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We are staying warm, gas fireplace and a couple of space heaters. Heater will

be fixed in the morning.

It is actually kind of fun, having a quiet day in front of the fire.



It is 25 degrees outside, wind chill of 18. Our heat is not working. We

are sooooooooooooooo cold here in South Carolina. I just got home from work,

the prospect of a cold bed is not fun. I want some heat.

Sharon H.

Mom to , (12, DS) and , (8)

South Carolina

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Teri- now you know what winter is like up here in the Great White North . Cold ,white & more cold - snow up to your pupik & you have to shovel it to get in or out of your home . My friend's son goes out with a buddy & a shovel and makes over a hundred dollars each time from people like me who hate shovelling . Now , imagine this lasting for 5 to 6 months a year & you've got Thunder Bay .

I keep my thermostat at 68 degrees, not because I like it cold but because it costs me around $95/month to heat my house. You learn to guess the outdoor temp by the sound that the snow makes when you step on it.

Winter is so much fun! SuzieTeri Covert <covertop@...> wrote:

Well guys just thought I would add my 2 cents on the weather. Last night we hit -1 with a wind chill factor of 23 below. At 5 degrees right now! Well is coming later than expected! My furnace is going!! It's about 62 degrees in here and I'm freezing! I have one glove on two shirts a pair of long underwear and sweatpants!!!And I'm still cold!!!! So will get ahold of someone tommorow to see about getting it fixed, compliments of !! Thank you sweetie!!!


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  • 3 years later...

Told you we are wimps... -32F Yuck... been there done that and don't like it. Had my VW Rabbit (diesel) gel up in Wyoming once during a blizzard with -20 and winds... hubby was driving while I slept and didn't keep Ram's up as I instructed. Think that was the last time I slept while he drove, lol.

A Greyhound driver picked me up and I was able to talk a very tired tow truck driver into making one more trip out for the hubby and kids. Hindsight = should have brought them on the Greyhound with me... I had to keep the tow driver awake, but it all worked out. He put the Rabbit in his shop and by morning it was all thawed out and ready to go.

Geez... I used to jump into stuff without looking, get into trouble, then have to figure a way out again. Guess I still do that to some degree... but in slo-mo these days. Life is an adventure. Llinda

We were having one of the warmest winters I can remember - temps on the plus side Celsius & people started bitching. "There's no snow. I want a white Christmas, not brown. etc etc " I told them to Shut the Hell up cause someone might hear & I was right.

Now we've got snow & the last week we got the chillys. I haven't been out it's too cold - it was - 31 last Tuesday which is 32 below 0. Today it's - 19 (-29 F)

Brrrrr. It's supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow which is good cause I've got a doctor appointment.

SuZie & Sir SpYke (it's all her fault, I put her in charge of the weather) the Fuzzy G O T

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Yup... even the llamas are chilly, and I have ice on the inside of my windows (in spite of storm windows). But it is warmer this morning as the low was +2... a tiny improvement, lol.

SuZie... I I've been wondering what your temperatures have been?? You know us southerners are wimps, please keep your artic air up where it belongs, LOL! Llinda

Hi ..You & the lamas must be freezin...Getting pretty cold here.., but nothing like what you get..Hugs, patty


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( darn spell-check... Make Rams RPM's below)

Told you we are wimps... -32F Yuck... been there done that and don't like it. Had my VW Rabbit (diesel) gel up in Wyoming once during a blizzard with -20 and winds... hubby was driving while I slept and didn't keep Ram's up as I instructed. Think that was the last time I slept while he drove, lol.

A Greyhound driver picked me up and I was able to talk a very tired tow truck driver into making one more trip out for the hubby and kids. Hindsight = should have brought them on the Greyhound with me... I had to keep the tow driver awake, but it all worked out. He put the Rabbit in his shop and by morning it was all thawed out and ready to go.

Geez... I used to jump into stuff without looking, get into trouble, then have to figure a way out again. Guess I still do that to some degree... but in slo-mo these days. Life is an adventure. Llinda

We were having one of the warmest winters I can remember - temps on the plus side Celsius & people started bitching. "There's no snow. I want a white Christmas, not brown. etc etc " I told them to Shut the Hell up cause someone might hear & I was right.

