?

It's a chart that replaces the old height and weight chart to see if your

weight falls into the high end, low end, or just right. I know many

magazines, books and web sites have one.

Here's the US govt. site with the calculator:


So me, at 5'5 " and 280 pounds, has a BMI of 46.6, which according to them is

in the obese range. To be merely overweight I would have to get down to

below 30 BMI, which would be . . . under 180 pounds.

2. How much is enough water?

Bare minimum for an average sized person is eight, 8-ounces glasses of

liquids a day - water, juice, soup, even soda or gelatin. Being we're bigger

people we should have a bit more - remember, our bodies are 80% water. Some

experts say we should aim for a half ounce of water for every pound of body

weight. Taking my 280 pounds again, I *should* be drinking 140 ounces a day.

Once in a while I get there, most days I don't.

If you're used to not really drinking that much right now, slowly increase

what you drink, maybe add a half cup a day for a week and add more the week

after. Too much too soon leads to problems, like diarrhea, bloating, and way

too much can lead lead to water intoxication, usually a problem if you drink

a few gallons a day, each and every day. Usually this is only seen happening

to athletes who feel they're dehydrated after workouts so they guzzle

gallons of water or electrolyte drinks and run into problems.

3. I don't count calories, am I suppose to?

Are are you doing without counting? Are you gaining weight or staying at the

same level, week after week? You can either count every calorie or just

watch carefully - always advises a food journal for this - and see

exactly how much you're eating and of what foods, and when you're eating

them. If you're not losing, maybe your journal will show you're eating a

giant muffin during morning coffee break and 2 sandwiches at lunch, so try

eating a smaller muffin and only one sandwich and see what happens. Or you

notice you always drink large glasses of juice when you're thirsty, another

source of mostly empty calories. Limit yourself to just a glass or 2 a day

of juice and drink water or other unsweetened drinks.

You can easily lose weight without counting calories, without any fancy plan

with pages of rules. Just be sure to space your meals out throughout the day

so your blood sugar stays stable and your body doesn't think it's being

starved. Most weight loss professionals are now saying 4 to 6 small meals

are better than 3 big ones (And certainly better than just one a day).

>I use portion control, and do not use salt , I do not drink soda or

coffee... no chips, cookies or candy as a rule. I do however indulge in a

bite of

cheese cake once a week. and eat bread. my husband likes to have homemade


every day and I just can't resist that.

Sounds like you're doing pretty good and know what you want. Instead of

thinking of what to subtract from your daily diet, think of what to change

or even add to it to make it a bit healthier. Are you getting about 5

servings of fruits and veggies in every day? Is that homemade bread whole

grain or white flour? Do you use whole grains now and then instead of white

flour/semolina pasta or white rice for added nutrients and fiber? Think

about what changes you can make to improve your diet that both you and your

family can live with.

But besides diet, exercise is a big part of healthy living. How much are you

getting per week? Ideally, says the US government, if weight loss is your

goal you should be exercising a minimum of 60 minutes a day above and beyond

your daily activities. Heck, if all of us could do *that* we wouldn't have

weight problems! LOL

If you're not getting any formal exercise already, think of what activities

you enjoy doing, that you *can* do. Do you like to be outdoors? Start a

walking program. Hate to sweat? Look into tai chi or yoga. Don't mind

walking but outdoors isn't safe or desirable for some reason? Look into the

Sansone 1-mile videos. Don't mind aerobics with peppy music and

frizzy haired, gung-ho mama's boys? has many videos that are

great for people of all fitness levels. His Sweatin' to the Oldies are long

and fairly easy to do, so just start with the first song or 2, then skip to

the last song or 2 for cool down, and each week or so go a song further

until you can do the whole 1-hour video. Also be sure to get some

toning/weight training in a few times a week, like just wrote in

today's MOTD (Message of the Day). Don't like ANY of the above? Just pop

some music on and dance around for a while. I know some ladies who swear by

belly dancing, too, and one of our members does clog dancing. Just MOVE!

Check out the Links page for more exercise ideas.

Good luck, and welcome to the list.

Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

dear Jen:

I have not been banded yet but I went to school in Mexciali so I know the area

well. You can exchange money if you want but dollars are accepted everywhere.

