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Roll call

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Depends on when it would be, but we are road-trippers.... sdale is

only 325 miles from San Diego, and we've never been there.... sounds

like there are many neat things to do there.

, mom to (12), (almost 10, DS), and Sammy (8)

kym mac wrote:

> I'll help put one together in AZ for anyone interested at McCormick Ranch

> Railroad park in sdale. We had one about 6-7 years ago and it was

> great! :) Any takers?


> Kym

> > Re: Roll Call

> >

> >

> >> I'm still waiting for some of you to do your roll call.......lol!

> >>

> >> I was speaking to Connie Feda the other day (who is an angel!)

> about the

> >> get togethers. mentioned it in her post, too. Im not sure why we

> >> took a break from getting together - I know it's hard to juggle

> time with

> >> other family committments, not to mention the financial costs

> involved in

> >> traveling. It's time we start planning. It's time we see each other

> >> again :)

> >>

> >> For East Coasters....

> >>

> >> I'm looking at Canann Valley, a state park in West Virginia. It's been

> >> years since I have been there - but they have lodging in the hotel,

> >> cabins and campgrounds. They also did have a nice pool, which is

> >> important for our kids, right?! Best of all, it's beautiful there

> in the

> >> mountains of WV and peaceful and quiet. Deer are tame and they are

> >> everywhere! There is Blackwater Falls nearby, too. I'm looking at a

> >> weekend in early August -1st or second weekend - my family reunion

> is on

> >> a Sunday and I will need to coordinate the get together with the

> weekend

> >> of the reunion.

> >>

> >> Ok - anyone want to organize other get togethers?

> >>

> >>



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Flash back to last Thanksgiving.This is as far back as I can remember the

constipation starting. That continued on and off. Everytime we'd go to the doc

for a check up he'd say she is gonna starther period soon. Then around Feb she

wasnt going regular. Her appetite wasn't that great. She started gagging on

choking up certain foods. She was losing weight. We took her in to the doc

numerous times. She just wasnt right. Then she started to want to take three hot

baths a day. I know when I am achey I take a hot bath. She then started to tell

us, after prodding her for info that she had pain in her lower stomach. One day

when her regular ped, a man who I do love and think he is great, wasnt there and

we saw the new female doc. She said that the pain may be of a obgyn issue ans

sent us for a ultrasound. We were not even home from that appt and the phoen

rang. Our doc said that she had gallstones, explains the gagging up, I did that

as well with my gallstones. Then the radiologist told him that she had a mass in

her uterus. That mass was trapped blood. So the following day or two after we

were in the surgeons office. They thought it was " imperforate hymen " and that

they just had to incise it and the blood would flow. We took her into the

hospital and the gallbladder went well. A surgery that was supposed to be an

hour or so went several hours. They kept coming out saying we cant get in to the

area, we have to do an episiotomy. Then they came out and said that they knew

what was up. She had the top part of the vagina that goes to the uterus but it

did not extend out to the entroitus(SP?) so that is why the blood stayed there.

They spent that night prepping her to complete the surgery but the doc was not

convinced that a whole night up of puking and induced pooping had cleaned her

out. Since infection from feces is the number one complication they closed up

her, sent her home and we came back the following week. Again I spent the night(

at home) giving her only dulcolax, miralax, juice and jello. The next morning

when we got her on the toilet before we left her eyes rolled back adn she almost

passed out from dehydration. So we threw her in the car and I did 90 plus to the

hospital.Anyway, got there, she was ok, they gave her an IV immediately which I

demanded from the car on my cellphone! The operation took longer than they

thought but it went well. She had the ng tube for 2-3 days and only iv liquid.

Then she ate the day before they let her out. I think she spent 5 days there.

