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In a message dated 2/2/02 6:43:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, pcmcobb@... writes:

Debby, PLEASE do not ignore the heart palpitations. It may well be nothing. Then again, it could be something that needs to be treated. Take it from me, ignoring cardiac symptoms is dangerous. If your doctor laughs, then you need to find someone who will listen. I am concerned about you. Carol

I agree. Also, you may think they're laughing, when they're not.


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Debby, PLEASE do not ignore the heart palpitations. It may well be

nothing. Then again, it could be something that needs to be treated.

Take it from me, ignoring cardiac symptoms is dangerous. If your

doctor laughs, then you need to find someone who will listen. I am

concerned about you. Carol

tdcc wrote:

Sherry, I feel stiff in the

AM until I get my meds in me and my coffee and then I can move more freely!

But I do have pains in my legs or rather, just my right shin. Sometimes

it is so painful that I can hardly move! Anyway, I just chalk it

up to the normal stuff of this disease. Another thing that I was

having was that when I was trying to sleep, I would lie on my side and

then my heart would thump badly! It would thump very quickly...like

it was trying to jumprope. Eventually it stopped, but I thought I

would go nuts that night! It happens every so often...more often

than I would like it to happen, but that is they way I am, and to go to

the doctor after the fact....well....I have been laughed at so much by

doctors that I just won't even bother them with this part.debby

[ ] dde8002000

LiverSupport group@... Help

Hi! I need

a little help . Do any of you feel bad in the mor??? I get up feeling like

I have the flue!!!!! If my blood count is OK now what is my promble???

I try to tell my self it is in my head, but I don't think so. My legs hurt

, nausea the works!!! I have to take meds them in couple of hours I start

to move again, I just get so tried.My family just expect me to just get

going!!! Then some times at nite, well I can be on here boom I am sick

at my stomack.So much for being OK. Hugs Sherry IS THIS IN

MY HEAD!!!!????

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Carol, thank you for your concern. I have seriously thought of talking to the doctor, but when it happens, I am just too worn out or it is late at night and just can't drive when it is happening. So, I just wait it out. I guess I should talk to her the next time I see her...just seems stupid when it happens just occasionally.


[ ] dde8002000 LiverSupport group@... Help Hi! I need a little help . Do any of you feel bad in the mor??? I get up feeling like I have the flue!!!!! If my blood count is OK now what is my promble??? I try to tell my self it is in my head, but I don't think so. My legs hurt , nausea the works!!! I have to take meds them in couple of hours I start to move again, I just get so tried.My family just expect me to just get going!!! Then some times at nite, well I can be on here boom I am sick at my stomack.So much for being OK. Hugs Sherry IS THIS IN MY HEAD!!!!????

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In a message dated 2/2/02 10:52:58 PM Pacific Standard Time, tdcc2000@... writes:

Carol, thank you for your concern. I have seriously thought of talking to the doctor, but when it happens, I am just too worn out or it is late at night and just can't drive when it is happening. So, I just wait it out. I guess I should talk to her the next time I see her...just seems stupid when it happens just occasionally.


You must. Call when it isn't happening, if that's the best you can do. She may tell you that it's nothing -- heartburn, perhaps, and then you'll have it off your mind and treat to avoid future problems.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm looking foward to the kind of temperature you have. We were minus 20 C. this week... really really cold......going through my bones....

I can close my eyes and imagine you in the pool....LOL,LOL - Enjoy !

Take care and please try to stay away of the "bugs" running around.

Hugs from Canada

tdcc <tdcc2000@...> wrote:

WHOA!!!! That is a MAJOR change is weather! We have had delightful weather here in Calif. Tomorrow, I even thought of going outside and pulling the weeds around the pool. The temp was about 65 today. Hope it is like that tomorrow. Have not looked at the forceast. Just know that as long as we have a High over us, the winds in LA will keep blowing, so I know they are wishing for a change of weather.

I will keep bundled up if it gets cold, but not much chance here! I know there is a bad bug going around and I did have my flu shot, but I think a lot of my illness has been from going in and out of the hosptial! ALso, my kids at school have been coughing and sneezing all over me....so it IS good that the doctor told me to stay home...The one bad thing, though, is that I have no more sick leave, but my hubby is wonderful and is not worried!

Thanks for the encouragement!


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Welllllll......it is NOT quite pool time, but at least I am cleaning the weeds from around the pool area. One day this summer, I will enjoy the warmth! One of these days, I think we will fill up the dang thing and make a huge garden out of it! Pools ARE nice....BUT.........


Re: [ ] Debby

Debby, I'm looking foward to the kind of temperature you have. We were minus 20 C. this week... really really cold......going through my bones.... I can close my eyes and imagine you in the pool....LOL,LOL - Enjoy ! Take care and please try to stay away of the "bugs" running around. Hugs from Canada tdcc <tdcc2000@...> wrote:

WHOA!!!! That is a MAJOR change is weather! We have had delightful weather here in Calif. Tomorrow, I even thought of going outside and pulling the weeds around the pool. The temp was about 65 today. Hope it is like that tomorrow. Have not looked at the forceast. Just know that as long as we have a High over us, the winds in LA will keep blowing, so I know they are wishing for a change of weather.