You might want to change a few dollars for your spending. Sometime you get more

for your money that way. I think tipping is good. The people who drive you

around probably would appreciate it.

As far as the food, I don't know. Nobody in Mexciali drinks tap water. I am

sure that in the hospital they will give you bottled water. You could probably

bring snacks and stuff but I am sure the hospital will feed you according to the

Dr.'s orders.

There are calling cards you can buy in Mexicali they are not expensive. You can

use these from a pay phone. Some cell phones work in Mexicali. Do you have

Nextel? Those work great for going across the border.

If you have any more questions write me. Good Luck!

From: jenn83704 <jenn83704@...>

Date: Wed Mar 29 01:25:23 CST 2006

Subject: Questions

Hi all,

As my surgery date gets closer I have a few questions I am wondering if

someone/anyone could answer for me. 

Should I exchange some American money for Peso's or is our money

accepted anywhere?  Do I need to know the exchange rate for any

reason?  How much money did you bring with you for tips, etc.  Did any

of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you around?  I haven't been

able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is that OK right after

surgery?  How about the multi-vitamiin.  Is it OK to use chewable

vitamins?  What vitamins are the best or your favorite?  Did most of

you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted directly to the hospital

that first day?  Do any of you have QWEST cell phone service?  If so

were you able to call out on your cell phone?  If my cell phone does

not have service can I get a calling card or call collect home?  If I

get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or does it have to be

an " international " card?  I hear to pack light if you are going alone-

which I am... but should I bring my own bottled water, juice, broth,

etc?  I am unable to find my birth certificate.... can I get across the

border with just my driver's license or should I try to get a copy of

my birth certificate?  I think that is all the questions I have for

now.  Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions. 


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Guest guest

jen your birth cert is ok even your drivers license chewable vitaime is what you need your choice i didnt exchange any money i just used good old american i tipped the driver just because im nice lol yes chewable they will give you liquid tylenol you can find most liqduid at walmart we went to hospital for test then they took us to our hotel and picked us up the day of surergy my cell vphone has international its cheaper plus mine wouldnt work in hotel room but right out side the door it did they give you bottle water at hotel i stayed in my cell607 725 3199 jessiejenn83704 <jenn83704@...> wrote: Hi all, As my surgery date gets closer I have a few questions I am wondering if someone/anyone could answer for me. Should I exchange some American money for Peso's

or is our money accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the exchange rate for any reason? How much money did you bring with you for tips, etc. Did any of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you around? I haven't been able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is that OK right after surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin. Is it OK to use chewable vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your favorite? Did most of you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted directly to the hospital that first day? Do any of you have QWEST cell phone service? If so were you able to call out on your cell phone? If my cell phone does not have service can I get a calling card or call collect home? If I get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or does it have to be an "international" card? I hear to pack light if you are going alone- which I am... but should I bring my own

bottled water, juice, broth, etc? I am unable to find my birth certificate.... can I get across the border with just my driver's license or should I try to get a copy of my birth certificate? I think that is all the questions I have for now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions. Jen

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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I’m sure you’ll get a ton

of replies but I’m gonna put in my 2 cents anywayJ

The responses are below under the



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of jenn83704

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006

11:25 PM



Hi all,

As my surgery date gets closer I have a few

questions I am wondering if

someone/anyone could answer for me.

Should I exchange some American money for Peso's

or is our money

accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the

exchange rate for any

reason? How much money did you bring with

you for tips, etc. Did any

of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you


There is no need to bring any Pesos. Just about all places

take, and even prefer, dollars. Credit cards make the conversion automatically.

The exchange rate is so close to 10 that you can just divide Pesos by 10 and be

pretty close. I brought a couple of hundred dollars and didn’t need but

about 20. That was spent on lunch and dinner the day before surgery. Unable to

spend a dime after that until I got back to San Diego. I tipped Ernesto because we were

caught in a snow storm and it took 8 hrs to get to San Diego and he had to spend the night in a

hotel there so he could get the patient the next morning. Tipping is a personal

thing and not required but very appreciated.

I haven't been

able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is

that OK right after

surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin.

Is it OK to use chewable

vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your


I had famotodine (Pepsid) for the heartburn. Gas is probably

a fact of life after the surgery. It will find its own way out J but if you need something I’m sure you will

get many responses about that.