She got her first period the month after. They estimated that she had 6 months

of blood in her, I think a 6 centimeter mass. Experience was not fun. I think

the chances of this is 1 in 10,000 in otherwise normal girls. The night before

we went for the surgery I had put a call into a friend I had met in Florida. He

was one of the top OBGYNs there and a good Christian dad with a son with DS. He

told me " Take her uterus and run. Dont let them cut into her colon. He said

that if something had happened under his watch looking for imperforate hymen

would have been the first thing they would have checkied into. WE made the

decision to reconstruct the vag instead of just taking the uterus and just

prayed it was the right decision. She may have to go periodically for dilation

but it should be ok.


Roll Call

,HHi. We are the sen's from Rhode Island. I have been a member of

Upsndowns I guess since around 1996 when we were living in Florida. We are Kurt(

going to URI for finance, done in spring 2009) Kathy substitute teacher aide ,

Karissa 25 works for a local bank and atends URI also done in 2009 in

communications, 14 DS and Kendall 13, too pretty and smart for her own


is in 9th grade this year and doing well. She made 9th grade student

of the month for October and high honors for first quarter. Unfortunately most

of the honor is due to my helping her with the insane " common tasks " that the

kids must do to go in their " portfolio " for diploma requirements. Thse tasks are

going to put me in a straight jacket. They say that she is held to the same

grade span expectations as the other kids but they will and do modify her work.

They are saying that she will graduate with a diploma which I hear is not always

good for our kids. My husband is pushing for the diploma unfortunately he is NOT

the one who is helping her to complete all these tasks and homework.

On to health, had ASD and VSD at birth. VSd needed repair in June

94. She has had two sets of tubes, a pharyngeal flap surgery in 04 and this past

April we found out that she had gallstones and needed a vaginoplasty. She had

started her period and the blood could not be realeased as she did not have the

complete vagina. Yeah you read that right. So they used a piece of sigmoid colon

and created a new one for her. They removed her gallbaldder laporoscopically the

week before the vaginal surgery.She also takes leviothyroxin for her thyroid, i

think she has hypothyroidism although she showed antibodies for both hypo and



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Happy New Year everyone!!!

I am sorry I am coming in late as well. Haven't checked emails in the

last few days.

I am Jeanette Cordova, mom to Tait, who will be 6 years old end of

March. He was born with AVSD (aka endo cardio cushion defect),

corrected at 5 1/2 months and still has mitro valve leakage so is on

Enalapril and Digoxin. Tait and I live in Denver, Colorado. He is in

Kindergarten and really loving it. He had a wee bit of trouble

transitioning to the new school (goes to a school in his Dad's district)

but luckily we worked out the bugs during the summer. He is my one and

only! I worked for the local Down syndrome organization until I got laid

off so now just looking for work. I am very optimistic that 2008 is

going to be an awesome year!

Anyone on here in Colorado??

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2008,


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Ah, so this is what happens when I don't check for messages over the

holidays. Am very late, have read selected responses but won't try to

fully catch up.

I'm Bob, married to Lynn, dad to Charlie, age 8, and his little brother

, 4. Both of them were 30 weeker preemies. Born 4 years and 5 days

later, I was hoping would be a fat, bald baby. But he showed up,

for totally different (though not necessarily totally unrelated)

reasons, a hairy little guy just like Charlie. outweighed

Charlie, their birth weights, by all of an ounce and a half (2 lbs. 9.4

oz. vs. 2 lbs, 7.9 oz.).

Charlie, the older little boy, is the one with the extra chromosome.

Also came with bilateral congenital cataracts and hypospadius. Later

developed hypothyroidism, asthma, and autism--or, at least, something

that puts him somewhere on that spectrum. And we've just added celiac to

our lists of dx's. Had a gluten free Christmas dinner and New Year's Day


Lynn got a breadmaker for Christmas. So far, I'm the only one to have

used it, and I used it once.

Don't remember how long I've actually been a member here. Know that I

signed up for the old listserv before I subscribed here, and that would

have been around 2000. And I've been known to crosspost, tsk

tsk. And, worse yet, been known to steal stuff here and put there.

