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well i am glad i am not the only one who has insomia.


spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 8:22 PM

Hi all, long post.... sorry...

I just went through a " severe pain event " this week, as I call them. (shoveled

a whole lot of snow.... dum thing to do,... stupid...) Other names for them... I

will not post here. :(. You all know what I am talking about. SEVERE PAIN...

" OUCHHHH " . Yes it really really hurt and I hope to say it is over... for this

time anyway... I think... HOW do I tell my fam-dam-ly what it felt like???? (

they do not understand) and why I get soooo quiet and withdraw into myself when

it is happening??? ? THE PAIN? and how TIRED it can make you feel, much like you

had the flu virus or something? I look just fine.... as fine as someone who has

had chronic pain for a long time and a nights sleep is a rare thing if not a

" blessing " . Right now as I am writing this my left leg is having spasms and

hurting like hell... and feels as cold as hell... my back hurts...nothing new

there, and today is a " good " day!!!! aaakkkk.

GEEE! My Doc thinks it is in my head....I AM IMAGINATING IT...(I need a new

Doc) and BTW, I have been dealing with this since 1990... (had a Transverse

Myelitis episode then). So ya... this is not new to me but still have not

figured out how to explain to my PEOPLE close to me, how it feels. You would

think after all this time (GOOD GOLLY 19 years!!!) I should of been able to. But

no. So do not feel bad if you can not either !!!

One new question for the group is. how do you explain PAIN. Our level of pain.

It is not NORMAL. I take pain meds. I THINK they are low dose. 30 mg morphine

suphate 2tms a day, 2 percoset at night, tylenol during the day, meloxicam...

that sort of stuff. Other stuff too. hmmmmmmmmm. Is it low dose... do you not

think???? I need a new doc... I like this guys staff... the nurses and NP he

has. But gosh. Your " Doc " really does have your 'life' in his hands. do you not


Another question, I do take alprazolam, .5 mg at night. I think it does help

me to sleep. However, I do have 2 weeks worth of cymbalta to try (14 caps).

Should I try it? AM I DEPRESSED??? Probably. Does either help with the pain?

Thank anybody who read this long post. Sorry. Had to yak at somebody who might

at least DOES understand. Thank you all for being HERE FOR ME. I do read all the

posts on here.

in NH

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HI ,


I don't post much, but do read often.  Sounds like to me you need to find

yourself a good Nuerosurgeon, Ask everyone you know. They will order MRI's with

and without contrast. I've gone through pain in my lower spine ever since I was

17. back then they did nothing and told me that it was a pulled muscle and gave

me meds. I am now 41 going through worse pain ever.  My MRI,s showed bulging at

the L4/L5, Bulging at the L5/S1 I have Degenertive Disc Desease in these two

bones with bone spur's. I have A Tarlov cyst on the S2 and Hemangoila Tumors on

the T2 and T10 which are benign tumors. They seen something on the T1 through T3

which cause the Dr. to do a full body bone scan.  in the mean time they had me

to have a nerve study done for the leg pain that I have. The results came back

good for the bone scan, The Dr. stated the the Bones looked good and strong. The

nerve study came back that I have mild nerve damage. MIld ? " please ' They don't

feel my pain.

The stress of the pain was causing my body to swell. I felt as if I was walking

on nails, and fire was running through the calves of my legs. Then my right

thigh started to hurt. It got so bad that I wanted to crawl up into my recliner

and die before I seeked out help. I got put on some arthritis medication which

mde the swelling go down and the left leg is pain free. the right leg is where I

am having my problem which I take Darvaset for at night.  I will be going for

shots in the spine starting next week. which scares me to death. I also been

counting my food cals. to lose some weight. I absolutely refuse to exercise

because it causes the muscle to flex around that nerve that is causes me pain.  

I know how you feel when you say family don't understand and that we look

normal.  You need to learn to say " skrew it " things will get done when they get

done.  and if they gripe, tell them to get off their rumps and help too. Thats

what I tell my

husband.   have a blessed day!


in Fl

From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@...>

Subject: pain

spinal problems

Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 9:22 PM

Hi all, long post.... sorry...

I just went through a " severe pain event " this week, as I call them. (shoveled a

whole lot of snow.... dum thing to do,... stupid...) Other names for them... I

will not post here. :(. You all know what I am talking about. SEVERE PAIN...

" OUCHHHH " . Yes it really really hurt and I hope to say it is over... for this

time anyway... I think... HOW do I tell my fam-dam-ly what it felt like???? (

they do not understand) and why I get soooo quiet and withdraw into myself when

it is happening??? ? THE PAIN? and how TIRED it can make you feel, much like you

had the flu virus or something? I look just fine.... as fine as someone who has

had chronic pain for a long time and a nights sleep is a rare thing if not a

" blessing " . Right now as I am writing this my left leg is having spasms and

hurting like hell... and feels as cold as hell... my back hurts...nothing new

there, and today is a " good " day!!!! aaakkkk.

GEEE! My Doc thinks it is in my head....I AM IMAGINATING IT...(I need a new Doc)

and BTW, I have been dealing with this since 1990... (had a Transverse Myelitis

episode then). So ya... this is not new to me but still have not figured out how

to explain to my PEOPLE close to me, how it feels. You would think after all

this time (GOOD GOLLY 19 years!!!) I should of been able to. But no. So do not

feel bad if you can not either !!!

