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Angel, Where are you located? Do you have a choice regarding which school

he attends? I would love to help but need more info.


opinions please

> next fall frankie is gonna be going to kindergarden and we live in the


> .which means he would be going to a city school and probably not the one


> girls go to ,,, and this one is basicaly good but other city schools are


> and this school is not ready for this and if i was to send him to a school


> want them to know exactly what they are doing ... now i havent looked and

> cathlic schools yet but there is one school that has been said to be real

> good and its a disability school if you want to check it out before you


> me an opinion please do so ...


> http://www.holychildhood.org/.... thanks to all that respond im just at a

> loss here and have no clue what to do but i would do anything for him not


> go to a city school ....angel




> Angel mom of 3 (9) (8) and ie (4ds)



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Angel, Where are you located? Do you have a choice regarding which school

he attends? I would love to help but need more info.


opinions please

> next fall frankie is gonna be going to kindergarden and we live in the


> .which means he would be going to a city school and probably not the one


> girls go to ,,, and this one is basicaly good but other city schools are


> and this school is not ready for this and if i was to send him to a school


> want them to know exactly what they are doing ... now i havent looked and

> cathlic schools yet but there is one school that has been said to be real

> good and its a disability school if you want to check it out before you


> me an opinion please do so ...


> http://www.holychildhood.org/.... thanks to all that respond im just at a

> loss here and have no clue what to do but i would do anything for him not


> go to a city school ....angel




> Angel mom of 3 (9) (8) and ie (4ds)



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  • 3 years later...
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Don't be afraid you might bother the doctor by calling with questions or

concerns.The thing I notice the most is Belle is a tad old for pauci and it's

looking more and more like long before the initial six months is over things


develop onto poly.

JRA doesn't always come in a neat little package so they classify you as

something but that something can change,even years later.Classic example is the

older child that initialy looks like pauci but years later it's obvious that

they have Spondy.

Call Belle's doc and let them know whats going on.I don't know what meds she

is on now but instead of waiting they might want to get more agressive now.


Becki and 6 systemic

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It is always hard to know if you should call or not but when you are having more

things that are different and you are having concerns about her back, it sounds

like it is time to call. It really depends too on your clinic etc. Ours gave us

a note about what things to call them for and which ones to call the ped for.

When you call the doc ask there opinion about things to call etc. It never hurts

to call if you're concerned. If it is something that can wait then call between

regular business hours but if something is really up and it night/weekend then

call and you generally will talk with a nurse first and they will decide if the

doctor needs to be called or if it can hold off until clinic is open again. We

have a great nurse line that you can leave messages on and they get back to you

rather quickly for things that are of a concern. And we can page the doc if

needed. So, in a nutshell I would say call today and see what they say about the

new joints and pain and ask them what kinds

on things do they want you to call them for.

Hope she is feeling much better soon.


branx4 <branx4@...> wrote:

I know that this may be a strange question but here it goes…What

do you call the Dr for ? We are relatively new to all of this and

aren't really sure at what point to notify the clinic. I have only

called once and that was to ask about MMR vaccinations ( we have

opted out for the time being ) but Belle has had a few new pains

within thelast two weeks and I don't want to overreact but this

morning she felt lousy . Her right shoulder and upper arm ached ,

along with the normal hip pain .But I guess the one that bothers me

the most is that she has had a pain in the upper back , between her

shoulder blades . So opinions please…

Thanks , Teri ( Belle 10 y/o pauci )


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Hi Teri,

Everyone will probably have varying opinions on this one and in the

end it just depends on what works for you.

I guess one of the things I think about is what expectations I have

for the doctor in regards to change in treatment. For example, when

Aundrea was on prednisone, I knew that a call to the doctor would

most likely result in an increase in pred...so I might try and hold

out a while and see if things get better or worse over the next couple

of days before making the call.

Another thing that has helped me to decide is based on the number of

missed school days and the severity of her pain...If she is bed-bound

and its gone on for a couple of days then I will place a call if its

the familiar aches and pains but not limiting her activity then I am

more apt to hold off and just put the information in my journal and

discuss it at our next appointment.

So, do whats comfortable for you. In the end its never going to hurt

anything to place a call to the doc. I just often assume at least

from my experience, its often going to mean a med change, so I usually

opt to observe things for a little


I hope things get better for Belle soon. Keep us posted on how things

are going!

