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Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to the list and could really use some advice. I've had

candida very badly for three years and recently found out I also have

a lot of food allergies. I've been doing better since treating the candida

(with nystatin and probiotics) and avoiding the problem foods but

am still not doing too great.

I was wondering if anyone has experienced an improvement in food

allergies after a cleanse? I know I have a very leaky gut. Will

a cleanse make that problem worse by removing the protective

mucus layers or help the intestinal lining to heal? I also have

trouble digesting something (I don't know what) because I

get an " oil slick " on water after BM's. (sorry to be graphic) Has

anyone else had this problem? What did you do about it? I take

enzymes but nothing seems to work.

Any help anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.


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  • 12 years later...

Welcome to the group Tami. From the sound of your symptoms this is the right group for you.I can't comment on some of your symptoms, such as blood in the urine or high cholesterol, but I can tell you that all of the other symptoms you have described were periodically my own symptoms and I think most of the people on this site.The restless leg syndrome and/or leg cramps went away with a high potassium diet. My hair loss started years ago when I noticed that I didn't need to shave my legs anymore. Gradually the hair loss crept up to my head. Hair would come out in gobs when I brushed my hair, particularly in the temple areas. What put an end to that was either one of two things, or a combination of the two: Taking Spironolactone and adhering to a low sodium diet. Since taking Spiro and eating a low Na diet happened at

the same time I can't really differentiate between them, but if I had to pick one I'd say it's the low Na that stopped the hair loss. If you have PA your body really can't handle a "normal" sodium intake- I mean really can't handle it.Dr. Grim is telling you to follow the DASH diet and he is exactly right. It will help you no end. 1500 mg Na and 4500 to 4700mg K a day and you may start to feel a lot better fast.One more thing, if your kidney's are under stress, as it sounds like they are, please see if any CT scan they might give you can be done without contrast dye. In some people, like me, the contrast dye caused my kidney function to plummet. It stands to reason that if one has had high BP for some time and high aldosterone, the kidney's have been struggling to eliminate the sodium, which puts them at risk for further damage. In general the doctors will tell you that contrast dye is safe, and it may

be for most people, but if it can be avoided do so as you are now not "most people" anymore.DianneF-69, bi-lateral adenomas, 75mg Spiro, 37.5mg Atenolol, CKD from CT contrast dye.

Greetings everyone! I'm new to the group and thought I'd say 'hi' along with some questions.

I'm currently undergoing testing for what I like to call a mystery illness, but the current investigation is towards primary aldosteronism. I have resistant high blood pressure, low potassium and fatigue. Several other things have been investigated before this and ruled out because those aren't my only symptoms - so I was hoping to get some thoughts on others with the condition to see if anyone has experienced anything similar.

Note; I haven't actually been tested for aldosteronism yet, - I have to be off some medication for a couple more weeks and my potassium has to be normal, so I'm on postassium prescribed by my endocrinologist for the past week - retested friday and I should have those results early this week.

Now, here are the symptoms I have that don't seem to be related from what I've read of hyperaldosteronism:

- Recently, my doctor has found blood in my urine. The first time it appeared to be due to a uti - but a recheck showed only blood in my urine, so I'm also going to see a urologist.

- Pain - I tend to have bouts of aches and pain that run through my whole body. it can happen at any time but is worse at night. No doctor has had a good explanation for it.

- Brain fog/fuzzy thinking/lack of attention - this is unusual for me, but has been getting progressively worse over the past year, along with the other symptoms

- High Cholesterol

- Dry, strawlike hair and some hair loss around the temples

- Digestive upsets, gassy & bloated, sometimes constipation

- More tired and likely to be in pain after I "exert" myself, which can be anything from vacuuming to having lunch with friends.

- Restless Leg Syndrome with Periodic Limb Movement while sleeping. (diagnosed through a sleep study)

Do any of these ever go along with primary aldosteronism? I've also been tested for a number of other conditions that have been ruled out like fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, cushings disease, and a bunch of other autoimmune disorders.

The pain is probably the most confusing because its the most pressing of the symptoms to me. I asked if low potassium could be causing it and I've been told that it can cause cramping but not really what I am feeling, which isn't.

I've also not necessarily had consistant low potassium. Just over a month ago it was at 3.7 and then a few weeks later it was down to 3.3.

I would love to hear everyones experiences and thoughts about this, and see if anyone had any of these symptoms as well.

