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Dearest Helen,

Hon you need to rest more. I know that is a stupid thing to tell someone who is looking after everyone, however you will just jeopardise yourself if you don't. Please try to get some rest. Life gets very difficult on the best of days, but is 10x worse with sleep deprivation. Can your dr's not give you something to help you sleep. Amitriptyline helps me to sleep....knocks me out actually lol.

And I am glad you are here... even though we are just emails, we are emails with hearts that care. *HUGS* You're never alone with us around babe!

Hang in there!!

Love A.

(think I've caught up on the mail now lol)

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  • 3 months later...


I love that dress! It's gorgeous! I can't believe it only cost $39... isn't

it weird how much things have changed?!

>I had three live birth's and three miscarriages.

What are the odds of you having 3 miscarriages, 3 births, then 3

granddaughters?! God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he? He did bless you,

though, with the grandchildren and your 2 children. :)

Thanks for sending the picture! Have a great day!!




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I just finished reading your story. I am sooo sorry that I was not on the

computer when you needed to vent.

I am sooooo sorry that you had to go through all that as a child. My

God.....most people never go through all that in their entire life.

But you were strong, and you survived. An now, you are helping all of us

survive the challenges that we face everyday with our illnesses and for

that I thank you. I am glad that you are here for me and everyone else

that you help with you kind words and information that helps make our

lives somewhat easier.

I want to come through this machine and give you a big hug.

Please know that we are here for you. This is part of your family now,

and we will be here for you, whenever you need us.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Nery's, I posted how Saedi and I are doing. I thank-you for

watching over us. I haven't been in the chat room again, as my computer

needs to be wiped clean again as it keeps shutting itself down or Earthlink

decides not to respond. The girls have been keeping Grma real busy. They

do try and help me, bless their hearts, too bad the older ones don't take

lessons from them!!! but when it comes to picking up toys forget it, they

loose all interest.

How are you doing lately???

Take care



> How are u doing hon? How did Saedi go at the docs? Ho is her neck now?

Is she still hurting?

> Hope her hearing gets sorted soon.

> You seem to have your hands full with the girls (as always) Hope they are

all doing better.

> Sorry to hear you have caught the bug as well, hope that cough clears up


> *hugs*

> You take it easy and get some rest

> Lots of love

> Nerys



--- angelbear1129@...

--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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  • 1 month later...

"######### Yes I have a monitor hooked up now. No it does not hurt. Have you ever had an EKG done? That is what is going on."

Yep yep, thems the little things with all the wires and stuff ... that must be bloody uncomfortable to wear 24/7?? Are you going ok? No more in the slammer visits??? When do you see the Doc again sweety?

"####### From that round yes. Just something passing. Now all three have colds, upper respritory, that lousy cough they now have also. "

Ooooooooh no not for Chrissy!!!!!!!!! Hope they are all better?????

Am glad that tooth is doing better. Hope the tenderness is going. I agree with you that it sounds like the new meds might be the culprit - wonder why docs stuff around with changing them? Were the other meds working? Thanks for the tegretol blessings - its still hellish, one more week then I have to up the dose. *ugh*

I hate NAUSIA!!!!!!!!!!

Hope your butt has not frozen off totally hon!!! Holiday hugs to you also! Love you sweety!

Aisha who is hot as hell in Sydney!!! (gimmie some snow!!!!!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

what sort of program was that? Hmm sounds weird, you needed to buy it?

Sorry about your dad.........thats sad, my dad to is developing heart

trouble due to heavy smoking.

Have you told him about the shaky heart?

I was born with 3 big holes in my heart, i had one surgery to repair

the holes. And now i have a Artificial Mitral Valve and a pacemaker.

Thats just a reallllllllllly short version lol. So many details that i

left out.

How are you?


Hugs to you


angelbear1129@... wrote:

Yes I would like sites on the arrythmia part and heart. I was trying


just find arrythmia but

I have to buy the program or whatever and I'll keep

looking. My Dad died

of a massive heart attack two years ago. He was also

71. His father died

of a heart attack at the age of 88, and my Dads Brother

died of a heart attack in

his early fifties. I forgot to ask the Dr. which

arrythmia it was.

What frightens me is when it beats wrong for so long and

it feels like my heart is

actually shaking! I forgot to tell him that part.

What is wrong with your heart?

Thanks in advance

Hugs Helen

In a message dated 1/9/2001

4:47:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,





I can understand what

you are talking about, I've had heart problems

since birth.

If you want i have several

sites that talk about all sorts of problems of

the heart. Including arrthymia.

If you want them let me

know :-)


Hugs to you

Tasha angelbear1129@...


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a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that

stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way

from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo


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  • 4 weeks later...

