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> -----Original Message-----

> From: E. Andersen [mailto:meand@...]


> Hey guys, mellow out !

You gotta love the peacemakers! Actually, this could have gone done

differently if Crystal hadn't just contradicted my post and, instead,

had asked me where I got my information. We could have had an actual

productive conversation. I'll try to remember that myself the next

time I have information that contradicts something that's been posted.

I got annoyed and posted my research; Crystal got defensive and posted

hers and we went downhill from there. The good news is that we now

know that it's neither caffeine nor phosphoric acid that contribute to

calcium loss.

I had a bone density test done earlier this year. Normal range is -1

to +1. I test at +3. (high bone density) They had to repeat the test

because they thought there was a malfunction of the machine. Same

result, and everyone before and after me was normal. I had been

drinking carbonated/caffeinated beverages for close to 20 years. Went

cold-turkey last year, with a couple of occasional slips. Water only,

no tea or coffee. Never been a big milk drinker either nor have I

been very focused on calcium supplements until recently.

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At one time I was a big consumer of diet coke so have worried about the effects

of it. My bone density was very high also until after menopause when it dropped.

I was very interested when I came across an article in Nexus magasine re the

myth of osteoporosis. It was at www.nexusmagazine.com and was article volume 5

#6. Oct/Nov 98. I just tried to bring it up and could not so it may have been

deleted by now or the site just down at the moment.

Anyway, for anyone interested... it was written by a Sherrill Sellman and she

has written a lot about hormones and contradicts the establishment. If you do a

search you will find info on what she has written. She claims that osteoporosis

is big business and that " Contrary to the medical marketing hype, synthetic

hormonal drugs, dairy products and most calcium supplements actually weaken the

bones and have other harmful effects on health " .

I have read in other reports that the calcium in milk actually adds to calcium

loss...Since I am milk sensitive, I don't take milk or milk products. But do

take a cal/mag very absorbable powder from my ND.

Who knows where the truth lies. I really don't know what or who to believe! I

think also that " Physicians for Responsible medicine " are against milk

consumption. But also they are for vegetarianism - not for me as an O.

So if anyone does a little reading on this and would like to comment I would be

very interested.


RE: Re: Water

.... The good news is that we now

know that it's neither caffeine nor phosphoric acid that contribute to

calcium loss.

I had a bone density test done earlier this year. Normal range is -1

to +1. I test at +3. (high bone density) They had to repeat the test

because they thought there was a malfunction of the machine. Same

result, and everyone before and after me was normal. I had been

drinking carbonated/caffeinated beverages for close to 20 years. Went

cold-turkey last year, with a couple of occasional slips. Water only,

no tea or coffee. Never been a big milk drinker either nor have I

been very focused on calcium supplements until recently.

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Rowar!!!! Shhh!!! Catfight! Yeah! Let's get it on!!!

Re: Re: Water

> Okay well let me say this I started just expressing what I was told - and

got jumped on by Ms. Maskell. (sheesh). So here is

> my responses to her posts and I apologize to those who might become

offended.. I wasn't going to reply because - frankly -

> she came accross as sanctimonious, etc. and well it kinda hacked me off -

I was not trying to be rude but I just had to <grin>

> ...so (putting flame retardant gear on)... here goes.

I delete the rest, we've seen it recently anyway.

Not going to take sides... officially. [slapping and " nutting " Jacky in the

audience stands in the spirit of the moment though]

Calcium. Yes. Complex. An electrolyte. Important alkalizer. Macromineral.

Osteoperosis is big business... no exaggeration. People who drink coffee and

carbonated caffeinated beverages can have pretty good bones... milk drinkers

can have poor bone composition. All true. This is one of those things that

isn't understood well enough for people like us to know for certain what to

do. I think the balance of minerals makes a difference, like how people say

that too much calcium can actually interfere with calcium absorption into

the bone matrix. I've written about this months ago, my personal take on how

to ensure you have healthy calcium metabolism and bone-absorption. What I'm

willing to risk writing about is how to get the body working well, I stay

away from specifics such as those in these posts for obvious reasons (snarl!

growl!). Yeah!!! Sorry, but I've been the one in the ring more often than

safe in the crowd... I love it!

