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Just checking in

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> Thanks, . Best of luck with it. You've been using paddles on

> the gut, right? Not on your thymus, also right?


> bG

I did both.


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Hi Mike-Great to hear from you.We need to get together and do that

buffett since both you guys are doing so well now. Hope all

continues well for you!!!!!!



> Hello all:


> Mike in VA here, just " checking in. " Hard to believe that this

> coming Monday will mark 8 months since my Ectomy. I hope all is


> with everyone.


> Tonia - it was good to hear from you a few weeks ago. I'm glad

> is doing better. In a few more months all that will hopefully be a

> distant memory for him.


> in NY - it sounds like you've bounced back from your Ectomy

> fairly well too. Like you said - food goes down the way it's

> supposed to, even without an esophagus (and yes - who knew!!)


> My eating is going great, I can eat what I want when I want -


> just not as much. The Doc wanted me eating a lot of protein once I

> started back on solids - says it helps the healing process. Only

> problem is, I'm actually starting to get a little bit of a " spare

> tire " even though I've only gained back 4 of the 46 lbs I lost

> (guess I'd better lay off the hamburgers!!)


> I digestion is still not what I want though and I still have quite


> bit of numbness in the " surgery zone " (stomach and right side).

> Also, if I " over do it " like with yard work, etc I get some

> stiffness in my middle back, more so that just the middle age


> I think once I get some of my upper body strength back that will


> better. The biggest thing is answering the " 20 questions " I get


> folks I haven't seen for a while because the first thing out of

> their mouth is " wow, you've lost some weight, what kind of diet


> you on? " Then you spend several minutes explaining Acalashia and

> Ectomys. Maybe we should all get together a write a book!!


> Well, that's all for now. Again, I hope all is well with everyone

> and their conditions and/or recoveries are progressing well. Talk

> again soon


> Mike in VA


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Thanks so much for sharing your story. It brought a ray of sunshine to my day.

-- Jeff

Just checking in


I thought i'd just check in and let you know that there is a success story post oesophagectomy for all those who are reading these stories and thinking "Oh i hope i don't need THAT."

i had my oesophagectomy in late July last year, so it is nearly 10 months and i feel great. i am able to eat almost anything i want to - just have to be careful not to eat too much - still eating small meals but no longer need to have snacks in between. I drink a small glass of water with my meal, but cannot have a cup of coffee with a meal as it makes me feel very nauseous, and sometimes sets up the dumping syndrome. So i have a cup of coffee when i wake up in the morning before i go for a swim, then have another one at night watching TV. If i go out with friends i usually have water for lunch but if it is afternoon tea then i will have a latte.

I no longer have to sleep on an incline at night, and what's even better is i haven't thrown up or regurgitated food since my operation. This is the longest time i have been out of hospital in something like 8 or 9 years and i am so happy. I lead a very simple and boring life and boy am i enjoying it. I haven't seen my surgeon since before christmas but will go and see him in July (12 month anniversary) .

i take one Nexium tablet (40mg) per day and it is a small price to pay for normality. The scar from my thoracotomy still gives me grief from time to time but nothing really debilitating or painful.

I can go into a restaurant now and NOT suss out where the toilets are. I can pick up a menu and look at all the things avaialable instead of looking at the soup. I enjoy not being able to decide which meat to have - the lamb or the beef!! it's heaven.

So for those of you who are having a hard time at the moment and are feeling daunted by why you are going through or might have to go through, just let me say from one who has been there (and with major complications in the past) - there is life post achalasia - and its a very enjoyable one.

Love to all,

Deb from Melbourne Australia.

Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.

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> I had a stool analysis and they told

> me that I had salmonella and c. difficile. They reported me to the

> state health department and they questioned me over and over again

> like I was on trial - they feared I would subject others to the

> infection.

Hi ,

I'm really sorry you're having such a hard time. I hope Bee will chine

in with some helpful advice for you.