Recent example:

Down Syndrome <DOWN-SYN@...>

*Subject:* Re: new mom advice

Not as long nor as detailed as 's web page. But " borrowed " from a

post over on without the permission of the OP -- who probably

should remain nameless but, just to give credit where due, her initials

are Ann Masch. << ... The best response I got to Amelia's birth came

from a friend of a friend. A woman in her 60's whose 32 year old son has

DS called me at the hospital and in a voice that sounded laced with

whiskey and cigarettes said " Here's the deal kid. Your baby is going to

be a helluva lot a work and a helluva lot of fun. " She was right. >>

Thought I had stolen that before somewhere but couldn't find it. Had to

go " borrow " again. -- Bob

Also know to hang out over on Uno Mas. So, sometimes cross crosspost.

A bit fuzzy copy of the boys' photo with Santa is in this thread

http://unomas.proboards10.com/index.cgi?action=display & board=DS & thread=119825235\

6 & page=1

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Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

I am also sorry, but it is until now that I can check my e-mail. I was

travelling for two days to get to Honduras to spend New Year with my parents.

I left Belgium on the 28th and arrived here on the 29th with long hours in NY

waiting for my next flight.

I am Ana (Bonnie ), Mom to Jean-Pierre (19), Mark (17) and Ana

(15-DS). My husband Berton and I live with our children in Belgium. My

daughter goes to a special education school in our city. This year she goes to

secondary school. She does not like it very much, but I think it is a matter of

time. I am a home stay mother and although I miss working I am thankful that I

can stay home, especially for Ana.

I hope the new year brings many blessings to all of you!


Jeanette Cordova <jmmcordova@...> escribió:

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I am sorry I am coming in late as well. Haven't checked emails in the

last few days.

I am Jeanette Cordova, mom to Tait, who will be 6 years old end of

March. He was born with AVSD (aka endo cardio cushion defect),

corrected at 5 1/2 months and still has mitro valve leakage so is on

Enalapril and Digoxin. Tait and I live in Denver, Colorado. He is in

Kindergarten and really loving it. He had a wee bit of trouble

transitioning to the new school (goes to a school in his Dad's district)

but luckily we worked out the bugs during the summer. He is my one and

only! I worked for the local Down syndrome organization until I got laid

off so now just looking for work. I am very optimistic that 2008 is

going to be an awesome year!

Anyone on here in Colorado??

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2008,



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I was going to post a similar post as these 3 lovely ladies- I am

catching up on emails after nearly 2 weeks of my dad being here.

The other reason we hear of everyones triumphs is that this is one place

where every little step forward counts and I for one do not feel bad

bragging about my kids ( DS or Non DS) here. We dont get flamed here,

everyone is non judgmental and you get supportive emails and I can still

recall the group hiphigh bootkicking we gave some peoples teachers for

IEP meetings. This list is one place where we can sing or cry and just

be ourselves. Personally I miss Grannies and Tims " fights " but hey tis

life ;)

We all have brilliant days. We all also have crappy days- right now BJ

is just on 10 and has been a huge handful- wont stop fighting-is being

mean and then the next second is gorgeous as an angel ( usually when the

monkey is asleep in his bed NOT MINE) But I also do not like to bitch

and moan too much so I guess we dont write too much about the crappy

days :) And being pregnant (not even halfway there yet HO HUM) if I

wrote about my crappy days I would prob end up in tears for longer :D

So dont stress people :)

I shall write my roll callsoon enough :) Just in case anyone is

interested :D heheheheh

Aussie Leis- mum to , Natasha, and Jellybean

I'm not a hero-I don't save the world. I just kill bad guys.

- aged 4

Jan Marie wrote:

> Ditto & Sue's comments.


> think family genetics.




> Enjoy your children, encourage where you need, push where you need, but pay

> attention to their successes and LOOK at what they CAN do!!! It may

> surprise you.




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Well here I go :) I have about 15 mins before I have to beautify myself

for work......

