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Re: no more iodine for me

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You'd probably enjoy it more if you sent it to your stomach first! [ggg]

Your kidneys _have_ to be working well. If they stop taking the excess

iodine out of your blood you're toast. Seriously, watch out for any

sign of kidney problems.



> Posted by: " Gracia " circe@...



> graciabee <graciabee>



> Sun Dec 7, 2008 4:00 pm (PST)



> i think my kidneys like it b/c they are working well. i am now going

> to feed them some ice cream.

> gracia


> Gracia,


> You wrote:

> >

> > ... I am a 60yo woman who is 5 ' 2 " tall and takes 100mg Iodoral daily.


> That means your kidneys must process 100 mg of iodine per day.


> Chuck

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IIRCC, mentioned having a 'taste of metal' in her mouth, which

from all the sources I've encountered is a symptom of iodine

over-dose. It was just a small blurb, only mentioned once, and one

that I watched for someone to pick up on, but nobody ever did...I

doubt if I could find it now, and I was just beginning to really

investigate more in depth (I touched on Iodine supplementation a bit

over 2 years ago--during my initial research of thyroid disorders and

treatment options). At the time the 'metal taste' was mentioned, I

didn't feel knowledgeable enough about the subject to say anything one

way or the other. At the time, I thought maybe my memory was doing me

a disservice when you told her to increase the dosage. It may even be

doing me a disservice now, in that it might have been someone else who

said they had the metallic taste in their mouth...especially since I'm

just beginning to match real names to 'Author' names... ;-)

> >

> > in alll the time I have been on iodine group I have never heard

of a

> > reaction to the test.


> Makes sense to me. People that die from the well documented

> anaphylactoid reaction are not going to post much to your iodine



> has told you repeatedly that SHE has had that reaction. For


> reason, you don't seem to be able to remember that example. Is

that your

> withdrawal symptoms again?


> Chuck











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Kelp?...there's no mention of kelp in either my or blossom's posts...?

In fact, I've never taken kelp, and due to mercury, I would never

recommend 'kelp' to anyone...

> >

> > Thanks for the information. I do wonder if I was having a bad

> reaction

> > to the iodine that most people wouldn't. I know others had it too.

> Maybe we

> > have something that's causing it and Gracia doesn't get that same

> reaction. I

> > know how it is to believe in something so strongly because it worked

> so

> > great for you...












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It wasn't an over dose. Let me post it once again. I was given a test dose

by my Natural Medicine MD and after about 5 minutes , I had a life

threatening reaction, where I almost coded. I happen to know the difference.

I am a master's prepared Nurse practitioner and despite what gracia says- I

have a an allergic reaction to iodine. I even wear a medic alert bracelet

for it. Gracia lives in her own world and will NOT accept that everyone is

different- she believes we are all the same regardless of genetics.


-- Re: no more iodine for me

IIRCC, mentioned having a 'taste of metal' in her mouth, which

from all the sources I've encountered is a symptom of iodine

over-dose. It was just a small blurb, only mentioned once, and one

that I watched for someone to pick up on, but nobody ever did...I

doubt if I could find it now, and I was just beginning to really

investigate more in depth (I touched on Iodine supplementation a bit

over 2 years ago--during my initial research of thyroid disorders and

treatment options). At the time the 'metal taste' was mentioned, I

didn't feel knowledgeable enough about the subject to say anything one

way or the other. At the time, I thought maybe my memory was doing me

a disservice when you told her to increase the dosage. It may even be

doing me a disservice now, in that it might have been someone else who

said they had the metallic taste in their mouth...especially since I'm

just beginning to match real names to 'Author' names... ;-)

> >

> > in alll the time I have been on iodine group I have never heard

of a

> > reaction to the test.


> Makes sense to me. People that die from the well documented

> anaphylactoid reaction are not going to post much to your iodine



> has told you repeatedly that SHE has had that reaction. For


> reason, you don't seem to be able to remember that example. Is

that your

> withdrawal symptoms again?


