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looking for advice

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Dear Mike,

My computer shut down after I had typed a response to you, so it never sent, so I'll try to recap here (apologies, the "antique computer" I use for email is becoming stressed.) If you're working with a demo version, and are finding the test matrix a little daunting, Dr. has designed the QX to be extremely user friendly for new users through the auto therapy programs. For example, instead of spending a lot of time on the test matrix, go ahead and go straight to the therapy screen (from the dropdown menu on the test page) and do the 1st 2 suggested programs. They will be highlighted in yellow and pink at the top of the page. After completing these 2 programs, then go to "risks profile" from the main test screen's dropdown menu, and click on the "value' button, which will then list the items in the order the QX and their subconscious mind has determined as priority. Then click on the highest numbered item (highlighted in red but at the bottom of the list) and it will load into the hold tray at the top. Click the "treat" button, and then click on "Virtual Doctor". This panel will show you the best affirmation in relation to this item, as well as provide buttons to the connection to other parts of the body, such as spinal, homotoxicology, blood, and nlp. It will highlight the vertebrae, organs, emotions, etc. in relation to this one item. You can ask whoever gave you the demo about the uses of these programs and "rectification" although they're fairly self-explanatory. I think that if you take this route you will see that the QX is not only user friendly, but very thorough as well.

Hope this helps,



Thanks for your reply.

I understand what you are saying about the NLP connection although my demonstrator did point out that the NLP interface was very basic. However my concern is mainly regarding how to interpret the large amount of information the QXCI puts out to then select a treatment - bearing in mind I do not have a medical or alternative therapy background.



Looking for advice

Hello all,

I have been looking at this site for a short while and have been very impressed with the sharing of information and support you give each other.

This is my first posting to this site and I would be most grateful for any feedback from anybody who is familiar with the BICOM2000 as well as the QXCI.

I have recently found out about bio-resonance as a diagnostic and therapy tool. I discovered it after finding I had an allergy and various toxins, parasites etc in my body via a clinical Kinesiologist.

My search for a 'cure' for my allergy initially led me to a BICOM2000 practitioner who successfully treated my allergy. Having discovered the existence of this amazing technology I researched further and discovered the QXCI.

I have been looking to change my direction (from a computer / technical background) to helping people for some time now. I am qualified as an NLP and Time Line Therapy practitioner although I have not used this in a practice - I primarily did these courses for self discovery purposes. Very recently my focus has been guided to very spiritual matters and I feel my life is transforming due to this.

My question is this:

I have now had a demo on the QXCI and the BICOM2000. I have come away with the impression that both are amazing machines working on the same principles. However, the QXCI appears to be more sophisticated and relies more on the practitioner's knowledge and skills to interpret the readings. The BICOM machine seems to be more straight forward and may suit someone who does not come from a background such as Homeopathy, Reflexology, Reiki etc - such as myself.

My main concern in asking this question is that I want to feel confident that I am giving my future clients the best service I can. I have heard of practitioners who have both machines but my finances are very limited so getting one of them will be a stretch!

Your comments will be greatly appreciated.


Mike Piper.............................................

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  • 4 months later...

>but the scale is STILL not moving.

How long have you been at this weight? A plateau can take a few weeks before your body adjusts to the weight before it starts giving up the fat cells again.

That said, IF you've been here for at least a month and have been VERY strict on your 1600 calories (Is that doctor or nutritionist prescribed?) with no cheating, AND watching your salt intake, AND getting enough water in, you might want to just do the BlastOff week again, but *only* for the one week to jump start your metabolism again.

But since this is going to be your food plan for the rest of your life, not just for this period of weight loss, why not just wait it out?

>What I want to know is how> low calorically can I go to give my body a wake up call and further> incentive to lose without putting it in survival mode.

See what calorie level you should be at according to :


Remember, he works with doctors and nutritionists to come up with those numbers, he doesn't just pull them out of his . . . well, you know where. ;)

>I could comfortably cut my calories down to 1300 for a while,

Back in 1999 - 2000 I lost 45 pounds on McDougall, daily calories ranging between 1000 - 1400 daily, and then I hit my plateau. I tried lowering calories a bit more, because I wasn't able to exercise at all at that time. I got as low as 800 calories a day and was still gaining. I screwed myself up badly. Here it is, almost 4 years later, and I'm *still* trying to get the weight loss started again. Take this as a warning of what can happen if you go too low because you're too impatient, like I was.

>I am 5'9", 200 lbs,

Then you're at the right calories card for your weight, according to . As soon as you hit 199 you should drop to 1400 calories and stay there until you hit 149 pounds. Since you're only 1 pound away you probably *could* drop down to 1400 now if you're that impatient to eat less food. ;)

Sue in NJ

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How long have you been at this weight?

I hit 198 around 12-10-03. Then started walking 5 miles a day, I instantly went up to 202. I have been at 200 for the last week or so.

That said, IF you've been here for at least a month and have been VERY strict on your 1600 calories (Is that doctor or nutritionist prescribed?) with no cheating, AND watching your salt intake, AND getting enough water in, you might want to just do the BlastOff week again, but *only* for the one week to jump start your metabolism again.

