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Water retention

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At 04:10 PM 6/18/2004, you wrote:

>Just curious...I have been avoiding iodine like the plague but since I had

>RAI do I really need to?

I would not recommend taking in more than the RDA of 150mcg/day. I believe

it is best to avoid immune system triggers even post-RAI.

>As for my thyroid meds, currently I am going through a slight rebalancing

>act - less T4, more T3. But this water retention has been going on for

>about 6 months.

Well, have your levels been non-optimal for you for months?

You see, I had some hypOT going on when my FT3 dipped to the low end of the

normal range, resulting in insomnia. Instead of taking sleep aids like my

docs suggested, I pursued fixing the cause. Best to treat the cause if you can.

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Opps LOL guess it didn't work,,,I will try later

susan faye <sundance_faye@...> wrote: Hello everyone I found this and

would like to show those of you with water retention problem, I drink lots of

water but should drink even more, Hope that this helps...Faye


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I have taken lasix and it doesnt seem to do anything for me. They even upped the

dose and no changes.

ETM <etm1935@...> wrote:I am on tenoretic and lasix because I am retaining

fluid. I

take two 10MG tapazole a day.


We are what we repeatedly do. --Aristotle

Hello susan

On Thursday, June 17, 2004, you wrote

> Does anyone know if I can safely take water pills while

> on tapizole, I want to go to my doctor and get some water

> pills since I have gained alot of water weight around my

> waist area! My thyroid messed up my menstrual cycles for

> almost 2 years so now I am paying the price LOL,,,I am

> otherwise thin and eat well, exercise and drink plenty of

> water, Does anyone else have this problem> Thanks Faye

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What do the doctors say. I have a friend who is a diabetic,

she's used to ankle and feet swelling, takes time out to

elevate them, seems to think it is a standard reaction. I

happen to hate fluid retention because I never did it. But I

am not ignoring that I may be " starting " to do it and be

stuck with it.

You asked about tapazole. It's a common anti thyroid drug.

Many take PTU, others take tapazole. It's usually

prescribed by the endocrinologist who is treating you and

following your labs.


Heredity: Everyone believes in it until their children

act like fools!


On Saturday, June 19, 2004, you wrote

> I have taken lasix and it doesnt seem to do anything

> for me. They even upped the dose and no changes.

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  • 7 months later...

Have you by any chance been using regular table salt as opposed to celtic sea

salt? I have always retained large amounts of water until I cut it out

completely and used only celtic sea salt. You also might consider lymphatic

drainage massage. I work for my daughter who is massage therapist,

amazing to see clients come out not quite as puffy! Lymphatic fluid can get

stagnant and cause all kinds of problems including slowed immune system, water

retention, headaches, sinuses, etc. Just a thought!

[ ] water retention

I have been told by a couple of people - one a reflexologist and the

other on a yoga retreat - that they think I hold a lot of water on my

body - especially my legs and upper arms.

It makes sense in terms of weight loss - I have been on the candida

diet for a long time and have now stopped losing weight even though I

do more than enough exercise. I am still at least a stone heavier

than pre-candida days. The fluid retention idea also makes sense in

that the excess weight is very watery.

Does anyone know if this maybe related to candida? Is there anything

that anyone can recommend to help it? I am having treatment from the

reflexologist but the more things I can work together, the quicker I

will lose this excess weight! And right now, it's very important to





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You probably already know this, but rebounding on mini tramp or rebounder is

something you can do at home that

works for lymphatic drainage. Also dry skin brushing!

[ ] water retention

I have been told by a couple of people - one a reflexologist and the

other on a yoga retreat - that they think I hold a lot of water on my

body - especially my legs and upper arms.

It makes sense in terms of weight loss - I have been on the candida

diet for a long time and have now stopped losing weight even though I

do more than enough exercise. I am still at least a stone heavier

than pre-candida days. The fluid retention idea also makes sense in

that the excess weight is very watery.

Does anyone know if this maybe related to candida? Is there anything

that anyone can recommend to help it? I am having treatment from the

reflexologist but the more things I can work together, the quicker I

will lose this excess weight! And right now, it's very important to





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Thanks for your advice. Do you mean a mini trampoline?? What is a

rebounder? I

am willing to give anything a go! But getting my hands on something like that

in the

sleepy town of Japan I live in may be tricky.

I body brush twice a day and I don't eat table salt, haven't for years. I don't

eat any

processed foods either.