I just wanted to encourage you to make sure that you are keeping

yourself adequately hydrated. A good friend of mine (not on this diet)

was recently hospitalized with kidney failure that was found to be due

to severe dehydration from C. Diff. My sister (also not on this diet)

was hospitalized just yesterday with an acute C. Diff infection. She

was also extremely dehydrated at the time she was admitted into the

hospital. Unfortunately the traditional method of treatment for this

is antibiotics, which will only contribute to further gut flora imbalance.

I'd never heard of C. Diff before but now that I have...and have read

more about it, I'm also hearing more and more cases of it being


Along with the diet and the supplements you are capapble of taking,

please don't allow yourself to get dehydrated, things can go from bad

to worse really quickly.

Do take care.


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Dear ,

I'll be praying for you.




and what the future has to hold for me.


> Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some help

> right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use some support.

> I wish all of you the best of wishes and the best in health.


> Your friends,


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Prayers are bing send your way. Hang in there. I know what

you are going through, when I was at my worst I could not

even remember how to turn on the computer, so I know what

you are going through. Please work the program and always

reach out, things WILL get better.

edie ______________________


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-- In @ <mailto: %40>

, " " <jayppers2672@...> wrote:

> I had a stool analysis and they told

> me that I had salmonella and c. difficile. They reported me to the

> state health department and they questioned me over and over again

> like I was on trial - they feared I would subject others to the

> infection.

Hi ,

It's good to hear from you but I am sorry you are having such a difficult

time. Please let us know the results of the colonoscopy. I am having one

done tomorrow so my bowel prep is today - no fun but oh well. Hang in there

and I hope and pray that you find some answers.



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Hi ,

Sorry to hear you're so sick. I was thinking about you the other day since you

hadn't posted in awhile. Have you ever heard of Jordan S. Rubin? He wrote

" Patient Heal Thyself, " " The Maker's Diet, " and " Restoring Your Digestive

Health. " He was very sick, near death at 111 lbs. and now is a healthy man who

is an N.M.D., Ph.D. You may want to read his book(s) and possibly contact him.

I wish you the best. Keep us posted on your colonoscopy results.


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All things happen for a reason and I know you will find the way to

heal. You have been working hard at it and I know your efforts will be

rewarded. All our prayers will help you so much. We are sending them

your way.

Those who care, Ellen " -)


> Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some help

> right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use some support.

> I wish all of you the best of wishes and the best in health.


> Your friends,


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God Bless you .... you CAN do it and will keep you in my thoughts and

prayers ....

It is a difficult road ahead for all of us with this Candida and we have to be

supportive of each other.


ellen5683 <ellen2@...> wrote:


All things happen for a reason and I know you will find the way to

heal. You have been working hard at it and I know your efforts will be

rewarded. All our prayers will help you so much. We are sending them

your way.

Those who care, Ellen " -)


> Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some help

> right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use some support.

> I wish all of you the best of wishes and the best in health.


> Your friends,


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, My thoughts were the same as the other gal's who suggested reading about


Rubin's cure from crohns. I have a son in law with crohns and so we all read his

books and he has been on his program with some success (when he follows it

diligently). He and Jordon actually got down to 90 some pounds. You can see his

picture in some of his books. I've tried the Makers Diet which is similar to

Bee's along with Jordons reccomended products. They are very expensive though. I

think Bee's is much more affordable though.


, I'm wondering if you ever got something that I sent to you many months

ago? I sent it off list and never heard from you. I can resend it if you'd like.


It's a good thing you are getting things checked out as it could be something

else going on. Keep your hopes up and things are sure to turn around. I hope you

have family love and support there for you.


I've been doing lots of research and learning since I stopped posting here. I do

read here and continue my journey into learning more and more. What I found is

body/mind work.