Now we've got snow & the last week we got the chillys. I haven't been out it's too cold - it was - 31 last Tuesday which is 32 below 0. Today it's - 19 (-29 F)

Brrrrr. It's supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow which is good cause I've got a doctor appointment.

SuZie & Sir SpYke (it's all her fault, I put her in charge of the weather) the Fuzzy G O T

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Yup... even the llamas are chilly, and I have ice on the inside of my windows (in spite of storm windows). But it is warmer this morning as the low was +2... a tiny improvement, lol.

SuZie... I I've been wondering what your temperatures have been?? You know us southerners are wimps, please keep your artic air up where it belongs, LOL! Llinda

Hi ..You & the lamas must be freezin...Getting pretty cold here.., but nothing like what you get..Hugs, patty


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Llinda, there's a restaurant in a small town (White River) about 250 miles from here that has a BIG thermometer outside - the sign says "The Coldest Spot in Canada" It got to -55 F there a while back (no wind chill factored in, just 55 below) not something I'd brag about. Thunder Bay is cold enough for me, thank you very much.

Shivering SuZie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

: Permann <2llama@...>Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 1 RE: Cold

Told you we are wimps... -32F Yuck... been there done that and don't like it. Had my VW Rabbit (diesel) gel up in Wyoming once during a blizzard with -20 and winds... hubby was driving while I slept and didn't keep Ram's up as I instructed. Think that was the last time I slept while he drove, lol.

A Greyhound driver picked me up and I was able to talk a very tired tow truck driver into making one more trip out for the hubby and kids. Hindsight = should have brought them on the Greyhound with me... I had to keep the tow driver awake, but it all worked out. He put the Rabbit in his shop and by morning it was all thawed out and ready to go.

Geez... I used to jump into stuff without looking, get into trouble, then have to figure a way out again. Guess I still do that to some degree... but in slo-mo these days. Life is an adventure. Llinda

We were having one of the warmest winters I can remember - temps on the plus side Celsius & people started bitching. "There's no snow. I want a white Christmas, not brown. etc etc " I told them to Shut the Hell up cause someone might hear & I was right.

Now we've got snow & the last week we got the chillys. I haven't been out it's too cold - it was - 31 last Tuesday which is 32 below 0. Today it's - 19 (-29 F)

Brrrrr. It's supposed to warm up a bit tomorrow which is good cause I've got a doctor appointment.

SuZie & Sir SpYke (it's all her fault, I put her in charge of the weather) the Fuzzy G O T

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Yup... even the llamas are chilly, and I have ice on the inside of my windows (in spite of storm windows). But it is warmer this morning as the low was +2... a tiny improvement, lol.

SuZie... I I've been wondering what your temperatures have been?? You know us southerners are wimps, please keep your artic air up where it belongs, LOL! Llinda

Hi ..You & the lamas must be freezin...Getting pretty cold here.., but nothing like what you get..Hugs, patty


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I have heard of that place, probably on the news... Don't dare expose skin when that cold. But lets face it... anything under 0 is extremely dangerous, and anything under 80 with sunshine and a balmy breeze is undesirable, lol! But of course, this cold is great for killing off some of the bugs... power of positive thinking


Llinda, there's a restaurant in a small town (White River) about 250 miles from here that has a BIG thermometer outside - the sign says "The Coldest Spot in Canada" It got to -55 F there a while back (no wind chill factored in, just 55 below) not something I'd brag about. Thunder Bay is cold enough for me, thank you very much.

Shivering SuZie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat


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Yep, one good thing about winter - NO MOSQUITOS ! Summertime we get so many no-seeums that going outside can be hazardous to your health. You've got to be very careful around here, put your bug spray under the sun block it works better.