(Aundrea 9 systemic)--

- In , " branx4 " <branx4@y...> wrote:


> I know that this may be a strange question but here it goes…What

> do you call the Dr for ? We are relatively new to all of this and

> aren't really sure at what point to notify the clinic. I have only

> called once and that was to ask about MMR vaccinations ( we have

> opted out for the time being ) but Belle has had a few new pains

> within thelast two weeks and I don't want to overreact but this

> morning she felt lousy . Her right shoulder and upper arm ached ,

> along with the normal hip pain .But I guess the one that bothers me

> the most is that she has had a pain in the upper back , between her

> shoulder blades . So opinions please…

> Thanks , Teri ( Belle 10 y/o pauci )

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Hi Teri,

You need to use your gut instincts, however, don't be afraid to

call. Most clinics have nurses to field the calls to determine if

the doctor has to be involved. I would call during normal hours.

Once you get more experience, you will become more comfortable with

this challenge, in the beginning, error on the side of caution -

call the doctor!

My $.02.

Brad (Kate, 3, poly)

> >

> > I know that this may be a strange question but here it goes…What

> > do you call the Dr for ? We are relatively new to all of this and

> > aren't really sure at what point to notify the clinic. I have


> > called once and that was to ask about MMR vaccinations ( we


> > opted out for the time being ) but Belle has had a few new pains

> > within thelast two weeks and I don't want to overreact but this

> > morning she felt lousy . Her right shoulder and upper arm

ached ,

> > along with the normal hip pain .But I guess the one that bothers


> > the most is that she has had a pain in the upper back , between


> > shoulder blades . So opinions please…

> > Thanks , Teri ( Belle 10 y/o

pauci )

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This was a big issue for me in the beginning. I was scared to call the

rhuemy and didnt want to " bother " them. I was never sure what

warrented a call and what could wait.

I would often ask the more experienced people on the list here weather

i needed to call or if it could wait.

As time goes on and you get a better understanding of this disease and

how it affects your child, it does get easier to know when to call.

It'ts also become easier for me the more I have gotten to know Nicks


I also had to step out of my comfort zone too to make the call. I've

become a much better advocate for Nick in the last 2 years.

I would call, I think it says a lot about the quaility of care from

the rhumey as to how they respond to calls from parents.

good luck.

hugs Helen and (7 1/2 systemic)

-- In , " branx4 " <branx4@y...> wrote:


> I know that this may be a strange question but here it goes…What

> do you call the Dr for ? We are relatively new to all of this and

> aren't really sure at what point to notify the clinic. I have only

> called once and that was to ask about MMR vaccinations ( we have

> opted out for the time being ) but Belle has had a few new pains

> within thelast two weeks and I don't want to overreact but this

> morning she felt lousy . Her right shoulder and upper arm ached ,

> along with the normal hip pain .But I guess the one that bothers me

> the most is that she has had a pain in the upper back , between her

> shoulder blades . So opinions please…

> Thanks , Teri ( Belle 10 y/o pauci )

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  • 7 months later...

Thanks Tina, I have the Deth stuff already, need to dig it out mind.

Both 's Paed and Gastro asked what I was giving but it seemed more to fill up the appointment time, it wan't until we went private that I was asked what, how often, what strength and any improvements.

I don't know if they will ask this stuff but seeing as it's this that I want funding I don't see how we can avoid it because a member of the panel here thinks the RF can do the same job and I want them to inform her they can't.

's paed has already told this darned woman how much improvement she has noted, her last suggestion before we went private was to prescribe antipsychotics, she has also told her he was not on the verge of spontaneous recovery, yet still we are being sent to Hampstead to get their opinion!

I'm just worried that in my eagerness to make a case for biomed I shoot myself in the foot and end up being accused of all sorts.



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In a message dated 05/12/2005 20:38:48 GMT Standard Time, MaddiganV@... writes:

That's the question really previous NHS Doctors have only ever asked what Iv'e been using and never how much and we were not doing MB12 then.Is it O.K. to tell them we use MB12 injections and exactly how much of everything we use, have this idea that I may be accused of over dosing my son on vits and amino's.

>>>I'm going to be in this position soon with the PCT, I told the Health authority months ago that I wanted to make a presentation to the committee personnally as I felt they would understand little of it without help (!) I said I had DVD's but the guy nearly fell off his chair when I said I had 26 hours worth LOL.

