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I also thought drinking coconut water was suppose to be good for diabetics,

that it infact helped even out BG...and my health food store had many

brands, it is also suppose to help hydrate the body too.


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It does not look like a natural coconut water, with sugar content of about 8%.

The sugar content is possibly enriched to enhance taste. Natural coconut water

has only up to 5% sugar for the one coming from young nuts, and up to 2% for the

one coming from mature nuts.

Tony Geniston

Alobar <Alobar@...> wrote: I have never seen

coconut water made from young coconuts in the US.

If I lived in the tropics, young cocnut water might be something to

use. But here, I have learned to avoid coconut water.

All the cans seem to contain far more sugar than I would want to take

in regularly. The best tasting coconut water I have found is from

Wilderness Family Naturals


and that contains more sugar in one serving than I like to eat in an entire


Serving Size 200 ml (7.45 oz)

Total Carbohydrates 18g

Sugar 16g


On 12/21/07, Severino Magat <sev_magat@...> wrote:

> Hi !


> May I inform you that a credible reference (Coconut Development Board of

India) mentioned that coconut water at early stages of maturity ( 6 - 8 month

old young " tender " nut stage), sugars are in the form of glucose and fructose

(reducing sugars) and sucrose (non-reducing sugar or complex disaccharides)

appears only in the later (mature 11 - 12 month old nut). The later increases

with maturity time while the former (reducing sugars) falls.


> Latest findings in the Philippines (by the Philippine Coconut Authority and

the Department of Science and Technology) revealed that coconut sugar from the

coconut sap (derived from the pre-opened coconut flowers (male and female) in

closed spathes contains 5 - 9% glucose and fructose sugars (reducing sugars) and

the rest (75-85%) in sucrose sugar form. This inherent attribute or nature of

naturally processed coconut sugar (with increasing demand in the country and

elsewhere) causes the low glycemix index of only GI 35 (as a general guide GI

of 55 or less) prevents human diabetes.


> Cheers,


> Sev Magat


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 8 months later...


Learning how everything now has sager in it or other ingredients that convert to

sugar in the stomach has helped me a lot. don't forget that the average cup of

coffee with a spoon of sugar provides more sugar into your stomach that you have

in you whole blood system  (see in red below).


As per Wikipedia:

Blood sugar concentration, or glucose level, is tightly regulated in the human

body. Normally, the blood glucose level is maintained between about 4 and 6 mM

(mmol). The normal blood glucose level is about 90mg/100ml, which works out to

5mM/L (mmol/l), since the molecular weight of glucose, C6H12O6, is about

180 g/mol daltons. The total amount of glucose in circulating blood is therefore

about 3.3 to 7g (assuming an ordinary adult blood volume of 5 liters, plausible

for an average adult male). Glucose levels rise after meals for an hour or two

by a few grams and are usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of

the day.


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Dear Tess,


Glad Jun is doing better. Have him tested for magnesium.  I understand lack of

magnesium can also cause diabetes.  Give him rich magnesium food like romaine

lettuce, etc. Is he taking medication? I discovered that when i take my diabetic

pills, and i combined it with chromium and Vitamin B complex, it really works

very well.  But i want to get out of all  my meds.  I am seeing an allopathic

doctor who would first make his patients supplements and would only give  pharma

products as a last resort.



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if magnesium is the problem and you want to get it at optimum 4 times

quicker than oral supplementation,use Magnesium Oil and rub it on your

skin. The results are amasing as Ive proved for myself. Esp for heart

problems if you are mag deficient as most people are.

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My doctor was very much against me getting off diabetic meds. I did

it anyway. Doctors are useful for getting blood tests, but I never

trust their advice.


On 9/6/08, melly banagale <@...> wrote:

> Dear Tess,


> Glad Jun is doing better. Have him tested for magnesium. I understand lack

of magnesium can also cause diabetes. Give him rich magnesium food like romaine

lettuce, etc. Is he taking medication? I discovered that when i take my diabetic

pills, and i combined it with chromium and Vitamin B complex, it really works

very well. But i want to get out of all my meds. I am seeing an allopathic

doctor who would first make his patients supplements and would only give pharma

products as a last resort.






