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Test results

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In the US, your records are YOURS. Course

sometimes it's hell getting them.<br><br>When my first

husband was in the service, I got used to carting my own

records around. They are our responsibility as well.

<br><br>I get really hostile when some no it all nurse

tries to tell me I can't see my own records. I complain

real fast to the doctor and set him straight. I

wouldn't have a doctor who didn't feel the same way I do

on this subject.<br><br>I have copies of all my

blood tests (tho I lost a few from over 10 years ago),

and you should too.<br><br>good luck<br><br>alley

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Lauretta,

You're right in that he probably won't want to do anything, but with your FT4

so low and your TSH starting to rise, he may just lower your Tapazole

especially if you have symptoms of hypothyroidism. Hopefully, he'll ignore

the FT3 since a slight elevation is normal in the early stages of ATD use.

Your WBC count is monitored to make sure that you're not developing

agranulocytosis, which is a markedly low white blood cell count. Your

increase shouldn't concern your doctor. It could be from, like you said, a

slight infection, but it's nothing to worry about. Let us know what he

decides about your dose.

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Hi Lauretta,

these sound like hypo symptoms. Hair loss seems to be associated with sudden

changes in thyroid status. Often, your body experiences these changes before

laboratory tests reflect them.

Like after RAI, people will begin to experience symptoms of hypothyroidism

before their lab tests indicate that they're hypothyroid.

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Thanks Elaine. Could my hair falling out be a symptom of Hypo. It fell out

when I was extremely hyper when I first found out I had graves. I really

can't tell if I'm having hypo symptoms I have gained about 20 lbs over the

last two months, but I blamed those on the ATD's. My pulse is staying

around 84, but I have had a hard time waking up lately and feel like I could

sleep all day.


Re: Test results

Hi Lauretta,

You're right in that he probably won't want to do anything, but with your


so low and your TSH starting to rise, he may just lower your Tapazole

especially if you have symptoms of hypothyroidism. Hopefully, he'll ignore

the FT3 since a slight elevation is normal in the early stages of ATD use.

Your WBC count is monitored to make sure that you're not developing

agranulocytosis, which is a markedly low white blood cell count. Your

increase shouldn't concern your doctor. It could be from, like you said, a

slight infection, but it's nothing to worry about. Let us know what he

decides about your dose.

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Dear Retta,

Hair usually falls out three months after you started getting sick, and will stop falling out about three months after you are better.

Good luck,


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  • 10 months later...

Blood tests don't indicate the need for a biopsy.

If you have HCV you need a biopsy if you are

considering treatment. The ONLY way to find out what kind of

liver damage you may have is via a biopsy. No blood

test will show fibrosis or cirrhosis. Neither will an

ultrasound. Ultrasound will only show tumors.<br><br>You need

to keep your eye on the Liver Enzymes though. ALT is

the most important one, but even if it is elevated,

that doesn't mean you have lots of liver damage.

<br><br>Your viral load test does not indicate what or how

much liver damage either. It just indicates that is

how much virus is in that amount of blood AT THE TIME

OF THE TEST.<br><br>Hope this

helps!!<br><br>LeighAnn<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/1Leighann


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Blood tests don't indicate the need for a biopsy.

If you have HCV you need a biopsy if you are

considering treatment. The ONLY way to find out what kind of

liver damage you may have is via a biopsy. No blood

test will show fibrosis or cirrhosis. Neither will an

ultrasound. Ultrasound will only show tumors.<br><br>You need

to keep your eye on the Liver Enzymes though. ALT is

the most important one, but even if it is elevated,

that doesn't mean you have lots of liver damage.

<br><br>Your viral load test does not indicate what or how

much liver damage either. It just indicates that is

how much virus is in that amount of blood AT THE TIME

OF THE TEST.<br><br>Hope this

helps!!<br><br>LeighAnn<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/1Leighann


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Thanks LeighAnn,<br>With all the tests going

on...it's nice to get some insight from those going through

the same thing. I'm sure my Doc will inform me of his

next recommendations. The one test that does seem a

little out of wack is the ALT. My first test a month ago

was at 47, (Range between whatever and 50 is said to

be normal) The one last week said 53...but they were

both done at different labs. My viral load is

Non-detected at & lt;600. All other tests seem to be in the

accepted range. What would be considered a high ALT test?