I will keep bundled up if it gets cold, but not much chance here! I know there is a bad bug going around and I did have my flu shot, but I think a lot of my illness has been from going in and out of the hosptial! ALso, my kids at school have been coughing and sneezing all over me....so it IS good that the doctor told me to stay home...The one bad thing, though, is that I have no more sick leave, but my hubby is wonderful and is not worried!

Thanks for the encouragement!


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Debby, communication is always the key. Sometimes I am

totally inept. I have read your post about the gastroscopy and colonoscopy.

Please make it clear to your doctor that you want to be totally unaware.

I have had more of these than I care to recall and there is absolutely

no reason for you to hurt or be uncomfortable. The worst part is

the prep. Once you have one of these procedures performed by a competent

physician, you will never fear them again. Remember, you need to

take care of yourself. Sometimes that includes being subjected to

routine diagnostic testing that we would rather not experience.

I am glad that you followed your doctor's advice and stayed home this

week. I do hope that you are improving. Take care. Carol

tdcc wrote:


Carol! That is totally awesome how you get his attention! I

am going to have to do that one of these days....tell them that we won't

be rushed....I remember the last time I saw my doctor....she started explaining

in medical terms...I asked, "And what does that mean in English?"

She smiled and explained it to me. She is great.debby

Re: [ ] Carol...

Yes, I am very fortunate to have this great man as part of my medical

care team. I worry about what I will do when he retires. Since

he is 58, I do not have too many years to count on him. (of course,

I realize none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. I lost my OB/GYN

when he was killed in a boating accident. So tragic.) And we have

had our disagreements over the years. Once he walked in my hospital

room and commented that it looked like a funeral home with all the flowers.

Not only was it the comment but the tone with which he said it that upset

me. I totally lost my composure and started yelling at him.

I told him he could "get to hell out of my room". We exchanged verbal

insults for a few minutes and he walked out. Right after he left,

one of the nurses came and asked if I was OK. Then she informed me

that everyone on the floor had heard us yelling at each other. I

was still too furious to be embarrassed. Later, he came back in and

apologized. He told me that he was extremely worried about me and

found it very hard to deal with "a super intelligent female who asked tons

of questions for which he had no answers". I told him that I didn't

expect him to know it all. No one does. That I had great confidence

in his ability and as long as he realized he did not have all the answers,

I was sure we could continue to work together to seek opinions from other

sources. Neither one of us has ever forgotten that. Occasionally,

I feel he hasn't really "heard" me. I stop and tell him that he may

be listening but he isn't hearing. That always gets his attention.

Not too long ago, he was evidently having a very rushed day.

I had waited over 2 hours to see him. I had my usual

long list and he told me to "get on with it". I looked right at him

and told him I had waited over 2 hours to see him and I wasn't about to

be rushed. His demeanor immediately changed to the usual caring and

concern he normally displayed. He is human and I have to remind myself

of that. Nevertheless, I truly dread the day he retires.

My main hope is that we will retire in the same area. Currently,

he and his wife have a condo (2nd home) in the same area in which we have

a small 2nd home. We have even gone sailing together when there at

the same time. Only time will tell. So far, I have been blessed

to have great physicians. Sorry, I have rambled on so long, Luanne.

BTW have you received any of Ty's test results yet? Take care.


BBNLU@... wrote:



Just wanted you to know that

you are very lucky to have such a caring doctor...looking out for you and

knowing when you need to see someone who will be able to help you...instead

of just ignoring what is unknown to him or her....

Best to you

Luanne Ty's mom

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Thank you Carol for your encouragement. Indeed, from what I have been told, it is important to have a competent doctor do the tests. The one I had before I thought was competent. Actually, he is a very kind an gentle man. His stepdaughter died by suicide about two days after our son was killed, so I thought that since he knew of our son, that he would have taken more care.

However, I DO understand his concern, for truly it would not have been good for him to give me more sedation than he already had. However, he did not take into consideration that I was hyperventilating and frightened. I am sure he was frightened too, and wanted to procedure to be over. Doctors must ere on the side of extreme caution nowadays. Unfortunately, I was the one who did not respond properly to the meds.

I think that most dosages are dealt on the weight, and since I am NOT exactly little, I don't think the doses were correct. Just my guessing...I don't know. I never went back to him for the results out of terror. I had them send the results to me so that I could go to another doctor. Again, that was my fault for not talking with him later other than at the hospital.

