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Oh it certainly does DRAIN you!! I had a similar experience last night w/


Hang in there and I hope Nick gets better.--- & Elaney(12 poly)

hburger64 <hburger64@...> wrote:

Nick insisted on getting to school on time. He could barely walk to

the van so I told him I would carry him into school so he didnt have

to walk. But once we got to the school and Nick saw all the kids

getting off the buses, he refused to let me carry him.

We went to the nurses office and talked it over with her and she told

Nick to come down to her for his hot water bottle as often as he

needed to. He was such a trooper, he had to make quite a few trips to

her office to lay down with his bottle, but he stuck it out and lasted

all day. I did call and check on him and the nurse said his ankles

were pretty sore but he was handling it well. He's having a quiet

night watching TV, its MTX night and i have upped his relafen so i

hope those both help.

I have to share with you something said as we were driving to

school. He looked so sad, and worn out. We talked about how unfair it

was having arthritis and how he hoped it would go away. Nick then said

that he knew that there would be a cure this year, " i just know it,

mom " he said. I did'nt have the heart to squish his hope. Once I was

alone in the van I had a good cry and felt better. Somedays, it just

drains all the drive and fight you have in you....

hugs Helen and (9,systemic)


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Helen: Our hearts break for all of you. We have much going on under our roof

right now so I know how hard this is on you especially. Our kids are so strong

and when they finally break you know it's bad. ne can go on and on with

pain and then bam it just finally breaks her down.

I had to smile about Nick's comment for I just told the other day that I

felt the same way Nick does. We feel the convention was an eye opener for us

and they we needed to get more involved in our Chapter and being an advocate for

JRA. I, too, felt like the cure is just around the corner and I still do so

tell Nick I'm on his side. I don't know why I feel this way but I really do

feel that they are getting close - just a feeling - maybe Nick and I were on the

same wave pattern this week :)

Good luck on Monday and we will be thinking of you and waiting to hear how it

goes. I just had the same test done and it really wasn't that bad. DO have him

walk around or you will be there all day. I'm sure with sore ankles that will

be hard but that's what made my test go faster than expected. I know the worst

for him will be that he will be scared but nothing will hurt him and the stuff

really isn't that bad. I was completely nauseous and I still had to drink it -

I did and actually kept it all down.

Hugs to all and know we are here for you.

Kim, & ne Summerhill (12 yrs JRA)

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I am so sorry to hear about Nick's continued struggle and his

comments were heart wrenching. Your right, sometimes you do just

need a good cry to get it out of your system and to move forward. I

think with all of Nicks extra testing to figure out the growth

problems, dealing with the wasp stings etc.. you are just being hit

a bit harder lately and Nick is having to endure some yucky stuff!

The part of them not wanting to look different at school only

increases I believe as they get older. Look at 's Rob, not

willing to tell his employer about his health problems and trying to

push around those heavy carts with his bum knee. The kids just dont

want arthur to be the focus of their lives and so they make an

effort to go on like everyone else dispite the pain etc... In some

ways thats a good thing. They are fighters and because of that they

will accomplish much in life. On the other hand, as parents we can

only do our best to help decrease their pain enough so that they can

continue to participate in life to their fullest ability. So, using

a wheelchair means you get to go to school then its better than not

using one and having to stay home. Or if taking that yucky medicine

or painful shot means that you will get to feel good enough to go to

dance class, soccer, etc....then you do it so you can enjoy

participating in the activities you love....A tough balancing act

but you handle it with grace and Nick will get thru this week and

there will be brighter tomorrows.

As I have told others, " this disease is a roller coaster with so

many ups and downs, but you do become familiar with the ride " !

(Aundrea 11 systemic jra/GERD)


> Nick insisted on getting to school on time. He could barely walk


> the van so I told him I would carry him into school so he didnt


> to walk. But once we got to the school and Nick saw all the kids

> getting off the buses, he refused to let me carry him.