<br>Moment by Moment we create what is known as life,

cherish each and every moment!<br>Thanks for your


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Thanks LeighAnn,<br>With all the tests going

on...it's nice to get some insight from those going through

the same thing. I'm sure my Doc will inform me of his

next recommendations. The one test that does seem a

little out of wack is the ALT. My first test a month ago

was at 47, (Range between whatever and 50 is said to

be normal) The one last week said 53...but they were

both done at different labs. My viral load is

Non-detected at & lt;600. All other tests seem to be in the

accepted range. What would be considered a high ALT test?

<br>Moment by Moment we create what is known as life,

cherish each and every moment!<br>Thanks for your


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Rich, <br><br>WOW great to hear your PCR is

showing undetected & lt;600. Not too many of those HCV

buggers in the blood and that is a good thing!<br><br>As

for the ALT, ANYTHING above normal range is not good.

What that means is that there is inflammation going on

in your liver. It doesn't mean fibrosis, cirrhosis,

or anything like that. It means your liver is

swollen. Ideal ALTs for men are right around 35-40. You

are on the high end of normal and floating around

it.<br><br>Hope this helped!!<br><br>LeighAnn

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Rich, <br><br>WOW great to hear your PCR is

showing undetected & lt;600. Not too many of those HCV

buggers in the blood and that is a good thing!<br><br>As

for the ALT, ANYTHING above normal range is not good.

What that means is that there is inflammation going on

in your liver. It doesn't mean fibrosis, cirrhosis,

or anything like that. It means your liver is

swollen. Ideal ALTs for men are right around 35-40. You

are on the high end of normal and floating around

it.<br><br>Hope this helped!!<br><br>LeighAnn

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Thanks LeighAnn, It all helps! Just knowing I can

ask questions, view opinions, share thoughts, or just

read of others going through the same thing, is a

great comfort. The last couple of weeks while tests

were being completed I found that I had all I could do

to focus on anything. Except maybe how much I've

come to listen to all the chatter my body has,

wondering if all these little body pains, tight joints,

headaches, or any of what seems to be a million different

things we feel in our bodies and mind, have to do with

HCV? I know it is normal to do that, but knowing that

doesn't seem to make it easier. Being educated on the

subject I think is where some control may be, but till

then I have all my brothers and sisters out there for

support. And I appreciate that! Some day I intend to

return that same support. <br>Hope, Faith, Love!<br>Rich

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Thanks LeighAnn, It all helps! Just knowing I can

ask questions, view opinions, share thoughts, or just

read of others going through the same thing, is a

great comfort. The last couple of weeks while tests

were being completed I found that I had all I could do

to focus on anything. Except maybe how much I've

come to listen to all the chatter my body has,

wondering if all these little body pains, tight joints,

headaches, or any of what seems to be a million different

things we feel in our bodies and mind, have to do with

HCV? I know it is normal to do that, but knowing that

doesn't seem to make it easier. Being educated on the

subject I think is where some control may be, but till

then I have all my brothers and sisters out there for

support. And I appreciate that! Some day I intend to

return that same support. <br>Hope, Faith, Love!<br>Rich

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  • 2 months later...
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I'm not a doctor and i could be as wrong as an elephant but this is what I think......

That test is something to celebrate over....whopeeeee It means you have the antobody but it isn't active at this time....it is not damaging your liver so take measures to take good care of that liver and keep yourself as healthy as possible because at any time the hep c can become active and do much damage.....now...it's just lying quietly.....you still can't give blood.

