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Joint pain

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It is an 'over the counter' alternative item, although

MANY doctors are saying to try it. It comes in tablets

that you swallow. As for whether it will help you, I

imagine it depends on WHY your joints are hurting. My

old doctor said it was originally used by vets to

treat arthritis in dogs! It is supposed to help

strengthen/rebuild joint cartlige, I think. I know

many people who use it and swear by it, my stepfather

is one. It has helped his joints tremendously. Some

others it didn't help at all. Like I said, I would

think it would depend on why your joints are hurting

as to whether it would help you or not. I've heard you

need to take it a couple of months to really know if

it is going to help or not. One thing though, if you

are allergic to shellfish do not take it since it's

source is the shells of ... something! Can't remember

what, lol! My mother broke out in hives when she took

it without reading the fine print on the label.


--- Curlykew <curlykew12@...> wrote:

someone please tell me more about

> this " glucosamine and chondoritin " ... what form is

> it .. how do you get or take it? ....


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Hi Cher

Don't feel alone about your Dr. not diagnosing you properly. For 3 years I

was " unofficially " diagnosed with chronic fatigue. Even with standard blood

test panels, Hep C didn't show up. You have to have a specific blood test

for it I guess, anyway, I am the one who finally asked to be tested for

hepC. Since my boyfriend has it....I thought I should rule that out too.

Well, like you know, HepC ruled IN. A lot of your joint pain could have been

attributed to fibromyalgia....a lot of the symptoms of HepC is the same as

chronic fatigue. In Canada, the Dr. gets paid $35 for a patient

visit....therefore, they rush you in and rush you out. The more patients he

sees in an hour, the more he gets paid. You can see the roller-coaster here.

Take care


cher_002@... wrote:

> Hi- Just had to comment on this joint pain thing. 4 yrs ago almost to

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Has your boyfriend been treated for his Hep C? Is

suppose to be the least likely way is to pass

sexually, I have heard maybe with aberrant sex where

blood is there or something or lots of partners, not a

monogamous relationship.

I have Fibro and take 100mgs nitely of

Amitriptylimine generic Elavil. It helps


> hepC. Since my boyfriend has it....I thought I

> should rule that out too.



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Hi Connie

Yes, my boyfriend is being treated for HCV, at least his Doc is giving him a

bunch of tests....it is

relatively easy to pass on this virus....like sharing a straw for coke, using

the same toothbrush or

same piece of dental floss. We have been monogamous for the 4 and 1/2 years

we've been seeing each

other. I think he's had HCV for a long time...he does have a drug background.

I'm not 100% sure of

how I got it, but we have shared a toothbrush at a time when we both had

bleeding gums. STUPID.

I doubt I got it through sex though. Naomi Judd hasn't a clue of how she got it

either, and I

really doubt she used dirty needles. In the popular coke days, welllll, I am

guilty of sharing a

straw so that's a real possibility. Neither of us touch it anymore of course.

Another possibility

is I have had this since I was 18....a chilling thought. I am now 49 and shake

my head at some of

my behaviour in the past. I'm paying the price now though.

I am on effexor for depression....it interferes with my sleep somewhat but it

does the job good. I

take 3-4 a day, 37.5 mg each, two at bedtime which is supposed to help me sleep.

I've been taking

it for about 3 years but lately, the bedtime dose isn't helping me get to sleep

anymore. Maybe time

for a switch?


Constance Dickson wrote:

> Has your boyfriend been treated for his Hep C? Is

> suppose to be the least likely way is to pass

> sexually, I have heard maybe with aberrant sex where

> blood is there or something or lots of partners, not a

> monogamous relationship.

> I have Fibro and take 100mgs nitely of

> Amitriptylimine generic Elavil. It helps

> Connie


> > hepC. Since my boyfriend has it....I thought I

> > should rule that out too.

> >


> __________________________________________________


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See if your Doc will give you Elavil. It puts you in

phase four sleep where body has chance to heal itself.

before I never got past REM sleep. Sexually (I

checked it out seriously), because of my boyfriend who

tests negative to Hep C. It lists monogamous long

term relationships is not being seen to be infecting

partners. But Aberrant sex must mean S & M and cutting

stuff I don't know :-). It will be spread that way

because there is the blood factor there. Yes sharing

toothbrush, razors and things that is listed. And

doing stuff and getting retribution now for it is

wrong. Whatever way you got it,is all that matters is

you have it.

