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~~ Gee. Yeah. I think i'm falling in love all over again. just gimme a kiss,


Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 13:17:37 -0000

From: " joyfulitl " <joyfulitl@...>

Subject: Re: Water

We have spring water which is lovely right into our home.

I use a hot cold dispenser from Sam's- it was $$$ but worth every

penny of it.

I drink from an old coke 20 oz. plastic bottle (a old mind trip to

fool one of my senses I was still drinking Coke) however, this

bottle is now green - kinda like the old glass bottles-LOL. The

green is from algae because the bottle sits in our window. I hope

fresh water algae is not an avoid. (I do not have algae growing

anywhere else in my house, BTW.) The algae is just barely coating

the inside of the bottle. I know everyone is thinking " Yum " , " get

another bottle " , but I love my bottle!

If you like cold water, get a water dispenser that cools only- they

are less pricey. I keep the hot portion turned off because it makes

our room hot- doesn't take much in Texas.



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  • 1 month later...

susan forrester wrote:

> I thought this was particularly thought provoking. We

> keep preaching water!!!

I can add one more litle gem from a cancer study group I was in:

Someone with cancer can kill off the cancer if they drink enough water -

cancer cells hate to be drowned!



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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  • 4 months later...

Dear ,

All I can tell you is there is no area to which you couldn't apply immunics or

harmonic accessing.

Please read this page:


If you come up with anything, let us know and we'll post it for you.


Keely Stahl

(001) 813-672-0134 (EDT -0400 UTC/GMT)


-- --


Hi, I'm a newbee and want to know if there is any way to keep rain water away

from my property through

immunics? I have used a dowser and he has said that I don't have a underground

stream on

my property, and that the water is coming in my basement because the foundation


properly protected when the basement was built. He believes that it would cost

$50 thousand

to repair the problem. Needless to say, I am looking for another way to cure

this problem.

Can you help?


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Many years ago with this same problem in MD, I pushed a pole down next to

the house where the water was seeping into the basement and determined that

the soil had eroded away, so I ordered topsoil and dug around this area and

packed in the top soil and there were no further problems with water seeping

into basement....hope this may help!



Hi, I'm a newbee and want to know if there is any way to keep rain water

away from my property through

immunics? I have used a dowser and he has said that I don't have a

underground stream on

my property, and that the water is coming in my basement because the

foundation wasn't

properly protected when the basement was built. He believes that it would

cost $50 thousand

to repair the problem. Needless to say, I am looking for another way to

cure this problem.

Can you help?


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  • 10 months later...

After eating. I think it's Japan I heard that come from mainly. There

was a point in time I did that naturally. Usually I need some liquid

though. Dry mouth.

I think, yes, it would be because drinking before or with the meal

dilutes the enzymes you have, making it take longer to digest. Don't

know that for sure, but I believe that's why.

~ Snoshoe


> Drink water after or before meals? Digestive enzyme dilution?


> > Something else I've noticed over the years, because there is so


> > advice on " how you should eat " - drink liquid only after meals,

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  • 10 months later...

Based on the information given on the website, I'd be suspicious.

The " technical " information is not very technical and does not say

much. The device changes the valence of metal ions. No mention of

how the human body copes with the metal ions once their valence has

been changed. I live in the city so it won't do for me in any case,

but if I used well water, I'd sure want to see technical research on

the safety of water from this device before drinking it regulalrly.


On 9/20/06, D <linspry@...> wrote:


> Okay, I live in the country and have well water. I

> used the salt water softner, I got tired of the hassel

> of buying the salt and maintaining the unit. Most of

> all you can't water your plants with that water or use

> it for fish tanks.


> In my search I found a whole house filter without the

> maintenance. I know this sounds like an ad but it's

> not, I promise. I don't think you can use it for the

> city, as it won't filter all those city things, you

> can read more about it here:

> http://www.no-salt.com


> I'm real pleased with it. I'm not in any way

> associated with the company.





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  • 8 months later...
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Dr. Aceves and I discussed this a couple of weeks ago as well. He wants everyone (newbies and old timers alike) to drink 64oz daily.

On 6/20/07, renoalaska <renoalaska@...> wrote:

Sorry but if I drank 200 ounces of water a day i would not be able to leave the house.Steve

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  • 7 months later...

These are the water purification devices I use.