I was told 1600 but the nutritionist, but I was nursing at the time. She didn't change it when I stopped. I am VERY strict! I weigh and measure every thing and enter it all on fitday. I have only gone over once in ages (over 6 months). I drink over a gallon of water each day. I limit my salt and take a diuretic each day due to my kidney problems. I don't know how to do blast off; I have never done RS, although I love him and the messages you send.

I got as low as 800 calories a day and was still gaining. I screwed myself up badly. Here it is, almost 4 years later, and I'm *still* trying to get the weight loss started again.

Bless your heart! (Can you tell I am from TX? Grin) That is miserable. That is why I am trying to be so careful. I don't want to mess anything up, but I also don't want to waste time following the wrong program. I REALLY want to hit goal by May. BU, achieving that is moving further away as the weight clings on.

Then you're at the right calories card for your weight, according to . As soon as you hit 199 you should drop to 1400 calories and stay there until you hit 149 pounds. Since you're only 1 pound away you probably *could* drop down to 1400 now if you're that impatient to eat less food. ;)

I may try the 1400. I should be able to increase it slightly when I hit maintenance, right? According to the health calculator at my goal weight I should be able to eat just over 2000 calories to maintain and that is sedentary. I don't plan to be sedentary. I am training to do a 60 mile walk and the tour de cure. ;o) Hopefully, I will get there. I am currently shopping for a decent knee brace. My knees are about 30 years older than the rest of me!

Thanks for the help, Sue!


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  • 11 months later...

Does anyone know if I should wait awhile once I stop the

Effexor before I start the Lexapro. How long should I wait.

I would wait about 2~3 weeks before starting a new med. Terry

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  • 1 year later...

Awwww, hang in there.. The second day is often more of a " downer' than the

actual day of the surgery. Baby yourself, and make everyone around you wait

on you. Your mind and body is trying to recuperate.. Try getting some

sleep. Reading to take your mind off of it helps me. It really, really

gets better. I promise. ~Robin

Just banded yesterday! Feeling a little down today with some discomfort

(expected, of course). Just looking for a little feedback from those who

have been there. thanks

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Hi there, welcome to Bandsterland. Be glad to help.

Any questions for us?

Kathy R. in Walla Walla


10/13/2005 3 fills

--- jlbenton66 <jlbenton66@...> wrote:

> Just banded yesterday! //Just looking for

> a little feedback

> from those who have been there. thanks








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Hey there,

Your body is just doing the usual - to recover from surgery most

likely - and you will start to see vast improvement over the next day

or so! Remember this time is for healing - rest and get used to the

new ways!




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  • 10 months later...

Hi, I've went through the same things except not that young, I started mine in

my early 20's! Here's what I've been doing that's been making a big differense

for me! Eating a raw food diet, or the Hallelujah Diet

www.hacres.com/home/home.asp look around on that site and do a search on

seizures and read how it's helped lots of people! And go to this raw food

website www.rawfoodtalk.com and get advice about good raw food books that can

help you with your diet if you don't do the Hallelujah diet! Either one is


Plus I'm adding more Omega 3 fatty acids to my diet, they say it's done

lots for Epilepsy too! Go to www.google.com and do a search on Omega 3 Fatty

Acids for Epilepsy and read how it's helped lots of people! A book that

incouraged me in this is called Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus.

You can order it at www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?pid=0920470386 & ad=FGLBKS

if that sight won't go through then just go to www.booksamillion.com and do a

search on that book and it should come up! Everyone needs in least so much

Omega 3, 6, & 9 Fatty Acids daily inorder to heal!

Another thing that made a huge impact on my healing is called Urine Therapy,

I ordered a book called Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha M. Christy and it's

a great book, just look the book up on the internet and I would order it if I

were you because it's done lots for me and my Epilepsy! Because it gives you

just what you need!

Anyway I hope I helped you and your child! I pray that you'll give all

these a good chance to work because they will work if you let them! I pray the

best for you two! Have a fruitful day!


anitatrapnell <anitatrapnell@...> wrote:

Hi. I'm new to the group and looking for information and advice. I

have a 7-year old son w/ epilepsy. He was born with a brain

malformation (dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and a missing septum

pellucidum). He is also microcephalic, has strabismus and is

severely delayed. He seemed like a typical newborn for the first 2

months, then started developing problems and was diagnosed at 4

months. He is non-verbal and is not mobile (other than rolling).

Around one year of age, he began having these spasms/contractions

while sleeping. After catching one on an EEG, we were told they

resembled infantile spasms in appearance, though much slower, but

that the EEG showed no seizure activity. (We have since caught them

on another EEG and were told it is a cluster of epileptic spasms, so

who knows . . .).

