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the people at work told my dr's office they thought i was giving up. they

told them they would give me whatever equiptment i needed. of coarse nothing

has changed, they told me it takes longer than 3 days to get it all. i felt

if i said i couldn't, they would thing i didn't Want to work. i sure didn't

want them to think that. so i figured my next step was to try it.


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I agree with about your parents helping you. As a parent of a child that

will not out grow his RA or Lung Disaese, I plan on being there for no

matter what the need is. I encourage him to think about his future and what

kind of a career he would like to do where he could have some control over

his illness. The list is very small to say the least. He is looking into

being a dr himself and there is some flexability for him there. They like to

have disabled people be drs. too. Don't know how well med school or

interships would be for him but he is strong. That is one thing that is good

for jesse. He is young enough to make choices where you aren't (not saying

that you are old or anything. lol ) I can understand you feeling lost. So

basicly iam saying let your parents help and try not to feel so discouraged.

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If I were you, I would find another doctor that will say you are

disabled. I can't see why not! Hope all goes well on Tues. Hang in




> yes i have filed for disability, my dr said i was not disabled.

thats why i

> decided to go ahead and try to work. i seem to be getting worse

though, i am

> praying that my 1st remicade infusion goes well on tuesday.



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Those people at work should be ashamed of themselves. First of all

they should have had all the right equip ready and waiting for you.

Not the other way around. They knew WHEN you were coming back. They

are also covering their butts in case you decide to file a law suit

against them claiming that you have suffered more because they did

not comply in a timely manner. This is another factor to consider.

I'm sorry, but I get very defensive and rebellious when I read and

hear about companies having this kind of policy and procedures. It

just infuriates me to no end.

Hope you have a restful weekend and next week will not be as bad as




> the people at work told my dr's office they thought i was giving

up. they

> told them they would give me whatever equiptment i needed. of

coarse nothing

> has changed, they told me it takes longer than 3 days to get it

all. i felt

> if i said i couldn't, they would thing i didn't Want to work. i

sure didn't

> want them to think that. so i figured my next step was to try it.








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I am so happy that you have found a new life with the remicade. It almost

makes you remember what life used to be like. You have been suffering for

such a long time.

How are things going at work? I am scheduled to go back to part time work on

5/23/01. They did approve my long term disability & I called for the SSI

disability package but they will not send out anything until I do a phone or

in person interview, which is where i chickend out I guess I feel that I

don't have all my docs support.

My manager says that if I don't have a firm return to work date, 3 months

after being approved for long term disabilty, you are terminated from the

company. Now they give us 6 months of short term disabilty, which we don't

pay for, yet they only give us an additional 3 months of long term

disability, which we do pay for...Something doesn't sound right here. When

I questioned her about what happens to the long term disability, she could

not answer that. I am afraid that I will not be able to return to work, but

I may have not other choice as I need the benefits very badly for my family.

No decision is ever easy with this disease.

Hang in there & enjoy the new found life.......

As always,


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Hi Kathy:

Sorry to hear you are feeling so low. Hope you

will perk up soon. I'm kind of new to the group

but love to send email so feel free to write to

me at my other addy grandma007@....

It does not take real long letters or attachments

but I can send email from anywhere and that is

why I bought it. Hope to hear from some of you

real soon.

God Bless, Bonnie


ICQ #14826055

Name: nana_bonnie

AIM Name: gmabonny

PalTalk name 007grandma

BeeCall name 007grandma

Birthday 1-16-47


To get your own FREE ZDNet Onebox - FREE voicemail, email, and fax,

all in one place - sign up today at http://www.zdnetonebox.com

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I'm jealous! ;) I wish we lived closer, , I'd love to go out to lunch

with ya and meet you! =)

~Rainy Sue =)

----- Original Message -----

From: " Matsumura " <Matsumura_Clan@...>

< >

Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 11:41 AM

Subject: [ ] Kathy

> Kathy,


> I've read about all of your latest frustrations. I'm so sorry. Of course


> feel lost!


> It's great that you made it back to work, even though the situation is


> than ideal. Maybe something unexpectedly good will come of your



> I agree with everyone who told you that you shouldn't worry about letting

> your parents help you financially and otherwise. Any good parent would


> to do the same. If they can't fix your body, at least let them give you

> money.


> You deserve happier times in your future, and I truly hope you get them.


> you ever want me to drive out your way and take you out, just let me know.

> I'd like to meet you sometime.