> Does anyone have plans to a water ditiller? I want to get the

floride out of my water.




> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with



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Looks good, dave. It will cost more than I want, but I may save up for it . michaeldfeustel@... wrote: On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 07:26:38AM -0800, Meredith wrote:> Does anyone have plans to a water ditiller? I want to get the floride> out of my water.If building your own distiller is too much trouble, Waterwise.com sellshigh-quality distillers, including one that can be used with gas, wood,or propane stoves (Model 1600).Zanaqua.com has been working on an industrial grade

electricallyoperated steam distiller for several years. It is supposed to be almostready for sale to individuals. The Zanaqua distiller is the mostinteresting (and cheapest to operate) that I have come across.Dave Feustel

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  • 1 month later...
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For those who are worried about the CNN USA water report:

According to CNN Philladelphia has 59 pharmaceutical traces in its' tap water. Is this because it is recycled like London's? They found high levels of sex hormones in London's water some years ago. Also bottled water can be tap water with a label. Bottled water in some cases has flouride added, just like some juice 'drinks'.

Water should have been up dale and down hill for its' energy, it is important to pass on the essence of the land upon which we live. It should not have passed through tonnes of sand, have added chemicals, and run through straight pipes to empty the life force of our world. I never drink it if I have any choice, never cook with it, and have filters on my farm for washing in it.

I have tested water on several occasions and found Volvic to be the best of all bottled waters, (you still have to boil it to get rid of the wood alcohol they use to steralise the bottles). However if you live in a fresh air place, not one of high pollution, then use a Rain Water But to collect your own water, filter it, boil it, bottle it and energise it using your SCIO/EFPX.

Blood has the same composition as water.

Thank you - Sue

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  • 6 months later...

How many of use drink bottled water from plastic

This makes interesting reading

Glass is really the best but this Isa good compromise


Dr Kelsey PhD, ND

Vice Chancellor- IMUNE

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


> Bee, Is the fluoride in our tap water naturally occuring in the water or is it


> Is there something else other than chlorine added to our tap water?

+++Hi . There is natural fluoride in water, but some cities also add

fluoride which is unnatural and toxic. Fluoride is a mineral found in so many

foods, which is okay, but toxic fluoride added to water, toothpaste and other

products, and used as dental treatments are toxic. The accumulation of toxic

fluoride from so many sources causes a great deal of health problems.

Most cities disinfect their water with chlorine, but I think they can also use

other substances. To find out what is added to your water, you'd need to

contact your City's water department.


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> Hi Bee, What do you think of evian water? There is the problem of the

xenoestrogens that leak from the plastic bottle, but the company says that it

does not process the water in any way. However, I have heard that it takes a

long time for the plastic to leak into the water. Is this true? Would this be a

good source of drinking water?

+++Hi . I do not recommend having any bottled water; I think it is a waste

of money, and too many water companies are deceptive about their water. Many of

them just bottle tap water, in addition to putting it in plastic.

I once had a very bad experience with bottled water. My office supplied it, and

one day there was a half full bottle on my desk from the day before, and I was

taking vitamins. I quickly downed the water, and got a horrible shock. It was

so chemicalized it caused me to stop breathing, like it was a gas. I was

gasping for breath like crazy, and a guy from another office came to make sure I

was okay. I was scared out of my mind, but was able to recover fast enough so I

didn't pass out.

It is better to use tap water, with a simple filter like Brita.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi Bee, I think tap water quality varies on location. Maybe Miami's water

quality differs from Canada's? Also Bee, Does Brita ozonate the water? I don't

think it does, but I am not sure.


+++Hi . Tap water quality definitely differs. I don't think it matters

whether Brita ozonates the water; there's plenty of oxyenating substances on my

program, i.e. niacin, vitamin E, some B vitamins, vitamin C.


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I don't think it matters- JUST DROWN YOURSELF IN WATER DAILY! That is the key. Lori

From: nataliejs1010 <nataliejs1010@...>Subject: Water Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 10:05 AM

Is it crucial to drink filtered or bottled water?

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  • 4 months later...


> Hi Bee... .Charise here. Please tell me your opinion on alkaline water. Hugs

and Kisses for all you do.

+++Hi Charise. Most natural water, spring water, etc. from Mother Nature are

naturally alkaline, so why spend money on it since it is available in your tap


Hugs and Kisses back to you my friend!