SuZie & SpYke - who doesn't worry about the bugs, they make a nice snack.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Weather is just plain crazy and getting worse by the day. It's a balmy 77 degrees here right now and Dallas has ice and snow. It's suppose to drop into the lower 40's here tonight and lower 30's by tomorrow night. Those drastic temp changes makes my old achy body hurt more. D has it cold too ice possible snow expected on Texas Okla border lost cable and internet has her cell phone internet but may lose power. Hope everyone stays warm toasty

cozy and safe on the roads. Love and Hugs. Deb

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Hey all. Shhhh dont tell the cable company we have service.. :) Power and cable, including internet service, and land line phone service has been on and off. We appear to have missed the worst part. It is 27 here now with a wind chill of 17. So here we are ok. My family in northeast Oklahoma have been without power since Friday. And not expecting it restored til Thursday. All of you stay warm. love and hugs d

Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Small Business.

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Hi Jeannie, I don't know how people work those hours, I am a nite

owl anyway but sooner or later sleep would be calling me :)Alot of

things about your computer I or other people could explain to you.

Most things are not that hard you just need someone to explain them

to you. I had my son and daughter to do alot of that they knew more

than I did when they were very young. Now my son works with

computers doing websites so IF I can get his time I can figure out

most problems I run into. Sorry its so cold there but I can raist

your cold weather and throw in the windchill. The last few days its

been around 0 to 10 here without the windchill, basically VERY DANG

COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have noticed that all of my surgery sites

are hurting and real tender with this cold.I swear I feel like I

just had surgery on them a few weeks ago instead of months, I can't

understand that I've never noticed that before. And just trying to

walk on all this frozen ice is making me so tired, I am constantly

slipping and scared of falling down. I do have ice grippers on my

shoes thank heavens without them I skated down the driveway last Sun

and it was NOT FUN at all. I know someone healthy and younger would

find everything frozen fun but to me its a nitemare, I keep hoping

it will get warm enough to melt soon. Maybe you should call your

surgeon and go in and ask him about how you are feeling, couldn' t

hurt to make a phone call and ask him. Take care and hope your quilt

gets there soon. Sharon Group Owner in the frozen land


- In neck pain , " jeannieboo1 "

<jeannieboo1@...> wrote:


> Dear Sharon,

> Wish I had had some common sense while up in Seattle and had my


> in-law show me short cuts on finding my way around the internet-


> so knowledgeable about it, but he has weird work hours. Next time,


> hope-I can barely send an email!

> Before I got my back and other problems, I worked graveyard. I


> really noticed the weather, just got up at midnite after trying to

> lie down around 2:00PM to get some kind of sleep-have never been


> to get quality sleep, but I worked in a casino and was always too

> busy to notice how tired I was. My daughterMy husband worked odd

> hours also, so we just concentrated on having some kind of life.

> Plus, I weighed about 130 pounds more, so I'm pretty darn sure


> kind of insulated me from the cold! My friend couldn't make it to


> post office to mail my quilt, her weather in Oregon has been so


> she promised this week she'll mail it! My daughter just bought a

> Yorkie puppy, poor thing is so low to the ground, they're trying


> housebreak him, and it's not working real well with the snow and


> up there. Here in Vegas, they said on the news that last nite was


> coldest one in 5 years. We even had snow flurries! My biggest fear


> of slipping and falling, I don't even wear heels, not only because


> the pain they inflict on my back, I just am afraid I'll lose my

> balance and undo all the surgical work. The one time I did wear


> to my nephew's wedding, my husband scooped me up and carried me

> around! It may have looked silly, we're both over 50, but it was

> sweet too.

> Well, I'm just babbling, so I'd better close. Next week my back

> surgeon wants to take new sets of xrays to see how everything is

> progressing, I still have some mid-back pain that can't be


> It's not real painful, just annoying enough for me to wonder


> going on. Is it normal to feel like I'm hunching my shoulders and

> neck, it's been 6 months since my neck fusion. I have to


> remind myself to stand up straight. I have osteoporosis also, but


> would think my neck would naturally be straight now since it was

> fused. Maybe it just needs more healing time?

> Thank you, and I hope everyone stays well and warm.

> Jeannie


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  • 7 months later...

During and just before starting menopause, I experienced " cold flashes. " That is

the only way to describe them. I would be somewhere, completely comfortable

(when I wasn't actually hot, lol, which I am ALL the time, even POST meno), and

suddenly would be freezing. It happened often enough that I did an internet

search (before google) and actually found out the some women do experience cold

flashes rather than hot flashes (gee, lucky me!). I am STILL hot all the time,

but post meno have not had any more cold flashes. I know I am post meno because

my menses ceased WELL over a year ago; more like 1.5 years ago. I have a fan at

my desk in my air conditioned office. LOL


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  • 1 month later...

