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Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

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I don't quite know whats happening but I seem to have missed some emails. I

didn't get the one from about the chicken pox in reply to my post.

Any ideas anyone? Dee

-- Re: Chronic muscle pain ???


You can google, for further research.

With my half knowledge, I feel,

Chicken pox, after running its full course,

remains in the body in the latent form of Herpes Zoaster or Shingles.

It can break out later even 25yrs. of having remained latent.

You have never heard of this.


Ives wrote:

> I had chicken pox as a kid, never shingles.



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Just a guess but it sounds like you might be deficient in magnesium.

Most magnesium in pill form is not absorbed. Transdermal magnesium is

better. With all those supplements you should be in tip top shape. My

guess is you're not absorbing them. Are you taking probiotics? That

would certainly help your absorption. It's looks like you spend a lot

of money on supplements which is a waste if they're not being

utilized. Personally, I prefer liquids as they get absorbed better.

My Mom had fibromyalgia and a few years ago I bought an Aqua Chi foot

detox system. She did about 20 of them (twice a week) and the fibro

was gone. I have yet to see a person with fibro who didn't have a

high level of toxins.

Some other things that help muscle pain: magnetic energy (not a cure

but safer than painkillers), Devil's Claw (drawback is that it can't

be taken continuously), liquid zeolite (one of my latest customers was

completely fibro-free in 9 days with it), cetyl meristoleate (either

in cream or pill form).

T3 imbalance is associated with fibro as well. Iodine may possibly

help. I'm a big believer in testing first, either muscle testing or

on an energy device to see if what you're doing is actually working.

My main computer is down so I can't access my files until the

replacement part it needs travels 3000 miles to get here. If you want

to write me off-group, I can send you info in a week or so. My Mom

had pain most of her life so I ended up researching a lot about

fibromyalgia to try and help her. You can also check online for the 18

points and do your own test to see if that's indeed what it is.

Fibromylgia isn't a disease; it's a collection of symptoms and it can

be reversed, sometimes astounding quickly as you've just heard me and

Duncan both testify too.

EFT (www.emofree.com) is my first response to pain. Sometimes that's

all a person needs. At least it gives you a break while you figure

out the root cause.



> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

muscles that don't respond to massage?


> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

are three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles.

I chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

don't even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she

said they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and

giving i to it and releasing.


> I have a very, very tight neck that causes tension headaches, my

shoulders are as hard as rocks (quite lierally) and full of marbles

(knots). It runs along that muscle that goes along either side of

your spine and runs down to the lower back, which is tight like a band

from hip to hip across my lower back, to the point where I quite

literally cannot make that muscle relax to rotate my pelvis forward (I

ride horses, so this is a move that you need to be able to do).


> I take gobs of magnesium per day (800+ mg) of chelated mag., and

this is far beyond bowel tolerance. I use a

celadrin/msm/arnica/menthol rub when it gets really bad and the

tension headaches start up.


> I just don't know what else can be causing the muscles to not want

to relax? Is there some kind of nutritional deficiency or blockage

that can cause this? What is in charge of the muscles?


> Best,


> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


> Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one

wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to

die, so do other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama



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Fibro and CFS is just a symptom, not a diagnosis. For most people, the

actual problem is a mystery and difficult to uncover, but if you can,

improvement is usually significant.

To the original poster, what is your diet like? What types of foods do you

eat most often? List all of the foods you have eaten over the past few days

and let's see if that is an issue (if you'd like).


On 10/14/07, macsfarm22 <bclmac@...> wrote:


> ,


> I believe you have Fibromyalgia & /or Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

> If you are new to Fibromyalgia, research all you can, talk to others &

> do not give up. FM usually shows itself after a illness or some type

> of stress to the body like a car accident etc.


> I have had FM & MPS since 1985. How is your sleep? Are you sleeping

> through the night? Do you have allergies? I believe allergies had

> something to do with me being ill.


> Get your full sleep, take the time you need to rest, drink lots of

> water. Really listen to your body, respect yourself & listen to your

> inner voice. It is not lying to you. Do not try to work out & build

> muscle where there are trigger points. You can not build muscle there.

> It will make them worse. The trigger points have to be released first.

> You release them by constant pressure. Tennis balls in a sock are good

> for the neck area. I do believe cranio-sacral work helps. Just a lot

> of it.


> As for me I have done everything I can think of, taken every

> supplement, every test & lots of body work, only I have never released

> one. I believe FM only gets worse as the years go by. So do every

> thing you can to get well. Research & talk to others that have gone

> before you. They have a lot of information on what has worked & not

> worked.


> If you would like to talk you are welcome to email. I have several

> books I can also recommend.


> Best of Luck,






Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic

1209 Centre Turnpike

PO Box 217

Orwigsburg, PA 17961

570-366-2613 phone

570-366-2618 fax


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Do you also use Progesterone cream along with the Estriol?


Re: Chronic muscle pain ???



>> Do some googling on Chornic Myofascial Pain Syndrome and see if it fits

>> what you are experiencing.


