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>First, how many of you have taken birth control pills sometime in your life?

I took birth control pills from about age 19 to 21 years old.


>Second, how many of you were diagnosed after becoming pregnant or after

>having a child?


My son is 28 now and I was diagnosed with hyperT and Graves

at age 52.


dx hyperT/Graves Feb 2001; (current treatment propylthiouracil PTU)

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  • 29 years later...


> 1.) Are you of short stature or what is your

> relationship to a short statured individual? I am short statured and I

have a short statured son.



> 2.) Are you aware of the limb-lengthening process

> being done on short statured individuals? Yes, I am aware.



> 3.) Would you ever condsider this process being

> done on yourself or someone you know? No I would not consider it for me or

my son.



> 4.) Do you think anyone or any reason could

> influence you to change your mind? It would have to take time, because I

believe it has not yet been a long enough time to determine the long range

effects of the surgery.



> 5.) If you oppose the process of

> limb-lengthening, what are your reasons? I oppose it because there is no

data on the long term effect. Also it takes a little person out of the

normal life experiences for a long time, usually during the pre teen and

teen years which is a time for social development and acceptance of one




> 6.) If you are in favor or don't care either way,

> what are your reasons?



> 7.) Do you feel most individuals proceed with

> this process, for mainly appearance reasons of for

> physical adaptation? I believe that there are many types of people and

that if they proceed it is for a very individual reason. But the main

reason , I feel is because of apprerance. We can all adapt to our




> 8.) Would you ever try to convince someone to not

> have the procedure done? No , I believe that if somone has the mind set

to have it done, you will not be able to change them. What I do believe

should be done is to present ALL the facts and data and personal

experiences and then let them decide



> 9.) Do you feel average size parents have a big

> role influencing their short statured child to have

> this procedure done? Yes, most average size parents are looking for a

remedy, a way to fix it at first, but then when the average size parents are

educated and see that little people can lead normal lives with a few

adapatations, they will see that it is not a necessary procedure.



> 10.) Do you have religious beliefs that affect

> your decision on this process? My religious beliefs in no way affect my

thoughts on this. I believe that God gave us intelligence and that it is up

to us to decide what we do with it.



> 11.) Do you feel that more discussions about this

> topic should be generated at LPA gatherings/meetings? As time goes on and

new techniques are performed in this procedure it should be made available

to the LPA community for the individual to decide if they want to have the

procedure done. The decision should not be made by one group of people it

is an individual's right to be presented the facts and data and then to make

an educated decision.



> 12.) And last of all, do you feel this survey was

> adequate to get enough information from you? It depends on what

information you are looking for. Because all surveys can be made to get the

outcome the surveyer wants.




> If you have any comments or concerns please include

> them. You may respond to me privately at

> emmyaward79@... by Oct.25th.


> Thank-you so much for your time. Edelman



> =====


> >

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  • 2 months later...


When this list started we were reporting how we did with certain tx - esp.

interferon at that time. It would be interesting to see what things have

helped or not in one place = I know archives can be difficult to navigate.

How do others feel about a survey, and are there any volunteers to

organize such info - someone with lifted brain fog and more knowledgable

than I am at creating data bases. Any ideas or comments welcome!


>From: " Jacques & Nelly " <janel@...>


>I think it, as we are about to start a new year (not century but still), it

>might be a good time to try and do some kind of major re-cap stock taking

>operation/survey to have a sort of data base of ant tx, or any food taken or

>avoided, supplements or other modes of intervention which you have found


>If people are willing to do this, could them make sure to be as rigorous as

>possible and mentioned what other things they were taking at the time (or

>just before and after) their had a brush with some degree of success?

>Of course things that didn't work, or caused harm should be there too.


>If they have lab tests to back up changes, could you also include them?

>I'm not volonteereing but it would be nice to have it all somewhere in a

>form we could consult and add to proggressively. wouls also be very useful

>for newcomers.

>Just an idea

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  • 7 months later...

I am making copies of the surveys for comparison reasons. I am trying to see

if our children have something in common. If anybody has any objections

please let me know. Teri

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I am getting my husband to help with my research. He took statics in college

and I haven't yet so I roped him into this one. Once I am done I will let the

group know the results. Teri

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thanks darling i have been reading each of the surveys

and have been wondering about seeing the results

all will be coming to the list

please let me know what you find

we need to be a group and team on this for our kids

thanks again


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Dear group, I only have 8 Surveys back but here are some results so far: Poly

Arthritis-4, Pauci-2, Systemic-2 so far 5 of the 8 had

onset of JRA at age 2. Meds used:

Naprosyn-5,Methotrxate -1 Enbrel-1 , Cytoxan-1 Motrin-1. 4 children have

blonde hair, 3 have brown hair and 1 has black hair . 5 girls, 1

Boy, and 2 are unknown at this time (awaitng return emails) . All are full

term babies.Birth weight ranging from 4 lbs to 8 lbs 15 oz. Most of the 8

children tend to be the 2nd child. Both arthritis and asthma tend to be in

these families, although the arthritis in the grandparents could be from the

aging process ( I am a geriatric nurse). These are only some of my findings.

Will keep you posted. Teri :)

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Robbin & Georgina,

I took a few days off from working on the surveys. I have either

some nasty virus or an allergy to something. Apparently I'm allergic to the

doctor since I haven't made an appointment for myself. LOL Hope to get going

on the surveys again real soon.


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Hi Teri,

Thank you for your help with the survey responses. And thank you to your

husband, as well :)



THep115@... wrote:


> Dear group, I only have 8 Surveys back but here are some results so far:

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  • 3 weeks later...