I've been taking classes with my therapist who is an intuitive healer. I'm

learning to tune into the body and believe myself better. Part of this is doing

positive affirmations, healing touch, EFT, and many other healing modalities. I

can't believe how far I've come. One good book that helped is " You can Heal Your

Life " by Louise Hay. You can even get her DVD. It is excellant. You can learn

how our thoughts can be very destructive to our Cells. Negative thinking can

make us very sick. If you want more info on all of this email me. I can send you

some things.


Also, have you had your vitamin D levels checked? I'm doing so much better by

upping my doses to 2,000 iu's. Also if you are mineral depleted from

not assimilating your food, you may need to add some minerals to your diet. I

had to add more than what is in the sea salt. 


Another thing is to get some sunshine daily and exercise, even a brisk walk in

nature and tell yourself that you deserve radiant, vibrant health and are on

your way to getting there as if it has already has happened. Breath deep and

feel the beauty and healing. Have faith that God is there for you. We on this

group are all praying for you and you will feel the healing thoughts and

vibrations being sent your way. I've been researching distant healing groups and

believe there is something to this.  Please, just don't bring yourself down with

those negative thoughts. You are a worthy, loving human being and you must tell

yourself that and believe it. There are some energizing techniques you can do to

help with energy, brain fog, etc. One is simple tapping on the center of you

chest  (your thymus). I can send you these through an email.  Get your 4 S's

daily-- sunshine, stretching, smiling and enough sleep. Keep us posted, we are

here for you.





From: <jayppers2672@...>

Subject: [ ] Just Checking In

Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 1:00 PM

Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some help

right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use some support.

I wish all of you the best of wishes and the best in health.

Your friends,

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> I keep thinking about using Accutane when I was younger and how

> afterwards it really messed up my skin (intense dryness, even my

> eyes), digestive system, and my brain.


> Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some

> help right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use some

> support.

Hi ,

You don't know me - I'm new to the group.

But would you please do 7 things for me. I know it's asking a lot, but

would you try, please?

1) First, would you please forgive yourself for using Accutane in the

past. Would you please sit quietly right now and say " I forgive me. I

did the best I could with what I had back then. I would do it

different now, but I'm older and wiser now " . Please forgive yourself -

it's okay.

2) Second, would you please look at that whole Accutane thing as

something that happened in your life, that may (or may not) have lead

to your current illness. Did you know that something good may actually

come out of this illness - perhaps because of your experiences now,

you may actually help others in the future? Did you realize that just

reading the post from you today has affected all of us, in some way or

another? Please don't feel that your illness now is in vain. You are

helping to encourage us all towards wholeness, just like in the future

you will help encourage more people towards wholeness. Being ill is

tough, but you can turn this lemon into lemonade.

3) Please, and this will be difficult at the beginning, would you

please make a list of 5 things you are grateful for about your body. 5

things in the morning as you awake. And 5 things at night as you go to

sleep. Think of any 5 things that you can say that you are grateful

about your body. It always helps us when we focus on the positive.

Some days you may just be thankful for having smooth skin on your

elbows. Or you may be thankful that your teeth are pain-free. Or that

your lungs breath effortlessly. Just think of 5 things that you are

grateful for in your body, twice a day. When you can focus on the

positive more, you will allow yourself to feel more positivity. And

more positivity will help improve your energy level, increase your

blood flow, and enhance your immune system.

4) Please sit down for 15 minutes every afternoon. Close your eyes.

Put on some soothing music if you like. And then picture in your

imagination one part of your body getting well, working properly.

Perhaps you'll imagine your stomach making quiet little sounds as it

peacefully digests your food successfully. Or maybe you'll imagine

yourself swallowing your Vitamin C, and your body being receptive to

it, and then picture it flowing successfully to every cell in your

body. Or maybe you'll imagine having the perfect bowel movement - how

solid and well formed that would be, and having no discomfort passing

it. Whatever you choose, picture it in your mind for 15 minutes. Smile

as you are doing so. Be happy while you are in that daydream. (This

exercise is based on the visualization techniques of the world famous

Dr O. Carl Simonton).