If I do not gather enough courage to have this done, then I am the loser. Yes, the prep DOES bother me. In fact, I was supposed to have the procedure (lower GI) several years ago and began the prep, but chickened out the day before. So, from what I remember, the prep is basically eating nothing for about 3 days. I can do that...not happily, but I have done it before, and I can do it again. The one thing that I don't know about is the pills....some of them I cannot do without...ie the pred and cellcept.....guess I will discuss that with the doctor.

Thanks for listening....debby

Re: [ ] Carol... Yes, I am very fortunate to have this great man as part of my medical care team. I worry about what I will do when he retires. Since he is 58, I do not have too many years to count on him. (of course, I realize none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. I lost my OB/GYN when he was killed in a boating accident. So tragic.) And we have had our disagreements over the years. Once he walked in my hospital room and commented that it looked like a funeral home with all the flowers. Not only was it the comment but the tone with which he said it that upset me. I totally lost my composure and started yelling at him. I told him he could "get to hell out of my room". We exchanged verbal insults for a few minutes and he walked out. Right after he left, one of the nurses came and asked if I was OK. Then she informed me that everyone on the floor had heard us yelling at each other. I was still too furious to be embarrassed. Later, he came back in and apologized. He told me that he was extremely worried about me and found it very hard to deal with "a super intelligent female who asked tons of questions for which he had no answers". I told him that I didn't expect him to know it all. No one does. That I had great confidence in his ability and as long as he realized he did not have all the answers, I was sure we could continue to work together to seek opinions from other sources. Neither one of us has ever forgotten that. Occasionally, I feel he hasn't really "heard" me. I stop and tell him that he may be listening but he isn't hearing. That always gets his attention. Not too long ago, he was evidently having a very rushed day. I had waited over 2 hours to see him. I had my usual long list and he told me to "get on with it". I looked right at him and told him I had waited over 2 hours to see him and I wasn't about to be rushed. His demeanor immediately changed to the usual caring and concern he normally displayed. He is human and I have to remind myself of that. Nevertheless, I truly dread the day he retires. My main hope is that we will retire in the same area. Currently, he and his wife have a condo (2nd home) in the same area in which we have a small 2nd home. We have even gone sailing together when there at the same time. Only time will tell. So far, I have been blessed to have great physicians. Sorry, I have rambled on so long, Luanne. BTW have you received any of Ty's test results yet? Take care. Carol BBNLU@... wrote: Hi again..... Just wanted you to know that you are very lucky to have such a caring doctor...looking out for you and knowing when you need to see someone who will be able to help you...instead of just ignoring what is unknown to him or her.... Best to you Luanne Ty's mom

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Debby, what I'm about to write isn't directly related to our group, but you may find a shred of information you can use to help your situation.

On the two flights I've taken since Sep 11, I dressed very simply (few pockets, small earrings and watch and no other metal, and only medicine, book, emergency candybar,and sweater in my carryon), and I had first class tickets. I'm a very ordinary-looking, WASPish, pale, middle-class woman in her late 50's. Going out and returning, I was pulled out of the line for a special body search, conducted by a woman. The searches were extremely thorough, with every inch of my body checked except for the soles of my feet, but it isn't logical for me to mind -- it took only a few minutes, it was necessary, and it wasn't going to hurt me. However, it took all my willpower to keep from physically lashing out at the searcher or fainting. I hated, hated, hated being under someone else's control without my consent. I can handle medical and dental procedures with no difficulty at all -- because I have given my full consent! I even can go to sleep in the dentist's chair, because I'm the one who decided I should be there.

Also, those brief experiences in the airport gave me some little insight into what people all over the world, every day, must endure in truly serious situations.


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Debby, I am always glad to listen. Most of us have faced something

that we felt frightened and intimidated about. When I had to have

my first heart cath, I had been through many other surgeries that were

more serious and much more invasive. It was just the thought that

someone was actually going to be doing something to my heart and I would

not be unconscious for it. My dear cardiologist came in and sat with

us and told us what to expect. My husband looked at me and said I

looked like I was scared to death. I said that I was and was seriously

considering getting up and leaving. They were astonished that with

all I had been through that I would feel that way. The cardiologist

came over and picked up my hand and held it and told me that he would take

care of me and explain to me exactly what was happening along the way.

He also encouraged me to be sure and take my glasses in case I needed them

to see the screen. It went very smoothly and I was prepared for what

to expect. It was also helpful to me to watch the cath being done

and having the procedure explained. That was an easy experience.

I was not frightened about having a 2nd heart cath done 4 years later.

Unfortunately, it was performed under an emergency situation and

it did not go as smoothly and I had post-op complications.

My point is that often what we are afraid of turns out to be nothing.

I am sure that you will be able to gather enough courage to carry through

with your procedures. I will pray for you to go through these tests

and that afterward you will understand that the prep is truly the most

difficult part. Take care. Carol

tdcc wrote:


you Carol for your encouragement. Indeed, from what I have been told,

it is important to have a competent doctor do the tests. The one

I had before I thought was competent. Actually, he is a very kind

an gentle man. His stepdaughter died by suicide about two days after

our son was killed, so I thought that since he knew of our son, that he

would have taken more care. However,

I DO understand his concern, for truly it would not have been good for

him to give me more sedation than he already had. However, he did

not take into consideration that I was hyperventilating and frightened.