It caught my eye that Olivia has been known to get 2-3 urinary tract

infections per year... does she take any preventative antibiotics for that?

Has she been tested for, or does she have kidney reflux? We had a scare a

few months ago, thats why I'm so curious.

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Dear Group:

I am at it again. In the next few days I will be emailing some of

you for specifics concerning family history. This information is important

because I am searching for a common denominator. I appreciate the responses

from those I have already emailed. I hope to have the results ready soon.


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You may have discussed this already (my memory is awful, sorry!), but have

your daughter's doctors mentioned any connection between her jra and the

recurrent strep infections? I know I've been learning alot about reactive

arthritis and strep and was wondering if this is something you're dealing

with? Just curious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope this helps, if anyone has questions about my

answers, let me know


--- dwarfmail1@... wrote:

> Please type an answer under the question.

> 1. Are you male or female?FEMALE


> 2. What type of LP are you?I DONT KNOW?DIDNT KNOW





> 3. How tall are you?3'3-3'4



> 4. Do you live in a rural or urban area?WHY DOES




> 5. What year were you born?UMMM, REALLY NOT GOING TO




> 6. What is your occupation?COLLEGE



> Please type an uppercase " X " on the dotted line to

> show how much you

> agree or disagree with the statement.


> 1. Little people are portrayed accurately on TV.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 2. Little people are portrayed accurately in films




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree



> 3. Little people lead normal lives.





> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 4. There is a difference between how little people

> are generally

> perceived and how they actually are.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 5. LPs make major modifications in their homes due

> to their height.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 6. Most people of average height perceive LPs as

> disabled.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 7. The words used to describe LPs affect the way

> they are perceived.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 8. LPs are generally perceived as normal, just

> short.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 9. People often expect real LPs to be like dwarfs

> in myths or

> folktales, or fairytales.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 10. Most people view little people as special in a

> good way.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 11. It is easier to be an LP in a city than it is in

> the country.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 12. The challenges of being an LP are more physical

> than social.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 13. Most people view LPs as childlike.




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 14. It is easier to be an LP in the country than it

> is in a city




> strongly agree

> strongly disagree


> 15. " normal " and " abnormal " are relative terms, not

> scientific facts.





=== message truncated ===


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Dawn Rose,

I know you are working real hard to get well, and I hate to be a nag, but . . . Are you starting to work with the supplements listed on iThyroid? I really think you have a better shot to recover from Graves by working with your imbalances than going the medical route. To prove my point (or not), I am hereby commissioning an informal survey of board members. Who among us has gotten well (I would define this as at least 6 months without meds while thyroid levels remain in the normal range)? Those who are better: How did you acheive this? I only know of two who are better--Zoey and I. And I think our methods have been discussed pretty thoroughly on this board. Any others out there? Has ANYONE gotten better using the medical model alone?

If no one has, what does that say? I am asking anyone who considers themselves cured to respond.



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I have totally gotten off all meds and most supplements.....don't really know what or how it all happened...I was doing almost all of the supplements...maybe 1/2 or 2/3rds, for a year or less, then I needed thyroid meds, so the Dr. put me on Armour......low dose, and kept checking my blood levels.....when it came back up to normal, she took me off the Armour and I am still taking supplements, but only a few that I think I need for every day living.... and my thyroid levels are normal... and I feel great. I had a couple of other auto-immune problems happening around the same time, and have them under control too, so I don't know for sure how this all came about. I do know that I have felt much better since I first started with 's program...


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Hello all,

I am replying to the survey... I filled the prescription one

time and took all but one tapizol and new I could not live taking it. It

was nasty to have that taste in the back of my throat all day long.

I have taken the supplements find that calcium magnesium seem to help

the most along with copper. I have just recently started drinking green

tea and find that the stuff is really helping allot but I would not recommend

the new people take it because of the caffeine.

I have had this thyroid problem....this is my seventh year in june

and I plan to be well by then. But who knows.I will stay on the path I

am following.

I have been without meds for five years!WoooHooo

I am a hell of a lot better the only thing that really bothers me is

the heat. I have started a cabinet shop bought a steel yacht that I am

refitting and am planning to sail around the world for the next 10 or 15


I am not totally cured but it's not going to slow me down!!


AntJoan@... wrote:

Dear Dawn


I know you are working real

hard to get well, and I hate to be a nag, but . .

.. Are you starting

to work with the supplements listed on iThyroid? I

really think you have a

better shot to recover from Graves by working with

your imbalances than going

the medical route. To prove my point (or not), I

am hereby commissioning

an informal survey of board members. Who among us

has gotten well (I would

define this as at least 6 months without meds while

thyroid levels remain in

the normal range)? Those who are better: How did

you acheive this?

I only know of two who are better--Zoey and I. And I

think our methods have been

discussed pretty thoroughly on this board. Any

others out there?

Has ANYONE gotten better using the medical model alone?

If no one has, what does

that say? I am asking anyone who considers

themselves cured to respond.



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  • 5 months later...

This " survey " seems a little odd to me. The survey questions themselves

aren't the problem -- it's the mysterious nature in which it was posted:

without a name and without any kind of introduction. Add to that the fact

that the subscriber just signed up to this list today, and it makes it a

little more suspicious.

In my opinion it's not a good idea to respond to this type of thing if the

surveyor is not willing to identify themselves or the purpose of their

survey up front. Just a word of caution to those who may be considering

answering this anonymous post.


On Sun, 11 Nov 2001, Burger King wrote:

> First Name:


> Age:


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