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Hi Dave,

That is great that your dr gives you your script for 90 days..mine will only

give my opana er and before that morphine for 30 days and I need to pick up the

script every month and take it to the pharmacy..I too live in PA..that gets to

be a pain and most of the time my hubby does it since I am not up to running

around to get it.

I also have vicodin for break thru pain as well


Stressed is just desserts spelled backwards

A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Stars are like friends you may not always see them..but they are always there

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Hi Dave,

That is great that your dr gives you your script for 90 days..mine will only

give my opana er and before that morphine for 30 days and I need to pick up the

script every month and take it to the pharmacy..I too live in PA..that gets to

be a pain and most of the time my hubby does it since I am not up to running

around to get it.

I also have vicodin for break thru pain as well


Stressed is just desserts spelled backwards

A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Stars are like friends you may not always see them..but they are always there

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> >-

> >Dave, You must be from Phili! I'm in Bethlehem.



> Actually when I got assistance I lived outside of Lancaster, PA. I

> now live in Wyomissing, outside of Reading, PA. I am very blessed to

> have a Doctor who believes me, I had to sign papers saying I would

> not sell them or Doctor shop or I would lose my prescriptions. I

> also must come in for follow up visits, every three months, get

> regular liver tests, and the Oxycoton scripts are written with No

> refills 90 days worth, so I need to see him everytime I need a new

> script. Dave


I Dave, I go to Pain Management. I had to sign papers too to the same

bit. also it said that if I asked for more meds too early that they

would no longer prescrbe any. I take oyxcodine and neurotin. the

latter is for nerve pain. It has helped. I get yearly blood work

through my diabetic doctor. He monitars my liver for problems. I also

take Lamitical, a mood stabilizer for depression (Bipolar 2). that

will elevate one of my liver enzymes. the oxycodine does not. my

doctor explained that When all the enzymes are elevated then there is

liver damage. Yes Tyelenol is the worse for overloading the liver in

large amounts. I have seen several cases of attempted suicide by

injestion of large amounts of Tylenol. They went to ICU. A ER Dr told

me that after taking a large dose, Like 100 you throw up, then start to

feel better. That's when your enzymes go up and stage 3 you're dead

from liver failure. I think tylenol is safe in prescribed doses. The

problem is it can cause GI distress and chew up your stomach after

awhile. That is the problem with me. all antiinflammatory meds, eat

up my stomach and don't work anymore. I hated to move to a narcotic

med. But I ran out of nonnarotic ones that worked. I had build up a

tolerance to all of them. I am milking these meds as LONG as possible

so I don't have to get something stronger. I do not want to spend my

life as a zombie. Its hard when you have consistant pain, not to want

to take something that will stop the pain. Especially when you can

think of nothing else but pain! It sounds likeyou were able to hook up

to good help. that is super. Its hard to think someone who cares

enough to want to help and believe that you are in so much pain. I

have heard that Berks is a good county for social services. Nice area

too! Take care dave and everyone. Its nice to know that I'm not alone

in my struggles!!

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> >-

> >Dave, You must be from Phili! I'm in Bethlehem.