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Yes, doctors are useful for blood tests and lab work but when it comes

to longterm drug therapy, they are NOT to be trusted since ALL drugs

cause longterm side effects (this is what my own doctor told me once)

Best to find a healthy alternative to the drug as soon as possible.


> > Dear Tess,

> >

> > Glad Jun is doing better. Have him tested for magnesium. I

understand lack of magnesium can also cause diabetes. Give him rich

magnesium food like romaine lettuce, etc. Is he taking medication? I

discovered that when i take my diabetic pills, and i combined it with

chromium and Vitamin B complex, it really works very well. But i want

to get out of all my meds. I am seeing an allopathic doctor who

would first make his patients supplements and would only give pharma

products as a last resort.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Epsom salts in the bath is a very inexpensive magnesium source and

tried and true.



> if magnesium is the problem and you want to get it at optimum 4


> quicker than oral supplementation,use Magnesium Oil and rub it on


> skin. The results are amasing as Ive proved for myself. Esp for


> problems if you are mag deficient as most people are.


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  • 1 month later...



is just a a propriety version of Metformin:


Glucophage is the same thing from a different manufacturer:

http://www.drugs.com/glucophage.html of course just why your Doctor

would choose the one brand against another - I would personally need an

answer for that. Cost would be a consideration.

When you say A1C, may I ask if you mean HbA1c (the 3 month indicator) if

so then indeed you need to medicate - OR lose weight and exercise. It's

easy for your doctor to prescribe pills and later on inevitably insulin,

but there is a lot you can do yourself. I didn't understand this and no

one told me, but eventually I found out stuff, now it's me educating my


I was diagnosed in the spring of 91, in spite of all the Meds in 06 my

HbA1c was 16 (a dangerous level) and any amount of different insulins

injection strategies were obviously not working, so I was given a pump.

Once I got the hang of it I brought my HbA1c down to 9ish, a vast

improvement, but I was pumping 100 to 150 insulin units per 24 hours

plus compensating meals, WOW - this is not a good thing.

For some reason I stumbled across a lecture which made a lot of sense to

me, you can watch it here (take an hour):



I sort of had an inkling from Dr Atkins pioneering work but this for me

just clinched it. I started learning up on Low Carb High Fat regimes and

since March this year I have lost 16 kilos........but the amazing thing

is that these days I only use about 30 units insulin per 24 hours and my

last HbA1c was 5.8 - how about that???!!!

I can't advise you on coconut oil brands as I am not familiar with your

local brands - there is however a producer of genuine VCO on this list -


May I ask why you stopped using CO and why? And why you think you should

start again?

Very best wishes


Lynn wrote:

> Good Morning~

> I am new to this group, but wanted to ask if anyone here knows about the drug

Janumet? I am diabetic and was on glucophage for years, and yesterday my endo

changed it to Janumet because my A1C was 7. I took coconut oil for years from

Tropical Traditions and just began taking it again after a long period off of

it. I used to Virgin Coconut Oil, but now I am not sure about the Gold Coconut

Oil vs the other, any suggestions would be appreciated.


> Thank You

> Lynn







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I was diagnosed as a diabetic back in 2001. I had a fasting blood

sugar of 360. I probably was an undiagnosed diabetic for many years.

I started out on diabetic meds but they made me feel terrible. And

my blood glucose levels would not go high if I cheated on my diet, so

I was not getting the feedback I needed.

I did research on the internet. I discovered that all diabetic meds

cause severe problems over time -- liver failure, heart disease,

kidney failure.

I had severe diabetic neuropathy in hands and feet which the docs told

me was not reversible.

The diet the docs want diabetics to take is loaded with carbs. The

docs are either nuts or trying to kill diabetics.

I went to a very low carb diet, I got rid of all grains, I started

taking many different herbal mineral and vitamin supplements. In 6

months I got rid of the diabetic meds and fired my doctor. My Hb A1C

was 6, 3 months after stopping the meds, and 5.5 the next time I had

it checked, 2 years later.

Over the next 2 years, much of my diabetic neuropathy had gone away

because of the supplements.

Because of my new diet, I began to shed excess weight. Over 5 years

I went from 280 pounds down to 170. Initially I was losing muscle

mass, but when I started taking whey protein isolate, twice a day, the

lost muscle mass returned. I am 63. My weight seems stable at 170,

which is fine by me. I am 6 ft tall.