Well, even excess calcium, especially the less bio-available kind found in

synthetic supplement sources can interfere with healthy calcium

metabolism... calcium is used to excrete excess protein (for us Os I say

" HA! " ), and it is used by the body to maintain the acid-base balance, so it

is conceivable that even if an O doesn't eat so much protein that they need

to excrete some (thereby using up precious calcium) they can still use up

their calcium, either in the food or from their precious bone matrix in

order to neutralize the over-acidic environment from overconsumption of meat

(acidifiers). So is meat a calcium depletor? Conceivably. Not saying

anything for sure. [defensivly clasping arms over head to protect from

Maskell's impending abuses!] Calcium to magnesium ratio is important, USRDI

moved mag up to same level as cal, in some books I've seen twice as much mag

to cal... phosphorus is important too, pasteurized milk (I said pasteurized)

has been shown to lead to calcium loss, in post-menopausal women. Not fun.

Lots of info, but solid facts applicable to everyone? Ha ha.

None of us should be having those carbonated sugar drinks anyway, most of

them are downright evil. I'm still a little surprised that a certain someone

was comforted for drinking Diet Coke... I've read in many places (anecdotal)

of so many people who used to drink a lot of Diet Coke, most of them with

obesity problems among others, who can't seem to shake the " habit " . It is

scary to read, if so many people can't keep off for a few months, or have a

Diet Coke after " quitting " and then have a very difficult time weaning

themselves off it again I think there is something to be suspicious about.

That is part of the reason why I hate Coke, Diet Coke, and probably

everything else made by that evil mega-corporation. Diet Coke is evil! Stay


Phosphorus. Another mineral implicated as a calcium complicator. Well, as

with all sorts of other minerals (especially synthetics vs natural) it can

depend. I know I have fantastic recovery after intense physical exercise

when I eat a meal high in cholesterol, protein, fat, and phosphorus (liver,

especially emu liver). Phosphorus needs increase if the body is under

physical stress (P's relationship to stored energy and energy production).

It depends.

I'm glad this subject has been brought up. I wish I knew more about the

calcium issue. I feel calcium and magnesium are very important, I feel much

better when I take them, no more muscle cramps. But I wonder about the

balance of macrominerals, synthetics vs natural, bad forms of calcium, etc

etc. Let's discuss, throw out ideas or something. I currently have calcium

pills from calcium carbonate and I think they aren't very good, also have

magnesium oxide... any suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

>Dear Professor -


>By filtered water, does that exclude natural bottled spring water? Or

>mineral water?


>I live in NYC, and our drinking water has no additives.

How do you know ?

Teen finds antibiotics in public supplies

By Kathleen Fackelmann, USA TODAY


High school student Mulroy was reading a science magazine two years

ago when she learned that European scientists had made a disturbing

discovery: Drugs of all kinds, including antibiotics, were flowing in

rivers, streams, groundwater and even in tap water.

That began a science project in which the 17-year-old searched for and

found antibiotics in the Ohio River. She also found those drugs in the

drinking water in her hometown of Wheeling, W.Va. She is one of the first

in the USA to look for such drugs in the nation's drinking water supply.

Mulroy's work recently won the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, an

international science competition sponsored by ITT Industries. More

important, her study highlights an emerging scientific issue with alarming


Some experts fear that even low levels of antibiotics fouling the nation's

water supply may help create superbugs: microorganisms that have evolved to

survive an antibiotic's lethal assault.

Public health experts already have noted the rise of infection after

infection that cannot be stopped with the usual arsenal of antibiotics.

And the superbugs may be causing " tens of thousands " of deaths in the USA

each year, says Abigail Salyers, an expert on antibiotic resistance at the

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Consider these reports:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency researchers have found antibiotics in

North Carolina's Neuse River, a source of drinking water.

Another EPA chemist reports finding several drugs, including a common

antibiotic, in river water outside a southern U.S. city.

Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey have found antibiotics in many

water samples taken from streams across the nation.

These findings " raise a big red flag, " says Stuart Levy at Tufts University

in Boston. The antibiotics aren't harmful on their own. Rather, Levy and

others worry that waters laced with these drugs could breed bugs that can

shrug off the killing effects of the wonder drugs, such as penicillin.

Mulroy's science project got started after she read " Drugged Waters, " a

1998 article in Science News that gave a chilling account of the drugs,

including antibiotics, floating in European waters.

" I remember thinking the story had really bad implications, " Mulroy says.

So she decided to test for antibiotics in the Ohio River near her home.

Over a 10-week period, Mulroy and her mom got into the family car and drove

for miles to test sites along the Ohio River.

In the end, she got her river water samples back to the Linsly School, a

private school that she attended in Wheeling . She looked for three common

antibiotics: penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin. She found all three

drugs in low concentrations (parts per trillion) in the Ohio River. Water

samples taken from sites near livestock or dairy farms had the highest

concentrations of antibiotics, Mulroy says.

Large farming operations in the USA often keep hogs, chickens and other

animals in crowded, dirty pens and rely on low doses of antibiotics to keep

diseases at bay. Antibiotics also are given to healthy animals to fatten

them for market.