A few months before he turned 3, he began having partial seizures

which turned into generalized seizures (diagnosed eventually by a 24

hour EEG). (Some of the seizures started on the right side of the

brain and some started on the left. Just thought that was

interesting). At first, he would only have one of these

partial/generalized seizures about every other month. Then he

started having 2 or 3 in one day, still just once about every other

month. Then they just kept increasing. After a few months of this,

he developed a cycle. He would start getting a little cranky and

irritable. This would gradually get worse over a period of 5 to 7

days, then we would have 5 to 7 days of pure misery. He would cry

and scream, could not be consoled and typically wouldn't sleep

much. Then he would have 1 to 2 days of feeling better. Then the

seizures would start. He would have 7 to 15 seizures over a 3 to 4

day period. Once they were over, we would have a week of pure

bliss. He would be so happy, easy going and feeling great. Then

slowly the irritability would start creeping back in and we would go

through the cycle again. I was really scared of the AEDs and

possible side effects, but out of desperation to find some relief

for my son, we started trying them. After a little over a year we

finally found one (Keppra) and the right dose to keep these seizures

under control. The seizures are seldom and the horrible " cycle " is

gone. (Occasionally, we see a slight bit of that irritability for a

couple of days, but nothing at all like it was). After a year or so

on Keppra, he began having epileptic spasms and gelastic seizures.

(The gelastic seizures have never been caught on an EEG, but I feel

fairly certain that is what they are). I've wondered if the Keppra

could actually be causing the spasms and gelastic seizures.

I would love to find other means to control the seizures as I feel

the Keppra makes him tired and sleepy. We started the Specific

Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) a couple of years ago. It has definitely

helped the reflux, but has not seen any other changes. He currently

takes calcium, magnesium and a multivitamin (Freeda SCD). I'm

thinking of adding Taurine, Manganese and Vitamin E. I'm hoping I

can get some advice from the people in this group as to what

supplements/dosages might be helpful, or any other advice on ways to

stop the seizures and wean him off of the Keppra, if possible.

I truly apologize for such a long post. I just wanted to give some

history of my son in case anyone has any ideas or advice that might

be helpful.

Thanks for reading!



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--- Attention:

I from E-mail:torontofrog06@... have had petite-mal epilepsy

now for 14 years, about 5 seizures a month.I would like to know about

a natural cure for someone in my age bracket of 47 years?

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hey all,

so happy to be part of a supportive group. i am trying to be proactive in the

treatment of my disease and am looking for a little advice as to the best way to

proceed from here.

I was diagnosed with Lyme about two years ago and at the time was told that I

had been infected twice at least ten years ago. I took the prescribed

doxycycline and on the last day of treatment developed Bell's Palsy. My

antibiotic course was extended for another few weeks. Since then I have been on

and off antibiotics and my symptoms have receded and relapsed as I hear is

common. This past summer I found yet another tick on me and it was found to be

Lyme positive. I took one week of doxycycline before I found that I was

developing a strange nerve reaction to it. I switched to amoxycilin for a week

before swelling up like a balloon. My doctors told me this amount of treatment

should suffice and to return if my symptoms came back. Since then my symptoms

have increased and I feel it is finally time to return to the doctor. I have

found most doctors are resistant to treating chronic Lyme and the symptoms I

have coincide perfectly with chronic Lyme. Therefore, I would like to go into my

appointment with some idea of a treatment method to request so I am not pushed

around so to speak. I am considering requesting the IV method. Has this been

effective for treating chronic Lyme before?

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Welcome to the group LeeAnn. Is your MD Lyme Literate, meaning have experience

treating Lyme beyond the acute stage? I think you live in Mass. as do I

(Northampton). When I received my diagnosis after 5 1/2 yrs of mysterious

symptoms, that MD (who was not my primary) gave me the names of 3 Lyme Literate

MDs: (one of whom has since closed her practice to new patients)the others were

in Boston and in Hyde Park, NY. Unfortunately, you may have to travel some

distance to get advanced treatment (IV antibiotics)--especially since here in

Mass. MDs are not protected from investigation (by state medical board). New

York, NJ, Conn. Rhode Island, California & Minn. do give LLMDs more freedom to

treat chronic or persistent Lyme with long term antibiotics. I ended up going

to a Lyme specialist in Mt. Kisco NY (near where I used to live & was infected).

His approach is slow: I've just gone on IV Rocephin after 8 months of orals (I

could have started in Feb. but due to winter weather concerns decided to wait.)

During my initial consult I was told I would eventually need IV antibiotics. I

did make some modest progress on various combinations of oral abxs and my most

severe symptoms definitely went away.

From my experience, the most proactive thing you can do is find an experienced

Lyme Literate MD. If you want the name of my LLMD contact me through personal


Wishing you the best in your journey toward healing and recovery,


[ ] looking for advice

Hey all,

so happy to be part of a supportive group. i am trying to be proactive in the

treatment of my disease and am looking for a little advice as to the best way to

proceed from here.

I was diagnosed with Lyme about two years ago and at the time was told that I

had been infected twice at least ten years ago. I took the prescribed

doxycycline and on the last day of treatment developed Bell's Palsy. My

antibiotic course was extended for another few weeks. Since then I have been on

and off antibiotics and my symptoms have receded and relapsed as I hear is

common. This past summer I found yet another tick on me and it was found to be

Lyme positive. I took one week of doxycycline before I found that I was

developing a strange nerve reaction to it. I switched to amoxycilin for a week

before swelling up like a balloon. My doctors told me this amount of treatment

should suffice and to return if my symptoms came back. Since then my symptoms

have increased and I feel it is finally time to return to the doctor. I have

found most doctors are resistant to treating chronic Lyme and the symptoms I

have coincide perfectly with chronic Lyme. Therefore, I would like to go i nto

my appointment with some idea of a treatment method to request so I am not

pushed around so to speak. I am considering requesting the IV method. Has this

been effective for treating chronic Lyme before?

