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Are you sure you don't have an ulcer? The symptoms that you describe and the

foods that trigger the pain sound much like an ulcer, which, if I'm not

mistaken, is now known to be usually a bacterial infection in the intestinal

tract....and not necessarily caused by stress as once believed. There are

lots of herbal remedies for ulcers....as I'm sure you know....just making

sure you have eliminated the possibility that it is an ulcer?

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Hi Marabel,

If I may ask what blood type are you. I am AB and I think I need to move slowly also. Just because they say it is ok to eat that particular item doesn't mean I should go crazy with it:>) For one thing, I can eat certain beans but noticed that I had some beans the other day and hurt very bad in my side and I think the kidneys did not filter it correctly. Someone told me about this earlier. Also, I am wandering if anyone has tried Primal Defense. I was on Natures Biotics before but has switched to Primal Defense. I need to know what water to drink that will not kill the good bacteria. I need a good water with no chlorine in it. You know, I hear this water is good, this water is bad, it is one of the most confusing subjects to me. Someone told me to drink tap but doesn't tap contain chlorine??? Anybody please respond,thanks......Tonya

P.S. I believe with the Primal Defense and eating correctly I will knock out most of my condition fibromyalgia.

In a message dated 2/16/01 10:59:26 AM Central Standard Time, globe_amaranth@... writes:


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Dear Christle,

I have a pain that sounds as though it's the same as yours, only I have

it on both the right and left side, in the front, perhaps two inches from

the sternum. These problems began in pregnancy when I had some problems

with constipation, and I also had candida overgrowth. Also, changing my

diet in a drastic way to conform with my blood type (something that

should have been far more gradual) messed me up.

The pains I get now are usually from eating moldy food like leftovers

(even if they're just one day old) or bread, because the yeast reacts

with candida, or nuts that haven't been soaked, peeled, or cooked.

Peanuts are out of the question. Sometimes even regular old whole grains

from the health food store trigger these pains for me. Grapefruit or

citrus, if I eat it day after day, will bother it, and soy milk has often

triggered it. I also suspect eggs.

After a year of studying my diet, I've determined that candida is the

main cause behind these woes. If I take a lot of antifungals like

garlic, I can usually eat bread or other no-no's for several days without

getting " the monsters " as I call them. But I don't know exactly what is

physically going on: inflammation, congestion, organ spasms, or what. I

saw a doctor about it and he said it was just the candida. I am on a

candida list and no one else has mentioned this same complaint, so I'm

still wondering.

The pains for me can last anywhere from one second to several hours.

Since I've been very careful about not eating mold or bread, they do not

last for hours anymore. Also, by way of experiment, I wound up with this

" first aid " treatment that I take when the pains flare up: I take HcL

betaine (amount depends on how much food is in my stomach), 500 mg of

Vitamin C, and a Gum Mastic pill (the product I use is called Mastica,

from Allergy Resources.) I suspect that the Mastica is pulling most of

the weight in healing.

I have had these pains for almost two years and they are still a source

of worry, except that now I know what triggers them I hope this

information is of some benefit to you..





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, I had the virus that causes ulcers and the doc gave me strong

anibiotics for that. But that was 2 years ago. Have not had a problem for 2

years until I started these bowel cleanses.

But thank you for opinting it out to me


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

- when I first started to have colon hydrotherapy - and also eat alot

more fiber - i would have that pain before a movement.

I'm sure (for me) that it is my peristaltic muscles - for years i ate wrong

and did not have regular movements. When I started to change that - the

peristaltic muscle was in 'sad shape'.... and when you start having more

movements that muscle must do more work. I'm not sure if this is what you

speak of..... but just some thoughts.



Hi there again

Something else I forgot to ask - does anyone get quite intense pain just

BEFORe your body tells you your bowels want to empty? This too has only

started since being on the diet, and I was wondering if anyone else has had

this. I suspect it might be more related to my Endometriosis, but not sure.

Thanks again

Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to


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  • 7 months later...