He wants you to be checked next year to see if it's the same or if it's become active.....hope this helps.....judy

-----Original Message-----From: gmcondon [mailto:gmcondon@...]Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 5:44 PMHepatitis C Subject: test resultsHi All,I've atached the letter I received recently, cananyone explain this to me... thanks..gail<--denseDear Ms Condon,This letter is to inform you that your original testfor Hep C antibody and Hep B antibody was posiitive. This meand that you have been exposed to Hep C in thepast.Further testing was done to evaluate whether you haveactive Hep C disease. This was done by an additionaltest called Hep C PCR. This test result is negative,which means you DO NOT have active hep C disease.Although you have an antibody, it does not protect youfrom becoming re-infected with the virus if you areexposed to hep C. The risk factors remain the samethat we spoke abut and are outlined in the material Igave you at our previous meeting. Antibody testing isdone on blood tissue, and sperm donors. Anyone whohas a positive antibody test is not allowed to donate.The additional testing that was completed on the Hep Bvirus indicates that you have cleared the virus andhow have immunity to it.I advise that you be tested with the Hep C PCR testagain in one year, along with liver enzymes testing(ALT, AST)in order to make sure you indeed do not haveactive Hep C. These tests can be ordered and followedby your primary care provider.Since you DO NOT have Hep C, no further follow up isneeded in the Hep C clinic. yadda yaddasincerely, yadda yadds--- Condon Gail <gmcondon@...> wrote:>

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Thanks that makes sense. I am still a bit unclear

about the antibody, either it is a good thing or a not

so good thing. The initial reading of the letter led

me to believe that I had hep c but now I don't, this

was confusing in that from what Ive read and talked

about with others is that if you have hep c you will

always have it, the question is if its active or non

active. Anyway thanks


--- " Judy A. McKee " <tmckee@...> wrote:

> I'm not a doctor and i could be as wrong as an

> elephant but this is what I

> think......


> That test is something to celebrate

> over....whopeeeee It means you have the

> antobody but it isn't active at this time....it is

> not damaging your liver

> so take measures to take good care of that liver and

> keep yourself as

> healthy as possible because at any time the hep c

> can become active and do

> much damage.....now...it's just lying

> quietly.....you still can't give

> blood.

> He wants you to be checked next year to see if it's

> the same or if it's

> become active.....hope this helps.....judy





> test results



> Hi All,


> I've atached the letter I received recently, can

> anyone explain this to me... thanks..


> gail<--dense


> Dear Ms Condon,


> This letter is to inform you that your original

> test

> for Hep C antibody and Hep B antibody was

> posiitive.

> This meand that you have been exposed to Hep C in

> the

> past.


> Further testing was done to evaluate whether you

> have

> active Hep C disease. This was done by an

> additional

> test called Hep C PCR. This test result is

> negative,

> which means you DO NOT have active hep C disease.


> Although you have an antibody, it does not protect

> you

> from becoming re-infected with the virus if you

> are

> exposed to hep C. The risk factors remain the

> same

> that we spoke abut and are outlined in the

> material I

> gave you at our previous meeting. Antibody

> testing is

> done on blood tissue, and sperm donors. Anyone

> who

> has a positive antibody test is not allowed to

> donate.


> The additional testing that was completed on the

> Hep B

> virus indicates that you have cleared the virus

> and

> how have immunity to it.


> I advise that you be tested with the Hep C PCR

> test

> again in one year, along with liver enzymes

> testing

> (ALT, AST)in order to make sure you indeed do not

> have

> active Hep C. These tests can be ordered and

> followed

> by your primary care provider.


> Since you DO NOT have Hep C, no further follow up

> is

> needed in the Hep C clinic. yadda yadda


> sincerely,


> yadda yadds

> --- Condon Gail <gmcondon@...> wrote:

> >





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  • 6 months later...

I am sorry. Natalia had negative RF and ANA. I know all that since

I am used to these tests ( I have postive ANA) but in the rush wrote

normal. Her sed rate was elevated.

She hasn't been bruising more than normal. Since we are all really

light skinned, bruises show up very easily but all she has been

getting are normal ones from falling down and the like and not too

many of those either. Her other blood counts were all normal so her

provider said we could rule out leukemia and other cancers. We are a

military family and have a Certified Nurse practioner as her main

provider. She has been really great.

