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We never drink tap water. We fill our own bottles of spring water. I'm

unsure of the brand. ~Annette

-----Original Message-----

From: Michele Welsh [mailto:jjcwelsh@...]

Do most of you buy bottled water or do you have a filter on your faucet? If

you buy bottled, what type is best? I'm sorry for all the questions!


~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

~ - 10/5/99

~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01



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Okay looks like I'm the odd one here.... I drink tap water by the

quart (I guess about 3-5 gallons a day). I have Diabetes Insipidus,

it's genetic. I have a reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen but I

don't like the way the water tastes so I just drink tap.

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I don't drink water from the tap for one simple

reason...we have a well, and with all the fields

around that are forever having pesticides, etc sprayed

on them, I am certain we have more than a ton of it

seeping into our well. Additionally, our well was

drilled about 25 feet from our creek (well was already

here when we bought the place) and the creek flows

into the river, which is beyond disgusting. So, I

guess it's two reasons why we don't drink tap water.

I do want to say that we buy our water already

bottled. I used to buy it from one of those

fill-it-yourself thingys, but opne day, decided to

look behind it, and it was hooked up straight to a

tap...no filter or anything. So, altho I am not 100%

certain that the water I buy isn't tapped, I would bet

it's at least filtered. Maybe not...who knows.

BTW...about distilled water...I thought you werent't

supposed to drink much of it, as it could disturb the

electrolye, etc, balances of your body. Anybody??



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We had an intense discussion about this about 4-6 months ago - perhaps it is

in the archives. Anyway, there seem to be two schools of thought, one, led

by Sheri, who believes you need a good solid block carbon filter and to keep

all the minerals, the other led by Phyllis who says you should drink

distilled (and that rainwater has no minerals).

I still don't know what to think. My personal leaning is that you need the

minerals, and that you may create imbalances if you drink distilled water,

although I have been drinking RO (almost distilled) for years.

Sandy from Alaska







Re: Re: water

I don't drink water from the tap for one simple

reason...we have a well, and with all the fields

around that are forever having pesticides, etc sprayed

on them, I am certain we have more than a ton of it

seeping into our well. Additionally, our well was

drilled about 25 feet from our creek (well was already

here when we bought the place) and the creek flows

into the river, which is beyond disgusting. So, I

guess it's two reasons why we don't drink tap water.

I do want to say that we buy our water already

bottled. I used to buy it from one of those

fill-it-yourself thingys, but opne day, decided to

look behind it, and it was hooked up straight to a

tap...no filter or anything. So, altho I am not 100%

certain that the water I buy isn't tapped, I would bet

it's at least filtered. Maybe not...who knows.

BTW...about distilled water...I thought you werent't

supposed to drink much of it, as it could disturb the

electrolye, etc, balances of your body. Anybody??



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Thanks Sandy! =o)

--- Sandy Mintz <sandym@...> wrote:

> We had an intense discussion about this about 4-6

> months ago - perhaps it is

> in the archives. Anyway, there seem to be two

> schools of thought, one, led

> by Sheri, who believes you need a good solid block

> carbon filter and to keep

> all the minerals, the other led by Phyllis who says

> you should drink

> distilled (and that rainwater has no minerals).


> I still don't know what to think. My personal

> leaning is that you need the

> minerals, and that you may create imbalances if you

> drink distilled water,

> although I have been drinking RO (almost distilled)

> for years.


> Sandy from Alaska


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The water we buy is from our local health food coop and is from a reverse

osmosis filter machine. Now the question too is what do you guys store the

water in. My friends are recently discussing how most people have plastic

containers which leach chemicals. I suppose I should invest in glass but part

of me is getting sick of everything causing cancer. Sometimes I just don't want

to always " do the right thing " . AHHH to be ignorant and not fearful again!!

(just kidding) L.

Proud mom to Autumn 1-13-97 & Zoe 8-8-00


Do most of you buy bottled water or do you have a filter on your faucet? If

you buy bottled, what type is best? I'm sorry for all the questions!