In a message dated 10/27/2001 11:59:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

miss_k28@... writes:

<< Im out of ideas to help relieve the pain, From

HOT baths , to motrin, and even relaxing,Relaxing seems to make me stiffer,

and when I get up my neck is in lots of pain. >>

Try these:

Exercise. It strengthens the muscles that support your spine and joints. It

also makes you more flexible, so that you don't stiffen as easily.

A back brace with steel supports. I know, it sounds very uncomfortable, but

it can really help. Insurance usually pays for it if you get a prescription

from your doctor.

A good firm mattress and box springs. I recently bought a new set and I'm

hurting a lot less.

good luck,


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I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in April 1995. The pain &

stiffness started in my knees in summer 1993. Since then, I have it in

my neck, elbows, wrists, and ankles. Even a few fingers are getting

'narley' looking and stiff. I also am achon-41 yr old. I go up and

down steps one at a time now, limit walking due to knees stiffening up

and lifting is limited due to elbow pain & weakness. This does suck

as we get older, our bodies fall apart. I have had no surgeries, I

take Ibuprofen for pain-some days are worse than others. It must

happen to all types of dwarfism, as we have read here in past posts.


> Hi everyone, I just have a question...Im a achon.I was diagnosed with

> osteoarthritis and Im always in pain..from my neck to my feet.My


> even hurt .I went to my doctor and he just keeps prescribing pain


> had back surgery ,,back In february a lower lumbar laminectomy

> decompression..it releaved some pain ..But it seems like this month

it feels

> just as bad as before I had the surgery,I live in Michigan I have a

> appointment at the University of Michigan..its suspose to be a good

> hospital, they say there are doc's there that specialize in


> reason for this e-mail is Im out of ideas to help relieve the pain,


> HOT baths , to motrin, and even relaxing,Relaxing seems to make me


> and when I get up my neck is in lots of pain.Im just wondering if

anyone has

> any good Ideas for me to try.Or if anyone has experience with the U

of M

> hospital.pLEEEase e-mail me if anyone has any ideas..your friend kristie


> _________________________________________________________________

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Physical therapy has helped me a lot. It doesn't take 'all' the pain

away, but it sure helps relieve it. But you have to keep up with the

exercises on a daily basis, otherwise all your original pain will

begin to surface again. These exercises have to be done 2-3 times a

day, 7 days a week, to have any continued effect.

They involve stretching of the lower extremities and lower body

strengthening. I have OA too and I haven't had it that long either.

I guess it strikes a lot of us, when we reach the 40 year mark. But

ask your doctor to prescribe the exercises and one benefit I have

found is that I have lost 6lb, since I started doing them.

I also take 2-3 Ultram a day for pain and I've learnt to dress more

warmly when I go out, with the weather changing as it has been. Long

skirts, long socks, etc. A heating pad can also work wonders too, as

temporary relief. As is known already, the worst time for arthritis

is usually in October and November and at any time when the humidity

is up and it's trying to rain.

I've been told that I could have another laminectomy surgery, but

it's not guaranteed that it will help all that much, since I've

already had two previous ones. I am still able to get around with

the aid of my walker, the exercises, my pain meds and in keeping my

weight to a minimum. Keep moving if you can, but set your own pace

and don't overdo it. And while I say keep moving, arthritis patients

are advised to get a full night's rest, which seems to help some too.

I think that after a time, that most of us build up a high pain

resistance, but it's still nice to get some much needed relief on a

regular basis.

I hope this helps some.

Ann :)

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  • 10 months later...

Jackie..... The pain in your nether rrgions may be hemorhoids...?..

Ive` had them at different times (especially when my liver was very

bad)..... I've also had more than a few colonoscopies... they aren't as

bad as one would think... they can tell the doc a lot..

In 1994 I was dx with end stage cirrhosis and given 6 mos. to live.... I

was one very, very sick puppy with all the complications ciirhosis can

bring... I looked so bad that many of my friends didn't recognize me.

