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How sweet.

That is a nice thing to say.

Thank you



Thanks hon. You sound like a terrific mother to me. I'd have traded

you for my mother in a New York minute!! LOL!Kathy

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  • 3 weeks later...

some days it still gets me too!! thats why i'm trying to enjoy what i have

now. in the back of my head is always the question. how long will it last? kathy

in il

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is me! That's why I was surprised by my extremely low SQ

score. :)


> a,

> What do you always do - balance the checkbook to the penny? If so,

> me too. I'm obsessive about it. Always need to know where the

> mistake is. And I ALWAYS balance it within a day or two of


> the statement. See now, if that personality test had asked THAT

> question my SQ score might have been a tadbit higher that 16!! LOL!


> Kathy

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> That is me! That's why I was surprised by my extremely low SQ

> score. :)


> a


Me too. I think I said before that it must be because of the way the

questions were phrased. My preference would be to never have to

balance the checkbook or pay the bills. But I do it because I am good

at keeping that stuff organized and I'm not so sure that my husband

(the accountant - hahahaha!!) would be. In any case he has never

volunteered to do it.



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You are so funny and quick witted.

I can't imagine having an agitated Aspie brain surgeon.

All the cajoling in the world wouldn't get them back to the table.

what a funny scenario



The term, " good enough " just came to me when I was writing. That teacher

misunderstands the purpose of not telling an Asperger child to do his best.

Odds are that he will try to do his best anyway if he has that

perfectionistic personality - it's in his nature. But telling him to do his

best will set him up to fail because in his black and white mind, " his best "

will be perfect. Then if he does the assignment and it's not perfect, he'll

think " I didn't do my best. " and will rip it up and want to redo it. We ALL

want our surgeons to do their best...but we don't want them to freeze up in

the middle of the brain surgery when they realize they made a mistake and

didn't do their best...quitting and deciding to start over on another brain.

I daresay, if that was a possibility I would NOT tell my brain surgeon to

do his best.

(Don't we all wish that our brains could work that quickly when the school

personnel come up with these arguments. Intrinsically we know they are

wrong and don't get the point, but it's so hard to see why and come up with

a logical response in the moment.)



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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

doesn't it make you wonder why we try so hard????

that is soooooo funny!!!!!!!!

what would these kids do without such dedicated Mothers?????????


oooooh - and Fathers in some cases ( :o)


ROFLOL!! Funny. I have been trying to teach my kids to say God

Bless You forever. But they are just not aware enough of what

someone else in the room is doing to notice when someone sneezes

(unless of course they happen to be blocking the TV screen or

computer screen!! LOL!)

Still, I just keep on trying.

I sneeze


I say, " What do you say when someone sneezes? "

Them: silent


Kim: " Oh, sorry Mom. God bless you. "

Me: Thank you....ERIC???

: " Huh " Oh yeah, God bless you. "

Me: Thank you. Braden?


Me: BRADEN???!!


Me: BRAAAADEN!!!!!!!

Braden: What?



Me: BRADEN!!!!!!!

Braden: " What? "


Braden (muttering): God bless you.

I try not to sneeze too much.

Kathy ;)

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I just reread what I wrote and laughed till tears flowed! Nice I can

amuse myself so easily, huh? LOL!

I've always lovingly called Braden " the Alvin of my chipmunks, "

because I always have to say something multiple times and then yell

it to get his attention - just like Dave did to Alvin in the Chipmunk

cartoons. :)


> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> doesn't it make you wonder why we try so hard????

> that is soooooo funny!!!!!!!!

> what would these kids do without such dedicated Mothers?????????

> hahahahaha

> oooooh - and Fathers in some cases ( :o)

> Dawn


> ROFLOL!! Funny. I have been trying to teach my kids to say God

> Bless You forever. But they are just not aware enough of what

> someone else in the room is doing to notice when someone sneezes

> (unless of course they happen to be blocking the TV screen or

> computer screen!! LOL!)


> Still, I just keep on trying.

> I sneeze

> Silence.


> I say, " What do you say when someone sneezes? "

> Them: silent


> Kim: " Oh, sorry Mom. God bless you. "

> Me: Thank you....ERIC???

> : " Huh " Oh yeah, God bless you. "

> Me: Thank you. Braden?

> silence

> Me: BRADEN???!!

> Silence

> Me: BRAAAADEN!!!!!!!

> Braden: What?


> Silence.


> Me: BRADEN!!!!!!!

> Braden: " What? "

> Me: " SAY GOD BLESS YOU!!!! "

> Braden (muttering): God bless you.


> I try not to sneeze too much.