Did most of

you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted

directly to the hospital

that first day?

Depends. I got there about 1:00 the day before surgery. After

tests I was taken to my hotel and then picked up again the morning of surgery.

The hotel was included in the price so it didn’t cost me anything extra.

Very nice room and excellent restaurant at the Hotel Lucerna. Be sure that if

you are arriving the day before surgery and you are going to have the tess done

then you need to be “fasting”. I either didn’t know, or more

likely forgot J but it had been 8 hrs since breakfast for me so that worked


Do any of you have

QWEST cell phone service? If so

were you able to call out on your cell

phone? If my cell phone does

not have service can I get a calling card or call

collect home? If I

get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or

does it have to be

an " international " card?

I have Sprint and it worked as well as it does here,

almost acceptable J

My brother has Cingular and he had some problems. Nina can

answer the questions regarding in room phone service.

I hear to pack light if you

are going alone-

which I am... but should I bring my own bottled

water, juice, broth,

etc? I am unable to find my birth

certificate.... can I get across the

border with just my driver's license or should I

try to get a copy of

my birth certificate?

I had my Passport but a driver License is all that is

required for now. A passport will become necessary in another year but there

has been so much confusion that for the moment it appears that a driver License

is adequate. Again Nina is the final authority on these issues.

I think that is all the

questions I have for

now. Thanks in advance for taking the time

to answer my questions.

Ask away, we all understand the apprehension before going.

Once you get there you will be amazed at how easy and smooth they make

everything. They will adapt to your own specific needs for re-assurance and

care. Good luck and I’m sure you will be as happy as the rest of us.




354/329/200 Down 25 and feeling GREAT

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jenn83704 <jenn83704@...> wrote: Hi all, As my surgery date gets closer I have a few questions I am wondering if someone/anyone could answer for me. Should I exchange some American money for Peso's or is our money accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the exchange rate for any reason? We did not have a problem with this. We just used American money How much money did you bring with you for tips, etc. Did any of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you around? We tipped Ernesto a few dollars each I haven't been able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is that OK right after surgery? That's all I

found also....but really never needed it. How about the multi-vitamiin. Is it OK to use chewable vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your favorite? Iam using the Childrens Flintstone Muslit-Vitamins and the chewable chocolate calcium Did most of you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted directly to the hospital that first day? I had surgery the same day that I arrived, but I believe that this is the exception to the norm. Do any of you have QWEST cell phone service? If so were you able to call out on your cell phone? If my cell phone does not have service can I get a calling card or call collect home? If I get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or does it have to be an "international" card? My sister and I have Sprint and verision cell phones Both worked very well from the hospital, but not from the Hotel. The International card that she got did not work from the Hotel either, but the hotel let her make a call from the front desk. I hear to pack light if you are going alone- which I am... but should I bring my own bottled water, juice, broth, etc? You can get bottled water and apple juice on the plane and pretty much everywhere. That liquid is very heavy to be hauling around. The resturant that we went to gave us bottled water at the table. I bought some Jello on the way to the airport, and that worked out well. I am unable to find my birth certificate.... can I get across the border with just my driver's license or should I try to get a copy of my birth certificate? Your driver's licence

will do just fine for the next couple of years. I think that is all the questions I have for now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my questions. Jen

New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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SLow down... everything will be ok,

First no you dont have to exchange money, they take

good american green stuff. The rate is good to know

which i think was like 10 to 1... is something is like

100 for a drink its one dollar..etc. I tiped Ernesto

$10 when he dropped me off at the airport on my way

back home.. he really deserved more i think, he is

really useful. I only found chewable gas x and used it

and it worked. i also bought flinstone chewables but

taking two multi vitamins. and it was cheaper and

better tasting then others... My daughter had service

on her cell phone i didnt, she had t moble i had

cingular. but her minutes were going to cost alot so

her time was limited... They give you bottled water

.... and you can buy it at the store on the way. they

also feed you twice so you dont have to really worry

about food. Drivers license is all you need to cross

the border.. i got to mexicali on sunday and we stayed

at a beautiful hotel compliments of Dr. A and Ernesto

picked us up int he morning... If i left anything out

and you want to call me.. I would like to help or

answer anything i can. Good Luck

DOB 3/06/06


call me if you like it may be easier and quicker

answers.. 361-701-8720

--- jenn83704 <jenn83704@...> wrote:

> Hi all,


> As my surgery date gets closer I have a few

> questions I am wondering if

> someone/anyone could answer for me.