> Actually when I got assistance I lived outside of Lancaster, PA. I

> now live in Wyomissing, outside of Reading, PA. I am very blessed to

> have a Doctor who believes me, I had to sign papers saying I would

> not sell them or Doctor shop or I would lose my prescriptions. I

> also must come in for follow up visits, every three months, get

> regular liver tests, and the Oxycoton scripts are written with No

> refills 90 days worth, so I need to see him everytime I need a new

> script. Dave


I Dave, I go to Pain Management. I had to sign papers too to the same

bit. also it said that if I asked for more meds too early that they

would no longer prescrbe any. I take oyxcodine and neurotin. the

latter is for nerve pain. It has helped. I get yearly blood work

through my diabetic doctor. He monitars my liver for problems. I also

take Lamitical, a mood stabilizer for depression (Bipolar 2). that

will elevate one of my liver enzymes. the oxycodine does not. my

doctor explained that When all the enzymes are elevated then there is

liver damage. Yes Tyelenol is the worse for overloading the liver in

large amounts. I have seen several cases of attempted suicide by

injestion of large amounts of Tylenol. They went to ICU. A ER Dr told

me that after taking a large dose, Like 100 you throw up, then start to

feel better. That's when your enzymes go up and stage 3 you're dead

from liver failure. I think tylenol is safe in prescribed doses. The

problem is it can cause GI distress and chew up your stomach after

awhile. That is the problem with me. all antiinflammatory meds, eat

up my stomach and don't work anymore. I hated to move to a narcotic

med. But I ran out of nonnarotic ones that worked. I had build up a

tolerance to all of them. I am milking these meds as LONG as possible

so I don't have to get something stronger. I do not want to spend my

life as a zombie. Its hard when you have consistant pain, not to want

to take something that will stop the pain. Especially when you can

think of nothing else but pain! It sounds likeyou were able to hook up

to good help. that is super. Its hard to think someone who cares

enough to want to help and believe that you are in so much pain. I

have heard that Berks is a good county for social services. Nice area

too! Take care dave and everyone. Its nice to know that I'm not alone

in my struggles!!

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> >-

> >Dave, You must be from Phili! I'm in Bethlehem.



> Actually when I got assistance I lived outside of Lancaster, PA. I

> now live in Wyomissing, outside of Reading, PA. I am very blessed to

> have a Doctor who believes me, I had to sign papers saying I would

> not sell them or Doctor shop or I would lose my prescriptions. I

> also must come in for follow up visits, every three months, get

> regular liver tests, and the Oxycoton scripts are written with No

> refills 90 days worth, so I need to see him everytime I need a new

> script. Dave


I Dave, I go to Pain Management. I had to sign papers too to the same

bit. also it said that if I asked for more meds too early that they

would no longer prescrbe any. I take oyxcodine and neurotin. the

latter is for nerve pain. It has helped. I get yearly blood work

through my diabetic doctor. He monitars my liver for problems. I also

take Lamitical, a mood stabilizer for depression (Bipolar 2). that

will elevate one of my liver enzymes. the oxycodine does not. my

doctor explained that When all the enzymes are elevated then there is

liver damage. Yes Tyelenol is the worse for overloading the liver in

large amounts. I have seen several cases of attempted suicide by

injestion of large amounts of Tylenol. They went to ICU. A ER Dr told

me that after taking a large dose, Like 100 you throw up, then start to

feel better. That's when your enzymes go up and stage 3 you're dead

from liver failure. I think tylenol is safe in prescribed doses. The

problem is it can cause GI distress and chew up your stomach after

awhile. That is the problem with me. all antiinflammatory meds, eat

up my stomach and don't work anymore. I hated to move to a narcotic

med. But I ran out of nonnarotic ones that worked. I had build up a

tolerance to all of them. I am milking these meds as LONG as possible

so I don't have to get something stronger. I do not want to spend my

life as a zombie. Its hard when you have consistant pain, not to want

to take something that will stop the pain. Especially when you can

think of nothing else but pain! It sounds likeyou were able to hook up

to good help. that is super. Its hard to think someone who cares

enough to want to help and believe that you are in so much pain. I

have heard that Berks is a good county for social services. Nice area

too! Take care dave and everyone. Its nice to know that I'm not alone

in my struggles!!

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> >-

> >Dave, You must be from Phili! I'm in Bethlehem.



> Actually when I got assistance I lived outside of Lancaster, PA. I

> now live in Wyomissing, outside of Reading, PA. I am very blessed to

> have a Doctor who believes me, I had to sign papers saying I would

> not sell them or Doctor shop or I would lose my prescriptions. I

> also must come in for follow up visits, every three months, get

> regular liver tests, and the Oxycoton scripts are written with No

> refills 90 days worth, so I need to see him everytime I need a new

> script. Dave


I Dave, I go to Pain Management. I had to sign papers too to the same

bit. also it said that if I asked for more meds too early that they

would no longer prescrbe any. I take oyxcodine and neurotin. the

latter is for nerve pain. It has helped. I get yearly blood work

through my diabetic doctor. He monitars my liver for problems. I also

take Lamitical, a mood stabilizer for depression (Bipolar 2). that

will elevate one of my liver enzymes. the oxycodine does not. my

doctor explained that When all the enzymes are elevated then there is

liver damage. Yes Tyelenol is the worse for overloading the liver in

large amounts. I have seen several cases of attempted suicide by

injestion of large amounts of Tylenol. They went to ICU. A ER Dr told

me that after taking a large dose, Like 100 you throw up, then start to

feel better. That's when your enzymes go up and stage 3 you're dead

from liver failure. I think tylenol is safe in prescribed doses. The

problem is it can cause GI distress and chew up your stomach after

awhile. That is the problem with me. all antiinflammatory meds, eat

up my stomach and don't work anymore. I hated to move to a narcotic

med. But I ran out of nonnarotic ones that worked. I had build up a

tolerance to all of them. I am milking these meds as LONG as possible

so I don't have to get something stronger. I do not want to spend my

life as a zombie. Its hard when you have consistant pain, not to want

to take something that will stop the pain. Especially when you can

think of nothing else but pain! It sounds likeyou were able to hook up

to good help. that is super. Its hard to think someone who cares

enough to want to help and believe that you are in so much pain. I

have heard that Berks is a good county for social services. Nice area

too! Take care dave and everyone. Its nice to know that I'm not alone

in my struggles!!