> We went to the nurses office and talked it over with her and she


> Nick to come down to her for his hot water bottle as often as he

> needed to. He was such a trooper, he had to make quite a few trips


> her office to lay down with his bottle, but he stuck it out and


> all day. I did call and check on him and the nurse said his ankles

> were pretty sore but he was handling it well. He's having a quiet

> night watching TV, its MTX night and i have upped his relafen so i

> hope those both help.


> I have to share with you something said as we were

driving to

> school. He looked so sad, and worn out. We talked about how unfair


> was having arthritis and how he hoped it would go away. Nick then


> that he knew that there would be a cure this year, " i just know


> mom " he said. I did'nt have the heart to squish his hope. Once I


> alone in the van I had a good cry and felt better. Somedays, it


> drains all the drive and fight you have in you....


> hugs Helen and (9,systemic)


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Robbin, You crack me up! You wouldn't last two minutes on Aussie

roads if you drive so slow. You'd either get called a bloody-Volvo-

driver, or an old-man-in-a-hat.

Helen, Hugs to you and Trooper Nick. I cry with you at the

challenges facing your child, and rejoice with Nick in the hope that

there WILL be a cure. And SOON!

Keep on keeping on,


Bayly, 4, extended oligo


> Helen,

> Tell Nick there's going to be a Cure one day so no more kid's

have to > tolerate Pain. It is in the working as we speak but when

we do not know. I know > each one of us have to have a moment's

alone but you never have to have a > moment alone with this group

sweetie. As we all do it. We let off our emotions > and feel better

after. I am glad to see Nick is still pushing his self though as >

this is a True Trooper. Nick the TROOPER. Wouldn't that be cool. We

drive > through your town years from now and he stops us with his

siren and > says......Ma'am your driving to slow What seems to be

your problem? ....lolol. Well Mr > Nick the Trooper I am Lost and

where I come from I drive slow. lololol. Well > he asks where are

you trying to go? I say well I am heading to see Helen. He > would

say well my Mom's name is Helen. lolol Well Trooper Nick would you

> tell me if you had JRA? He would say yes I did. I would say Ok

point me in the > Direction of your Mom. lololol. We arrive with

Sirens going lolol. Trooper > Nick says well Ma'am I know your one

of Mom's friend but I still have to write > you up for going to

slow. lolololol. I would say ok fine. But next time I will > fly by

you and you should let me go on back South lolol.

> Robbin

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---I'll be doing some major mailing tomorrow---Maximus (my cm) & the BRN, as wll as a coupla local docs who knew nothing @ this test nor were they willing to find out about it. No resentments, tho',,,, Marshajhartman32001 <jhartman32001@...> wrote: I faxed the new advisory to Maximus, CA state board of nursing and to compass the lab company.I don't know if it will do any good but it couldn't hurt. I think I am going to mail it to them too.Maybe we should all send it

out since when I went on the samsha site I couldn't even find the articleI kinda felt like Brockovich sending out my message

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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Wow, hail hail Lori and Tina; I'm really impressed with you guys, and

everyone on

this site, as this is very exciting and encouraging. I will mail a copy of the

advisory with

my " self report " as well..Let's just bombard everyone with it, maybe it'll then

get their

frickin attention and they'll be like, " maybe we should read this... " I

appreciate what Dan

said about " keep posting, " as there is power in numbers, and I just called a

couple more

friends in diversion who have had problems with this and told them they MUST get

to this

group...I am so excited you guys, can't wait to see what's gonna happen...



> I faxed the new advisory to Maximus, CA state board of nursing and to

> compass the lab company.

> I don't know if it will do any good but it couldn't hurt. I think I am

> going to mail it to them too.

> Maybe we should all send it out since when I went on the samsha site I

> couldn't even find the article

> I kinda felt like Brockovich sending out my message



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Robbin I was saddened by 's loss. Please give her a big hug from me

and Hunter. I can't tell Hunter about ' loss because she to loves her

cat (Flower) with all her heart. She always senses when Hunter or I are in

pain. I am sorry I have not been in touch lately. Talk with you soon.

