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Value of Colon Hydrotherapy Verified by Medical Professionals Prescribing It.- from:Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients

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Message: 1

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 15:23:57 -0700

From: Sheila Shea <intestines@...>

Subject: Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients on COLON HYDROTHERAPY

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's here again, the day of love, of self-love, of relationship-love.

I want to pass some new information on to you that appeared in the:

" Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients " , in their:

August/September 2000 issue (#205/206).

And guess what the topic is of the article?

" Value of Colon Hydrotherapy Verified by Medical Professionals Prescribing It. "

Maybe a few words in this article will inspire you to take even

better care of yourself and create more self-love, self-respect, and


For more information on this article you can go to:



Or you may contact the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy.


I'll share a few highlights of the article mainly in the form of quotes.

Leonard MD Gainesville FL Gastrointestinal Surgeon

'It turns out that colon hydrotherapy is the gentlest and most

effective treatment to take care of a sick person's constipation

problem. My recommendation for cancer patients is that they should

undergo frequent colon hydrotherapy procedures to make sure a colon's

toxic burden is being kept at a minimum while their bodies are

trying to heal.'

'It's a fact that most people fail to fully evacuate the colon,

something they don't realize. People undergoing colon hydrotherapy on

a prevention basis become quite surprised at how much waste is

removed by the procedure.'

'Without any reservation, I declare that my wish is to see it become

an established procedure for many kinds of gastrointestinal problems.

If medical centers, hospitals and clinics installed colon

hydrotherapy departments, they would find such departments just as

efficacious for patients as their present treatment areas which are

devoted to physiotherapy.'

Flashner MD Wellesley MA General Surgeon and Emergency Medicine

Flashner is a CAM doctor. He adapts his treatments almost completely

to Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 'He has incorporated Colon

Hydrotherapy as a regular CAM technique.'

He describes the case of Tommy, an eight year old boy with severe

constipation. 'I improved the child's diet and removed all junk

foods. Then I instigated an exercise program, had him drink lots of

water, balanced his colonic flora and added fiber food supplements.

But most vital for Tommy's welfare is that he took colon hydrotherapy

under my prescription. The beneficial effect was dramatic for within

six months he was experiencing a natural and normal bowel movement

every day.

'My approach to medical practice is to balance the GI tract using

stool testing. I find various pathologies relating to bacteria,

yeast, parasites and other organisms of this nature. A lot of disease

comes from imbalances in the colon as manifested by inflammatory

bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, auto immune diseases, allergies,

multiple sclerosis and certainly constipation. Such imbalances can be

corrected by means of colon hydrotherapy, herbal supplements and


Sharda Sharma MD Millburn NJ

Dr Sharma has a wholistic medical practice that includes colon

hydrotherapy, chelation therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, reiki

and more.

'I have trained and certified colon hydrotherapists working as part

of my staff...they have been rendering care for constipation,

abdominal cramps, allergies and a variety of other conditions

including ten patients with hepatitis C. These hepatitis patients

respond to colon hydrotherapy and do well.'

'A forty-two year old high school teacher had suffered with

constipation and no bowel movements for six days at a stretch. She

was bloated, fatigued, lethargic, headachy and crampy. My treatment

choice for her was enzyme supplements and colon hydrotherapy twice

weekly for thirteen weeks. These treatments solved the constipation


'Colon hydrotherapy is excellent as a treatment for the yeast syndrome.'

Gerber MD Reno NV

Dr Gerber has had colon hydrotherapy in his office for 25 years and

he appreciates the immense improvement in the equipment over the

years. He describes the FDA approved high tech equipment and the

process itself.

'The benefits of colon hydrotherapy extend all the way from

psychiatric improvement to constipation elimination.'

Emil Sayegh MD Chesapeake VA Urology

Dr Sayegh's practice spans sixty years and he has a large male

clientele who have sought hi s help correcting Benign Prostatic

Hyperplasia and prostatitis.

Listen up, guys! 'These two common medical difficulties are closely

associated with having weak abdominal muscles. Those men possessing

flaccid and weak abdominal muscles experience enormous pressures on

their bladders which never let up.'

'Cleansing the colon markedly assists the functioning of the

pathological male bladder and prostate organs. Colon Hydrotherapy

given to involved men at two-week intervals for three times to start

and then administered every four weeks for an unlimited period does

solve prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.'

Brodie MD Reno NV Oncologist and Homeopath

Dr Brodie 'has developed complementary and alternative (CAM) methods

for treating cancer and other degenerative diseases aimed at

strengthening the immune system. He emphasizes natural and humane

approaches to these conditions with colon hydrotherapy being among


'I do recommend that most of my cancer patients take colon

hydrotherapy because they often improve by having such treatment.