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It is very true that a doctor can cut you off your pain medication cold turkey.

My pain doctor cut me off the day I called to cancel my third epidural in L5.

Thankfully a had some medication left when I called my HPH doctor. He proceeded

to give me a new prescriptions on the spot.

Doctors can be very cruel especially when you have in some way offended them or

their staff as I did. I think that if this had not happened that he would still

have cut me off.

I am seeing a new doctor over 100 miles from her on March 11th. I also had

another MRI done yesterday that was very painful because of the position that I

was place in. My HPH did not understand me when I told him that my pain was

further down the back than my neck, hence I got just the neck done.

While I was there I also got a little smarts and asked for a print out of the

first MRI report on my lumbar MRI. It has more than a herniated disc in L5 in

it. I do not want to bore you with what they found but I am not understanding

all the medical lingo. I would have to take up half a page to fill out all that

they found.\\

I am very sorry that a person on this board was treated cruelly in a reply. I

have done a lot of research and still come up short on answers. Please do not

let you stop coming here for caring and understanding advice which is the norm


Please everyone have a relatively pain free day.

Cheryl V


Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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It is very true that a doctor can cut you off your pain medication cold turkey.

My pain doctor cut me off the day I called to cancel my third epidural in L5.

Thankfully a had some medication left when I called my HPH doctor. He proceeded

to give me a new prescriptions on the spot.

Doctors can be very cruel especially when you have in some way offended them or

their staff as I did. I think that if this had not happened that he would still

have cut me off.

I am seeing a new doctor over 100 miles from her on March 11th. I also had

another MRI done yesterday that was very painful because of the position that I

was place in. My HPH did not understand me when I told him that my pain was

further down the back than my neck, hence I got just the neck done.

While I was there I also got a little smarts and asked for a print out of the

first MRI report on my lumbar MRI. It has more than a herniated disc in L5 in

it. I do not want to bore you with what they found but I am not understanding

all the medical lingo. I would have to take up half a page to fill out all that

they found.\\

I am very sorry that a person on this board was treated cruelly in a reply. I

have done a lot of research and still come up short on answers. Please do not

let you stop coming here for caring and understanding advice which is the norm


Please everyone have a relatively pain free day.

Cheryl V


Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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they really should get in trouble for that; when they give you these kinds of

meds, they know what they do to your body, and that they should wean a person

off of them. Its too bad doctors are so hard to make acountable for their

actions.<html><div>No greater burden can be borne by an individual than to know

no one cares or understands. </div></html>

neck pain@...: izabelam@...: Sun, 10 Feb

2008 19:41:31 -0500Subject: Re: Re:Question

Rob, you are sure good person. But you can not be serious thinking :) that

doctors can't cut the woman off pain killers...they do..they don't' care that

she suffered thru withdrawals.she is as good to them as her money...she is low

income, 52 years old woman looking tired and in pain....we sent her some money

but without prescriptions she can't get the drug..well....on the streets of

Tallahassee..maybe..and here in Utah lots of people think you are an addict if

you need pills...I know, I am venting. I have a husband who will be facing

disability , for the same reason we all are here...back and neck

problems......God help us all..You all have painless night.Izabela.In a message

dated 2/10/2008 10:35:00 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, robgehle@...

writes:first, he can't jus cut her off thats dangerous, and she should threaten

him over this. second she should try going to a clinic with her scripts and they

might try to help her, at least to taper her off if nothing else. have they

tried to get state insurance? I can not think of anything. I have to pay out of

pocket to see my pain management, cuz my insurance doesn't cover it; I actually

owe them alot already cuz we're broke. This frustrates me, not being able to

come up with a solution for your sister, because i understand what shes going

thru. I finally got state insurance. I wish i could help.rob<html><div><WBR>No

greater burden can be borne by an individual than to know no one cares or


(mailto:neck pain@...) : _izabelam@..._

(mailto:izabelam@...) : Sat, 9 Feb 2008 17:18:27 -0500Subject: Re:

