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Distinctly seperate from D'Adamo and ER4YT, I have been advised

against soy by a variety of different sources.

Having been exposed to DES in vitro, I have always had an EXCESS of

estrogen, even at age 59.

1. A gynecologist, an endocrinologist and a holistic nurse-midwife

all disliked soy because of its estrogenic qualities AND that most

soy is now genetically modified...any future consequences of that

totally unknown to date! (I WAS a fan of soy, tofu, tempeh, etc)

Anecdotally: since adopting an ER diet in 2002 (and giving up soy in

2003) I have not had a flu or cold. I was guaranteed them 6x a year

until 2003...from my young childhood on!

Whether D'Adamo comes under criticism or not, I believe " if it ain't

broke, don't fix it " ... my health and energy have never been better

despite chronic pain caused by back and hip orthopedic injury.

So I will continue to basically follow ER principles-adapting them to

my particular body reactions. As with anything else in life, there is

no " one size fits all " panacea to anything!




> " Where are you reading that Dr D is advocating soy for Os? "


> My previous post (quoted from this particular list):



> .... Soy alternative are recommended on the O lists and in the


> Type O Food & Beverage & Supplement List under 'eggs & dairy'


> that dairy should be restricted but in moderation (depending on

> ethnicity). Next paragraph states soy milk & soy cheese are


> hi protein alternatives vs dairy protein for O's.


> (Thanks for sharing those links & info Merrill & to all the other

> insights shared. Guess there is not a cut & dry answer. So much

> disclosed about soy being a no no, yet .... oh well, will continue


> scratch my head on this on. *grins*)


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On Jan 4, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Merrill wrote:

> Distinctly seperate from D'Adamo and ER4YT, I have been advised

> against soy by a variety of different sources.

And indeed this is the point:

D'Adamo is ONLY talking about whether foods have lectins or other

interaction with BLOOD ANTIGENS, for his blood type diet.

He does not study or know about what else may be right or wrong with

food that has nothing to do with blood type.

So even if Soy is okay as regards blood antigen interactions for O

secretors, that does NOT make it automatically OKAY FOR OTHER REASONS



Oops sorry about the capsloc.

The point it that D'Adamo has very valid work - but ONLY IN HIS AREA


caploc) interactions with food.

So the blood type diet is just that - food that does not interact

with blood type antigens.

Soy STILL (intentional caploc there) is dangerous for many other

reasons including that is permanently damages your immune system and

thymus function. This is NOT D'Adamo's area - he only tells us about

his area. There are other things besides blood antigens to consider

when choosing best foods for us.

So you need to listen to ALL the experts, D'Adamo for blood

interactions and other experts for other issues.

As for me - I love my ice cream too, but nothing on this planet will

make me touch soy anything with a bargepole. I eat the real ice cream

(now and then) despite it being not perfect for my O neg ns state.

My advice - do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. D'Adamo has

valid issues to consider. But they are not the only issues to

consider. Put something together for yourself that covers ALL the

issues that apply to YOU - by using all the experts, not just one.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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On Dec 30, 2008, at 1:35 PM, mdstxag91 wrote:

> Folks, ER4YT is nothing more than a set of delusions that currently

> reside somewhere out in the realm of psuedo-science & fantasy-land.

No that is not true.

The problem is that ER4YT is relevant to one part of our makeup - our

blood type. It does not take other necessary issues into

consideration that are outside the blood type aspects of us.

We need to be smart and see that we consist of many things - not just

a blood type.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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That's a good explanation of blood tying, Irene/Furryboots.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Irene de Villiers

Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 5:45 PM

Subject: Re: Re: SOY

On Dec 30, 2008, at 1:35 PM, mdstxag91 wrote:

> Folks, ER4YT is nothing more than a set of delusions that currently

> reside somewhere out in the realm of psuedo-science & fantasy-land.

No that is not true.

The problem is that ER4YT is relevant to one part of our makeup - our

blood type. It does not take other necessary issues into

consideration that are outside the blood type aspects of us.