I am Leis- I live in Adelaide South Australia ( originally from Sydney

but mover here 5 1/2 years ago) I have been married to Trent for nearly

13 years, and we have 3 1/2 children- 10 , Natasha 51/2 and

4 - we are expecting our 4th child ( Lord help me :) ) in May

I work part time in a pharmacy ( 3 nights a week- about 9 hours a week)

, and part time in Trent's business. I think I would like to be a stay

at home mum, but my job at the phcy gets me out and about and chatting

to people-it also stops me from getting down-esp when you see people

allot sicker than you are - makes me realize how blessed I really am.

Junkies annoy me tho :) I have been on this list since BJ was a tiny

baby and have met some awesome people here and miss our chats, and

love the support and love we all get here ( thanks , Tim and

Kathy :) )

Trent has run his own business for the past 10 years and we have either

had a shop and residence or a separate office in the house so he sees

allot of the children. Trent grounds me in allot of ways :)

has/was born with ( I am never sure what the politically correct

thing to say is ) DS. He is an absolute joy most days. He is

mainstreamed in our local school and is pulled out for 2 hours a day for

literacy classes- he is the only handicapped kid in that class :) I thin

he is doing well at school. and will do better next year as he will

change teachers- he has had the same teacher for past 2 years and I

think they spent the last 10-15 weeks of school clashing. adores

Buble and Robbie (the live at the albert dvd only) - he

also adores most types of music. He loves to sing- and will grab a

pencil, a ruler anything and pretend it is a microphone. Am wondering

whether to purchase a karaoke machine or not :) BJ also loves his

playstation2; spiderman ; AFL ( type of football) ; cricket and

basketball. He is turning into quite a jock. When he plays basketball he

gets around 85% of the balls in the hoop- and that is an adult size

hoop. BJ tries very hard to write nicely. Can add on the calculater and

can prob do so many other thing but I just cant think of them at the

moment. does adore making scream and carry on and has

been tormenting him for months. We have school summer holidays here in

Oz so we have 3 or 4 more weeks before school goes back. I was chuffed

when one of his classmates mum called this am and asked if BJ could come

and play at their house!! YEAH!!!!!!! Inclusion works sometimes :) And

his friend is in his leteracy class too./......

Natasha- what do I Say about her?? I never wanted a girl until I had her

because of my relationship with my mum, and her relationship with her

mum. Tasha has been mu saving grace and is an absolute angel. She

inherited my MIL shoe fetish ( I hate shoes- If god wanted us to wear

shoes he would have made our feet hard :) ) and also her sense of style

( I have non) she has a heart of gold and usually translates whatever

says that we do not understand. She is a good go between for the

boys. That being said she is bossy and loud just like me and everyone

says she looks just like me when I was a llil one. She has Trent's

artistic style and my gift of the gab. She started school this year and

absolutely adored it and cannot wait to go back to school. SHe is a very

cluey nealry 6 year old. I feel Natasha is a good mix of Trent and I

..She is also he epitomy of a girl- she adores dresses, Barbie and LOVES

pink things.

-if Natasha is the epitomy of girl, then if you looked under boy

in the dictionary you would see a pic of my . He is rambunctious

and very rough and tumble. He is also a caring kid and gives me lots and

lots of hugs and kisses and I love you mum. He goes to kindy and also to

daycare 2 days a week. He will start school at the end of this year. He

loves spiderman, batman and superman, is getting into the playstation

and has learnt his number s 0 can count to over 20 - and is starting to

write his name. I have been told he is [pretty verbal for a boy- I blame

that on Natasha :)

Jellybean- well we had the scan today- apparently the baby is larger

than prob should be at the 19 week stage so they may move my due date

forward from 28th May. I have had a LETTZ procedure on my cervix and a

few cone biopsies so may have problems with a lazy cervix, and just had

a phone call today that they want me to go back for another cervix

ultrasound to measure the size next week. But all seems to be where it

is supposed to be and technician says seems like babies heart is strong.

