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Of course, we're made BAD by our genes.



> I know, that mercury is so mercurial. Bulbs- bad; shots- safe. I

> think mercury might be bewitched, actually, because if you drip it

> on your hand, you die. If you breath it, you're poisoned. If you eat

> it, you're f** & ed. But if you inject it into a day old infant, it's

> fine because the bad juju has been exorcised by magic-wand waving

> Harry Potter lab technicians at vaccine manufacturing facilities.

> Unless the infant is a bad infant. Good infants from good families

> are safe.

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  • 4 months later...


> I was banded a year and a half ago.I lost 65 pounds in about

7months.My mom passed away May 25,2007 and I was very stressed so in

July,I saw Dr. :ampo and got unfilled.I know I wasn't at my goal

weight but I was very weak and sick ad stressed out.I went in at

1.4cc's. 3 had only the one fill.few months later I had gained 15

pounds. I was now devastated.I went into surgery,270,and I was 200 at

my UNFILL. I went back to Dr.A recently, Dec. 1st,07. Dr. Campos had

previously taken out .5cc at unfill and Dr. A put in .3cc's at my

second fill.3 began at 1.4 6monts after my surgery and lost all that

weight. HELPPPP.....I am still gaining slowly, NOT losing! the fill is

a bit tight,not a lot of food but I can snack. I only need a little

more of a fil.Have 50 more pounds to go.DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO


Please...HELP !!!


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I can already tell you what Dr. A will say. If you are tight and can't eat many foods he will likely remove some fill, not add to it. As for the snacking I can tell you what he would say there too. He's more diplomatic than I am, so forgive the bluntness, but he will tell you what he told a friend recently. He pointed to her stomach and said she didn't need an adjustment there, then he pointed her her head and said she needed an adjustment there.

If you can snack, you can eat good food too. If you want a milkshake, don't have it. Drink a protein shake instead. If you can't eat chicken try tuna salad. If you can't eat veggies but you can eat pudding, eat very well cooked, skinless veggies instead. Most people... if they can eat snacks they can find better alternatives. If you can't eat pudding, chips, crackers, and milkshakes then you need a small unfill. If you can eat bad foods, you can eat good foods.

On Jan 11, 2008 8:09 PM, daymkr05 <DStu98@...> wrote:


> I was banded a year and a half ago.I lost 65 pounds in about

7months.My mom passed away May 25,2007 and I was very stressed so in

July,I saw Dr. :ampo and got unfilled.I know I wasn't at my goal

weight but I was very weak and sick ad stressed out.I went in at

1.4cc's. 3 had only the one fill.few months later I had gained 15

pounds. I was now devastated.I went into surgery,270,and I was 200 at

my UNFILL. I went back to Dr.A recently, Dec. 1st,07. Dr. Campos had

previously taken out .5cc at unfill and Dr. A put in .3cc's at my

second fill.3 began at 1.4 6monts after my surgery and lost all that

weight. HELPPPP.....I am still gaining slowly, NOT losing! the fill is

a bit tight,not a lot of food but I can snack. I only need a little

more of a fil.Have 50 more pounds to go.DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO


Please...HELP !!!


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;My heart goes out to you . Can you slow down on beating up on yourself? You've been through a lot with the loss of your mom. No matter how old she was or what the exact relationship was, it's hard to lose your one and only mom. Nothing really ever prepares us for the actual passing of a loved one, even when we might have nursed them in their declining years. As far as your out-of-control eating, start looking at your minutes...not even hours or days. Right now you want to turn the weight gain around. One minute at a time is the way that's going to happen. The way I do this is like this. I see where I am in my life. I look around and see that the house hasn't burned down, I'm still able to pay my bills, I have clothes on my body -- usually sweats because they feel so good to me . And basically I just note that all really is well in my life around me. I just know that what's wrong is going on inside of me. So, if I'm frantic