[PainInTheNeck-: Sat, 9 Feb 2008Hi all,I read all posts every day and they are

very helpful. I tell my husband..you are not alone..but now I have a question.My

husband's sister lives in Tallahassee, Florida and has not insurance. She lost

it recently.As soon as her doctor learned about it, he cut her off on visits,

medications, he cut her prescriptions for pain - she has herniated disk and she

had hip surgery.She is in pain with no insurance, no pain medication.Do you know

what to do?I have not clue?How people without insurance can survive pain?Jump

from the bridge to stop misery?I hope you guys know some resources for medical

help when you poor and have not health insurance?Thank you all for any

ideasIzabela Matej*******Hi all,I read all posts every day and they are very

helpful. I



000002548) )

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> Dear Bee

> I have a question about eggs , i heard that white destroy biotin in

yolk and another one about cold presed flax oil

> .

> It have a lot of omega 3 fat , is it this oil good for us.

==> helped you with the egg question. Yes omega-3 is good

depending upon the source - see the description and list of

supplements in my candida article which explains what you need, etc.:


Also see this information on supplements:


Also see the Cod Liver Oil Nutrients for different brands:


The best, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> What do you think about fastening healing with electric and magnetic

fungus and candida killing. I mean Beck protocol , Rife device ,


==>Hi Rysiek. You can search our message achives for any questions

like this, since it has been discussed previously. Killing candida or

any bacteria does not cure a person. You can only be cured by building

up your immune system with proper nutrients. Natural healing takes

time, patience and persistence with the program. No one can get well

faster. The body need time heal itself properly and no quick fixes



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

you can ask for anything you want, the trick is to get the provider to listen to

you and comply. I would ask for either a ultrasound or a ct scan of the neck

region/thyroid and tell them your symptoms. I tend to listen to my patients

complaints because I had bad experiences on the other side of the fence as a

patient who had providers tell me my lupus was all in my head and it took years

to get one to listen, so I am very empathetic.


From: _bearpaws

Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 8:55 AM


Subject: question

Can I ask my doc for a scan of my neck?

I am concern on the pains I am having still and we both can feel small nods.


nancie barnett <deifspirit@...> wrote:

not if the person is obese and a thick neck. it is very hard to determine unless

you get a scan or a ultrasound what is really going on in the neck area; that

also goes for body builders who have really big necks. they are very hard to

palpate and determine what is really going on. I always order an ultrasound

and/or ct scan to see what I am dealing with. [ depending on insurx coverage]



Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:41 AM


Subject: Re:Choking, low bp and hr, extreme sensitivity to


I don't know if it's relevant to you or not, but I have a restriction in

my esophagus that is called a " schatzki ring " . This is a restriction

just above your stomach that will sometimes prevent food from going

down; and causes a feeling of choking and a swelling pain. You might

google it and see if you thing it applies to you.

I don't know if a thyroid problem can cause choking; I've never heard of

such. If you did have a growth or blockage from the thyroid that is

enough to prevent swallowing I would think it would be obvious to a doctor.



> Choking, low bp and hr, extreme sensitivity to cold,...








> Posted by: " tolaniyioke " tolaniyioke@...




> tolaniyioke <tolaniyioke>



> Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:44 pm (PDT)


> Hello,

> I put some of my symptoms in the subject line. Today I choked on a

> gel capsule I was trying to take for a cold. Thank goodness it was a

> gel - it melted/softened after a few minutes me air swallowing,

> gagging, drooling and my fiance's failed attempt at the Heimlich

> manuever! That's the most recent symptom of what I am convinced is

> my thyroid condition.

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thanks this is good news to and for me but very sorry that you had such a

horrible experience with the doctors.


nancie barnett <deifspirit@...> wrote:

you can ask for anything you want, the trick is to get the provider to

listen to you and comply. I would ask for either a ultrasound or a ct scan of

the neck region/thyroid and tell them your symptoms. I tend to listen to my

patients complaints because I had bad experiences on the other side of the fence

as a patient who had providers tell me my lupus was all in my head and it took

years to get one to listen, so I am very empathetic.


From: _bearpaws

Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 8:55 AM


Subject: question

Can I ask my doc for a scan of my neck?