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Hi Bee,

I was curious to hear your answer on this one. I have some friends who sell

one of those machines, and they let us come and get their water whenever we

want. So many months ago, I experimented with using the water. My dry,

cracked heels improved by 90% in about 4 weeks! I had no other improvements

and decided it wasn't worth the money, but I'm curious as to your take on




On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 3:56 AM, beeisbuzzing2003 <

beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> >

> > Hi Bee... .Charise here. Please tell me your opinion on alkaline water.

> Hugs and Kisses for all you do.


> +++Hi Charise. Most natural water, spring water, etc. from Mother Nature

> are naturally alkaline, so why spend money on it since it is available in

> your tap water.


> Hugs and Kisses back to you my friend!

> Bee


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Another question: How concerned should I be about my daughter being

given unfiltered water by grandma, nursery care and other sources? Is

the chlorine in the water going to mess up her intestinal flora? Do I

need to be a purist about this (oh joy )-: ) or can I relax about the

occasional consumption?

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> Another question: How concerned should I be about my daughter being

> given unfiltered water by grandma, nursery care and other sources? Is

> the chlorine in the water going to mess up her intestinal flora? Do I

> need to be a purist about this (oh joy )-: ) or can I relax about the

> occasional consumption?


+++Hi . You could send good water with your daughter when she is away

from home.

No, you don't want to be a purist either; occasional consumption isn't going to

be that detrimental. Sometimes we have to " pick our battles. "


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Angie,

yes, that's correct. Water that you've filtered with a Brita or Pur filter is

" filtered " water.


(group moderator)


> Hello, I need to know if filtered water is refering to the water we put

through the Brita pitcher.

> Angie from Az


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  • 3 weeks later...


> What " true " spring water is suggested?

+++There's no particular brand that I suggest Jeanne, since I live in Canada and

people on this group are from all over the World.

You just want to ensure the spring water is actually from natural springs, so

the company must have a good reputation. The brand may be different in your

area so it takes a little research to find a good one.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi :

> Our local Natural Grocers has a water refill station for only .25 cents a

gallon. My family has been drinking this water for several months because it

filters out chlorine, but after reading your comment below, I called and found

out that it is reverse osmosis. I'm not sure what to do. I have a family of 6

and buying spring or flitered water at $1.00 a gallon is too expensive. The

Brita/PUR filters do not filter out chlorine. And now finding out that reverse

osmosis leaches minerals. . . UGH!

> Should we be drinking water that has chlorine?

***It is really disturbing to the body on many levels to use reverse osmosis

water because it leaches minerals out. So this is actively destructive for your


It's true that the Brita/PUR filters do not get rid of chlorine, however if the

water is allowed to sit out for several hours (overnight is best) then the

chlorine can dissipate. So the pitchers are a good way to go. Also, Bee's diet

with it's high good fats helps detox us, so the diet can eliminate toxins as


This is a pretty good solution and will work better for you than drinking

reverse osmosis water.

Marissa ( a group moderator)

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> Bee,

> Our local Natural Grocers has a water refill station for only .25 cents a

gallon. My family has been drinking this water for several months because it

filters out chlorine, but after reading your comment below, I called and found

out that it is reverse osmosis. I'm not sure what to do. I have a family of 6

and buying spring or flitered water at $1.00 a gallon is too expensive. The

Brita/PUR filters do not filter out chlorine. And now finding out that reverse

osmosis leaches minerals. . . UGH!

> Should we be drinking water that has chlorine?

+++Hi . Brita/PUR do filter out chlorine. Do you have a reference that

says they don't ?


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> hi


> i have being using a water filter and cant afford them on a student budget i

tried boiling the water for 30 mins but after it coolked there was a weriod skin

on top and the water tasted absurd

> is it ok to leave water open over night then drink that or what should i do

for water because i cant afford filters?


> can i do an enema whilst on my period?? i dont have a cheese cloth how can i

strain the coffee

+++Hi there. Is your name Kaushik?

Yes, you can leave the water out to remove chlorine, but it needs to be left out

for 24 hours (1 day), not just overnight. I suggest you fill 2-3 containers at

a time and leave them out.

If you don't have time to do that, you can also use ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to

get rid of chlorine - search for Message #89999, May 16, 2010, on our Group's

website, which explains how to do it.

All the best, Bee

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