>> What I found out personally is that the deep trigger point massage (and

>> I know personally the pain you speak of) used to release temporary MP

>> knots on " normal " people made mine worse, even though mine would release

>> a little during the massage they didn't stay released, and sometimes the

>> pain post-massage lasted days. And most of the time, at my next appt,

>> they would be MORE sensitive. I read that for CMPS the best massage

>> technique is to just have the therapist press the point until the first

>> pain is felt, then back out a little and work the point at that level.

>> FWIW, when I'm on more strict low carb diet, I have less MP. And when I

>> was on thyroid hormone, trigger point knots I'd had for years simply

>> vanished, with no direct treatment at all. I did also switch from

>> trigger point massage and direct muscle massage to cranio-sacral

>> treatments and reflexology treatments, as I really began to believe the

>> direct treatment of the points didn't help and certainly was not worth

>> the pain. The exception is if I get a sudden knot now, I will work it

>> lightly with a theracane or tennis balls, etc. But really I can tell if

>> I'm going to get a problem now, by what I've been eating. I've

>> journalled my diet for a couple years and the correlation between pain

>> and diet is very clear in my own case. I have no idea if this means

>> anything re my level of candida due to diet, but I think it could do.

>> I'm still unclear if candida overgrowth can directly cause CMPS and

>> muscle pain.

>> Oh another thought--when I have MP knots I cannot stretch those muscles

>> AT ALL. It just causes the knots to become worse, and it feels like I'm

>> just tearing the muscles out by the roots, and in fact, I read that is

>> indeed pretty much what is happening when you try to stretch a muscle

>> that is contracted and already can't relax.

>> sol


>> Ives wrote:

>>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight muscles

>>> that don't respond to massage?


>>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

>>> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

>>> are

>>> three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles. I

>>> chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles don't

>>> even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she said

>>> they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and giving i

>>> to

>>> it and releasing.







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Epstein Barr Virus. It's commonly found in those that suffer from chronic

fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.


On 10/15/07, Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@...> wrote:


> What is EBV??


> Thanks,

> Bonnie


> Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> >

> > Well, I have been told I have fibromyalgia. But that is not a

> " diagnosis "

> > to me. Something caused that, something is unbalanced, and I'm hoping to

> > find out what that is and correct it.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com <http://www.chestnuthilldesigns.com/>

> > http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >

> >

> >

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Also Fibro and CFS can be caused by a MYCOPLASMA.


Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> >

> > Well, I have been told I have fibromyalgia. But that is not a

> " diagnosis "

> > to me. Something caused that, something is unbalanced, and I'm hoping to

> > find out what that is and correct it.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com <http://www.chestnuthilldesigns.com/>

> > http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >

> >

> >

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Well, if you had chicken pox, the herpes virus will remain dormant in your

system just waiting for a chance to emerge and cause havoc; usually in the

form of shingles. Apparently it lies in the spinal cord somewhere and waits

for you immune system to become compromised in some way, and then it strikes

I had all sorts of 'stabbing' pains which used to come and go and were in

different places. My doctor said it was shingles and I thought he was crazy

because I had no sores. Now I think he was right. L-lysine seems to keep

it down though, along with minerals etc. And vit C. Dee

-- Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

What is EBV??



Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

I had chicken pox as a kid, never shingles.

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I believe the B-12 deficiency is what causes the sores on the tongue, and the

teeth to feel like they are set on a razor's edge. Whenever I stop taking the

Intrinsi-B12 I get sores all over my tongue, and my teeth burn.

I am currently struggling BADLY with joint pains - especially the feet and

hands; I am on a regimen quite as long as yours, and like you I will not stop

taking what I take -- I have tried and the results are unbearable. Although, I

only recently started the Vit. D., and it does seem to help somewhat.

I have some salad dressing yesterday with vinegar & sugar in it -- my right

hand is especially painful today... some connection there I am sure.




oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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Hi , yes, I'm sure I have fibromyalgia. I know that already. FMS is

not a diagnosis, though, it is a set of symptoms. What I want to do, is find

the CAUSE of this set of symptoms and correct it. I have already addresed

my hypothyroidism, low adrenal function, and am working on the low sex

hormones. I don't know if that is the final piece of the puzzle or not,





Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> ,


> I believe you have Fibromyalgia & /or Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

> If you are new to Fibromyalgia, research all you can, talk to others &

> do not give up. FM usually shows itself after a illness or some type

> of stress to the body like a car accident etc.


> I have had FM & MPS since 1985. How is your sleep? Are you sleeping

> through the night? Do you have allergies? I believe allergies had

> something to do with me being ill.


> Get your full sleep, take the time you need to rest, drink lots of

> water. Really listen to your body, respect yourself & listen to your

> inner voice. It is not lying to you. Do not try to work out & build

> muscle where there are trigger points. You can not build muscle there.

> It will make them worse. The trigger points have to be released first.

