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I hadn't heard of it, so I looked it up on Google. Found out it

claims to improve the immune system. This would be very detrimental to

those of us taking immunosuppressants because our immune systems are

already overly active. I wouldn't take it if I were you, but check

with your hepatologist for approval before taking any herbal remedies,

as well as any medications.



> Has any one heard of of a prduct called Mona-Vie and the so called

wonder drink made with Acai fruit from South America.

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Thank you so much for the information. I tried to look it up but I couldn't

find anything that said what exactly it did. I hate this illness because it

limits me so much. It has affected my life in so many ways. I have bone loss

because of the prednisone I took in the beginning, I am on the border of having

diabetes now, almost any medication I take for other problems affects my liver,

I have become allergic to medications I used to take in the past, I have no

energy and I catch every illness that I inadvertently come in contact with.

Sometimes I just want to scream. I so much envy people who have their health.

I am feeling sorry for myself today I guess because I have to stop taking a

medication I need for eczema because now I am having pain in my upper right

side. I take several medications for high cholesteral and triglycerides that

are bad for the liver. I swear if the AIH doesn't get me the medications for

other problems or side effects of Imuran will!

Ahh, but this too shall pass. Thanks for listening to my pity party. I was

diagnosed in October 2003 so you would think I would have become more

understanding of my limitations by now but I guess I never will.

[ ] Re: Question


I hadn't heard of it, so I looked it up on Google. Found out it

claims to improve the immune system. This would be very detrimental to

those of us taking immunosuppressants because our immune systems are

already overly active. I wouldn't take it if I were you, but check

with your hepatologist for approval before taking any herbal remedies,

as well as any medications.



> Has any one heard of of a prduct called Mona-Vie and the so called

wonder drink made with Acai fruit from South America.


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<Ahh, but this too shall pass. Thanks for listening to my pity party. I was

diagnosed in October 2003 so you would think I would have become more

understanding of my limitations by now but I guess I never will. >

This issue is so tough to deal with. I am on this list because my sister is

experiencing liver failure after 2 weeks of taking a blood pressure medication

that as far as the docs can tell caused first drug induced hepatitis and now

auto immune issues that put her close to needing a transplant. She has been

struggling for months with the drugs they've given her to deal with her rising

lab numbers and all the symptoms from the disease and the side effects from the

drugs (especially the prednisone). This list has been very helpful for me in

trying to better understand what she is going through (she lives far from me)

and in the information about drugs and symptoms. I am trying to be some support

for her through all this suffering.

I want to thank you all for sharing your knowledge and your feelings on this

list. You are helping many with your posts.

wishing you all the best,




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  • 2 weeks later...
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> Hello All! I found this group while searching for information on

hypothyroidism and low adrenal function for my 16 yo dd. We've

implemented alot of the diet for the whole family (13 of us). I tend

to just read the email...which is a great encouragement!! But I came

across something and was wondering... Is the kombucha drink off limits?

==>Hi . Welcome to our group. Kombucha is off limits for candida

sufferers because it contains too much sugar.


>hank you Bee for paving the way for the rest of us.

==>You are so very welcome my friend!

The best in health, Bee

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> Did any of you suffered from body odour due to candida? Thank you.

==>Hi there. Welcome to our group. Many of our members have suffered

with body odour due to candida. This candida program will help it, but

it does take time, patient and persistence. There are no quick fixes.

The reason is because body odour problems are caused by the digestive

tract, where there is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria and micro-

organisms caused by candida. You can do a search of our message

archives for previous messages about body odour.

The best in health, Bee

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I'm not going to be able to have one, but that's for quite specific reasons. From what the anaesthetist has told me, they prefer not to do caudal epidural - where it is inserted between the sacrum and coccyx - for labour simply because they have to put in a *lot* of drugs to gain the necessary effect, and so just the sheer quantity can be problematic. In my particular case, I have stenosis at L4-5, so even if they were to do a caudal, the drugs simply could not track far enough up the spine to have the desired effect.