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Hello LeeAnn:

I read your bio on Lyme. I was diagnosed with Lyme 7+ years ago.  I did the

whole antibiotics route and had many adverse effects:  neurological, candidias,

digestive problems, nerve pain and was finally referred to a nutritionist that

had a large clientele with lyme and went natural, supplements, detox, lymphstar

machine and have felt like my old self for the past 4 years, I do watch my sugar

and gluten, but maybe you should give that option a try.  Be well.  - Donna


From: LeeAnn <marye20l@...>

Sent: Sun, March 21, 2010 7:42:12 PM

Subject: [ ] looking for advice


Hey all,

so happy to be part of a supportive group. i am trying to be proactive in the

treatment of my disease and am looking for a little advice as to the best way to

proceed from here.

I was diagnosed with Lyme about two years ago and at the time was told that I

had been infected twice at least ten years ago. I took the prescribed

doxycycline and on the last day of treatment developed Bell's Palsy. My

antibiotic course was extended for another few weeks. Since then I have been on

and off antibiotics and my symptoms have receded and relapsed as I hear is

common. This past summer I found yet another tick on me and it was found to be

Lyme positive. I took one week of doxycycline before I found that I was

developing a strange nerve reaction to it. I switched to amoxycilin for a week

before swelling up like a balloon. My doctors told me this amount of treatment

should suffice and to return if my symptoms came back. Since then my symptoms

have increased and I feel it is finally time to return to the doctor. I have

found most doctors are resistant to treating chronic Lyme and the symptoms I

have coincide perfectly with chronic Lyme.

Therefore, I would like to go into my appointment with some idea of a treatment

method to request so I am not pushed around so to speak. I am considering

requesting the IV method. Has this been effective for treating chronic Lyme


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  • 1 year later...

Hey bill. How many times have you treated your car with c02 and have you had any

luck getting it clean. Permanently? Also. Do you think it would work in a


Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile

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What you are doing is good all ready. You just have to keep doing it. When I

didn't use bleach in laundry I used ammonia. I had to soak my clothes for 36

hrs. Over night didn't work nor 24 hrs. I have a big sink next to washer so I

had a little system going. They are still in some clothes especially at the

bottom of the bin. I wash those out too when I can. All my stuff is packed away

in a spare bedroom. Vents are sealed. I bomb it all the time. There is so much

stuFf sprinkled in ther nothing can survive. I go in somtimes just for a minute.

All rugs curtains are paked away.it will be a long time til I get those out. I

just started re buying stuff fpr my house.through all of this I figured the

mites were where I spent most my time. Where my scent was. The bed, the car, the

computer and the bathroom. I did not bring anything into anyones home or car. No

purse or luggage. I always left the house clean clothes and everything. I used

arrid extra dry to Spray when it was real bad. I couldn't take the burden and

the worry about spreading this so I did what I could and let god handle the

rest. Hang on it gets better


> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am doing

is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info out

there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!


> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also, sometimes add

the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in the

machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x

60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this

sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent

- bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.


> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would

idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i

use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good


> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now


> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i put

them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the area,

but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long would

i keep them there - is 6 months safe


> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my

feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that

really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.


> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are

fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.


> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.


> Thank you so much for your help!!!


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Your doing well with everything ,though be careful with lysol as it is toxic if

still wet n gets onto cats fur

And is,licked!

Sevin would be dangerous for cats to be around,i wudnt touch it.

De is safe for cats to be around as long as u lightly spread it and no creature

breathes it in whilst spreading

Tho it ruined my dyson hoover when hoovering up

As did the baking soda n salt on the floors

To be honest I used a ton of salt,bakin soda n de on floors

None worked that much for me

Nylar sprayed helps

Also lysol

Lightly coat cat with de helps if bothered by the mites still,careful not near


Oxy clean good with clothes

Pine tar soap good to wash with as well as sulphur

Im the,same as you

Most pinprick bites,on feet

Nothin has,helped

Borax soak,benzyol peroxide,epsom,cloves,bakin soda,none helped

So on doxycycline now

Hard to tell if bites are still the mites or infection left from bites

Hope mites gone but dunno

I hate wearin plastic on feet all the time

N not bein able to touch the floor

We will get there one day



On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 20:18 PST alaire73 wrote:

>What you are doing is good all ready. You just have to keep doing it. When I

didn't use bleach in laundry I used ammonia. I had to soak my clothes for 36

hrs. Over night didn't work nor 24 hrs. I have a big sink next to washer so I

had a little system going. They are still in some clothes especially at the

bottom of the bin. I wash those out too when I can. All my stuff is packed away

in a spare bedroom. Vents are sealed. I bomb it all the time. There is so much

stuFf sprinkled in ther nothing can survive. I go in somtimes just for a minute.