> Chuck











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Which is exactly why I absolutely will not make any changes without a

fully informed knowledge of:

what supported by why

what the expected result will be and how soon

and first acquiring or having on hand all of the necessary components

to having a successful outcome...

....all based upon my own research to confirm and reconfirm the claims

put forth by others, with a full understanding of how it will benefit

me in my own particular 'balance'. I've come too far to screw it all

up by making a 'rash' decision...just because someone says...


> Getting something out of balances is going to screw other things either

> short term or long term.


> steve


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Hi Gracia,

When I used the term 'lucky' I didn't mean it in the sense of

'safety', I meant it as in 'fortunate' to have found something that

has been so successful for you on your road to recovery.

I've checked brodabarnes and numerous other sources, for a good doctor

near me...unfortunately, all listed have been several hours away...two

hours away even is pushing me to my limits and often beyond... :-(

Years ago (about 15-20), I had a good doctor, who believed I knew my

body best...if he hadn't believed that of me, I'd be dead because my

last daughter turned in an upside down umbrella position; her

vertebrae and my pelvic bones interlocked. My labor stopped...my

water had broken earlier in the morning, so because of 'bacteria'

risks, the doctor was going to induce (it was evening by then).

Because I stood up to a nurse, backed up by my husband, who was

adamant that she was going to give me that shot to induce me, my

doctor was called back in to see me. When I told him my theory of

what might be happening, he agreed that I might very well be right and

immediately ordered X-rays, which confirmed the existing problem.

I was absolutely terrified of 'being put under' as when I was a child,

a boy about my age had died on the operating table from the

anesthesia...a very traumatic period of my life! My doctor followed

the ambulance that transported my husband and myself between hospitals

(approx. 25-30 miles). He stayed with me from the time I arrived,

until the surgery (emergency C-section) was over. He convinced the

OB/Gyn who did the surgery to allow my husband to stay through the

surgery, telling him that he would take full responsibility. After I

woke up and he was sure I was fine, he took my husband home to get our

car. I just wish he'd never moved away from our community, as my life

would probably be much different today.

I'm not shy about talking to docs either...unfortunately, the last doc

it was a waste of my breath to talk to...and besides not listening to

me...telling me 'You need to go to school and become a doctor' when I

asked to have my adrenal function checked...he charged me double every

time my appt. went even so much as a minute over the 'alloted 15

minutes'! The problem I do have though, is that this whole 'medical

condition' in conjunction with the inadequate treatment I've had to

date, has become a really stressful topic for me, when it comes to

doctors...and when I feel stress, I get that band around my head (that

I am sure is adrenal and one of the driving forces in my original

request to have my adrenal function tested by the former doc) and my

brain locks...I cannot think...I cannot hear...I cannot function...in

fact, when I knew my dad was not going to pull through, I became

hysterical, screaming, crying and beating on my husband's chest...the

only time in my entire life I've become hysterical! I lost it! I'm

also sensible enough to know that if I allow myself to reach that

point in the presence of a doctor, I'll be going to 2-East (the psyche

ward)...and then I won't even have the option of 'self-treating'...



> hi

> I am not shy about talking to docs! I quite agree that as

patients we need to communicate/advocate for ourselves, and I also do

it for the MR ppl I work with. BTW I have had some great docs


> I don't think I was " lucky " w/ iodine. I took 50mg Iodoral for 2

years but I should have been taking 100mg plus ATP cofactors. the

loading test will show if there is an NIS defect. that is why the

test is recommended.

> gracia

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I just looked back at my earlier post regarding lucky...and I see why

you took it the way you did...'cause it does definitely sound that

way, although it wasn't the way I intended for it to sound...hmmm,

maybe to some extent I did, given that Cancer Choices for Women

advocates everyone should have an iodine load test before beginning an

iodine treatment program.

Anyway, I did not intend it to be an offensive comment, so I surely

hope you didn't take it that way.

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....'iodized salt'? We were talking about Lugol's and Iodoral...iodine

supplementation programs...iodine load tests...iodine skin patch

tests...at least that's what I thought, anyway...