One new question for the group is. how do you explain PAIN. Our level of pain.

It is not NORMAL. I take pain meds. I THINK they are low dose. 30 mg morphine

suphate 2tms a day, 2 percoset at night, tylenol during the day, meloxicam...

that sort of stuff. Other stuff too. hmmmmmmmmm. Is it low dose... do you not

think???? I need a new doc... I like this guys staff... the nurses and NP he

has. But gosh. Your " Doc " really does have your 'life' in his hands. do you not


Another question, I do take alprazolam, .5 mg at night. I think it does help me

to sleep. However, I do have 2 weeks worth of cymbalta to try (14 caps). Should

I try it? AM I DEPRESSED??? Probably. Does either help with the pain?

Thank anybody who read this long post. Sorry. Had to yak at somebody who might

at least DOES understand. Thank you all for being HERE FOR ME. I do read all the

posts on here.

in NH

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hon, i have seen every kind of doctor there is to see over the last few years,

trust me. I will never have another surgery after five failed spine ones. no

thanks on that one. I have five doctors i see every month


spinal problems

Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 9:22 PM

Hi all, long post.... sorry...

I just went through a " severe pain event " this week, as I call them. (shoveled

a whole lot of snow.... dum thing to do,... stupid...) Other names for them... I

will not post here. :(. You all know what I am talking about. SEVERE PAIN...

" OUCHHHH " . Yes it really really hurt and I hope to say it is over... for this

time anyway... I think... HOW do I tell my fam-dam-ly what it felt like???? (

they do not understand) and why I get soooo quiet and withdraw into myself when

it is happening??? ? THE PAIN? and how TIRED it can make you feel, much like you

had the flu virus or something? I look just fine.... as fine as someone who has

had chronic pain for a long time and a nights sleep is a rare thing if not a

" blessing " . Right now as I am writing this my left leg is having spasms and

hurting like hell... and feels as cold as hell... my back hurts...nothing new

there, and today is a " good " day!!!! aaakkkk.

GEEE! My Doc thinks it is in my head....I AM IMAGINATING IT...(I need a new

Doc) and BTW, I have been dealing with this since 1990... (had a Transverse

Myelitis episode then). So ya... this is not new to me but still have not

figured out how to explain to my PEOPLE close to me, how it feels. You would

think after all this time (GOOD GOLLY 19 years!!!) I should of been able to. But

no. So do not feel bad if you can not either !!!

One new question for the group is. how do you explain PAIN. Our level of pain.

It is not NORMAL. I take pain meds. I THINK they are low dose. 30 mg morphine

suphate 2tms a day, 2 percoset at night, tylenol during the day, meloxicam...

that sort of stuff. Other stuff too. hmmmmmmmmm. Is it low dose... do you not

think???? I need a new doc... I like this guys staff... the nurses and NP he

has. But gosh. Your " Doc " really does have your 'life' in his hands. do you not


Another question, I do take alprazolam, .5 mg at night. I think it does help

me to sleep. However, I do have 2 weeks worth of cymbalta to try (14 caps).

Should I try it? AM I DEPRESSED??? Probably. Does either help with the pain?

Thank anybody who read this long post. Sorry. Had to yak at somebody who might

at least DOES understand. Thank you all for being HERE FOR ME. I do read all the

posts on here.

in NH

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Oh geeshs! I didn't read that you had seen that many :( ..... I have three other

family members that have gone through back surgery. Two got the braces to

support the spine they seam to be doing ok but still take a lot of meds, and the

other had a tens type implant put in her spine for the pain. She is happy with

it. She has been mentally unstable since though and it makes me wander if it

isn't cause from them messing around with the nerves. she stays so depressed.


in Fl. 

From: cathy mccarthy <bbhorsetack@ roadrunner. com>

Subject: pain

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 9:22 PM

Hi all, long post.... sorry...

I just went through a " severe pain event " this week, as I call them. (shoveled a

whole lot of snow.... dum thing to do,... stupid...) Other names for them... I

will not post here. :(. You all know what I am talking about. SEVERE PAIN...

" OUCHHHH " . Yes it really really hurt and I hope to say it is over... for this

time anyway... I think... HOW do I tell my fam-dam-ly what it felt like???? (

they do not understand) and why I get soooo quiet and withdraw into myself when

it is happening??? ? THE PAIN? and how TIRED it can make you feel, much like you

had the flu virus or something? I look just fine.... as fine as someone who has

had chronic pain for a long time and a nights sleep is a rare thing if not a

" blessing " . Right now as I am writing this my left leg is having spasms and

hurting like hell... and feels as cold as hell... my back hurts...nothing new

there, and today is a " good " day!!!! aaakkkk.

GEEE! My Doc thinks it is in my head....I AM IMAGINATING IT...(I need a new Doc)

and BTW, I have been dealing with this since 1990... (had a Transverse Myelitis

episode then). So ya... this is not new to me but still have not figured out how

to explain to my PEOPLE close to me, how it feels. You would think after all

this time (GOOD GOLLY 19 years!!!) I should of been able to. But no. So do not

feel bad if you can not either !!!