Smile, Don't get me Started on Naomi Judd. We just

let that sleeping dog lie. Good Luck, Connie


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Also meant to say I am Sorry for being bitchy. Had

bad day yesterday was b'day and spent it alone. No

Cards no nothing. Guess Kids and boyfriend all to

busy. I did get some flowers in a pic e-mailed to me

made my day. Made me smile.

Take Care, Connie


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--- Carol <csean@...> wrote:

Another possibility

> is I have had this since I was 18....a chilling

> thought. I am now 49 and shake my head at some of

> my behaviour in the past. I'm paying the price now

> though.

Weren't we ALL stupid at that age, when we thought we

knew everything? Everytime I want to strangle my 17 yo

I remind myself of how I was at that age.

Naomi Judd was an RN before she was a singer. She had

a needle stick injury, and assumes that is how she got

it. It's really pretty rare that ANYONE knows

positively how they got it, only educated guesses at

best. It's a difficult virus to pass, except in blood,

but in blood it is very contagious, much more so than

HIV. Also, it's not that uncommon that a couple who

both have it and assumes one got it from the other,

and it turns out to not be so, when genotyping shows

two different strains! And in the end, other than

trying to figure out how long you may have had it, it

really doesn't matter how anyone gets it.



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Well then, Happy Belated Birthday Connie. Hmmmm, I didn't think you were being


telling it the way it is. Hey girl, last Sunday was my birthday and I did have

company and went for

dinner but for some reason I was depressed as all get out Saturday night....me

thinks it comes with

getting older and not liking birthdays anymore...at least in my case. LOL.


ps. Smack the kids and poison the boyfriend....what da heck going on dere? No

excuse for not

celebrating with you :-{ Kids are insensitive and men are men!!

Constance Dickson wrote:

> Also meant to say I am Sorry for being bitchy. Had

> bad day yesterday was b'day and spent it alone. No

> Cards no nothing. Guess Kids and boyfriend all to

> busy. I did get some flowers in a pic e-mailed to me

> made my day. Made me smile.

> Take Care, Connie


> __________________________________________________


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LOL, Carol, I think I will stab them. Have some

knives made in Germany they be sharp. Personally I

don't want to touch them with me being the clutz I am.

LOL, cut thumb off or actually almost off was hanging

and bone still standing......I know all you heppers

enjoyed that sentence. LOL I guess it is partly the

age thing. But mostly how broke I am can't afford to

get script for Damn pain pills at drugstore they sit

there waiting for me. Cam't afford " chit " anymore

just look back and think what a waste. Worked in

Engineering for County Govt. was terminated when I got

sick can't prove it but know it is why. Insurance

covered my bills from the Burns. It cost them about

$1.5 million in 91. They were trying to be self

insured when I was terminated. Lost my home that I

had for damn can't think well I bought it in 77. Have

lost everything. But I can not get medicaid or any

help like with Diabetes and the Health department. My

dis ability is $158 over the guidelines. Feel like

saying take the $158 and give me Medicaid. Scripts

run close to that. Dr's visits are another $65.

Sucks doesn't it. And I not the only one that has

that happen, lots of us of us out here. I would like

to tell Doc Thank You and that we be lost without him.

Claudine is now finding and referring stuff, gives

him a break. Like to Thank her too....Take Care,



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Ya know back when I was gainfully employed I could do

most anything I wanted, can't do that now. I actually

do nothing but go for walks and stuff and read, I have

always loved reading. Is a hard row to hoe getting

use to it wonder if I ever will. Big change in short

time. I did not handle it well I broke down during

termination hearing. Scheduled it on my B'day just to

get the knife in again with a little twist.