5) Fifth, please pamper your body during a 15 minute session everyday.

Rub coconut oil into your skin, or enjoy a soothing bath, or get a

massage, or give yourself a NICE pedicure (no matter what those

toenails look like :) Show your body some love ! Show your body some

appreciation ! Too often it's like a battle AGAINST our bodies, and it

shouldn't be that way. We always want to remind ourselves that we're

both on the same side :)

6) Please borrow a funny movie from the library. Something that will

make you laugh so hard that tears will roll down your face. If you

can't find a movie that funny, keep borrowing funny movies until you

do. Laugh out loud, even if you can only spare 20 minutes a day to do so.

7) Please (and this is the best one yet), please get ANGRY at me !

Please say 'who does she think she is - she can't possibly imagine

what I'm going through'. Yes, get angry at me !!! Put some of that

pent-up emotion into anger. That is much healthier for you than

feeling fearful or sad. Get angry! And you can be angry at me - I

won't mind at all. Get the old blood flowing, and get some fire burning :)

So, , I've asked you to do a lot.


Because you have grown into a caring human being, because of all the

experiences you have gone through, including this illness. And in the

future you can look forward to using this experience to help others.

So remind yourself right now that that's important - we need you to

get better so you can move ahead and do what is next for you in life.

Thank you for what you have already given to all of us :)

All the best,


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, after reading the great tips that Lis wrote, I started thinking, that if

you do those things, try putting it into a journal. Journaling can be very

healing. The front of the journal keep the positive things written down. All of

your progresses and happy feelings. Positive quotations, funny stories, jokes,

or just a small improvements in health,  happiness or better mood. In the back

of the journal you can complain, get angry and list the bad things going on. In

time, the front of your journal will grow. It will grow into a bigger, important

part of your life, your dreams, your aspirations. Your mind will clear,

your brain fog will lift, and happiness will replace those negative pages in the

back of your mind and journal. Keep it near your computer, so you can catch

those wonderful inspirations close at hand. Bring it up to bed at night and to

work with you, if you can.  Good luck! Val 

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> Hi, everyone. And hello, Bee (I'm glad you were finally able to cash

> my money order donation, I got your e-mail). Been a long time since

> I've posted, and just wanted to check in with you all.

==>Hello . It is good to hear from you. Again, thanks so much

for your donation!


> I am still on the program. I am still struggling terribly with my

> digestive problems. I haven't had a formed stool in so long I can't

> even remember - it has been many months now. My stools are still

> always loose and there is still always solid white chunks of

> undigested fat in my stools (from the beef and homemade tallow I


==>Those chunks couldn't be undigested fat. They must be something



> I continue to not be able to supplement with magnesium because I am

> not absorbing it and it instantly feeds my candida. As an almost

> immediate result of magnesium supplementation, I get terrible fungal

> nail, athlete's foot, and dandruff related regression, even though I

> know my body is starved for magnesium.

==>Since your symptoms are healing symptoms magnesium is exactly what

your body needs in order to heal. Symptoms do intensify first before

they get better, and yes, regression is a good word since it also

means your body is retracing previous symptoms. That's a good thing,

and shouldn't be totally avoided.


> I'm not taking much antifungal except for some kyolic liquid garlic

> extract in the morning with water. I'm only taking about 5 drops. I

> can't take much vitamin C b/c it causes me bad diarrhea when I go

> anywhere around or above 500 mgs per day. I think most of this is

from malabsorption of it, and then it reaches my colon and causes me

lots of problems. :(


> My brain fog has increased intensely and most days I feel like I am

> just drifting through the world, not knowing what day it is or what

> time it is, etc. After eating my meals I get such terrible " neuro. "

> symptoms I almost fear having to eat my three meals each day. I am

in intense fear for my life at this point because my mental capacities

> are declining rapidly. I have maintained the diet completely and the

> supplements (although too much vitamin A causes me very bad

> neurological symptoms).