> Should I exchange some American money for Peso's or

> is our money

> accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the exchange

> rate for any

> reason? How much money did you bring with you for

> tips, etc. Did any

> of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you

> around? I haven't been

> able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is

> that OK right after

> surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin. Is it OK to

> use chewable

> vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your

> favorite? Did most of

> you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted directly

> to the hospital

> that first day? Do any of you have QWEST cell phone

> service? If so

> were you able to call out on your cell phone? If my

> cell phone does

> not have service can I get a calling card or call

> collect home? If I

> get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or

> does it have to be

> an " international " card? I hear to pack light if

> you are going alone-

> which I am... but should I bring my own bottled

> water, juice, broth,

> etc? I am unable to find my birth certificate....

> can I get across the

> border with just my driver's license or should I try

> to get a copy of

> my birth certificate? I think that is all the

> questions I have for

> now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to

> answer my questions.


> Jen








Love isn't finding a perfect person, It's seeing an imperfect person




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Craig, I’m confused did you just

have yours done 3/9/06???......and have you lost 25 pds ??...what is the numbers below

your name??





As my surgery date gets closer I have a few

questions I am wondering if

someone/anyone could answer for me.

Should I exchange some American money for Peso's

or is our money

accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the

exchange rate for any

reason? How much money did you bring with

you for tips, etc. Did any

of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you


There is no need to bring any

Pesos. Just about all places take, and even prefer, dollars. Credit cards make

the conversion automatically. The exchange rate is so close to 10 that you can

just divide Pesos by 10 and be pretty close. I brought a couple of hundred

dollars and didn’t need but about 20. That was spent on lunch and dinner

the day before surgery. Unable to spend a dime after that until I got back to

San Diego. I tipped Ernesto because we were caught in a snow storm and it took

8 hrs to get to San Diego and he had to spend the night in a hotel there so he

could get the patient the next morning. Tipping is a personal thing and not

required but very appreciated.


haven't been

able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is

that OK right after

surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin.

Is it OK to use chewable

vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your


I had famotodine (Pepsid) for

the heartburn. Gas is probably a fact of life after the surgery. It will find

its own way out J but if you need something I’m sure you will get many

responses about that.


most of

you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted

directly to the hospital

that first day?

Depends. I got there about 1:00

the day before surgery. After tests I was taken to my hotel and then picked up

again the morning of surgery. The hotel was included in the price so it

didn’t cost me anything extra. Very nice room and excellent restaurant at

the Hotel Lucerna. Be sure that if you are arriving the day before surgery and

you are going to have the tess done then you need to be “fasting”.

I either didn’t know, or more likely forgot J but it had been 8 hrs since breakfast for me so

that worked OK.

Do any of you have QWEST cell phone service? If so

were you able to call out on your cell

phone? If my cell phone does

not have service can I get a calling card or call

collect home? If I

get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or

does it have to be

an " international " card?

I have Sprint

and it worked as well as it does here, almost acceptable J

My brother has Cingular and he

had some problems. Nina can answer the questions regarding in room phone



hear to pack light if you are going alone-

which I am... but should I bring my own bottled

water, juice, broth,

etc? I am unable to find my birth

certificate.... can I get across the

border with just my driver's license or should I

try to get a copy of

my birth certificate?

I had my Passport but a driver

License is all that is required for now. A passport will become necessary in

another year but there has been so much confusion that for the moment it

appears that a driver License is adequate. Again Nina is the final authority on

these issues.


think that is all the questions I have for

now. Thanks in advance for taking the time

to answer my questions.

Ask away, we all understand the

apprehension before going. Once you get there you will be amazed at how easy

and smooth they make everything. They will adapt to your own specific needs for

re-assurance and care. Good luck and I’m sure you will be as happy as the

rest of us.




