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i still dont know whats wrong. they gave me meds for it, i just about shake when i move im so full of pills and most of you know i hate that. they gave me a muscle relaxer, 800mg motrin, vicodin, and some med for something to do with this nerve that comes around the head and branches into the face. my doc says if these dont help i have to see an ear,nose, throat specialist and try a bite plate. she thinks i may be biting or grinding in my sleep. i never have before but this really hurts, it feels like somebody kicked me in the side of my head. the right side, my cheek, ear, and head all going at it. what exactly is tmj anyway?? thanks, brandy TMJ I work at an Oral Surgeons office. We have given trigger point injections to our patients for relief of this type of pain. I would encourage you to see if one in your area will see you for this. The relief varies based on the meds used. Maybe this could help you guys? Carol ( 14 AS)

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Hi !

Your TMJ is the temporalmandibular joint. You can find the center of this joint by putting your finger in front of your ear canal and open/close your mouth. You may even feel something slip back and forth. This is a joint that contains what I discribe as a watermelon seed. There is a disc that acts as the shock absorber/luberacant. If this gets damaged by an accident/jaw breaker candy/or a disease process....the pain you discribe results. Now, if you are truly clenching..you will see...especially in the morning....a scalloping along the sides of your tongue...this is because the tongue...being a muscle...moves in your sleep much like your body does...so if you restrict the movement all night it presses against the inside of your teeth when it does want to move. If you are truly grinding...you will see wear on the peaks of your teeth. This includes the incisiors(front teeth) as they can get shorter. A splint/night guard/bite guard can help...sometimes. If it is a true disc problem...you may have damage there that could get aggrevated by the guard. The guard will give you an artificial rest/close position. If this rest position has you to close your jaw at the damage area you will have no relief. I hope I am not confusing you. I still think an opinion from an oral surgeon couldn't hurt....

Have a sunny day!


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wow, thanks carol, u sure know your stuff! my doc is saying something about seeing ear,nose, throat specialist for a bite plate. i took this med she gave me for some kind of nerve condition, something about a nerve that branches into 3 areas, to the eye, cheek, and lower jaw. she thinks im doing something to cause it to do this. anyway, the med has given me some relief thank God. but, when i go back on the 2nd i will tell her what u said and ask for the referral anyway. thanks carol, brandy Re: TMJ Hi ! Your TMJ is the temporalmandibular joint. You can find the center of this joint by putting your finger in front of your ear canal and open/close your mouth. You may even feel something slip back and forth. This is a joint that contains what I discribe as a watermelon seed. There is a disc that acts as the shock absorber/luberacant. If this gets damaged by an accident/jaw breaker candy/or a disease process....the pain you discribe results. Now, if you are truly clenching..you will see...especially in the morning....a scalloping along the sides of your tongue...this is because the tongue...being a muscle...moves in your sleep much like your body does...so if you restrict the movement all night it presses against the inside of your teeth when it does want to move. If you are truly grinding...you will see wear on the peaks of your teeth. This includes the incisiors(front teeth) as they can get shorter. A splint/night guard/bite guard can help...sometimes. If it is a true disc problem...you may have damage there that could get aggrevated by the guard. The guard will give you an artificial rest/close position. If this rest position has you to close your jaw at the damage area you will have no relief. I hope I am not confusing you. I still think an opinion from an oral surgeon couldn't hurt.... Have a sunny day! Carol

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi !

I am sorry I have not written sooner...spring break.....

Did you go for the second opinion yet? You can email me direct if you have additional questions. If I don't know the answer I would be more then happy to ask the "doc".

Have a sunny day!


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hey carol, thank you for trying so hard to help! i feel special,lol. i tried the meds first, kind of my own test. she gave me pain stuff, the nerve med, and a muscle relaxer. so i tried just the nerve med to see if it was she said she thought and it has stopped hurting. she says it called trigeminal neuralgia. for some reason, she said there have been several others coming in to her office with this. do you still think i need another opinion? i didnt really, cuz that med works, i havent even needed the pain pills. thanks for all the help and info....feeling better, brandy Re: TMJ Hi ! I am sorry I have not written sooner...spring break..... Did you go for the second opinion yet? You can email me direct if you have additional questions. If I don't know the answer I would be more then happy to ask the "doc". Have a sunny day! Carol

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Hi !