We need to be smart and see that we consist of many things - not just

a blood type.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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It is true that every person has a different make-up.  There are a few things on

my list that don't agree with me, but for the most part, I feel best when I

follow the foods on my list.  I have been using ER since about 1998 and at 64, I

still train horses and run a ranch.  That requires a lot of fencing, repair, and

hoof care, shots, etc.  these are 1200-2000 lb. animals.  I feel strong and

able.  There are a lot of folks my age who suffer from horrible arthritis and

digestive problems.  I wonder why that individual was writing to our list if he

thinks this is all a hoax or a fairy tale.  Keep on keeping on group.  Dr. D.

has kept me young.  He has saved and/or prolonged a lot of lives too.  My freind

Max, for one.  He used to be on this list.  He lived about 7 years longer than

expected and his quality of life was greatly improved.  The proof is in the


Forrester, RN

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Debra and group,


I try to eat at least 2 highly beneficial foods each meal.  I won't say I eat

100% ER4YT.  I doubt anyone really does.  Today, I had brown rice, sliced

pineapple and Spelt toast for breakfast.  For lunch, I had a slice of roast

beef, some pinto beans and spinach.  Tonight, I had beef, sweet potatoe, and

asparagus.  I keep mostly highly beneficial and neutral foods in the house.  I

drink seltzer water and green tea.  I supplement with calcium and a

multivitamin, I do take extra flax as well.

It is best to get the kind you can sprinkle on your food.

I cook up enough brown rice for breakfast for several days at a time, I also

cook my meat ahead.  It is then very easy to put meals together.  I am looking

for a new source of lamb meat, lost my good one.  There is a meat shop that has

grain fed beef without hormones etc and range chicken and turkey for reasonable

prices.  It does sometimes help to live in the country.  I've been considering

growing a couple steers and a couple lambs in the spring, but it will cut down

the space I have for my horses, so.....it's just a maybe.  

No wheat, no corn, avoid peanuts, coffee, and soda pop.  I eat candy

occasionally.  I try to stick to really good chocolate, like dark dove candy.  I

think it is what you do day to day and not what you do on an occassional basis

that counts.  What do you think ?  She has been doing this a long time too,

and she knew Max from the list here.

However, that list is gone, this is a new one.

I ate pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas with whipped cream, but I

avoided the crust.

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, do you eat dairy? Thanks for sharing. Spelt toast made me sleepy, but

I could just be hypoglycemic right now. I may have something else going on.

I'll try it again later.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

susan forrester

Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 7:28 PM

Subject: RE: Re: SOY

Debra and group,

I try to eat at least 2 highly beneficial foods each meal. I won't say I

eat 100% ER4YT. I doubt anyone really does. Today, I had brown rice,

sliced pineapple and Spelt toast for breakfast. For lunch, I had a slice of

roast beef, some pinto beans and spinach. Tonight, I had beef, sweet

potatoe, and asparagus. I keep mostly highly beneficial and neutral foods

in the house. I drink seltzer water and green tea. I supplement with

calcium and a multivitamin, I do take extra flax as well.

It is best to get the kind you can sprinkle on your food.

I cook up enough brown rice for breakfast for several days at a time, I also

cook my meat ahead. It is then very easy to put meals together. I am

looking for a new source of lamb meat, lost my good one. There is a meat

shop that has grain fed beef without hormones etc and range chicken and

turkey for reasonable prices. It does sometimes help to live in the

country. I've been considering growing a couple steers and a couple lambs

in the spring, but it will cut down the space I have for my horses,

so.....it's just a maybe.

No wheat, no corn, avoid peanuts, coffee, and soda pop. I eat candy

occasionally. I try to stick to really good chocolate, like dark dove

candy. I think it is what you do day to day and not what you do on an

occassional basis that counts. What do you think ? She has been doing

this a long time too, and she knew Max from the list here.

However, that list is gone, this is a new one.

I ate pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas with whipped cream, but I

avoided the crust.

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Try Ezekial Bread.

" A true friend is someone who thinks

you are a good egg

even though he knows

you are slightly cracked

From: Debra <mermaideeee@...>

Subject: RE: Re: SOY

Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 7:01 PM

, do you eat dairy? Thanks for sharing. Spelt toast made me sleepy, but

I could just be hypoglycemic right now. I may have something else going on.

I'll try it again later.