354/329/200 Down 25

and feeling GREAT

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DOB- 3/6/06


--- Craig <ccarothers@...> wrote:

> Jen:


> I'm sure you'll get a ton of replies but I'm

> gonna put in my 2 cents

> anyway:-)


> The responses are below under the questions


> Craig




> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ] On

> Behalf Of jenn83704

> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 11:25 PM


> Subject: Questions




> Hi all,


> As my surgery date gets closer I have a few

> questions I am wondering if

> someone/anyone could answer for me.


> Should I exchange some American money for Peso's or

> is our money

> accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the exchange

> rate for any

> reason? How much money did you bring with you for

> tips, etc. Did any

> of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you

> around?


> There is no need to bring any Pesos. Just about all

> places take, and even

> prefer, dollars. Credit cards make the conversion

> automatically. The

> exchange rate is so close to 10 that you can just

> divide Pesos by 10 and be

> pretty close. I brought a couple of hundred dollars

> and didn't need but

> about 20. That was spent on lunch and dinner the day

> before surgery. Unable

> to spend a dime after that until I got back to San

> Diego. I tipped Ernesto

> because we were caught in a snow storm and it took 8

> hrs to get to San Diego

> and he had to spend the night in a hotel there so he

> could get the patient

> the next morning. Tipping is a personal thing and

> not required but very

> appreciated.


> I haven't been

> able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is

> that OK right after

> surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin. Is it OK to

> use chewable

> vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your

> favorite?


> I had famotodine (Pepsid) for the heartburn. Gas is

> probably a fact of life

> after the surgery. It will find its own way out :-)

> but if you need

> something I'm sure you will get many responses about

> that.


> Did most of

> you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted directly

> to the hospital

> that first day?


> Depends. I got there about 1:00 the day before

> surgery. After tests I was

> taken to my hotel and then picked up again the

> morning of surgery. The hotel

> was included in the price so it didn't cost me

> anything extra. Very nice

> room and excellent restaurant at the Hotel Lucerna.

> Be sure that if you are

> arriving the day before surgery and you are going to

> have the tess done then

> you need to be " fasting " . I either didn't know, or

> more likely forgot :-)

> but it had been 8 hrs since breakfast for me so that

> worked OK.


> Do any of you have QWEST cell phone service? If

> so

> were you able to call out on your cell phone? If my

> cell phone does

> not have service can I get a calling card or call

> collect home? If I

> get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or

> does it have to be

> an " international " card?


> I have Sprint and it worked as well as it does here,

> almost acceptable :-)


> My brother has Cingular and he had some problems.

> Nina can answer the

> questions regarding in room phone service.


> I hear to pack light if you are going alone-

> which I am... but should I bring my own bottled

> water, juice, broth,

> etc? I am unable to find my birth certificate....

> can I get across the

> border with just my driver's license or should I try

> to get a copy of

> my birth certificate?


> I had my Passport but a driver License is all that

> is required for now. A

> passport will become necessary in another year but

> there has been so much

> confusion that for the moment it appears that a

> driver License is adequate.

> Again Nina is the final authority on these issues.




> I think that is all the questions I have for

> now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to

> answer my questions.


> Ask away, we all understand the apprehension before

> going. Once you get

> there you will be amazed at how easy and smooth they

> make everything. They

> will adapt to your own specific needs for

> re-assurance and care. Good luck

> and I'm sure you will be as happy as the rest of us.




> Craig Carothers


> 3/9/06


> 354/329/200 Down 25 and feeling GREAT











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Yes I was banded

on 3-9-06

Yes I have lost 25 so far, but I am

obsessive, as are most of us or we wouldn’t have arrived here in the first

place J I work out on a treadmill 60 min a day going 4+miles. I am still

below about 400 cal/day but that is about to change. I have very little hunger

at all. I am able to tolerate everything so far and have felt no restriction as

of yet.

The number convention, as I understand it,

is Weight at banding/Current Weight/Goal

I lost 17 the first week and then hit a

plateau for about 4 days and then it took off again. Everyone is different.

Logic alone will tell you that if you reduce intake and increase output you

will effect a change. Have faith in that logic and try not to sweat the small

things. 25Lbs is just a number. It may have the same effect on me as 10 lbs would

on another. ( I’m talking to myself here J) I’m trying to

remind myself that this is not a game of numbers but rather of lifetime change

and health. This group ROCKS


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Spence

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006

11:29 AM

Subject: RE:


Craig, I’m confused did you just

have yours done 3/9/06???......and have you lost 25 pds ??...what is the

numbers below your name??