I'm fused to L4, so he's not willing to even attempt to get in around the fusion and hardware to put the drugs in above; apparently despite the stenosis, if they go in above, they should be able - by virtue of gravity - to track down past it given a little time, so if it was just the stenosis it wouldn't stop me having one. If it was just the fusion, it wouldn't stop me as they'd go caudally. Well, I say that, but he did imply they'd not be too happy with doing it anyway because it's possible (despite the haematologist clearing me as ok for surgery) that I have a mild clotting disorder - and so with as many different problems as I have stacked up, they've simply said that if any intervention is needed, I get a GA and that's that. It's quite funny - he showed me some of the letters that had been dictated about me by the various specialists I've seen during this, and practically all of them describe me at some point as " interesting " which amuses me no end!

It sounds like quite a lot will just refuse to try to go caudally though, because of the problems with quantity (I think it's to do with needing to be cathetarised longer than normal and stuff like that if the excess quantity affects you that way), and of course if you've got either a significant curve, or a long fusion, a lot just aren't willing to try to navigate the maze of that to put the drugs in at the normal level.

I've had a perfectly successful caudal epidural steroid injection though, but of course that was done at the specialist centre and not with any kind of urgency behind it.

Don't suppose that really answers any questions though as such - I suspect in all honesty that a lot of it is just that the anaesthetists seldom see anything more complicated than basic back problems and consequently are just plain scared of us.

titch-- Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end. - Hawking

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titch, Not related to the subject on hand but you mentioned you had a caudal epidural steroid injection. I just had my 2nd one on Friday and I am feeling more pain in my leg. Did you ever have that? how long did it last before you felt relief? oojackapivvy <oojackapivvy@...> wrote: I'm not going to be able to have one, but that's for quite specific reasons. From what the anaesthetist has told me, they prefer not to do caudal epidural - where it

is inserted between the sacrum and coccyx - for labour simply because they have to put in a *lot* of drugs to gain the necessary effect, and so just the sheer quantity can be problematic. In my particular case, I have stenosis at L4-5, so even if they were to do a caudal, the drugs simply could not track far enough up the spine to have the desired effect. I'm fused to L4, so he's not willing to even attempt to get in around the fusion and hardware to put the drugs in above; apparently despite the stenosis, if they go in above, they should be able - by virtue of gravity - to track down past it given a little time, so if it was just the stenosis it wouldn't stop me having one. If it was just the fusion, it wouldn't stop me as they'd go caudally. Well, I say that, but he did imply they'd not be too happy with doing it anyway because it's possible (despite the haematologist clearing me as ok for surgery) that I have a mild

clotting disorder - and so with as many different problems as I have stacked up, they've simply said that if any intervention is needed, I get a GA and that's that. It's quite funny - he showed me some of the letters that had been dictated about me by the various specialists I've seen during this, and practically all of them describe me at some point as "interesting" which amuses me no end! It sounds like quite a lot will just refuse to try to go caudally though, because of the problems with quantity (I think it's to do with needing to be cathetarised longer than normal and stuff like that if the excess quantity affects you that way), and of course if you've got either a significant curve, or a long fusion, a lot just aren't willing to try to navigate the maze of that to put the drugs in at the normal level. I've had a perfectly successful caudal epidural steroid injection though, but of course that

was done at the specialist centre and not with any kind of urgency behind it. Don't suppose that really answers any questions though as such - I suspect in all honesty that a lot of it is just that the anaesthetists seldom see anything more complicated than basic back problems and consequently are just plain scared of us. titch-- Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end. - Hawking

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I didn't get increased leg pain from it, although I was warned that it was possible I might have that or other increased pains for a few days.