Seems the skin at fold of neck is thin, but hey who knows :) Trent is

happy there is only 1 baby there. Have to wait 2 more weeks to get ok to

have sex from dr- ho hum............hope the cervix thing sorts itself

out :)

Well there ya go that is us- The SA :) I have enjoyed reading

everyones intros- tis good to see the new and older

faces................I have often wondered what had happened to some of

you :) I have been a lurker of late, but my new years resolution is to

be more involved :) Tis good to see so many new faces too!!!

Chat soon guys- I am off to work now..............

Aussie Leis- mum to , Natasha, and Jellybean

I'm not a hero-I don't save the world. I just kill bad guys.

- aged 4

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are you bringing the french champagne? and where is your roll call? should i

tell everyone that you are this crazy brit who comes to the US and my

receptionists want to call security on when you pop in? i think they know you

now...lol! How are you?? And have you talked to Sandy lately?

Re: Roll Call

Hey all being well, I should be in the states then.


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Now that all my holiday houseguests have gone, and life is returning

to what passes for normal around here, it's time for my intro.

I'm April, I've been married to RJ for seven years now, and we have

three children. We are currenly living in Florida, but hope to return

to California someday. That is where we met and got got married, and

where our first two children were born. Our oldest, -, just

started kindergarten this year. She loves art, pretty clothes, and

dancing. Our middle child, will be three in February. He

started Montessori preschool in the fall. He loves anything on

wheels. Our youngest, Iris, will be nine months old tomorrow. We

found out when she was born that she has Down Syndrome. So far she

has been in good health. As she gets older it is becoming more

apparent that she is learning to do things on her own timetable, which

is not the same as her older siblings. She is a sweet, curious girl,

who quickly captures the hearts of those who meet her. After I drop

off the older kids on schooldays, we have a favorite coffeeshop we

always stop at. The people who work there love her, and always make

time to come over to our table and see her.

When we first found out that Iris had Down Syndrome, I was worried,

sad and frightened. But as we have gotten to know her, she has

brought a lot of joy to our lives. I still worry about her future

sometimes, but I think that's just part of being a mom, since I do

that for my other children as well.


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Hi Dawn,

what an inspiring story! Thank you so much for telling and glad you

rejoined. Tait will be six and it amazes me how he " works the system "

and everyone else! LOL

Again, welcome back!!!

Jeanette, Tait's mom

Denver, CO

PS I had made this suggestion to a few of my other groups that we always

include our town since we are in so many different states. This would

be helpful on here as well, not just in roll call.

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Yes, had huge issues with textures! AND still does have textures issues

for that matter. Kennedy Krieger Institute (KKI) is world-renowned in the field

of Feeding disorders. They are absolutely amazing there! They use a protocol

called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). There are many articles online in

relation to ABA. I had heard when I first started entertaining the idea of

taking , there that it was a very stringent, regimented program. That it

is! I was willing, however, to do whatever it took to get to eat. I knew

that she had the potiential to eat but did not know how to drive her there. She

has a gtube still but just for supplemental calories and her water intake. She

still is not drinking after the program but we are working on this issue. We

will go back to KKI on the 23rd for another follow-up visit with the Feeding

staff. Okay, so what they did, was start out slow with watching me attempt to

feed her. They

obtained a toy preference from . They put things in front of her and let

her chose the things she liked. They eventually used those toys as tools to

motivate her to eat. If you read about ABA, it will talk about " Escape " . This

is what they used in the beginning with . Escape is sort of like a rest

break to re-group. So the session would go like this....They would use a maroon

spoon with nothing on it. Present the spoon to her mouth. If she didn't open

her mouth or turned her head, she got the Escape (15 seconds of silence with no

attention paid to her). This went on for quite a while until they felt like she

no longer felt threatened by the spoon. Then, from that they put a half level

amount of food on the spoon and used the Escape. The Escape was faded out at

one point and she was no longer able to Escape the food. They would hold the

spoon to her top lip until she opened. All of this is with verbal prompting.