Hi all,

As my surgery date gets closer I have a few questions

I am wondering if

someone/anyone could answer for me.

Should I exchange some American money for Peso's

or is our money

accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the

exchange rate for any

reason? How much money did you bring with

you for tips, etc. Did any

of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you


There is

no need to bring any Pesos. Just about all places take, and even prefer,

dollars. Credit cards make the conversion automatically. The exchange rate is

so close to 10 that you can just divide Pesos by 10 and be pretty close. I

brought a couple of hundred dollars and didn’t need but about 20. That

was spent on lunch and dinner the day before surgery. Unable to spend a dime

after that until I got back to San

Diego. I tipped Ernesto because we were caught in a

snow storm and it took 8 hrs to get to San

Diego and he had to spend the night in a hotel there

so he could get the patient the next morning. Tipping is a personal thing and

not required but very appreciated.

I haven't been

able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is

that OK right after

surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin.

Is it OK to use chewable

vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your


I had

famotodine (Pepsid) for the heartburn. Gas is probably a fact of life after the

surgery. It will find its own way out J but if you need something I’m sure you will

get many responses about that.

Did most of

you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted

directly to the hospital

that first day?


I got there about 1:00 the day before surgery. After tests I was taken to my

hotel and then picked up again the morning of surgery. The hotel was included

in the price so it didn’t cost me anything extra. Very nice room and

excellent restaurant at the Hotel Lucerna. Be sure that if you are arriving the

day before surgery and you are going to have the tess done then you need to be

“fasting”. I either didn’t know, or more likely forgot J but it had been 8 hrs since breakfast for me so

that worked OK.

Do any of you have QWEST cell phone

service? If so

were you able to call out on your cell

phone? If my cell phone does

not have service can I get a calling card or call

collect home? If I

get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or

does it have to be

an " international " card?

I have Sprint and it worked as well as it does here,

almost acceptable J


brother has Cingular and he had some problems. Nina can answer the questions

regarding in room phone service.

I hear to pack light if you are going alone-

which I am... but should I bring my own bottled

water, juice, broth,

etc? I am unable to find my birth

certificate.... can I get across the

border with just my driver's license or should I

try to get a copy of

my birth certificate?

I had my

Passport but a driver License is all that is required for now. A passport will

become necessary in another year but there has been so much confusion that for

the moment it appears that a driver License is adequate. Again Nina is the

final authority on these issues.

I think that is all the questions I have for

now. Thanks in advance for taking the time

to answer my questions.


away, we all understand the apprehension before going. Once you get there you

will be amazed at how easy and smooth they make everything. They will adapt to

your own specific needs for re-assurance and care. Good luck and I’m sure

you will be as happy as the rest of us.




354/329/200 Down 25 and feeling GREAT

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Hi Jen,

I will try to answer a few of the questions that I

know the answers to.

Pesos and tips- I had my surgery the same day I got

there so didn't have to stay in the hotel. There

really isn't anything you need to spend money on if

you are in the hospital. My husband used a credit

card at the hotel. We did tip Ernesto when we got

back to the airport--he is great! I actually was at

the hospital two different times--once with my

daughter for her surgery and then for mine. The first

time I was there I ate in the hospital cafeteria and

got pesos for change from my dollars. (the info pack

you get at the hospital gives exchange rate and prices

in American dollars for the cafeteria.) I gave

Ernesto all the pesos I had left when we got to the

airport. The next time we gave him dollars.

Gas X and vitamins: Chewable pills are great but you

must chew, chew, chew! I tried liquid centrum and it

tastes nasty. Activ has a new kind of chewy chocolate

or caramel candy like vitamin as well as calcium. I

got a generic brand of the same calcium thing at

Walmart but there isn't a generic thing yet for the

vitamin. But the Activ one is there. Centrum also

has an adult chewable that isn't bad.

Birth certificate: Your driver's license is fine.

What to bring? The hospital will give you water and

liquid Tylonol when you leave. I think Kelli just

recently posted a list of other things you might want.

I didn't want anything except water but others have

brought other things.