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Hi Tami, I had an adrenal tumor removed in October (along with my left adrenal) due to hyperaldo and I've got a few comments on some of your symptoms:- Recently, my doctor has found blood in my urine. The first time it appeared to

be due to a uti - but a recheck showed only blood in my urine, so I'm also going

to see a urologist.Blood showed in every urine test the whole time I had hyperaldo, although I have never had a UTI in my life. I've only had one urine test since the surgery and, no blood. Can't comment on what the connection is since I never found out. I think others here have mentioned the same thing.

- Pain - I tend to have bouts of aches and pain that run through my whole body.

it can happen at any time but is worse at night. No doctor has had a good

explanation for it.Low potassium is a likely explanation for it.

- Brain fog/fuzzy thinking/lack of attention - this is unusual for me, but has

been getting progressively worse over the past year, along with the other

symptomsDefinitely connected to hyperaldo. Lots of past posts here about brain fog. In my case, I had no idea how bad it was until after the surgery, when it immediately cleared up!

- High CholesterolIs yours high all around?? My "good" cholesterol is off-the-charts high, making my total high. My docs thought the surgery would change this, but so far it hasn't.

- Dry, strawlike hair and some hair loss around the templesI had a lot of hair loss before the surgery - in fact, one of the first things I noticed when I was first sick was hair loss. It seemed to have stopped after the surgery, but then a lot of it fell out all at once - I'm told this is normal after certain surgeries. So I can't really say if having the hyperaldo corrected has fixed the problem!

- Digestive upsets, gassy & bloated, sometimes constipationI've got a miles-long list of food intolerances that cause this, but I do know that while I had hyperaldo, a drop in potassium or a high-salt meal would make this way worse. The potassium drop basically seemed to shut my digestive system down.

Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!-msmith1928Successful left laparoscopic adrenalectomy 10/13/11Gluten, fructose, and lactose intolerance

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BTW Dianne hired me as a consultant and we quickly got her on the right track. Change in hair is most likely related to the spiro and the low sodium perhaps.CE Grim MDOn Feb 20, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Dianne strong wrote: Welcome to the group Tami. From the sound of your symptoms this is the right group for you.I can't comment on some of your symptoms, such as blood in the urine or high cholesterol, but I can tell you that all of the other symptoms you have described were periodically my own symptoms and I think most of the people on this site.The restless leg syndrome and/or leg cramps went away with a high potassium diet. My hair loss started years ago when I noticed that I didn't need to shave my legs anymore. Gradually the hair loss crept up to my head. Hair would come out in gobs when I brushed my hair, particularly in the temple areas. What put an end to that was either one of two things, or a combination of the two: Taking Spironolactone and adhering to a low sodium diet. Since taking Spiro and eating a low Na diet happened at the same time I can't really differentiate between them, but if I had to pick one I'd say it's the low Na that stopped the hair loss. If you have PA your body really can't handle a "normal" sodium intake- I mean really can't handle it.Dr. Grim is telling you to follow the DASH diet and he is exactly right. It will help you no end. 1500 mg Na and 4500 to 4700mg K a day and you may start to feel a lot better fast.One more thing, if your kidney's are under stress, as it sounds like they are, please see if any CT scan they might give you can be done without contrast dye. In some people, like me, the contrast dye caused my kidney function to plummet. It stands to reason that if one has had high BP for some time and high aldosterone, the kidney's have been struggling to eliminate the sodium, which puts them at risk for further damage. In general the doctors will tell you that contrast dye is safe, and it may be for most people, but if it can be avoided do so as you are now not "most people" anymore.DianneF-69, bi-lateral adenomas, 75mg Spiro, 37.5mg Atenolol, CKD from CT contrast dye. Greetings everyone! I'm new to the group and thought I'd say 'hi' along with some questions. I'm currently undergoing testing for what I like to call a mystery illness, but the current investigation is towards primary aldosteronism. I have resistant high blood pressure, low potassium and fatigue. Several other things have been investigated before this and ruled out because those aren't my only symptoms - so I was hoping to get some thoughts on others with the condition to see if anyone has experienced anything similar. Note; I haven't actually been tested for aldosteronism yet, - I have to be off some medication for a couple more weeks and my potassium has to be normal, so I'm on postassium prescribed by my endocrinologist for the past week - retested friday and I should have those results early this week. Now, here are the symptoms I have that don't seem to be related from what I've read of hyperaldosteronism: - Recently, my doctor has found blood in my urine. The first time it appeared to be due to a uti - but a recheck showed only blood in my urine, so I'm also going to see a urologist. - Pain - I tend to have bouts of aches and pain that run through my whole body. it can happen at any time but is worse at night. No doctor has had a good explanation for it. - Brain fog/fuzzy thinking/lack of attention - this is unusual for me, but has been getting progressively worse over the past year, along with the other symptoms - High Cholesterol - Dry, strawlike hair and some hair loss around the temples - Digestive upsets, gassy & bloated, sometimes constipation - More tired and likely to be in pain after I "exert" myself, which can be anything from vacuuming to having lunch with friends. - Restless Leg Syndrome with Periodic Limb Movement while sleeping. (diagnosed through a sleep study) Do any of these ever go along with primary aldosteronism? I've also been tested for a number of other conditions that have been ruled out like fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, cushings disease, and a bunch of other autoimmune disorders. The pain is probably the most confusing because its the most pressing of the symptoms to me. I asked if low potassium could be causing it and I've been told that it can cause cramping but not really what I am feeling, which isn't. I've also not necessarily had consistant low potassium. Just over a month ago it was at 3.7 and then a few weeks later it was down to 3.3. I would love to hear everyones experiences and thoughts about this, and see if anyone had any of these symptoms as well.