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Yes, Claudine...in the end it doesn't really matter how we got

it...the sad fact is that we have it and have to deal with it the best

we can. Goes to show that not everything in the 60s and 70s was fun,

although I do miss the feeling that Woodstock invoked...and sad that

it can never happen again...too much violence and rape...it makes me

very sad. At least we had that...and I'll never forget that or regret




claudine intexas wrote:


> --- Carol <csean@...> wrote:

> Another possibility

> > is I have had this since I was 18....a chilling

> > thought. I am now 49 and shake my head at some of

> > my behaviour in the past. I'm paying the price now

> > though.


> Weren't we ALL stupid at that age, when we thought we

> knew everything? Everytime I want to strangle my 17 yo

> I remind myself of how I was at that age.


> Naomi Judd was an RN before she was a singer. She had

> a needle stick injury, and assumes that is how she got

> it. It's really pretty rare that ANYONE knows

> positively how they got it, only educated guesses at

> best. It's a difficult virus to pass, except in blood,

> but in blood it is very contagious, much more so than

> HIV. Also, it's not that uncommon that a couple who

> both have it and assumes one got it from the other,

> and it turns out to not be so, when genotyping shows

> two different strains! And in the end, other than

> trying to figure out how long you may have had it, it

> really doesn't matter how anyone gets it.

> Claudine


> __________________________________________________


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LOL Connie....Hey I know all about the clutz stuff. No one lets me

near anything sharp...that's ok, I get a break most of the time from

cooking. Sometimes I think I " deliberately " am a clutz? Hmmmmmm.

So sorry about everything you lost Connie. It's a real bummer doing

this all while broke...same thing here. But I already lost almost

everything before HCV due to a nasty divorce. Bought a house when the

real estate market was diving...lost that to foreclosure when ex

refused to pay what the court ordered. ARGGGGG. Thank God I don't

have to pay for medical or scripts...the anti-depressants alone are

$120 a month. Ouch having to pay for them. I get a lot of other

scripts too...so it all adds up.

Errrrr...try and stay away from knives my dear...cutting off finger no

fun, especially if you did the middle finger LOL. (my preferred way

of communicating).

Hang in Connie



Constance Dickson wrote:


> LOL, Carol, I think I will stab them. Have some

> knives made in Germany they be sharp. Personally I

> don't want to touch them with me being the clutz I am.

> LOL, cut thumb off or actually almost off was hanging

> and bone still standing......I know all you heppers

> enjoyed that sentence. LOL I guess it is partly the

> age thing. But mostly how broke I am can't afford to

> get script for Damn pain pills at drugstore they sit

> there waiting for me. Cam't afford " chit " anymore

> just look back and think what a waste. Worked in

> Engineering for County Govt. was terminated when I got

> sick can't prove it but know it is why. Insurance

> covered my bills from the Burns. It cost them about

> $1.5 million in 91. They were trying to be self

> insured when I was terminated. Lost my home that I

> had for damn can't think well I bought it in 77. Have

> lost everything. But I can not get medicaid or any

> help like with Diabetes and the Health department. My

> dis ability is $158 over the guidelines. Feel like

> saying take the $158 and give me Medicaid. Scripts

> run close to that. Dr's visits are another $65.

> Sucks doesn't it. And I not the only one that has

> that happen, lots of us of us out here. I would like

> to tell Doc Thank You and that we be lost without him.

> Claudine is now finding and referring stuff, gives

> him a break. Like to Thank her too....Take Care,

> Connie


> __________________________________________________


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  • 6 months later...
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I have lupus and autoimmune hepititis and im not sure were your pain is comming fromthe dr said i can have joint pain from any autoimmune disorder since i have complications from the lupus (vasculitis) i guess i would have alot of pain anyway. hope this helps homeatrl <homeatrl@...> wrote: Hi all,to those of you who have experienced joint pain from AIH...is it a "dull ache" (that can be pretty painful), or a sharper, burning pain? Does it affect only a couple of joints at a time, or do they all ache at the same time? Do you take any meds for the joint pain? What kind? I've been thinking that all this joint pain was lupus related, but it finally dawned on my fuzzy little brain that it's different than the pain I usually get. So I was wondering if it's from the AIH? Thanks so much. Laurie

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Good luck on your withdrawl! Hang in there!