One new question for the group is. how do you explain PAIN. Our level of pain.

It is not NORMAL. I take pain meds. I THINK they are low dose. 30 mg morphine

suphate 2tms a day, 2 percoset at night, tylenol during the day, meloxicam...

that sort of stuff. Other stuff too. hmmmmmmmmm. Is it low dose... do you not

think???? I need a new doc... I like this guys staff... the nurses and NP he

has. But gosh. Your " Doc " really does have your 'life' in his hands. do you not


Another question, I do take alprazolam, .5 mg at night. I think it does help me

to sleep. However, I do have 2 weeks worth of cymbalta to try (14 caps). Should

I try it? AM I DEPRESSED??? Probably. Does either help with the pain?

Thank anybody who read this long post. Sorry. Had to yak at somebody who might

at least DOES understand. Thank you all for being HERE FOR ME. I do read all the

posts on here.

in NH

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Absolutely...Please call your primary call physician or go to the ER...

No kidding


In a message dated 4/27/2009 7:27:27 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

ljorichardson0912@... writes:

I had cervical fusion of c 6-7 in Feb and now I am going to PT 2 days a

week and I have been going for one month. Yesterday I was out walking my

dogs, and one of them jerked to go after a rabbit. I held fast to the leash.

He is a 68 lb dog and my other dog is 86 lbs. I was walking them both at the

same time. Today my neck hurts so bad and I can't even turn it as it hurts

so bad. Could the dogs jerking have hurt my neck and the fusion that I had



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,you are to call your doc immediately and see them if possible. without

physical exam hard to tell what has happened but you don't want to risk

anything. Please do not wait!!!


Guy Lepine RN,

Chief Operating Officer

 North American Laserscopic Spine Institute

 487 Pinellas Bayway Tierra Verde FL.33715

 727 360 6315 office

 813 263 5546 cell


From: <ljorichardson0912@...>

Subject: Pain

spinal problems ,

neck pain

Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 9:27 AM

I had cervical fusion of c 6-7 in Feb and now I am going to PT 2 days a week and

I have been going for one month.  Yesterday I was out walking my dogs, and one

of them jerked to go after a rabbit. I held fast to the leash. He is a 68 lb dog

and my other dog is 86 lbs. I was walking them both at the same time. Today my

neck hurts so bad and I can't even turn it as it hurts so bad. Could the dogs

jerking have hurt my neck and the fusion that I had done?


Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail.


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Yes, It could have...can I ask why the heck you were walking such large dogs so

soon after your fusion? I don't mean to sound trite, but that's a very poor

choice and definitely something you should NOT have been doing!

--- in RI

> From: <ljorichardson0912@...>

> Subject: Pain

> spinal problems ,

neck pain

> Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 9:27 AM

> I had cervical fusion of c 6-7 in Feb and now I am going to

> PT 2 days a week and I have been going for one month.

> Yesterday I was out walking my dogs, and one of them jerked

> to go after a rabbit. I held fast to the leash. He is a 68

> lb dog and my other dog is 86 lbs. I was walking them both

> at the same time. Today my neck hurts so bad and I can't

> even turn it as it hurts so bad. Could the dogs jerking have

> hurt my neck and the fusion that I had done?


> _________________________________________________________________

> Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail.

> http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_more_042009



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My neurosurgeon had told me to wait a month after surgery and then it should be

ok.. Guess not huh??

spinal problems

From: tpowell1977@...

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:07:21 -0700

Subject: Re: Pain

Yes, It could have...can I ask why the heck you were walking such large dogs so

soon after your fusion? I don't mean to sound trite, but that's a very poor

choice and definitely something you should NOT have been doing!

--- in RI

> From: <ljorichardson0912@...>

> Subject: Pain

> spinal problems ,

neck pain

> Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 9:27 AM

> I had cervical fusion of c 6-7 in Feb and now I am going to

> PT 2 days a week and I have been going for one month.

> Yesterday I was out walking my dogs, and one of them jerked

> to go after a rabbit. I held fast to the leash. He is a 68

> lb dog and my other dog is 86 lbs. I was walking them both

> at the same time. Today my neck hurts so bad and I can't

> even turn it as it hurts so bad. Could the dogs jerking have

> hurt my neck and the fusion that I had done?


> __________________________________________________________

> Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail.

> http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_more_042009



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No...not from all the experience I have...no way. It's not worth the risk...I

wish he hadn't told you that. Perhaps he edidn't think about the result of a dog

not walking primly beside you...as big dogs tend to do...I cringe at the thought

of that jerk and it's effect o your fusion process.

Just try to keep it iced for another day and take it easy until the pain gets

better...even if you have to do nothing for a week. Hopefully just a small


Just take it easy and no more dog walking...

--- in RI




> > From:

> <ljorichardson0912@...>


> > Subject: Pain


> > spinal problems ,

> neck pain


> > Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 9:27 AM


> > I had cervical fusion of c 6-7 in Feb and now I am

> going to


> > PT 2 days a week and I have been going for one month.