I found the most relief was actually the local anaesthetic, in that it was more or less immediate - I got up once I was allowed to and my goodness, I could stand up straight for the first time in months, I could arch right the way back (in as much as one can fused to L4), bend right over as far as my back allowed me, I could bend to either side, and twist. Of course, that only lasted several hours until it wore off, but was astonishing to me at the time.

As to the steroid kicking in, it took a good couple of weeks for me to *really* feel much difference, and then I'm sure the effect continued to build somewhat over to about 6 weeks or so - certainly I got through a weekend at the Download music festival, including standing nearly 3 hours for Metallica at one point, which I couldn't have begun to do a few weeks earlier. It's difficult to say though in some respects - overall, my pain was not *that* much reduced. I still had the lower back pain and got a certain amount of leg ache, but the sharpness was dulled. The main effect it had for me was not the pain so much as a lot of the neuro symptoms. No more waterfalls down my shin, my feet weren't dragging, no more foot drop so I stopped falling over, and a lot less muscle fatigue because I was standing much more upright again. I think perhaps I got more back pain relief than I realised in that this is when my lean to the right became *really* apparent, and I had this odd sacro-iliac pain, both of which it seems are most likely because my left L4-5 facet joint is shot, so I'm leaning away from it and when I don't it's referring pain to the SI region. I had those pains before, but they weren't the uppermost ones - so I guess I must have had some relief to effectively " unmask " them. It was really the postural relief and neuro symptom relief that was the biggest thing for me though, and even if it involved no pain relief at all, I'd happily have another ESI just for what I did get from it.

As I recall, they did say that if I got an increase in pain it should be settling quite quickly and gone within a fortnight, with the steroids having kicked in by then. I've got fingers firmly crossed for you for it to settle nice and quickly, but do ring the doc if you're worried about it or it doesn't seem to be settling. Sorry I'm not much use, and hope it's all sorted soon!

titch-- Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end. - Hawking

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I think for most of us the problem is that the chance of getting the

needle where it needs to go in a laboring woman with a long fusion

complete with lots of overgrowth...just too risky or maybe impossible

for the average labor floor/room set up. Only unfused vert. for me at

the time was L5/S1.

When I had epidurals for pain prior to surgery, even with an

experienced doctor, and with guided imagry, it took several

attempts...and that was with me holding very still. I can't imagine

having done it during the time I was activly in labor!

Take Care, Cam

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I woke up last night realizing duh!, they're fused further. My fusion stops @

L4-5, I had an

epidural w/ my 1st (a long labor) the other 2 were so fast, no time...thanks for


me, I had a bit of senior moment, now that I'm 50 :~)



> Kim,


> I think for most of us the problem is that the chance of getting the

> needle where it needs to go in a laboring woman with a long fusion

> complete with lots of overgrowth...just too risky or maybe impossible

> for the average labor floor/room set up. Only unfused vert. for me at

> the time was L5/S1.


> When I had epidurals for pain prior to surgery, even with an

> experienced doctor, and with guided imagry, it took several

> attempts...and that was with me holding very still. I can't imagine

> having done it during the time I was activly in labor!


> Take Care, Cam


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thanks for your rely..I think you're right re the complications...I had an

epidural w/ my

1st...that doctor was one II had worked w/ & knew well...



> I'm not going to be able to have one, but that's for quite specific

> reasons. From what the anaesthetist has told me, they prefer not to do

> caudal epidural - where it is inserted between the sacrum and coccyx - for

> labour simply because they have to put in a *lot* of drugs to gain the

> necessary effect, and so just the sheer quantity can be problematic. In my

> particular case, I have stenosis at L4-5, so even if they were to do a

> caudal, the drugs simply could not track far enough up the spine to have the

> desired effect.