I do have another question-- do any of your kids have joints that

make noises? Along with the pain and limping, Natalia makes noises

when she walks but not after she has had her dose of Motrin.

Currently she is worse in the morning and after about four or five

hours after the dose of Motrin. She takes Motrin three times a day

spaced six hours apart.

Oh I found out today that Natalia is very, very fortunate to have

gotten an appointment scheduled so quickly. According to the website

at UNM, the pediatric rheumatologist she will be seeing is the only

one in the states of New Mexico and Arizona. We are a greatly

medically underserved area even in a large city like Albuquerque.

Part of our problem is that we have a Gross Receipts Tax on doctors

and very low insurance and Medicare reimbursement rates.

and Natalia in NM


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Hi ,

Yes! My son has extremely noisy ankles and wrists. He says it doesn't hurt when he does it but if he bends and flexes those joints in a circular motion pattern you can hear the crunching snapping noises. I think those are the only joints he has that do that. For me, the sound of knuckles cracking is as bad as someone scraping their fingernails on a slate chalkboard. Very irritating. The sound of his ankles and wrists cracking sends shivers down my spine, too.

I'm glad that you've found a well qualified nurse to work closely with. It's good to know that you have a good team to help see you through during the difficult times. I hope that Natalia's upcoming appt will help to answer some of your questions and get the ball rolling with a treatment plan that will work better to help control your daughter's JRA. Please keep us updated.



----- Original Message -----

From: mchristinad

I am sorry. Natalia had negative RF and ANA. I know all that since I am used to these tests ( I have postive ANA) but in the rush wrote normal. Her sed rate was elevated. She hasn't been bruising more than normal. Since we are all really light skinned, bruises show up very easily but all she has been getting are normal ones from falling down and the like and not too many of those either. Her other blood counts were all normal so her provider said we could rule out leukemia and other cancers. We are a military family and have a Certified Nurse practioner as her main provider. She has been really great. I do have another question-- do any of your kids have joints that make noises? Along with the pain and limping, Natalia makes noises when she walks but not after she has had her dose of Motrin. Currently she is worse in the morning and after about four or five hours after the dose of Motrin. She takes Motrin three times a day spaced six hours apart.Oh I found out today that Natalia is very, very fortunate to have gotten an appointment scheduled so quickly. According to the website at UNM, the pediatric rheumatologist she will be seeing is the only one in the states of New Mexico and Arizona. We are a greatly medically underserved area even in a large city like Albuquerque. Part of our problem is that we have a Gross Receipts Tax on doctors and very low insurance and Medicare reimbursement rates. and Natalia in NMmchristinad@...

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Hi ,

The only noises my daughters joints make sometimes, are popping

noises. Is this the noise that Natalia is hearing? Sorry, I don't

know anything about the large platelets. Hopefully someone else here

will know what that means.

Take Care,

& Chey4 Poly

> I am sorry. Natalia had negative RF and ANA. I know all that


> I am used to these tests ( I have postive ANA) but in the rush


> normal. Her sed rate was elevated.


> She hasn't been bruising more than normal. Since we are all


> light skinned, bruises show up very easily but all she has been

> getting are normal ones from falling down and the like and not too

> many of those either. Her other blood counts were all normal so


> provider said we could rule out leukemia and other cancers. We

are a

> military family and have a Certified Nurse practioner as her main

> provider. She has been really great.


> I do have another question-- do any of your kids have joints that

> make noises? Along with the pain and limping, Natalia makes


> when she walks but not after she has had her dose of Motrin.

> Currently she is worse in the morning and after about four or five

> hours after the dose of Motrin. She takes Motrin three times a


> spaced six hours apart.


> Oh I found out today that Natalia is very, very fortunate to have

> gotten an appointment scheduled so quickly. According to the


> at UNM, the pediatric rheumatologist she will be seeing is the


> one in the states of New Mexico and Arizona. We are a greatly

> medically underserved area even in a large city like Albuquerque.

> Part of our problem is that we have a Gross Receipts Tax on


> and very low insurance and Medicare reimbursement rates.