I understand just whata these doctors are like, complaints go unanswered, I keep asking my doctor what the pain in my left side is , I am told after a cursory feel that it is a floating rib poking you, another time, it must be plain muscle pain, no one ever thought to do a more extensive test, when I get it I have to put one leg up on a stool and sit until it leaves, nothing other than that relieves it. I went in to the doctor last week, the doctor came in ( I knew that I had a bad UTI) and said well here is your hypochondriac patient, I do have an UTI or something grosser, I am damn sick of you taking cultures and them coming back negative, or do you even bother? Days later when I got the dog bite, the culture is back and I had this UTI . Never diagnosed before and I knew I had it and I know that my left kidney was very bad years ago and I am in jeopardy from that getting a infection again and believe you me UTI's can spread like wildfire to the kidneys.

The trouble here I believe is that the insurance companies do not pay enough, the doctors get a pittance and they just do not want to extend themselves. Not all doctors, when I injured my diaphragm I got top notch care - in emergency care, is there a differnce, is it because I am going to pay much more?

Now comes the medicine part, the hospital pharmacy would not take the prescription, they said that CDPHP would not negotiate on the price, I went to another pharmacy in this town, no go and then I went to Kinneys, they took this prescrp. The cost was $90. of which the insurance paid $70 and I paid $20. Now I had been put on a course of the same meddy (Augmentin) last Dec. At that time I I paid $20, I saved $95.41 I was told!!!! This incidentally was for the same problem another dog bite that I got on Dec 23rd. Why such a variance in price ? I really wonder. All I can say is keep on hammering the doctor,sooner or later they sit up and take notice. I gather that you did have a urologist exam Jai, that is another thing, specialists are as hard to get as hen's teeth and it seems one only gets as far as Prime care. No, mother ,I feel so bad for you, you are not crazy the damned doctors are very lax. Anne

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  • 2 weeks later...

This must have been hard to hear. This is what they know now but there is always the possiblity of new medical advances. I can't believe the changes in the 14 years since my oldest was diagnosed Autistic.


son <paulsons5@...> wrote:

He was explaining the dyspraxia to us and said thatwhat happened is when she was being carried or during thebirth process, this one portion of the brain was damaged that does the speech,it is non reversible. If not too bad the child can learn to talk somewhatgood. But usually what they are saying by the time they are 4 or 5 is whattheir speech will probably be like the rest of their life. I almostcried. She can hardly be understood now!! he said let them keep working withher, She just might get somewhat better, It's not going to hurt any. Butsince he's her Dr. now he will not allow her to be left behind in school... OneScore for Bre for a Change... The crying in pain she does for thearms,legs,and now chest he is investigating , he said he will make sure he rules outeverything that could be causing it that is in his field. He told us a namethat it could be and wrote it, I just can't remember it and can't read hiswriting. Thhe Lab at the hospital had to call and find out what some of theblood test's were he wrote down in free hand, that's bad!!!! She goesback April 18 for the test results. That way they will be all done. I have tosheduale the CT at the hospital. The EGG is going to be done in his office. Thanks for listening. This is how we spent ourValentines Day (5hours at Dr's and Lab) Bre and Grma were both exhausted. Hugs to AllHelenn

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Helen and good morning group!

Yes I am unfortunately in the storms path, and it

is going to be a big one for sure! They've already

declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts and

theres not much snow at all, here on Cape Cod anyways.

But from the boston news channels I see they're

already getting a good amount.

Stay safe everyone! Thanks so much for replying

Helen, and if you see I'm online please say hello!!

If I don't answer right away I'm away from the

computer briefly. I see you on the msn IM.....so say

hello!, I should've said hello as well....I am a bit

shy though (something I'll be working on the rest of

my life I guess) :)

Does anyone know where I can find a link on lab work

lingo? I'd like to know what all the tests my

husband and I are having and what they are testing.

Also the numbers from each test, whether it's in the

normal range or not and so on......I hope that made

sense! lol My husband Dennis is not doing so well and

I guess I'm scared and am looking for all the info.

He has some kidney problems going on now on top of the

liver problem, this was the last thing we needed, as

it diminishes his odds of getting a liver transplant

" when " the time comes.....

Any help would be greatly be appreciated!

Bless you all and wishing you the best of health to

all, your a very caring group of people, thanks for

being here...........hugs, Marie


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##### No !!!!!! Wish they would hurry up. Somedays are worse than others. I do see the Cardiologist tomorrow. Thanks for being concerned. How you feeling now???

Take care Hugs



Did you get your phone call today? Please keep us posted.


Chelle (michelle4)

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> Helen,

> Did you get your phone call today? Please keep us posted.


> {{{hugs}}}

> Chelle (michelle4)

Helen??? What phone call?? Whats going on?? HMMMM <BAWK>

Mother Hen must know!!!