> I'm fused to L4, so he's not willing to even attempt to get in around the

> fusion and hardware to put the drugs in above; apparently despite the

> stenosis, if they go in above, they should be able - by virtue of gravity -

> to track down past it given a little time, so if it was just the stenosis it

> wouldn't stop me having one. If it was just the fusion, it wouldn't stop me

> as they'd go caudally. Well, I say that, but he did imply they'd not be too

> happy with doing it anyway because it's possible (despite the haematologist

> clearing me as ok for surgery) that I have a mild clotting disorder - and so

> with as many different problems as I have stacked up, they've simply said

> that if any intervention is needed, I get a GA and that's that. It's quite

> funny - he showed me some of the letters that had been dictated about me by

> the various specialists I've seen during this, and practically all of them

> describe me at some point as " interesting " which amuses me no end!


> It sounds like quite a lot will just refuse to try to go caudally though,

> because of the problems with quantity (I think it's to do with needing to be

> cathetarised longer than normal and stuff like that if the excess quantity

> affects you that way), and of course if you've got either a significant

> curve, or a long fusion, a lot just aren't willing to try to navigate the

> maze of that to put the drugs in at the normal level.


> I've had a perfectly successful caudal epidural steroid injection though,

> but of course that was done at the specialist centre and not with any kind

> of urgency behind it.


> Don't suppose that really answers any questions though as such - I suspect

> in all honesty that a lot of it is just that the anaesthetists seldom see

> anything more complicated than basic back problems and consequently are just

> plain scared of us.


> titch



> --

> Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end. - Hawking


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because they wouldn't be able to stick the needle through the fusion

to get to the epidural space.

apparently, they are a lot more limited that pain management doctors

who use flouroscopy to guide their needles (and you wouldn't want

xrays while pregnant, anyway)


> many of you refer to not being able to have epidurals w/ labor.

Help refresh my memory why

> that was ??

> thanks


> Kim


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In my case they

apparently could not negotiate the curvature to insert the medication. Could

only go so far and then the insert would come to an abrupt halt. Could go no


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of kimspanx50

Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007

11:08 PM

Subject: [ ]


many of you refer to not being able to have epidurals

w/ labor. Help refresh my memory why

that was ??



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Actually, my

pregnancies/labor occurred prior to my scoliosis/Harrington rod surgery, so the

failure at their being able to administer an epidural (in my case) did not have

anything to do with rod fusion or scar tissue. Just that they couldn’t

thread successfully through my spinal curves.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Kay Stange

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007

12:58 PM

Subject: RE: [ ]


In my case they apparently could not negotiate the

curvature to insert the medication. Could only go so far and then the insert

would come to an abrupt halt. Could go no further.


[mailto: ]

On Behalf Of kimspanx50

Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007

11:08 PM

Subject: [ ]


many of

you refer to not being able to have epidurals w/ labor. Help refresh my memory


that was ??



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> > > I have ordered Vitamin C from cassava root and I

> > tried it twice. But recently I red that cassava has compounds of

cyanide and glucose http://www.answers.com/topic/cassava


> I had sent request to manufacturer but they claim that this

> > product don`t have any poison after many stages of proccessing.

> > > Do you thing it is safe to use it?

> > > My husband worked for pharmacy in the past and he

> > said I should not take it.

==>If the manufacturer states the product doesn't contain compounds in

the cassava, I believe it would be okay.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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hi allyson,

I have found that yes it can hit you right away. I

have always had a reaction to breads and even tried

the grain type affected me the worst.

Gone are the days of a nice sandwich and chips on the



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> I have been eating eggs for breakfast ever since I started this

diet on Monday, and it's getting a little old. Today I was still

hungry so I had a little bit of toast. Now I feel weak and

exhausted. This was only 1/2 hour ago. Could a reaction be that


==>Yes, the reaction can be that quick. If I had a tiny bite of

gluten bread when I had candida, while it was still in my mouth I'd

get an instant migraine.

> I was thinking of trying to slow down on this diet a little and

re-introduce just a little bit of bread because I'm hungry all the

time, but feeling like this I think I'll stay off the bread!