> > Yesterday I was out walking my dogs, and one of them

> jerked


> > to go after a rabbit. I held fast to the leash. He is

> a 68


> > lb dog and my other dog is 86 lbs. I was walking them

> both


> > at the same time. Today my neck hurts so bad and I

> can't


> > even turn it as it hurts so bad. Could the dogs

> jerking have


> > hurt my neck and the fusion that I had done?


> >


> >

> __________________________________________________________


> > Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail.


> >

> http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_more_042009


> >


> >

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I am at work today sitting at a computer all day then PT this afternoon, Maybe

PT will help..

Thanks for the info. I won't be walking them for awhile now.

spinal problems

From: tpowell1977@...

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:30:50 -0700

Subject: RE: Pain

No...not from all the experience I have...no way. It's not worth the risk...I

wish he hadn't told you that. Perhaps he edidn't think about the result of a dog

not walking primly beside you...as big dogs tend to do...I cringe at the thought

of that jerk and it's effect o your fusion process.

Just try to keep it iced for another day and take it easy until the pain gets

better...even if you have to do nothing for a week. Hopefully just a small


Just take it easy and no more dog walking...

--- in RI




> > From:

> <ljorichardson0912@...>


> > Subject: Pain


> > spinal problems ,

> neck pain


> > Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 9:27 AM


> > I had cervical fusion of c 6-7 in Feb and now I am

> going to


> > PT 2 days a week and I have been going for one month.


> > Yesterday I was out walking my dogs, and one of them

> jerked


> > to go after a rabbit. I held fast to the leash. He is

> a 68


> > lb dog and my other dog is 86 lbs. I was walking them

> both


> > at the same time. Today my neck hurts so bad and I

> can't


> > even turn it as it hurts so bad. Could the dogs

> jerking have


> > hurt my neck and the fusion that I had done?


> >


> >

> __________________________________________________________


> > Windows Live™ Hotmail®:…more than just e-mail.


> >

> http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_more_042009


> >


> >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> I am almost 3 weeks out of a multilevel lumbar fusion (L-4,L-5,S-1) I

> am still in a fair amount of pain. I dont sleep but maybe 2 to 3

> hours a night. So why is it that when I call the physician and tell

> him i'm in pain and need something for the pain he acts as if I am a

> crack addict and gives me the minimal amount possible. I am a

> firefighter and would much rather do this without drugs but at this

> point it hurts so damn bad the thought of it or even discussing it

> brings me to tears i need some sort of aresponse to know im not

> crazy.


I know what you're going through and I've had the same fusion with all the three

levels and including C5 and C6 in my neck. I have a rod in my lumbar and bone

fusion in my neck. Now, when I go to doctors, they treat me like a criminal.

Literally! There has to be a resolution for this but it's the idiots that don't

need it that makes it hard for us. I'm even going to a pain clinic and have two

more steroid shots in my neck as I have either another herniated disc or a

pinched nerve or radiculopathy. The doctor at the pain clinic won't put me on

the same dose of morphine I was on with a previous doctor who was fabulous and

understood all of what I was going through. I was on 150 mgs a ( 30mgs extended

realease and 15 mgs immediate release for breakthrough pain) a day and it worked

great. Didn't mess me up and I could function and exercise and even clean my

house. I am now on 90 mgs of extended release morphine a day. I can barely get

up and down the 4 stairs to our house. It's a catch 22. Try to get a referral to

a pain clinic as that is your best bet and stay away from GPs, family doctors as

they are ill equipt and unsymphetic to our needs. They look at us as drug

seeking. Well, you're damned right I'm drug seeking! I need help and can't deal

with this pain. I've said that to them before. LOL I have dealt with it ever

since I was 33 and I'm now 50 so I've done all the alternative pain bs and it

comes down to this. Pain meds are the only thing that will help me and the

surgeons I've had do my surgeries have written reports declaring this to be a

fact for me. They wrote these reports for my lawyer so I could get SSD. It took

me 5 years to get it and I was literally homeless for a month and a half. I had

a husband that didn't want to work. I am on my own, now and my daughter and I

live together. I hope you can find something soon as I feel and know what you're

going through. Good luck and you're in my prayers.


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I suspect that " bone pain " is different with all people.  I chipped a small

chunk off of my elbow years ago and the darn thing hurt for more than 3 years. 

I cut the end of a finger off 48 years ago and the it still hurts a little

today.  Cutting off and drilling into the bones in your leg it is a very

invasive procedure, for they are some of the biggest bones in your body.  


With that said judging from my experience with my finger I suspect that I will

have tremendous bone pain until the day I die.   


I have read of cartilage regrowth but I haven't determined why it isn't used

much.  I spoke with a lady a while back that had cartilage regrowth done in her

ankle.  She had to be non weight bearing for 3 months and now is happy as a clam

with it.


There MUST be a better way to repair cartilage than cut the end of your bones

off.  I, for one, will NEVER have another TKR!  My TKR is more painful than

being " bone to bone " .


Val in Idaho

From: pattymk13 <knitwitch13@...>

Subject: Pain

Joint Replacement

Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 3:19 PM

In response to your post about pain:  My surgeon (whom I have know for years and

is one of the few doctors in the world I trust) told me right off the bat that

it will hurt for 6 months. Not 4 months, not 5 1/2 months, six months.  Now

think about what they did, they slice off a portion of bone in your knee for

goodness sakes.  I am at 5 months and the pain is better, but I still have pain

when I first stand up and when walking. Doctors should make this very clear to

people. Keep a positive attitude and good luck.