What great news! You have a diagnosis AND a solution that works!

The nerve that you mentioned is a very active one. It actually rather complex so don't be discouraged if the process is slow. It contains the cells of most of the sensory fibers which divide the nerve into 3 divisions. It is sensory for the face, teeth, mouth and nasal cavity. It is motor in chewing. I hope I didn't confuse you. Neuralgia is just a term for a pain that extends along the course of one or more nerves. This is also called tic douloureux, trifocal and Fothergills....depending on the age of the doctor doing the exam and teachers they had in school. If it gets out of control....trigger point injections (to the specific site) are really helpful in calming things down. At this point I don't think you need a second opinion. If you have any other questions always feel free to ask!

That goes to all of you!

Have a sunny day!


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  • 2 years later...
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Try the TMJ and TMJ muscles in the qxci

35.3 TMJ Scan & Treat

The scan of the TMJ areas for Energetic Foci includes 6 views:

Cranium side temporal

Jaw top view

Maxiliary side view

Cranium front temporal

Jaw side view

Maxiliary under view

Scan is not available until the page is opened. Note that the close is in the drop down and not a button on the panel.

1. TMJ>Show TMJ Scan

2. Scan Total OR select a view to Scan & Treat Page

3. A red highlighter will indicate the energetic foci. To work through all six views takes a round minute.

4. Continue until the Red focal area has disappeared in all views

5. A Scan and Treat button may appear on the screen left:

The therapies in Dental (see Dental Chapter) can also be considered (Balance muscle treatment, Trauma repair treatment, Pain reduction treatment) and there is a long probe attachment to access muscles at the rear of the mouth.

35.4 TMJ muscles

This is a staged test. The patient is required to clench certain teeth on each of the 7 muscle exercises. Each muscle test is about 6 seconds. In each exercise the patient holds the position while you click the button. The patient may relax between the exercises. It may be beneficial to do the TMJ Scan and balance first. In particular the Pterygoid muscle is important in that it affects the upper-lower jaw alignment: use the long probe attachment to reach and treat this specifically.

TMJ Drop Down / Show TMJ Scan / Show TMJ Muscle Sarcode

(If the screen does not show click on Show TMJ Scan)


Do the Muscle Balance Rx (Therapy>Set Time>Balance Muscle) . Subsequent steps below will refine this.

Click Start TMJ Scan

Click Clench Back Teeth (client to clench back teeth)

When the next button appears do it (the windows interrupt may not disappear)

Repeat for all other items (with appropriate actions)

After the set is completed Click Results button that appears.

The results of difference between the muscle tension and the normal relaxed pattern are accessed by clicking the difference (e.g. DIF clenched back) buttons. This displays in a table below the value differences. These can be either negative or positive.

Treat an item if it is below -40/60 by double clicking on the name. The Windows Interrupt will display values that may be useful (see below). It is possible to add patterns (Therapies>Piggy Back Therapies). Some will be loaded on entry. Reset to clear and add your own, Load and then close Close may not work.

Continue through all difference buttons. If an item has already been treated in an earlier panel then do not re-treat.

The results for each activity are shown after the activity together with the following information:

Resonance : 68 Reactivity : 90 Rectified : 41

The following also shows

Muscle tension : 61 Resonance : 56 Muscle Disease :5

Muscle tension indicates how much tension is held in the muscles associated with this area. The higher the number the higher the tension or tightness being. High numbers can indicate a tendency to spasm.

Sarcode resonance indicates how much resonance there is to the healthy energetic pattern at tissue/cellular level.

Greater than 110-120 indicates over functioning, too much energy, probably healthy but stressed from an outside source.

50 to 80 is a good healthy range

Under 50 can indicate under functioning with too little energy and the possibility of unhealthy or disturbed tissue.