I am sure he was frightened too, and wanted to procedure to be over.

Doctors must ere on the side of extreme caution nowadays. Unfortunately,

I was the one who did not respond properly to the meds. I

think that most dosages are dealt on the weight, and since I am NOT exactly

little, I don't think the doses were correct. Just my guessing...I

don't know. I never went back to him for the results out of terror.

I had them send the results to me so that I could go to another doctor.

Again, that was my fault for not talking with him later other than at the

hospital. If

I do not gather enough courage to have this done, then I am the loser.

Yes, the prep DOES bother me. In fact, I was supposed to have the

procedure (lower GI) several years ago and began the prep, but chickened

out the day before. So, from what I remember, the prep is basically

eating nothing for about 3 days. I can do that...not happily, but

I have done it before, and I can do it again. The one thing that

I don't know about is the pills....some of them I cannot do without...ie

the pred and cellcept.....guess I will discuss that with the doctor. Thanks

for listening....debby

Re: [ ] Carol...

Yes, I am very fortunate to have this great man as part of my medical

care team. I worry about what I will do when he retires. Since

he is 58, I do not have too many years to count on him. (of course,

I realize none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. I lost my OB/GYN

when he was killed in a boating accident. So tragic.) And we have

had our disagreements over the years. Once he walked in my hospital

room and commented that it looked like a funeral home with all the flowers.

Not only was it the comment but the tone with which he said it that upset

me. I totally lost my composure and started yelling at him.

I told him he could "get to hell out of my room". We exchanged verbal

insults for a few minutes and he walked out. Right after he left,

one of the nurses came and asked if I was OK. Then she informed me

that everyone on the floor had heard us yelling at each other. I

was still too furious to be embarrassed. Later, he came back in and

apologized. He told me that he was extremely worried about me and

found it very hard to deal with "a super intelligent female who asked tons

of questions for which he had no answers". I told him that I didn't

expect him to know it all. No one does. That I had great confidence

in his ability and as long as he realized he did not have all the answers,

I was sure we could continue to work together to seek opinions from other

sources. Neither one of us has ever forgotten that. Occasionally,

I feel he hasn't really "heard" me. I stop and tell him that he may

be listening but he isn't hearing. That always gets his attention.

Not too long ago, he was evidently having a very rushed day.

I had waited over 2 hours to see him. I had my usual

long list and he told me to "get on with it". I looked right at him

and told him I had waited over 2 hours to see him and I wasn't about to

be rushed. His demeanor immediately changed to the usual caring and

concern he normally displayed. He is human and I have to remind myself

of that. Nevertheless, I truly dread the day he retires.

My main hope is that we will retire in the same area. Currently,

he and his wife have a condo (2nd home) in the same area in which we have

a small 2nd home. We have even gone sailing together when there at

the same time. Only time will tell. So far, I have been blessed

to have great physicians. Sorry, I have rambled on so long, Luanne.

BTW have you received any of Ty's test results yet? Take care.


BBNLU@... wrote:



Just wanted you to know that

you are very lucky to have such a caring doctor...looking out for you and

knowing when you need to see someone who will be able to help you...instead

of just ignoring what is unknown to him or her....

Best to you

Luanne Ty's mom

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Debby ....

know that all my thoughts are with you at this time...make sure you say everything that needs to be said...

When my dad pasted...many yrs ago...It was incredibly sad and very tough....but the one thing that I know helped me more than anything...was that I talked to him all the time...and never forgot to say how much I loved him....

it has almost been 20 yrs...the pain of him not being here seeing his grandchildren is still there...but I tend to remember the other things about him...not when he was so sick...I even remember when I was a teen and used to get mad at his strickness....no talking back to him...never...

so say I love you over and over...

Luanne Ty's mom

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Hi Debby,

I have had you on my mind. Are you feeling better? What

is the latest update on your mom? Wishing you well.


tdcc wrote:


we were in Bozeman this summer. Some of our friends live there. They

have kids in school too...don't know which one though...debby

Re: [ ] ......

In a message dated 2/26/2002

8:06:51 AM Central Standard Time, joangardaclaffey@...



am so glad you are able to get back to what you

love. The theatre

is a wonderful place to be.

Are you a student, teacher

or performer?

I guess you can say I am

all of the above. I teach theatre at Bozeman High in Bozeman Montana.

I run a rigorous program and train students for professional theatre.

Many of my students are working in theatre now in various parts of the

country. I am currently auditioning Dancing at Lughnasa and will

be directing. After all I have been through, it is so nice to be

in a theatre again. I did get an offer last night to direct a show

in Atlanta. WIsh me luck!!!