The massage sounds good. I will try it on my next visit to a western country

where I can

speak the language!

Thanks again.

Bee, thanks, I look forward to your message - no hurry though!


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Yes, I meant a mini trampoline. Rebounder is the same thing, I think a company

named Needak? makes a real good one, also includes support bar. You will love

lymphatic drainage massage. My daughter does face & neck on me, I love it! Real

soft touch, rhythmic motions....ahhhh! Very relaxing, any swelling in the lymph

goes right away, sinuses drain like crazy! LOL I am anxious to see what Bee

says about water retention also!

I'm sure she will have some great advice.

Thanks for your advice. Do you mean a mini trampoline?? What is a

rebounder? I

am willing to give anything a go! But getting my hands on something like that

in the

sleepy town of Japan I live in may be tricky.

I body brush twice a day and I don't eat table salt, haven't for years. I

don't eat any

processed foods either.

The massage sounds good. I will try it on my next visit to a western country

where I can

speak the language!

Thanks again.

Bee, thanks, I look forward to your message - no hurry though!



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Dear Pamela,

means that you do rebounding exercises on a mini-trampoline.

Rebounding is bouncing up and down. The adrenal system does not have

a pump like the heart, so it's flow depends upon exercise. That is

why skin brushing is good for it, and also exercise, specifically

rebounding up and down on a trampoline.

Are you able to get a good ocean sea salt? You do needs the over 82

trace minerals in it for helping with balancing water in the body.


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Thanks Bee, you explained it more eloquently! I'm sorry everyone about

forgetting to trim my post earlier!

< means that you do rebounding exercises on a mini-trampoline. Rebounding

is bouncing up and down.>

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Thanks both and Bee.

I guess skipping would do just the same as a rebounder, right? I can

get a skipping rope no problem!

I have mineral sea salt here so I do have good salt. I drink plenty

of water too. I notice that my thirst tends to exceed others -

sometimes I think I get too thirsty. In summer (which is so very hot

and humid here) I was drinking at the very least 4 litres a day.

I look forward to having lymphatic massage - sounds great. But how

do I keep them from blocking again?


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> The massage sounds good. I will try it on my next visit to a western

country where I can

> speak the language!


> Pamela




Gosh Pam, I thought they were famous for their massages in Japan!!


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Hi ,

It's great having you with us. Thanks for helping Debbie out.

And you're welcome for my clarification about rebounding exercises.

No problemo.

The best to you,


P.S. Thanks so much for trimming your posts. :)

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Dear Pamela,

Skipping rope is a great idea! Don't overdo it. Do it more often

rather than too much at once my friend.

Candida interferes with adrenal function because it makes all the

body's cells go rigid, including red and white blood cells, and also

adrenal gland cells and lymph fluids. As you progress on the candida

program they will improve more and more. In the meantime keep doing

dry skin brushing and skipping rope. Also thump your thymus with

your knuckles. You thymus is located just behind your breast bone in

your chest. Thump firmly but gently for about 2 minutes at least

once a day to stimulate it as well.

About drinking water, we have been told to drink a lot of water,

which is not necessarily a good thing. Dr. Mercola has articles on

why you only drink when you are thirsty, and how important potassium,

salt and other minerals are when you drink water or fluids. There is

an articles in our files called " Too Much Water " you could read.

Are you taking coconut oil and other good saturated fats, i.e.

butter? The body's cell cannot be hydrated properly by water unless

there are plenty of good fats in the diet. Otherwise you are just

getting water logged and retaining water. Drinking as much water as

you do would also overwork your kidneys.

Do you have blood sugar problems?

The best,


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" penny martin " <penelopea@s...> wrote:>

> >

> Gosh Pam, I thought they were famous for their massages in Japan!!


So did I!! All I have been able to find since I have been here is Swedish

massage (which

wasn't very good) and this reflexologist I'm seeing who trained in traditional


methods - she's brilliant. Nowhere can I find shiatsu!!

The problem is also the language barrier - there may be adverts that I can't


Explaining that I want to drain my lymphs wouldn't be very easy either! But I

do have

Japanese friends who help me out. I'll ask them if they can suggest anyone.

I live in a very rural prefecture too and, on top of that, it seems that on the

whole the

Japanese are currently in a period of disregarding their past eastern ways of

medicine and

natural ways of living in favour of 'advancement'. Give it a few years and I

think they will

have so many more health problems as a nation. Then the organic movement and

alternative health industry will start to boom here as it is now in the UK and


Anyway, I digress. As soon as the snow has melted, I'm off to buy a skipping


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Thanks so much for the explanation - it helps so much to know how things are


(or not as the case may be!) And for the suggestions. I will add thymus

thumping to the

daily body brushing, skipping, meditation and yoga!!