> I don't understand why my energy level has declined so drastically

> even with all the high fat and rare/med.-rare good quality steaks I

am eating. I struggle just to make trips to the supermarket or even

take care of daily chores at home. It's so hard and I just am writing

this to help cope with the struggle, so please bare with me.


> I am having a colonoscopy on Monday because my relentless loose

> stools, intense abdominal pain/cramping, diarrhea, and recent weight

> loss are very concerning for me. I had a stool analysis and they

told me that I had salmonella and c. difficile. They reported me to

the state health department and they questioned me over and over again

> like I was on trial - they feared I would subject others to the

> infection. I've been at my lowest weight recently (138 - am usually

> about 145) and have struggled very hard to keep my weight on and

> increase it, but it is very difficult when you're digestive system

> isn't breaking down the food properly. My doctor said I really need

to have a colonoscopy done now with all my symptoms, and especially

the drastic weight loss.

==>, on my trip here I visited my family and my brother, who is

61 years old, cured his 20 year Crohn's disease after doing my

program for about 22 months. During that time his body also retraced

Lyme's Disease and psoriasis. Both are gone now!


> I keep thinking about using Accutane when I was younger and how

> afterwards it really messed up my skin (intense dryness, even my

> eyes), digestive system, and my brain. I feel that just like my skin

> that is so dry, my stomach probably isn't secreting much acid and

> other digestive juices also to properly breakdown my food, hence the

> undigested food in my stool, even with HCl supplementation.


> Here is a site of others that have been on Accutane have also


> getting IBS, Crohn's, and other terrible digestive problems, among

> other problems like severe depression and anxiety and panic attacks,

> just like I keep having from being on Accutane. This doesn't help my

> outlook.


> http://www.askapatient.com/viewrating.asp?drug=18662 & name=accutane


> I'm just so scared at this point and am fearing the future because I

> am not improving. I am trying very hard to be optimistic, but I just

> am not seeing improvements anywhere. I am not faulting the diet or


> program at all, let me make that clear, I am faulting my use of a


> devastating drug in the past. I really wish I had more confidence in

> my body's ability to revert back to its old healthy state before


> drug, but it is so hard when I don't see any improvements over time,

> and only feel as though I am regressing.


> I'm so tired of my abdominal pain and cramping and distress, that

> isn't aided by anti-fungals or other digestive aids, and usually


> gets worse. I think that this disease or whatever it is that is

> effecting me is finally taking it's strong toll on my immune system,

> and I'm starting to show signs of not being able to keep up. I'm so

> scared of degrading further and what the future has to hold for me.


> Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some

help right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use some

support. I wish all of you the best of wishes and the best in health.

==>, to best lift your spirits why don't you read the many

Success Stories - I got a few posted on my website, and others are in

our Group's files (left menu). There is hope my dear friend, and you

can do this! My brother succeeded and you can too!

If you take all of the supplements, even magnesium and vitamin A at

the doses recommended it will also help you a lot. Don't second

guess that they cause you problems. They don't, however they could

be helping your body heal further and that's why they " appear to be "

a problem for you.

Onward and upward!

Healing hugs, Bee

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I really like these steps you wrote. They may be hard to do each day

but so important to take the time.

Thanks, Ellen " -)

> >

> > I keep thinking about using Accutane when I was younger and how

> > afterwards it really messed up my skin (intense dryness, even my

> > eyes), digestive system, and my brain.

> >

> > Please help me get my spirits up everyone, I can really use some

> > help right now. I'm in such a sad place and could really use


> > support.


> Hi ,

> You don't know me - I'm new to the group.

> But would you please do 7 things for me. I know it's asking a lot,


> would you try, please?


> 1) First, would you please forgive yourself for using Accutane in


> past. Would you please sit quietly right now and say " I forgive

me. I

> did the best I could with what I had back then. I would do it

> different now, but I'm older and wiser now " . Please forgive

yourself -

> it's okay.