to eat, I just stop for a moment. I give myself one minute of not eating. In this one minute I am not going to eat food I know I don't need. (eating won't bring your mom back) Then...the next minute...and the next...I may have to count these minutes as miserable minutes, but the one thing I didn't want to do most of all, I didn't do, I didn't eat. And that is GOOD. And so it goes, minute by minute.... If you mess up, start over. Take a deep breath or two. Go for a walk, Do some stretching. You can do it. Eventually, you'll find you've made it through the morning, noon, or night, without caving in to the urge to eat unneeded food. Maybe you need to sit and take deep slow breaths just to slow yourself down. Even crying is better than eating what you don't want or need. Crying is a great cleansing process. You feel alone in this but trust me, the minute you sent your email you got a lot of people

thinking about you. A lot of hope and caring headed right your way, even if not everyone writes. But I bet a lot of people will write. So you aren't alone and positive thoughts are directed your way. And a lot of concern. Doesn't this web-site have a database that includes doctors who do fills in all states? Someone will come up with the answer to your question. In the meantime, hang on girl. Dig in and turn this around. You CAN do it. Slow breath; stay out of the kitchen; go for a walk, stretch......There you go. You're there already. I'll be pullin' for you from here. Lois "LISA...a.k.a.PRETTYEYEZ!!!" <sxyteacha@...> wrote: I was banded a year and a half ago.I lost 65 pounds in about 7months.My mom passed away May 25,2007 and I was very stressed so in July,I saw Dr. :ampo and got unfilled.I know I wasn't at my goal weight but I was very weak and sick ad stressed out.I went in at 1.4cc's. 3 had only the one fill.few months later I had gained 15 pounds. I was now devastated.I went into surgery,270,and I was 200 at my UNFILL. I went back to Dr.A recently, Dec. 1st,07. Dr. Campos had previously taken out .5cc at unfill and Dr. A put in .3cc's at my second fill.3 began at 1.4 6monts after my surgery and lost all that weight. HELPPPP.....I am still gaining

slowly, NOT losing! the fill is a bit tight,not a lot of food but I can snack. I only need a little more of a fil.Have 50 more pounds to go.DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TO GET FILL IN NY AREA WITH FLOROUSCOPY !!!! I'm in tears! Please...HELP !!!

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This is all very true. I am in the..."I can't eat food but can snack phase. I was tightened by Dr. A early Dec. When you were there too. I am looking for a place in NY city area for another small fill ASAP.Last fill not enough! I am gaining. Know where to go where they use flOROUSCOPY ? HELP!From: Bipley <Bipley@...>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 10:40 PM Subject: Re: Re: Help!!!!!I can already tell you what Dr. A will say. If you are tight and can't eat many foods he will likely remove some fill, not add to it. As for the snacking I can tell you what he would say there too. He's more diplomatic than I am, so forgive the bluntness, but he will tell you what he told a friend recently. He pointed to her stomach and said she didn't need an adjustment there, then he pointed her her head and said she needed an adjustment there.If you can snack, you can eat good food too. If you want a milkshake, don't have it. Drink a protein shake instead. If you can't eat chicken try tuna salad. If you can't eat veggies but you can eat pudding, eat very well cooked, skinless veggies instead. Most people... if they can eat snacks they can find better alternatives. If you can't eat pudding, chips, crackers, and milkshakes then you need a small unfill. If you can eat bad foods, you can eat good foods.On Jan 11, 2008 8:09 PM, daymkr05 <DStu98@...> wrote: > > I was banded a y[The entire original message is not included]

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I am not as tight as I was when I was losing weight regurlarly. I never said I was too tight. I just want a bit more of a tightening to be at, 1.4cc's like I used to be.This is why I am asking for anyone's info they might have for a Doc. Who gives fills using flOROUSCOPY within they NY city area.Hope that clarify's for you!From: daymkr05 <DStu98@...>Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 10:10 PM Subject: Re: Help!!!!!--- WHoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa there! Ok, I am confused..if you are too tight why would you want another fill?? Please clarify! Messages in this topic (2) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic [The entire original message is not included]

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Sorry Heidi.? I have no words of wisdom, but if anyone needs a virtual pint of

hagen daz, it's you!? Hang in there!

Kathy, Liam's mom (11,ds,diabetes, asthma, and a draining ear infection--ew!)