> >

> >

> > in alll the time I have been on iodine group I have never heard of

> a reaction to the test.

> > Gracia












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yes!!!!! tyblossom was taking kelp tabs.


Kelp?...there's no mention of kelp in either my or blossom's posts...?

In fact, I've never taken kelp, and due to mercury, I would never

recommend 'kelp' to anyone...

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supposedly a person who has a reaction to iodized salt will not be able to

tolerate iodine. I think Brownstein worked with 4 ppl who were super sensitive

using NAET.


...'iodized salt'? We were talking about Lugol's and Iodoral...iodine

supplementation programs...iodine load tests...iodine skin patch

tests...at least that's what I thought, anyway...



> iodine is required for life. there is info in Brownstein's book

about how to deal with ppl who have a reation to iodized salt

> gracia



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Uhhh...Steve...Gracia wasn't referring to me...this is the 2nd time

you've made a reference to her referring to me...I'm not sure if it's

the way she cuts the excess from her posts or if it's the order of

your view...if you don't already, you might want to sort by

'threaded'...of course, if you don't...that's fine too! ;-) ...anyway,

she's referring to tyblossom...if I'm not mistaken......


> Gracia, you wrote " iodine is required for life " in order to assert that

> was wrong that she has negative reactions from overdose. ...

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not to worry, I am not at all offended, much worse has been said to me here.

but HA I have saved all those posts.

http://www.breastcancerchoices.org really advocates the test to see if there

is a NIS defect. I think they think that nayone with BC must have iodine.



I just looked back at my earlier post regarding lucky...and I see why

you took it the way you did...'cause it does definitely sound that

way, although it wasn't the way I intended for it to sound...hmmm,

maybe to some extent I did, given that Cancer Choices for Women

advocates everyone should have an iodine load test before beginning an

iodine treatment program.

Anyway, I did not intend it to be an offensive comment, so I surely

hope you didn't take it that way.


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I really depend upon my 6th sense sometimes.

I have had a few wonderful doctors--Broda himself was one.


Hi Gracia,

When I used the term 'lucky' I didn't mean it in the sense of

'safety', I meant it as in 'fortunate' to have found something that

has been so successful for you on your road to recovery.

I've checked brodabarnes and numerous other sources, for a good doctor

near me...unfortunately, all listed have been several hours away...two

hours away even is pushing me to my limits and often beyond... :-(

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yikes LOL I don't think is tyblossom. :)

me gracia

Uhhh...Steve...Gracia wasn't referring to me...this is the 2nd time

you've made a reference to her referring to me...I'm not sure if it's

the way she cuts the excess from her posts or if it's the order of

your view...if you don't already, you might want to sort by

'threaded'...of course, if you don't...that's fine too! ;-) ...anyway,

she's referring to tyblossom...if I'm not mistaken......


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I don't know what IIRCC means! if I remember correctly? C? metal taste is

actually not a symptom of iodism. it's a bromide detox symptom. iodine moves

toxins and heavy metals out of tissues. the metal taste goes away with enough



IIRCC, mentioned having a 'taste of metal' in her mouth, which

from all the sources I've encountered is a symptom of iodine

over-dose. It was just a small blurb, only mentioned once, and one

that I watched for someone to pick up on, but nobody ever did...I

doubt if I could find it now, and I was just beginning to really

investigate more in depth (I touched on Iodine supplementation a bit

over 2 years ago--during my initial research of thyroid disorders and

treatment options). At the time the 'metal taste' was mentioned, I

didn't feel knowledgeable enough about the subject to say anything one

way or the other. At the time, I thought maybe my memory was doing me

a disservice when you told her to increase the dosage. It may even be

doing me a disservice now, in that it might have been someone else who

said they had the metallic taste in their mouth...especially since I'm

just beginning to match real names to 'Author' names... ;-)


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the problem I am having is that I think I can decrease my sex homrones b/c of

iodine, but it is hard for me to figure out how to do it.