> 2) Second, would you please look at that whole Accutane thing as

> something that happened in your life, that may (or may not) have


> to your current illness. Did you know that something good may


> come out of this illness - perhaps because of your experiences now,

> you may actually help others in the future? Did you realize that


> reading the post from you today has affected all of us, in some

way or

> another? Please don't feel that your illness now is in vain. You


> helping to encourage us all towards wholeness, just like in the


> you will help encourage more people towards wholeness. Being ill is

> tough, but you can turn this lemon into lemonade.


> 3) Please, and this will be difficult at the beginning, would you

> please make a list of 5 things you are grateful for about your

body. 5

> things in the morning as you awake. And 5 things at night as you

go to

> sleep. Think of any 5 things that you can say that you are grateful

> about your body. It always helps us when we focus on the positive.

> Some days you may just be thankful for having smooth skin on your

> elbows. Or you may be thankful that your teeth are pain-free. Or


> your lungs breath effortlessly. Just think of 5 things that you are

> grateful for in your body, twice a day. When you can focus on the

> positive more, you will allow yourself to feel more positivity. And

> more positivity will help improve your energy level, increase your

> blood flow, and enhance your immune system.


> 4) Please sit down for 15 minutes every afternoon. Close your eyes.

> Put on some soothing music if you like. And then picture in your

> imagination one part of your body getting well, working properly.

> Perhaps you'll imagine your stomach making quiet little sounds as


> peacefully digests your food successfully. Or maybe you'll imagine

> yourself swallowing your Vitamin C, and your body being receptive


> it, and then picture it flowing successfully to every cell in your

> body. Or maybe you'll imagine having the perfect bowel movement -


> solid and well formed that would be, and having no discomfort


> it. Whatever you choose, picture it in your mind for 15 minutes.


> as you are doing so. Be happy while you are in that daydream. (This

> exercise is based on the visualization techniques of the world


> Dr O. Carl Simonton).


> 5) Fifth, please pamper your body during a 15 minute session


> Rub coconut oil into your skin, or enjoy a soothing bath, or get a

> massage, or give yourself a NICE pedicure (no matter what those

> toenails look like :) Show your body some love ! Show your body


> appreciation ! Too often it's like a battle AGAINST our bodies,

and it

> shouldn't be that way. We always want to remind ourselves that


> both on the same side :)


> 6) Please borrow a funny movie from the library. Something that


> make you laugh so hard that tears will roll down your face. If you

> can't find a movie that funny, keep borrowing funny movies until


> do. Laugh out loud, even if you can only spare 20 minutes a day to

do so.


> 7) Please (and this is the best one yet), please get ANGRY at me !

> Please say 'who does she think she is - she can't possibly imagine

> what I'm going through'. Yes, get angry at me !!! Put some of that

> pent-up emotion into anger. That is much healthier for you than

> feeling fearful or sad. Get angry! And you can be angry at me - I

> won't mind at all. Get the old blood flowing, and get some fire

burning :)


> So, , I've asked you to do a lot.


> Why?


> Because you have grown into a caring human being, because of all


> experiences you have gone through, including this illness. And in


> future you can look forward to using this experience to help


> So remind yourself right now that that's important - we need you to

> get better so you can move ahead and do what is next for you in



> Thank you for what you have already given to all of us :)


> All the best,

> Lis


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> Lis,

> I really like these steps you wrote. They may be hard to do each day

> but so important to take the time.

Thanks so much, Ellen :)

Too many of us are in rush, rush, stress, stress mode all the time,

and don't take the time to take care of ourselves.

Then when we get sick, it's hard to FEEL like making the effort to

take care of ourselves.

Plus, not many of us have been taught how to take care of ourselves -

we're used to going to others and paying them to take care of us. We

don't self-nuture as much as we could.

I used to have a website about " Feeling Better " years ago. Maybe it's

time I dusted it off and put it back out there.