[ ] Joint Pain

Hi all

When I was diagnosed one of my overriding symptoms was very bad

joint pain, especially in my fingers, ankles and knees, so bad that

I could hardly walk or hold a can opener. As soon as I started Pred,

the joint pain went. But about a year after I began to get joint

pain in my hands and fingers again, it was slightly different than

before but I thought it was a symptom and was getting a flare up. I

was wrong as all my blood tests since have been fine. My doc told me

that some people get un-accountable and unexplainable arthiritic

like joint pain when there pred is reduced, and that is what I was

experiencing. I still get bouts of it, and am at the moment

suffering from it, but am not worried as again my bloods have come

back normal.

Hope thats helped anyone with questions about joint pain?

Just to let you all know, My pred is being reduced by 1mg per month

for the next 3 months!! I was on 5mg yesterday and am now on 4mg!

Its very exciting though I am apprehensive that I might get a flare

up :0I ( I'm still in cellcept and not imuran though). I really hope

it all goes ok, as I really want to get back to looking like myself


Best wishes to all, and hello to all the new members!

( age 22, AIH DX Aug 2000, London UK)

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weyhey to the pred reduction!great news =) know it's easy for me to say but

try not to worry,tink LESS PILLS!! *YAY*


Amber 20 New Zealand dx '94

>From: " ticklemelui " <ticklemelui@...>



>Subject: [ ] Joint Pain

>Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 00:04:55 -0000


>Hi all


>When I was diagnosed one of my overriding symptoms was very bad

>joint pain, especially in my fingers, ankles and knees, so bad that

>I could hardly walk or hold a can opener. As soon as I started Pred,

>the joint pain went. But about a year after I began to get joint

>pain in my hands and fingers again, it was slightly different than

>before but I thought it was a symptom and was getting a flare up. I

>was wrong as all my blood tests since have been fine. My doc told me

>that some people get un-accountable and unexplainable arthiritic

>like joint pain when there pred is reduced, and that is what I was

>experiencing. I still get bouts of it, and am at the moment

>suffering from it, but am not worried as again my bloods have come

>back normal.


>Hope thats helped anyone with questions about joint pain?


>Just to let you all know, My pred is being reduced by 1mg per month

>for the next 3 months!! I was on 5mg yesterday and am now on 4mg!

>Its very exciting though I am apprehensive that I might get a flare

>up :0I ( I'm still in cellcept and not imuran though). I really hope

>it all goes ok, as I really want to get back to looking like myself



>Best wishes to all, and hello to all the new members!


> ( age 22, AIH DX Aug 2000, London UK)



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Hi Laurie,

Sorry to hear about your joint pains. I also have experienced joint paints for a long time. I used to think this was aih related (or the possibility of another great discomfort; lupus perhaps) but now that I stopped taking the Immuran I am wondering. I now use 6-MP instead of Immuran with 10mg Prednison. Usually my wrists, elbows, knees, ankels hurt; sometimes real bad, but not all the time and also not always together. But when I switched to 6-MP this all stopped. Amazing! I started on 50 mg but this was apparently a bit too much. My lower back started acking, a terrible rash and extreme hair loss. I now use 25 mg 6mp and the back pain is a lot better, my hair doesn't fall out so rapidly, i still have the rash (some things make it worse but i can't figure out what, mayby someone here has a solution or little aid for the rash) but the overall feeling is that i am less tired and don't have joint paints. I now believe that most of the problems were druginduced. Sometimes I have to wonder if meds aren't worse than the illness...

Perhaps you can ask your doctor what he thinks.

Good luck and take care

Loes The Netherlands

[ ] joint pain

Hi all,to those of you who have experienced joint pain from AIH...is it a "dull ache" (that can be pretty painful), or a sharper, burning pain? Does it affect only a couple of joints at a time, or do they all ache at the same time? Do you take any meds for the joint pain? What kind? I've been thinking that all this joint pain was lupus related, but it finally dawned on my fuzzy little brain that it's different than the pain I usually get. So I was wondering if it's from the AIH? Thanks so much. Laurie

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6MP is another med for AIH. It was originally used for treatment of leukemia. But they found it works with AIH. I was on that to begin with, but my new doctor liked Imuran better and put me on that. Then I got too sick and she put me on cellcept. I am doing better than I was a few weeks ago, but it still makes me sick. SHe wants me to keep on for another month so I am granting her wish! Maybe I can get over the sickness by taking it longer.....at least I am willing to try it!