All rugs curtains are paked away.it will be a long time til I get those out. I

just started re buying stuff fpr my house.through all of this I figured the

mites were where I spent most my time. Where my scent was. The bed, the car, the

computer and the bathroom. I did not bring anything into anyones home or car. No

purse or luggage. I always left the house clean clothes and everything. I used

arrid extra dry to

Spray when it was real bad. I couldn't take the burden and the worry about

spreading this so I did what I could and let god handle the rest. Hang on it

gets better



>> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am

doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info

out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!


>> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also, sometimes

add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in

the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x

60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this

sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent

- bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.


>> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would

idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i

use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good


>> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now


>> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i put

them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the area,

but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long would

i keep them there - is 6 months safe


>> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my

feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that

really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.


>> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are

fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.


>> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.


>> Thank you so much for your help!!!




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Make some cedar spray use for shoes and self, helps. I am free of infestation,

still use cedar spray for outdoor activity. Here is my post earlier, not sure

you read. Good luck, it can be beat. I have remained in home and land.

I have found treating yourself important, and natural as possible. For wash I

use fels naptha it will kill fungus and mites. For body and hair I use liquid

lye soap, when infested i would add flower of sulfur to liquid lye, especially

for hair. Hint use small amount of olive oil to mix the flower of sulfur then

add and blend to liquid lye. I have even left the liquid lye on my hair for bed.

Soak dry hair with liquid lye and let sit. Its just soap it will not hurt you.

Store bought soap will hurt you! I would use peppermint, tea tree, or plain

until healed. If mixing flower of sulfur use plain. After good scrub with lye,

and rinse. Soak in MMS bathes.

I also take flower of sulfur internally and MSM, this is very different from

MMS. Read and study, then go to war:)

Also treat drains weekly with white distilled vinegar, or MMS solution.

LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap and

plant spray as well )

To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a good

way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the lotion

just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you use

either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the impurities

removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or something of

the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't know what you

may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your condition

further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the soap and

water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. Anyway just

mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you want for your

lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix for. Now be

sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't dry right

back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a

small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also

been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray

to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

To make laundry soap with fels naptha I use 1/3 cup shaved naptha boil with 6

cups water, add 6 cups cool water. Add borax. Stir for 24 hours can be used

right away.

Treat outside and anywhere not living attic basement ect with bifen, and

granules on grass, video below how to treat springtails, also kills mites.

Also bathing in MMS, and for me I take internally as well. Now just taking

maintenance dose.

Also orange guard worked well for me and is natural. This I used in my car alot,

and around bed.


Also spray bedding with wintergreen alcohol and white vinegar before bed, and





Lots of links and reading, good luck. I am cured.

PS you may have lyme many who are attractive to this beast have lyme:( try and

be tested, however the test are unreliable. Research the testing for lyme and

you will see some labs are better than others.









http://www.pennherb.com/search?mp=s & se=msm



> >>

> >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am

doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info

out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!

> >>

> >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also, sometimes

add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in

the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x

60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this

sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent

- bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.

> >>

> >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would

idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i

use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good

> >>

> >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now

> >>

> >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i

put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the

area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long

would i keep them there - is 6 months safe

> >>

> >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my

feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that

really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.

> >>

> >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are

fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.

> >>

> >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.

> >>

> >> Thank you so much for your help!!!

> >>

> >

> >


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Forgot link for cedar, I buy horse stable, makes 25 gallons for me strong

solution. For my spray I use distilled water, animals regular water. I have kept

farm, and pets. Cedar is great knockdown not total kill, great for clothes and



> Make some cedar spray use for shoes and self, helps. I am free of infestation,

still use cedar spray for outdoor activity. Here is my post earlier, not sure

you read. Good luck, it can be beat. I have remained in home and land.


> I have found treating yourself important, and natural as possible. For wash I

> use fels naptha it will kill fungus and mites. For body and hair I use liquid

> lye soap, when infested i would add flower of sulfur to liquid lye, especially

> for hair. Hint use small amount of olive oil to mix the flower of sulfur then

> add and blend to liquid lye. I have even left the liquid lye on my hair for


> Soak dry hair with liquid lye and let sit. Its just soap it will not hurt you.

> Store bought soap will hurt you! I would use peppermint, tea tree, or plain

> until healed. If mixing flower of sulfur use plain. After good scrub with lye,

> and rinse. Soak in MMS bathes.


> I also take flower of sulfur internally and MSM, this is very different from

> MMS. Read and study, then go to war:)


> Also treat drains weekly with white distilled vinegar, or MMS solution.


> LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap and

> plant spray as well )


> To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a good

> way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the


> just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you use

> either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the impurities

> removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or something


> the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't know what


> may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your condition

> further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the soap


> water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. Anyway just

> mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you want for


> lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix for. Now be

> sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't dry right

> back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something just get


> small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also

> been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray

> to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.


> To make laundry soap with fels naptha I use 1/3 cup shaved naptha boil with 6

> cups water, add 6 cups cool water. Add borax. Stir for 24 hours can be used

> right away.


