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, I have been told by my daughter that the Atkins diet is very hard on the liver too....and just like you said. However, I have several friends who have lost a lot of weight on the plan. I just think for me, I have to do it the old fashioned way!



Re: [ ] Diabetes


I was diagnosed with AIH on Jan 3, 03 and with type II diabetes on Jan 21, 03. The prednisone makes it harder to keep the diabetes under control, but so far I have been able to avoid medication. This is VERY important since from what my doctor says all oral meds for diabetes are very hard on the liver.

You need to eat a healthy balance of protein, complex carbs, and fats. The Atkins diet would be horrible for someone with liver disease in my opinion. In Dr. Palmer's book she talks about the importance of making sure you eat enough carbs and not too much protein when you have liver disease. The liver can very easily turn complex carbs into energy. If you do not eat enough carbs to provide the energy your body needs, then the liver must turn protein into energy. This makes the liver work much harder - not good for someone with liver disease!

I don't really know whether high fiber would be good or bad for the liver. My assumption would be that it would be fine.


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Hi Allida,

Thanks I will heed your advise. Everyone has been so helpful and it is truly appreciated. You have a great memorial weekend!

JUST Marcy

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  • 3 months later...

I heard of a series of them for adult-onset diabetes, but they're X-

Rated. " Eat Les " , " X-Her-size " , " Sugar Shots " . That last one sounds

pretty hard-core.


> Any new treatments for diabetes out there?

> I read a paper about laser therapy and/or saunas.

> I have a friend I would like to help.

> I guess Antibetic, the guy selling it had been

> convicted numerous times of fraud before they

> prosecuted him for that product. Clinton pardoned

> him once(?).

> Thanks for your time.


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Here is a cure for Diabetes, its quit simple actually

read this website and see how others did it.




Any new treatments for diabetes out there?

I read a paper about laser therapy and/or saunas.

I have a friend I would like to help.

I guess Antibetic, the guy selling it had been

convicted numerous times of fraud before they

prosecuted him for that product. Clinton pardoned

him once(?).

Thanks for your time.

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> Here is a cure for Diabetes, its quit simple actually

> read this website and see how others did it.

> http://homodiet.netfirms.com/disorders/diabetes1.htm

> V

That sounds good. Thanks!

He was already familiar with vanadium, and had used it.

I don't have diabetes, but tried vanadium anyway for a while.

I have a very sweet tooth. While taking the vanadium, I lost my

craving for sweets. I enjoy sweets, so I stopped the Va.

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Yeah sweets are deadly. the body does not requires sweets of any kind. all

glucose can be manufactured by the bood from other things thtah you eat.

Life long sugar abuse is what causes diabetes to begin with.

Once you start on the optimum diet your sweet tooth will go away. Since I

started it I dont even think about eatnig sweets. Yuk


Re: Diabetes

> Here is a cure for Diabetes, its quit simple actually

> read this website and see how others did it.

> http://homodiet.netfirms.com/disorders/diabetes1.htm

> V

That sounds good. Thanks!

He was already familiar with vanadium, and had used it.

I don't have diabetes, but tried vanadium anyway for a while.

I have a very sweet tooth. While taking the vanadium, I lost my

craving for sweets. I enjoy sweets, so I stopped the Va.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To the extent that Type II diabetes is primarily an auto-immune condition

(exacerbated by obesity and chronic dehydration) Beta glucan can be, and has

been, a major benefit.

Here is information on Beta glucan. Beta glucan along with Ionized Alkaline

Water, were the foundation of the program that enabled my successful

recovery from Stage IV non-hodgkins Tcell lymphoma . . . and my continued

good health. (The AlkaBlue LX Ionized Alkaline Water Filter and the Transfer

Point Beta glucan products are the only items that I offer).

This is the best combination of products/protocols that I know for anyone

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Backed by over 30 years of Medical Research, Beta-1, 3-D glucan has proven

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Beta-1, 3-D glucan works by Sensitizing your Immune Cells know as


This Macrophage activation begins the whole " Cascade of Immune System

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· A MAXIMUM IMMUNE RESPONSE: Stimulates your Immune System to work at 100%

of it's potential.

· THE MOST APPROPRIATE IMMUNE RESPONSE: Allows your body to aggressively

attack " non self " (tumors etc.) but accurately identify " self " - Very

effective in helping with auto-immune diseases.

· PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATION: Beta glucan is natural radioprotective

compound (X-rays, mammograms, airline travel, power lines, computer

terminals, UV rays).


quickly from injury or exercise.