You'd probably enjoy it more if you sent it to your stomach first! [ggg]

Your kidneys _have_ to be working well. If they stop taking the excess

iodine out of your blood you're toast. Seriously, watch out for any

sign of kidney problems.




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I am not tyblossom. She is her own person.

BTW it is spelled Nancie, not nancy


-- Re: Re: no more iodine for me

yikes LOL I don't think is tyblossom. :)

me gracia

Uhhh...Steve...Gracia wasn't referring to me...this is the 2nd time

you've made a reference to her referring to me...I'm not sure if it's

the way she cuts the excess from her posts or if it's the order of

your view...if you don't already, you might want to sort by

'threaded'...of course, if you don't...that's fine too! ;-) ...anyway,

she's referring to tyblossom...if I'm not mistaken......


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That is not what they are saying on their webpages...saying 'they

believe the symptoms are bromide detox' seems to me like a

mis-representation of them. Statements like this, that directly

contradict what they support on their very own websites, as well as

websites that use information based on their research, does not help

the cause of iodine. In fact, if I hadn't invested as much of my

time, and even money, into learning about this for myself, I would not

even be considering it as an option based on the statements I keep

seeing you make.

Please, for the sake of myself, and everyone else who wants to learn

about the potential iodine may have for them, stop throwing out these

unsupported and contradictory comments...supply us with references to

back what you claim to be true...it's obvious that some people don't

believe the docs at Optimox to be credible, so try to provide some

additional support...I'm reading Dr. Browntein's book now...checking

his references as I go too...so far, I haven't found anything to be an

exaggeration (on his part), although reading his book, so far,

anyway...I have found the amount of iodine you are currently taking (I

believe you said 100 mg) to be 'double' the MAX of what he's

recommending in his book (so far anyway) to restore an adequate supply

of iodine in the system... 12.5 mg - 50 mg. is what his book says so far!

In his first case study () pp 23-24, he stated the supplemental

amount to be 50 mg., as well as vitamins, minerals, and Celtic sea salt.

In his second case study () pp. 35-36, he doesn't state the

amount he gave him to supplement. He doesn't mention any additional


In his third case study (a) on pp 36-37, he states 37.5 mg. as the

dose he prescribed for her, and he also states that her 'serum iodine

levels' were zero (below the detectable limits of the test). He

doesn't mention any additional supplements in her case either.

Without re-reading everything, including both prefaces, and 3

forewards, that I've read so far, I remember reading a supplementation

regimen of 12.5 mg - 50 mg., in most cases for 2-3 months, followed by

a maintenance dose of up to 12.5 mg. He also said most people

wouldn't need 'restorative dosages' for more than 3 months to a year,

but there would be the extreme cases that would require 'restorative

dosages' for as long as 3 years.



> yes I do believe the iodine docs. they do not believe in iodism,

they believe the symptoms are bromide detox.

> Gracia


> Gracia, I sometimes wonder if you even bother to read what you write.

> Go to <http://www.optimox.com/pics/Iodine/IOD-01/IOD_01.htm> and

look at

> Table Two. It shows that iodism [ Poisoning by iodine,

characterized by

> severe coryza, an acneform eruption, weakness, salivation, and foul

> breath.] increases directly with increases of dosage. You _do_


> the iodine docs, don't you???



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Sorry Nancie...I thought tyblossom and you were the same

person...obviously I was wrong! I do remember now that you've

reiterated, reading about your reaction. Tyblossom actually tried the

iodine supplementation, w/o a loading test...she is the one who had a

metallic taste in her mouth, I'm pretty sure. Actually, I've seen 2

different people on these boards mention a metallic taste.

Also, I'm sorry about the mis-spelling of your name!...and thank you

for reminding all of us how serious and dangerous this can be. It's

not a decision for anyone to take lightly!