From: @groups .com [mailto:@groups .com] On Behalf Of

susan forrester

Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 7:28 PM

@groups .com

Subject: RE: Re: SOY

Debra and group,

I try to eat at least 2 highly beneficial foods each meal. I won't say I

eat 100% ER4YT. I doubt anyone really does. Today, I had brown rice,

sliced pineapple and Spelt toast for breakfast. For lunch, I had a slice of

roast beef, some pinto beans and spinach. Tonight, I had beef, sweet

potatoe, and asparagus. I keep mostly highly beneficial and neutral foods

in the house. I drink seltzer water and green tea. I supplement with

calcium and a multivitamin, I do take extra flax as well.

It is best to get the kind you can sprinkle on your food.

I cook up enough brown rice for breakfast for several days at a time, I also

cook my meat ahead. It is then very easy to put meals together. I am

looking for a new source of lamb meat, lost my good one. There is a meat

shop that has grain fed beef without hormones etc and range chicken and

turkey for reasonable prices. It does sometimes help to live in the

country. I've been considering growing a couple steers and a couple lambs

in the spring, but it will cut down the space I have for my horses,

so.....it's just a maybe.

No wheat, no corn, avoid peanuts, coffee, and soda pop. I eat candy

occasionally. I try to stick to really good chocolate, like dark dove

candy. I think it is what you do day to day and not what you do on an

occassional basis that counts. What do you think ? She has been doing

this a long time too, and she knew Max from the list here.

However, that list is gone, this is a new one.

I ate pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas with whipped cream, but I

avoided the crust.

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If " we need to be smart and see that we consist of many things- not

just a blood type " , why even bother following a blood type diet in the

first place? Why not just stick to nutrient dense foods that support

our own personal biochemical individuality?

And if it's not true, tell me where I can find one peer reviewed

controlled study that will support any aspect of the

ER4YT " BENEFICIAL/NEUTRAL/AVOID " dietary recommendations? More

specifically, I want to see hard evidence that supports the idea that

otherwise nutrient dense foods contain " lectins or other interactions

with blood antigens " that justify such drastic measures as AVOID-ing

ordinarily healthy foods. D'Adamo even admits himself that he has

conducted zero scientific studies to support his dietary

recommendations...ER4YT is based on what he refers to as " clinical

observations " .

Relevant how? Why is it a problem that ER4YT is relevant to one part of

our makeup? Specifically, which necessary issues are you referring?

Please explain.


> No that is not true.

> The problem is that ER4YT is relevant to one part of our makeup -


> blood type. It does not take other necessary issues into

> consideration that are outside the blood type aspects of us.

> We need to be smart and see that we consist of many things - not


> a blood type.


> Namaste,

> Irene

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You stated that ER4YT has no validity except for those people who have leaky gut


It is a rather prevalent condition.

By your logic, ER4YT should have validity for a rather large percentage of the





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I'll just say that I have read a lot of peer-reviewed info that is a bunch

of bunk.

What I'm interested in is what works. ER works. Not 100% on

everybody. NOTHING works 100% on everybody, but after all my years of

studying natural health (almost 40) and nutritional consulting, I like to

start with ER as my basis and adjust from there per each individual.

Only on A blood types do I not always see good, obvious results. Maybe has

to do with soy?

On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 8:42 PM, mdstxag91 <mdstxag91@...> wrote:

> If " we need to be smart and see that we consist of many things- not

> just a blood type " , why even bother following a blood type diet in the

> first place? Why not just stick to nutrient dense foods that support

> our own personal biochemical individuality?


> And if it's not true, tell me where I can find one peer reviewed

> controlled study that will support any aspect of the

> ER4YT " BENEFICIAL/NEUTRAL/AVOID " dietary recommendations? More

> specifically, I want to see hard evidence that supports the idea that

> otherwise nutrient dense foods contain " lectins or other interactions

> with blood antigens " that justify such drastic measures as AVOID-ing

> ordinarily healthy foods. D'Adamo even admits himself that he has

> conducted zero scientific studies to support his dietary

> recommendations...ER4YT is based on what he refers to as " clinical

> observations " .


> Relevant how? Why is it a problem that ER4YT is relevant to one part of

> our makeup? Specifically, which necessary issues are you referring?

> Please explain.


> -Mike


> > No that is not true.

> > The problem is that ER4YT is relevant to one part of our makeup -

> our

> > blood type. It does not take other necessary issues into

> > consideration that are outside the blood type aspects of us.

> > We need to be smart and see that we consist of many things - not

> just

> > a blood type.

> >

> > Namaste,

> > Irene







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Leaky Gut is basically a damaged intestinal tract. From poor lifestyle

usually over years.