> Kathy ;)



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That's cute.

our little tape recorders are soo funny sometimes!!


Hahahahahaha!! That reminds me of a story from when was about 4 or 5.

He was talking about something or other and telling me I should get it. I

didn't have a clue what it was, nor did I want it. I said, " Where do you

get something like that? " And he replied, " It can't be bought in any store. "

LOL! Kathy

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  • 2 weeks later...

<<<<<<< If he was doing wonderfully with it, it MIGHT be worth

it, but he clearly isn't. And this isn't the first time he's

manifested odd behaviors when you upped the dosage. I think enough is enough.


got ya, Kathy.

we will see how he does until sunday, and if I don not see any change for teh

betteer I will definetely have a serrious conversation withe the doc.



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Sounds like you have been really busy. It seems as though things always happen


especially messes. Congrats on your new job. I'll keep my fingers crossed that

you will actually

get the paycheck owed to you. Iris

--- kringlemom@... wrote:

> hey iris, hope things are well with you. i'm still hanging in there but

> sometimes it feels like the rope is unraveling!! i have been in alot of pain


> week. i dropped down to 2.5 mgs prednisone. my neck, back have been killing


> (thankfully i work for a chiropractor now and i get free adjustments!!) my

> left knee has been very painful since wednesday, but i had to scrub 2 rooms of

> carpet (poor puppy is on medicine and has to potty alot) also i had a


> break in the fridge and had to scrub off sticky cranberry sauce. plus i went

> to a farmers market and walked quite a bit. (decided to do something fun on

> my day off) i am supposed to go to a seminar in chicago next week on my day

> off. i am not looking forward to a train ride and lots of walking. i am hoping

> my boss has been too busy to register us. (i know, i'm bad) finally got

> response from dr tisa that he can't afford to pay me until next week. at least


> was response. well better get my butt in gear. gotta go to work.....kathy in





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yes, it feels good to be busy. weekends are pretty quiet(and lonely) for me

since i do my mtx friday nights. gonna get cool tonight. i may have to light

the furnace tonight!!! BRRR!! my boss has invited me to church with her many

times, i just haven't been in so long and i really do enjoy some peace and quiet

or whatever time. my son and his girlfriend will be coming tomorow to meet

with me and his grandma for breakfast. laundry and the store for the things i

forgot today!! i went to the urologist today. he asked my symptoms, history,

medications and a urine sample. says i have blood in the urine (for many years)


bacteria or white cells. but says he thinks with my condition that maybe i

should be on macrobid anyway. i just took the script but will not fill unless i

feel the need. i don't want to play with more meds, yeast infections.....no


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I am so sorry about the dog. What a shame. I hope the kids will be ok.

(((hugs))) Kathy>>>

yes, they are, thank you , Kathy. this is also part of life, he?

certainly easier than dealing, like my friend, with her daughter after one of

her friends comitted suicide last night.......

I don;'t know what world of unsafety and anxiety we are creating for our

futurte generations, it is pretty sad........

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My heart goes out to your friend whose daughter committed suicide. Our

children are under so much stress in this world they are growing up in. It

is truly heartbreaking. And many children don't realize that some problems

are not as big as they appear when they are young.

I held an IEP meeting about Braden the other day. I had called it as a

preventative measure. As always, I am finding the teachers in the middle

school to be receptive and supportive. One of the things I told them was

that I have big concerns about Braden because he is at extremely high risk

for drug abuse, depression, alcoholism and suicide. He is so much more

impulsive than , he has a tendancy to bite off his nose to spite his

face, and he has very intense emotions. I wasn't saying it to get pity, but

to impress upon them that their support is essential. His very life may

depend on how they treat him. I hope that they got the message. They

seemed to.


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> I am so sorry about the dog. What a shame. I hope the kids will

be ok. (((hugs))) Kathy>>>

> yes, they are, thank you , Kathy. this is also part of life, he?


> certainly easier than dealing, like my friend, with her daughter

after one of her friends comitted suicide last night.......

> I don;'t know what world of unsafety and anxiety we are creating

for our futurte generations, it is pretty sad........

Oh, that is so awful and must be so difficult. I hope your friend

finds some comfort.


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<<<<<<<My heart goes out to your friend whose daughter committed suicide.>>>>

thank you, but it is not so - my friend has a daughter and she is fine, thank

goD. the daughter'S FRIEND IS TEH ONE WHO DID IT.


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No excuse Fania, " hte " and " teh " and " teh " are still NOT acceptable typos

(the word must start and end with the real right letters you know!) <grin>

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> The fact that I am passionate about how I feel doesn't make me a

cripple and

> if I cannot express myself with flowery feel-good stuff, too bad.