Scientists know that antibiotics given to animals (or to humans) don't get

fully metabolized in the digestive system and end up being excreted. In a

farming operation, that waste can make it into the runoff or groundwater,

which eventually makes it into a nearby stream, and in this case, the Ohio


River samples taken near local hospitals also revealed antibiotics, albeit

at slightly lower concentrations, Mulroy says. Antibiotics may leach into

the groundwater around hospitals if cases or bottles of expired drugs are

dumped into a landfill, she says.

Do such drugs get into water flowing out of the kitchen tap? Mulroy's study

suggests that they do.

Mulroy also took samples of water from three taps in Wheeling, Moundsville

and Procter. All three, including water from the drinking fountain at her

school, were contaminated with the antibiotics in question. The

concentrations were less than those found in the river water, she says.

Water flowing from the Wheeling tap comes from a municipal water-treatment

facility that relies on sand filtration to clean the water. That method,

the primary method of water treatment in the USA, doesn't remove

antibiotics or other drugs from the water.

The other two samples of public water came from wells. The fact that they

also had antibiotics suggests that groundwater is contaminated, Mulroy says.

However, Mulroy's study also suggests a potential fix for waters laced with

drugs such as antibiotics. She says that an activated charcoal filtration

system removed most of the antibiotics in the tap water.

Agricultural effect

The USA produces more than 50 million pounds of antibiotics each year.

Experts estimate that 60% are used to treat humans. The other 40% go to

farming operations.

New research suggests that the latter doesn't stay on the farm.

ph Bumgarner at the EPA, Meyer at the U.S. Geological Survey

and their colleagues have identified antibiotic contamination of surface

water near two North Carolina hog farms. Such farms, which often keep

50,000 animals in close quarters, create huge pools of manure called " lagoons. "

These hogs routinely receive doses of antibiotics, including

chlortetracycline, lincomycin and sulfamethiazine. Sure enough, the team

found those three antibiotics in the lagoons and in samples from nearby

streams, which empty into the Neuse River.

The river water samples also contained the antibiotics, Bumgarner says. The

Neuse River supplies the Raleigh-Durham area with its public water. The

researchers have yet to test the tap water there.

The team did find an antibiotic flowing from a tap on one of the hog farms.

That tap drew its water from a well, a finding that suggests groundwater is

laced with the drugs, Meyer says.

Preliminary results from this study also suggest that bacteria in the

streams have acquired resistance to common antibiotics, Bumgarner says.

Studies on a hog farm in Iowa and a chicken farm in Ohio produced similar

results, Meyer says. Some experts, including Florini of the

Environmental Defense in Washington, D.C., are urging the Food and Drug

Administration to ban the use of antibiotics to speed the growth of farm


Recently, the FDA took a step in that direction by announcing its intent to

ban two antibiotics used by poultry farmers. Florini's group and others

also are calling on EPA to control the pollution in runoff from

factory-farming operations. But EPA's Bumgarner says the agency doesn't

have enough information to take such a step.

Worrisome findings

Human waste also contains antibiotics, and instead of going into a lagoon,

it gets flushed down the toilet. EPA chemist Tammy -Lepp wanted to

find out whether the antibiotics in sewage would survive a

wastewater-treatment facility.

-Lepp collected water downstream from two such facilities in an

unnamed southern city. She found that the treated river water contained low

levels of azithromycin, an antibiotic often prescribed to children for ear


The results suggest that treatment plants, although they filter out some

contaminants, don't remove all traces of drugs such as antibiotics.

Effects still unknown

" It's clear antibiotics get into the environment, " says Tamar Barlam,

director of the Antibiotic Resistance Project at the Center for Science in

the Public Interest in Washington, D.C. But scientists have yet to

determine the impact of such contamination on human health, especially when

the antibiotics, and other drugs, are present at minute levels, she says.

Bell at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta

says there's not enough scientific data to say that environmental

contamination plays a big role in generating antibiotic resistance.

Far more important, he says, is the fact that humans have abused

antibiotics by taking them unnecessarily.

The overuse of antibiotics by the agricultural industry also plays a big

role in creating superbugs, Bell says.

Farmers who feed healthy animals a steady stream of antibiotics can set the

stage for human illness in this way: Bacteria in the digestive system of

the animal can develop resistance to antibiotics. Humans who then eat

undercooked meat from the infected animal can suffer an infection — one

that can't be treated with that antibiotic, Bell says.

Levy and others would argue that environmental contamination might pose a

more serious problem than previously recognized. Levy says those relatively

harmless bugs, like the E. coli in Mulroy's study, can develop genetic

traits to repel antibiotics. Once they have that genetic ammunition, they

can trade the information to other bugs relatively easily, he says.