~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

~ - 10/5/99

~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01



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We have a whole house filter and a filter on the refrigerator

and the Pure water filer. It is disgusting what the filters

look like when we change them....black sludge and stinky.

We have city water, YUK.

Western NY


> Do most of you buy bottled water or do you have a filter on your faucet?


> you buy bottled, what type is best? I'm sorry for all the questions!


> Michele

> ~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

> ~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

> ~ - 10/5/99

> ~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01


> .













> .






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Dear Donna,

Alot of people think that drinking distilled water will leach minerals out

of your system. According to what I have researched, I don't believe this

to be true. The mineral content of normal tap water is so low that you

would have to drink about 60? gallons of water a day to get any value out of

it. If you are interested I will send you some of my files upon request.

Also, bottled water has the same harmful chemicals that tap water does,

distilled at home is still my choice. Many blessings to you all,

Doc and Dena


Radical and Rejected by the Establishment


Re: Re: water

> I don't drink water from the tap for one simple

> reason...we have a well, and with all the fields

> around that are forever having pesticides, etc sprayed

> on them, I am certain we have more than a ton of it

> seeping into our well. Additionally, our well was

> drilled about 25 feet from our creek (well was already

> here when we bought the place) and the creek flows

> into the river, which is beyond disgusting. So, I

> guess it's two reasons why we don't drink tap water.

> I do want to say that we buy our water already

> bottled. I used to buy it from one of those

> fill-it-yourself thingys, but opne day, decided to

> look behind it, and it was hooked up straight to a

> tap...no filter or anything. So, altho I am not 100%

> certain that the water I buy isn't tapped, I would bet

> it's at least filtered. Maybe not...who knows.

> BTW...about distilled water...I thought you werent't

> supposed to drink much of it, as it could disturb the

> electrolye, etc, balances of your body. Anybody??


> ~Donna...Illinois




> __________________________________________________


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Wouldn't the mineral content of tap water depend on where the water was

coming from? Sandy







Re: Re: water

Dear Donna,

Alot of people think that drinking distilled water will leach minerals out

of your system. According to what I have researched, I don't believe this

to be true. The mineral content of normal tap water is so low that you

would have to drink about 60? gallons of water a day to get any value out of

it. If you are interested I will send you some of my files upon request.

Also, bottled water has the same harmful chemicals that tap water does,

distilled at home is still my choice. Many blessings to you all,

Doc and Dena


Radical and Rejected by the Establishment


Re: Re: water

> I don't drink water from the tap for one simple

> reason...we have a well, and with all the fields

> around that are forever having pesticides, etc sprayed

> on them, I am certain we have more than a ton of it

> seeping into our well. Additionally, our well was

> drilled about 25 feet from our creek (well was already

> here when we bought the place) and the creek flows

> into the river, which is beyond disgusting. So, I

> guess it's two reasons why we don't drink tap water.

> I do want to say that we buy our water already

> bottled. I used to buy it from one of those

> fill-it-yourself thingys, but opne day, decided to

> look behind it, and it was hooked up straight to a

> tap...no filter or anything. So, altho I am not 100%

> certain that the water I buy isn't tapped, I would bet

> it's at least filtered. Maybe not...who knows.

> BTW...about distilled water...I thought you werent't

> supposed to drink much of it, as it could disturb the

> electrolye, etc, balances of your body. Anybody??


> ~Donna...Illinois




> __________________________________________________


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I've read that it is the " thinner " plastics that leach more of the plastic

chemicals. I absolutely believe this to be true because everytime I buy

bottled water from the grocery store, it always has that damned plastic

taste! Since companies like Ozarka, no longer deliver water in glass

bottles, I've settled for water from their thick plastic 5-gallon jugs. I

don't taste the plastic in that water. Not saying some chemicals aren't

there, but it is at least to a lesser degree. Perhaps if you could get hold

of some Ozarka-type jugs?