I am concern on the pains I am having still and we both can feel small nods.


nancie barnett <deifspirit@...> wrote:

not if the person is obese and a thick neck. it is very hard to determine unless

you get a scan or a ultrasound what is really going on in the neck area; that

also goes for body builders who have really big necks. they are very hard to

palpate and determine what is really going on. I always order an ultrasound

and/or ct scan to see what I am dealing with. [ depending on insurx coverage]



Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:41 AM


Subject: Re:Choking, low bp and hr, extreme sensitivity to


I don't know if it's relevant to you or not, but I have a restriction in

my esophagus that is called a " schatzki ring " . This is a restriction

just above your stomach that will sometimes prevent food from going

down; and causes a feeling of choking and a swelling pain. You might

google it and see if you thing it applies to you.

I don't know if a thyroid problem can cause choking; I've never heard of

such. If you did have a growth or blockage from the thyroid that is

enough to prevent swallowing I would think it would be obvious to a doctor.



> Choking, low bp and hr, extreme sensitivity to cold,...








> Posted by: " tolaniyioke " tolaniyioke@...




> tolaniyioke <tolaniyioke>



> Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:44 pm (PDT)


> Hello,

> I put some of my symptoms in the subject line. Today I choked on a

> gel capsule I was trying to take for a cold. Thank goodness it was a

> gel - it melted/softened after a few minutes me air swallowing,

> gagging, drooling and my fiance's failed attempt at the Heimlich

> manuever! That's the most recent symptom of what I am convinced is

> my thyroid condition.

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Trina Radford

Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China.

In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck!

Regards, Trina


Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness

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Trina Radford

Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China.

In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck!

Regards, Trina


Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness

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Sorry Trina Radford, (Feels weird cause I have the same name lol) Here is a Link also for you: http://xnet.rrc.mb.ca/davidb/vaccine_production.htm


Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness

Re: Question

Trina Radford

Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China.

In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck!

Regards, Trina


Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness

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Sorry Trina Radford, (Feels weird cause I have the same name lol) Here is a Link also for you: http://xnet.rrc.mb.ca/davidb/vaccine_production.htm


Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness

Re: Question

Trina Radford

Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China.

In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck!

Regards, Trina


Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness

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Guest guest

I know what you mean about the name thing. Not many of us out there!Trina Girard <llDark.Angelxl@...> wrote: Sorry Trina Radford, (Feels weird cause I have the same name lol) Here is a Link also for you: http://xnet.rrc.mb.ca/davidb/vaccine_production.htm llDarkAngelxlhttp://www.ImpeachBush.comhttp://stopspp.com/stopspp/?cat=20http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vaccination-exemption.htmlhttp://www.jonesreport.com/ Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness Re: Question Trina Radford Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China. In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck! Regards, Trina llDarkAngelxlhttp://www.ImpeachBush.comhttp://stopspp.com/stopspp/?cat=20http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vaccination-exemption.htmlhttp://www.jonesreport.com/ Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness Trina

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Guest guest

I know what you mean about the name thing. Not many of us out there!Trina Girard <llDark.Angelxl@...> wrote: Sorry Trina Radford, (Feels weird cause I have the same name lol) Here is a Link also for you: http://xnet.rrc.mb.ca/davidb/vaccine_production.htm llDarkAngelxlhttp://www.ImpeachBush.comhttp://stopspp.com/stopspp/?cat=20http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vaccination-exemption.htmlhttp://www.jonesreport.com/ Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness Re: Question Trina Radford Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China. In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck! Regards, Trina llDarkAngelxlhttp://www.ImpeachBush.comhttp://stopspp.com/stopspp/?cat=20http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vaccination-exemption.htmlhttp://www.jonesreport.com/ Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness Trina

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Thanks for the info! Trina Girard <llDark.Angelxl@...> wrote: Trina Radford Vaccines started as early as the 1700's, this method of variolation was common practice in China. In England in 1796 Dr. Jenner made full use of information provided by milkmaids - if they had acquired the mild cow pox, they could not acquire the deadly and dreaded

small pox. In an experiment that would likely see him jailed for life in modern times, Dr. Jenner infected a young boy with cow pox. Here is a reference but just google the History Of Vaccines, or Vaccine Timelines vrs Diseases etc. Good luck! Regards, Trina llDarkAngelxlhttp://www.ImpeachBush.comhttp://stopspp.com/stopspp/?cat=20http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vaccination-exemption.htmlhttp://www.jonesreport.com/ Visit My Blog // Profile http://ca.360..ca/AngelOFSighted.Darkness Trina

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