On 10/16/08, Lynn <lynnppi@...> wrote:

> Good Morning~

> I am new to this group, but wanted to ask if anyone here knows about the drug

Janumet? I am diabetic and was on glucophage for years, and yesterday my endo

changed it to Janumet because my A1C was 7. I took coconut oil for years from

Tropical Traditions and just began taking it again after a long period off of

it. I used to Virgin Coconut Oil, but now I am not sure about the Gold Coconut

Oil vs the other, any suggestions would be appreciated.


> Thank You

> Lynn



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You sure have come a long way from where you were in 2001 with your

diabetes. Thanks for sharing your story again. Keep up the good work!


> > Good Morning~

> > I am new to this group, but wanted to ask if anyone here knows

about the drug Janumet? I am diabetic and was on glucophage for years,

and yesterday my endo changed it to Janumet because my A1C was 7. I

took coconut oil for years from Tropical Traditions and just began

taking it again after a long period off of it. I used to Virgin

Coconut Oil, but now I am not sure about the Gold Coconut Oil vs the

other, any suggestions would be appreciated.

> >

> > Thank You

> > Lynn

> >

> >


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> I went to a very low carb diet, I got rid of all grains, I started

> taking many different herbal mineral and vitamin supplements.

Can you expound on those different herbal, mineral and vitamin

supplements? Did you ever take fish oil?

Also, I'm finding it very hard to get moving. Did you do a lot of

exercise to lose that weight?


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I exercise the same amount each week that I was doing for over 5 years

prior to losing an ounce.

The list of supplements on my blog post below is half a year out of

date. I keep changing what I take as I get new information. But

this is a good starting place.

Diabetic Supplement Update


I take a tablespoon of cod liver oil daily, along with 1.5 tablespoons

of fish oil. I use Carlson's oil because heavy metals have been

removed, excess vitamin A has been removed (so I can safely take more

oil), and because it tastes good.

I was finding that I got tired and dizzy sometimes. My blood

pressure was slightly low, so I now take a mix of sodium and potassium

chloride salts, 3 times a day in 4 ounces of water. Dizziness has

gone away.

Not mentioned in the post I linked to is whey. I take NOW whey

protein isolate, twice a day, plus one regular meal. I take plenty

of vitamins to balance out my whey meals, plus coconut oil with

evening whey and cod, fish, and coconut oils along with breakfast whey


I was having real problems with urinary frequency and urinary urgency.

Whey has lots of Lysine, but not much arginine. Arginine helps to

make kidneys work far more efficiently. I take Citrulline Malate,

Citrulline, and Arginine daily. It has helped a lot. I am still

fiddling with quantities to get the best result for the minimum cost.


On 10/17/08, van essa <vandalsem@...> wrote:


> >


> > I went to a very low carb diet, I got rid of all grains, I started

> > taking many different herbal mineral and vitamin supplements.



> Can you expound on those different herbal, mineral and vitamin

> supplements? Did you ever take fish oil?


> Also, I'm finding it very hard to get moving. Did you do a lot of

> exercise to lose that weight?


> -vanessa



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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

,You should be fine, since insulin is an human hormone and it belongs in the body. In your case, injected insulin is made genetically from yeast for humans. It's ok. Glucophage however is not endogenous hormone and works in a different way. I would start slow, with SP and MP and insulin. I am not sure what to say if you are taking glucophage.PS. You might want to call the manufacturer and inquire about additives or preservatives thay 'may' put into insulin vials, and google from there. :)From: aljuarez@... <aljuarez@...>Subject: DiabetesTo:

Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 11:24 AM

I saw the DVD where Bob Beck talked about how he was able to stop using his

diabetes meds using the protocol. Does anyone know if it's OK to do the

magnetic pulsing and blood electrification if you're on insulin?

I was just put on insulin. I was on Glucophage and Amaryl in February when I

started the blood electrification but my BG levels have been so high while I

had the bronchitis and pneumonia that my doctor now has me on Lantus.

I want to start the protocol again but, before, I'd do it first thing in the

morning before taking my meds. This insulin is time-released and I take it

just once a day, right before bed.

Any thoughts?



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Please look very closely at liver cleansing. As the liver becomes

congested and swells it presses against the pancrease and facilitates

diabetes. www.curezone.com/livercleanse.