Wasted muscles, yellow, ascites, edema, bleeding varices, loss of body

hair, shriveled testes, growing breasts,lost a few teeth,sunken eyes and

cheeks encephalopathy and on and on...

although I was on Zoloft my doctors (and I) credit much of my well being

to two things ..... a never ending sense of humor and my faith that

every thing is as God wants it to be.... I knew things would turn out as

they were supposed to (if you want to make God laugh... make a plan) and

I kept my nurses and doctors laughing.... you can find humor in most

things .

Laughter does wonders for ones well-being.... Today I'm & years post

transplant and feel every one of those days is a gift. I'm on borrowed

time but I choose not to dwell on it. I was diagnosed with multiple

myeloma in 1997 and with AIH in 2000 ..Ive got HBP and osteopenia

(recently cracked some ribs from coughing too hard) and lost another

tooth last week... Tues. I tried to do some work ..got so exhausted.. I

slept all day weds...

Point is... live in the moment don't dwell on the future, have faith,

and find things to laugh about....

God loves you (and so do we) and all will be as it should...... :)



Hi everyone, i don`t post very often as i am usually too exhausted in

the evening to do much more than read the e-mails. But i really

appreciate this site, it`s been a God send to me. So thankyou

everyone for just being there.

I`ve had another blow recently that`s left me feeling really low.

I`ve been having alot of pelvic pain, and thought it was probably

inflammation, as i get pain in most parts of my body. The doctor

decided to sent me for a exploratory op. and found i had

endemetriosis, pelvic congestion (swelling of the veins in the pelvic

area) and a large cyst on my ovary. Also my fallopian tube is struck

to the cyst. He said i`d need another operation. I just cried. I`m

finding it so hard to cope with all the symptoms of aih, and other

unexplained symptoms, that this news has really depressed me. I`ve

tried every anti depressant there is over the years, and never seem

to get any benefit, if anything they make me feel worse. Does anyone

know of any other remedy i could try for depression, stress, etc.

Also i have been getting pain around my anus (i hate that word) it`s

a throbbing pain, it feels like my bottoms on fire,has anyone had

this, or know what it could be? I keep putting off telling my doctor

about it, i feel too embarressed.Thanks jackie

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  • 1 month later...

JOanne, thanks for the hint, will try to find this ointment! I sure

could use something for headache right now! Sylvia

> JJCathcart wrote:



> My dear friend and our Moderator sent me a jar of ointment .it is

> called Unkers., it is over the counter, .it has Menthol, Methyl

> Salicylate, Eucalyptus Oil, Pine Needle Oil, Camphor Oil, and in a

> white petrolatum base. Amd, this stuff WORKS!!!!! Couldn't

> believe it...now I just have to find a place around here that sells

> it....probably my health store if not my drugist (I am going to ask if

> they can carry it) I had a very painful sinus problem last

> week.couldn't sllep...then it hit me..I put a bit on my face and rubed

> down towards my sinus near my upper gum line. KEEP AWAY from

> eyes!!!!!!!!! and the pain disappeared after a few minutes....

> Bobbie uses it for all sort of pains..... my daughter refuses as she

> can't stand the smell....


> Menthol and Camphor did it for her nose. ; )) So..take a sniff in the

> store and see if you can take the smell to get rid of the pain....for

> me yippee!!! And..it isn't a medicine. Now....for medical pain

> relief I am allowed to take Tylenol with codeine..it has a very small

> dose of the Tylenol.whicg we have to be careful of...and codeine is ok

> for our livers......I do not take often but it is one of those when

> you can't take it any longer meds...BUT now I think I will always try

> the Unkers Ointment first. Oh, on the jar it says distributed by

> Gand G Enterprises and has a toll free number for all in the

> states...1-800-865-3771. Joanne



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  • 2 months later...

Sophie....you are beautiful! That is exactly how I view the subject of

pain.... and like everyone here I have been thru a lot of it...I have

reached a level where I become relaxed and pain doesn't hold the power

it once had over me....especially in anticipating it. Anticipating

anything serves no purpose Nothing is ever the way one forsees it to be.

I adopt an attitude....quitcherbitching ...it only hurts for a little

while.....Besides if we didn't have pain how could we savor those things

that feel good....we'd have no comparison.