==>Ensure you are eating enough good saturated fats per the ratios

recommended in my article and on my website.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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> Okay, if Kimchee is a probiotic and digestive aid, what happens when

you eat it with coconut oil? You are suppose to have at least 2 hours

between antifungals and probiotic or it kills the probiotic action.

> I eat Coconut oil with every meal that I make and have been eating

the Kimchee at the same time. So I have actually been not helping

myself at all, right????

==>Does it? Do you have a reference for it? I don't believe natural

antifungals kill probiotics. If they did the Italians, Russians and

other countries that consume high amounts of garlic should have had

their good bacteria wiped out eons ago. However antifungal drugs are

toxic so they do kill good bacteria.


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I think it depends on how well you can breathe. I had gotten some

dandelion pollen in my eye the day before I was supposed to have my

original scoliosis surgery and they had me done in pre-op when the

anasthesiologist said there was no way he would let them operate on me

because I was too stuffed up.

They sent me home high and rescheduled for a month later and made me

check into the hospital 3 or 4 days before surgery. The doctor thought

I had done it on purpose!


> Does anybody know if you have a head cold will they postpone surgery?

> I am not sure if I have a head cold or allergies


> Thanks



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Dear Carol,

Use it as long as you feel it's necessary, I used mine about three months, many here use it much longer. I do know that if I'm out and about, and using public restrooms, I always use the handicapped stall, since that toilet is so much higher and thus more comfortable. In our house we had three toilets so one was just set up for me, till I didn't need it anymore. Right now it's all about your comfort, and what gives you less pain, I doubt anyone would begrudge you that.

[ ] Question

I just wanted to have an idea of about how long some of you "revisees" used your raised toilet seats? My husband was asking if I still needed mine, and I said YES! Any ideas out there? The main reason I am being cautious is because of the pain that shoots down my right leg from my lower back/tailbone area. I don't want to put any more strain there than necessary. Carol V.

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I am 2 weeks 2 days post-op and I still use mine. I like it for the arms because I don't feel I could lower myself on the elevated toilet without using my arms. We installed an elevated (6 1/2" high) toilet right before surgery. I still haven't used because I prefer using the bedside commode with the arms to sit at the toilet.


[ ] Question

I just wanted to have an idea of about how long some of you "revisees" used your raised toilet seats? My husband was asking if I still needed mine, and I said YES! Any ideas out there? The main reason I am being cautious is because of the pain that shoots down my right leg from my lower back/tailbone area. I don't want to put any more strain there than necessary. Carol V.

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it looks like your levels build up really quickly so you probably do need to

take a day off here and there or you might want to try taking your dose every

other day...................

Melody Dolle-Ducote <hipmmmy@...> wrote: Friday I ended up in the

ER again this time heart rate raced about an hour before in the 150's it had

been staying between 98 and 120 all week.

My TSH was 1.33 on Friday. Endo still says TAKE THE MEDs... i'm on 1 grain

Armour and adrenals tested normal.

in the past it has taken me months to regulate my thyroid.

i started with a 7.8 TSH on 4/10. Started meds on 4/13.

on 4/18 it waws 3.81 and no palpitations but in normal range...

kept taking the one grain through 5/4 daily and it was then at 2.1

when I had the first set of palpitations...

Last weekend the ER doc took me off for Sat/Sun and Sunday night it was 7.8

started again on Mondayas they told me to and on Tuesday when they checked it it

wasw 5.85....

So I don't get why it controlled so quickly... and perhaps I think I am taking

too much. The Endo I'm seeing says no it is that the ER docs keep having me take

two days off every time my heart races.... yet I was on it consistently 4/13

through 5/4 and it was down to 2.1

I either need a new dr or .... I'm nuts... which I'm sure you all will tell me !