> You release them by constant pressure. Tennis balls in a sock are good

> for the neck area. I do believe cranio-sacral work helps. Just a lot

> of it.


> As for me I have done everything I can think of, taken every

> supplement, every test & lots of body work, only I have never released

> one. I believe FM only gets worse as the years go by. So do every

> thing you can to get well. Research & talk to others that have gone

> before you. They have a lot of information on what has worked & not

> worked.


> If you would like to talk you are welcome to email. I have several

> books I can also recommend.


> Best of Luck,






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What brand of transdermal Mag. do you use? I bought some, and shortly after

buying it, read on a magnesium list that it could be mercury contaminated,

so I haven't been using it.

I am on Armour thyroid, 3.5 grains, switched from Synthroid 2 years ago.

I am interested in detox -- but there is so much conflicting information out

there, I really dont' even know where to begin.




Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> ,


> Just a guess but it sounds like you might be deficient in magnesium.

> Most magnesium in pill form is not absorbed. Transdermal magnesium is

> better. With all those supplements you should be in tip top shape. My

> guess is you're not absorbing them. Are you taking probiotics? That

> would certainly help your absorption. It's looks like you spend a lot

> of money on supplements which is a waste if they're not being

> utilized. Personally, I prefer liquids as they get absorbed better.


> My Mom had fibromyalgia and a few years ago I bought an Aqua Chi foot

> detox system. She did about 20 of them (twice a week) and the fibro

> was gone. I have yet to see a person with fibro who didn't have a

> high level of toxins.


> Some other things that help muscle pain: magnetic energy (not a cure

> but safer than painkillers), Devil's Claw (drawback is that it can't

> be taken continuously), liquid zeolite (one of my latest customers was

> completely fibro-free in 9 days with it), cetyl meristoleate (either

> in cream or pill form).


> T3 imbalance is associated with fibro as well. Iodine may possibly

> help. I'm a big believer in testing first, either muscle testing or

> on an energy device to see if what you're doing is actually working.


> My main computer is down so I can't access my files until the

> replacement part it needs travels 3000 miles to get here. If you want

> to write me off-group, I can send you info in a week or so. My Mom

> had pain most of her life so I ended up researching a lot about

> fibromyalgia to try and help her. You can also check online for the 18

> points and do your own test to see if that's indeed what it is.

> Fibromylgia isn't a disease; it's a collection of symptoms and it can

> be reversed, sometimes astounding quickly as you've just heard me and

> Duncan both testify too.


> EFT (www.emofree.com) is my first response to pain. Sometimes that's

> all a person needs. At least it gives you a break while you figure

> out the root cause.


> Sharon






>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> muscles that don't respond to massage?


>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

> are three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles.

> I chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> don't even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she

> said they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and

> giving i to it and releasing.


>> I have a very, very tight neck that causes tension headaches, my

> shoulders are as hard as rocks (quite lierally) and full of marbles

> (knots). It runs along that muscle that goes along either side of

> your spine and runs down to the lower back, which is tight like a band

> from hip to hip across my lower back, to the point where I quite

> literally cannot make that muscle relax to rotate my pelvis forward (I

> ride horses, so this is a move that you need to be able to do).


>> I take gobs of magnesium per day (800+ mg) of chelated mag., and

> this is far beyond bowel tolerance. I use a

> celadrin/msm/arnica/menthol rub when it gets really bad and the

> tension headaches start up.


>> I just don't know what else can be causing the muscles to not want

> to relax? Is there some kind of nutritional deficiency or blockage

> that can cause this? What is in charge of the muscles?


>> Best,


>> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

>> http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


>> Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one

> wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to

> die, so do other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama



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Hi Buddy, my diet (I think I mentioned it another email?) Is generally for

breakfast, eggs or steal cut oats, or cheerio's if I'm in a rush. Lunch is

generally a sandwich on sprouted bread (usually organic roast beef with a

slice of cheddar cheese and horseradish sauce), I usually ahve a snack

mid-afternoon, either granola or yogurt. Dinner is usually chicken or

farm-raised beef with a vegetable (broccoli, green beans, salads in the

summer time), sometimes I'll make a stew, or chicken soup, or spagetti

sauce, or a roast. I usually have a sweet after dinner, either Breyers or

Ben & Jerry's ice cream, or home-made apple pie (MIL makes it), or something

from the healthfood store, a scone or some home-baked thing.

Friday nights we usually get pizza or chinese take-out, weekends are usually

busy and leftovers (for dinners, breakfast and lunch remains the same).




Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> Fibro and CFS is just a symptom, not a diagnosis. For most people, the

> actual problem is a mystery and difficult to uncover, but if you can,

> improvement is usually significant.


> To the original poster, what is your diet like? What types of foods do

> you

> eat most often? List all of the foods you have eaten over the past few

> days

> and let's see if that is an issue (if you'd like).


> Buddy



> On 10/14/07, macsfarm22 <bclmac@...> wrote:


>> ,


>> I believe you have Fibromyalgia & /or Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

>> If you are new to Fibromyalgia, research all you can, talk to others &

>> do not give up. FM usually shows itself after a illness or some type

>> of stress to the body like a car accident etc.