Thanks.... love jerry

Many moons ago when I was in my 30th hour of labor and ready to tear

the world apart my gentle and calm doctor wrote this on a piece of

paper and put it in front of my screaming face:

" Rain is only rain and not bad weather. So pain, after all, is only

pain. Unless you resist it, then it becomes torment. "

It worked.

I mean no disrespect for all of you experiencing pain! I have been

there too, many times since and believe me, this little quote has

helped me along every time.

After a very nasty experience with a very insensitive dentist, our

then 9 year old daughter refused to go near any person in a white

coat. Eventually, we found a most pleasant doctor who showed her -

and us - how to relax before a medical examination or similar without

full anesthetics: concentrate on keeping your fingers and toes

unclenched. Hard work!

Have a good day,


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


Well that is basically what I had and just had a fusion..I actually had 2

surgeries. The first was just a reg laminectomy to clean up the disc material

that was pressing up against the nerve. (pain down leg into foot) and then all

was good for 9 months when the disc herniated again. I had a shot which helped

(the 2 before the surgery didnt touch me). Then in Feb I fell and most of what

was left in the disc came out so I had the fusion at l4-l5. I also have a

little bulging at l5-s1 but no signs of complications..Thank God!!

The pain I had the first time was the pain down my left leg. The minute I

woke till the minute I went to bed it would hurt. My back didnt ache to much but

the leg was bad enough to drive me nuts. I also would have tingling in my toes

and my pain in my foot.

I did therapy and the shots but nothing worked so Ihad the first surgery.

When the disc herniated again the pain was much more intense. I felt as if i

would pull my hair out of my head. No pain meds worked for me. I also had alot

of back pain this time around. Lower back would just kill me..

So April 28 I had the fusion and now feel so much better.

I hope this gives you some info. Pease feel free to email me private if you

have questions at all.

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Hi, shewolf,

I'm so sorry you're in this group, though you've come to the right

place. can best address this, maybe others, too, as she has the

same thing. She's at the neuro's today, hearing her test results.

Until she's back...

From what I've read, your condition is pretty typical of L4/5. Your

doctor took the conservative approach, which is usually best. I know

that it's sometimes hard to take pain meds, but bite the bullet, you

need it. Bone pain is not something you want to tough out, till

you're on the upslope of the healing curve. Here are some web sites

that may help (paste these into the browser window address).


thread_id=185 & topcategory=spine



Though it's a bittersweet sentiment, welcome, as I'm sorry you have

to be here, too,


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Your description is one I have read many times, but my problems is

cervical and thoracic.

Now this may sound stupid, because I can't go back and read your

post, like you can do sometimes, but if your male, it is not unusuall

to have the pain in the testicles too. If your female, sorry. (blush)

The best advice I can give you is that you insist that the doctors do

the tests required until they discover what is wrong. This includes,

MRI, CAT, Discograhm, EMG, Xray, mylogram, and anyting else they need

to do.

Please don't give up hope, as there are always many options including

minimally invasive surgery that is done endoscopicaly to fix such


Keep asking away with any questions you have.

Don :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


i do hope you will give pain medicine a try. Some people are more sensitive to the side effects so you may need to start on a really low dose and increase slowly until you can get it to the level that it is tolerable.

I know that no one in this group would think I am a druggy but, believe me, there are many ER doctors and nurses (both in the ER and on the floor) who do think that. I've had nurses write things in my chart such as, "patient states 'I am in pain' but has no grimace of pain on her face" or "patient requests pain medicine every 3-4 hours but doesn't appear to be in pain". I guess I'm supposed to yell and scream or moan constantly so they will believe I really am in pain. I try very hard to be pleasant and nice even when I am in horrendous pain or praying for God to just let me throw up so the nausea will get better. I can often smile even when my pain is very bad. I think this goes against me at times, but I refuse to make everyone around me miserable just because I am in pain. What they often do not understand is that I laugh and smile many times to keep from crying. I make jokes about the pain and nausea so as not to become hard, bitter, and whiny. Don't get me wrong, I've had many doctors and nurses who are so compassionate that thinking of them brings tears to my eyes. However, I have also had many who have done what they can to make things worse for me!