Improves you Health . . . and, Saves you money.


is what protects you from Cancer and other disease.

· A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT: Your body more efficiently scavenges Free

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" Glucan was found to be an effective drug in inducing macrophage-mediated

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McGill Univ. Cancer Research Center.

Transfer Point is the purest and best quality Beta-1, 3-D glucan available

at the most affordable price. It is the one I used during my recovery (and

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Over 30 years of Research has shown that a highly purified beta glucan is

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I have this " Transfer Point " Beta 1, 3-D Glucan available at my site:


You may go to my " secret " ordering page to choose your savings. You can

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NOTE: You have my permission and I encourage you to share this " secret "

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Dave Perkins

" enjoy being "

email: dperkins@...

web site: www.aboutbetaglucan.com

My other site: www.betterwayhealth.com


Take your Beta glucan all at once, first thing in the am. with nothing to

eat or drink for 30 min. I found the best way for me is to keep my Beta

glucan bottle on the bathroom counter along with a glass of water and take

them as soon as I get up (or if I get up in the middle of the night to go to

the bathroom; I take it then).

Re: Diabetes




| > Here is a cure for Diabetes, its quit simple actually

| > read this website and see how others did it.

| > http://homodiet.netfirms.com/disorders/diabetes1.htm

| > V


| That sounds good. Thanks!

| He was already familiar with vanadium, and had used it.

| I don't have diabetes, but tried vanadium anyway for a while.

| I have a very sweet tooth. While taking the vanadium, I lost my

| craving for sweets. I enjoy sweets, so I stopped the Va.








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  • 1 year later...

I was moaning that my boobs are soon going to be these empty hanging

bags so hubby countered with " Don't worry sweetheart. We'll just

paint nipples on your ass and we'll be back in business! "



> The funniest thing the other day, was my husband said I need new

> unders mine were too baggy.... happy thought//

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You need to continue to follow all the basic diabetes rules when you

are banded - regular intake, regular exercise, good foods.

you need to consult your diabetes doc or nurse educator to form a

clear plan. Diabetes needs to be very well-managed, according to

health specifics we don't know about you. Sandy RN


> I am new to the group but have been reading the messages exchanges.


> I have diabetes. Before the surgery I was taking 7 pills a day to

> control My HA1c blood test that measures sugar in blood ws over 9

> (bad) 7 and below aveage. I have lost 51 # and I am down to 1 1/2

> pills and with more weight loss hope to have none and ha1c is 6.9

> last week.

> I looking for info As a diabetic I need to eat on regular bases.


> I have the band there are times I am not hungry or the sugar drop

> because I didn't eat and end up eating to fast, and causing pain.


> Any ideas to share.

> The funniest thing the other day, was my husband said I need new

> unders mine were too baggy.... happy thought


> Dianne Uckerman

> Banded 03/25/04 Dr. Hansen Alta View Hospital UT.

> 308/257 -51 #

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks, Irene, it will take a while to get my brain around all this.

Am already taking vanadium and alpha lipoic, sometimes cinnamon, when I feel I

indulged a little more than I should. Also use CoQ10. Chromium makes

me feel nauseatet and keeps me awake if I take it a little late in the evening,

so I have not been very consistent with that.

Boy do I wish we had a good homoepath around here,I do so believe in it's being

a big help. Am dabbling a bit in the rudimentary practice myself.(own small

emergency kit) would be so much better if a had someone to get the right

remedies layer by layer for my circumstances.

But I'm living in the semi -boonies with little choices .I don't even know, if

we have a homeopath in the " big city " will have to research that again.

Thanks again for your reply


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Re: Diabetes


> Someone with a BIH qualification - where I studied - would also be good.

Interesting...what is this companies requirements for supervised personal

case work? Observation with patients? Lab work?

I'm asking because I had looked at one distance learning school that had you

go through the course work, but required that you spend a year at the end of

it doing supervised/observed case work with patients.

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E. Andersen wrote:

> Thanks, Irene, I have been to this site before, they don't even list Utah or

Nevada.I thought some time back I had found homeopaths in Las Vegas, but this

directory does not list them. Back to the drawingboard, I guess.

> Emmi

Dear Emmi,

Do not give up. Homeopaths may well be fairly near, they usually do not

advertise - because they get more than enough clients without it and

because advertising opens them to harassment from fanatics against


Do write to BIH/USa at the suggested address as another option - and

also do a search at google on

Steve Waldstein

He maintains a list of homeopaths. He lists ones in bold that he knows

personally have proper training.