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On Feb 20, 2012, at 10:26 AM, msmith_1928 wrote: Hi Tami, I had an adrenal tumor removed in October (along with my left adrenal) due to hyperaldo and I've got a few comments on some of your symptoms:- Recently, my doctor has found blood in my urine. The first time it appeared to be due to a uti - but a recheck showed only blood in my urine, so I'm also going to see a urologist.Blood showed in every urine test the whole time I had hyperaldo, although I have never had a UTI in my life. I've only had one urine test since the surgery and, no blood. Can't comment on what the connection is since I never found out. I think others here have mentioned the same thing. - Pain - I tend to have bouts of aches and pain that run through my whole body. it can happen at any time but is worse at night. No doctor has had a good explanation for it.Low potassium is a likely explanation for it. - Brain fog/fuzzy thinking/lack of attention - this is unusual for me, but has been getting progressively worse over the past year, along with the other symptomsDefinitely connected to hyperaldo. Lots of past posts here about brain fog. In my case, I had no idea how bad it was until after the surgery, when it immediately cleared up! - High CholesterolIs yours high all around?? My "good" cholesterol is off-the-charts high, making my total high. My docs thought the surgery would change this, but so far it hasn't. high good cholesterol comes from your grandparents and is hard to change. In all likelyhood you come from a long lived family -at least as far as heart disease is concerned. - Dry, strawlike hair and some hair loss around the templesI had a lot of hair loss before the surgery - in fact, one of the first things I noticed when I was first sick was hair loss. It seemed to have stopped after the surgery, but then a lot of it fell out all at once - I'm told this is normal after certain surgeries. So I can't really say if having the hyperaldo corrected has fixed the problem! - Digestive upsets, gassy & bloated, sometimes constipationI've got a miles-long list of food intolerances that cause this, but I do know that while I had hyperaldo, a drop in potassium or a high-salt meal would make this way worse. The potassium drop basically seemed to shut my digestive system down. Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!-msmith1928Successful left laparoscopic adrenalectomy 10/13/11Gluten, fructose, and lactose intolerance

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after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go away, everyday is so different , were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removed i guess i would like to know what changed for you after surgery, i would just like to hear that at some time in my journey i will be getting my life before this will come back to me. any input would be great, i don't know anyone where i am from that has had this problem and the specilist that i have has said that i am only his 3rd patient in 10 years with this problem so i am rare to him.

From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 2:26 PM Subject: Re: hello and questions

Hi Tami, I had an adrenal tumor removed in October (along with my left adrenal) due to hyperaldo and I've got a few comments on some of your symptoms:- Recently, my doctor has found blood in my urine. The first time it appeared to

be due to a uti - but a recheck showed only blood in my urine, so I'm also going

to see a urologist.Blood showed in every urine test the whole time I had hyperaldo, although I have never had a UTI in my life. I've only had one urine test since the surgery and, no blood. Can't comment on what the connection is since I never found out. I think others here have mentioned the same thing.