Since it hasn't gotten cold here yet I guess I have to wait and see if I get cold. It certainly will be interesting because I hate being cold!


[ ] Cold

I live in a fairly "warm" climate. In the summer we get over 100 degrees quite frequently, but in the winter it is usually in the 50's, or 40's during the day. At night in the winter, it can get down below freezing, though. The reason I'm saying this is because I am already feeling cold from all the new hardware that they installed in me!! My daughter didn't think that was possible since our bodies should be able to warm up the metal. I have my doubts about that. Today I was talking to my supervisor at work, and she said, DEFINITELY you get cold from the metal. She has a small rod in her back (for another reason), and her doctor told her that, YES you do feel cold from the metal. I was wondering how do those of you make it thru the winter in a cold climate? Wear long underwear all the time or what? I realize I could never live anywhere else where it gets colder than here. Any thoughts?Carol (CA)

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Hi Carol,

Even though I don't live in the cold part of Canada, I do feel the damp cold/cool weather that we do get. What I do is make sure I wear layers, especially my back, shoulders, neck and recently hip areas. I keep out of drafts, but if I have to be in an area that does have drafts, then I will try to position myself nearer the centre of the room and away from fans. I will also wear turtlenecks or an outfit where the collar is high in the back. I have even made myself some tops by putting a double layer, with possible windbreak material in centre, for the back. Fleece vests are handy, too. I have even made myself a fleece nightshirt to help keep me warm at night, especially when hubby likes to steal the covers LOL.

You soon learn little tricks that work best for you and your particular situation. There are some good outfits that will work if you think creatively (outside of the box), like we have to do in other areas of our life.

Hope this gives you some ideas. Take care.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of CarolSent: October 25, 2007 1:55 PM Subject: [ ] Cold

I live in a fairly "warm" climate. In the summer we get over 100 degrees quite frequently, but in the winter it is usually in the 50's, or 40's during the day. At night in the winter, it can get down below freezing, though. The reason I'm saying this is because I am already feeling cold from all the new hardware that they installed in me!! My daughter didn't think that was possible since our bodies should be able to warm up the metal. I have my doubts about that. Today I was talking to my supervisor at work, and she said, DEFINITELY you get cold from the metal. She has a small rod in her back (for another reason), and her doctor told her that, YES you do feel cold from the metal. I was wondering how do those of you make it thru the winter in a cold climate? Wear long underwear all the time or what? I realize I could never live anywhere else where it gets colder than here. Any thoughts?Carol (CA)

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Hi Carol,

I live in NE and yes it gets cold here sometimes frigid.

There is no doubt that the metal makes me colder. I normally

make sure I do not get a " chill in my bones " . I never get soaked

through in the winter, I never go around with wet socks. I

wear layers, I have a heater under my desk, there are

ceramic heaters everywhere at home. I use an electric blanket.

And God bless the person who invented the bean bag that

you heat up. The wet heat will go in and defrost those poor

bones quicker than anything. The exercise in the heated pool

is definitely a plus. Without those things, surviving here would

be horrid.

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is that why I have been cold this summer??

It has been really strange because I haven't owned any winter clothes

for at least 10 years because I am always hot. I thought I was

either adjusting to menopause and not having so many hot flashes or

that my hair had been keeping me warm. I have been colder since

getting my hair cut.

I am not looking forward to winter at all!


> I live in a fairly " warm " climate. In the summer we get over 100

> degrees quite frequently, but in the winter it is usually in the


> or 40's during the day. At night in the winter, it can get down


> freezing, though. The reason I'm saying this is because I am


> feeling cold from all the new hardware that they installed in me!!


> daughter didn't think that was possible since our bodies should be


> to warm up the metal. I have my doubts about that. Today I was


> to my supervisor at work, and she said, DEFINITELY you get cold


> the metal. She has a small rod in her back (for another reason),


> her doctor told her that, YES you do feel cold from the metal. I


> wondering how do those of you make it thru the winter in a cold

> climate? Wear long underwear all the time or what? I realize I


> never live anywhere else where it gets colder than here.