Can't answer ??? on cell phone or calling cards other

than Yolanda or someone can call your family after

surgery if you can't.

Good luck and best wishes on your weight loss journey!


Penny Manville

Walden, Colorado

DOB 9/26/05


1st fill 12/9/05 1cc

2nd fill 1/27/06 0.5 cc 1.5 cc total

5'4 "


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Hi Craig, Thank You for all the info. I am getting banded on April 28th. Congratulations on your weight loss!! Let those pounds keep on coming off!! Tammy Irishsuper medic <supermedic1707@...> wrote: hI cRAIG,LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE DOING WONDERFUL .. CONGRATULAIONS..MARYDOB- 3/6/06340/313/200--- Craig <ccarothers@...> wrote:> Jen:> > I'm sure you'll get a ton of replies but I'm> gonna put in my 2 cents> anyway:-)> > The responses are below under the questions> > Craig> > > > _____ > > From: >

[mailto: ] On> Behalf Of jenn83704> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 11:25 PM> > Subject: Questions> > > > Hi all, > > As my surgery date gets closer I have a few> questions I am wondering if > someone/anyone could answer for me. > > Should I exchange some American money for Peso's or> is our money > accepted anywhere? Do I need to know the exchange> rate for any > reason? How much money did you bring with you for> tips, etc. Did any > of you tip Ernesto or whoever was driving you> around? > > There is no need to bring any Pesos. Just about all> places take, and even> prefer, dollars. Credit cards make the conversion> automatically. The> exchange rate is so close to

10 that you can just> divide Pesos by 10 and be> pretty close. I brought a couple of hundred dollars> and didn't need but> about 20. That was spent on lunch and dinner the day> before surgery. Unable> to spend a dime after that until I got back to San> Diego. I tipped Ernesto> because we were caught in a snow storm and it took 8> hrs to get to San Diego> and he had to spend the night in a hotel there so he> could get the patient> the next morning. Tipping is a personal thing and> not required but very> appreciated.> > I haven't been > able to find liquid Gas X- just the chewable- is> that OK right after > surgery? How about the multi-vitamiin. Is it OK to> use chewable > vitamins? What vitamins are the best or your> favorite? > > I had famotodine (Pepsid) for the heartburn. Gas

is> probably a fact of life> after the surgery. It will find its own way out :-)> but if you need> something I'm sure you will get many responses about> that. > > Did most of > you stay in the Hotel or were you admitted directly> to the hospital > that first day?> > Depends. I got there about 1:00 the day before> surgery. After tests I was> taken to my hotel and then picked up again the> morning of surgery. The hotel> was included in the price so it didn't cost me> anything extra. Very nice> room and excellent restaurant at the Hotel Lucerna.> Be sure that if you are> arriving the day before surgery and you are going to> have the tess done then> you need to be "fasting". I either didn't know, or> more likely forgot :-)> but it had been 8 hrs since breakfast for me so that> worked OK. >

> Do any of you have QWEST cell phone service? If> so > were you able to call out on your cell phone? If my> cell phone does > not have service can I get a calling card or call> collect home? If I > get a calling card- can I buy any calling card or> does it have to be > an "international" card? > > I have Sprint and it worked as well as it does here,> almost acceptable :-)> > My brother has Cingular and he had some problems.> Nina can answer the> questions regarding in room phone service.> > I hear to pack light if you are going alone- > which I am... but should I bring my own bottled> water, juice, broth, > etc? I am unable to find my birth certificate....> can I get across the > border with just my driver's license or should I try> to get a copy of > my

birth certificate? > > I had my Passport but a driver License is all that> is required for now. A> passport will become necessary in another year but> there has been so much> confusion that for the moment it appears that a> driver License is adequate.> Again Nina is the final authority on these issues.> > > > I think that is all the questions I have for > now. Thanks in advance for taking the time to> answer my questions. > > Ask away, we all understand the apprehension before> going. Once you get> there you will be amazed at how easy and smooth they> make everything. They> will adapt to your own specific needs for> re-assurance and care. Good luck> and I'm sure you will be as happy as the rest of us.> > > > Craig Carothers> > 3/9/06> >

354/329/200 Down 25 and feeling GREAT> > > > > > > > > >

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