- Pain - I tend to have bouts of aches and pain that run through my whole body.

it can happen at any time but is worse at night. No doctor has had a good

explanation for it.Low potassium is a likely explanation for it.

- Brain fog/fuzzy thinking/lack of attention - this is unusual for me, but has

been getting progressively worse over the past year, along with the other

symptomsDefinitely connected to hyperaldo. Lots of past posts here about brain fog. In my case, I had no idea how bad it was until after the surgery, when it immediately cleared up!

- High CholesterolIs yours high all around?? My "good" cholesterol is off-the-charts high, making my total high. My docs thought the surgery would change this, but so far it hasn't.

- Dry, strawlike hair and some hair loss around the templesI had a lot of hair loss before the surgery - in fact, one of the first things I noticed when I was first sick was hair loss. It seemed to have stopped after the surgery, but then a lot of it fell out all at once - I'm told this is normal after certain surgeries. So I can't really say if having the hyperaldo corrected has fixed the problem!

- Digestive upsets, gassy & bloated, sometimes constipationI've got a miles-long list of food intolerances that cause this, but I do know that while I had hyperaldo, a drop in potassium or a high-salt meal would make this way worse. The potassium drop basically seemed to shut my digestive system down.

Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!-msmith1928Successful left laparoscopic adrenalectomy 10/13/11Gluten, fructose, and lactose intolerance

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> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.

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Please take my evolution article to you PCP and Endo so they will recognize more. May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 20, 2012, at 20:06, msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> wrote:

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.

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can you send this to me again i have lost where i put it , thank you From: Clarence Grim <lowerbp2@...> "hyperaldosteronism " <hyperaldosteronism > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 1:10 AM

Subject: Re: Re: hello and questions

Please take my evolution article to you PCP and Endo so they will recognize more. May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 20, 2012, at 20:06, msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> wrote:

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.

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ah finally someone who knows what i am talking about , thank god, i have the anxiety attacks all the time 2 years ago it got so bad i was gonna leave my husband because i thought he was the cause of anxiety i have not found alot of hair loss but omg the weight gain is making me go insane, i was an active person and i was a runner and an outdoors person, i can't stand to see the sun i break out in sweat for no reason,day or night the panick attacks are no fun,did you start to lose the weight after they took your tumor From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 1:23 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions

I had more of a constant low-grade state of anxiety rather than "attacks" during the 9 years I went undiagnosed. At the beginning of my 10th year of being sick, once I learned that it was a tumor causing the anxiety and not a psychological disorder, my anxiety levels went WAY down - when I would feel anxiety coming on, I was able to tell myself that it wasn't *me* but the tumor, and I'd be fine after a few minutes. And it hasn't happened since the surgery, so I think it's safe to say that my anxiety has gone away :)

Now that I think about it - anxiety, hair loss, and weight gain were probably the first symptoms of my illness that I noticed, years before I learned that I had hypertension and low potassium.

A lot of folks on this board have had anxiety or other psych diagnoses at some point.


> oh yes and did you have anxiety attacks as well, i have them all the time alot at night if you did please tell me that goes away as well,




> ________________________________

> From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...>

> hyperaldosteronism

> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:06 AM

> Subject: Re: hello and questions




> Â


> > after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go away


> I felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.


> > were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removed


> The only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.


> Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.


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I had the anxiety attacks really bad especially at night too!They went away immediately after my adrenalectomy.Juli 40 y F, post adrenalectomy december 15, 2010Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 20, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote:

oh yes and did you have anxiety attacks as well, i have them all the time alot at night if you did please tell me that goes away as well, From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February

21, 2012 12:06 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.


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Before having the tumor removed, I had to carefully watch everything I ate for

salt, so I didn't eat much - yet had a really hard time maintaining a healthy

weight (which for me, at 5'2 " and tiny-boned, is no more than 120-125 pounds at

most). Since the surgery, I've had the opposite problem - I eat more, but keep

losing weight and am struggling to keep it over 110! Not a bad problem to have


> >

> > oh yes and did you have anxiety attacks as well, i have them all the time

alot at night if you did please tell me that goes away as well,

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@>

> > hyperaldosteronism

> > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:06 AM

> > Subject: Re: hello and questions

> >

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> > > after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy

get better and does the pain in the legs go away

> >

> > I felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much

better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain

was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain

was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> >

> > > were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the

gland being removed

> >

> > The only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was

released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.