> It wasn't an over dose. Let me post it once again. I was given a

test dose

> by my Natural Medicine MD and after about 5 minutes , I had a life

> threatening reaction, where I almost coded. I happen to know the


> I am a master's prepared Nurse practitioner and despite what gracia

says- I

> have a an allergic reaction to iodine. I even wear a medic alert


> for it. Gracia lives in her own world and will NOT accept that

everyone is

> different- she believes we are all the same regardless of genetics.


> Nancie

> -- Re: no more iodine for me


> IIRCC, mentioned having a 'taste of metal' in her mouth, which

> from all the sources I've encountered is a symptom of iodine

> over-dose. It was just a small blurb, only mentioned once, and one

> that I watched for someone to pick up on, but nobody ever did...I

> doubt if I could find it now, and I was just beginning to really

> investigate more in depth (I touched on Iodine supplementation a bit

> over 2 years ago--during my initial research of thyroid disorders and

> treatment options). At the time the 'metal taste' was mentioned, I

> didn't feel knowledgeable enough about the subject to say anything one

> way or the other. At the time, I thought maybe my memory was doing me

> a disservice when you told her to increase the dosage. It may even be

> doing me a disservice now, in that it might have been someone else who

> said they had the metallic taste in their mouth...especially since I'm

> just beginning to match real names to 'Author' names... ;-)


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I thread but I delete as I read. I get about 500-1000 posts a day or

more and don't keep any hanging around that I've read unless I haven't

replied and was considering it. All the context that other posters

provide is often all there is.

Since last I emptied the trash, I have almost 60,000 posts in there

across about 40 lists.

cindy.seeley wrote:

> Uhhh...Steve...Gracia wasn't referring to me...this is the 2nd time

> you've made a reference to her referring to me...I'm not sure if it's

> the way she cuts the excess from her posts or if it's the order of

> your view...if you don't already, you might want to sort by

> 'threaded'...of course, if you don't...that's fine too! ;-) ...anyway,

> she's referring to tyblossom...if I'm not mistaken......



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I've gone back and reread every one of tyblossom's (, btw)

posts in this thread. Not once has she mentioned taking kelp tablets.

She did complain about the iodine tablets, Iodoral, being so

expensive and she felt any brand of iodine tablets *should* be

fine...so, unless you've read a thread somewhere that I haven't...I

still don't have a clue where you've gotten the idea that she took

'kelp', rather than iodine. At this point, unless you can point me to

that thread, I'll have to leave it up to her to clarify which it was.



> yes!!!!! tyblossom was taking kelp tabs.

> Gracia


> Kelp?...there's no mention of kelp in either my or blossom's posts...?

> In fact, I've never taken kelp, and due to mercury, I would never

> recommend 'kelp' to anyone...


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When you say 'reaction to iodized salt', what would that reaction be?



> supposedly a person who has a reaction to iodized salt will not be

able to tolerate iodine. I think Brownstein worked with 4 ppl who

were super sensitive using NAET.

> Gracia


> ...'iodized salt'? We were talking about Lugol's and Iodoral...iodine

> supplementation programs...iodine load tests...iodine skin patch

> tests...at least that's what I thought, anyway...


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maybe it is on iodine list--her hubby brought home cheap! kelp tabs. hey

let's ask her what she took.


I've gone back and reread every one of tyblossom's (, btw)

posts in this thread. Not once has she mentioned taking kelp tablets.

She did complain about the iodine tablets, Iodoral, being so

expensive and she felt any brand of iodine tablets *should* be

fine...so, unless you've read a thread somewhere that I haven't...I

still don't have a clue where you've gotten the idea that she took

'kelp', rather than iodine. At this point, unless you can point me to

that thread, I'll have to leave it up to her to clarify which it was.

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i don't know--look it up in your book! someone borrowed mine'


When you say 'reaction to iodized salt', what would that reaction be?



> supposedly a person who has a reaction to iodized salt will not be

able to tolerate iodine. I think Brownstein worked with 4 ppl who

were super sensitive using NAET.

> Gracia


> ...'iodized salt'? We were talking about Lugol's and Iodoral...iodine

> supplementation programs...iodine load tests...iodine skin patch

> tests...at least that's what I thought, anyway...



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