> Any thoughts?

> Carol (CA)


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Thanks for the information Lleweyn and !!

I will try to implement some of the ideas. I don't have an electric

blanket, but some of the other ideas may work.

Carol V.


> Hi Carol,


> Even though I don't live in the cold part of Canada, I do feel the


> cold/cool weather that we do get. What I do is make sure I wear


> especially my back, shoulders, neck and recently hip areas. I keep

out of

> drafts, but if I have to be in an area that does have drafts, then

I will

> try to position myself nearer the centre of the room and away from

fans. I

> will also wear turtlenecks or an outfit where the collar is high in


> back. I have even made myself some tops by putting a double layer,


> possible windbreak material in centre, for the back. Fleece vests

are handy,

> too. I have even made myself a fleece nightshirt to help keep me

warm at

> night, especially when hubby likes to steal the covers LOL.


> You soon learn little tricks that work best for you and your


> situation. There are some good outfits that will work if you think

> creatively (outside of the box), like we have to do in other areas

of our

> life.


> Hope this gives you some ideas. Take care.


> Llweyn


> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Carol

> Sent: October 25, 2007 1:55 PM


> Subject: [ ] Cold




> I live in a fairly " warm " climate. In the summer we get over 100

> degrees quite frequently, but in the winter it is usually in the


> or 40's during the day. At night in the winter, it can get down


> freezing, though. The reason I'm saying this is because I am


> feeling cold from all the new hardware that they installed in me!!


> daughter didn't think that was possible since our bodies should be


> to warm up the metal. I have my doubts about that. Today I was


> to my supervisor at work, and she said, DEFINITELY you get cold


> the metal. She has a small rod in her back (for another reason),


> her doctor told her that, YES you do feel cold from the metal. I


> wondering how do those of you make it thru the winter in a cold

> climate? Wear long underwear all the time or what? I realize I


> never live anywhere else where it gets colder than here.


> Any thoughts?

> Carol (CA)


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It's in the 60s today and I noticed my back was cold in church. I know that seems warm to some of you but after constant 80-degree temps this month, the 60s is cold to me! I guess I'll be wearing layers on my lower back! I didn't think I could possibly feel any different but I do feel cold in my lower back and it's like it is cold on the inside.


[ ] Cold> > > > I live in a fairly "warm" climate. In the summer we get over 100 > degrees quite frequently, but in the winter it is usually in the 50's, > or 40's during the day. At night in the winter, it can get down below > freezing, though. The reason I'm saying this is because I am already > feeling cold from all the new hardware that they installed in me!! My > daughter didn't think that was possible since our bodies should be able > to warm up the metal. I have my doubts about that. Today I was talking > to my supervisor at work, and she said, DEFINITELY you get cold from > the metal. She has a small rod in her back (for another reason), and > her doctor told her that, YES you do feel cold from the metal. I was > wondering how do those of you make it thru the winter in a cold > climate? Wear long underwear all the time or what? I realize I could > never live anywhere else where it gets colder than here. > > Any thoughts?> Carol (CA)>

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  • 10 months later...


> Hi Bee,


> so far I'm doing good on the diet, its more easy then I expected.


> die-off symptomps sort of come and go in waves.


> Since a few days I am experiencing very cold hands and body. It


> like my body is in some kind of not-burning state (sorry for the bad

> english language...). I'm still loosing weight however, so it must

> burn something ;)

> I'm very tired and very drawn inward and so so so cold. Only after a

> meal I become warm for an hour or so.


> Also I have this strange back pain, just above the waist, left and

> right, maybe adrenals or kidneys? I eat the right amount of

> everything, but sometimes it feels like my body has problems with


> the proteins. Maybe I should drink more electrolyte drink?

Hi . That is great you aren't having difficulties going on the

diet. Good for you!

Your cold hands and feet can be caused by malfunctioning organs in the

body that regulate temperature, particularly the thyroid, and by poor

circulation. The reason for both is because candida toxins make all

cell membranes rigid/stiff which means organs that regulate

temperature aren't as able to function well, and hormones that are

produced aren't as able to get into stiff cells.