I said that it may be helpful for them to do some mprior to our meeting and that I would supply it for them. I didnt; think they could make a proper decision without understanding what it was they were making a decision about. All said in the nicest possible way and in the spirit of helping things along :) Very nice chap I spoke to pribably heaving a big sigh of relief it won't be him chairing it!

My planned tack was going in with the few tests I have got (hopefully more by then if I get Caudwell funding) and asking them if they have a contract with anybody who knows how to deal with this obviously very serious condition - building my case around the blood Lead results. They haven't. My case is in the absence of somenbody, anybody on a current block contract that know whats they are doing I fail to see why they would not approve ECR funding for the Breakspear.

I am wittering again and this isn't helping. Maybe take your tests and see if they have anythign to offer. Have you got video of before yu started biomed? Kinda to prove he wasn't making a spontaneous recovery?

Sorry not much help, I feel the platform of PCT (many of whom I will know from my days as a practice manager) is a lot less dauting than facing up to the folks at Royal Free who do have more experience than the locals, though not the type I suspect that is going to helpful. They shoudl be giving yu a good reason why NOT to fund rather than the other way around

Mandi x

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Mandi I was told after the event that I could request speaking to them personally, not much use now!

To be honest though I am pretty good at arguing a case but they do try and blind you with science and it's hard to try and second guess what they will say, in your case I think it may be the other way round lol.

There is also the time issue, it's a lot of ground to cover.

I like the idea of them proving to me why they shouldn't fund, but you just know they will say the gut followed the brain and not the other way round as we all know.

I do have some still photo's of looking very sick indeed with the blackest eyes and also his records will show when he tumbled down the height and weight percentilee, which by the way everyone he has now for the first time left the 2nd percentile and is on the 4th for height, I think an amazing piece of concrete evidence that his gut is healing he is 46lbs at aged 8 so that gives you and idea of how little he is, but when we started the MB12 just a few months ago he was an awful lot lighter as well!

I don't attribute the gains in weight and height to MB12 I would say that is the supps, enzymes and diet all kicking in, who knows what exactly other than something is working and it's good, now to get the mainstream to accept the blindingly obvious!



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Hi Vicky Good luck with the appointment. I think I would let them do the talking as much as possible. How do they propose to help ? I would go in armed with all the problems he has had to face without adequate NHS support. Ask about children with similar symptoms - what is the typical treatment protocol etc. In terms of supps, I have told my GP what we give , nobody else has even asked. He was fine about it all but that doesn't mean every Dr will be as open minded. Do you have test results to show why you need the vits/mins/aminos? In terms of MB12 I would take that complicated pin wheel diagram shown at the AAA conference - you can download from the AAA site. Maybe also the and Deth papers - I think they are on www.treatingautism.com. Ask them what they know about MB12? Put them on the

spot! We'll be thinking about you on Wednesday - hope its useful,even if its just to get the Dr H funding. Tina veronicamadigan <MaddiganV@...> wrote: 's appointment at the Royal Free is this Wednesday, seeing as we have ended up there after a funding request, I will be telling them all the biomedical stuff we have been doing. That's the question really previous NHS Doctors have only ever asked what Iv'e been using and never how much and we were not doing MB12 then.Is it O.K. to tell them we use MB12 injections and exactly how much of everything we use, have this idea that I may be accused of over dosing my son on vits and amino's.TIAVicky

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Dear Vicky

I wish I could help you more but I'm not that good at this sorta thing. I know it in my head but find it hard to get it out of there and sounding sensible.

What about taking some papers with you, some from the Generation Rescue, Treating Autism site and maybe the Children with Straving Brains Book by Jacquelyn McCandless, even if its just the reference list....

write yourself a little list as to why you started the dietary intervention, supplements you use and why (Kirkmans catalogue online has good info about what each thing does)...

Make a little timeline about his weight at different stages and what improvements you saw. I would keep what you say pretty concise and simple you can give them the follow up info to read and copy and send back to you or whatever...

Lots a luck we will so all be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing your news. Remember that in Italy, the Minister of Health (I think!!) has now intervened after seeing the improvements this is haveing in kids, that can happen. here too...

Love Caroline


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Thanks Caroline, I have pretty much got it altogether now with papers and stuff, I have found the paeds letter to the PCT and don't know whether it's worth taking or not a couple of things in there not sure about what do you think?

"Mr and Mrs M fully understand there is no "cure" for autism and are not looking for something that will change their son. has been prescribed supplements and his parents have noted a marked imporvement in his physical well being as well as his behaviour.