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Hi Val, when did you have your TKR? I guess I haven¹t heard anyone who has

completed rehab with that level of pain. I know we are all different in the

levels and kinds of pain we have and in our tolerance but your situation

sounds awful. I am so sorry to hear that you are having that kind of pain.

My pain is different from that bone on bone and it¹s often, as today, muscle

pain from doing too much or doing a new kind of exercise. And I know that I

can mitigate it and that is a temporary thing. Even this am with a little

moving around and a few exercises the stiffness is wearing away.

I overdid at the gym last night and am moving slowly this am. I had to go

the gym this morning because (long boring story that I¹ll spare you) the

settings on my machines got wiped out. The trainer helping me is quite

young and has a confused and hesitant air about her, that does not instill

confidence. She was late for our appointment. I had only a short time to

get this done due to another appointment following. So I was a little on

edge with all this. We did the settings for the ³horizontal sled². It is

awkward to get out of and I bent my leg further than it wanted to bend this

morning. I let out a yelp. And the sweet young thing said ³Oh I don¹t want

to get old and have to have my knee replaced². It is funny now and I¹m

laughing as I write. But I was quite annoyed at the time. I told her this

wasn¹t a good thing to be saying to her clients...... Even though I

sometimes feel the same way.

Thanks, Val and others, for the reminder about the level of trauma involved

in the TKR. When I get impatient with still feeling pain it helps me to

remember that all that has to be healed.



On 5/16/09 7:11 AM, " Val Lane " <treesareus_1996@...> wrote:






> I suspect that " bone pain " is different with all people.  I chipped a small

> chunk off of my elbow years ago and the darn thing hurt for more than 3

> years.  I cut the end of a finger off 48 years ago and the it still hurts a

> little today.  Cutting off and drilling into the bones in your leg it is a

> very invasive procedure, for they are some of the biggest bones in your

> body.  


> With that said judging from my experience with my finger I suspect that I will

> have tremendous bone pain until the day I die.   


> I have read of cartilage regrowth but I haven't determined why it isn't used

> much.  I spoke with a lady a while back that had cartilage regrowth done in

> her ankle.  She had to be non weight bearing for 3 months and now is happy as

> a clam with it.


> There MUST be a better way to repair cartilage than cut the end of your bones

> off.  I, for one, will NEVER have another TKR!  My TKR is more painful than

> being " bone to bone " .


> Val in Idaho




> From: pattymk13 <knitwitch13@... <mailto:knitwitch13%40hotmail.com> >

> Subject: Pain

> Joint Replacement

> <mailto:Joint Replacement%40>

> Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 3:19 PM


> In response to your post about pain:  My surgeon (whom I have know for years

> and is one of the few doctors in the world I trust) told me right off the bat

> that it will hurt for 6 months. Not 4 months, not 5 1/2 months, six months. 

> Now think about what they did, they slice off a portion of bone in your knee

> for goodness sakes.  I am at 5 months and the pain is better, but I still have

> pain when I first stand up and when walking. Doctors should make this very

> clear to people. Keep a positive attitude and good luck.


> ------------------------------------



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My TKR was done on 11/30/06, almost 30 months ago.  I have very few

recollections of the first 3 weeks after my TKR due to over medication by Aspen

Rehab facility where I was staying. 


The swelling in my knee has yet to go down.  I doubt if it ever will.


I had a great physical therapist at Aspen.  She is very dedicated to her

patients and a very caring person.  My physical therapist here is just as

dedicated and in a class of her own when it comes to PT.  My PT during my TKR

did not contribute to the problem with my TKR.


A couple of months after my TKR I slipped and did a deep knee bend, pulling the

MCL off, bone and all, on one end.  I also tore part of my thigh muscle off

where it was re-attached. That was one painful experience!


My MCL re-attaches itself every so often and then " breaks " again.  Yes, it feels

like I broke a bone each time because it pulls a chunk of bone out every time. 

The only way to repair it is surgery and I am not sure that I want that done due

to the risk of infection.  The way things have been going with my TKR I would

bet that I would be the one to get an infection. 


My surgeon just about said as much (about the possibility of infection) when I

spoke with him on Thursday.  He said " I have been holding off on offering to do

surgery because of the risk of infection. "   He is willing to do the repairs now,

but after reading what another TJR list member went through with an infection I

am not sure that the risk is worth it.


Consider what is done to your muscles during the TKR surgery.  The muscle pain

you are experiencing is to be expected and should reduce over time.


You mentioned being annoyed at your PT.  Remember that almost any of the pain

medication may alter your personality, and often to the side of anger and

depression.  Perhaps that is why you were angered by a very immature comment. 

One does not need to be " old " to get a TKR, just get injured like I did.


Pain medication changes my personality and makes me angry.  When I take it for

days at a time the personality changes are more dramatic and the more anger I

feel.  Consequently I don't take much of it.  My wife said that she was ready to

leave me during first few months after my TKR.  We have been married 38 years

and are still " best friends " and deeply in love with each other.   