Sandi Ken Hunter (7 Systemic)

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Oh Robbin,

I am so sorry to hear about Tiger!! That cat was a very special friend and I

feel so bad for . You are right...animals can do so much for a child in

pain. Animals know when you hurt and always seem to know how to react. Will you

be burying the cat or having it cremated? When my cat died I put his ashes in a

hand thrown ceramic pot that I made myself. He is on a special shelf in my

bathroom. Some days I can even feel his presence. Ok, I know that at this point

you probably think I have gone way off the deep end, but it helped me thru his

passing! In fact, when I pass on I want his ashes to be buried w/ me. It is

strange that I was just talking about this to my husband tonight. (that was

before I read your email) After my sister's close brush w/ death I have been

thinking alot about living wills and my final wishes. Please give a big

hug from Elaney and me.--- & Elaney(12 poly)

PS-You get a big hug to for being so brave and dealing w/ the situation!!!!

Robbin40@... wrote:

Hi All,

Just updating you about . She is doing pretty good. Trying to

keep her energy up.

When she came home today from work. She went up to her Bedroom as always

like clock work. Her babies are always happy to see her. Today though it was

Different. She went in her bedroom and Normally Tiger will Meow back at her

and go to her. She want's her loving and cuddling like the other 3. Well The 3

other's was scared. said Tiger. When Tiger didn't move.

hollered at me and said Ma come up here now. Well as I got to the Stairs

came down and said Ma go up to my room. I don't think Tiger made it another

day. My heart went to my Stomach. As I looked into 's eyes and seen her

hurt in those eyes of her's. She wasn't crying or anything she just had this

worried look on her face.

Oh Man of all times for me. I am here with my Brother who is the see

blood and he is out of it. My daughter in law ummm NO way to walk in there with

me. well she was just sitting down stairs. I opened the door and

there she laid. Peacefully. I checked to make sure everything was ok. The other


was right under me like telling me to wake Tiger up. I see she passed away

in her sleep. I walked down stairs and said , Tiger is ok and she

passed in her sleep about 6 hours ago. said Ma How do you know. lolol. I

said don't worry about How I know just remember she was asleep ok. She looked

at me a minute and said I will miss her but I know she was in Pain with her

Arthritis. She was up in age to. I said yes she was. went back to her

room to straighten up.

This was sad but also kinda funny. came flying down those steps

and said OK I can't go in my room Ma. Tiger just scared me. I said Ok sweetie

I will go get her now. Dang. Ok Still no one to handle this Job. I went

bravely to 's room. With a box and bag. right on my heels. I

turned and said OK let me do it and you go down stairs. I shut the door and did

the Job of putting her in a bag and then Box. Ummmmm. Ok I am done. I walked

Downstairs and was ALL questions. lolol. Ma did you get her ok? Ma

anything up there that is a mess I said no baby. I was right though. She passed

about 6 hours. Her stomach is bloated and she is stiff. She passed in her

sleep. Of all times for my son and hubby not to be here NOW was the time.

said Ma when you picked her up did she bust open. As My brother decided to

tell her if you touch a dead animal they bust open lolol. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Not

a good time to tell her that. But she trusted my word.

Story behind Tiger is. Tiger came to us when was 11 yrs old. I

never allowed cat's in the house until Tiger. Tiger has been through so much

with . During all her pain all her sleepless night's Tiger was by

's side. Tiger was hit by a car and developed Arthritis. So you would


tiger meow meow real deep if she was hurting. knew her pain meows. So

would help Tiger. Tiger knew was in pain before told

us. Tiger knew which joint needed attention and would lay right on that Joint.

This in return got the babies doing it. But Tiger was a Family cat as she

got attached to everyone she met. She would come to me and Meow in a way You

knew something was wrong with and she wanted you to go check on

. Tiger was 's Pal her Buddy. Tiger taught alot. But what


also have to think about Tiger also got out of that Wheelchair. She

got her walking. :-). Tiger will be Missed by those who knew her.