>> I have had FM & MPS since 1985. How is your sleep? Are you sleeping

>> through the night? Do you have allergies? I believe allergies had

>> something to do with me being ill.


>> Get your full sleep, take the time you need to rest, drink lots of

>> water. Really listen to your body, respect yourself & listen to your

>> inner voice. It is not lying to you. Do not try to work out & build

>> muscle where there are trigger points. You can not build muscle there.

>> It will make them worse. The trigger points have to be released first.

>> You release them by constant pressure. Tennis balls in a sock are good

>> for the neck area. I do believe cranio-sacral work helps. Just a lot

>> of it.


>> As for me I have done everything I can think of, taken every

>> supplement, every test & lots of body work, only I have never released

>> one. I believe FM only gets worse as the years go by. So do every

>> thing you can to get well. Research & talk to others that have gone

>> before you. They have a lot of information on what has worked & not

>> worked.


>> If you would like to talk you are welcome to email. I have several

>> books I can also recommend.


>> Best of Luck,








> --

> Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

> Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic

> 1209 Centre Turnpike

> PO Box 217

> Orwigsburg, PA 17961

> 570-366-2613 phone

> 570-366-2618 fax

> www.bmfchiro.com




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Epstein Barr Virus (virus that causes mononucelosis).




Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> >

> > Well, I have been told I have fibromyalgia. But that is not a

> " diagnosis "

> > to me. Something caused that, something is unbalanced, and I'm hoping

> to

> > find out what that is and correct it.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> > http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >

> >

> >

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No, I do not. My progesterone levels are borderline low, but my estriol and

estradiol is nonexistent, estrone is " normal " (so in relation to the other

levels, it is high).

Adding progesterone into my regiment results in headaches and increased





Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> >

> >

> >> Do some googling on Chornic Myofascial Pain Syndrome and see if it

> fits

> >> what you are experiencing.

> >>

> >> What I found out personally is that the deep trigger point massage

> (and

> >> I know personally the pain you speak of) used to release temporary MP

> >> knots on " normal " people made mine worse, even though mine would

> release

> >> a little during the massage they didn't stay released, and sometimes

> the

> >> pain post-massage lasted days. And most of the time, at my next appt,

> >> they would be MORE sensitive. I read that for CMPS the best massage

> >> technique is to just have the therapist press the point until the

> first

> >> pain is felt, then back out a little and work the point at that level.

> >> FWIW, when I'm on more strict low carb diet, I have less MP. And when

> I

> >> was on thyroid hormone, trigger point knots I'd had for years simply

> >> vanished, with no direct treatment at all. I did also switch from

> >> trigger point massage and direct muscle massage to cranio-sacral

> >> treatments and reflexology treatments, as I really began to believe

> the

> >> direct treatment of the points didn't help and certainly was not worth

> >> the pain. The exception is if I get a sudden knot now, I will work it

> >> lightly with a theracane or tennis balls, etc. But really I can tell

> if

> >> I'm going to get a problem now, by what I've been eating. I've

> >> journalled my diet for a couple years and the correlation between pain

> >> and diet is very clear in my own case. I have no idea if this means

> >> anything re my level of candida due to diet, but I think it could do.

> >> I'm still unclear if candida overgrowth can directly cause CMPS and

> >> muscle pain.

> >> Oh another thought--when I have MP knots I cannot stretch those

> muscles

> >> AT ALL. It just causes the knots to become worse, and it feels like

> I'm

> >> just tearing the muscles out by the roots, and in fact, I read that is

> >> indeed pretty much what is happening when you try to stretch a muscle

> >> that is contracted and already can't relax.

> >> sol

> >>

> >> Ives wrote:

> >>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> muscles

> >>> that don't respond to massage?

> >>>

> >>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

> >>> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

> >>> are

> >>> three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles. I

> >>> chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> don't

> >>> even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she said

> >>> they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and giving

> i

> >>> to

> >>> it and releasing.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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I used to take l-lysine for the mouth sores I used to get. Since going on

Armour, I don't get the mouth sores anymore. I don't have shooting pains.

Basically, my muscles always feel like I just worked out at the gym the day

before. And they are as hard as a rock, they are painful to even touch.

Hugs are painful, someone squeezing my shoulder is excruciating. My son

climbing on my lap, his little butt-bones dig into my thighs painfully.




Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???



> I had chicken pox as a kid, never shingles.





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Good to know its the B12, I'll make sure to never run out of it again! I'm

taking 4 little pills per day. Wonder if I can increase it? Last time I

was tested, my bloodlevels showed over range, but I still take it anyway.

Interestingly, even on 1,000 mg. of mag., my blood levels showed me low in





Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> ,


> I believe the B-12 deficiency is what causes the sores on the tongue, and

> the teeth to feel like they are set on a razor's edge. Whenever I stop

> taking the Intrinsi-B12 I get sores all over my tongue, and my teeth burn.