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Carol.....she is not well. She has only a few days left. Yesterday, she was pretty good. The doctor started her on Navalbine, another chemo to go with the Herceptin. However, today, she has a major infection. Her WBC is 20...even when she had MRSA and septicemia, she only went to 16. Today, though, it is not good. Also, her BUN and creatine are up. She had her catheter out for a couple of hours, but was incontinent so they had to put it back in. Once they did, there was no urine output at all. Even I know that the stents are not working right, and she has limited time left. I am crushed...trying to work and go to the hospital and at home too.....I am totally a basket case. I am no good at work. All I do is cry. I try to be brave at the hospital, but it is really hard.

My brother said the doctor told her this AM that he would keep her comfortable. We don't think he will continue the treatment any longer...although, today they DID run the herceptin. I think they are giving it one last stab, but I wish they would just let her go. We gave them her living will, so maybe they will stop.

Mom told me today that she wished they would just let her go. The good thing is that she is NOT in pain. We are grateful for that. Her biggest fear was that she would be in horrible pain, and she didn't want that at all;

Thanks for asking......debby

Re: [ ] ...... In a message dated 2/26/2002 8:06:51 AM Central Standard Time, joangardaclaffey@... writes: I am so glad you are able to get back to what you love. The theatre is a wonderful place to be. Are you a student, teacher or performer? I guess you can say I am all of the above. I teach theatre at Bozeman High in Bozeman Montana. I run a rigorous program and train students for professional theatre. Many of my students are working in theatre now in various parts of the country. I am currently auditioning Dancing at Lughnasa and will be directing. After all I have been through, it is so nice to be in a theatre again. I did get an offer last night to direct a show in Atlanta. WIsh me luck!!! Thanks

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I knew that her time was limited. I know how hard it is to see

your mom like this. My mother did decide to discontinue her chemo

and radiation because she had "had enough" and did not want to go on like

that. It was very difficult for me to accept. Looking back,

I know she made the right decision not to prolong her suffering. I am glad

to hear that your mom is not in great pain. We made sure that my

mom had proper pain relieving medications. I administered the meds

and gave injections for pain to both my mom and my father-in-law in their

last days. One of the best things is a patch. I can't recall but

I think it was a morphine patch.

Please keep us informed. You and your family are in my prayers.


tdcc wrote:


is not well. She has only a few days left. Yesterday, she was

pretty good. The doctor started her on Navalbine, another chemo to

go with the Herceptin. However, today, she has a major infection.

Her WBC is 20...even when she had MRSA and septicemia, she only went to

16. Today, though, it is not good. Also, her BUN and creatine

are up. She had her catheter out for a couple of hours, but was incontinent

so they had to put it back in. Once they did, there was no urine

output at all. Even I know that the stents are not working right,

and she has limited time left. I am crushed...trying to work and

go to the hospital and at home too.....I am totally a basket case.

I am no good at work. All I do is cry. I try to be brave at

the hospital, but it is really hard. My

brother said the doctor told her this AM that he would keep her comfortable.

We don't think he will continue the treatment any longer...although, today

they DID run the herceptin. I think they are giving it one last stab,

but I wish they would just let her go. We gave them her living will,

so maybe they will stop. Mom

told me today that she wished they would just let her go. The good

thing is that she is NOT in pain. We are grateful for that.

Her biggest fear was that she would be in horrible pain, and she didn't

want that at all; Thanks

for asking......debby

Re: [ ] ......

In a message dated 2/26/2002

8:06:51 AM Central Standard Time, joangardaclaffey@...



am so glad you are able to get back to what you

love. The theatre

is a wonderful place to be.

Are you a student, teacher

or performer?

I guess you can say I am

all of the above. I teach theatre at Bozeman High in Bozeman Montana.

I run a rigorous program and train students for professional theatre.

Many of my students are working in theatre now in various parts of the

country. I am currently auditioning Dancing at Lughnasa and will

be directing. After all I have been through, it is so nice to be

in a theatre again. I did get an offer last night to direct a show

in Atlanta. WIsh me luck!!!


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You are really going through such a difficult time. I am glad the

doctor's concern right now is keeping your mom as comfortable as

possible and not trying to push for more treatment, especially since

she has told you she has had enough.

It is so very hard to do what you are doing... still working,

maintining home and trying to be at the hospital...and dealing with

your own health issues too. I remember how difficult it was for me

with my mom a few years ago..and I didnt have AIH then..I admire you

so much for all you are doing.

I am keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.



> , we were in Bozeman this summer. Some of our friends

live there. They have kids in school too...don't know which one


> Re: [ ] ......

> In a message dated 2/26/2002 8:06:51 AM Central Standard

Time, joangardaclaffey@y... writes:


> I am so glad you are able to get back to what you

> love. The theatre is a wonderful place to be.

> Are you a student, teacher or performer?