I have a stress test tomorrow as they have already ruled out my heart twice in 6

months but endo says it is not the medication or the thyroid....he also said he

would not test me again for two months. I told him that was unacceptable and

with these symptoms...... I wanted it checked every 6 weeks... so he agreed....

yet I am reading on the internet that some people .... can be hypo with hyper

symptoms if the meds are off...

any suggestions..... on a dr in the dallas area.

in addition may I add that being off the pills yesterday and today were the best

two days I have had in weeks.... literally I had energy, no heart palpitations,

I felt great!

I know alot of people say take the meds consistantly. But for two years not I

was on 2 grains a day and only took them M-F until april of this year and I did

well and it regulated and stayed that way....

It is not the best way but....it worked for me... and it was prescribed that way

by the Dr.


Isaiah 12:2, “See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be



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Thanks so much! I think that is what I'm going to do... I thought maybe taking

1/2 grain a day might do it.. but I don't know if I can split the pill.

palma joshi <dholakia72@...> wrote: it looks like your levels build up

really quickly so you probably do need to take a day off here and there or you

might want to try taking your dose every other day...................

Melody Dolle-Ducote wrote: Friday I ended up in the ER again this time heart

rate raced about an hour before in the 150's it had been staying between 98 and

120 all week.

My TSH was 1.33 on Friday. Endo still says TAKE THE MEDs... i'm on 1 grain

Armour and adrenals tested normal.

in the past it has taken me months to regulate my thyroid.

i started with a 7.8 TSH on 4/10. Started meds on 4/13.

on 4/18 it waws 3.81 and no palpitations but in normal range...

kept taking the one grain through 5/4 daily and it was then at 2.1

when I had the first set of palpitations...

Last weekend the ER doc took me off for Sat/Sun and Sunday night it was 7.8

started again on Mondayas they told me to and on Tuesday when they checked it it

wasw 5.85....

So I don't get why it controlled so quickly... and perhaps I think I am taking

too much. The Endo I'm seeing says no it is that the ER docs keep having me take

two days off every time my heart races.... yet I was on it consistently 4/13

through 5/4 and it was down to 2.1

I either need a new dr or .... I'm nuts... which I'm sure you all will tell me !

I have a stress test tomorrow as they have already ruled out my heart twice in 6

months but endo says it is not the medication or the thyroid....he also said he

would not test me again for two months. I told him that was unacceptable and

with these symptoms...... I wanted it checked every 6 weeks... so he agreed....

yet I am reading on the internet that some people .... can be hypo with hyper

symptoms if the meds are off...

any suggestions..... on a dr in the dallas area.

in addition may I add that being off the pills yesterday and today were the best

two days I have had in weeks.... literally I had energy, no heart palpitations,

I felt great!

I know alot of people say take the meds consistantly. But for two years not I

was on 2 grains a day and only took them M-F until april of this year and I did

well and it regulated and stayed that way....

It is not the best way but....it worked for me... and it was prescribed that way

by the Dr.


Isaiah 12:2, “See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be



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you can split it, you might need to purchase a pill splitter from a drug store.

Melody Dolle-Ducote <hipmmmy@...> wrote: Thanks so much! I think

that is what I'm going to do... I thought maybe taking 1/2 grain a day might do

it.. but I don't know if I can split the pill.

palma joshi <dholakia72@...> wrote: it looks like your levels build up

really quickly so you probably do need to take a day off here and there or you

might want to try taking your dose every other day...................

Melody Dolle-Ducote wrote: Friday I ended up in the ER again this time heart

rate raced about an hour before in the 150's it had been staying between 98 and

120 all week.

My TSH was 1.33 on Friday. Endo still says TAKE THE MEDs... i'm on 1 grain

Armour and adrenals tested normal.

in the past it has taken me months to regulate my thyroid.

i started with a 7.8 TSH on 4/10. Started meds on 4/13.

on 4/18 it waws 3.81 and no palpitations but in normal range...

kept taking the one grain through 5/4 daily and it was then at 2.1

when I had the first set of palpitations...