> and Natalia in NM

> mchristinad@e...

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  • 2 months later...

--Waiting and Waiting,the thought of having to retake the exam makes

me reach for the tagamets.On monday there was a big envelope in the

mailbox and I didnt know exactly how to act ,So I slowly flipped it

over only to reveal a piece of junk mail from paine webber.Waiting

sure has me walking up to the mailbox a little different.I still hope

that everybody who help prep for the nov exam has passed.Happy

Holidays to everyone.Thanks again,

- In , " rockfarmers1

<rockfarmers1@y...> " <rockfarmers1@y...> wrote:

> I too am waiting on pins and needles and I'm reasonabley sure the

> rest of the crew that tested is also! I have left strict

> instructions with my hubby. If he gets the mail while I am at work

> and I receive a big envelope he can call me at work or bring it up

> to me! If I receive a small envelope he is to wait until I get

> home! Either way I'll just be glad and releived to know


> Maybe we can know someting before Christmas! Wouldn't that be


> Fingers still crossed,

> M'Lise


> > I have several friends that took the test, some in November of

> 2001,

> > and some this past July. They all said that they got their


> in

> > about 30 days, so we should be hearing some time this week, I


> we

> > hear soon, I think the waiting is the worst part, when the mail

> > comes, part of me wants to run right out and the other part says

> > don't I think I will just let my hubby bring in the mail lol.

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: Keep taking those tagamets and hopefully you will get your good news

soon. For everyone: Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy & Safe New

Year. This site has been a great way to learn and also meet some very

wonderful people so thanks for all the hard work and help throughout the

year!! Char

Charleen A. CphT

Technician Representative

Spokane Pharmacy Association


Pharmacy Technician/Trainer

Sixth Avenue Pharmacy

W. 508 6th Avenue

Spokane, WA 99204

(509) 455-9345 wk.

(509) 953-9308 cell.

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Hi Mike-

You are welcome to post study questions/comments for the next exam

anytime you like. Is there a particular area you would like to

discuss? Have you taken the practice exam over at the PTCB site yet?

That will help you to identify your weak areas. You should have

received several tutorials in your 'welcome' info from this site.

Please check out the other tutorials located in the " Files " section

as well==there's a boat load of information. Its good you are

interested in studying now---you have ample time to really learn the

material. Some people wait til the last minute, end up cramming, and

forget half the material shortly after taking the exam. That's way

too stressful for me! While this particular site has only been in

existence since July, Jeanetta has had an active study group site for

a couple of years. Historically, the closer you get to the exam date

the more active the site becomes---w/the activity peaking (almost

24/7) the week before the exam.

While we discourage idle chatter and/or gossip, breif messages

expressing pre or post test anxieties are both expected and

acceptable. No doubt within a couple of weeks or so we will start to

see posts from brand new CPhTs. We shared in their toils as they

studied, and we'd like to share their joy when they learn they have

passed the exam. To many of us who help tutor the CPhT candidates---

knowing that we helped someone pass the exam is the biggest rush of




Group Moderator

> When are we going to study for the next coming Exam.

> I really don't if he or she has passed or failed.

> this should been a study group. Not a place for chit

> chat.

> Mike

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  • 3 months later...
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Hi Pam,

Yep that is a pretty good viral load, but definitely not high by any

means. Remember too that it fluctuates and goes up and down like a yo-


Have you had your biopsy yet?


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You know with being in Stage 2 you do not have to rush about

treatment anyways so that should give you some ease. You may never

progress past that point, and with the healthy way you are taking

care of yourself, you have a good shot at that.

Remember, cryoglobulinemia is common with HepC too.


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In a message dated 3/26/2003 5:44:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

angelwind@... writes:

<< Where did I go wrong????? >>

Are you exercising? Have you gained weight? Any bad habits like smoking?

How occasionally do you eat that Hershey bar? Are you eating in the right


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In a message dated 3/26/2003 5:44:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

angelwind@... writes:

<< Where did I go wrong????? >>

Another thought, were you tested at the same place?

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