> I guess you can say I am all of the above. I teach theatre at

Bozeman High in Bozeman Montana. I run a rigorous program and train

students for professional theatre. Many of my students are working in

theatre now in various parts of the country. I am currently

auditioning Dancing at Lughnasa and will be directing. After all I

have been through, it is so nice to be in a theatre again. I did get

an offer last night to direct a show in Atlanta. WIsh me luck!!!


> Thanks





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Debby. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I can sympathize with you. I lost my mom almost 4 years ago. It was sudden and we didn't have a chance to say good by so make each day special that you have with her. You and your family are all in my prayers. Ann CT Re: [ ] ......> In a message dated 2/26/2002 8:06:51 AM Central StandardTime, joangardaclaffey@y... writes:>> I am so glad you are able to get back to what you> love. The theatre is a wonderful place to be.> Are you a student, teacher or performer?>> I guess you can say I am all of the above. I teach theatre atBozeman High in Bozeman Montana. I run a rigorous program and trainstudents for professional theatre. Many of my students are working intheatre now in various parts of the country. I am currentlyauditioning Dancing at Lughnasa and will be directing. After all Ihave been through, it is so nice to be in a theatre again. I did getan offer last night to direct a show in Atlanta. WIsh me luck!!!>> Thanks>> >>

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Debby, great news about your lab results.

I keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.


tdcc wrote:


want to thank you so very much for all of your kindnesses, prayers and

support you have given me through Mom's illness. Mom is still with

us, although, it is not like we would like her to be. She is still

in the hospital. The doctor had planned to discharge her to a rehab

unit, but today, she has gone "mental" on us. In case you all didn't

know, there was a volcanic eruption somewhere on the east coast,

just west of Vancouver BC!!! We are wondering what

map she has been consulting! Hey, at least we can laugh about it

all. It is rather sad, but she does keep us in stitches. Then,

she told of an earthquake at 5:30 AM and my brother told her not to worry

about it, that we would get her a hard hat. She looked up at the

balloons at her bedside and wondered if those were the hard hats in all

of the pretty colors. Goodness....she is something tonight!

Her kidney functions are coming to normal, but she still has the swelling

in her neck. Even the nurses are concerned about her confusion.

We have NO clue what it is from. I wonder if could be the cancer

going to her brain. If so, that would make sense. We

really didn't think she would make it this far, but she is a fighter to

say the least. This is not my mother at all. She is a gentle

person, a person who would be horrified at how she is acting now.

She began shaking so violently this noontime that she could not hold anything

in her hand. I had to feed her and it is breaking my heart!

Gosh....I hope she either gets better or goes. If just for her...but

the human spirit is very tenacious and will do anything to stay! Thanks

for listening!debby

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Thank you Carol!


Re: [ ] Debby

Debby, great news about your lab results. I keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. Carol tdcc wrote:

I want to thank you so very much for all of your kindnesses, prayers and support you have given me through Mom's illness. Mom is still with us, although, it is not like we would like her to be. She is still in the hospital. The doctor had planned to discharge her to a rehab unit, but today, she has gone "mental" on us. In case you all didn't know, there was a volcanic eruption somewhere on the east coast, just west of Vancouver BC!!! We are wondering what map she has been consulting! Hey, at least we can laugh about it all. It is rather sad, but she does keep us in stitches. Then, she told of an earthquake at 5:30 AM and my brother told her not to worry about it, that we would get her a hard hat. She looked up at the balloons at her bedside and wondered if those were the hard hats in all of the pretty colors. Goodness....she is something tonight! Her kidney functions are coming to normal, but she still has the swelling in her neck. Even the nurses are concerned about her confusion. We have NO clue what it is from. I wonder if could be the cancer going to her brain. If so, that would make sense. We really didn't think she would make it this far, but she is a fighter to say the least. This is not my mother at all. She is a gentle person, a person who would be horrified at how she is acting now. She began shaking so violently this noontime that she could not hold anything in her hand. I had to feed her and it is breaking my heart! Gosh....I hope she either gets better or goes. If just for her...but the human spirit is very tenacious and will do anything to stay! Thanks for listening!debby

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Hi Debby....

Glad to see that you tests were so good and that something seems to be working for the better...

I hope they work out something so you can get your colonoscopy with out such fear....it is such an important exam....although one that no one looks forward to....

It is tough when a parent goes thru days like this....My father died of lung cancer many yrs ago and it was really tough....Treasure all the moments ...crazy ones too...My dad saw horses jumping thru his hosp window....kept telling me to move my chair so they wouldn't run me over....

keep talking to her....even though she doesn't respond...with common sense or at all...I truely feel that they hear us and know that we are there for them....

I have no regrets....said it all....makes going on a lot easier...

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 1 month later...
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Thanks Debby. Did you have the stench of the smoke for days?