It can render any food reactive.

On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 12:33 PM, mdstxag91 <mdstxag91@...> wrote:

> Please explain...exception to what? b/c my understanding of " Leaky Gut

> Syndrome " is that just about every beneficial component of otherwise

> nutirious foods could potentially prove toxic.


> > >>The answer is obvious: outside of

> > people suffering from intenstinal permeability or " Leaky Gut



> >

> > Isn't that a pretty big exception?

> >

> >

> > Marie







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On Jan 4, 2009, at 5:21 PM, susan forrester wrote:


> " A true friend is someone who thinks

> you are a good egg

> even though he knows

> you are slightly cracked

I absolutely love this!!!




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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On Jan 4, 2009, at 5:42 PM, mdstxag91 wrote:

> If " we need to be smart and see that we consist of many things- not

> just a blood type " , why even bother following a blood type diet in the

> first place? Why not just stick to nutrient dense foods that support

> our own personal biochemical individuality?

Because blood type is PART of that biochemical individuality, that's


Are you arguing for the sake of arguing? I did not think my email was

all that foggy!

> And if it's not true, tell me where I can find one peer reviewed

> controlled study that will support any aspect of the

> ER4YT " BENEFICIAL/NEUTRAL/AVOID " dietary recommendations?

D'Adamo lists them plentifully in his research, you just need to read

it :-)

His books are a summary of those findings.

> More

> specifically, I want to see hard evidence that supports the idea that

> otherwise nutrient dense foods contain " lectins or other interactions

> with blood antigens "

You do not need " hard evidence " as there is MORE than just " evidence " .

Lectins DO exist and DO react with blood antigens. It's not in question.

If you are sufficiently healthy overall, you will react less badly

than someone who is ill and who does not have what it takes to

recover well from such reactions. Knowing how to get healthier is the

objective here. Of course you are not REQUIRED to get healthier -

it's just one way to do so - IF you care to use it.

> that justify such drastic measures as AVOID-ing

> ordinarily healthy foods. D'Adamo even admits himself that he has

> conducted zero scientific studies to support his dietary

> recommendations...ER4YT is based on what he refers to as " clinical

> observations " .

And you do not think those are relevant?

We ALL (pretty much all or most who tried it) found out by trial that

they ARE relevant:-)

> Relevant how? Why is it a problem that ER4YT is relevant to one

> part of

> our makeup? Specifically, which necessary issues are you referring?

> Please explain.

I already did.

We have bodies that consist of many parts. One part is blood type


THOSE need to be healthily functional and eating D'Adamo's diet helps

that to happen.

If you ALSO want other parts of you to be healthy, llke your immune

system for example, you need to do what is good for that system -

like not eating soy for example:-)



oops sorry re the enthusiastic caploc on my system, it probably ate a

lectin for brekker:-)




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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I'm not sure where you get your information, but I have read reams of material

about the testing of lectins/food.  I can't say I am savvy enough to understand

all of it.  But if I can find the web-site, I would be happy to share it with

you.  I might have to contact Shapiro at the University of Oregon;

because I lost interest in reading those materials when I found I could walk

again without pain and felt a sense of well-being that I hadn't felt since my

youth.  I have diabetic freinds that no longer have to worry about blood

sugars.  And then there is Max, he lived far longer than ever expected with a

much improved quality of life. 


I don't care to argue just for the arguement.  I believe in this.  I know from

my own physical improvements that this is right.  At almost 65, I outdo most 30

year olds, and when I started this program, I didn't expect to be walking much

longer.  Now I believe I will live to a ripe old age, and I intend to keep

working with my horses until I tire of it.  I feel young and healthy.  I hope

you will either get with the program or get off our email list.  We don't need

the negativity.  Are you trying to change our minds?  Or just demoralize a

perfectly good program for those who choose to go there?  I can't see any good

reason you are here.   I am the hard evidence.  I should be in a wheel-chair. 

, R.N. 

" A true friend is someone who thinks

you are a good egg

even though he knows

you are slightly cracked

From: mdstxag91 <mdstxag91@...>

Subject: Re: SOY

Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 7:42 PM

If " we need to be smart and see that we consist of many things- not

just a blood type " , why even bother following a blood type diet in the

first place? Why not just stick to nutrient dense foods that support

our own personal biochemical individuality?