> >

> > Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm

the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young,

mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in

practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his

career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted

for surgery.

> >


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Thanks . Do we have your before and after story and other data in our database May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 21, 2012, at 15:22, Juli Pack <julik_70@...> wrote:

I had the anxiety attacks really bad especially at night too!They went away immediately after my adrenalectomy.Juli 40 y F, post adrenalectomy december 15, 2010Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 20, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote:

oh yes and did you have anxiety attacks as well, i have them all the time alot at night if you did please tell me that goes away as well, From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February

21, 2012 12:06 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.


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Yes, it should be in the database.Juli 40y F postadrenalectomy 12/15/2010Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 21, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2@...> wrote:

Thanks . Do we have your before and after story and other data in our database May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 21, 2012, at 15:22, Juli Pack <julik_70@...> wrote:

I had the anxiety attacks really bad especially at night too!They went away immediately after my adrenalectomy.Juli 40 y F, post adrenalectomy december 15, 2010Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 20, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote:

oh yes and did you have anxiety attacks as well, i have them all the time alot at night if you did please tell me that goes away as well, From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February

21, 2012 12:06 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.



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Sorry thanks and keep updating us.So are you now off all BP meds and K is completely normal?Did you get a copy of your path report on your removed adrenal for your and your families files?CE Grim MDOn Feb 22, 2012, at 2:57 PM, Juli Pack wrote: Yes, it should be in the database.Juli 40y F postadrenalectomy 12/15/2010Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 21, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2@...> wrote: Thanks . Do we have your before and after story and other data in our database May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 21, 2012, at 15:22, Juli Pack <julik_70@...> wrote: I had the anxiety attacks really bad especially at night too!They went away immediately after my adrenalectomy.Juli 40 y F, post adrenalectomy december 15, 2010Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 20, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote: oh yes and did you have anxiety attacks as well, i have them all the time alot at night if you did please tell me that goes away as well, From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:06 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions > after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain. > were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery. = =

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im not understanding what that means, i have no salt on my foods and the k i eat is 8 k-dor pills a day and foods high in potissum what else is there to do From: Clarence Grim <lowerbp2@...> "hyperaldosteronism " <hyperaldosteronism > Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 9:03 PM Subject: Re: Re: hello and questions

His means you are eating too much Na and not enough K. May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 20, 2012, at 20:52, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote:

i find that i am swollen and holding alot of fluid did you find the same and after surgery did that get better for you as well, From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012

12:06 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.

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Get the DASH book and follow chap 9 (I think) exactly and begin to feel better in 2-3 days. May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 27, 2012, at 19:28, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote:

im not understanding what that means, i have no salt on my foods and the k i eat is 8 k-dor pills a day and foods high in potissum what else is there to do From: Clarence Grim <lowerbp2@...> "hyperaldosteronism " <hyperaldosteronism > Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 9:03 PM Subject: Re: Re: hello and questions

His means you are eating too much Na and not enough K. May your pressure be low!CE Grim MS, MDSpecializing in DifficultHypertensionOn Feb 20, 2012, at 20:52, Tammy Knox <knoxtammy@...> wrote:

i find that i am swollen and holding alot of fluid did you find the same and after surgery did that get better for you as well, From: msmith_1928 <janeray1940@...> hyperaldosteronism Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012

12:06 AM Subject: Re: hello and questions

> after you had the adrenal gland removed how did you feel did your energy get better and does the pain in the legs go awayI felt better immediately, aside from the pain from the incisions - much better energy, much better concentration. I didn't have leg pain, my muscle pain was all in my trapezius muscles but that stopped immediately. The muscle pain was caused by the low potassium, and once that was corrected, no more pain.

> were you able to get rid of the meds that you were on previous to the gland being removedThe only med I was on was potassium supplements, which I stopped after I was released from the hospital. My potassium has held steady around 4.3 ever since.Hyperaldosteronism is pretty rare - or perhaps just rarely diagnosed. I'm the only case my primary care doctor has encountered (but he is fairly young, mid-40s I think). My hypertension specialist/nephrologist, who has been in practice since the early 1970s, has encountered 15 suspected cases in his career, 6 confirmed cases, and of those 6, I am only one of two of that opted for surgery.

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