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> ==>Those chunks couldn't be undigested fat. They must be something

> else.

Bee, what do you propose they are? I've literally been living off of

supplements only within the program guidelines, beef steaks, rendered

tallow, and chunks of boiled beef liver.

If they aren't chunks of fat? Then what? When I look at them and

analyze them in the toilet, the consistency and color is very very

similar to the tallow I am eating. ???

> ==>Since your symptoms are healing symptoms magnesium is exactly what

> your body needs in order to heal. Symptoms do intensify first before

> they get better, and yes, regression is a good word since it also

> means your body is retracing previous symptoms. That's a good thing,

> and shouldn't be totally avoided.

Bee, I continued with the magnesium for quite some time and my

athlete's foot and fungal nail and dandruff problems only got

progressively worse. My feet were so bad that they were moist and

slimy all the time, then they eventually became red and inflamed and

itchy The redness eventually migrated up to the top of my foot and an

eczema looking rash started appearing, then it migrated to around my

ankle. I finally pin-pointed the magnesium as the trouble-maker. As

long as avoid magnesium supplements, the redness, itching, sliminess,

and fungal nail stays in check.

Are you proposing that I continue taking this supplement even though

it continually exacerbated and escalated candida related problems that

were quite obviously not resolving, but only getting worse as time

went on?

> ==>, on my trip here I visited my family and my brother, who is

> 61 years old, cured his 20 year Crohn's disease after doing my

> program for about 22 months. During that time his body also retraced

> Lyme's Disease and psoriasis. Both are gone now!

I hope that happens for me some day. I've been eating very low carb.

and anti-candida since 11/2006... Very small cheese cheats very early

on, and a few poor supplement choices at very short times, but overall

that's about 18 months so far, or 18 years of healing.

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> >

> > ==>Those chunks couldn't be undigested fat. They must be


> > else.


> Bee, what do you propose they are? I've literally been living off of

> supplements only within the program guidelines, beef steaks,


> tallow, and chunks of boiled beef liver.


> If they aren't chunks of fat? Then what? When I look at them and

> analyze them in the toilet, the consistency and color is very very

> similar to the tallow I am eating. ???

==>, maybe you are right, if you are not chewing up the tallow

well enough.


> > ==>Since your symptoms are healing symptoms magnesium is exactly


> > your body needs in order to heal. Symptoms do intensify first


> > they get better, and yes, regression is a good word since it also

> > means your body is retracing previous symptoms. That's a good


> > and shouldn't be totally avoided.


> Bee, I continued with the magnesium for quite some time and my

> athlete's foot and fungal nail and dandruff problems only got

> progressively worse. My feet were so bad that they were moist and

> slimy all the time, then they eventually became red and inflamed and

> itchy The redness eventually migrated up to the top of my foot and


> eczema looking rash started appearing, then it migrated to around my

> ankle. I finally pin-pointed the magnesium as the trouble-maker. As

> long as avoid magnesium supplements, the redness, itching,


> and fungal nail stays in check.


> Are you proposing that I continue taking this supplement even though

> it continually exacerbated and escalated candida related problems

that were quite obviously not resolving, but only getting worse as

time went on?

==>Yes, because you cannot avoid healing symptoms; they are a very

necessary part of the healing process.


> > ==>, on my trip here I visited my family and my brother, who


> > 61 years old, cured his 20 year Crohn's disease after doing my

> > program for about 22 months. During that time his body also


> > Lyme's Disease and psoriasis. Both are gone now!


> I hope that happens for me some day. I've been eating very low carb.

> and anti-candida since 11/2006... Very small cheese cheats very


> on, and a few poor supplement choices at very short times, but


> that's about 18 months so far, or 18 years of healing.

==>That's great ! Keep on keeping on and your body will respond


Luv, Bee

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> I've literally been living off of supplements only within the

> program guidelines, beef steaks, rendered tallow, and chunks of

> boiled beef liver.