In a message dated 7/1/2001 10:44:25 PM Central Daylight Time,

lucasjt@... writes:

> The water we buy is from our local health food coop and is from a reverse

> osmosis filter machine. Now the question too is what do you guys store the

> water in. My friends are recently discussing how most people have plastic

> containers which leach chemicals. I suppose I should invest in glass but

> part of me is getting sick of everything causing cancer. Sometimes I just

> don't want to always " do the right thing " . AHHH to be ignorant and not

> fearful again!! (just kidding) L.

> Proud mom to Autumn 1-13-97 & Zoe 8-8-00




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Uuummmmm........if I knew about it I probably would be worried, Michele.

Tell me more, please :-)

SUE, thinks she will have to save for a filter thingy.....

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Is your well system a sandpoint well? My bro and SIL

have a sandpoint well, and regularly have levels

tested, and they repeatedly come back with better

levels, than are required by bottled waters!!! I

would love a sandpoint...but alas, not gonna happen.

--- Ives <mives@...> wrote:

However, I LOVE the taste of my water, and everyone

who drinks my water comments on how good it tastes.


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Thanks for the Dr. Day info. I just briefly checked out her website. Looks

good. I checked out the videos and the newest one " Cancer Doesn't Scare Me

Anymore " caught my interest, so I just ordered it.


In a message dated 7/2/2001 10:51:27 AM Central Daylight Time,

Resume@... writes:

> The world's foremost expert on water consumption is Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. He

> has a wonderful book called " Your Body's Many Cries For Water - You are not

> sick, you are thirsty! " I am currently reading the book. He makes a lot of

> sense and says that most of our sickness today could be cured by drinking

> more water. Our bodies are made up of mostly water and we need to drink

> more to stay healthy.


> I recently purchased an excellent video by Dr. Day at http://drday.comn

> called " Turn on the Light, overcoming anxiety and depression " and she swore

> that drinking 10 glasses a day and adding a little (1/2 tsp for the day)

> salt to your diet during the day will do wonders. She said when she was

> sick with cancer she drank up to 20 glasses a day to make up what she had

> lost over the years. She just mentioned " filtered " water, but I've seen

> other experts recommend distilled. I think if you have a little salt with

> it, the distilled is fine.


> Dr. B has a website called: http://watercure.com that has great

> testimonials. I'm convinced and am now drinking more water - I use

> distilled. At first you spend a lot of time running to the bathroom, but

> then your body gets used to it and you feel a lot better. My aches and

> pains are mostly gone now and I have more energy. I would highly recommend

> Dr. Day's videos which include some of this info. Also the site at

> http://hacres.com endorses the same philosophy.


> When I'm finished reading Dr. B's book I'll post what I found. I have

> noticed on a few of the testimonials that people said they drank 1/2 of

> their body weight in water daily. That would mean 8 glasses for me and I'm

> trying to do 8 to 10.




> M. Parish, CPRW* (Certified Professional Resume Writer)

> Career Coach / Business Start-Up & Support Consultant

> CareerPlan, Inc., Premier Career, Business, and Life Planning Services

> TOLL FREE: (888) 449-2200; EMAIL: Resume@...

> Re: Re: water



> I don't drink water from the tap for one simple

> reason...we have a well, and with all the fields

> around that are forever having pesticides, etc sprayed

> on them, I am certain we have more than a ton of it

> seeping into our well. Additionally, our well was

> drilled about 25 feet from our creek (well was already

> here when we bought the place) and the creek flows

> into the river, which is beyond disgusting. So, I

> guess it's two reasons why we don't drink tap water.

> I do want to say that we buy our water already

> bottled. I used to buy it from one of those

> fill-it-yourself thingys, but opne day, decided to

> look behind it, and it was hooked up straight to a

> tap...no filter or anything. So, altho I am not 100%

> certain that the water I buy isn't tapped, I would bet

> it's at least filtered. Maybe not...who knows.

> BTW...about distilled water...I thought you werent't

> supposed to drink much of it, as it could disturb the

> electrolye, etc, balances of your body. Anybody??


> ~Donna...Illinois




> __________________________________________________


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I've heard that it depends on the #plastic (like the recycling #) the bottle is

made of. The lower the number the safer/less that is leached into the water.