Bee wrote:> Do you have blood sugar problems?

I did but I recently had some tests which show that I have managed to balance my


- hormones, blood sugar etc naturally over a couple of years. I am very proud!!


leads me on to your next point about fats...

Bee wrote:> Are you taking coconut oil and other good saturated fats, i.e.

> butter? The body's cell cannot be hydrated properly by water unless

> there are plenty of good fats in the diet. Otherwise you are just

> getting water logged and retaining water. Drinking as much water as

> you do would also overwork your kidneys.

You don't know how happy you made me by writing that. Let me explain...

I am indeed having butter - yum, also seeds and oily fish, also yum. I can't

buy coconut

oil out here - sob - but my friends are visiting in March and that will be top

of my goodies


BUT even though I eat enough good fats - my recent tests did show that I have


cholestrol. This apparently is not because I am not eating enough good fats but

because I

am not absorbing them properly.

Recently I did your test for stomach acid and I had no burps at all. I have

managed to

order HCl off the internet and have been taking it for nearly a week along with


enzymes. Low stomach acidity could be the reason that I don't have enough fats.

In turn, my not having enough fats probably explains why I am retaining water

and indeed

probably explains why I get so thirsty!!

I LOVE it when things come together!! I believe that I am, I feel that I am, so

close to the

end of the road with all these health issues that started off so many years ago

and where I

have been playing detective and sometimes fighthing to find the right advice and

get the

right help. I know getting my absorption of fats back to normal is the last

step and I am

so happy. Thank you!!!


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Oh...poor you. I have carpal tunnel as well. :-( Do you drink coffee at all?

It has more caffeine than tea does and is a diuretic. There are water pills

you can buy over the counter. What comes to mind is Pamperin and things like


I don't know about the water retention as a side effect. In fact this is the

first time I can recall hearing about this. I gained a lot of weight with

Celexa and I gained it quickly. So there is the possibility that for you Lex

is going to cause this. I hope not.


Water Retention

> Hello Everyone. Once again I am back to ask another question. Been

> on

> Lex less than a month. Started at 2.5mg, increased to 5mg and 5 days

> ago increased again to 7.5mg. The day after the increase to 7.5 I

> started retaining an unbelievable amount of water and after only 5

> days

> I'm up 10 pounds, obviously all water. I've tried my normal means of

> shedding excess water by drinking a cup of tea and eating lots of

> celery, cucumbers and watermelon, and in the past that took care of

> it

> within 8 hours or so. Now the WATER WON'T BUDGE. Doc went on

> unexpected early maternity leave and her replacement is not in place

> yet, so I'm on my own for the time being. I'm not sure if I should

> decrease back to 5mg and hope it goes away or stick it out with the

> 7.5mg, give my body time to adjust to the higher dose and be


> in the meantime. I have carpal tunnel and heel spurs which are both

> flared up beyond belief as a result of excess weight and fluid.

> Advice

> from those of you with experience in these matters will be GREATLY

> appreciated!!








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Do you think the over the counter water pills work?


-- In Lexapro , " Barbara " <bjarrett@m...> wrote:

> Oh...poor you. I have carpal tunnel as well. :-( Do you drink

coffee at all?

> It has more caffeine than tea does and is a diuretic. There are

water pills

> you can buy over the counter. What comes to mind is Pamperin and

things like

> that.


> I don't know about the water retention as a side effect. In fact

this is the

> first time I can recall hearing about this. I gained a lot of

weight with

> Celexa and I gained it quickly. So there is the possibility that

for you Lex

> is going to cause this. I hope not.


> Barbara



> Water Retention



> > Hello Everyone. Once again I am back to ask another question.


> > on

> > Lex less than a month. Started at 2.5mg, increased to 5mg and 5


> > ago increased again to 7.5mg. The day after the increase to 7.5


> > started retaining an unbelievable amount of water and after only


> > days

> > I'm up 10 pounds, obviously all water. I've tried my normal

means of

> > shedding excess water by drinking a cup of tea and eating lots of

> > celery, cucumbers and watermelon, and in the past that took care


> > it

> > within 8 hours or so. Now the WATER WON'T BUDGE. Doc went on

> > unexpected early maternity leave and her replacement is not in


> > yet, so I'm on my own for the time being. I'm not sure if I


> > decrease back to 5mg and hope it goes away or stick it out with


> > 7.5mg, give my body time to adjust to the higher dose and be


> > in the meantime. I have carpal tunnel and heel spurs which are


> > flared up beyond belief as a result of excess weight and fluid.

