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,You've come to the right place! Great group here, our moderator Don in KS does an incredible job of gathering information, both big pharma and alternative, on treatments and maintaining a reasonable lifestyle with or fighting hep-c.There's also some medical professionals here who can help you with questions about tests, blood levels, all that stuff, to put results in a language we can all understand. If you have questions just throw them out here and you'll get answers from all sorts of sources.Personally I've been through treatment and clean for about 18 months. It wasn't the best time of my life, but it's good to be clear of the dragon. Those of us clear or making progress try to be here for others, to give them some light at the end of the tunnel.Steve ChandlerLife is much more fun when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party. Jimmy Buffett [ ] Hello

I'm 57 yr. old female and just found out I have Hep C...I'm on my way out the door to meet with some folks who can explain my liver panel results...which don't look too good to me. But having been as "healthy as a horse" up until now makes me pretty ignorant to this world.

I was in a car accident, gave blood and was a "wild child" in the 70's. In my late twenties, I got back on track and have been there ever since. Just closed my construction company after 12 years due to the economy and experienced some substantial financial losses due to the downturn of the market here in California. I am interested in alternatives as I have no medical insurance.


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