Re: [ ] joint pain

what is 6mp? i also have been expeiencing severe joint pain and thay took me off the imuran i am now taking 40mg predbrenda W.Va. usa

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>Thanks Loes, I agree about the meds being bad. I guess I'm just

trying to figure out where it's coming from before my next appt. I'll

just tell them all, and let them fight it out...lol. I've had a rash

on my back, too. Haven't figured it out, either. The wonders of the

AI system, and the meds that go along with it. Laurie

Hi Laurie,


> Sorry to hear about your joint pains. I also have experienced joint

paints for a long time. I used to think this was aih related (or the

possibility of another great discomfort; lupus perhaps) but now that

I stopped taking the Immuran I am wondering. I now use 6-MP instead

of Immuran with 10mg Prednison. Usually my wrists, elbows, knees,

ankels hurt; sometimes real bad, but not all the time and also not

always together. But when I switched to 6-MP this all stopped.

Amazing! I started on 50 mg but this was apparently a bit too much.

My lower back started acking, a terrible rash and extreme hair loss.

I now use 25 mg 6mp and the back pain is a lot better, my hair

doesn't fall out so rapidly, i still have the rash (some things make

it worse but i can't figure out what, mayby someone here has a

solution or little aid for the rash) but the overall feeling is that

i am less tired and don't have joint paints. I now believe that most

of the problems were druginduced. Sometimes I have to wonder if meds

aren't worse than the illness...


> Perhaps you can ask your doctor what he thinks.

> Good luck and take care

> Loes The Netherlands

> [ ] joint pain



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Have you had an x-ray of your hips? One of the side effects of increased

long term prednisone use is avascular necrosis of the hip. I have had a bone

density and it shows definite bone loss in both hips, Right greater than

left. Just something to ask your doctor about. It may just be the normal

joint aches we all have but it is worth mentioning to your Doctor.

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I have suffered for years with lower lumbar, hip,knee and shoulder pain. I went to an orthapedist and have been dx with chronic lumbar sprain, S.I. joint and deterioration of muscle and bone. some of this is because of meds and some thay say because of the aih.


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6mp is also called puri-nethol or marcaptopurine. Usually used for leukemia. But sometimes also used to supress the immune system. I know some others with aih use this as well in combination with prednison when there is an intolerance for immuran. I have also heard stories about cellcept (relatively new drug).

Re: [ ] joint pain

what is 6mp? i also have been expeiencing severe joint pain and thay took me off the imuran i am now taking 40mg predbrenda W.Va. usa

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If I do find something for the rash I will surely let you know! Summer is coming up here in Holland and showing a back full of nasty itching rash is not my way of enjoying the summer.

Take good care


[ ] joint pain> >

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I read the posts every day and don't reply often, but

felt I had to respond to the joint pain issue.

All of my joints have been hurting for several weeks.

I don't know if it is because the Spring rains and

changes in high/low pressure or what. I just know it

hurts to move. I still work everyday, but when I'm

home I don't move around much. I don't feel

comfortable taking Tylenol or aspirin, so I just keep

thinking all of this will pass soon.

Hepatitis 10-92 AIH diagnosed 3-94.

--- wrote:


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> Hi! I am wondering if you have Hepatitis C with AIH. That is my diagnosis,

and I am very anxious to talk to someone with a similar diagnosis.


DX HepC 5/00 AIH 6/01

> From: Judy Christiansen <judy101943jd@...>

> Date: 2002/04/16 Tue PM 04:01:51 EDT


> Subject: [ ] Re: Joint Pain


> I read the posts every day and don't reply often, but

> felt I had to respond to the joint pain issue.


> All of my joints have been hurting for several weeks.

> I don't know if it is because the Spring rains and

> changes in high/low pressure or what. I just know it

> hurts to move. I still work everyday, but when I'm

> home I don't move around much. I don't feel

> comfortable taking Tylenol or aspirin, so I just keep

> thinking all of this will pass soon.


> Hepatitis 10-92 AIH diagnosed 3-94.




> --- wrote:

> >

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