> I am currently struggling BADLY with joint pains - especially the feet

> and hands; I am on a regimen quite as long as yours, and like you I will

> not stop taking what I take -- I have tried and the results are

> unbearable. Although, I only recently started the Vit. D., and it does

> seem to help somewhat.


> I have some salad dressing yesterday with vinegar & sugar in it -- my

> right hand is especially painful today... some connection there I am sure.



> Thanks,


> dorothy



> ---------------------------------

> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web

> links.



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You can get a slow Detox effect from Coconut Oil if you have some Candida.


Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> ,


> Just a guess but it sounds like you might be deficient in magnesium.

> Most magnesium in pill form is not absorbed. Transdermal magnesium is

> better. With all those supplements you should be in tip top shape. My

> guess is you're not absorbing them. Are you taking probiotics? That

> would certainly help your absorption. It's looks like you spend a lot

> of money on supplements which is a waste if they're not being

> utilized. Personally, I prefer liquids as they get absorbed better.


> My Mom had fibromyalgia and a few years ago I bought an Aqua Chi foot

> detox system. She did about 20 of them (twice a week) and the fibro

> was gone. I have yet to see a person with fibro who didn't have a

> high level of toxins.


> Some other things that help muscle pain: magnetic energy (not a cure

> but safer than painkillers), Devil's Claw (drawback is that it can't

> be taken continuously), liquid zeolite (one of my latest customers was

> completely fibro-free in 9 days with it), cetyl meristoleate (either

> in cream or pill form).


> T3 imbalance is associated with fibro as well. Iodine may possibly

> help. I'm a big believer in testing first, either muscle testing or

> on an energy device to see if what you're doing is actually working.


> My main computer is down so I can't access my files until the

> replacement part it needs travels 3000 miles to get here. If you want

> to write me off-group, I can send you info in a week or so. My Mom

> had pain most of her life so I ended up researching a lot about

> fibromyalgia to try and help her. You can also check online for the 18

> points and do your own test to see if that's indeed what it is.

> Fibromylgia isn't a disease; it's a collection of symptoms and it can

> be reversed, sometimes astounding quickly as you've just heard me and

> Duncan both testify too.


> EFT (www.emofree.com) is my first response to pain. Sometimes that's

> all a person needs. At least it gives you a break while you figure

> out the root cause.


> Sharon






>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> muscles that don't respond to massage?


>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

> are three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles.

> I chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> don't even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she

> said they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and

> giving i to it and releasing.


>> I have a very, very tight neck that causes tension headaches, my

> shoulders are as hard as rocks (quite lierally) and full of marbles

> (knots). It runs along that muscle that goes along either side of

> your spine and runs down to the lower back, which is tight like a band

> from hip to hip across my lower back, to the point where I quite

> literally cannot make that muscle relax to rotate my pelvis forward (I

> ride horses, so this is a move that you need to be able to do).


>> I take gobs of magnesium per day (800+ mg) of chelated mag., and

> this is far beyond bowel tolerance. I use a

> celadrin/msm/arnica/menthol rub when it gets really bad and the

> tension headaches start up.


>> I just don't know what else can be causing the muscles to not want

> to relax? Is there some kind of nutritional deficiency or blockage

> that can cause this? What is in charge of the muscles?


>> Best,


>> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

>> http://shellyct.blogspot.com/


>> Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one

> wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to

> die, so do other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama



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Okay, just wondering if you had given it any thought but I see you've done that.

Keep in mind that our bodies can make some of the other hormones FROM the

Progesterone. If you have any amount of body fat, I'm surprised that you would

be deficient in Estrogen.


Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> >

> >

> >> Do some googling on Chornic Myofascial Pain Syndrome and see if it

> fits

> >> what you are experiencing.

> >>

> >> What I found out personally is that the deep trigger point massage

> (and

> >> I know personally the pain you speak of) used to release temporary MP

> >> knots on " normal " people made mine worse, even though mine would

> release

> >> a little during the massage they didn't stay released, and sometimes

> the

> >> pain post-massage lasted days. And most of the time, at my next appt,

> >> they would be MORE sensitive. I read that for CMPS the best massage

> >> technique is to just have the therapist press the point until the

> first

> >> pain is felt, then back out a little and work the point at that level.

> >> FWIW, when I'm on more strict low carb diet, I have less MP. And when

> I

> >> was on thyroid hormone, trigger point knots I'd had for years simply

> >> vanished, with no direct treatment at all. I did also switch from

> >> trigger point massage and direct muscle massage to cranio-sacral

> >> treatments and reflexology treatments, as I really began to believe

> the

> >> direct treatment of the points didn't help and certainly was not worth

> >> the pain. The exception is if I get a sudden knot now, I will work it

> >> lightly with a theracane or tennis balls, etc. But really I can tell

> if

> >> I'm going to get a problem now, by what I've been eating. I've

> >> journalled my diet for a couple years and the correlation between pain

> >> and diet is very clear in my own case. I have no idea if this means

> >> anything re my level of candida due to diet, but I think it could do.