That means that a bug that doesn't cause human disease could pass along its

genetic trick to a bug that does. The result, Levy worries, would be a

bacterium that has evolved the capability to do an end-run around the most

powerful drugs of the modern century.

The USA lags about a decade behind researchers in Europe who have found

antibiotics and many other drugs in the waters there. Indeed, Mulroy's

study is one of the first to look at the public water supply in the USA.

Although other scientists must confirm her study, Mulroy has contributed

something important to the field.

" This really is a testimony to our kids, " Levy says.

For information on the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, see the Web site of

the Water Environment Federation:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you have to do your own research on water. Then you make the choice as

to what type seems better for you and know that choice is the best for you.

There are some articles to read on my web site on some of the dangers of

distilled, reverse-osmosis, and purified water. You can probably find other

articles to back up reasons to drink the ones warned about on the web site. I

have chosen to believe drinking alkalized water is in my body's best interest

and then chose to sell the ionizer-alkalizer water filters. That seems the best

choice for me personally.

Here are some articles:







Kallie , Optimal Life Coach


MagnetiCo Magnetic Pads, Zappers,

Regenesis Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,


I am a bit confused as to what water is the right one, i read that distilled

is better than purifed and vis-versa, can you buy any of these at the shop or do

you need to get a filter, any suggestions



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In a message dated 2/2/02 7:34:56 PM GTB Standard Time, Chevy974@...



UGGH now i wonder if i ought to drink spring water instead of distilled


no what lol >>

I drink a variety,but they all come from plastic bottles and I know that

isn't much better either.I will probaby get the multi-pur filter that is $200.

Sherri,you mentioned ordering from you and not directly from the company.You

giving it cheaper :) ?


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In a message dated 2/2/02 7:36:50 PM GTB Standard Time,

bluephish16@... writes:


Does this filter take out the fluoride, as well?


No,I emailed the company and asked.Only RO or distillers do that.Email multi

pur for a packet.It will list all that is taken out

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At 10:25 AM 02/02/2002 EST, you wrote:

>while readind mercola site about the measles there was a link to diet well i

>checked it out.

>on the subject water it says NO distilled water now that goes against

>everything i have heard and Phyliss even told me drink only distilled

>what kinda water do all of you drink? just curious



YOu will find no one agrees on this.

I don't drink distilled water

I drink from a solid carbon block filter which filters out all chemicals,

pesticides, heavy metals etc and leaves the minerals


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Does this filter take out the fluoride, as well?



Re: water

YOu will find no one agrees on this.

I don't drink distilled water

I drink from a solid carbon block filter which filters out all chemicals,

pesticides, heavy metals etc and leaves the minerals


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

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That's why some of us have opted for distilling or RO.

It's an easier decision if there is no fluoride in your water. I'm

currently sending some of the best fluoride data to the Anchorage municipal

assembly in hopes that this issue will be revisited and fluoride removed

here. There does seem to be some interest in that, so we'll see,

Sandy from Alaska














Re: water

In a message dated 2/2/02 7:36:50 PM GTB Standard Time,

bluephish16@... writes:


Does this filter take out the fluoride, as well?


No,I emailed the company and asked.Only RO or distillers do that.Email multi

pur for a packet.It will list all that is taken out

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At 12:12 PM 02/02/2002 -0500, you wrote:



>Does this filter take out the fluoride, as well?




No, only reverse osmosis will take out fluoride.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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At 12:38 PM 02/02/2002 EST, you wrote:

>In a message dated 2/2/02 7:34:56 PM GTB Standard Time, Chevy974@...




> UGGH now i wonder if i ought to drink spring water instead of distilled


> no what lol >>

>I drink a variety,but they all come from plastic bottles and I know that

>isn't much better either.I will probaby get the multi-pur filter that is


>Sherri,you mentioned ordering from you and not directly from the company.You

>giving it cheaper :) ?



Well, they were never going to sell direct but I guess they are.

I can give a 10% discount



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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At 12:43 PM 02/02/2002 EST, you wrote:

>In a message dated 2/2/02 7:36:50 PM GTB Standard Time,

>bluephish16@... writes:




> Does this filter take out the fluoride, as well?