Kid's need a animal when they have a Disease if possible as Animals help

a child in ways Us parent's can't. As said once to me. My cat's

treat me normal. My cat's just want to be loved and cared for. They know

something is wrong with me but they help me. Animals give unconditional no



Before went to sleep she said Ma I am ok with Tiger going as I

know she is in a Better place. has been asleep since.


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Hi Robbin:

I am so sorry to hear about Tiger's passing. I know the pain of losing a

pet all to well and know how much they truly are a part of the family. Sounds

like Tiger and had a great relationship and Tiger will be missed by

her human family and her furry animal family. Do you have the poem for when a

pet passes?

Please tell I am sorry for her loss and prayers and hugs are coming

her way. I hope the other furry friends are okay with their Tiger gone.

Take care.


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Robbin, please tell how sad I am for her and give her a hug from an

avid kitty cat lover. I recently had to give up a kitty whom we found

malnourished, frost bitten and almost dead. We nursed her to a healthy and


long white haired beauty. I cried and still miss her! As a kid I got a cat

at age 8 also and had him until I was 22!! He was my friend, my crutch, my

counselor, my nurse and my comfort. When Hercules passed it about killed me. I

had to take off from work,it was like a very close relative had passed. I had

ghost cat for a long time and I still remember him as my best bud, who without

words understood me, my aches, my pains and he helped me so much to deal

with my JRA as a child. I now have 3 kitties and one of them is just like

Hercules to me now They are also good for us older folks!!



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-Tell we are sorry to hear of the loss of her friend and


Losing a beloved pet is hard.

hugs Helen and 9,systemic

-- In , ThreeMayEmeralds@... wrote:


> Hi Robbin:


> I am so sorry to hear about Tiger's passing. I know the pain of

losing a

> pet all to well and know how much they truly are a part of the

family. Sounds

> like Tiger and had a great relationship and Tiger will be

missed by

> her human family and her furry animal family. Do you have the

poem for when a

> pet passes?


> Please tell I am sorry for her loss and prayers and hugs

are coming

> her way. I hope the other furry friends are okay with their

Tiger gone.


> Take care.

> Patty




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Thanks to all who emailed about ,

has taken it well. Or around Me she is doing ok about Tiger's

passing. She has cleaned her room up and rearranged it. We buried Tiger

yesterday. sat out on the swing as between hubby and my self dug a

hole. We

gave Tiger a Proper Burial.

Her other 3 cat's are doing good. As they are playing and getting into

thing's. I think this is a way for them to get to play with

them lolol. I myself couldn't tell you one from the other. As all of the rest

are black cats. lolol. I holler for 1 and they all come. Everyone else knows

each one. There's Baby, Angel, and Gizmo. lololol. named them lolol.

Baby is the Mom to Angel and Gizmo. Baby is another cool cat. As Baby was stuck

under a neighbors house. She whined all night and the Neighbor asked if

could go get the kitten. lolol. He knew was the tiniest off all

the kids but he also knew was flaring. So to the rescue slowly

crawls under his house and get's Baby.

lololol. Here it come's MAAAA can I have this kitty? lolol. The I will take

care of it. I will clean up after it. I will I promise. CLICK goes my brain.

lolol. Ummmm She got to keep Baby also. So this is why Animals also are good

Therapy for a child. I put the PT and OT to work as her keeping the animals

clean and fed. This also would work with playing with them.

Interesting how Chores really do keep the body moving. Simple thing's as

keeping up a kitty. Hand's, wrists, hips, knees,legs. shoulders, neck,

ankles. They have to move to do this. Worked out great Rubbing a kitty helps


the fingers as well. Remember this it's not a chore for the kid's. Make it

fun chores can work well with their own PT and OT. The animals then receive

good care. The child has a best friend and no one can understand better than

your best friend. Comfort passion and love. Tiger will be dearly missed but

what she has taught will go with her a Lifetime.


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I hope you get that different processor very soon, Colleen.

You could do with a change of luck.

Ted F.