This also includes white and red blood cells, which need to fold over

and squeeze into small blood vessels and capillaries but when they are

stiff they can't fold like they would normally, causing your

extremities to be cold. See Candida Causes Cell Membrane Defects for

more information: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/cabout1.php

Hugs, Bee

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> Hi Bee,


> so far I'm doing good on the diet, its more easy then I expected.


> die-off symptomps sort of come and go in waves.


> Since a few days I am experiencing very cold hands and body. It


> like my body is in some kind of not-burning state (sorry for the bad

> english language...). I'm still loosing weight however, so it must

> burn something ;)

> I'm very tired and very drawn inward and so so so cold. Only after a

> meal I become warm for an hour or so.


> Also I have this strange back pain, just above the waist, left and

> right, maybe adrenals or kidneys? I eat the right amount of

> everything, but sometimes it feels like my body has problems with


> the proteins. Maybe I should drink more electrolyte drink?

Hi . That is great you aren't having difficulties going on the

diet. Good for you!

Your cold hands and feet can be caused by malfunctioning organs in the

body that regulate temperature, particularly the thyroid, and by poor

circulation. The reason for both is because candida toxins make all

cell membranes rigid/stiff which means organs that regulate

temperature aren't as able to function well, and hormones that are

produced aren't as able to get into stiff cells.

This also includes white and red blood cells, which need to fold over

and squeeze into small blood vessels and capillaries but when they are

stiff they can't fold like they would normally, causing your

extremities to be cold. See Candida Causes Cell Membrane Defects for

more information: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/cabout1.php

Hugs, Bee

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hi Bee, thank you so very much for your answer, the article explains

so good to me what my symptomps are. The symptomps in which I drowned

for all these years. Its like (the last?) piece of my puzzle.

But will this diet heal all the things as described in the article,

the malfunctioning organs, the cell membrane defects, etc? Because I

will stay on this diet as long as it needs, because when that healing

occurs, I will have my life back. Better late then never ;)

I'm amazed at how much you know about these subjects. I've read

myself a lot about it, but you were really able to connect all the

info to one healing diet. Awesome!

thanks again and have a nice day!

>>>>Your cold hands and feet can be caused by malfunctioning organs

in the

body that regulate temperature, particularly the thyroid, and by poor

circulation. The reason for both is because candida toxins make all

cell membranes rigid/stiff which means organs that regulate

temperature aren't as able to function well, and hormones that are

produced aren't as able to get into stiff cells.

This also includes white and red blood cells, which need to fold over

and squeeze into small blood vessels and capillaries but when they


stiff they can't fold like they would normally, causing your

extremities to be cold. See Candida Causes Cell Membrane Defects for

more information:

http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/cabout1.php <<<<

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> hi Bee, thank you so very much for your answer, the article explains

> so good to me what my symptomps are. The symptomps in which I


> for all these years. Its like (the last?) piece of my puzzle.


> But will this diet heal all the things as described in the article,

> the malfunctioning organs, the cell membrane defects, etc? Because I

> will stay on this diet as long as it needs, because when that


> occurs, I will have my life back. Better late then never ;)


> I'm amazed at how much you know about these subjects. I've read

> myself a lot about it, but you were really able to connect all the

> info to one healing diet. Awesome!

Hi . Of course my program heals everything related to candida

and/or other bugs as you described. It will even correct/change

DNA/genes. It takes 1 month of natural healing for every year you've

been unwell, which for most people nowadays is since before birth. For

life-long health you need to continue obtaining " proper nutrients " and

eliminate toxins according to the main principles and nutrients on

this program.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi Jeanne,

While it is nice to chat personally, cold weather is an " off-topic " subject

unless you need information related to your health.

Also, this group is extremely busy, with over 80 messages per day, so it already

takes up 7 days a week and many hours per day for me to handle it, along with

writing articles, maintaining my website, answering many personal messages,

etc., etc. There are many days I am on the computer 11 hours.

Take good care, and keep learning my friend.

Cheers, Bee


> Aren't u tired of the cold Bee? I am....


>     I'm ready for the beach.......LOL

> Jeanne $

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