> >>

>No,I emailed the company and asked.Only RO or distillers do that.Email multi

>pur for a packet.It will list all that is taken out


Please order from me to help subsidize the work I do here!


for all the info and links to multipure

But please order from me


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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In a message dated 2/3/02 1:45:10 AM GTB Standard Time, claudiaayaz@...



just make sure it filters out the fluoride... are

people on this list aware on what fluoride does??? >>

Unfortunately carbon filters do not get rid of the fluoride.I had always

wanted a RO/carbon block pre/post filter,but we just can't afford it and

drinking water from plastic jugs just isn't great either.I know Flouride

sucks,but atleast I can avoid the other junk and plastics with the carbon


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That's the only bad thing I've heard about distilled as well. ly though,

it's water. How many minerals can it have that we don't get in other sources?

And depending on where you live, you may be getting a WHOLE lot more than just

traces of good minerals. I'd rather drink distilled and know there is just

NOTHING in the water, than chance drinking 'spring' water and getting who the

heck knows what. Even worse is plain bottled 'drinking' water that is often

times nothing more than municipal water from another town. Gross.

We are on well water where I live, and it is so nasty. Runs out of the pipes

brown half the time, and is slimy tasting if you drink it. I don't even like to

cook with the stuff! A filter isn't an option here... I'm NOT ingesting city


I've also noticed that after drinking distilled water for a while now (over 2

years) I can't tolerate drinking any other kind of water. It just tastes 'off'

to me.


Re: water

Amy, I've been serching for a link I had about distilled water. I can't find

it but, I recall reading that distilling takes out essential minterals that

we need.

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just make sure it filters out the fluoride... are

people on this list aware on what fluoride does???


--- suziesparkle <suziesparkle@...> wrote:

> Hiya Amy *smile*,

> I drink bottled water right now. I aim to get a

> water filter asap and will be happy with that.


> Suzanne

> dd Ruby 2.7yrs

> South Wales



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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What I have heard about the water is that the distilled because it doesn't

have any of the minerals in it is bad for you. Our bodies need the


mother to two beautiful children

Tristan 2

Lorna, 6 months

representative of SEASILVER, liquid Vit. supplement

Balances your body chemistry

Cleanses your vital organs

Purifies your blood & Lymphatic system

Nourishes your body at the cellular level

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Strengthens your immune system


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I am a strong advocate of mineral-rich water for the following 4 reasons:

1. Remember the Hunzas? Art Linkletter wrote about them back int he 1970's

(1950's?) because they live to 100 or more. Yes, they eat yogurt regularly

and there were commercials in the '70's showing a Hunza eating yogurt with

the person's age on the screen -- 106, 104, 112yrs old! Well, I don't think

yogurt had anything to do with it. Where the Hunzas live, their sole source

of water travels down from very high and pure himalayan peaks and by the

time it reaches them, it is so full of minerals it is cloudy and gray. This

is how they drink it! They do NOT distill these minerals out of the water.

They bathe, cook, and drink this water from birth to death and have

shockingly few health problems, not to mention incredibly long lives. So

when it recently came out that the French have certain low disease rates,

and it was said to be the WINE!!?? I thought, " Gee, they drink MINERAL WATER

copiously at every meal and dilute their wine with it too. "

2. I've heard distilled water called " hungry water " , hungry for a certain

minimum levelof minerals I guess. I've heard it is therefore best for

steeping herb teas because it's so " hungry " that it will extract the most

nutrients from the herbs. And this also goes along with the idea that

drinking a lot of distilled water will remove minerals from your body

because it's willing to take the minerals from you if necessary. I'd sure

like to see a scientific explanation of this.

3. I've seen demonstrations for electrolyte products where you put some kind

of device in a glass of water and if the water can convey an electrical

current between 2 poles submerged in the water, a lightbulb in the device

lights up. If this device is put into distilled water, no electrical charge

can travel through the water between 2 prongs and therefore the lightbulb

does not go on. If a small amount of electrolytes (liquid MINERALS) are

added to that same water, the lightbulb lights! To me, that means there is

dead or inert water, just some chemical solution of H2O (distilled water)

vs. ALIVE, ORGANIC water (electric, balanced).

4. Our bodies can produce many of the vitamins itself if the right building

blocks are present, whereas our bodies cannot produces our own minerals. It

is for pre-digested (bio-available) minerals that we must depend on the

plant kingdom, which in turn depends on mineral-rich soils; and on

mineral-rich water.

In Europe, mineral waters are available everywhere for pennies. Books are

written about the MEDICINAL effects of specific brands of mineral waters,

based on the mineral content. Here in America, mineral waters cost the most

and are the least valued! My personal favorite is a sparkling water called

" Gerolsteiner Sprudel " because it does not have wimpy mineral levels.

Vashti in


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Hi ,

We don't have fluoride in our water, thankfully.........

The ones Sheri uses sound good.....carbon thingys, sorry to be so technical!



dd Ruby 2.7yrs

South Wales

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