> Hello,

> I hopefully get different new processor soon but I have to get


> to see if would get different new processor instead of replace

> processor. But maybe something is problem with volume senitivity

> control on my current processor. We could not do map until I get

> different processor to see what happens. We figured out other few

> things that is going on last week when seen my audologist. We are

> still not sure yet but we are still working on and figure out

> everything. I do miss hear these sounds but hopefully would get


> to normal to hear many sounds. Even still have ear problems too.


> it might will take alittle long time to post since we are still in

> processing something to complete this time. Thanks Colleen


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Hi Ted,

Hopefully you will get your new processor soon and will be back to

hearing all the sounds as before.


On Oct 1, 2006, at 7:33 PM, Ted F. wrote:

> I hope you get that different processor very soon, Colleen.

> You could do with a change of luck.


> Ted F.






>> Hello,

>> I hopefully get different new processor soon but I have to get

> request

>> to see if would get different new processor instead of replace

>> processor. But maybe something is problem with volume senitivity

>> control on my current processor. We could not do map until I get

>> different processor to see what happens. We figured out other few

>> things that is going on last week when seen my audologist. We are

>> still not sure yet but we are still working on and figure out

>> everything. I do miss hear these sounds but hopefully would get

> back

>> to normal to hear many sounds. Even still have ear problems too.

> So

>> it might will take alittle long time to post since we are still in

>> processing something to complete this time. Thanks Colleen









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Haha, thanks for the thought, a. But unfortunately its Colleen

that is having the ongoing problems.

Ted F.

> >>

> >> Hello,

> >> I hopefully get different new processor soon but I have to get

> > request

> >> to see if would get different new processor instead of replace

> >> processor. But maybe something is problem with volume senitivity

> >> control on my current processor. We could not do map until I get

> >> different processor to see what happens. We figured out other few

> >> things that is going on last week when seen my audologist. We are

> >> still not sure yet but we are still working on and figure out

> >> everything. I do miss hear these sounds but hopefully would get

> > back

> >> to normal to hear many sounds. Even still have ear problems too.

> > So

> >> it might will take alittle long time to post since we are still


> >> processing something to complete this time. Thanks Colleen

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So sorry to hear about Tiger's passing. It is so hard to lose a pet,

especially one who has been so loving and comforting as this one. Give

a hug from up north, Michele ( 19, spondy)


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Robbin40@...

Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 6:38 PM

Subject: Update

Hi All,

Just updating you about . She is doing pretty good. Trying to

keep her energy up.

When she came home today from work. She went up to her Bedroom as always

like clock work. Her babies are always happy to see her. Today though it


Different. She went in her bedroom and Normally Tiger will Meow back at


and go to her. She want's her loving and cuddling like the other 3. Well

The 3

other's was scared. said Tiger. When Tiger didn't move.

hollered at me and said Ma come up here now. Well as I got to the Stairs

came down and said Ma go up to my room. I don't think Tiger made it


day. My heart went to my Stomach. As I looked into 's eyes and

seen her

hurt in those eyes of her's. She wasn't crying or anything she just had


worried look on her face.

Oh Man of all times for me. I am here with my Brother who is the see

blood and he is out of it. My daughter in law ummm NO way to walk in

there with

me. well she was just sitting down stairs. I opened the door and

there she laid. Peacefully. I checked to make sure everything was ok.

The other 3

was right under me like telling me to wake Tiger up. I see she passed


in her sleep. I walked down stairs and said , Tiger is ok and she

passed in her sleep about 6 hours ago. said Ma How do you know.

lolol. I

said don't worry about How I know just remember she was asleep ok. She


at me a minute and said I will miss her but I know she was in Pain with


Arthritis. She was up in age to. I said yes she was. went back

to her

room to straighten up.

This was sad but also kinda funny. came flying down those steps

and said OK I can't go in my room Ma. Tiger just scared me. I said Ok


I will go get her now. Dang. Ok Still no one to handle this Job. I went

bravely to 's room. With a box and bag. right on my

heels. I

turned and said OK let me do it and you go down stairs. I shut the door

and did

the Job of putting her in a bag and then Box. Ummmmm. Ok I am done. I


Downstairs and was ALL questions. lolol. Ma did you get her ok?


anything up there that is a mess I said no baby. I was right though. She


about 6 hours. Her stomach is bloated and she is stiff. She passed in


sleep. Of all times for my son and hubby not to be here NOW was the


said Ma when you picked her up did she bust open. As My brother decided


tell her if you touch a dead animal they bust open lolol.


a good time to tell her that. But she trusted my word.