> > Advice

> > from those of you with experience in these matters will be


> > appreciated!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Yes, they should. Anything that's listed as a diurtetic should.


Water Retention



>> > Hello Everyone. Once again I am back to ask another question.

> Been

>> > on

>> > Lex less than a month. Started at 2.5mg, increased to 5mg and 5

> days

>> > ago increased again to 7.5mg. The day after the increase to 7.5

> I

>> > started retaining an unbelievable amount of water and after only

> 5

>> > days

>> > I'm up 10 pounds, obviously all water. I've tried my normal

> means of

>> > shedding excess water by drinking a cup of tea and eating lots of

>> > celery, cucumbers and watermelon, and in the past that took care

> of

>> > it

>> > within 8 hours or so. Now the WATER WON'T BUDGE. Doc went on

>> > unexpected early maternity leave and her replacement is not in

> place

>> > yet, so I'm on my own for the time being. I'm not sure if I

> should

>> > decrease back to 5mg and hope it goes away or stick it out with

> the

>> > 7.5mg, give my body time to adjust to the higher dose and be


>> > in the meantime. I have carpal tunnel and heel spurs which are

> both

>> > flared up beyond belief as a result of excess weight and fluid.

>> > Advice

>> > from those of you with experience in these matters will be


>> > appreciated!!

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Do any of those OTC water pills work? I seem to be retaining lots of fluid

lately and can't seem to get rid of it. I have looked at those pills in my local

pharmacy but not sure if I should try them or not....


Water Retention



> > Hello Everyone. Once again I am back to ask another question.


> > on

> > Lex less than a month. Started at 2.5mg, increased to 5mg and 5


> > ago increased again to 7.5mg. The day after the increase to 7.5


> > started retaining an unbelievable amount of water and after only


> > days

> > I'm up 10 pounds, obviously all water. I've tried my normal

means of

> > shedding excess water by drinking a cup of tea and eating lots of

> > celery, cucumbers and watermelon, and in the past that took care


> > it

> > within 8 hours or so. Now the WATER WON'T BUDGE. Doc went on

> > unexpected early maternity leave and her replacement is not in


> > yet, so I'm on my own for the time being. I'm not sure if I


> > decrease back to 5mg and hope it goes away or stick it out with


> > 7.5mg, give my body time to adjust to the higher dose and be


> > in the meantime. I have carpal tunnel and heel spurs which are


> > flared up beyond belief as a result of excess weight and fluid.

> > Advice

> > from those of you with experience in these matters will be


> > appreciated!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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You might ask the pharmacist. That's what I would do. He can recommend

something. And being that you're taking another or other drugs it's a good

idea to check. I would think they work or they wouldn't be able to sell them

as that category of drugs.


Re: Re: Water Retention

> Do any of those OTC water pills work? I seem to be retaining lots of fluid

> lately and can't seem to get rid of it. I have looked at those pills in my

> local pharmacy but not sure if I should try them or not....


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  • 3 months later...

I sure don't. It's helping that problem for me. I used to retain water but

not on this diet with the lemon/salt drink, thankfully. I seem to be

shrinking away to nothing here. LOL!! Just kidding! But I am losing lots of

weight rapidly, a lot of it water weight gain.


From: " K. Wells " <kellie-wells@...>

do any of you find that you retain water when you drink the lemon/Celtic

salt drink?

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Hi Kellie

We all try to answer all the questions, but sometimes we miss one as

there are just too many. I personally don't answer questions if the

informaiton is in the files section of this forum. So, if your question

doesn't get answered, have a look in the files first to see if the

information is already there, if not, ask the question again.

Now your question about retaining water. I am not certain what you

mean. Where in the body do you think it goes? Do you normally retain

all liquid you drink or is it just this combinaiton of

water/lemon/salt? If its just this combination, than stop drinking it,

your body is obviously reacting to it. If you retain water from other

drinks, than there is a health issue that needs addressing.



> I seem to ask mostly unanswerable questions, but I think this is an


> one: do any of you find that you retain water when you drink the

> lemon/Celtic salt drink?


> Thanks,


> Kellie




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