> Treat outside and anywhere not living attic basement ect with bifen, and

> granules on grass, video below how to treat springtails, also kills mites.


> Also bathing in MMS, and for me I take internally as well. Now just taking

> maintenance dose.


> Also orange guard worked well for me and is natural. This I used in my car


> and around bed.

> http://orangeguard.com/


> Also spray bedding with wintergreen alcohol and white vinegar before bed, and

> pillows.




> /10423839


> Lots of links and reading, good luck. I am cured.


> PS you may have lyme many who are attractive to this beast have lyme:( try and

> be tested, however the test are unreliable. Research the testing for lyme and

> you will see some labs are better than others.


> http://jimhumble.biz/

> http://www.felsnaptha.com/store-locator

> http://www.felsnaptha.com/

> http://www.soapsgonebuy.com/Fels_Naptha_Soap_p/d1001.htm

> http://debbieshandmadesoap.com/

> http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3031802

> http://www.bugspray.com/article/springtail.html

> http://www.pennherb.com/sulphur

> http://www.pennherb.com/search?mp=s & se=msm

> http://www.animedproducts.com/images/MSMPure2006.pdf

> http://www.swansonvitamins.com/SW851/ItemDetail









> > >>

> > >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am

doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info

out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!

> > >>

> > >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also,

sometimes add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i

can get in the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight.

Then dry 2x 60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes.

Is this sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a

deterent - bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.

> > >>

> > >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would

idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i

use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good

> > >>

> > >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now

> > >>

> > >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i

put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the

area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long

would i keep them there - is 6 months safe

> > >>

> > >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my

feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that

really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.

> > >>

> > >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they

are fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.

> > >>

> > >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.

> > >>

> > >> Thank you so much for your help!!!

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> >


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For pets I used frontline plus, also kills biting mites and lice. Ears treated

cedarcide, or nu stock if heavily infested in ears. Generic frontline plus on

market now.

> >>

> >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am

doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info

out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!

> >>

> >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also, sometimes

add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in

the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x

60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this

sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent

- bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.

> >>

> >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would

idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i

use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good

> >>

> >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now

> >>

> >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i

put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the

area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long

would i keep them there - is 6 months safe

> >>

> >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my

feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that

really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.

> >>

> >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are

fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.

> >>

> >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.

> >>

> >> Thank you so much for your help!!!

> >>

> >

> >


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I even use nu stock on myself, cuts rash wound ect. Great stuff for money.



> > >>

> > >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am

doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info

out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!

> > >>

> > >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also,

sometimes add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i

can get in the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight.

Then dry 2x 60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes.

Is this sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a

deterent - bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.

> > >>

> > >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would

idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i

use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good

> > >>

> > >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now

> > >>

> > >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i

put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the

area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long

would i keep them there - is 6 months safe

> > >>

> > >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my

feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that

really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.

> > >>

> > >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they

are fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.

> > >>

> > >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.

> > >>

> > >> Thank you so much for your help!!!

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> >


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I have treated the car at least 100 times with co2 in 4 years. It kills live

bugs , all of them & leaves the car a blissfull buglessness. I used to sleep in

the car to get away from bugs , it was my safe area .

Co2 does not kill eggs as far as I know so the bug always rehatched . Spraying

the car with1 cup borax & 1 gal water & 1 cup liquid spic n span kills them for

2 wks for me now. I used baking soda all over the car after to help kill

hatchlings. It works , but I still want to wash , I mean soak the seats & carpet

with the :1 cup borax & 1 gal water & 1 cup liquid spic n span. wet vac out &

dry w/ a hair dryer for 24-36 hrs .

I have changed cars 4 times . I still have the old cars. I have the interiors

covered in a layer of borax & baking soda. The baking soda is very effective . I

had an iphone get returned to me infested, whether I infested it & loaned it out

& they multiplied , or whether the people I loaned it to for 1 month infested it

I don't know . All I know is when I got it back within 30 mins I was covered

with facebites , then arm bites , then all over . I gassed it in co2 10 times in

40 days , still it bit my hand after 40 days , I washed it in windex & wiped dry

, a few times still infested , I stored it in dry borax for 30 days ,still

infested with hand bites when I used it Then I put it in baking 1 cup of baking

soda in the same type of ziplock I gassed it in . This time no gas just baking

soda , 30 day later I used it , no problem ., no bites since from the iphone ,

it has been 1 year or so.

Co2 is deadly to breath ,1 wiff & it damafes kidney & brains . If it was use

in a house it would be very hard to air our o the basement because Co2 is

heavier than air & sinks .

A tri-jet fogger works very well to kill them in the house I use 1 cup borax ,1

cup windex & 1.5 gals of water , I fogged every 3 days for 1 month & it stopped

all the bad ones , now just occasional wisps & little bites , I wash the cieling

& walls with 1 cup Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent & 1 gal od water .

or coconut oil 2 tbls per 48 oz of warm water . .

God bless you

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I am also looking for advice..... the worst is my hair... i have orange hair and

for the past three days it has been changing to black then grey and there is a

ton of movement. cannot c anything there... but my whole head was black and

there was a bald spot moving around - omg!!! i am really scared.