We finally had the HVAC contractor come out and place a type of cannister

in the returns in the system for the main level of our home. It really

helps. It is a very sweet, mint type scent. We knew about this

because in our previous home, we had gone on vacation and the freezer door

had been left open and when we returned you can just imagine the imagine

the horrible odor of all the thawed meat and fish! I still get nauseous

just thinking about it.

Take care.


tdcc2000 wrote:


What a horrible thing to have happen. I am ever so sorry that you

have been having such hard times! Gosh! I

do hope you are able to begin to get things in order and get things straightened

out. I cannot imagine how horrible it must be to have a fire...Once,

I cook the giblets during Sunday School and church! Got home and

the entire HOUSE was in thick thick smoke....those were in the days

fire alarms were not around! Finally, after three or four attempts

at trying to get the stove turned off, we managed. Now, when I look

back, I think how foolish we were to try to go in alone just by ourselves.

We never did call the fire department! Cannot believe we did that!!!!! JUST


Re: [ ] RE:

& Tony

Thanks for thinking about me. I am still here. I

have been too depressed to

write anything positive so have been lurking the days I have opened

posts. I was

out of town for a few days due to a death in my family. That

only complicated

matters. Unfortunately, I had to deal with some members of

my family with whom I

have been estranged since my Mother's death. Just that stress

made me physically

ill. I had been having a difficult time getting over the

complications I had

started having in February. Then 2 weeks ago, I finally had

a day that I had

planned to make myself get out and visit some elderly homebound

members of our

church (thinking it would help my state of mind to help someone

else) and I had

been gone for 2 hours when I had a call on my cell phone.

It was the monitoring

station for our security system telling me that they had

received a fire alarm

signal for our home and had notified the fire department!

All the way home I

kept thinking it must be a false alarm. I drove up right

behind the fire

trucks. My husband was right behind me. When

they opened the door and black

smoke came out I realized that this was REAL. Then came the

true depression. I

had caused the fire. I had tried to be efficient and start

dinner before leaving

that morning. I had gone off and left everything

cooking. I now realize I am

no longer capable of multi-tasking. Thank goodness we had

an alarm system with a

smoke detector or we would have come home to ashes. It has

been bad enough

dealing with smoke damage. So, that is where I have been,

trying to climb out of

my own mess.

Then, when I read the posts from Lydia, Patty, and Tony and so many


battling serious problems, I try to keep things in the proper perspective.

Take care and God bless.


MKANTZLE@... wrote:

> Hey guys,


> Has anyone heard from Carol lately. Just wondering if she's

OK. I don't

> remember if she was going on vacation or not? Carol if

you're out there talk

> to us.






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Debby, do not wait to talk to your doctor about this. It may be nothing.

However, serious fluid retention can be indicative of other serious

medical issues. Take care of yourself.


tdcc2000 wrote:


I have not talked to my doctor about diruetics. I have some left

over from my stepfather and have taken a couple of those, but I just don't

like that feeling I get when I take them. But it DOES get rid

of the water and I feel much better. I

have just taken to bed in the early eveing and keep my legs up and they

are down somewhat by the next day, but now, I am embarrassed to wear dresses,

because my legs/ankles are so hideous. They really look painful to

look at, not the least HOW painful they really are! The

next time I talk to her, I will try to remember to bring it up.debby

[ ]

Reducing prednisone

Let me tell you what my experiences have been on

this reduction of prednisone. For

one, I have noticed that it seems that what WAS muscle is not droopy fat...but

that is another story. But it is the joints that are the very worst.

Before starting the prednisone, I had such stiff joints that it was a chore

to even move in bed at night. Going up and down stairs took one step

at a time. My fingers were stiff and sore. The spinal stenosis

was very very bad. Now that I am

reducing the prednisone and am at 5 mg, all of the same symptoms have returned.

But the very worst of them all is the swollen ankles. I look like

I have elephantitis. I have to lay down or else I think my ankles

will split open. Drives me nuts. My energy is lower than it

has been all year. I reallywant to go up on the prednisone to feel


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Carol, we did have that horrid ordor for weeks. Had to take the curtains down and never DID put them back up! Ended up that we moved shortly after that anyway to New Mexico. Wow...I am glad it at least smells somewhat better!


Re: [ ] RE: & Tony Thanks for thinking about me. I am still here. I have been too depressed to write anything positive so have been lurking the days I have opened posts. I was out of town for a few days due to a death in my family. That only complicated matters. Unfortunately, I had to deal with some members of my family with whom I have been estranged since my Mother's death. Just that stress made me physically ill. I had been having a difficult time getting over the complications I had started having in February. Then 2 weeks ago, I finally had a day that I had planned to make myself get out and visit some elderly homebound members of our church (thinking it would help my state of mind to help someone else) and I had been gone for 2 hours when I had a call on my cell phone. It was the monitoring station for our security system telling me that they had received a fire alarm signal for our home and had notified the fire department! All the way home I kept thinking it must be a false alarm. I drove up right behind the fire trucks. My husband was right behind me. When they opened the door and black smoke came out I realized that this was REAL. Then came the true depression. I had caused the fire. I had tried to be efficient and start dinner before leaving that morning. I had gone off and left everything cooking. I now realize I am no longer capable of multi-tasking. Thank goodness we had an alarm system with a smoke detector or we would have come home to ashes. It has been bad enough dealing with smoke damage. So, that is where I have been, trying to climb out of my own mess. Then, when I read the posts from Lydia, Patty, and Tony and so many others battling serious problems, I try to keep things in the proper perspective. Take care and God bless. Carol MKANTZLE@... wrote: > Hey guys, > > Has anyone heard from Carol lately. Just wondering if she's OK. I don't > remember if she was going on vacation or not? Carol if you're out there talk > to us. > > > > >