Muscle disease with a high number indicates a disturbance but not necessarily intrinsic within the tissue. Especially if sarcode resonance is sound there is likely to be a secondary cause such as infection, trauma etc. i.e. it indicates an external source.

Kelsey PhDQXCI User Manual Author, Advanced TrainerVisit www.qxcisynergy.co.uk for tech infos



Anyone have any good idea's for TMJ that has worked well for you?



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Yes Dwight, I will share from personal experience: this has been a lifelong problem from me, probably starting with my very first amalgam filling and then exacerbated from traveling to Mexico a great deal during childhood (amoeba). I did years of chiro, then switched to skenar, and then bowen, which were all great but did nothing lasting for my TMJ because I wasn't addressing the infection. True, my jaw is seriously misaligned from a blow to the head (car accident), but it is infection that heightens the symptoms the most.

QX: I searched homotoxicology on liver, joints and orodermal, and got a picture (bacteria, amoeba, fungus for me). After kidneys were in shape (zapping stones, sarcodes)and bowel flora okay (zapping, plus ongoing probiotics), worked liver before addressing TMJ itself (I did Hulda 's parasite cleanse, zapped, then did gallstone flushes, while doing QX liver programs for support). THEN, when I felt ready, I detoxed joints and orodermal, supporting with colloidal silver, homeopathics, ozone water. QX: spinal/cranial sacral/click "treat" till repeatedly till all buttons white out. Add Dr. 's "TMJ", to sarcodes on any page that allows you add extra matrix items when working, and in my case: injury, amoeba-fuge, BAC, FNG , and added candida as well. Zapped from main test page dropdown on all of these. TMJ screens from dental pages. Am working with the dental pages/teeth charts and zapping from there. It's ongoing, and because multiple injuries were involved (also wisdom teeth surgically removed plus cavitations), I still probably have a way to go, but dealing with infection has been the key to making everything else (body adjustment wise) work better.

Hope that helps,






Anyone have any good idea's for TMJ that has worked well for you?



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Hi Dwight,

I had the pain from TMJ and this is what worked for me:

-Recommended 2 Therapies

-Dental, TMJ Therapy

-Spinal, Muscles, Pain

-Timed Therapies, Connective Tissue Stim, Muscle Tone

-Timed Treatments, Sports Program, Auto Pain Treatment, piggy back-


-Biofeedback, Pain, Relieve Inflammation

Hope this helps! Sandy

> Hi,


> Anyone have any good idea's for TMJ that has worked well for you?

> Thanks.

> Dwight

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, Tony in B.C.,

And am I ever glad you and others wrote in about TMJ syndrome! I've had troubles with tmj since the early 1970's when I was at a terrifically stressful job and the entire right side of my face, jaw, all around the ear and down the neck just became hideously painful. I could not open my mouth more than enough to sip liquids. This went on for the better part of two months. My doctors told me to apply warm compresses and put a sort of wax putty in my ear to help. (Whatever that was all about, I really don't know.)

Well, after a few of these episodes of tmj, I just learned to live with the pain and I had fewer and fewer episodes, until Achalasia. I have had two miserable bouts again and they have both followed endoscopies. I should have thought of that connection between opening my jaw and having those tests but, alas, I did not.

I will think about it and mention this relationship to my doctors sooner.

Meanwhile, that side of my face was also swacked very hard by the backswing of a golfer when my coach asked me to move forward to see the way a particular golfer worked. I was then about ten years old and a reasonably good young golfer but the damage and pain in my right ear, jaw and all over the right side of my face began then. I mentioned these pains to my neurologist, and he put me on neurontin, which has helped ENORMOUSLY.

Am also going through Achalasia testing. Oh, my.

Your post on the tmj side of this disease was very, very informative. Thank You.

Deborah at the beach

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  • 4 years later...

Jo? I am so sorry to hear this. I'm also shocked that Bayly has never been on a

biologic? Biologics have been used for years around here for JIA...wow...hope he

gets some relief soon, I feel bad for you in this dilemma...

and Rob 20 JAS



> G'day all, sorry been a bit slack in posting, but read whenever

> I can

> and always send positive thoughts to those who need it!