What is the best treatment for your hair and scalp - i am scared to even get it

wet cuz they are so aggressive - really need help.

All alone too - no one to help me here - i wish there was.


> > > >>

> > > >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i

am doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting

info out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!

> > > >>

> > > >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also,

sometimes add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i

can get in the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight.

Then dry 2x 60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes.

Is this sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a

deterent - bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.

> > > >>

> > > >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i

would idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible).

i use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do.

I have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax

and baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms

and basement, would borax and sevin be good

> > > >>

> > > >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now

> > > >>

> > > >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) -

i put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the

area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long

would i keep them there - is 6 months safe

> > > >>

> > > >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is

my feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something

that really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or

sulfur baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or


> > > >>

> > > >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they

are fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.

> > > >>

> > > >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.

> > > >>

> > > >> Thank you so much for your help!!!

> > > >>

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Maybe try s dandruff relief shampoo. It has sulfur in it. You can get it online or at Whole Foods.

From: Mayers <sarahmaria72@...>bird mites Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 6:18 PMSubject: Re: looking for advice

I am also looking for advice..... the worst is my hair... i have orange hair and for the past three days it has been changing to black then grey and there is a ton of movement. cannot c anything there... but my whole head was black and there was a bald spot moving around - omg!!! i am really scared.What is the best treatment for your hair and scalp - i am scared to even get it wet cuz they are so aggressive - really need help. All alone too - no one to help me here - i wish there was. sarah> > > >>> > > >> hi - i am looking for advice from some

knowledgeable people if what i am doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!> > > >> > > > >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also, sometimes add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x 60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent - bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.> > > >> > > > >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I have pets - so i am leary

of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and basement, would borax and sevin be good> > > >> > > > >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now> > > >> > > > >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long would i keep them there - is 6 months safe> > > >> > > > >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt,

dawn, or alcohol.> > > >> > > > >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.> > > >> > > > >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some direction to avoid making common mistakes.> > > >> > > > >> Thank you so much for your help!!!> > > >>> > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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i was just about to use sulfer shampoo but thisattack is intense!! there is a

huge mass heavy and warm coming towards my face

i had to get out of the tub- shaking in fear right now

> > > > >>

> > > > >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i

am doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting

info out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!

> > > > >>

> > > > >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also,

sometimes add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i

can get in the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight.

Then dry 2x 60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is

this sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a

deterent - bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.

> > > > >>

> > > > >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i

would idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible).

i use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I

have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and

baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and

basement, would borax and sevin be good

> > > > >>

> > > > >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now

> > > > >>

> > > > >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc)

- i put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the

area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long

would i keep them there - is 6 months safe

> > > > >>

> > > > >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst

is my feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something

that really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur

baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.

> > > > >>

> > > > >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say

they are fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.

> > > > >>

> > > > >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some

direction to avoid making common mistakes.

> > > > >>

> > > > >> Thank you so much for your help!!!

> > > > >>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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,What worked for me to get this movement out of my hair was the following: (others have used things that worked too)1. Get yourself a little plastic bottle used for dying hair at a beauty supply store (the finer the tip the better and there are some which are very tiny).2. Go to the health food store and purchase the following essential oils: tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and oregano oil. All are highly smelly. These oils penetrate the scalp into the skin.3. Put in the plastic squeeze bottle one part tea tree oil, one part eucalyptus oil and 1/8 - 1/4 part oregano oil (it is the strongest, so just a tiny bit needed) so use less of it.4. After you have showered or bathed and the hair has only been towel dried start parting the hair with the tip of the tinting bottle and then start squeezing a few drops onto the scalp. Start massaging that into the scalp. Apply this everywhere on the head, but not near the eyes. I carefully put some on my eyebrows and that was even a mistake.5. This is rather involved, but I've found for me it works. I did this maybe 10 times and I have had no movement in my hair or scalp for at least a year or more. This kills whatever it is that is crawling on the scalp. I suspect Demodex mites in the scalp. Kills them permanently.This is pretty stinky so be ready for that. If you are not around people much it helps, and if you are around people maybe stay a distance away. I know my husband did not like this smell. Good luck!From: " Mayers" <sarahmaria72@...>bird mites Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 4:18:07 PMSubject: Re: looking for adviceI am also looking for advice..... the worst is my hair... i have orange hair and for the past three days it has been changing to black then grey and there is a ton of movement. cannot c anything there... but my whole head was black and there was a bald spot moving around - omg!!! i am really scared.What is the best treatment for your hair and scalp - i am scared to even get it wet cuz they are so aggressive - really need help. All alone too - no one to help me here - i wish there was. sarah> > > >>> > > >> hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i am doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting info out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice!> > > >> > > > >> - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also, sometimes add the Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in the machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x 60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent - bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc.> > > >> > > > >> -I vacuum every second day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would idelly like to do it everyday, but with work - it is not always possible). i use bleach and borax or lysol and borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I have pets - so i am leary of using the DE or other things - can i use borax and baking soda and salt as a powder on floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and basement, would borax and sevin be good> > > >> > > > >> -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they safe now> > > >> > > > >> -for papers or books that i could not throw away (ie:income tax, etc) - i put them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the area, but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long would i keep them there - is 6 months safe> > > >> > > > >> -i get the needle sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my feet. I wear croc shoes everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that really works for feet. For my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur baths lessen the feelings. not successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol.> > > >> > > > >> luckily, i am the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are fine. So, i would like to nip this in the bud if possible.> > > >> > > > >> i am sorry for all the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some direction to avoid making common mistakes.> > > >> > > > >> Thank you so much for your help!!!> > > >>> > > >> > > >> > >> >>------------------------------------