> Thinking of you,



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I'm glad to hear that you aren't terribly worried anymore. It's hard not to

be where a child is concerned. I don't think it is unreasonable to think it

was the Relafen, Kathy. Hope today is a better day for you and your son.

What's with this weather? It would help if the rain and cold would give us a

little break, too. The morning was beautiful at about 6:00 AM, but now we

have the doom and gloom again. At 11:15 my youngest has a picnic with his

whole third grade class scheduled. I don't think it's even 50 degrees yet.

They couldn't bear to cancel it, so I am hoping that they will find a way to

keep the whole hoard of us inside instead of letting us sit on the soaked,

cold ground, shivering while we eat.

----- Original Message -----

From: <kringlemom@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:52 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Kathy

> thanks gina, i am not so worried anymore. i really think it was the


> kathy

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my son is feeling better today and is planning on going to his nite school

for his finals tonight. actually i have felt ok. not great like the last



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Kathy, You also have a very handsome family. Both of your sons are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I am saving them all so i can refer back.

God Bless you


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i went to work today, really don't know why. i was very dizzy and feelin

wierd. just because it was thursday i guess. so i am so dizzy i feel like i'm

gonna pass out at work and one of the supervisors come up to me and said. you

need to get in your dr's face. tell him we want to know who to file a lawsuit

with when i die driving to work someday. not that i really want to lose my

driving privelidges. but i totally understand where she is comming from. i

came home and i am waiting for the dr to call me back. i am so sick of this!!

i almost just drove to the hospital, but dan has an appt at 3pm today. i did

call the dr and i am waiting for his call. something really needs to change.

i can't keep doing this.

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Sorry to hear you are feeling so badly. But it's nice that your supervisor is

so caring and sent you home. There aren't a lot of bosses who would go that

far. We are all with you - I think if we did a poll and asked how many people

were sick of this, we'd get 100% or almost. So, remember, you are not alone; we

all understand and celebrate every victory, even the tiniest. While waiting for

things to get better, we just pray and send good thoughts and love your way.

If Dan is your hubby, that's another thing we have in common!

Hope the weather in the north boonies is good today; the south boonies are

having a downpour.

And of course, this is the day I'd planned to go grocery shopping.

Keep us posted on what your doc says and how you are feeling.

Caring and concerned,


Re: [ ] Kathy

i went to work today, really don't know why. i was very dizzy and feelin

wierd. just because it was thursday i guess. so i am so dizzy i feel like i'm

gonna pass out at work and one of the supervisors come up to me and said. you

need to get in your dr's face. tell him we want to know who to file a lawsuit

with when i die driving to work someday. not that i really want to lose my

driving privelidges. but i totally understand where she is comming from. i

came home and i am waiting for the dr to call me back. i am so sick of this!!

i almost just drove to the hospital, but dan has an appt at 3pm today. i did

call the dr and i am waiting for his call. something really needs to change.

i can't keep doing this.

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well i am home from the hospital, they did find something on my right kidney,

about 1 1/2 inches, unsure if it is a cyst or what. also they did see

something on the nuclear medicine scan of my heart. again they said more test

need to be run.

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well i am home from my 2nd visit to the e/r tonight. the 2nd run i got to

take the ambulance. they are not going to run anymore test in the e/r.

basically i was told my dizzyness is a previous problem and no reason to do

them all again. he was kicking everyone out tonight. they were swamped.

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well i really liked it until i ran myself out of memory, still going on under

my mom. but my son stored his password and doesn't knw it and can't get in at

all. i guess when he went to the dr (while i was in the e/r) the dr told him

if not better in 6 weeks they were going to open up his knee.

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i know it's not that far, my dad went. my fear is being put up in a room for

up to 6 days. they cancelled my remicade tomorrow because of my recent

happenings. i still go see the dr. just no drugs!!! eiyee!!! she says i may

still get it, just not tomorrow. i also see a new foot dr tomorrow

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The Mayo people don't want you to stay longer than you have to, Kathy. If

you and all of your doctors can figure out what specialists need to be seen,

you can try, with the help of your local physicians, to schedule your

appointments close together, even possibly on one day. Now it's true that if

during the visit and after certain tests that if something is discovered

that needs further testing and consultation, you could have to stay longer

than planned.

Good luck with your appointments today!

Re: [ ] Kathy

> i know it's not that far, my dad went. my fear is being put up in a room


> up to 6 days. they cancelled my remicade tomorrow because of my recent

> happenings. i still go see the dr. just no drugs!!! eiyee!!! she says i


> still get it, just not tomorrow. i also see a new foot dr tomorrow

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