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Debby....

Your right that being a mom and not being able to take the hurt away from you child is heartbreaking....it is something we have always been able to do for our children and now I jsut try to be there for him...and it is harder as they get older....when they are young you can just hold them and cradle them....but when they are grown...well...he likes it if I rub his feet...so I do that....lol....

Your gardens sound lovely....I have lots of roses...but mine are the old fashion climbing rose...they started out small a couple of yrs ago and now they are taking over the fence....in 3 different places....

My plants are just starting to get buds...will plant the veggie garden next week...love this time of yr....wish I had lots of money so I could keep buying lots and lots of plants....

oh well

take care and talk soon

Luanne Ty's mom

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Debby, I have to disagree with your Dr. my opinion, and it is only mine, is that AIH is better. First it can go into remission like C only if transplanted the AIH usually does not comw back (I know it can) but C is always there. Neither is any good but I'd much rather have AIH!

Patty (Miami)

-----Original Message-----From: Philip Cobb [mailto:pcmcobb@...]Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 3:03 PM Subject: Re: [ ] DebbyDebby, I have taken 3x the normal dosage of a proton pump inhibitor for years. I initially started with Prilosec, then switched to Prevacid, then back to Prilosec and since being diagnosed with Barrett's last year, I am now on Nexium (same manufacturer as Prilosec). Oddly, my pharmacist never questioned the increased dosage. If so, I was not aware of it. Howerer, when my insurance changed recently, I could hear the pharmacist arguing with the insurance company for approval to fill my prescription. She informed the person with the insurance company that I had taken several different brands and my physician had always prescribed a dosage of that volume and would not change it. She also told this insurance person that if he/she questioned it, for him/her to call the physician. The OK was then given for the prescription to be filled. Soooo..I guess, there are several of us that take a higher than normal dosage of this type of medication. Hope this medication gives you some relief. Carol tdcc2000 wrote:

I saw the rheumatologist this AM. He listened to all of the problems....horrible joint pain, tripping, cold feet, everything on the list. He asked what meds I was on etc....anyway, he doesn't think it is RA or lupus, but he has said all along before the liver biopsy that he didn't think it was lupus. Well, he wants me on Celebrex twice a day and ordered some tests....and all and I go back in a month. Trouble is, he is testing for Hepatitis C and I have been tested for HepC every way possible about 5 times now (this doctor did it twice before, my GI, the surgeon, and another GI!). My daughter was with me and she just told me to be calm about it, let the doctor order the test and finally put to rest the HepC thing. However, I have found that HepC is MUCH preferred over AIH! Oh well! He just doesn't have all of the paperwork and the teste etc in front of him. So, I am going to take the Celebrex. He just thinks that my problems are just autoimmune related and it doesn't matter WHAT they call it....he was cute. He said it could be Autoimmune of the cabbage! I laughed....anyway, he said that the treatment is still going to be the same, so no need to drum up another name for something that is going to be treated the same way. So, now I am on mega doses of the Nexuim (and yes, the pharmacy DID call the doctor and the perscriptions are JUST like she wrote them!) Interesting that the pharmacist will try to double guess the doctor and make a patient wait. On the antibiotic, well, the pharmacist FORGOT to call the company back east and NOW I have to call it myself because I just cannot trust them to do what they are supposed to do! I wonder if they will give me a discount for doing THEIR work! Grrrrr...I am just trying to make myself relax and not get riled about something silly. I asked for the perscription back, but the said since it had been called in, they could not do that. They gave me the toll free number....then I had to ask them for the NAME of the medicine! Oh well...by the time I get all of the information on the meds, I won't NEED it anymore! LOL Thanks for listening. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will be feeling better and less stressed. Ohhhh, I have another question....how do you get people at a lab to do a butterfly rather than a big old needle? I told the lady who drew my blood to use a butterfly. When they use the needles, I get big ugly bruises. Well, she told me the needle was little, which it was, BUT I have this big old black/purple bruise now. I held onto the cotton when she was done. Funny thing was, that the cotton had no blood on it, and I didn't think anything until I looked down and it is a hard bump now. Do I just refuse to have blood drawn if they WONT use a butterfly? ANy suggestions would be appreciated... debby

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