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Did you use these oils straight ? if so Did it burn ?

Thanks ,

& I am so glad you havent had any movemet on the head in so long Praise God ..

Gd bless you ,


110:1 (A

Psalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,

Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst

of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in

the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy


:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.


.... __/ /\____ ____

, o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\

```)( | | | | | | | || |l |

,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :

As forme and my house,

We will serve YHWH!


(Mat 27:40

50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the

bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were

opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the

graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto

many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus,

saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly,

saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding

afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,

Psalm 68:18

18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast

received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might

dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with

benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.

------------------------------On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 8:05 PM EST

Goldstein@... wrote:>, >>>What worked for me to get this

movement out of my hair was the following: (others have used things that worked

too) >>>1. Get yourself a little plastic bottle used for dying hair at a beauty

supply store (the finer the tip the better and there are some which are very

tiny). >>>2. Go to the health food store and purchase the following essential

oils: tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and oregano oil. All are highly smelly.

These oils penetrate the scalp into the skin. >>>3. Put in the plastic squeeze

bottle one part tea tree oil, one part eucalyptus oil and 1/8 - 1/4 part oregano

oil (it is the strongest, so just a tiny bit needed) so use less of it. >>>4.

After you have showered or bathed and the hair has only been towel dried start

parting the hair with the tip of the tinting bottle and then start squeezing a

few drops onto the scalp. Start massaging

that into the scalp. Apply this everywhere on the head, but not near the eyes.

I carefully put some on my eyebrows and that was even a mistake. >>>5. This is

rather involved, but I've found for me it works. I did this maybe 10 times and I

have had no movement in my hair or scalp for at least a year or more. This kills

whatever it is that is crawling on the scalp. I suspect Demodex mites in the

scalp. Kills them permanently. >>>This is pretty stinky so be ready for that. If

you are not around people much it helps, and if you are around people maybe stay

a distance away. I know my husband did not like this smell. Good luck! >>>

>> Re: looking for advice >>I am

also looking for advice..... the worst is my hair... i have orange hair and for

the past three days it has been

changing to black then grey and there is a ton of movement. cannot c anything

there... but my whole head was black and there was a bald spot moving around -

omg!!! i am really scared. >What is the best treatment for your hair and scalp -

i am scared to even get it wet cuz they are so aggressive - really need help.

>All alone too - no one to help me here - i wish there was. >sarah >> >> > >

> >> > > > hi - i am looking for advice from some knowledgeable people if what i

am doing is going to help me get through this. there is a lot of conflicting

info out there and i would really appreciate some experienced advice! >> > > >

>> > > > - i wash my clothes in 1c bleach, 1c borax, and detergent (also,

sometimes add the

Dr Bronners peppermint soap). I use the hottest water that i can get in the

machine and let soak for at least 4hrs but usually overnight. Then dry 2x

60mins. Clothes then go into plastic bags or plastic tote boxes. Is this

sufficient. Also, when storing the clean clothes, what can i use as a deterent -

bounce sheets, menthol crystals,etc. >> > > > >> > > > -I vacuum every second

day. I wash the floors every second day ( i would idelly like to do it everyday,

but with work - it is not always possible). i use bleach and borax or lysol and

borax. Am i helping - what else can i do. I have pets - so i am leary of using

the DE or other things - can i use borax and baking soda and salt as a powder on

floor and furniture. In isolated rooms and basement, would borax and sevin be

good >> > > > >> > > > -i treated my cats with injectable ivermectin - are they

safe now >> > > > >> > > > -for papers or books that i could not throw away

(ie:income tax, etc) - i put

them in plastic totes and have them in storage. I put mothballs in the area,

but can i put something in the boxes, like menthol crystals. And how long would

i keep them there - is 6 months safe >> > > > >> > > > -i get the needle

sensation a little less on my body, but the worst is my feet. I wear croc shoes

everywhere not to spread it. Is there something that really works for feet. For

my body, successful things were bleach or sulfur baths lessen the feelings. not

successful - baby oil, salt, dawn, or alcohol. >> > > > >> > > > luckily, i am

the only one in the house affected - my parents say they are fine. So, i would

like to nip this in the bud if possible. >> > > > >> > > > i am sorry for all

the questions, but i am hoping that i can get some direction to avoid making

common mistakes. >> > > > >> > > > Thank you so much for your help!!! >> > > >

>> > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>>>>------------------------------------


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