The Beck protocol is great, but you MUST ensure that the downstream

waste removal systems are online before proceeding.

Next look at Iodine supplementation to get the thyroid online which

controls all endocrine systems including insulin.

Finally, look at food combining to help avoid insulin spikes.

Sorry, there is no magic pill or machine that will cure you overnight.

It's take many years to get where you are today and it will take

roughly one month for every year of illness to get well. I personally

have 2 more years ahead of me to get healthy. Unfortunately I wasted

5 years looking for these very simple answers.


On 5/13/09, aljuarez@... <aljuarez@...> wrote:

> I saw the DVD where Bob Beck talked about how he was able to stop using his

> diabetes meds using the protocol. Does anyone know if it's OK to do the

> magnetic pulsing and blood electrification if you're on insulin?


> I was just put on insulin. I was on Glucophage and Amaryl in February when I

> started the blood electrification but my BG levels have been so high while I

> had the bronchitis and pneumonia that my doctor now has me on Lantus.


> I want to start the protocol again but, before, I'd do it first thing in the

> morning before taking my meds. This insulin is time-released and I take it

> just once a day, right before bed.


> Any thoughts?


> -





> **********

> Looking for intelligent conversation?

> Visit Digna-Petamus (That's Latin for " Let us

> seek worthy things. " )




Sent from my mobile device

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I thoiught insulin was exuded from genetically spliced (GMO) e. coli bacteria.

(not yeast)



> ,

> You should be fine, since insulin is an human hormone and it belongs in the

body. In your case, injected insulin is made genetically from yeast for humans.

It's ok. Glucophage however is not endogenous hormone and works in a different

way. I would start slow, with SP and MP and insulin. I am not sure what to say

if you are taking glucophage.

> PS. You might want to call the manufacturer and inquire about additives or

preservatives thay 'may' put into insulin vials, and google from there.

> :)

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Duncan,good point. I forgot to mention e.coli also. :) So yeast and e.coli."...Synthetic human insulin was the first golden molecule of the biotech

industry and the direct result of recombinant DNA technology.

Currently, millions of diabetics worldwide use synthetic insulin to

regulate their blood sugar levels. Synthetic insulin is made in both

bacteria and yeast..."SergeFrom: Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...>Subject: Re: Diabetes Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:08 AM

I thoiught insulin was exuded from genetically spliced (GMO) e. coli bacteria. (not yeast)



> ,

> You should be fine, since insulin is an human hormone and it belongs in the body. In your case, injected insulin is made genetically from yeast for humans. It's ok. Glucophage however is not endogenous hormone and works in a different way. I would start slow, with SP and MP and insulin. I am not sure what to say if you are taking glucophage.

> PS. You might want to call the manufacturer and inquire about additives or preservatives thay 'may' put into insulin vials, and google from there.

> :)

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I brought up the GMO bacteria creating insulin link in my newspaper column when

the local Regional District declared our region a GMO-Free zone. Indicating the

GMO is already a fact in the region was a kick in their toothless wonder of a

legislation that scuttled THAT approach in a hurry; next time they might get

some facts first :)



> >


> > ,


> > You should be fine, since insulin is an human hormone and it belongs in the

body. In your case, injected insulin is made genetically from yeast for humans.

It's ok. Glucophage however is not endogenous hormone and works in a different

way. I would start slow, with SP and MP and insulin. I am not sure what to say

if you are taking glucophage.


> > PS. You might want to call the manufacturer and inquire about additives or

preservatives thay 'may' put into insulin vials, and google from there.


> > :)


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  • 4 months later...

Hi !  Yes those 2 are the same drug, Glucophage is the generic brand of

Metformin.  I would do some research and get off Metformin, it will damage your

kidneys in the long run.  That drug is very toxic to your body.  I go the

natural route to take of my problems, I go to sunharvest and by things like

Cat's Claw, Essac, Pau D'Arco etc.  I do not know the Amazon Forest Product for

diabetes but if I find out i will let you know.  :)

From: Bag <@...>

Subject: Diabetes

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, October 12, 2009, 1:36 PM




What is the name of the Amazon Rain Forest Product for diabetes please.


Isn't glucophage and Metformin the same? I thought it was, somebody please say



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  • 4 weeks later...

andra I would be happy to help if I am able. Remember I am no doctor nor am

I an expert.