Story behind Tiger is. Tiger came to us when was 11 yrs old. I

never allowed cat's in the house until Tiger. Tiger has been through so


with . During all her pain all her sleepless night's Tiger was by

's side. Tiger was hit by a car and developed Arthritis. So you

would hear

tiger meow meow real deep if she was hurting. knew her pain

meows. So

would help Tiger. Tiger knew was in pain before


us. Tiger knew which joint needed attention and would lay right on that


This in return got the babies doing it. But Tiger was a Family cat as


got attached to everyone she met. She would come to me and Meow in a way


knew something was wrong with and she wanted you to go check on

. Tiger was 's Pal her Buddy. Tiger taught alot.

But what you

also have to think about Tiger also got out of that Wheelchair.


got her walking. :-). Tiger will be Missed by those who knew her.

Kid's need a animal when they have a Disease if possible as Animals help

a child in ways Us parent's can't. As said once to me. My cat's

treat me normal. My cat's just want to be loved and cared for. They know

something is wrong with me but they help me. Animals give unconditional

no matter


Before went to sleep she said Ma I am ok with Tiger going as I

know she is in a Better place. has been asleep since.


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Someone wrote in asking about a cheaper place for batteries. My audi

in L.A. suggested

microbattery.com She said its the same as -------- and much

cheaper. its a zenipower 675 CI

battery. Hope this helps.

a in L.A.

On Oct 1, 2006, at 7:33 PM, Ted F. wrote:

> I hope you get that different processor very soon, Colleen.

> You could do with a change of luck.


> Ted F.






>> Hello,

>> I hopefully get different new processor soon but I have to get

> request

>> to see if would get different new processor instead of replace

>> processor. But maybe something is problem with volume senitivity

>> control on my current processor. We could not do map until I get

>> different processor to see what happens. We figured out other few

>> things that is going on last week when seen my audologist. We are

>> still not sure yet but we are still working on and figure out

>> everything. I do miss hear these sounds but hopefully would get

> back

>> to normal to hear many sounds. Even still have ear problems too.

> So

>> it might will take alittle long time to post since we are still in

>> processing something to complete this time. Thanks Colleen









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LAst night was ready to pack up and leave the hospital. Seems his

labs were altered due to his meds and if all is better today after no meds the

docs will do the heart cath. He sounds good and and said to tell everyone


As for me and the epidural my concerns are huge. Since getting the steroid

injection, therapy and electrical stimulation I am much better and may delay

the epidural. My fears are warranted due to an epidural never being successful.

Both my kids were born naturally for this reason and my bi-lateral hip

replacements was suppose to be with an epidural but it never took properly and


was therefore put to sleep. I have come to the conclusion, as of today, that I

will wait and see. If and only if the pain returns as severe or worse, I

will attempt the epidural. If therapy and steroids are helping I will continue

with this option only.

Thanks for the input!!!

hangin in KY!


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Please tell Rusty we said hi... I hope they find whats ailing him

and hes back to his chipper self in no time.

hugs Helen and (9,systemic)

- In , ajaoky@... wrote:


> LAst night was ready to pack up and leave the hospital.

Seems his

> labs were altered due to his meds and if all is better today after

no meds the

> docs will do the heart cath. He sounds good and and said to tell


> hello.

> As for me and the epidural my concerns are huge. Since getting the


> injection, therapy and electrical stimulation I am much better and

may delay

> the epidural. My fears are warranted due to an epidural never

being successful.