> We could use some of those ourselves actually. Bayly's had a

> horror run

> this year with his JIA- been in hospital 3 times with a 4th on the

> cards. After all the grief with his wrists (hip, knee),

> it's back to

> his jaw again. You can actually see his little face is

> puffy both sides

> where the TMJs are inflamed. He can hardly eat (is only

> having things

> like eggs, jelly, ice cream, milo milk, snow cones/slushies, etc etc)

> and some times he can't even talk 'cause it hurts too

> much! He's also

> getting really tired because he simply isn't getting enough

> energy from

> food.


> Now, the Paed Rheumy has always wanted to " keep Biologics up our

> sleeve " for Bayly, just in case everything else " failed " .

> Well now he's talking

> about injecting the jaw if he can't get Bay onto a new trial for

> Enbrelthat Wyeth are starting here in Australia in January

> 2010. Thing is (as

> I'm sure too many are aware) your child has to be in a great

> deal of

> pain to qualify for the treatment (so they can see how effective

> it is).

> So our current dilemna is, do we inject the jaw now and give him

> relief?or do we wait until the trial and just try to ease his

> pain? He's also

> asked that we don't give too much prednisolone, so that the

> joints are

> " suitably flaring " at the time the trial begins, so we're

> keeping it at

> 1ml a day, maximum.


> I am really struggling with seeing my little man in such huge pain.


> Enbrel's going to be two injections a week, but apparently

> doesn't sting

> as much or make them as nauseous as Methotrexate. Plus we'll

> have to go

> to Sydney once a month to monitor the trial. But if it

> works, it's

> worth it, right?


> How hard is it, to know what's best?


> Jo


> Bayly, 7, extended oligo




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Hiya n,

Enbrel is currently available for kids with systemic-onset and some

forms of poly JIA. The new trial is being extended to include kids with

psoriatic JIA and the extended oligo form of the disease (which Bay


What it basically means is that Bayly will be eligible to get the drug

on the PBS (which is the Aussie government subsidised drugs program) so

it'll only cost around$5.50 per prescription (as opposed to $1700+)

But to qualify, he has to have a minimum number of joints in active

phase, so they can see the best possible result.

So the quandary we're in, is whether to treat his very active disease

now or wait and see if he gets on the trial and see if that helps! He

now has technically " failed " methotrexate by itself, so now we're

looking at combo treatments.

How's Miss Holly going on the Tocilizumab? I so hope it's doing for her

what I've seen it do for kids here! Wonder drugs!!!




> Is enbrel not approved there?? Holly has been on enbrel but not in a

> trial for it.........




> n and Holly (15)

> Systemic jra since 9/94




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Hey ,

Yeah they've been using Biologics here for some years too. But not for all types

of JIA. Due to the politics, etc, the cost is prohibitive to all kidnds, so it's

been available for children with systemic firstly, then poly (RF+ I think), and

now extended oligo and psoriatic.

Thanks for getting back to me. I'm hoping it's all sorted soon too, for Bayly's

sake. For all of us really, as my 5 y.o. daughter Violet asked me on the

weekend (when Bay was absolutely howling with pain and frustration) " Mama, is

Bayly's arthritis ever going to go away? "

See, he was diagnosed before she was even born, so he's had it her whole life-

and pretty much all of his.

As for me, well I should be used to it by now, but I still feel sucker punched

after conversations like this morning...

How's your young man going these days? Figured out what he's going to do?



> Jo? I am so sorry to hear this. I'm also shocked that Bayly has never been on

a biologic? Biologics have been used for years around here for JIA...wow...hope

he gets some relief soon, I feel bad for you in this dilemma...

> and Rob 20 JAS





> >

> > G'day all, sorry been a bit slack in posting, but read whenever

> > I can

> > and always send positive thoughts to those who need it!

> >

> > We could use some of those ourselves actually. Bayly's had a

> > horror run

> > this year with his JIA- been in hospital 3 times with a 4th on the

> > cards. After all the grief with his wrists (hip, knee),

> > it's back to

> > his jaw again. You can actually see his little face is

> > puffy both sides

> > where the TMJs are inflamed. He can hardly eat (is only

> > having things

> > like eggs, jelly, ice cream, milo milk, snow cones/slushies, etc etc)

> > and some times he can't even talk 'cause it hurts too

> > much! He's also

> > getting really tired because he simply isn't getting enough

> > energy from

> > food.