I started out with Dr. Bernstein's diabetic solution " diet " which is very much

like Bee's candida diet except he allows soy flour. I stopped when it caused me

to bloat so bad I thought I was dying. BTW, Dr. Bernstein is a doctor who is

type one diabetic. He has a very helpful website and several books for treating


Not only did they tell me I could eat doughnuts...but one nurse found out I love

Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts. She brought in two dozen, flashed them in my door

way...I laughed and then later I cried! I understood it was all done in jest.

And yes, they told me I could have some but hospital policy would not allow them

to give me one. Oh the only thing they warned me not to touch...ever...liquid

sweet. No frosting, pudding, sweetened soft drinks/tea/coffee, etc. Baked sweets

are fine in moderation. *here i bite my tongue and smile* My a type two

diabetic brother's wife our doctor...on halloween she gave him a candied apple.

So there ya go! Good luck to your cousin.

Email me anytime.

Have a Son-shiny day! a

a, I find this fascinating, since my cousin was just recently diagnosed with

Type 1 diabetes (he is 24). I have spoken to him about the benefits of diet,

and forwarded him some information from Dr. Kwasniewski. I anticipate we'll

discuss this some more at Thanksgiving! I find it shocking they tell you you can

have donuts!

I'd love to hear more of your success treating your diabetes with a better diet,

if you would like to mail me off-list, so I can share this with my cousin.

Best in health,


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  • 6 months later...
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I'm sorry you're running into this problem. It certainly sounds badly handled;

I can't imagine their telling you through your insurance company. That's wrong

in so many ways!

Be sure to find out what kind of diabetes you have. Various types are associated

with AIH, with different causes.

I hope you'll find that this is a type and a level that can be easily managed. I

know that many people here have had diabetes of one sort or another.

Best wishes. Keep us informed.


[ ] I'm a little scared.......

I came home yesterday and had an envelope from my insurance.

I opened it & the paper says " Welcome to Diabetes

Management " ! I have no idea what is

going on. I went to my PCP on 5/4 she

had blood test ran & I am supposed to go back on 5/25 for a follow-up.

I am upset that if this has come back & I do have

diabetes why would they wait until my appointment to tell me? I think they

should have called me & at

least had me come in earlier. I will be

calling in the morning to find out what is going on.

Has anyone had diabetes with AIH? If so how is it going?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


This is Bonnie replying. DHEA does not HAVE Estrogen but your body can make

Estrogen from it, IF NEEDED and only IF NEEDED.

The same with Pregnenolone. Both DHEA and Preg are ONLY A RESERVOIR for your




From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of

Sent: August 2, 2010 2:27 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Diabetes


Does prenalanone contain estrogen? I know DHEA has estrogen. My family is so

cancer prone that hormones and estrogen can't be taken. Would like to take

DHEA as i am diabetic but if ithas estrogen or hormones, can't take it.



> duncan and bonnie and anyone giving tips or formulas,


> thank you for the info on diabetes...

> for each of these can you tell me your per dose amount and how many doses


> day of each ITEM do you take?


> Specifically for these items:


> Virgin coconut Oil

> Chromium Polynicotinate

> Pregnalonone



> THANKS! I really enjoy this list and the health tips given.


> Lee







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As far as you know, is this program supposed to completely " cure " diabetes?

Thanks, Sylvia

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Marsha <werus@...> wrote:

> I just found out from my friend, Barbara, the story on her brother. He

> started doing a raw program, mostly green smoothies and was doing better

> except he kept drinking and eating wrong.




> His blood sugar went to 500 during picnic with beer and he almost went into

> a coma. Someone had bought the book and tapes from

> http://breaking100.com/

> by DeWayne McCulley, and started feeding him the foods recommended within

> it. Within 2 hrs. he was feeling better.




> It has been 30 days since he started on this program. His legs were black

> and he felt like his feet were so thick and he could not bend his toes.




> He is so excited what this program has done for him. He's feeling better.

> His legs are starting to get the pink color again and he can bend his toes

> now.




> He said it's amazing when you feed the body what it needs it heals itself.




> Apparently it is a 90 day program to help your body to completely heal

> itself.




> Marsha







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Sylvia, I just talked to him (Avery) at great length on the phone. Yes, it

is designed to help heal your body with help of a regimented food plan of 90


I’m sure I’m not going to remember everything he said but it reaffirmed

pretty much what I know already.