Take care,


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Dearest ,

Thank you so much for your encouraging note to me, my doctor has just put me on the moraphine for longer acting pain relief and oxycodone (percoset) for breakthrough pain. After reading your kind letters to myself and , I feel so much better about taking the pain meds. , it hurts me to hear the awful way you have been treated by insensitive folks in the medical profession. I really admire you and I am so glad you finally have a good doctor who gave you the proper diagnosis and that you can have your life back, I think we all can stand the pain of our chronic illnesses if we know that we have a doctor who truly understands and is compassionately advocating for us. , I am going to keep your letter to me and , it really encouraged me, thank you so much!!

With Love,

Ruth Weston <karenw@...> wrote:


i do hope you will give pain medicine a try. Some people are more sensitive to the side effects so you may need to start on a really low dose and increase slowly until you can get it to the level that it is tolerable.

I know that no one in this group would think I am a druggy but, believe me, there are many ER doctors and nurses (both in the ER and on the floor) who do think that. I've had nurses write things in my chart such as, "patient states 'I am in pain' but has no grimace of pain on her face" or "patient requests pain medicine every 3-4 hours but doesn't appear to be in pain". I guess I'm supposed to yell and scream or moan constantly so they will believe I really am in pain. I try very hard to be pleasant and nice even when I am in horrendous pain or praying for God to just let me throw up so the nausea will get better. I can often smile even when my pain is very bad. I think this goes against me at times, but I refuse to make everyone around me miserable just because I am in pain. What they often do not understand is that I laugh and smile many times to keep from crying. I make jokes about the pain and nausea

so as not to become hard, bitter, and whiny. Don't get me wrong, I've had many doctors and nurses who are so compassionate that thinking of them brings tears to my eyes. However, I have also had many who have done what they can to make things worse for me!

Take care,


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I take 15 mg morphine every12 hours and have for 2 years so don't feel bad about taking meds for pain.

My pharmacist told me yesterday they have anew form of morphine out that you only take 1 time daily and it releases all day. I also take salsalate 3 times a day for pain 750 mg.

the WV hillbilly

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Hi Elana, Yep I know the feeling, round and round with dr's, test's

and new meds trying too find an answer, yet too them it is not as

important as it is too you. I'll tell you when the MRI guy told me

the same disc in my back was messed up AGAIN less than 4 months

after surgery, I went too my car and cried. Out of frustration,

anger and wondering why the heck I was so lucky in life all the

sudden. But after I got over the shock of hearing what I did it made

me more determined than ever to find answers to my ?'s. To find a

way if I can fix this stupid thing than just too eat least be able

to live half a life with it. I WON'T GIVE UP and I'm not sure Dr's

appreciate that fact. I question their answers I won't settle with

one opinion, I want two and they may think I am too pushy but you

know what?? Its MINE dang life and I Am the one in pain not them so

I think I can be as pushy as I want ! And its ok too complain here,

thats what the group is about, too have a place too vent, where

people understand how it feels. Sorry you were having a bad day, I

know they are probably too common for you. Do you go too a pain

clinic? Could it be that maybe the doses they have you on aren't

enough?? The reason I ask is I just went back too my dr, they told

me it would be another 2 weeks till I could see him BUT I was

hurting like hell and what he put me on was NOT helping enough. I

was up most nites half the nite cause I couldn't sleep cause of the

pain. I'm still not sure we have it right yet but I'm working on it.

I told him I'm not asking alot I just want too be able too walk or

be up for more than 15 or 30 min without dying in pain, to be able

too go too a store and shop maybe not for 4 hrs but for half an

hour. I have too say the last 3 1/2 yrs have made me appreciate more

of the small things in life, things I took for granted before. I

hope you are feeling better by now, sorry I didn't reply right away

I was out of town. Take care, S


> It looks like its just me and u i c. Well Ive been struggling with

> the pain from my back today. It frustrates me to know end to know


> go to the pain clinics and the drs and feel like were just another

> face in the crowd. It feels to me anyway that the dr just bruses

> off ure pain and to hell with u. Sorry for rambling just a bad day

> and at my wits end.Also with ure injury do u find u also suffer


> depression? Well so much for methadone huh?...