Last weekend the ER doc took me off for Sat/Sun and Sunday night it was 7.8

started again on Mondayas they told me to and on Tuesday when they checked it it

wasw 5.85....

So I don't get why it controlled so quickly... and perhaps I think I am taking

too much. The Endo I'm seeing says no it is that the ER docs keep having me take

two days off every time my heart races.... yet I was on it consistently 4/13

through 5/4 and it was down to 2.1

I either need a new dr or .... I'm nuts... which I'm sure you all will tell me !

I have a stress test tomorrow as they have already ruled out my heart twice in 6

months but endo says it is not the medication or the thyroid....he also said he

would not test me again for two months. I told him that was unacceptable and

with these symptoms...... I wanted it checked every 6 weeks... so he agreed....

yet I am reading on the internet that some people .... can be hypo with hyper

symptoms if the meds are off...

any suggestions..... on a dr in the dallas area.

in addition may I add that being off the pills yesterday and today were the best

two days I have had in weeks.... literally I had energy, no heart palpitations,

I felt great!

I know alot of people say take the meds consistantly. But for two years not I

was on 2 grains a day and only took them M-F until april of this year and I did

well and it regulated and stayed that way....

It is not the best way but....it worked for me... and it was prescribed that way

by the Dr.


Isaiah 12:2, “See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be



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my question is... when I'm going to my endo over and over and he won't agree

to let me drop the dosage...

is it really time to find a new doc.

My dr is one of the best in dallas but yet .... he doesn't think out of the


do you or anyone know of anyone in the dallas area that will think outside the

box on thyroid?

palma joshi <dholakia72@...> wrote:

you can split it, you might need to purchase a pill splitter from a drug


Melody Dolle-Ducote wrote: Thanks so much! I think that is what I'm going to

do... I thought maybe taking 1/2 grain a day might do it.. but I don't know if I

can split the pill.

palma joshi wrote: it looks like your levels build up really quickly so you

probably do need to take a day off here and there or you might want to try

taking your dose every other day...................

Melody Dolle-Ducote wrote: Friday I ended up in the ER again this time heart

rate raced about an hour before in the 150's it had been staying between 98 and

120 all week.

My TSH was 1.33 on Friday. Endo still says TAKE THE MEDs... i'm on 1 grain

Armour and adrenals tested normal.

in the past it has taken me months to regulate my thyroid.

i started with a 7.8 TSH on 4/10. Started meds on 4/13.

on 4/18 it waws 3.81 and no palpitations but in normal range...

kept taking the one grain through 5/4 daily and it was then at 2.1

when I had the first set of palpitations...

Last weekend the ER doc took me off for Sat/Sun and Sunday night it was 7.8

started again on Mondayas they told me to and on Tuesday when they checked it it

wasw 5.85....

So I don't get why it controlled so quickly... and perhaps I think I am taking

too much. The Endo I'm seeing says no it is that the ER docs keep having me take

two days off every time my heart races.... yet I was on it consistently 4/13

through 5/4 and it was down to 2.1

I either need a new dr or .... I'm nuts... which I'm sure you all will tell me !

I have a stress test tomorrow as they have already ruled out my heart twice in 6

months but endo says it is not the medication or the thyroid....he also said he

would not test me again for two months. I told him that was unacceptable and

with these symptoms...... I wanted it checked every 6 weeks... so he agreed....

yet I am reading on the internet that some people .... can be hypo with hyper

symptoms if the meds are off...

any suggestions..... on a dr in the dallas area.

in addition may I add that being off the pills yesterday and today were the best

two days I have had in weeks.... literally I had energy, no heart palpitations,

I felt great!

I know alot of people say take the meds consistantly. But for two years not I

was on 2 grains a day and only took them M-F until april of this year and I did

well and it regulated and stayed that way....

It is not the best way but....it worked for me... and it was prescribed that way

by the Dr.


Isaiah 12:2, “See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be



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