We are having trouble with the school finally after 6 years and I need

advice. Here is our story.

ph is 11 years old. Along with the downs he has an under active frontal

lobe ( causes him not to know the difference between real and not real) , an

autism overlay, and behavior issues.

Well when he was 6 when he was supposedly diagnosed with ADHD and put on all

kinds of meds. And seen various doctors until I decided to take him off the

meds because he was getting blotted and it was doing nothing, that was in 07

sometime. Then at the end of the school year I found out he has an under

active frontal lobe, and an autism overlay. His Special Education teacher

went with me to Dr apt. And he gave us some valuable information on how to

deal with him, like you have to come around with Joe. So he did really

good at home this summer not being on meds, until the beginning of this

school year and they can not handle him, so back to the Dr. To get on meds

again. So now we are going through trying to find the right meds. We are

trying to get into a hospital so they can monitor him and get him on the

right meds for him We live 87 miles from town, so we would go and stay for

a week.

Well you have to give kids awhile to adjust to meds. Plus he is going

through puberty. So that is not working for us.

The school is having issues with his behavior and I do not think they want

him there anymore. The special Ed teacher is overworked, she deals with Joe

and another child with autism, plus the other kids that need help, and I

belive not that into it anymore. I feel like she is intimidated because we

have a respit provider that has really good ideas and is doing good with Joe

One para he does not like. She is old school and is not going to change so

things with Joe have to be done now. She has told us before not to give Joe

a hug, as he had a bad day. ( Who is she to tell me not to hug my kid).

She has been there since I was in grade school.

Then the other para is afraid of him.

They are limiting his learning by when they go up the stairs they only count

to three well the respit provider asked why stop and the reply was that is

how we do it. He traces letters they are all outlined in orange marker and

he traces them, has been doing that for years, so when he gets out of

school someone is going to follow him around and trace everything in orange

for him.

The other day he tried to run away from the school so and it is snowy and

cold out so they took his boots off and made him walk in the snow in to the

school. He was in the window sill and the superintendent was called to get

him under control and as he was getting him out he scratched his chest, all

the way across and that enraged Joe. You have him, the teacher, a para,

and the respit provider there and he is feeding off of all of them. I was

told the Special Ed teacher got in his face and was yelling at him to try

and get him to calm down. Does that make anyone calm down.

This is the first time that we have stood up to the school and I belive they

just want him out and I am not going with out a fight he deserves to learn.

I feel like I have done everything they have asked and when I ask them

something at the IEP they come back and put it in there words and different.

Now they want to quite teaching him and do life skills, they bring that up

at a meeting that was for something else, I am just upset.

If you have any information or words of wisdom I would love to hear it.

Heidi in Philipsburg, MT

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I don't see anything about a behavior plan-does he have one? Do the teachers

and para??


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Mom2lfm@...

Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:11 PM

hjjjjhenderson@...; Upsndowns

Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!

Sorry Heidi.? I have no words of wisdom, but if anyone needs a virtual pint

of hagen daz, it's you!? Hang in there!

Kathy, Liam's mom (11,ds,diabetes, asthma, and a draining ear



We are having trouble with the school finally after 6 years and I need

advice. Here is our story.

ph is 11 years old. Along with the downs he has an under active frontal

lobe ( causes him not to know the difference between real and not real) , an

autism overlay, and behavior issues.

Well when he was 6 when he was supposedly diagnosed with ADHD and put on all

kinds of meds. And seen various doctors until I decided to take him off the

meds because he was getting blotted and it was doing nothing, that was in 07

sometime. Then at the end of the school year I found out he has an under

active frontal lobe, and an autism overlay. His Special Education teacher

went with me to Dr apt. And he gave us some valuable information on how to

deal with him, like you have to come around with Joe. So he did really

good at home this summer not being on meds, until the beginning of this

school year and they can not handle him, so back to the Dr. To get on meds

again. So now we are going through trying to find the right meds. We are

trying to get into a hospital so they can monitor him and get him on the

right meds for him We live 87 miles from town, so we would go and stay for

a week.