This is not

> a problem for me and I will not seek counseling for it either.

> Roxanna ö¿ö

> Autism happens...

Nice speech, Roxanna. Very " passionate " and distorted. As Dr. Phil

would say, " You either get it or you don't and you don't get it. "

There is no need to moderate my posts. This is your board and I have

no desire to remain here any longer. I am ending my membership. I

don't wish to be on a board where I can't express my opinions and

experiences freely without the moderator taking potshots at me.

I have made many friends here and hope that some of you will email me

privately. Don't bother posting to me on the board, as I am ending

my membership as soon as I end this post.

I wish you all the best and thank you for your support and kindness

in the year that I have been here.


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The professionals call it " parenting yourself " .

/ 4makelas@...

Way, Way Up in Northern Ontario

----- Original Message -----

From: " Anne " <annomalous2000@...>

> Roxanna, it probably wouldn't hurt most of us to have some support for

> ourselves. Maybe you have a therapist, I don't know. But the stress of

> dealing with the issues involved in raising autistic kids can be

> overwhelming at times. And I'll bet a lot of parents, like me, put

> their resources into help for their kids, and not for themselves. If

> we find ourselves overwhelmed, depressed, anxious and bitter, then

> help for us *is* help for our kids.

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Roxanna wrote:

> This is not a problem for me

> and I will not seek counseling

> for it either.

Roxanna, it probably wouldn't hurt most of us to have some support for

ourselves. Maybe you have a therapist, I don't know. But the stress of

dealing with the issues involved in raising autistic kids can be

overwhelming at times. And I'll bet a lot of parents, like me, put

their resources into help for their kids, and not for themselves. If

we find ourselves overwhelmed, depressed, anxious and bitter, then

help for us *is* help for our kids.


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I honestly do not need to see a therapist because I disagree with

someone's POV on an internet list. I've had this POV for many many

years, it's nothing new and the only problem I have is getting people

to let me have how I feel instead of trying to insinuate that I need

a therapist or that my POV is somehow " wrong. " Er, I

mean " distorted " is the word being used by Dr. Phil's stand in

today. It would be nice to have a conversation about it instead of

talking about my therapy schedule. BTW, I don't have a therapist and

if I felt I needed one, I would go get one. For my stress relief

today I cuddled my youngest as he has a fever and is grouchy, I

printed up name cards for the board members of our local autism group

and I designed the Directory for the same group. The only thing in

here in need of therapy is my poor printer.



> > This is not a problem for me

> > and I will not seek counseling

> > for it either.


> Roxanna, it probably wouldn't hurt most of us to have some support


> ourselves. Maybe you have a therapist, I don't know. But the stress


> dealing with the issues involved in raising autistic kids can be

> overwhelming at times. And I'll bet a lot of parents, like me, put

> their resources into help for their kids, and not for themselves. If

> we find ourselves overwhelmed, depressed, anxious and bitter, then

> help for us *is* help for our kids.


> Anne

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  • 2 months later...

yes paula, this year has been so much better for me. it's hard to remember

how much pain i used to feel everyday. not that i am complaining!! i work 5-6

hrs a day 4 days a week, am able to clean my home, do laundry and shopping, have

a small social life!! friday and saturday night i am in bed about 8pm. it

is nice to have a life back though. i do remember sitting and watching life

going on and crying. last christmas i was just starting the mtx and still pretty

sick. i'm glad i stuck it out. kathy in il

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  • 7 months later...
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I know what you mean about being tired of sitting by yourself. My lease was up

on my car and I am

not going to buy another until I receive the SS. After I had injected MTX for

about six months, I

had to stop because of liver functions. That was when I found out how well it

did work, because I

had not experienced pain that severe for a while. My dosage is still cut in

half but if my tests

come back ok, I am hoping that the doc can raise them.

So glad to hear that you are doing well. Take care. Iris

--- kringlemom@... wrote:

> i have been doing pretty good. working at the chiropractor helps keep me in

> align!! i am afraid to take anything for my sweats. i figure it's just

> something i gotta live with. too many drugs i take now. trying to keep busy,

but my

> weekends....i know i need the rest, but they are just so long and boring!!

> whatever it is (mtx) it has saved me. i feel almost like myself, without the


> lost alot of friends when i got sick. still kinda nervous about trying to do

> things. but really getting tired of sitting here by myself. so maybe it's just

> time. kathy in il




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so far no problems with the liver at all. i am so happy about my physical

life, now if i could just do more with my social life to make me whole again!!

off to the concert tonight. hopefully the storms will miss us. kathy in il

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