> >

> > Now, the Paed Rheumy has always wanted to " keep Biologics up our

> > sleeve " for Bayly, just in case everything else " failed " .

> > Well now he's talking

> > about injecting the jaw if he can't get Bay onto a new trial for

> > Enbrelthat Wyeth are starting here in Australia in January

> > 2010. Thing is (as

> > I'm sure too many are aware) your child has to be in a great

> > deal of

> > pain to qualify for the treatment (so they can see how effective

> > it is).

> > So our current dilemna is, do we inject the jaw now and give him

> > relief?or do we wait until the trial and just try to ease his

> > pain? He's also

> > asked that we don't give too much prednisolone, so that the

> > joints are

> > " suitably flaring " at the time the trial begins, so we're

> > keeping it at

> > 1ml a day, maximum.

> >

> > I am really struggling with seeing my little man in such huge pain.

> >

> > Enbrel's going to be two injections a week, but apparently

> > doesn't sting

> > as much or make them as nauseous as Methotrexate. Plus we'll

> > have to go

> > to Sydney once a month to monitor the trial. But if it

> > works, it's

> > worth it, right?

> >

> > How hard is it, to know what's best?

> >

> > Jo

> >

> > Bayly, 7, extended oligo

> >

> >

> >




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Well, I have read a fair amount about TMJ and I would do what I had to do to

stop the inflammatory process. I hope you have thought about the growth of the

jaw and how wide it will open in the future due to the inflammation. Just a

thought to help in making a decision.


From: joking70 <joking70@...>

Sent: Sun, November 22, 2009 5:48:31 PM

Subject: TMJ

G'day all, sorry been a bit slack in posting, but read whenever I can

and always send positive thoughts to those who need it!

We could use some of those ourselves actually. Bayly's had a horror run

this year with his JIA- been in hospital 3 times with a 4th on the

cards. After all the grief with his wrists (hip, knee), it's back to

his jaw again. You can actually see his little face is puffy both sides

where the TMJs are inflamed. He can hardly eat (is only having things

like eggs, jelly, ice cream, milo milk, snow cones/slushies, etc etc)

and some times he can't even talk 'cause it hurts too much! He's also

getting really tired because he simply isn't getting enough energy from


Now, the Paed Rheumy has always wanted to " keep Biologics up our sleeve "

for Bayly, just in case everything else " failed " . Well now he's talking

about injecting the jaw if he can't get Bay onto a new trial for Enbrel

that Wyeth are starting here in Australia in January 2010. Thing is (as

I'm sure too many are aware) your child has to be in a great deal of

pain to qualify for the treatment (so they can see how effective it is).

So our current dilemna is, do we inject the jaw now and give him relief?

or do we wait until the trial and just try to ease his pain? He's also

asked that we don't give too much prednisolone, so that the joints are

" suitably flaring " at the time the trial begins, so we're keeping it at

1ml a day, maximum.

I am really struggling with seeing my little man in such huge pain.

Enbrel's going to be two injections a week, but apparently doesn't sting

as much or make them as nauseous as Methotrexate. Plus we'll have to go

to Sydney once a month to monitor the trial. But if it works, it's

worth it, right?

How hard is it, to know what's best?


Bayly, 7, extended oligo

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Do you mean the trial is the joint injection in the jaw. It is here in

California as far as what I have read.


From: " ajaomom@... " <ajaomom@...>

Sent: Sun, November 22, 2009 6:21:07 PM

Subject: Re: TMJ

Is enbrel not approved there?? Holly has been on enbrel but not in a

trial for it.........

n and Holly (15)

Systemic jra since 9/94

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We saw a surgeon at UCLA wondering if he would reconstruct my child's jaw after

he has done growing also. His orthodontist suggested he have jaw surgery to

correct his bite so he could chew better. Well, I have gotten over the shock of

this situation and as long as he does fairly well I am going to leave enough

alone. My son Curtis does not complain enough and surgery is a bit risky if you

can get by.