Liver cancer in particular shows benefit from colon hydrotherapy but

any internal tumors show effectual change too.'

Arthur Brawer MD Long Branch NJ Rheumatology

'Silicone breast implant exposure which results in disease symptoms

responds very well to colon hydrotherapy. I am in the center of this

silicone breast implant controversy by having consulted with over 500

women from around the world for the toxic environmental exposure

caused by such implantation...I use colon hydrotherapy for the

treatment of such silicone toxicity since it does work to chelate

silicone out of the body.' He continues with a clear explanation.

For silicone removal and healing he also suggests other detoxifying

techniques. 'Colon hydrotherapy is perhaps the best way and

also...Ayurvedic medicine, hyperthermia, steam baths, saunas, oxygen

therapy, ...reiki and qigong. Any dietary approach has to be more an

exclusionary basis - take the patient off processed foods and have

them eat organic.'

He also lists thirty-three other conditions which respond to colon

hydrotherapy such as allergies, acne, cold hands and feet, muscle

pain, skin rashes, arthritis, attention deficit disorder, mouth

sores, joint aches, multiple sclerosis and seizures.

Charm MD Walnut Creek CA

Gastroenterologist and Clinical Professor of Medicine at University

of California

'Some people don't poop enough! Let's get people thinking about

eating and pooping. If these don't occur together, colon hydrotherapy

should be employed.'

'I prefer my patients to undergo colon hydrotherapy the morning of

colonoscopy. It's a safe way to cleanse the gut.'

'It's a healing technique for the relief of irritable bowel syndrome

with gas and bloating, chronic constipation, abdominal discomfort and

many other GI tract problems.'

Diamond MD Reno NV

Medical Director of Triad Medical Center

Coauthor of An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer

'For some patients with chronic constipation or extensive yeast

problems, colon hydrotherapy works advantageously to get rid of the

physical load of pathology in the gastrointestinal tract. This

treatment stimulates the liver and gets rid of the debris that's

sticking to the mucosa.'

He describes one case history which sounds similar to some clients I see.

'A woman, 46, has a long history of antibiotic usage for chronic

sinusitis. She is a sugarholic to the extent that her food is totally

carbohydrates with hardly any protein or fat. She exhibits a

variety of symptoms including extreme fatigue, migraine headaches,

irregular menses, chronic constipation, abdominal pain and yeast

growing in the bowel...

The only program that gave relief was colon hydrotherapy three times

a week. It took me a month to get my patient stable but finally the

treatment's effect kicked in. The lady did get her bowel cleaned up.

She's now experiencing normal stools. I have her following a

restrictive protein diet. Her energy is returned. She has been

showing normal menses for the last two months. Her migraines


I needed to get the woman back to normal bowel function, off

antibiotics and onto probiotics all the time. Now she takes colon

hydrotherapy on a regular once-a-month schedule. She will likely be

forced to stay on her therapeutic program continuously.'

Janet Beaty ND West Concord MA

Beaty, graduate of the prestigious naturopathic college Bastyr

in Seattle WA, uses colon hydrotherapy for constipation, to allow

other healing modalities to work better, for detoxification,

allergies, arthritis and 'any health problems.'

'It is a very helpful tool for nearly any patient in order to get the

bowel peristalsis to work. An effective technique for stimulating

such peristalsis is to start out with giving colon hydrotherapy using

warm water and gradually decreasing the water temperature as

treatment continues. This lower temperature tends to stimulate the

bowel muscles. The cold temperatures cause good peristaltic action

for a retraining of the bowel.'

'The ideal treatment program I follow is that from four to eight

weeks the patient receives colon hydrotherapy. This time frame is

necessary for unloading ... toxins from the liver.'

Beaty tells the story of a 36 year old female patient who had ectopic

pregnancies with resulting miscarriages, endometriosis and caesarean

pregnancies. 'The solution to my patient's problem of endometrial

pain is to take a colon hydrotherapy one week before her period. The

pain is then reduced markedly because her usual premenstrual

constipation is prevented... She currently takes colon hydrotherapy

routinely for improving the quality of her life.'

P MD PhD Mandeville LA

'Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent detoxifier for the overindulgence

of alcohol drinking and drug addictions of all kinds. Residues of

drugs and other agents in the tissues are eliminated with colon

hydrotherapy...Colon hydrotherapy should be part of nearly any

addict's therapeutic regimen.'

My closing comments. As you can see, Colon Hydrotherapy touches men

and women's issues and well as a host of other health issues that

effect all of us. I hope you have found something is the few quotes

that will forward your health practices and bring your self-love

alive. Sincerely, Sheila Shea

Sheila Shea © 2001


Kind Regards, Sheila Shea, Tucson AZ

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