Just a side note: After my TKR I participated in a clinical trial of a new anti

coagulant.   The lady that was my contact with Bristol-Myers-Squibb is named

on.  She is the daughter of Jack on, an acquittance of

mine here.  I just thought it was an interesting coincidence that you share the

same name.


As I said before " There must be a better way! "   The long and short of it is that

they just about cut your leg off, leaving skin and a few other things attached,

and then glue you back together with a hunk of metal.  It is no wonder that of

the seven people I know with TKR, four of them would never have it done again. 

Once again " There must be a better way! "


Val in Idaho




> From: pattymk13 <knitwitch13@... <mailto:knitwitch13%40hotmail.com> >

> Subject: Pain

> Joint Replacement

> <mailto:Joint Replacement%40>

> Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 3:19 PM


> In response to your post about pain:  My surgeon (whom I have know for years

> and is one of the few doctors in the world I trust) told me right off the bat

> that it will hurt for 6 months. Not 4 months, not 5 1/2 months, six months. 

> Now think about what they did, they slice off a portion of bone in your knee

> for goodness sakes.  I am at 5 months and the pain is better, but I still have

> pain when I first stand up and when walking. Doctors should make this very

> clear to people. Keep a positive attitude and good luck.


> ------------------------------------



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Thanks so much for this info.

I sure agree with you about the medication. It does change me, especially

if I use it more than occasionally. I just try to balance different needs,

including the need to be my self. Being in pain a lot also makes me

irritable so it¹s kind of tough. Fortunately, the pain levels are going

down and the exercise usually makes me feel better ‹ those endorphins being

released I guess.


On 5/16/09 3:18 PM, " Val Lane " <treesareus_1996@...> wrote:






> My TKR was done on 11/30/06, almost 30 months ago.  I have very few

> recollections of the first 3 weeks after my TKR due to over medication

> by Aspen Rehab facility where I was staying. 


> The swelling in my knee has yet to go down.  I doubt if it ever will.


> I had a great physical therapist at Aspen.  She is very dedicated to her

> patients and a very caring person.  My physical therapist here is just as

> dedicated and in a class of her own when it comes to PT.  My PT during my TKR

> did not contribute to the problem with my TKR.


> A couple of months after my TKR I slipped and did a deep knee bend, pulling

> the MCL off, bone and all, on one end.  I also tore part of my thigh muscle

> off where it was re-attached. That was one painful experience!


> My MCL re-attaches itself every so often and then " breaks " again.  Yes, it

> feels like I broke a bone each time because it pulls a chunk of bone out

> every time.  The only way to repair it is surgery and I am not sure that I

> want that done due to the risk of infection.  The way things have been going

> with my TKR I would bet that I would be the one to get an infection. 


> My surgeon just about said as much (about the possibility of infection) when I

> spoke with him on Thursday.  He said " I have been holding off on offering to

> do surgery because of the risk of infection. "   He is willing to do the repairs

> now, but after reading what another TJR list member went through with an

> infection I am not sure that the risk is worth it.


> Consider what is done to your muscles during the TKR surgery.  The muscle pain

> you are experiencing is to be expected and should reduce over time.


> You mentioned being annoyed at your PT.  Remember that almost any of the pain

> medication may alter your personality, and often to the side of anger and

> depression.  Perhaps that is why you were angered by a very immature comment. 

> One does not need to be " old " to get a TKR, just get injured like I did.


> Pain medication changes my personality and makes me angry.  When I take it for

> days at a time the personality changes are more dramatic and the more anger I

> feel.  Consequently I don't take much of it.  My wife said that she was ready

> to leave me during first few months after my TKR.  We have been married 38

> years and are still " best friends " and deeply in love with each other.   


> Just a side note: After my TKR I participated in a clinical trial of a new

> anti coagulant.   The lady that was my contact with Bristol-Myers-Squibb is

> named on.  She is the daughter of Jack on, an

> acquittance of mine here.  I just thought it was an interesting coincidence

> that you share the same name.


> As I said before " There must be a better way! "   The long and short of it is

> that they just about cut your leg off, leaving skin and a few other things

> attached, and then glue you back together with a hunk of metal.  It is no

> wonder that of the seven people I know with TKR, four of them would never have

> it done again.  Once again " There must be a better way! "


> Val in Idaho





>> >

>> > From: pattymk13 <knitwitch13@...


>> <mailto:knitwitch13%40hotmail.com> >

>> > Subject: Pain

>> > Joint Replacement

>> <mailto:Joint Replacement%40>

>> > <mailto:Joint Replacement%40>

>> > Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 3:19 PM

>> >

>> > In response to your post about pain:  My surgeon (whom I have know for

>> years

>> > and is one of the few doctors in the world I trust) told me right off the

>> bat

>> > that it will hurt for 6 months. Not 4 months, not 5 1/2 months, six

>> months. 

>> > Now think about what they did, they slice off a portion of bone in your

>> knee

>> > for goodness sakes.  I am at 5 months and the pain is better, but I still

>> have

>> > pain when I first stand up and when walking. Doctors should make this very

>> > clear to people. Keep a positive attitude and good luck.