> >> I'm still unclear if candida overgrowth can directly cause CMPS and

> >> muscle pain.

> >> Oh another thought--when I have MP knots I cannot stretch those

> muscles

> >> AT ALL. It just causes the knots to become worse, and it feels like

> I'm

> >> just tearing the muscles out by the roots, and in fact, I read that is

> >> indeed pretty much what is happening when you try to stretch a muscle

> >> that is contracted and already can't relax.

> >> sol

> >>

> >> Ives wrote:

> >>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> muscles

> >>> that don't respond to massage?

> >>>

> >>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

> >>> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

> >>> are

> >>> three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles. I

> >>> chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> don't

> >>> even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she said

> >>> they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and giving

> i

> >>> to

> >>> it and releasing.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

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Oh, sorry about that. I wasn't sure what it stood for.


Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> >

> > Well, I have been told I have fibromyalgia. But that is not a

> " diagnosis "

> > to me. Something caused that, something is unbalanced, and I'm hoping

> to

> > find out what that is and correct it.

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> > http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >

> >

> >

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I haven't really been following this thread too closely but I can see that you

joined the Candida List and yet, you're eating desserts every day. Of course I'm

jealous, but how can you get away with that. Oops, you did say you had

Fibromyalgia, so I would be that is where the pain is coming from. Toxins in

your Gut.


Re: Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> Fibro and CFS is just a symptom, not a diagnosis. For most people, the

> actual problem is a mystery and difficult to uncover, but if you can,

> improvement is usually significant.


> To the original poster, what is your diet like? What types of foods do

> you

> eat most often? List all of the foods you have eaten over the past few

> days

> and let's see if that is an issue (if you'd like).


> Buddy



> On 10/14/07, macsfarm22 <bclmac@...> wrote:


>> ,


>> I believe you have Fibromyalgia & /or Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

>> If you are new to Fibromyalgia, research all you can, talk to others &

>> do not give up. FM usually shows itself after a illness or some type

>> of stress to the body like a car accident etc.


>> I have had FM & MPS since 1985. How is your sleep? Are you sleeping

>> through the night? Do you have allergies? I believe allergies had

>> something to do with me being ill.


>> Get your full sleep, take the time you need to rest, drink lots of

>> water. Really listen to your body, respect yourself & listen to your

>> inner voice. It is not lying to you. Do not try to work out & build

>> muscle where there are trigger points. You can not build muscle there.

>> It will make them worse. The trigger points have to be released first.

>> You release them by constant pressure. Tennis balls in a sock are good

>> for the neck area. I do believe cranio-sacral work helps. Just a lot

>> of it.


>> As for me I have done everything I can think of, taken every

>> supplement, every test & lots of body work, only I have never released

>> one. I believe FM only gets worse as the years go by. So do every

>> thing you can to get well. Research & talk to others that have gone

>> before you. They have a lot of information on what has worked & not

>> worked.


>> If you would like to talk you are welcome to email. I have several

>> books I can also recommend.


>> Best of Luck,








> --

> Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

> Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic

> 1209 Centre Turnpike

> PO Box 217

> Orwigsburg, PA 17961

> 570-366-2613 phone

> 570-366-2618 fax

> www.bmfchiro.com




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Blah, I can't stomach coconut oil, yuck. I did take Monolaurin for awhile,

probaby 6 months or more. I tried coconut oil pills,but they repeated on me





Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???


> > ,

> >

> > Just a guess but it sounds like you might be deficient in magnesium.

> > Most magnesium in pill form is not absorbed. Transdermal magnesium is

> > better. With all those supplements you should be in tip top shape. My

> > guess is you're not absorbing them. Are you taking probiotics? That

> > would certainly help your absorption. It's looks like you spend a lot

> > of money on supplements which is a waste if they're not being

> > utilized. Personally, I prefer liquids as they get absorbed better.

> >

> > My Mom had fibromyalgia and a few years ago I bought an Aqua Chi foot

> > detox system. She did about 20 of them (twice a week) and the fibro

> > was gone. I have yet to see a person with fibro who didn't have a

> > high level of toxins.

> >

> > Some other things that help muscle pain: magnetic energy (not a cure

> > but safer than painkillers), Devil's Claw (drawback is that it can't

> > be taken continuously), liquid zeolite (one of my latest customers was

> > completely fibro-free in 9 days with it), cetyl meristoleate (either

> > in cream or pill form).

> >

> > T3 imbalance is associated with fibro as well. Iodine may possibly

> > help. I'm a big believer in testing first, either muscle testing or

> > on an energy device to see if what you're doing is actually working.

> >

> > My main computer is down so I can't access my files until the

> > replacement part it needs travels 3000 miles to get here. If you want

> > to write me off-group, I can send you info in a week or so. My Mom

> > had pain most of her life so I ended up researching a lot about

> > fibromyalgia to try and help her. You can also check online for the 18

> > points and do your own test to see if that's indeed what it is.