Well you have to give kids awhile to adjust to meds. Plus he is going

through puberty. So that is not working for us.

The school is having issues with his behavior and I do not think they want

him there anymore. The special Ed teacher is overworked, she deals with Joe

and another child with autism, plus the other kids that need help, and I

belive not that into it anymore. I feel like she is intimidated because we

have a respit provider that has really good ideas and is doing good with Joe

One para he does not like. She is old school and is not going to change so

things with Joe have to be done now. She has told us before not to give Joe

a hug, as he had a bad day. ( Who is she to tell me not to hug my kid).

She has been there since I was in grade school.

Then the other para is afraid of him.

They are limiting his learning by when they go up the stairs they only count

to three well the respit provider asked why stop and the reply was that is

how we do it. He traces letters they are all outlined in orange marker and

he traces them, has been doing that for years, so when he gets out of

school someone is going to follow him around and trace everything in orange

for him.

The other day he tried to run away from the school so and it is snowy and

cold out so they took his boots off and made him walk in the snow in to the

school. He was in the window sill and the superintendent was called to get

him under control and as he was getting him out he scratched his chest, all

the way across and that enraged Joe. You have him, the teacher, a para,

and the respit provider there and he is feeding off of all of them. I was

told the Special Ed teacher got in his face and was yelling at him to try

and get him to calm down. Does that make anyone calm down.

This is the first time that we have stood up to the school and I belive they

just want him out and I am not going with out a fight he deserves to learn.

I feel like I have done everything they have asked and when I ask them

something at the IEP they come back and put it in there words and different.

Now they want to quite teaching him and do life skills, they bring that up

at a meeting that was for something else, I am just upset.

If you have any information or words of wisdom I would love to hear it.

Heidi in Philipsburg, MT

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It's easy to get discouraged when the whole school seems to be against you and

your child. I hope today was better than the day you posted for HELP!!!! I'm

sorry you were feeling that way.

You are right that the teacher may be overwhelmed. Does she have capable

support during the day? Could the respite provider spend some time 'teaching'

the teacher and aides her effective methods?

Have you investigated or asked the school for a Functional Behavior Assessment?

I can't find my notes from the workshop I attended on the topic. The

presentation was very helpful. What stuck with me is that all behavior has

purpose. If you can figure out the purpose (i.e. more attention, reduced

stress), try to accomplish it in a positive manner. I'll keep looking for the

notes - they're here somewhere.

Here's a University of Oregon website - there are several links to 'what parents

need to know' about behavior support and assessment articles.


From the Oregon website I found that there's a Center on Positive Behavior

Interventions and Supports that was established by the Office of Special

Education Programs, US Department of Education. They seem to focus on

establishing PBIS systems.


The Montana Department of Education has a coordinator of Positive Behavior

Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Don't know if she can do anything for you

but maybe she's a resource for more locally appropriate information.


Office of Public Instruction

State Capitol

PO Box 202501

Helena, MT 59620-2501

Email: sanderson@...

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As a retired 7-12th grade teacher, (daughter, granddaughter and mother of

elementary teachers), I've spent my entire life around teaching challenges.  As

grandmother of delightful 3-yr-old Mallory Paige who has DS, I've spent hours

caring for and helping Mallory practice things that are more challenging for her

than her cousins.


My heart goes out to all who struggle to work together to offer all children the

best education possible.  I so wish all children could have individual tutors

whether at the faster achieving or slower achieving end of the spectrum.  All

children are wonderful and our education system in the USA leaves so much to be



Communication is important, however, I have seen times when various parties in

the picture simply were not willing.  I wish I knew how to make this easier for

all involved and I certainly wish education was a higher priority in our country

(USA).  As a whole, we continue to expect more of our educators without

providing adequate resources.  Know the rights of your child and demand that

those resources whether personnel or materials be provided for your precious



One blessing we have acknowledged that Mallory has is her mother's one semester

experience in the school systems as a speech therapist when she first graduated

from college.  She had a miserable experience trying to get classroom teachers

to understand that her kids were not getting the " required " minutes of therapy,

learned all sorts of things about what therapists were " not allowed to do " in

the school setting, and gained a great deal of background in the legal issues. 