And if it's not true, tell me where I can find one peer reviewed

controlled study that will support any aspect of the

ER4YT " BENEFICIAL/ NEUTRAL/AVOID " dietary recommendations? More

specifically, I want to see hard evidence that supports the idea that

otherwise nutrient dense foods contain " lectins or other interactions

with blood antigens " that justify such drastic measures as AVOID-ing

ordinarily healthy foods. D'Adamo even admits himself that he has

conducted zero scientific studies to support his dietary

recommendations. ..ER4YT is based on what he refers to as " clinical

observations " .

Relevant how? Why is it a problem that ER4YT is relevant to one part of

our makeup? Specifically, which necessary issues are you referring?

Please explain.


> No that is not true.

> The problem is that ER4YT is relevant to one part of our makeup -


> blood type. It does not take other necessary issues into

> consideration that are outside the blood type aspects of us.

> We need to be smart and see that we consist of many things - not


> a blood type.


> Namaste,

> Irene

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I just read your curious reply. I would be very interested to see

that testing information...provided it involved actual human beings,

and not just static blood samples in a lab somewhere at the

University of Oregon.

On average, each of us contains about 1-1/2 gallons of blood that

circulate continuously throughout our bodies. Blood represents a

living dynamic that works in concert with a host of other systems,

organs, networks and barriers. That human dynamic automatically

ceases to exist the minute you remove blood from the body, isolate it

in a lab and then poor in refined lectins (electrolytically and

ionically independent of the myriad of nutrients and other components

that constitute food), and then draw definitive conclusions about the

health of a particular food based on agglutination results.

Wildly extrapolating data from these types of static experiments is

analogous to nutritional supplementation. Most of us would not

survive long taking supplements alone (protein powders, vitamins,

minerals, etc.), even though these are the most fundamental nutritive

building blocks that comprise food. The reason for this is simple:

they have been isolated and removed from the living dynamic that

constitutes whole foods. Our blood and the nutrients we derive from

healthy foods co-exist together in this living dynamic. Drawing

conclusions about how static isolated blood samples reacted in a lab,

and then creating restrictive diets based on these static

observations is ludicrous.

Therefore, we cannot automatically conclude that certain foods are

detrimental just because they contain lectins that will agglutinate

isolated blood cells. Show me some statistically significant blinded

data (better known as HARD EVIDENCE) on groups of real people who

have been studied on ER4YT, and then the data from their control

groups who ate identically, except where nutrient dense AVOIDS were

added to that diet. I suspect you will find that the test

subjects will do fairly well, but the control groups will fair much

better. Finally, I want to see someone credible like Dr. Enig at

the University of land peer review these findings.

It's almost been 13- years since ER4YT, so I think this should have

been sufficient time to conduct a legitimate ER4YT study or two

(before he published the book would have been more appropriate), and

then measure the health differences among these groups. The last time

I checked the ER4YT website (back in November '08), he confirmed that

no ER4YT diet studies (blinded, peer reviewed or otherwise) had been

conducted or published.

" Negativity " , " demoralizing " , " I don't care to argue just for the

argument " and " I can't see any good reason you are here " all

characterize a very insecure and immature mind-set. Rather than

actually making a legitimate attempt to address the issues that I've

advanced, you instead chose to waste your time on this series of

defeatist remarks. Is your true fear that I may actually be right?

I have relentlessly pursued one single truth for almost a decade- is

ER4YT real science or pseudo-science? I have debated these same

issues with dozens of devout blood type dieters over the years…only

to come to the same disappointing conclusion each time- no one is

willing, able or capable of directly answering the questions by

explaining the dramatic inconsistencies inherent in ER4YT. When

asked, the same vague answers and childish reactions ensue.

" Are you trying to change our minds? " No way, I know better. The

psychology behind ER4YT is some powerful stuff. Everyone wants to

belong to their own special group. D'Adamo has created something

mystical (if not mythical)in ER4YT.

, I am genuinely happy for you and your health recovery. But can

you really attribute your health and recovery to dietary lectins?

There are several other diets that preceded , with strikingly

similar dietary guidelines, which also " saved lives " , cured type II

diabetes, heart disease, cancer and a number of other health problems…

the most notable of which was Atkins. Could it be that the body's

positive physiological response to a high protein diet is actually

reversing the traumatic affects of hyperinsulinemia…not eliminating

these so-called " bad " lectins?