> > Fibromylgia isn't a disease; it's a collection of symptoms and it can

> > be reversed, sometimes astounding quickly as you've just heard me and

> > Duncan both testify too.

> >

> > EFT (www.emofree.com) is my first response to pain. Sometimes that's

> > all a person needs. At least it gives you a break while you figure

> > out the root cause.

> >

> > Sharon

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >>

> >> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> > muscles that don't respond to massage?

> >>

> >> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful stuff)

> > every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists (there

> > are three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles.

> > I chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> > don't even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she

> > said they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and

> > giving i to it and releasing.

> >>

> >> I have a very, very tight neck that causes tension headaches, my

> > shoulders are as hard as rocks (quite lierally) and full of marbles

> > (knots). It runs along that muscle that goes along either side of

> > your spine and runs down to the lower back, which is tight like a band

> > from hip to hip across my lower back, to the point where I quite

> > literally cannot make that muscle relax to rotate my pelvis forward (I

> > ride horses, so this is a move that you need to be able to do).

> >>

> >> I take gobs of magnesium per day (800+ mg) of chelated mag., and

> > this is far beyond bowel tolerance. I use a

> > celadrin/msm/arnica/menthol rub when it gets really bad and the

> > tension headaches start up.

> >>

> >> I just don't know what else can be causing the muscles to not want

> > to relax? Is there some kind of nutritional deficiency or blockage

> > that can cause this? What is in charge of the muscles?

> >>

> >> Best,

> >>

> >> http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

> >> http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

> >>

> >> Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one

> > wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to

> > die, so do other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

> >>

> >>

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Lucky me, its only the bad estrogen I have left, that is where the chub is

coming form ;-)




Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> > >

> > >

> > >> Do some googling on Chornic Myofascial Pain Syndrome and see if it

> > fits

> > >> what you are experiencing.

> > >>

> > >> What I found out personally is that the deep trigger point massage

> > (and

> > >> I know personally the pain you speak of) used to release temporary

> MP

> > >> knots on " normal " people made mine worse, even though mine would

> > release

> > >> a little during the massage they didn't stay released, and sometimes

> > the

> > >> pain post-massage lasted days. And most of the time, at my next

> appt,

> > >> they would be MORE sensitive. I read that for CMPS the best massage

> > >> technique is to just have the therapist press the point until the

> > first

> > >> pain is felt, then back out a little and work the point at that

> level.

> > >> FWIW, when I'm on more strict low carb diet, I have less MP. And

> when

> > I

> > >> was on thyroid hormone, trigger point knots I'd had for years simply

> > >> vanished, with no direct treatment at all. I did also switch from

> > >> trigger point massage and direct muscle massage to cranio-sacral

> > >> treatments and reflexology treatments, as I really began to believe

> > the

> > >> direct treatment of the points didn't help and certainly was not

> worth

> > >> the pain. The exception is if I get a sudden knot now, I will work

> it

> > >> lightly with a theracane or tennis balls, etc. But really I can tell

> > if

> > >> I'm going to get a problem now, by what I've been eating. I've

> > >> journalled my diet for a couple years and the correlation between

> pain

> > >> and diet is very clear in my own case. I have no idea if this means

> > >> anything re my level of candida due to diet, but I think it could

> do.

> > >> I'm still unclear if candida overgrowth can directly cause CMPS and

> > >> muscle pain.

> > >> Oh another thought--when I have MP knots I cannot stretch those

> > muscles

> > >> AT ALL. It just causes the knots to become worse, and it feels like

> > I'm

> > >> just tearing the muscles out by the roots, and in fact, I read that

> is

> > >> indeed pretty much what is happening when you try to stretch a

> muscle

> > >> that is contracted and already can't relax.

> > >> sol

> > >>

> > >> Ives wrote:

> > >>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> > muscles

> > >>> that don't respond to massage?

> > >>>

> > >>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful

> stuff)

> > >>> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists

> (there

> > >>> are

> > >>> three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles. I

> > >>> chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> > don't

> > >>> even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she

> said

> > >>> they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and

> giving

> > i

> > >>> to

> > >>> it and releasing.

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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Hi Bonnie - you must have missed the post where I mentioned that I got rid

of all my candida. I posted what I did yesterday. My candida has been gone

for 10 months, I had a slight relapse when I went on abx for a respiratory

infection, went back on meds/supplements for another 4 months and have been

fine. I am having NONE of my previous candida symptoms, which were itching,

thick saliva, toenail fungus, and open/oozing pustules on my feet. It is

FANTASTIC to be able to wear shoes again in the summer without your feet

breaking out into oozing sores with any amount of warmth.

I confirmed this via blood tests, as well. I have no candida at all noted in

my blood tests (though I did when I originally tested and started the

candida regimen).

I have stayed on this list, because my husband is currently going through

the diet/supplements, and because there is so much other good information





Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do

other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Re: Re: Chronic muscle pain ???