She now uses that experience as an advocate for parents of the children she

works with from ages 0-3 amd continues to assist them when the children enter

the public education system at age 3.  Of course, this same experience will

benefit Mallory now that she is 3.


My husband and I are currently taking American Sign Language classes so we can

continue to assist in Mallory's education long term.  Family support is

something that can really help but is not always available.  If your extended

family does not understand and help with your child's developement, I hope you

have good friends who do.


By the way, we are convinced that sign language is a wonderful way to help all

youngsters communicate better at a younger age.  We all love the Signing Time

dvds that you can find on singingtime.com.  Mallory had planned to teach her to

sign even before knowing she had DS.  Her little brother is learning it now

too.  Mallory's signing vocabulary is as large as any 3-yr-olds even though she

cannot speak nearly as many of those words due to low muscle tone.  Papa and

Grandma are way behind but trying to catch up.


Hang in there - don't give up. 

Happy Easter.


Grandma Cynde

Cylinda (Cynde)

225 810 0225

at cassady1970@...

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Amen to everything you said! I wholeheartedly concur.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Cylinda (Cynde)

Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 9:00 AM

Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!

As a retired 7-12th grade teacher, (daughter, granddaughter and mother of

elementary teachers), I've spent my entire life around teaching challenges.

As grandmother of delightful 3-yr-old Mallory Paige who has DS, I've spent

hours caring for and helping Mallory practice things that are more

challenging for her than her cousins.

My heart goes out to all who struggle to work together to offer all children

the best education possible. I so wish all children could have individual

tutors whether at the faster achieving or slower achieving end of the

spectrum. All children are wonderful and our education system in the USA

leaves so much to be desired.

Communication is important, however, I have seen times when various parties

in the picture simply were not willing. I wish I knew how to make this

easier for all involved and I certainly wish education was a higher priority

in our country (USA). As a whole, we continue to expect more of our

educators without providing adequate resources. Know the rights of your

child and demand that those resources whether personnel or materials be

provided for your precious children.

One blessing we have acknowledged that Mallory has is her mother's one

semester experience in the school systems as a speech therapist when she

first graduated from college. She had a miserable experience trying to get

classroom teachers to understand that her kids were not getting the

" required " minutes of therapy, learned all sorts of things about what

therapists were " not allowed to do " in the school setting, and gained a

great deal of background in the legal issues. She now uses that experience

as an advocate for parents of the children she works with from ages 0-3 amd

continues to assist them when the children enter the public education system

at age 3. Of course, this same experience will benefit Mallory now that she

is 3.

My husband and I are currently taking American Sign Language classes so we

can continue to assist in Mallory's education long term. Family support is

something that can really help but is not always available. If your

extended family does not understand and help with your child's developement,

I hope you have good friends who do.

By the way, we are convinced that sign language is a wonderful way to help

all youngsters communicate better at a younger age. We all love the Signing

Time dvds that you can find on singingtime.com. Mallory had planned to

teach her to sign even before knowing she had DS. Her little brother is

learning it now too. Mallory's signing vocabulary is as large as any

3-yr-olds even though she cannot speak nearly as many of those words due to

low muscle tone. Papa and Grandma are way behind but trying to catch up.

Hang in there - don't give up.

Happy Easter.

Grandma Cynde

Cylinda (Cynde)

225 810 0225

at cassady1970@ <mailto:cassady1970%40>

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, I came down here to London England for

a  short vacation unfortunately i was mugged at the park of the hotel where i

stayed,all  cash,credit card and cell were stolen off me but luckily for me i

still have my passports with me.