Proud mom to Autumn 1-13-97 & Zoe 8-8-00

Re: water

I've read that it is the " thinner " plastics that leach more of the plastic

chemicals. I absolutely believe this to be true because everytime I buy

bottled water from the grocery store, it always has that damned plastic

taste! Since companies like Ozarka, no longer deliver water in glass

bottles, I've settled for water from their thick plastic 5-gallon jugs. I

don't taste the plastic in that water. Not saying some chemicals aren't

there, but it is at least to a lesser degree. Perhaps if you could get hold

of some Ozarka-type jugs?


In a message dated 7/1/2001 10:44:25 PM Central Daylight Time,

lucasjt@... writes:

> The water we buy is from our local health food coop and is from a reverse

> osmosis filter machine. Now the question too is what do you guys store the

> water in. My friends are recently discussing how most people have plastic

> containers which leach chemicals. I suppose I should invest in glass but

> part of me is getting sick of everything causing cancer. Sometimes I just

> don't want to always " do the right thing " . AHHH to be ignorant and not

> fearful again!! (just kidding) L.

> Proud mom to Autumn 1-13-97 & Zoe 8-8-00




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Thanks for the info!


I have always heard that distilled water is best, and buy mine at Wal-Mart.

You may find helpful articles on raising and feeding babies healthy foods

(lots of juice, raw fruits, and veggies) at http://www.hacres.com. They also

have a wonderful book I highly recommend called " Recipes for Life from God's

Garden " that has WONDERFUL information on what is best to feed babies at

different stages in their development. A lot of it depends on which teeth

they have in at the moment. I'm also on some great e-lists for feeding

babies raw foods. If you want more info, please contact me.


Do most of you buy bottled water or do you have a filter on your faucet?


you buy bottled, what type is best? I'm sorry for all the questions!


~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

~ - 10/5/99

~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01



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Thank you!


The world's foremost expert on water consumption is Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. He

has a wonderful book called " Your Body's Many Cries For Water - You are not

sick, you are thirsty! " I am currently reading the book. He makes a lot of

sense and says that most of our sickness today could be cured by drinking

more water. Our bodies are made up of mostly water and we need to drink more

to stay healthy.

I recently purchased an excellent video by Dr. Day at http://drday.comn

called " Turn on the Light, overcoming anxiety and depression " and she swore

that drinking 10 glasses a day and adding a little (1/2 tsp for the day)

salt to your diet during the day will do wonders. She said when she was sick

with cancer she drank up to 20 glasses a day to make up what she had lost

over the years. She just mentioned " filtered " water, but I've seen other

experts recommend distilled. I think if you have a little salt with it, the

distilled is fine.

Dr. B has a website called: http://watercure.com that has great

testimonials. I'm convinced and am now drinking more water - I use

distilled. At first you spend a lot of time running to the bathroom, but

then your body gets used to it and you feel a lot better. My aches and pains

are mostly gone now and I have more energy. I would highly recommend Dr.

Day's videos which include some of this info. Also the site at

http://hacres.com endorses the same philosophy.

When I'm finished reading Dr. B's book I'll post what I found. I have

noticed on a few of the testimonials that people said they drank 1/2 of

their body weight in water daily. That would mean 8 glasses for me and I'm

trying to do 8 to 10.



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I have always heard that distilled water is best, and buy mine at Wal-Mart. You

may find helpful articles on raising and feeding babies healthy foods (lots of

juice, raw fruits, and veggies) at http://www.hacres.com. They also have a

wonderful book I highly recommend called " Recipes for Life from God's Garden "

that has WONDERFUL information on what is best to feed babies at different

stages in their development. A lot of it depends on which teeth they have in at

the moment. I'm also on some great e-lists for feeding babies raw foods. If you

want more info, please contact me.


M. Parish, CPRW* (Certified Professional Resume Writer)

Career Coach / Business Start-Up & Support Consultant

CareerPlan, Inc., Premier Career, Business, and Life Planning Services

TOLL FREE: (888) 449-2200; EMAIL: Resume@...