Whilst the outcome data for this work would not withstand full scientific rigour, this is a package of supplements which is recommended by a number of different people throughout the Country, we ourselves are not able to offer this child anything better."

See I don't agree with we understand there is no cure for autism or not trying to change and I'm concerned with her comment about not being able to withstand scientific rigor, is all the stuff we talk about completely unscientific then? Maybe better just not to take it although the rest of the letter is very supportive and notes her observations on s improvements.

I don't want to get caught up in waffle with RF coz they are sure to have plenty of answers to shoot me down in flames.

Thanks for your suggestions



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  • 1 year later...

Hello Robyn,

I read your post with great interest as we are waiting the results of my daughter

Jenna Rose's full spine xrays as she was just diagnosed with scoliosis and has had achalasia for 8 yrs

I will show Jenna your comments and see what she thinks.

Francine Mom of Jenna Rose/ Ontario Canada

Hi everyone I haven't written much because I don't have a difinitive diagnosis as of yetbut if some of you remember I am on my way to see an orthopedist on the 18thbecause my spine is so crooked and my aortic arch was found to be highlypronouced. It's possible the spine is pushing into the esophagus causing mytrouble swallowing. Anyway, Yesterday I wasn't feeling well so my husbandbrought me some soup in bed. I ate this soup while sitting up on my leftside and it seemed to me that the soup and crackers with butter went down alittle better but I thought he, it must be in my mind. Well I decided to tryeating this way again this morning and low and behold it felt as if myscrambled eggs and white sauce went down MUCH faster and more easily..Icould actually feel the warmth hit my stomach much more faster than usual...What would this say? Hmmmmm Robyn

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Hi Francince

Thanks so much for responding. I posted this twice and you're the only one who even answered. I was wondering if maybe I was outted from the list or something...SHe she was dx'd with Scoliosis.. Did the doctor say it could be causing her Achlasia? I was supossed to see an Orthopedist today but when I got there , no one was there. Is that the kind of doctor you saw? How many xrays did they take? How bad is her scoliosis and is there anything they can do to give her some relief?

Thinking of both of you.


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-- Re:Opinions PLEASE

Hello Robyn,

I read your post with great interest as we are waiting the results of my daughter

Jenna Rose's full spine xrays as she was just diagnosed with scoliosis and has had achalasia for 8 yrs

I will show Jenna your comments and see what she thinks.

Francine Mom of Jenna Rose/ Ontario Canada

Hi everyone I haven't written much because I don't have a difinitive diagnosis as of yetbut if some of you remember I am on my way to see an orthopedist on the 18thbecause my spine is so crooked and my aortic arch was found to be highlypronouced. It's possible the spine is pushing into the esophagus causing mytrouble swallowing. Anyway, Yesterday I wasn't feeling well so my husbandbrought me some soup in bed. I ate this soup while sitting up on my leftside and it seemed to me that the soup and crackers with butter went down alittle better but I thought he, it must be in my mind. Well I decided to tryeating this way again this morning and low and behold it felt as if myscrambled eggs and white sauce went down MUCH faster and more easily..Icould actually feel the warmth hit my stomach much more faster than usual...What would this say? Hmmmmm Robyn



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  • 8 months later...

My first boyfriend had dyslexia. He had been in and out of SOME Special

Ed. And was in regular classes with peers as well. Was he learning

disabled. I dunno. He did not like school, he had anger and social

issues. They passed him. I literally watched them push him through the

system cause they " did not want to deal with him anymore " . I literally

heard a teacher say that once. He graduated. I don't know what place.

Based on what I know of him, the intimate details of his life, and

helping him go to school for over the road truck driving as well as auto

mechanics.. he may have had dyslexia.. but his main problem was he did

not have the desire to learn. He really did not. I know this is not

always the case.. but in his case he got his high school diploma cause

of a series of teachers just did not want to deal with him. ( I spent

about 8 yrs with him in general.. some of this was living together after

high school) Some of his other jobs with the hs diploma was grocery

stock boy, some general construction, gas station attendant, fast food

guy. This was in the late 1980's.

When we started homeschooling my eldest then in ninth grade, did not

know squat. I was a bit perturbed cause she had also attended private

education with us shelling out money- during some rather tough times. I

had to spend the first year doing remedial work with her just to try to

get her up to par. She was at the level the public school felt she

should be.. but she was not doing the work I had been doing when I was

her age. Though she was able.