> > Fibro and CFS is just a symptom, not a diagnosis. For most people, the

> > actual problem is a mystery and difficult to uncover, but if you can,

> > improvement is usually significant.

> >

> > To the original poster, what is your diet like? What types of foods do

> > you

> > eat most often? List all of the foods you have eaten over the past few

> > days

> > and let's see if that is an issue (if you'd like).

> >

> > Buddy

> >

> >

> > On 10/14/07, macsfarm22 <bclmac@...> wrote:

> >>

> >> ,

> >>

> >> I believe you have Fibromyalgia & /or Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

> >> If you are new to Fibromyalgia, research all you can, talk to others &

> >> do not give up. FM usually shows itself after a illness or some type

> >> of stress to the body like a car accident etc.

> >>

> >> I have had FM & MPS since 1985. How is your sleep? Are you sleeping

> >> through the night? Do you have allergies? I believe allergies had

> >> something to do with me being ill.

> >>

> >> Get your full sleep, take the time you need to rest, drink lots of

> >> water. Really listen to your body, respect yourself & listen to your

> >> inner voice. It is not lying to you. Do not try to work out & build

> >> muscle where there are trigger points. You can not build muscle there.

> >> It will make them worse. The trigger points have to be released first.

> >> You release them by constant pressure. Tennis balls in a sock are good

> >> for the neck area. I do believe cranio-sacral work helps. Just a lot

> >> of it.

> >>

> >> As for me I have done everything I can think of, taken every

> >> supplement, every test & lots of body work, only I have never released

> >> one. I believe FM only gets worse as the years go by. So do every

> >> thing you can to get well. Research & talk to others that have gone

> >> before you. They have a lot of information on what has worked & not

> >> worked.

> >>

> >> If you would like to talk you are welcome to email. I have several

> >> books I can also recommend.

> >>

> >> Best of Luck,

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

> > Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic

> > 1209 Centre Turnpike

> > PO Box 217

> > Orwigsburg, PA 17961

> > 570-366-2613 phone

> > 570-366-2618 fax

> > www.bmfchiro.com

> >

> >

> >

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By bad Estrogen, you mean Estrone?


Re: Chronic muscle pain ???

> > >

> > >

> > >> Do some googling on Chornic Myofascial Pain Syndrome and see if it

> > fits

> > >> what you are experiencing.

> > >>

> > >> What I found out personally is that the deep trigger point massage

> > (and

> > >> I know personally the pain you speak of) used to release temporary

> MP

> > >> knots on " normal " people made mine worse, even though mine would

> > release

> > >> a little during the massage they didn't stay released, and sometimes

> > the

> > >> pain post-massage lasted days. And most of the time, at my next

> appt,

> > >> they would be MORE sensitive. I read that for CMPS the best massage

> > >> technique is to just have the therapist press the point until the

> > first

> > >> pain is felt, then back out a little and work the point at that

> level.

> > >> FWIW, when I'm on more strict low carb diet, I have less MP. And

> when

> > I

> > >> was on thyroid hormone, trigger point knots I'd had for years simply

> > >> vanished, with no direct treatment at all. I did also switch from

> > >> trigger point massage and direct muscle massage to cranio-sacral

> > >> treatments and reflexology treatments, as I really began to believe

> > the

> > >> direct treatment of the points didn't help and certainly was not

> worth

> > >> the pain. The exception is if I get a sudden knot now, I will work

> it

> > >> lightly with a theracane or tennis balls, etc. But really I can tell

> > if

> > >> I'm going to get a problem now, by what I've been eating. I've

> > >> journalled my diet for a couple years and the correlation between

> pain

> > >> and diet is very clear in my own case. I have no idea if this means

> > >> anything re my level of candida due to diet, but I think it could

> do.

> > >> I'm still unclear if candida overgrowth can directly cause CMPS and

> > >> muscle pain.

> > >> Oh another thought--when I have MP knots I cannot stretch those

> > muscles

> > >> AT ALL. It just causes the knots to become worse, and it feels like

> > I'm

> > >> just tearing the muscles out by the roots, and in fact, I read that

> is

> > >> indeed pretty much what is happening when you try to stretch a

> muscle

> > >> that is contracted and already can't relax.

> > >> sol

> > >>

> > >> Ives wrote:

> > >>> Does anybody know what would cause a chronic muscle pain? Tight

> > muscles

> > >>> that don't respond to massage?

> > >>>

> > >>> I've been having massage therapy (deep tissue, really painful

> stuff)

> > >>> every week for about, hmmm, 3 or 4 months now. The therapists

> (there

> > >>> are

> > >>> three of them) have not seen a significant change in my muscles. I

> > >>> chatted briefly with the one today, and she said that my muscles

> > don't

> > >>> even respond when she is in there trying to work a knot out, she

> said

> > >>> they seem to contract and fight her, rather than relaxing and

> giving

> > i

> > >>> to

> > >>> it and releasing.

> > >>>

> > >>>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

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