> Both my kids were born naturally for this reason and my bi-

lateral hip

> replacements was suppose to be with an epidural but it never took

properly and I

> was therefore put to sleep. I have come to the conclusion, as of

today, that I

> will wait and see. If and only if the pain returns as severe or

worse, I

> will attempt the epidural. If therapy and steroids are helping I

will continue

> with this option only.

> Thanks for the input!!!

> hangin in KY!

> Donna




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Ok, latest update....

is back in his apartment and very glad to be. He said to thank all

for their well wishes. He did have the heart cath and things have changed very

little so that is good news. He has been told to stop all NSAIDS because they

are indeed affecting his kidneys and he will be in touch with the rheumy this

week to see what he can take because his arthritis is bad right now. He also

will be looking at getting a defibrillator placed in the near future. He

seems a bit unsure about it...anyone know anyone who has had one???

If anyone would like to send cards I think it will help tremendously. He is

doing ok but I really think he could use some encouragement right now!!!

Hangin in KY!


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Thanks for the updates on . I've missed him posting. My friends son has

a defib. He was about 32 when he had a heart attack and was clinically dead. His

wife and bystanders started CPR immediately and with the medics they were able

to resuscitate him. He was in the hospital for a long time, and it was touch and

go for so long, but he made it home. They were going to do a heart replacement

but he was not a good candidate. He had a defib placed. It has been 4 years now

I think. It goes off at times and he gets a heck of a jolt but it keeps his hear

doing what it is supposed to and without it he wouldn't be with us any longer. I

hope it works out well for and controls the heart irregularities.


ajaoky@... wrote:

Ok, latest update....

is back in his apartment and very glad to be. He said to thank all

for their well wishes. He did have the heart cath and things have changed very

little so that is good news. He has been told to stop all NSAIDS because they

are indeed affecting his kidneys and he will be in touch with the rheumy this

week to see what he can take because his arthritis is bad right now. He also

will be looking at getting a defibrillator placed in the near future. He

seems a bit unsure about it...anyone know anyone who has had one???

If anyone would like to send cards I think it will help tremendously. He is

doing ok but I really think he could use some encouragement right now!!!

Hangin in KY!


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Any more news on ? Hope all is well.


bound for london <boundforlondon@...> wrote:


Thanks for the updates on . I've missed him posting. My friends son has a

defib. He was about 32 when he had a heart attack and was clinically dead. His

wife and bystanders started CPR immediately and with the medics they were able

to resuscitate him. He was in the hospital for a long time, and it was touch and

go for so long, but he made it home. They were going to do a heart replacement

but he was not a good candidate. He had a defib placed. It has been 4 years now

I think. It goes off at times and he gets a heck of a jolt but it keeps his hear

doing what it is supposed to and without it he wouldn't be with us any longer. I

hope it works out well for and controls the heart irregularities.


ajaoky@... wrote:

Ok, latest update....

is back in his apartment and very glad to be. He said to thank all

for their well wishes. He did have the heart cath and things have changed very

little so that is good news. He has been told to stop all NSAIDS because they

are indeed affecting his kidneys and he will be in touch with the rheumy this

week to see what he can take because his arthritis is bad right now. He also

will be looking at getting a defibrillator placed in the near future. He

seems a bit unsure about it...anyone know anyone who has had one???

If anyone would like to send cards I think it will help tremendously. He is

doing ok but I really think he could use some encouragement right now!!!

Hangin in KY!


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Hi e! is doing very well or so he says. has to be one

of the toughest folks I have or ever will meet. As he says this crap makes ya

that way, it will either make ya or break ya. He is doing good in my opinion

and will be following up with his heart docs soon and decide on the

defibrillator. I spoke with him yesterday and he sounds good.....

As for me, I have decided not to do the epidural steroidal injections. When

I asked my therapist her opinion she thought the doc was crazy for even

thinking of. Primarily because of my condition being as is....scoliosis,

osteopenia, and my past experinces with spinal epidurals. I am feeling somewhat


with therapy and that's with the cold snap we are having. I go to the ortho

Tuesday and will seek his opinion on a course of treatment as well as a

referral to a different back doctor...will keep all updated....til then

Hang tight , Hang tough


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