*huge but gentle hug*

Love Aisha

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It's not good you are without food. I don't know anything about Canada, but there has to be something there to help you get food for your household.


A site I found for Canada. You might want to check it out for help.



In a message dated 3/21/2001 10:38:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, darkbeing@... writes:

tryuth be told i sm still amd at the world it seems I am depresed again and have been down for a few days again I also hurt my back I over did it trying to help somone with there computer I sat to long in a chare that was not proper for my back and it realy messed it up again ribs are fine still a bit sore but not that much and I am hungry I hat being poor and living like i have to I have enough for the kids to eat and cathy and that is all that counts I have not been eating not enough if i do one of the other will go withought and i will not alow that ot happen I have only 200 a month to live off for the 4 of us for food after bills and crap is all payed anyther reasiopn why i have not been feeling well is probleey cuse I kneed to eat more I do nto know i am just tired and sore and scick all the time latly and have been so deprest about my lifeand things around me latly but i will live and get through it anyway i have been reading the bible a lot latly reading it from cover to cover and it has been what has keep me going and fed hen I get hungry i just read when i get sick i sleep when i get depresed i mope lol what i life i lead {smile} but it work out in the wash and that is what counts right I sure hope it is anyway


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Darkbeing, you have to eat hon or the problems can only get worse, you know the car without fuel slows down and will not run, likewise the body runs on the nutrition from food, please look into all your options, if you get food from a program, it is NOT charity. I have a feeling that being very proud is overcoming you, hon YOU MUST GET HELP with food! Anne

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lol what i life i lead {smile} but it work out in the wash and that is what counts right I sure hope it is anyway


Dear Darkbeing,

I've been worrying about you since much earlier this evening here when I read this message. I honestly suspect that if you continue to go without adequate nutrition, compounded by health problems, that it won't "work out in the wash", but that you'll end up "washed out"- which is pretty much how I interpreted your current state from your post. Please don't be too proud to accept help, as was mentioned to you earlier.There are times in life when all of us need help with something or another.

Please have a look also at the following link, in addition to the one that was posted before. There has got to be some organization there who can provide you some assistance.


Go to S , then to Social Welfare problems and services, there must be someone on that list who can help.

Please look after yourself.

I really hope this info is of help to you.

warm regards,


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Darkbeing, you need to eat....local merchants in our area are always giving gift certificates to area churches for people in need. I bet if you called a local grocery store, they might help you..check it out I care about you and your family Darkbeing and I want you to reach out and ask for help. I did at one time in my life and I would do it again if I had to.

The parents of a wheelchair bond child was offered a van with a lift in it (free) and they turned it down because of their pride! The poor little darlin has to use a transfer board to get into the van and she has to lift herself up onto the seat! This has been very hard on her. It seems to me that the parents pride "hurt" their child in the long run! Don't make the same mistake...... please

Chelle (michelle4)

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truth be told the kids and wife have enough if I eat the way I do and I am just to proud I gess to go to a church or a food bank

and also most of them are to fare away on top of that thanks for the sight i check it out in a few mins take care


-----Original Message-----From: angelbear1129@... [mailto:angelbear1129@...]Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 11:23 PM Subject: Re: Helen

It's not good you are without food. I don't know anything about Canada, but there has to be something there to help you get food for your household. http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/menu/info_disabilities.shtml A site I found for Canada. You might want to check it out for help. Love Helen

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Now why would you be peaking at this old worn out body? I have to take care of myself, no one else will. I have just been very worn out lately. My breathing is getting better. How are you doing my friend? You have been through so much this winter.I have no Mountains around here to peek back!

Take care. Let me know how you are doing. I'm a few emails behind. Like 423!!!!! Total in my box!



In a message dated 4/9/2001 7:41:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, belowskinbeauty@... writes:

Dear Helen: I climbed up on the highest mountain around and got a peek at you. Take care of yourself. Love, Lee

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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Helen,

I am very sorry to hear about what you are going through. Please stay

strong, and just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts.


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We had her in ER about three weeks ago. Her pediatrician ordered a 24 hour halter monitor and that is all that has been run so far... She is suppose to get a lot of these other test's when we see the pediatric cardiologist next Tues. the doc said... She has been coughing and her chest hurts... She has had trouble breathing for sometime now and very restless night sleeping :o(

Tonight her heart has been beating very irregular and she said she is very shaky. So I have her lying on the couch beside me here so I can watch her closely... I'm just so worried, as the Dr. restricted right away until we have everything checked out... Thanks !!! I will look into the CPR...

{{{ Many Hugs }}}


Hello HelenI don't think there is a why though I keep finding myself asking that.Since she's young, she has a good chance of a complete recovery.