So. Based on my experience. I put little trust in public education. ( or

private for that matter) I do believe that there are SOME districts that

do " push em through " and some that actually care and take the time to

educate. I don't think that IDEA has diddly to do with that. In

short.. I feel the article may over generalize the problem. But there is

some truth to it. I also think that this is the reason why highschool

diplomas mean nothing anymore. It seems that in todays world if you

don't go to college then your income abilities are highly limited. Which

is different from say the 1950's.

But.. just my opinion.


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This is happening all the time in Long Island school districts. Not just

with special needsd kids, although they are even worse off. The schools on

Long Island just want to push the kids through and get them out. You have to

fight to keep your child held back in a class if you think he/she is not ready

to move forward. I remember years ago when my oldest two were in elementary

(20 plus years ago) and the parents helped with CAT tests.(turning the page

etc for the kids so they were allon the right page) and the teacher saying

to a specific child " Now is tht really the answer you want ny? " And the

kid would keep pointing to answers until the teacher smiled. SO much for an

accurate estimate of what our kids can do. This happened over and over. It

wasn't long after that, that they stopped allowing parents to help

administer tests. I wonder why


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This goes to show we have to be very involved in the education or our kids.

There is no reason why they shouldn't receive extra time, use calculators, have

directions broken down and/or read aloud. I do stop at having them redirected

to correct answers that are wrong.

I consider myself a pia (pain in the a..) at 's school. I'm there

every day! I made my own communication book (which was modified by his teacher

for better wording such as: instead of problems today, she suggested things I

need to work on). I am constantly asking exactly what is he working on and how

is he doing, therefore when his evaluations come out along with his report card,

I already know where he stands.

Same thing goes for my girls who have no learning disabilities. You have to

stay on top to make sure they where they should be academically. I check their

homework everyday and no I do not do their homework for them!! or their

projects!!!. By checking, I know if they are having any problems. If they

continue and immediately go in and talk to their teachers to remedy the


Just my opinion.

Tricia (Niamh 11, Ciara 10, 7, ds)

" M. FRANK " <michdock@...> wrote:



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I understand that in some states it was illegal to hold a child back.

So even if they couldn't read at second grade level they were passed right

on through high school. This wasn't always the teacher's fault.

I also remember quite a few years ago there was a college, or pro,

basketball player, who decided he wanted some education. He had to go back to

4th gr ade to find his level. They have tightened up educational requirements

now but probably not enough. Jessie


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  • 5 months later...

i would get a second opinion from a specialist because at this juncture, she may not be

able to have a second baby, being high risk and all.

In a message dated 1/25/2008 10:15:57 P.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, achsel@... writes:

My boss is quite a few years my junior but delightful eye candy. Lenny met him when we went to Sacramento a year ago, my boss shared his shrimp with Lenny's son after he discovered he loved them. Anyway, he and his wife are expecting their first child. Despite being in her 20's, she had cervical cancer years ago and so was labeled a high risk pregnancy. In fact they had to "sew her up" so that she could carry the baby. There has been a risk of miscarriage the entire way. But they made it to five months, things going very well. They have been very open to all the vaccine info, they know our story well. And were even open to my mistrust of ultra-sound but broke down this week and had an ultra-sound scheduled, she is far enough along to find out the sex. So they did the ultra-sound on Thursday and they were given devastating news. Apparently the brain is developing outside of the body, outside of the skull. They are being told there is no chance of survival, no fix for this, nothing to do but take the baby now. The baby is of course still growing, strong heartbeat, kicking. Perhaps in the amniotic fluid the brain is very happy. They tell them the baby even if it survived to full term would die within minutes after the birth.I know what it feels like to lose a pregnancy, but never in such a bizarre and devastating fashion as this. Of course we all know cases where horrible outcomes were foreseen and when the baby is born,they are fine, or far less affected than estimated. But is there also a line where it truly is hopeless.And even if it is hopeless, I think it is inhumane that they want to schedule her for surgery "sometime next week" and sent them home to spend the weekend with their grief and a pregnancy with a strong beating heart and kicking baby. I don't even know what to say to them, this is totally beyond advice or council that I feel qualified to give.Could this be doctors just trying to get rid of a less than perfect fetus, or is this condition one without answers or solutions. Has anyone ever seen this, they are being told that this is 100% certain, there is 0% chance they say the child will even live, let alone be O.K. I also wonder if this could be the result of chemo and radiation from just a few years ago. My God it just seems there is no good ending here, how devastating for them. I'm heartbroken for them no matter what happens here.Kendra Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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This is a devastating thing. I know because one of my friends had the

exact same thing happen (minus the medical condition). She was told

that her baby had major abnormalities, same as you describe, brain and

spine growing outside of the body. They recommended that she

terminate her pregnancy, so she did.