Even if the nearest is quite far away - you might be able to travel

there only once in a blue moon and then follow up by email.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

P.O.Box 4703, Spokane, WA 99220-0703.


Veterinary Homeopath and Feline Information Counsellor.

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Yes, thanks, found 2 in Las Vegas,Nev, will try to see if I can get appmt. some

time later, when we HAVE to go there for other apptmts. Its a 4+ hr. drive.

" also do a search at google on

Steve Waldstein

He maintains a list of homeopaths. He lists ones in bold that he knows

personally have proper training.

Even if the nearest is quite far away - you might be able to travel

there only once in a blue moon and then follow up by email.



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  • 10 months later...

I've taken Gymnemna Sylvestre off and on for several years. I haven't

noticed that it has much if any effect on me. However, the reports on

cinnamon are good. Yes, just plain old cinnamon like you sprinkle on your

toast. That has a modest effect on my BGs.

If you are at the cirrhosis level you have 2 strikes on you regarding

diabetes. Both the inf and the cirrhosis will affect your blood sugars. I

believe the inf is actually attacking your pancreas, where the cirrhosis

just makes it near impossible for the liver to do its supporting role in

glucose metabolism.

I had to drop licorice several years back as it negated the benefits of my

bp meds. And I don't know anything about raw pancreas, but I'd be careful

about who's pancreas I was eating.


<who just got home from the most horrible night of sleep study>



I've been doing the research and plan to add coq10. Except for the

interferon which often causes the diabetes I have no real big risk


Height 5'10 weight 173 lbs, so thanks to chemo am thin and was only

205 lbs at heaviest weight ever which is not too high considering

lots of the weight was muscle from exercise. Eat better than most

and whole grain bread and not a lot of sweet stuff. Have low bad

collesterol and good good collesterol last time checked.

I reviewed everything I supplement with and only plan to cut back the

licorice cause my blood pressure is a little higher than normal. I

love the licorice in the herb teas I make but will let it go for now.

Not sure it will help but considered taking some raw pancreas to give

the pancreas everything it needs to rebuild.

Other idea is the Gymnema Sylvestre which seems to naturally level

blood shugar and help insulin production. They have tested it for

long term in India where it is a common treatment for diabetes with

no side effects except lower collesterol which is good.

I suppose I need to wait blood testing before I do more than get the

coq10 but just wanted your opinion on these other ideas.


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Thanks. Yes I saw the reports on cinnamon too. Will try it once the

tests are done. Bummer the GS didn't work for you. Too bad that the

only way to see if any drug or herb works for you is to be the guinee

pig. Heck chemo only works for half the people and causes horrific

side effects including death but they prescribe it like candy. Don't

get me wrong I love chemo :)

It's so important to watch the blood tests from month to month and

listen to your body. Last blood test was the only one I did't go in

to get myself and I should have.

Too bad about the slightly elevated BP cause the med recearch on the

licorice for hep c is so good in terms of the liver protective effect

and lowered viral counts. I have replaced it with australgus which

seems to have no bad effects and lowers viral counts and protects the

liver just doesn't have as much med research as the licorice.

In respect to the pancreas I was thinking of using the wifes. She is

young and perfectly healthy and seems like a perfect choice for many


I read somewhere, not med research study, can't remember, that long

term interferon caused diabetes in 20% of patients. Knew it was a

risk from the product info.

How did you score on the sleep test. Please see my earlier post

asking about it.



> I've taken Gymnemna Sylvestre off and on for several years. I


> noticed that it has much if any effect on me. However, the reports


> cinnamon are good. Yes, just plain old cinnamon like you sprinkle

on your

> toast. That has a modest effect on my BGs.


> If you are at the cirrhosis level you have 2 strikes on you


> diabetes. Both the inf and the cirrhosis will affect your blood

sugars. I

> believe the inf is actually attacking your pancreas, where the


> just makes it near impossible for the liver to do its supporting

role in

> glucose metabolism.


> I had to drop licorice several years back as it negated the

benefits of my

> bp meds. And I don't know anything about raw pancreas, but I'd be


> about who's pancreas I was eating.


> Sally

> <who just got home from the most horrible night of sleep study>


> Diabetes



> Sally,


> I've been doing the research and plan to add coq10. Except for the

> interferon which often causes the diabetes I have no real big risk

> factors.


> Height 5'10 weight 173 lbs, so thanks to chemo am thin and was only

> 205 lbs at heaviest weight ever which is not too high considering

> lots of the weight was muscle from exercise. Eat better than most

> and whole grain bread and not a lot of sweet stuff. Have low bad

> collesterol and good good collesterol last time checked.