Then from that

they went to the 15 seconds of reward. Her 15 seconds of reward was one of her

preferred toys....which she chose either music or Elmo videos. Do you see where

I'm going with this? They just continued building a base like this. They also

did a food preference assessment with her. They would rule out foods that she

did not like at each meal. The stay was 6 weeks long and she was fed every day

we were there. There is no down time. 7 days a week someone is there feeding

these kids three sometimes four times a day, using this protocol. Our kids, I'm

sure you know, learn best by ROTE memorization. So, it just becomes ingrained

over time. She learned that food was not her enemy but a good thing and loves

food now. We were told she'd never be able to tell us she's hungry. NOT TRUE!

God is so good!!!! She tells us she is hungry now. She still eats junior food

textured food. She will eat baby stage 3s out of the jar and we also make her

own food

for her with the blender. We are hoping to change all of this by getting her

to chew. She still has not yet chewed food. She still doesn't drink either.

These are things that all take time. is 8 and we have been battling this

with her since day one. Has your son's stomach and total GI system been

thoroughly checked? Like Endoscopy, Upper GIs, swallow studies, etc. This was

one of 's problems. She had duodenal stenosis that had to be repaired when

she was 4. This was something since birth that was never investigated. Anyway,

sorry this is so long and convuluted. I hope that I have helped you in some

small way. I would recommend it to anyone with sensory issues, gtube fed kids,

CP kids and Autistic kids. They handle it all there. We also were fortunate

during our 6 week stay to have an evaluation by the DS guru himself, Dr.

Capone. Write with all questions.


An extra little chromosome,

that's all it is, you see.

Where all of you were born with two,

She was blessed with three!


Handmade w/horseshoe nails

and wire in Oklahoma

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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Hi and welcome!! Congratulations on your new best buddy Dillon!

You will meet a lot of wonderful people on this website who are wise,

compassionate, funny and sometimes a wee bit wicked lol! I have learned

much..laughed with and cried with many. We look forward to hearing more about

you and

your family. No that your adventure just begins. We adopted our 7 year old

with DS and I always say (because I belieive he is our last) that he is my pot

of gold at the end of the rainbow. God saved his best kept secret from the

masses. It is the lucky few of us who got let in on it. Just you wait and



**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Sorry for the delay. I mostly lurk but am thankful for every ones advice and


I'm Tricia married to for 14yrs and we have 3 children. Niamh is 12yrs

old, in 6th grade and anxiously awaiting her exam results for acceptance to

Boston Latin School. She's been taking gymnastics for 4 years and this is her

2nd year competing. She is very patient with her younger brother and loves to

play school with him. Her younger sister, Ciara is 10yrs old and in 5th grade.

She is an animal lover and wants to be a veterinarian. She takes horseback

riding lessons and would love to compete someday. She is becoming more patient

with her brother. (ds) will be 8yrs old next month. He just lost his

first tooth and has 2 more ready to come out! He is in 1st grade (stayed in KII

for 2yrs) and loves school. He attends an inclusion school and receives speech,

ot and pt services. He is a sports fanatic and watches Premiership soccer and

rugby (Dad is from Ireland - must be in the genes). takes horseback

riding lessons and plays

baseball in a challenger league during the spring and summer. He also loves the

Red Sox and is looking forward to attending his first game - hopefully this


Again, thanks for letting me be a part of your group.


roll call

While we are experiencing a quite period, let's do a round of intros again. It's

been awhile and I personally would love to hear an update on your alls kids.

I'm , married to Tim for 27+ years and mom to four kiddos, mil to two and

grandma to one beautiful little angel. My son has DS and a seizure

disorder. He currently is 14 years and loves to surf youtube.com. We live in WV.

I just got a new laptop that has a builtin web camera. I tried it out tonight

with my oldest daughter. I can use it with Kathy and she can see when I nod off

before she hears my snoring...lol.

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HI Bill

I sure do miss you all !!!!!! that's the sad part of when we left Memphis

.... leaving all the families I got close with ..... especially you and Warren.