No white flour, no white rice, no white potatoes, no corn. Sweet potatoes

and red potatoes are ok. No drugs, no saturated fat….broil or bake, but not

fry. Olive oil. Some honey, stevia is ok.

Lots and lots and lots of fresh veggies, dark green veggies, bright green

veggies, bright colored fruits.

Eat 3-5, or 4-6 small meals. He eats a lot of fish, chicken and

turkey…that’s ¼ of his plate. ½ is a large salad with the veggies and dark

greens, the other 4th if I remember correctly was more vegetables.

He said he never gets hungry on the program and he is a big man. He said if

you need something before bed they recommend 2 hrs before bedtime you eat a

few almonds or walnuts and, say 2 plums, or ½ a pear of 1/4th of a banana.

Men should eat twice this much before bed time.

I drink a lot of water but he really now drinks a lot of water. He drinks

3, 8oz glasses with each meal plus a lot of water between meals, I don’t

remember specifics but he said it is important. He is sure it helped flush

out all the inflammation that was in his body.

He said it has reduced the inflammation in his body from head to toe. For 3

years he hasn’t been able to go up and down his staircase. Within 3 wks of

this program he’s flying up and down the staircase. He’s continuing to see

his blood sugar numbers go down, he’s had his pants taken up twice so far.

He reaffirmed to me that the biggest thing is portion control and exercise.

That if you sit all day, you should get up every 1-1/2 hrs. That you should

exercise, if just walking for at least 30 minutes a day….consistency is the


He said he used to take his blood sugar numbers a lot and never saw a lot of

difference with just green smoothies. He is seeing a difference now by

portion controlling and eating lot more veggies, mostly raw.

He said, as we all know diabetes affects your whole body from head to toe.

It affected how his brain worked, that’s better, but he’s still waiting for

his eyes to return to a better state. So far everything else is working


I think he’s willing to talk to anyone on the phone about it, he’s very easy

to talk to. He does work during the day so he’d have to call you in the

evening if you wanted to talk to him.

He said since they’re eating more salmon they’re getting more omegas from

natural sources and for the first time this winter his wife never had




From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of SYLVIA PRICE

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:16 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Re: diabetes

As far as you know, is this program supposed to completely " cure " diabetes?

Thanks, Sylvia

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Marsha <werus@...

<mailto:werus%40tampabay.rr.com> > wrote:

> I just found out from my friend, Barbara, the story on her brother. He

> started doing a raw program, mostly green smoothies and was doing better

> except he kept drinking and eating wrong.




> His blood sugar went to 500 during picnic with beer and he almost went


> a coma. Someone had bought the book and tapes from

> http://breaking100.com/

> by DeWayne McCulley, and started feeding him the foods recommended within

> it. Within 2 hrs. he was feeling better.




> It has been 30 days since he started on this program. His legs were black

> and he felt like his feet were so thick and he could not bend his toes.




> He is so excited what this program has done for him. He's feeling better.

> His legs are starting to get the pink color again and he can bend his toes

> now.




> He said it's amazing when you feed the body what it needs it heals itself.




> Apparently it is a 90 day program to help your body to completely heal

> itself.




> Marsha







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He has had his pants taken up twice in 30 days? Where did he find this

program? Please send him my email address, I hate to talk on the phone. You

will find it here in the email if you click reply. Thanks, Sylvia

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Marsha <werus@...> wrote:

> I just found out from my friend, Barbara, the story on her brother. He

> started doing a raw program, mostly green smoothies and was doing better

> except he kept drinking and eating wrong.




> His blood sugar went to 500 during picnic with beer and he almost went into

> a coma. Someone had bought the book and tapes from

> http://breaking100.com/

> by DeWayne McCulley, and started feeding him the foods recommended within

> it. Within 2 hrs. he was feeling better.




> It has been 30 days since he started on this program. His legs were black

> and he felt like his feet were so thick and he could not bend his toes.




> He is so excited what this program has done for him. He's feeling better.

> His legs are starting to get the pink color again and he can bend his toes

> now.




> He said it's amazing when you feed the body what it needs it heals itself.




> Apparently it is a 90 day program to help your body to completely heal

> itself.




> Marsha







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