She has never been the same and has never been able to forgive herself

for what she perceives as having killed her child. She always wonders

if she had gone to term if the baby would have been okay, if maybe the

doctors made a mistake, etc. She is tortured EVERY DAY of her life.

I can't give any advice here, obviously I don't know anything about

the additional contraindications, but if this person has any religious

beliefs about abortion, etc., I PRAY they are at peace with whatever

they decide. My friend has been and will probably continue to be

tormented for the rest of her life. Obviously she's probably seen a

high risk OB/GYN?

I had a miscarriage at 5+ months and it's not a pleasant thing to go

through. You have to go through the entire birth, epidural and all.

I'll spare you the details of how you get to hold your baby while it

takes the last breath......

I'm not very religious, but I am definitely going to have a word with

the man upstairs for your friend.


> i would get a second opinion from a specialist because at this

juncture, she

> may not be

> able to have a second baby, being high risk and all.



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There will be grief in any event. :et them know about my webpage (GriefSOS.com).

Between the flower remedies and the oxytocin she and your boss should be able to

ride it out.

Shew will have the extra hormonal challenge of being post partum - all the more

reason to have oxytocin on hand.

KP Stoller, MD

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


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I cannot begin to imagine just how painful this is for your friends. Making it five months into the pregnancy and then finding out this.

I just would say that they shouldn't let the doctor rush them into anything. They can always get second and third opinions. Any decisions to be made should be made just by them and how they feel. Scheduling anything next week, seems to me, to be insensitive. When they are ready, they can schedule or do what they need to.

Hopefully, your friends will have lots of support. During some of the most terrible times in one's life, some friends and family emerge to provide support that means the world to you. Words, thoughts, prayers, just knowing that you are cared about, knowing that someone else understands your pain, makes you feel not so alone and helps you to heal.

I would definitely tell them about Dr. Stoller's website.

I wish that there was more that could be done for the little baby and for your friends.


Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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My heart goes out to her. If she's Catholic, the Catholic church

does have a support group for women who have had to terminate a

pregnancy. That said, some priests are kinder and gentler than

others. Last Sunday I sat in Mass and listened to a priest talk

about the joy of Reagan and the fight to end abortion for 25

minutes. I wanted to scream " This week's take is TAXABLE! Cut the

politics! " But we sit in the front pew and the girls were behaving so


Anyway -- another really important component in addition to healing

her mind and heart is healing her body. That said, Cranio Sacral

Therapy has a component called " Somatic Emotional Release " that helps

get " Trauma " out of tissue. I'm going to guess that her body is

wracked with trauma, even while the physical portion heals. Yeah,

it seems like voodoo but darn if it doesn't work. People who use

this soft touch therapy find themselves releasing emotions trapped

for decades.

If you'll email me offlist list I can help you find a local provider

through The Updledger Institute.

Kim Stagliano at G Mail dot Com



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I remember a long time ago, I met someone who had the same diagnosis with her baby. I don't know how religious this couple is that you know, but this friend of mine had someone give her a blessing. 'Whatever would be would be', she decided, but couldn't end the baby's life herself. She decided to enjoy all that pregnancy has to offer, feeling the movement, singing to, rocking the baby inside, and then to enjoy the sweet little look on her face, if even for just a few minutes, so that their baby could see her mom and dad just once before she passed. Well, wouldn't you know, the baby was born just perfect. Doctors didn't understand how the physical defect would have changed so dramatically. All we know is that there were lots of prayers and a willing-hearted family to accept whatever circumstance was sent to them.

Speaking towards the medical procedure, a mother's body does not experience pleasant effects when a part of it is surgically removed before it is time. A woman's body knows what is going on inside and what is best for it. When her body decides that the baby is not fit for life outside or inside, it will begin it's own process and naturally take care of things. If it is induced, you can be certain that your poor friend will feel the repurcussions of that for years and years to come. There are thousands of women out there who can attest to this. Tell her to pray about it and follow her heart and her gut. Remember that miracles happen every day. Hope this helps.



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