From: decoratewithbaskets <amcwiddis1@...>

Sent: Mon, November 23, 2009 4:48:17 AM

Subject: TMJ

My little girl also has the TMJ problems some of you speak of. She has been on

Enbrel for about 2 years and it has made a world of diffrence in her TMJ joint


But, as we all know inflmation can = damage and she has her fair share of that

too. We see an Oral Surgeon that will reconstruct her jaw due to all the damage.

This is scheduled to happen when she gets past the growing stage.

Has anyone or their child gone through this procedure?


Isabel 10 POLY, TMJ, Uveitis

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  • 1 year later...

Okay... I have had a new little problem the past few days and I've kept my

mouth shut... Actually considering my problem that's kinda funny! I noticed

the other night that I was having trouble with my back teeth feeling kinda

funny.. funny turned to pain.. then I realized my teeth weren't meeting up..

right now when I close my mouth the only teeth that touch are my four front top

and bottom teeth. I used to have a perfect bite. My parents paid a lot of

money for that perfect bite.. Anyway I did some research... all symptoms lead

to TMJ including that feeling like your jaw is popping. Then I did some more

research.. GUESS WHAT? TMJ is linked to FIBROMYALGIA! Whodathunkit?




Somebody make it STOP!

So here's the correlation... TMJ can be related to Fibromyalgia. We have seen

a direct correlation between Fibromyalgia and Hep C.. Therefore this is

actually on topic for us cause now I can connect Hep C and TMJ! Is that a




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TeriI suppose this is one problem that I won't have. First of all, my front teeth (top and bottom) do not meet whatsoever. I have an overbite.However, I have an appointment with a denturist on Wednesday, to discuss payment arrangements for new teeth. Then on Jan 4th I see the dentist and I picked this one because she will do it as a medical need; therefore, our medical plan will pay. Really, it is definitely a medical problem anyway, because all my fillings fell out for the month after my first tx.When this happens (new teeth), it'll be the first time in my life that I won't be self-conscious about my teeth. When my Mom and I talked about it (she wanted to pay), we both agreed

that although it might seem like a waste of money considering my cancer; but, that I do deserve to be less self-conscious for my last few years.Gloria

Okay... I have had a new little problem the past few days and I've kept my mouth shut... Actually considering my problem that's kinda funny! I noticed the other night that I was having trouble with my back teeth feeling kinda funny.. funny turned to pain.. then I realized my teeth weren't meeting up.. right now when I close my mouth the only teeth that touch are my four front top and bottom teeth. I used to have a perfect bite. My parents paid a lot of money for that perfect bite.. Anyway I did some research... all symptoms lead to TMJ including that feeling like your jaw is popping. Then I did some more research.. GUESS WHAT? TMJ is linked to FIBROMYALGIA! Whodathunkit?




Somebody make it STOP!

So here's the correlation... TMJ can be related to Fibromyalgia. We have seen a direct correlation between Fibromyalgia and Hep C.. Therefore this is actually on topic for us cause now I can connect Hep C and TMJ! Is that a stretch?



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It's not teeth Gloria it's the whole jaw!  My teeth met up 2 nights ago.. they were working fine..  now 2 days later only my front 4 touch?  My whole jaw is in a different place.  And no, nobody hit me either...  that I know of anyway... hmmm.....  

Hugs,TeriOn Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:


TeriI suppose this is one problem that I won't have.  First of all, my front teeth (top and bottom) do not meet whatsoever.  I have an overbite.

However, I have an appointment with a denturist on Wednesday, to discuss payment arrangements for new teeth.  Then on Jan 4th I see the dentist and I picked this one because she will do it as a medical need; therefore, our medical plan will pay.  Really, it is definitely a medical problem anyway, because all my fillings fell out for the month after my first tx.