Drop an email if a dance comes up, Sara and I will make a road trip home,

shoot Mike and Sara have been going to Memphis almost every other weekend


of his father illness (Mikes in Portland, OR right now, grandmothers funeral

...... he's taking him mom's place) anyway we will schedule a visit to family

and throw in a dance :) drop a line :)

Glad to hear Warrens doing great but you know I told you that last time I

saw him .......... he's always been a flirt lol

Kathy mom to Sara 16

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As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Josh. 24:15

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I guess I am the last to repond to the roll call. My name is Allyson

and I live in London England. I am a dance teacher, one of the ones who

strongly believes that people with disabilities should have the same


to dance as the whose only disability is having parents who can't see the

benefits and beauty of dance (lol).

I have 6 adult children aged 37, 34, 31, 28, 25, and 24. Craig, Stacey,

Dominique, Simon, Sebastian and Damian. IMHO the are the best kids any mother

could want - not without faults, but wonderful kids. I also have 7


I became involved with the group because of my belief that people should be

able to dance. Non of my kids have a disability apart from me, their mum!!!

Well maybe their father too!!! Poor things, both of us.

As most people who used to go in the chat know, my love is for French

champagne, belgian chocolates and strawberries. I also seem to have the knack


getting security at 's office to want to ask me to leave the building -

well asks them to. All the time the receptionists and I are having a

laugh at why we have told her she is wanted in reception

At the moment I am fighting a battle with cancer, but hey, , I'll be

back in the summer for my date with security. Also Sandy O'Hara and I have a

date on the beach - and yes, we are going to have a picnic - champagne,

belgian choccies ans strawberries.


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  • 5 weeks later...

WE ALL PRAY FOR SPRING TO SPRING REAL SOON;; BEEN A LONG WINTER THIS YR;; YES;; THE OLD ARTHRITUS DOESNT LIKE COLD;; SPRING ((HUGS)) DORT FROM MICH <ciamcindym@...> wrote: Hi!I'm in Missouri.We've just been thro 3 horrible ice storms. I was fine, but my daughter and her family had to camp out. They went without power.Old Arthritis doesn't like to get cold!. Haven't been out side in soo long! I'm going to have to re-introduce myself to the Wal-Mart

greetor.I hope eveyone's been lucky with the weather. Try to keep healthy and as pain free as possible!Best to all!Rusty Zenia

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Hi all!

I too have been hanging out in the background. I

don't get on the computer much at home since my job is

all computer related. I get a chance to catch up on

my e-mails usually on Friday nights unless there's a

hockey game!

I too am sick of this winter weather. Here in

Cincinnati, we've had snow/rain/ice every couple of

days since the beginning of the month. I know that it

can't possibly last much longer. It's supposed to be

in the upper 50's by tomorrow (Sunday) & sunny. Yea!

That'll help my mood! :-)

I've been watching over/taking care of my mom since

my dad passed away back in September. Physically Mom

can take care of herself, but I do the " little things "

I've always done-even as a kid. Help with cleaning

the house, taking out the trash, driving her around

town if she doesn't feel like driving. I've also now

taken over the paying of her bills. We discuss what

needs to be paid & then I write out the checks (which

is ok with Mom). There are times that I really wish

that my sister (she lives in New York) would move back

to Ohio so that she could help me out but that is not

in the long range plans. Oh well. I didn't realize

that being a caretaker of an elderly parent would be

so dragging, both physically & mentally. On Mom's good

days I'm ok but when she's having a bad day I have to

remember to have patience with her. I'm grateful that

I have you all to vent too, plus I have another

" support " type group of friends.

Thanks to the moderators for all that you do in

keeping this list going. I know that for me this is a

good thing; I'm not as sick as some of the members but

I feel like I am a part of this group.

I remember reading one of my digests from earlier in

the week & one of the girls (Josie I think)requested

some links in dealing with the death of a parent. If

whomever sent those to her could send them to me, off

this list, I would really appreciate it. My e-mail

address is clonezfan100@...