Hi ,

Sorry, I'm new here so I don't know all the history to this.

You list a very limited list of food you're eating (above).

But by any chance is the steak you're eating raw? (Don't laugh, more

people eat raw meat than you'd imagine).

I ask, because I'm wondering if all the food you're eating is cooked,

if you're actually getting the enzymes you need?

In the work of Weston A. Price, I believe every group of indigenous

people he studied (and they were very healthy), they all ate some

percentage of raw or fermented food.

So if you're not having raw vegetables, or raw eggs, or raw butter, or

having your meat raw, perhaps the missing enzymes are a missing key.


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Undigested fat makes me think you should go raw, I eat exactly what

you are eating but raw. Cooked food (especially fat) produces many

toxic substances. Just look at Pottenger's cats.

I eat 200 grams of suet/ 500grams of mince/ and a small portion of

liver all grass fed.

Also to help with digestion I suggest eating once a day to give your

digestive system heal.

> Hi ,

> Sorry, I'm new here so I don't know all the history to this.

> You list a very limited list of food you're eating (above).

> But by any chance is the steak you're eating raw? (Don't laugh, more

> people eat raw meat than you'd imagine).


> I ask, because I'm wondering if all the food you're eating is cooked,

> if you're actually getting the enzymes you need?


> In the work of Weston A. Price, I believe every group of indigenous

> people he studied (and they were very healthy), they all ate some

> percentage of raw or fermented food.


> So if you're not having raw vegetables, or raw eggs, or raw butter, or

> having your meat raw, perhaps the missing enzymes are a missing key.


> Lis


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> Undigested fat makes me think you should go raw, I eat exactly what

> you are eating but raw. Cooked food (especially fat) produces many

> toxic substances. Just look at Pottenger's cats.

==>Sorry . Please do not recommend everything raw on my group my

friend. It might be okay for you, but not only will most people have

difficulty eating totally raw meats, raw veggies are difficult to

digest. And not all cooked foods produce toxic substances.


> Also to help with digestion I suggest eating once a day to give your

> digestive system heal.

==>Also do not recommend people with candida eat once a day!! They need

the nutrients from at least 2 good meals a day.


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Deborah wrote:

> should I still be having really raw pain in my throat

> from time to time? I mean, if I've got Barretts, don't I need more than just

> a PPI?


I guess the question for your question is what is causing the pain? If

it is acid then the PPI may not be doing enough. If it is because you

have infections then you may need to do something to treat the

infections besides the PPI which does help with that too, but maybe not

enough. If it is from spasms then I wouldn't worry about it. Could it be

from pills getting stuck? If so you may need to crush them if that is

allowed for them. Avoid most vitamin C and aspirin pills.

You should ask your doctor about this and he may do some tests to find

the answers to these questions. Maybe a 24hr pH test and some checking

for infections.

There may be more you can do but I don't know what it is other than a

diet that is healthy and has items that may prevent cancer.


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Hi Mike..

 It is so beautiful here today !!!!  Hope your having a good day Mike..

 Thanks for everything you do for us....

   soft hugs




From: Mike <mike2boys@...>

Subject: just checking in


Date: Friday, April 17, 2009, 1:53 PM

I just wanted to say hello you all I hope everone having a good day mike group


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Just thought I would do a quick post and say hello. I still have not had

surgery, and at this point do not plan to do so. I need a walker when I walk

any distance beyond my house. I'll probably be looking for a scooter before

much longer.


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It was nice to hear from you again! Though I wish things were going better for

you. How has your overall health been? If you're having difficulties using

your walker, a scooter is a great tool to restore some independence! Checking

places like craigslist and local newspapers can often lead to a reasonably

priced one if you're patient enough. Good luck with everything.


> Just thought I would do a quick post and say hello. I still have not had

surgery, and at this point do not plan to do so. I need a walker when I walk

any distance beyond my house. I'll probably be looking for a scooter before

much longer.


> Kathy


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