> Have a great day Dark

> Elana

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Hi Elana, Yep I know the feeling, round and round with dr's, test's

and new meds trying too find an answer, yet too them it is not as

important as it is too you. I'll tell you when the MRI guy told me

the same disc in my back was messed up AGAIN less than 4 months

after surgery, I went too my car and cried. Out of frustration,

anger and wondering why the heck I was so lucky in life all the

sudden. But after I got over the shock of hearing what I did it made

me more determined than ever to find answers to my ?'s. To find a

way if I can fix this stupid thing than just too eat least be able

to live half a life with it. I WON'T GIVE UP and I'm not sure Dr's

appreciate that fact. I question their answers I won't settle with

one opinion, I want two and they may think I am too pushy but you

know what?? Its MINE dang life and I Am the one in pain not them so

I think I can be as pushy as I want ! And its ok too complain here,

thats what the group is about, too have a place too vent, where

people understand how it feels. Sorry you were having a bad day, I

know they are probably too common for you. Do you go too a pain

clinic? Could it be that maybe the doses they have you on aren't

enough?? The reason I ask is I just went back too my dr, they told

me it would be another 2 weeks till I could see him BUT I was

hurting like hell and what he put me on was NOT helping enough. I

was up most nites half the nite cause I couldn't sleep cause of the

pain. I'm still not sure we have it right yet but I'm working on it.

I told him I'm not asking alot I just want too be able too walk or

be up for more than 15 or 30 min without dying in pain, to be able

too go too a store and shop maybe not for 4 hrs but for half an

hour. I have too say the last 3 1/2 yrs have made me appreciate more

of the small things in life, things I took for granted before. I

hope you are feeling better by now, sorry I didn't reply right away

I was out of town. Take care, S


> It looks like its just me and u i c. Well Ive been struggling with

> the pain from my back today. It frustrates me to know end to know


> go to the pain clinics and the drs and feel like were just another

> face in the crowd. It feels to me anyway that the dr just bruses

> off ure pain and to hell with u. Sorry for rambling just a bad day

> and at my wits end.Also with ure injury do u find u also suffer


> depression? Well so much for methadone huh?...



> Have a great day Dark

> Elana

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In a message dated 8/24/2003 11:59:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, karenw@... writes:

I can often smile even when my pain is very bad. I think this goes against me at times, but I refuse to make everyone around me miserable just because I am in pain. What they often do not understand is that I laugh and smile many times to keep from crying.

: Just today I was explaining to my rheumatologist that I know he knows how much pain I am in, but I don't believe some of my other doctors know because I do just what you do - laugh, make jokes, etc. That is how I get through it all.

Besides upping my nortriptyline, he ordered a duragesic patch. I'll have to see on the patch, though as I have horrendous side effects usually from this type of med.

Hope you are feeling better - and try to stay out of that ER. They will have to start putting you on the payroll soon.

Love and prayers -


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Yeah, I probably could go on the payroll at the ER! I know the drill so well! It's bad when you know most of the docs and nurses in the ER!

A lot of people with chonic pancreatitis use the duragesic patch and swear by it. Some do have problems getting a rash at the location of the patch. They say it takes about 2-3 days for it to really build up in your system so you are getting the max benefit from it. You might want to take phenergan for the first few days to avoid the nausea until your body becomes accustomed to it.

I have an appt with my pain doc this morning. I am going to schedule the celiac plexus block if he will let me. That's a nerve block where they go into the spine and deaden the nerves around the pancreas. They have had wonderful results with it helping with the daily pain of chronic pancreatitis. It doesn't work for everyone and even if it does it is only temporary. It can last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a year or so. It lasts about 6 months for most. However, even having to have it done every 6 months sounds wonderful if I can get rid of or even cut down on the narcotic pain meds.


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