I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at

all and my flight  leaves in less than 3hrs from now but am having problems

settling the hotel bills and the hotel  manager won't let me leave until i

settle the bills,I'm freaked out at the moment.Got nothing left with me..i was

mugged off all i got,can you please help me out with some cash?So freaked out


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Being a former computer helpdesk tech, I tracked the originating IP address to Hong Kong - just in case anyone is interested.From: and Irwin <familyirwin@ sbcglobal. net>Subject: HELP!!!!!Date:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 1:41 PM I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, I came down here to London England for a short vacation unfortunately i was mugged at the park of the hotel where i stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off me but luckily for me i still have my passports with me.I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and my flight leaves in less than 3hrs from now but am having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills,I'm freaked out at the moment.Got nothing left with me..i was mugged off all i got,can you please help me out with some cash?So freaked out here

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Thanks . I removed the user and e-mailed privately to tell them that I would reinstate when they fixed the issue. If this person has gotten access to the password for they can harvest the members list - so I always remove people.


HELP!!!!! Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 1:41 PM I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, I came down here to London England for a short vacation unfortunately i was mugged at the park of the hotel where i stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off me but luckily for me i still have my passports with me. I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and my flight leaves in less than 3hrs from now but am having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills,I'm freaked out at the moment.Got nothing left with me..i was mugged off all i got,can you please help me out with some cash?So freaked out here

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  • 2 years later...
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Saw holly for first time since I rushed her to vet hospital last Thursday

Shes still realy unwel but they still trying

They didnt do bacterial tests but biopsy spleen fluid sample

They concerned it a fungus n protozoa problem more than a bacterial one

Oh im gutted as I feel it must be to do with what is on me after mite bites

Maybe the crawlies on feet a fungal thing n not bart?

Im almost going crazy wirh guilt n worry

As she has a bad heart which is bad enough

N now,seriously unwell maybe because of what I suffer from

Terry what is this fungus ?

I remember u said!

How could I be transmitting it to holly or is it all over me?

Dangerous,to be around possibly n yet I love her so very much

Dont want to take itraconazole

Apart from diflucan is there anything else thAts good?

Dont know,if this will kill holly

It a concern red n white cell counts down very much

And she may not pull through

If it is the fungus we all have is it that deadly?

I feel very ill over this because to think that I have made her suffer when all

I want is to love her dearly n be loved by her dearly

Trying to move on with my life yet this mite situation still ruining my life n

if she dies I will be inconsolable

Use lysol to clean n anti bac washing liquid

Dont know,what else to do

Olive leaf tincture

Alkaline diet

No sugar

But its,not enough

Do we need anti protozoal or anti parasitic medicines as well?



On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 09:39 PDT ILIKE TREES wrote:







>On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 08:52 PDT Aggi Assmann wrote:


>>Vicks worked very well for me as in keeping the mites away from orifices !





>>Von: Benton <sarahbenton48@...>

>>An: " bird mites " <bird mites >

>>Gesendet: 22:16 Mittwoch, 11.Juli 2012

>>Betreff: Re: Re: what can i put on my head/face to keep them






>>     Killing the fungus did it for me.  I remember them in my mouth, nose, and

ears.  I was most suicidal then.  Hang in there.  It  WILL pass even though your

can't believe it now.  At my most desperate, I put a cup of Lysol Complete Clean

in a large bath and went under with a straw.  Got really sick but stopped

getting sick after 5 nights of repeat performance and all movement stopped. 

That's when I realized I had a fungus.  Many have used Vicks Rub around mouth,

ears, nose.  Don't know if it works cause I can't remember if I tried it. 






>>From: moviesr12 <moviesr12@...>

>>bird mites

>>Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 3:51 AM

>>Subject: Re: what can i put on my head/face to keep them off




>>what can i put on my face to stop the crawling and gettin in my mouth please

help me?



>> >

>> > >

>> > >

>> > > This is getting way out of control i can't keep the crawly out of my hair

and face as soon as i walk in the door they hit me like crazy.I Been using vicks

vapor rub in my hair with a shower cap and bounty dryer sheet on my face at

home.I Know it sounds crazy but it's working so far but i don't want to have to

go around the house looking like this please any ideas...I wish this would all

go away i just recently ordered a Tri-jet fogger that was suggested on

here.Hopefully it will work and cut down on the biting and crawling at

night.Hopefully god answers everyone prayers in this goes away forever god bless


>> > >

>> >







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