And what about all those folks who have been made seriously ill while

on ER4YT-A? Do you even care about them? If so, how do you explain

their poor results? If the legitimacy of a diet fails for so many in

blood type A, how then can the fundamental basis for ER4YT be so

differently heralded across the board in type O?


> I'm not sure where you get your information, but I have read reams

of material about the testing of lectins/food.

I don't care to argue just for the arguement. We don't need the

negativity. Are you trying to change our minds? Or just demoralize

a perfectly good program for those who choose to go there? I can't

see any good reason you are here. I am the hard evidence. I should

be in a wheel-chair.

, R.N.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

YOu are criticizing D'Adamo about the soy recommnedations.....

On Dec 31, 2008, at 6:14 AM, mdstxag91 wrote:

> I am also confused. How can anyone possibly trust the dietary

> recommendations, or more importantly- the credibility, of a man

> (D'Adamo) who clearly makes such reckless and irresponsible errors in

> judgement?



You need to see everything in context.

From a blood type perspeftive ONLY, the Soy is good for type A, due

to something D'Adamo explained.

D'Adamo does not study immunopharmacology. He studies blood type

interactions ONLY.

So from an immune system perspetive the soy is bad .

From a blood type perspective it is no hassle to A's

BOTH statements are correct.

So D'Adamo does not know his crosswords(immune system) but he DOES

know how foods interact with blood type.

Nobody knows everything about everything. You have to use the

isolated area of expertise of each expert - IN CONTEXT.

It is YOUR responsibility to use the information in your context, and

to decide if soy is for you.

It's not D'Adamo's job to do that for you!

He gives you HIS expert area as one piece of the puzzle. That is

responsible and by no means an error in judgement as you accuse.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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Guest guest

Sometimes if I read conflicting information, and I can't make up my mind, I

ask myself, how does it taste to me? Our body naturally wants foods that are

nourishing and that food will taste good to use. Personally, I think soy

tastes chalky. I have some in my fridge, b/c I wanted a nut butter shake.

But I think I will change over to almond milk.

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way to go Irene!

A lot of folks forget that you and your doctor are

a TEAM. Just because he or she holds a Doctorate

does make him or her a God, they are still human,

and can not know everything about everything.

When I go to my VA doctor, he gives me BOTH

the raw results of my lab tests, and interprets the data

for me. Then we BOTH sit down and explore all options for

attacking any problems. He presents possible treatments,

along with side effects for each, and the ultimate decision

on which regimen to take is mine alone.

The same is true with the ER4YT diet. The good Doctor

provides us with the information on how different foods

react with our blood type, but any other reactions must be

divulged by people who specialize in those fields, with each

of us making the final decision on how to implement the

above knowlege.

It's like with the aircraft that I fly, I don't expect the

avionics tech to be able to troubleshoot the hydraulics

for my landing gear. Brie

In , Irene de Villiers <furryboots@...> wrote:


> YOu are criticizing D'Adamo about the soy recommnedations.....



> On Dec 31, 2008, at 6:14 AM, mdstxag91 wrote:

> > I am also confused. How can anyone possibly trust the dietary

> > recommendations, or more importantly- the credibility, of a man

> > (D'Adamo) who clearly makes such reckless and irresponsible errors in

> > judgement?


> Whoa!!!!



> You need to see everything in context.

> From a blood type perspeftive ONLY, the Soy is good for type A, due

> to something D'Adamo explained.


> D'Adamo does not study immunopharmacology. He studies blood type

> interactions ONLY.

> So from an immune system perspetive the soy is bad .

> From a blood type perspective it is no hassle to A's



> BOTH statements are correct.

> So D'Adamo does not know his crosswords(immune system) but he DOES

> know how foods interact with blood type.

> Nobody knows everything about everything. You have to use the

> isolated area of expertise of each expert - IN CONTEXT.


> It is YOUR responsibility to use the information in your context, and

> to decide if soy is for you.

> It's not D'Adamo's job to do that for you!

> He gives you HIS expert area as one piece of the puzzle. That is

> responsible and by no means an error in judgement as you accuse.


> Namaste,

> Irene

> --

> Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

> P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

> www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

> " Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "


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  • 1 month later...
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> Bee, one more question. I have two products that I am using that contain soy.