Music is a gift from God



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Me too,Kitty

Re: Roll Call

I am around. [:)]


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

I know I'm WAY late in responding to this but I wanted to poke my

head in to say hi anyway. I haven't visited the group for several

months... just got overwhelmed with everything.

I am married to Kurt, stepmom to Ethan (14), mom to (13) and

(DS, 14 months) and expecting a baby girl in July. We live in SC.

Just a quick update on since I haven't been around in ages. He

started crawling at 13 months and is now everywhere! He's been

cruising the furniture too, actually since before he started

crawling... I thought for a while he was going to skip crawling

altogether. He started doing his 1st 2 signs ( " eat " and " more " )

within the past month - I can't believe how much this helps for him

to be able to communicate with us, even with just 2 words! Our main

challenge right now is feeding... he doesn't do very well with solids

(chews ok, but can't seem to swallow) but doesn't want the pureed

babyfood anymore. I posted some recent photos.

I'm glad to be back with you all & looking forward to catching up on

what everyone is up to.



> While we are experiencing a quite period, let's do a round of

intros again. It's been awhile and I personally would love to hear

an update on your alls kids.


> I'm , married to Tim for 27+ years and mom to four kiddos, mil

to two and grandma to one beautiful little angel. My son has

DS and a seizure disorder. He currently is 14 years and loves to

surf youtube.com. We live in WV.


> I just got a new laptop that has a builtin web camera. I tried it

out tonight with my oldest daughter. I can use it with Kathy and she

can see when I nod off before she hears my snoring...lol.





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  • 5 months later...




From: Kitty <kitty285@...>Subject: Roll Call"" < >Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 8:57 PMKitty here :)


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--- Margaret Drabble

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You found out from the endoscopy that you had back in early August that you have GERD?

Support your friendly local autistics...........I'm one of them.

Roll Call

from Cincinnati checking in! I've been doing pretty well health wise. I found out from the endoscopy I had back in early August that I have GERD. Because of this, I've modified my diet a little bit. I'm no longer drinking caffeinated coffee except when I first get up. Then I switch to decaf. I also have limited my intake of chocolate & tomatoes. I still burp after meals but not as bad.I've also been dealing with my mom. She's done remarkably well in the 11 months that my Dad has been gone. She was leaning on me pretty heavily last week but this week it's been easier. My sister & her family are in from New York for the week & that has really helped me out mentally! I didn't realize that being a caretaker would be so mentally draining. We'll see how things go though as the date of my Dad's death gets closer.I would like to also request prayers for a co-worker. Her daughter, named Carol, has less than a month to live.

Carol was in remission from Hodgkins disease & apparently the radiation caused her to get the kind of cancer that you get from asbestos. Please pray for the family of Ann Sundal, the mom. Needless to say Ann & her husband are in Nebraska with Carol & her family. That's all I know for now. You all take care. P.Music is a gift from God

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You found out from the endoscopy that you had back in early August that you have GERD?

Support your friendly local autistics...........I'm one of them.

Roll Call

from Cincinnati checking in! I've been doing pretty well health wise. I found out from the endoscopy I had back in early August that I have GERD. Because of this, I've modified my diet a little bit. I'm no longer drinking caffeinated coffee except when I first get up. Then I switch to decaf. I also have limited my intake of chocolate & tomatoes. I still burp after meals but not as bad.I've also been dealing with my mom. She's done remarkably well in the 11 months that my Dad has been gone. She was leaning on me pretty heavily last week but this week it's been easier. My sister & her family are in from New York for the week & that has really helped me out mentally! I didn't realize that being a caretaker would be so mentally draining. We'll see how things go though as the date of my Dad's death gets closer.I would like to also request prayers for a co-worker. Her daughter, named Carol, has less than a month to live.

Carol was in remission from Hodgkins disease & apparently the radiation caused her to get the kind of cancer that you get from asbestos. Please pray for the family of Ann Sundal, the mom. Needless to say Ann & her husband are in Nebraska with Carol & her family. That's all I know for now. You all take care. P.Music is a gift from God

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