> I reviewed everything I supplement with and only plan to cut back


> licorice cause my blood pressure is a little higher than normal. I

> love the licorice in the herb teas I make but will let it go for



> Not sure it will help but considered taking some raw pancreas to


> the pancreas everything it needs to rebuild.


> Other idea is the Gymnema Sylvestre which seems to naturally level

> blood shugar and help insulin production. They have tested it for

> long term in India where it is a common treatment for diabetes with

> no side effects except lower collesterol which is good.


> I suppose I need to wait blood testing before I do more than get


> coq10 but just wanted your opinion on these other ideas.


> Mike











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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Jane

I too have developed Type 2 Diabetes along with my wife. It was only a matter

of time as Type 1 Diabetes runs in the family, mother, brother, grandparents on

both sides of my family. It was only a matter of time for me. Up until 2002 I

was lucky if I checked my weight and it was above 125 lbs. Most of my life was

lived on the skinny side.

Now I hover between 160 and 165 lbs. and my doctor would like me to loose 10

pounds. Never in my life have I been told to lose weight. Even my present PCP

never thought I would get to the weight I am today.

My wife's diabetes is controlled by diet and exercise. Mine is controlled with

Metformin twice a day along with diet and exercise. The exercise is walking,

most days up to 3 miles. Did not get much exercise until today. But that is

for another email.

Fr. Dave

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> Does anyone on the list have diabetes? Does anyone know what the


> are? Does anyone know if diabetes could be related in any way to

> auto-immunity?

I do not have diabetes, but my whole family does. What you described

could be a range of things, including a blood sugar drop or spike. Like


I know that panic attacks have a very similar pattern, the dizziness,

the feeling faint, etc.

One thing that is prominent to Diabetes is an unending thirst, and the

need to urinate all the time. This is a classic symptom of Diabetes.

Best thing is to see the DR, and get it checked out. Simple fasting

blood test to check for your body's reaction.

Good luck,


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Hi, you need to see your doctor as quickly as possible. I believe your

symptoms could indicate several different things.

Signs of diabetes are loss of weight and never ending thirst. Diabetes is

an autoimmune illness. Mine was found because of neuropathy in fingers,

hands, toes, and feet.

Hope I helped. I am sure you can surf the internet a little and get lots of


Hope it helps, Jane

Does anyone know if diabetes could be related in any way to auto-immunity?

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For Kay & Jane,

Thank you so much for your input; it is VERY much appreciated. One thing

that you both mentioned is being thirsty all the time. That is one thing

that I have, but that could be from the Sjogrens (dry mouth).

Thanks to you both for your timely reply! Take good care and hope for a

pain-free tomorrow.


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Hi Dawn

I have Diabetes and your symptoms sound very much like you have it. Get to a

doctor and get your blood checked out right away. I have a friend here in town

that did nothing about it for years, now he has a leaky liver and kidneys.

One of the things I really hate about Diabetes is the fact that the signs and

symptoms of high blood sugar and low blood sugar are very similar and can be

mistaken for one another. It sounds like you had low blood sugar but be very

careful as if it is the other way round a coke or chocolate bar could really

make you ill.

Again Dawn, please GET TO A DOCTOR QUICKLY, don't wait too long.


Fr. Dave

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<< I have Diabetes and your symptoms sound very much like you have it. >>

Hello Fr Dave,

Thank you for your input. I have a doctor's appt. this Thursday and

hopefully I can take care of it right away. Are you on insulin and/or do you

just have to watch what you eat?

I talked with my brother last night and he said that there isn't anyone in

our family that he knows of who has diabetes. For some reason I always

thought it was hereditary.

Again, thanks for your input and I will let you know what the outcome is.

Take good care!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

> I have read several books, including 1 by an MD who was diabetic,

saying it can be reversed. So how does one know if one was

pre-diabetic vs full blown? My doctor at the time to a whole panel of

blood work. I have never taken meds or insulin to control it but was

told I was diabetic.


Here's the ADA web site that gives the standards the doctors use:


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Guest guest

ada is a quack they have never cured anyone

Best Regards, Ratliff

in La Chorrera, Panama

Re: diabetes

> I have read several books, including 1 by an MD who was diabetic,

saying it can be reversed. So how does one know if one was

pre-diabetic vs full blown? My doctor at the time to a whole panel of

blood work. I have never taken meds or insulin to control it but was

told I was diabetic.


Here's the ADA web site that gives the standards the doctors use:


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