When this happens (new teeth), it'll be the first time in my life that I won't be self-conscious about my teeth.  When my Mom and I talked about it (she wanted to pay), we both agreed

that although it might seem like a waste of money considering my cancer; but, that I do deserve to be less self-conscious for my last few years.Gloria


Okay... I have had a new little problem the past few days and I've kept my mouth shut... Actually considering my problem that's kinda funny! I noticed the other night that I was having trouble with my back teeth feeling kinda funny.. funny turned to pain.. then I realized my teeth weren't meeting up.. right now when I close my mouth the only teeth that touch are my four front top and bottom teeth. I used to have a perfect bite. My parents paid a lot of money for that perfect bite.. Anyway I did some research... all symptoms lead to TMJ including that feeling like your jaw is popping. Then I did some more research.. GUESS WHAT? TMJ is linked to FIBROMYALGIA! Whodathunkit?




Somebody make it STOP!

So here's the correlation... TMJ can be related to Fibromyalgia. We have seen a direct correlation between Fibromyalgia and Hep C.. Therefore this is actually on topic for us cause now I can connect Hep C and TMJ! Is that a stretch?




Teri Gottlieb

MOVE ON.  It's just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book.  Just turn the page.

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Oh, I knew it was your jaw that you were talking about. It's going to be interesting to me, to hear what this denturist will have to say because of my overbite. Apparently, it was a bit of a problem when they put me out for the operation in the spring.When my son was quite young, I had him to a dentist that suggested coating his teeth to help prevent cavities. Don't know if it was that or his good habit; but, as far as I know, he's only ever had one cavity. However, he also had some fairly major work done on his line up and braces. He still has a retainer that is permanent in


It's not teeth Gloria it's the whole jaw! My teeth met up 2 nights ago.. they were working fine.. now 2 days later only my front 4 touch? My whole jaw is in a different place. And no, nobody hit me either... that I know of anyway... hmmm.....

Hugs,TeriOn Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:

TeriI suppose this is one problem that I won't have. First of all, my front teeth (top and bottom) do not meet whatsoever. I have an overbite.

However, I have an appointment with a denturist on Wednesday, to discuss payment arrangements for new teeth. Then on Jan 4th I see the dentist and I picked this one because she will do it as a medical need; therefore, our medical plan will pay. Really, it is definitely a medical problem anyway, because all my fillings fell out for the month after my first tx.

When this happens (new teeth), it'll be the first time in my life that I won't be self-conscious about my teeth. When my Mom and I talked about it (she wanted to pay), we both agreed

that although it might seem like a waste of money considering my cancer; but, that I do deserve to be less self-conscious for my last few years.Gloria

Okay... I have had a new little problem the past few days and I've kept my mouth shut... Actually considering my problem that's kinda funny! I noticed the other night that I was having trouble with my back teeth feeling kinda funny.. funny turned to pain.. then I realized my teeth weren't meeting up.. right now when I close my mouth the only teeth that touch are my four front top and bottom teeth. I used to have a perfect bite. My parents paid a lot of money for that perfect bite.. Anyway I did some research... all symptoms lead to TMJ including that feeling like your jaw is popping. Then I did some more research.. GUESS WHAT? TMJ is linked to FIBROMYALGIA! Whodathunkit?




Somebody make it STOP!

So here's the correlation... TMJ can be related to Fibromyalgia. We have seen a direct correlation between Fibromyalgia and Hep C.. Therefore this is actually on topic for us cause now I can connect Hep C and TMJ! Is that a stretch?




Teri Gottlieb

MOVE ON. It's just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book. Just turn the page.

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Analgesics for tmj range frm acitominophen to potent narcotics.nsaid along wd analgesic reduce inflammation as well.nd nt associated wd severe addiction but codine can be given but due to sedative and depressive effect of narcotics these mrdications shd be restricted to shrt term use.Tricyclic antidepressants in low doses can be helpful in chronic pain.they actually prevent reuptake of neurotransmizters like norephinrphrine csusing inhibition of pain transmission.Hope it helps.Sent from Samsung Mobile

--- TMJ From: innayarovikova CC:

Hi everyone. Can somebody tell me what can we prescribe for TMJD syndrome ,if NSAIDs do not help. Regards.Inna

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