It'snot as if her heart has been enlarging itself over years to deal withthe demands placed on it and her rate of cell growth will be high.Have they done the echocardiogram yet? How about a chest X-ray? Howare her ankles? Are they swelling? Has she been coughing? Does shehave problems sleeping or breathing? The St. s Ambulance First Aidcourse has a section on child CPR, consider taking it.Thank God she has you to look after her.Regards,

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Will you sound out Saedis name for me please.  Thanks, Chelle S-a-de - Sadie is the way it is usually spelt. Her Father decided to take the word IDEAS and spell it backwords to come up with this spelling of Saedi!!! :o)



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  • 2 weeks later...
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hi Helen,

Sorry to hear about your bad day today........ don get yourself too stressed out.... just remember, life is full of things waiting for you to do [errands, I like to call them...] so you will never finish completing them! As long as you have accomplished something in a day, that is good enough!


Re: Deb

I'm doing. I started shaking so bad today! Thought it was my sugar, (I'm Hypoglycemic) so ate supper and I still was shaking so bad, then it dawned on me, my B/P, so I took it and sure enough it was high! So sat down to rest for a half an hour and that helped some. Then it was back up to get the girls their baths and hairs washed. That is so tiring to me. I'm so exhausted when I get them done with there baths. Had to set down again, then their father decided to finally show up for the day. They were heading to bed in an hour and a half!!! Sorry, whole different story! Shakes are gone now. B/P is back where it's suppose to be :o) I have two speeds! SLOW and STOP!!! :o) It takes me forever to get anything done. I use to get my housework done in the mornings and then I did what I wanted to the rest of the day! Now it takes me all day to get some of the work done and still not done by nightfall :o( But when the girls go to bed, then I take time for me, as I'm too tired to do anything else anyway. It will all be there waiting for me the next day :o) Sorry!!! You asked :o) Hugs Helen How's you?? Deb

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Thanks Ling! Was just a bad day that day :o( I got bad the next day also, now I've been doing OK with B/P, My back is killing me though! It's not my spinal column, which is a surprise. It seems to be right behind my left lung! This has been going on for three days now. Feels like it is burning!

Hopefully this too shall pass :o) My list is getting too long now :o) How are you doing?? Still helping teaching??? How's those headaches???

{{{ Careing Hugs }}}


hi Helen,

Sorry to hear about your bad day today........ don get yourself too stressed out.... just remember, life is full of things waiting for you to do [errands, I like to call them...] so you will never finish completing them! As long as you have accomplished something in a day, that is good enough!



Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

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Hi Helen! Hope your back pain is better now? Do you know what is causing that pain? If it does not get better soon, you might want to get it checked out by a doc...

Headaches seem to be starting to creep back again, sigh...... was feeling ok in the morning, then suddenly I got this sharp pain again in the evening.

Will try to hang on, since I have no more pain doc to go to... If things get out of control I will have to go to my endo for help. He had to tried to treat my headaches before too, although without much success.



Re: Helen

Thanks Ling! Was just a bad day that day :o( I got bad the next day also, now I've been doing OK with B/P, My back is killing me though! It's not my spinal column, which is a surprise. It seems to be right behind my left lung! This has been going on for three days now. Feels like it is burning! Hopefully this too shall pass :o) My list is getting too long now :o) How are you doing?? Still helping teaching??? How's those headaches??? {{{ Careing Hugs }}} Helen hi Helen, Sorry to hear about your bad day today........ don get yourself too stressed out.... just remember, life is full of things waiting for you to do [errands, I like to call them...] so you will never finish completing them! As long as you have accomplished something in a day, that is good enough! Ling

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So Sorry you are starting to hurt again :o( Was so hoping the procedure that they did for you would help you for sometime!!! Isn't there another Dr. coming to replace the one that left???

The back pain is still with me :o( I haven't the slightest idea what is causing it :o( With so many ailments it could be anyone of them. But to me this is new :o( I will call the doc if it doesn't go here soon. I even took a pain pill last night, which for me is rare to do... I put up with pain everyday!!! But when it gets so severe then I will take something. I have a whole cupboard full!!! I tell all the Doc's I most likely won't take them as I need what is left of my senses to know what I am doing!!! But they give them to me in case I do need them. If this keeps up tonight I will be taking another one. It doesn't take the pain away, but it does seem to round off the sharp edges


Keep me in touch about how you are doing!!!

{{{ Headache Free Hugs }}}


Hi Helen! Hope your back pain is better now? Do you know what is causing that pain? If it does not get better soon, you might want to get it checked out by a doc...


Headaches seem to be starting to creep back again, sigh...... was feeling ok in the morning, then suddenly I got this sharp pain again in the evening.

Will try to hang on, since I have no more pain doc to go to... If things get out of control I will have to go to my endo for help. He had to tried to treat my headaches before too, although without much success.




Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

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