One is my terressentials body lotion, it has soy lecithin as one of its

ingredients. I am pretty sure that it is a very small amount.

+++, don't be concerned about such small amounts.

The other is a room spray that I just bought it is made of clove, pine, and

other essential oils, but it says that it contains " soya " among the

ingredients. Would it be ok to use these regularly?

+++You shouldn't use sprays in the air on a regular basis, but you could put it

on light bulbs - it should be okay with the soya.


> Bee what would I do without. I lost my mom from an untreated candida

overgrowth that eventually led to cancer, but what I believe killed her were the

drugs that were given to her. I want you to know how much I appreciate your


+++My heart goes out to you with losing your dear mom. You are so very welcome

for the help.

Luv, Bee

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Anne and to all that know me,

I will say it again. Soy in no amount is healthy.

With all the things listed below, and not from Weston

Price Foundation, why would anyone put an ounce of soy in their mouth? Especially since it is not a complete

protien. Combine beans and corn. That is a complete protien and better than soy.



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High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.

Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic orders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.

Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body’s requirement for B12.

Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D.

Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and added to many soy foods.

Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.


Babies fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula.

Infants exclusively fed soy formula receive the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.

Male infants undergo a “testosterone surge†during the first few months of life, when testosterone levels may be as high as those of an adult male. During this period, baby boys are programmed to express male characteristics after puberty, not only in the development of their sexual organs and other masculine physical traits, but also in setting patterns in the brain characteristic of male behavior.

Pediatricians are noticing greater numbers of boys whose physical maturation is delayed, or does not occur at all, including lack of development of the sexual organs. Learning disabilities, especially in male children, have reached epidemic proportions.

Soy infant feeding—which floods the bloodstream with female hormones that inhibit testosterone—cannot be ignored as a possible cause for these tragic developments. In animals, soy feeding indicates that phytoestrogens in soy are powerful endocrine disrupters.

Almost 15 percent of white girls and 50 percent of African-American girls show signs of puberty such as breast development and pubic hair, before the age of eight. Some girls are showing sexual development before the age of three. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula and exposure to environmental estrogens such as PCBs and DDE.






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From: Anne Wanger <paul-n-anne-forever@...>Subject: Re: Re: Its not all bad. Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 7:28 PM

Pam and Sue, I have never disagreed with the fact that we (as a nation and my family and I as a person) consume too many overly processed foods (that also includes meat and produce that has been altered in some way to affect their overall yield). I am concerned, however, at the tone that these posts have taken. The group that this is promoting is ignoring one big factor in our society. There are people who lived on a farm most of their lives and have eaten a "farm diet (a diet loaded with meat, pork, eggs, and huge portions)" and then have moved into town at some point. Problem is that they have continued their "farm diet" and did not take into account their decreased activity level of "city living" and have wound up obese with multiple health problems.

Also consider this fact. The group that is being promoted here, while trying to limit the influence of the soy industry, is also promoting other extremely powerful industries in and of themselves.

Of what I have read so far, I think one thing is quite clear. Trying to get your complete nutrition from one food source is not only dangerous but also unhealthy. I also believe that with this one particular group being advertised and publically promoted, it will (and possibly is) turning this list into a political battleground. Is that what will help those who are seeking help the most? Is that what the list owners really want?

Anne W---who hopefully won't get banned for this post.

Re: Its not all bad.

I know I talk about my diet and it must sound just awful to all of you. Like living in some diet prison. I just wanted to share with you some of what I cook so you can see that you can eat beautifully for taste as well as for health.

I will often saute' artichoke hearts in Olive oil, sea salt and garlic. Browning them a little on the outside, warming them and cooking them through. If I have guests I will shave some fresh Parmesan cheese over theirs so it is soft and melty by the time it reaches the table.

Ginger Peach Chicken--

Is chicken breasts, skin on, dusted with rice flour. Set aside. Then in a large roasting pan I mix sliced two red onions, on sweet onion, sesame oil,tiny bit of soy sauce, ginger and two packages of frozen peaches. Mix it all up, lay the chicken on top and bake. It is a family favorite.

beef and shallot stew

this is just chuck meat, sea salt, black pepper,olive oil,1 bottle of dry red wine,1 1/2 pounds of shallots, chicken broth {I use my bone broth} and 8 sprigs of fresh thyme.

You cook this in a dutch oven for about two hours after browning the meat. It is so lovely and delicious it is fit for company.