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

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" It is no wonder that of the seven people I know with TKR, four of them would

never have it done again. " I viewed an animation of TKR (on arthritis.org, I

think) 6.5 years ago after an orthopod stunned me: stating I had arthritis and

needed " a new knee. " No one in my family has significant arthritis. I'm an

active person & had a lot of denial- thought " you've gained weight & your knees

are fat, not swollen. " Hadn't seen my primary care doc for years.No pain until

my knee was beyond repair.Visually, TKR is a very brutal procedure. Viewing it &

realizing the expense of being off work x 2 months, made me delay until the only

alternative was crutches / WC & I had saved money to live on. While my

employer's insurance is good, our short term disability coverage is a joke - and

I still haven't received a check after 2 months. My TKR & rehab has gone well,

which has made the whole experience worthwhile. Everyone's experience is

different. I'm eager to get the 2nd knee done. I finally found the surgical team

that was right for me. Exchanged emails & met some of their other patients.

Researched hospital infection rates. Already saw worst case scenarios at a NH /

rehab center. Most problems seemed related to infection or pre-existing medical

issues.Some day perhaps our stem cells will allow a joint to repair itself - if

diagnosed in time. Implanting some stem cells would be so much better.

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Hello everyone, I've been reading all the posts on pain, and it has nearly

scared the beejeebers out of me. I have an extremely high tolerance for pain

(which is good because I can't tolerate most pain meds), but the fact that

I'm having both knees done (June 9) at the same time makes me a bit

apprehensive. I have no choice though. They are equally bad. Bone on bone.

But, as I said I have a high tolerance for pain and will have Ativan to help

me sleep. I went through two knee replacements with my mom (a very tough

lady) in her 70s, and I can't remember her having unusually bad pain. I hope

I can hold out as well. I can't tolerate pain meds though. I have acid

reflux and even with the Nexium I take I have had to stop all prescription

meds for arthritis inflamation and pain. I'm taking OTC Ibuprofen which

helps some. I also take OTC Percogesic which helps. I've begun to take

ginger after reading a study on its use with patients prior to chemotherapy

to help with nausea. It has worked well on a majority of the patients. I

have so much nausea from anesthesia, and it lasts for a couple of days. No

medication given prior to anesthesia or after has helped me. I just have to

wait for it to wear off. I'm hoping they've come up with new meds for

nausea and pain since my last surgery which was in 2000. I know they have

improved the knee surgery. Shorter incisions. I'm learning a lot here. One

of the main things is to think positive. I'm looking forward to a much

better quality of life. Of course there's always that little sense of dread

hiding in the background.


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Have you had a thorough discussion w/ your OS re pain mgt & your history with

medications? That & a good attitude helps. But don't be a martyr to pain. It

will slow down rehab.

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Has anyone had hip issues after having TKR surgery?

I had both done almost 2-years ago, and now it's getting to the point where

I can't even sleep on my sides because of my hips killing me and waking me

up in the middle of the night.

I've heard somewhere that if you have or had knee issues, it will travel up

to your hips, I never thought it would happen this quick.

Seems the only position I can sleep is on my back and now my hands and arms

go numb after a period of time, and sleeping on my belly, my arms go totally

numb. It was so bad one night, I had to wake up my wife to roll me over. It

was that bad, scared the heck out of me.



From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of cac530

Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:50 PM

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: Pain

Have you had a thorough discussion w/ your OS re pain mgt & your history

with medications? That & a good attitude helps. But don't be a martyr to

pain. It will slow down rehab.

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Fixing your knees didn't cause your hips to go bad -- it's not as if

the arthritis is water seeking a path.

Often people with arthritis are prone to it all over their body

whereas some people have issues in only one joint -- might as well ask

why some people only have one bad hip or knee and others have issues

with both -- or some people have arthritis in their fingers etc.

You may not have an arthritic hip though -- it could be something like

bursitis. Most people with hip issues have pain in the groin while

walking or standing up - and also sometimes pain when putting pressure

on the side while sleeping.

The only way to tell for sure is make an appointment with an OS. The

great thing about hip replacements is that if you need one, it is

almost 100% clear from the X-Ray -- I could have diagnosed it myself

when the x-ray was put on the screen.

On May 17, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Thom wrote:



> Has anyone had hip issues after having TKR surgery?


> I had both done almost 2-years ago, and now it's getting to the

> point where

> I can't even sleep on my sides because of my hips killing me and

> waking me

> up in the middle of the night.


> I've heard somewhere that if you have or had knee issues, it will

> travel up

> to your hips, I never thought it would happen this quick.


> Seems the only position I can sleep is on my back and now my hands

> and arms

> go numb after a period of time, and sleeping on my belly, my arms go

> totally

> numb. It was so bad one night, I had to wake up my wife to roll me

> over. It

> was that bad, scared the heck out of me.


> Cheers,


> Thom


> From: Joint Replacement

> [mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of cac530

> Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:50 PM

> Joint Replacement

> Subject: Re: Pain


> Have you had a thorough discussion w/ your OS re pain mgt & your

> history

> with medications? That & a good attitude helps. But don't be a

> martyr to

> pain. It will slow down rehab.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi Bee,

> I've been having pain on my right side. I believe it's either my gallbladder

or kidney. It's in that area. Is this part of the healing process? I've never

had pain here before so I don't think it's retracing something in the past. It

seems to happen after I drink my Egg drink in the morning and then last all day.