Do most of you buy bottled water or do you have a filter on your faucet? If

you buy bottled, what type is best? I'm sorry for all the questions!


~ Jorie Antoinette - 2/21/96

~ nna Grace - 7/8/97

~ - 10/5/99

~ Katarina Joy - 5/3/01



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The world's foremost expert on water consumption is Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. He has

a wonderful book called " Your Body's Many Cries For Water - You are not sick,

you are thirsty! " I am currently reading the book. He makes a lot of sense and

says that most of our sickness today could be cured by drinking more water. Our

bodies are made up of mostly water and we need to drink more to stay healthy.

I recently purchased an excellent video by Dr. Day at http://drday.comn called

" Turn on the Light, overcoming anxiety and depression " and she swore that

drinking 10 glasses a day and adding a little (1/2 tsp for the day) salt to your

diet during the day will do wonders. She said when she was sick with cancer she

drank up to 20 glasses a day to make up what she had lost over the years. She

just mentioned " filtered " water, but I've seen other experts recommend

distilled. I think if you have a little salt with it, the distilled is fine.

Dr. B has a website called: http://watercure.com that has great testimonials.

I'm convinced and am now drinking more water - I use distilled. At first you

spend a lot of time running to the bathroom, but then your body gets used to it

and you feel a lot better. My aches and pains are mostly gone now and I have

more energy. I would highly recommend Dr. Day's videos which include some of

this info. Also the site at http://hacres.com endorses the same philosophy.

When I'm finished reading Dr. B's book I'll post what I found. I have noticed on

a few of the testimonials that people said they drank 1/2 of their body weight

in water daily. That would mean 8 glasses for me and I'm trying to do 8 to 10.


M. Parish, CPRW* (Certified Professional Resume Writer)

Career Coach / Business Start-Up & Support Consultant

CareerPlan, Inc., Premier Career, Business, and Life Planning Services

TOLL FREE: (888) 449-2200; EMAIL: Resume@...

Re: Re: water

I don't drink water from the tap for one simple

reason...we have a well, and with all the fields

around that are forever having pesticides, etc sprayed

on them, I am certain we have more than a ton of it

seeping into our well. Additionally, our well was

drilled about 25 feet from our creek (well was already

here when we bought the place) and the creek flows

into the river, which is beyond disgusting. So, I

guess it's two reasons why we don't drink tap water.

I do want to say that we buy our water already

bottled. I used to buy it from one of those

fill-it-yourself thingys, but opne day, decided to

look behind it, and it was hooked up straight to a

tap...no filter or anything. So, altho I am not 100%

certain that the water I buy isn't tapped, I would bet

it's at least filtered. Maybe not...who knows.

BTW...about distilled water...I thought you werent't

supposed to drink much of it, as it could disturb the

electrolye, etc, balances of your body. Anybody??



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I have no idea. I don't even know what a sandpoint well is - but my

house is over 60 years old, and the well is only a hand-dug well, so

it isn't very deep, but I live on the side of a hill, and there is

TONS of water in the ledge on our property, we have to keep a sump

pump going all spring because the water runs in the back of our house

and out the front. Talk about natural feng sui! <G>!


> However, I LOVE the taste of my water, and everyone

> who drinks my water comments on how good it tastes.



> __________________________________________________


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Unofrtunately we use tap and some bottled water. The budget it tight, Dhs

work is slow. We are planning no a move when our house sells. Up \state we

will be on spring water from Zephyrhills, not the company underground. Anyone

know anything about real spring water. I know I can have the county test it.

They have to test to give me well a passing grade for usage.


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Dear Phyllis,

Are you going to tell us how to contact this gentleman about the water

distiller? We are all waiting in suspense! :-)

Doc and Dena


Radical and Rejected by the Establishment


Re: water



> > Unofrtunately we use tap and some bottled water. The budget it tight,


> > work is slow. We are planning no a move when our house sells. Up \state


> > will be on spring water from Zephyrhills, not the company underground.

> Anyone

> > know anything about real spring water. I know I can have the county test

> it.

> > They have to test to give me well a passing grade for usage.

> > Val

> >

> >

> >

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