We are having roast chicken tonight. I will stuff it with chives from the garden and apples and celery for flavor. Rub it with olive oil and french herbs and it will taste like a special meal that took minutes. I will rub the little potatoes that I will roast around it with the same oil and herb blend.

If anyone wants exact recipes I can write them down on here.

I just wanted to show you that eating right. Without sugar, processed foods, eating organically,etc can be delicious and satisfying and you can even have company over and they don't know the difference.

lots of hugs,


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Ok, well, I have spent the last few hours searching and reading. I have tried to stick to well known sources (not Wikipedia) on this. Because I believe that people should have access to all information (and, trust me, I haven't come even close to all of the information on this), below are a few links to other information that I did find.





http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article & contentId=A63967-2004May3 & notFound=true






Yes, I know that there are a few lesser to obscure sources here, but they backed up some of the more official and well known sources.

My conclusions so far:

The phytates that are feared so much are present to an extent in all grains and greens.

Steer clear of supplement pills (they can lead to overdoses, misdoses, wrong doses, etc).

If you have breast or uterine tumors that could be adversely affected by the phyto-estrogens (I believe they were called) restrict your intake severely. If you believe that you are allergic to it, again, steer clear. If you are concerned about any health issue when it comes to eating soy, ask your doctor.

Just as variety is the spice of life, it is also the spice of a healthy diet along with plenty of fiber. Don't go overboard on eating soy. Too much of a good thing (no matter what that thing is) is still harmful.

I hope that this helps someone in their own investigation on this issue. I leave you to draw your own conclusions and to make your own choices. As for me, as soon as finances permit I will resume my fruit and tofu smoothies for breakfast and my edamame with some sort of seaweed for lunch. I felt so much better when doing those. Since my family hasn't developed a taste for it, I normally have what would be considered a "normal" (whatever that means these days) supper that had started to include a salad with various types of lettuce, sprouts, spinach, raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds, just a bit of sharp cheddar cheese, and a bit bleu cheese dressing.

I encourage anybody that is curious and/or concerned to seek out (beyond what resources I have provided) information on your own. We all know that the best weapon we have is information.

Anne W

Re: Its not all bad.

I know I talk about my diet and it must sound just awful to all of you. Like living in some diet prison. I just wanted to share with you some of what I cook so you can see that you can eat beautifully for taste as well as for health.

I will often saute' artichoke hearts in Olive oil, sea salt and garlic. Browning them a little on the outside, warming them and cooking them through. If I have guests I will shave some fresh Parmesan cheese over theirs so it is soft and melty by the time it reaches the table.

Ginger Peach Chicken--

Is chicken breasts, skin on, dusted with rice flour. Set aside. Then in a large roasting pan I mix sliced two red onions, on sweet onion, sesame oil,tiny bit of soy sauce, ginger and two packages of frozen peaches. Mix it all up, lay the chicken on top and bake. It is a family favorite.

beef and shallot stew

this is just chuck meat, sea salt, black pepper,olive oil,1 bottle of dry red wine,1 1/2 pounds of shallots, chicken broth {I use my bone broth} and 8 sprigs of fresh thyme.

You cook this in a dutch oven for about two hours after browning the meat. It is so lovely and delicious it is fit for company.

We are having roast chicken tonight. I will stuff it with chives from the garden and apples and celery for flavor. Rub it with olive oil and french herbs and it will taste like a special meal that took minutes. I will rub the little potatoes that I will roast around it with the same oil and herb blend.

If anyone wants exact recipes I can write them down on here.

I just wanted to show you that eating right. Without sugar, processed foods, eating organically,etc can be delicious and satisfying and you can even have company over and they don't know the difference.

lots of hugs,


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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

One reason is that it depresses the thyroid. I was on a soy kick a long time ago

thinking it was good for me and I got really sick. I found out later that I had

contracted Hashimoto's thyroiditis and soy was actually the worst thing for it -

and I was consuming massive amounts!

Around that time, I went to a GNC to get some protein powder. The girl who

worked there (who was also a personal trainer) informed me to stay away from

soy. She said it had bad effects and many soy products were loaded with sugar.

Someone from a thyroid group I am on gave me this link to a webpage on soy that

has additional information about it. I hope that it is o.k. to post here.




> Why are soy products harmful?



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