When I wake up in the morning it doesn't hurt but once I drink the Egg drink

again it starts all over. I am up to 6 tbls of coconut oil/day now but have been

for at least 3 weeks. I started the diet 5 months ago now and haven't cheated.

Do you have any idea what could be causing the pain?

Hi . Since those pains are not constant I don't think you need to be


High " good " fats, including fat supplements like omega 3, and vitamins A, D & E,

improve the health of the liver and the gallbladder, so when your body is

working on them it is possible to get some pains.

Also when the liver is working hard to detoxify it can cause some pain.

To help your liver decongest do coffee enemas every 5 days - it also helps

decongest the lymphatic system. Also apply heat to the area to help alleviate

the pain, and ride it out, since this too shall pass.

The best, Bee

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  • 4 weeks later...
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All I know is that cold seems to make it hurt more so I would rather lay

on a heating blanket or just get into bed in the fetal position.  I have

sciatica also so I put a pillow in between my knees and ankles but I don't

lay my legs on top of each other, they are too sensitive/achy to do that.

Hope this helps,

take care, Coleen

ps.  pain pills work for my back but I have been using tylenol for my legs.

I am going to see if ibuprofen works for my legs aches instead just to get

away from the tylenol. 


From: " dawn.brooks05@... " <dawn.brooks05@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:17:58 PM

Subject: Pain

The pain is so bad that I am currently laying on ice packs. Does anyone have any

other idea besides pain pills that I can get away from the pain?


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About the only thing that has kept my legs from aching is the lyrica, I am on

900mg a day now. Other than that is to just grit your teeth, and try and

meditate it away, meaning to say is keep telling you mind/brain, there is no

pain!! repeatedly. I know it's rough, heating pads will help some, but be

careful you can burn yourself with one like I did. I would get to hurting so bad

that I would just past out, sleep was my only escape from the pain.


Bama, george


" He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his

love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his

heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. " -unknown-


From: Coleen Fox <foxycol63@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 6:02:36 AM

Subject: Re: Pain

All I know is that cold seems to make it hurt more so I would rather lay

on a heating blanket or just get into bed in the fetal position.  I have

sciatica also so I put a pillow in between my knees and ankles but I don't

lay my legs on top of each other, they are too sensitive/achy to do that.

Hope this helps,

take care, Coleen

ps.  pain pills work for my back but I have been using tylenol for my legs.

I am going to see if ibuprofen works for my legs aches instead just to get

away from the tylenol. 

____________ _________ _________ __

From: " dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com " <dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com>

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:17:58 PM

Subject: Pain

The pain is so bad that I am currently laying on ice packs. Does anyone have any

other idea besides pain pills that I can get away from the pain?

------------ --------- --------- ------

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Ice packs are my best friend too!

> The pain is so bad that I am currently laying on ice packs. Does anyone

> have any other idea besides pain pills that I can get away from the pain?


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hello and all,

I have never tried Lyrica.  All I know is that tylenol pm, pain meds and valium

do help with my legs and let me

sleep for an hour or two.  I can't do much physically so I don't tire my body

out so therefore I don't  get alot

of sleep at once.  Also the fact that I have to keep taking my meds every 2

hours just to be somewhat


Ain't this life fun!?   How can we enjoy it more? hmmm?

We are going to Walmart next week cause the honda car needs it's oil changed,

etc, and I want

to pick up something to work on in bed, some sort of game or stitching, oh yeah,

gotta write some

letters, better get some envelopes.   You know how hard it is to write while you

are laying down in

bed.  My pen keeps going dry...lol...need an antigravity pen! LOL!

gentle hugs to everyone, Coleen



From: Lambert <glambert28@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 9:27:00 AM

Subject: Re: Pain

About the only thing that has kept my legs from aching is the lyrica, I am on

900mg a day now. Other than that is to just grit your teeth, and try and

meditate it away, meaning to say is keep telling you mind/brain, there is no

pain!! repeatedly. I know it's rough, heating pads will help some, but be

careful you can burn yourself with one like I did. I would get to hurting so bad

that I would just past out, sleep was my only escape from the pain.


Bama, george


" He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his

love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his

heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. " -unknown-


From: Coleen Fox <foxycol63@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 6:02:36 AM

Subject: Re: Pain

All I know is that cold seems to make it hurt more so I would rather lay

on a heating blanket or just get into bed in the fetal position.  I have

sciatica also so I put a pillow in between my knees and ankles but I don't

lay my legs on top of each other, they are too sensitive/achy to do that.

Hope this helps,

take care, Coleen

ps.  pain pills work for my back but I have been using tylenol for my legs.

I am going to see if ibuprofen works for my legs aches instead just to get

away from the tylenol. 

____________ _________ _________ __

From: " dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com " <dawn.brooks05@ ymail.com>

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:17:58 PM

Subject: Pain

The pain is so bad that I am currently laying on ice packs. Does anyone have any

other idea besides pain pills that I can get away from the pain?

------------ --------- --------- ------

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