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Excerpt from Dr. Blinzler/Pillar Web site.

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For everyone who is interested in Dr. Pillar and Dr. Blinzler but has not done

the research to find them on the web, I'm posting Dr. Blinzlers intro page. It

is informative, yes he is selling things because he is in business and he did

not ask me to post this. I just want people to get the information directly

from the doctor.

His website is http://www.imbris.net/~bblinzler/candida.html

Candida: Treating it Successfully

This is not just another book on Candida albicans with 90% of it being case

histories. What this book is, is a manual of my experiences describing how I

treat Candida successfully. I do not recommend self-diagnosis or self-treatment,

but seeing that Candida is such a problem, and so few doctors know an effective

treatment, and people are trying to treat themselves anyway, I thought a book

with specific guidelines would be of benefit. I do recommend that you see your

physician to let him know what you would like to do, in case you have any

questions that he/she can answer.

This book is concise and to the point, based on my experiences from treating

countless cases of individuals infected with this infamous yeast. In reading

this book you will obtain an understanding of the problems and solutions to

treating PCC (Polysystemic Chronic Candidiasis). You will learn a quick easy

screening method to determine whether Candida may be the problem. I will tell

you what has worked for my patients, what has not worked, and the all-important

diet, including some recipes and suggested menus. After reading this book, you

will have received an effective method of screening for and treating PCC.

Polysystemic Chronic Candidiasis is the condition of a yeast (Candida albicans)

over-growth. Candida is a strain of yeast present in most every human body, in

fact it prefers the human host over any other. Candida is also known as

moniliasis or thrush. Just because Candida is present in most everybody does not

mean it is a problem. Because it is not, unless the organisms start to grow

beyond their normal amounts. The immune system keeps this overgrowth under

control. But if for any reason the immune system becomes depressed, or through

the use of antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids (such as prednisone) it

then cannot control the growth of the yeast; so now we get an overgrowth, which

can and does cause a variety of problems.

Candidiasis will affect individuals differently. One may have gastro-intestinal

disorders while another may have respiratory, problems and still another may

have dermatological manifestations (skin rash).

I have seen Candida manifest itself in a variety of different conditions. The

treatment I use has been successful in four to six weeks in about 75% or more of

the cases, sometimes even sooner. Most of the other 25% require longer


This is the introduction to my booklet, Candida: Treating it Successfully.

If you are interested in obtaining an ELECTRONIC version of the entire booklet,

in a PDF format* (see below), I can E-MAIL you a copy

You MUST include your e-mail address


send $5.00 (U.S. funds) via a check, money order or credit card

(if credit card: include the number, expiration date,

name as it appears on card and signature) to:

Dr. Bruce R. Blinzler

PO Box 583

Hayden, ID 83835


Phone: (208) 772-9502

Fax: (208) 772-9503

Click here to email us

E-mail: bblinzler@ nidlink.com

or for credit card (Visa, Master Card or Discover Card only) call (208) 772-9502

or click in the box below:

Click here to order by Credit Card


make comments

* PDF, a format readable on many platforms (Macintosh, Windows, DOS, etc.)

requires a program such as Adobe's® Acrobat Reader® available as a free download

from Adobe®

Click Here


Another problem many people with candida have is not enough stomach acid to keep

the candida from recurring as soon as they go back to a regular diet. Also

without sufficient stomach acid you do not digest protein or calcium

sufficiently. Calcium helps muscles relax so they are not so tense. Tense

muscles may make getting a restful sleep more difficult. If you have these

problems you may need:

Parathyroid support - the parathyroid helps in the absorption of calcium and

helps regulate stomach acid production.

Betaine Hydrochloride - until the parathyroid kick in sufficiently to take over

the production of stomach acid.

Preacidified calcium (liquid) - use liquid calcium citrate until digestion and

absorption is improved then maintain with a tablet form of calcium & magnesium

(preferably in the citrate form) from a health food store.


Calcium and Magnesium oratate

Products mentioned in the book

(such as Formula SF 722; G.S.E.; Fungi/Yeast, a parathyroid support...)

are available from:

Holistic Naturopathic Center

5920 Government Way

Coeur d' Alene, Idaho 83815 U.S.A.

Phone: 208-772-9502



We have become aware that some web sites are trying to sell hundreds of dollars

worth of supplements to treat candida. We have found that this is NOT necessary.

Also, the case that is on the web about curing candida in a month's time is

being said that this is the exception to the rule. On the contrary, it is the

rule. Some people with a more severe case or who have had it for extended

periods of time, then the treatment may take longer.





Re: DR PILLER TESTIMONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<PRE>who is dr. blinzler?

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