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Isn't it hard to correct them when they are so funny. Both of my kids are


My Mom gives me a hard time sometimes because my kids do and say things we

would never

have gotten away with and then one of them will do or say something and I

see her turn her head because she is laughing and doesn't want them to know.

They are funny. I know how hard it is for you. I think part of the reason

some of it is funny is because it is at an inappropriate time or place. I

am not condoning my children's deplorable behavior <g> or making excuses for

them, I am just trying to enjoying life. :o) Dawn


Regarding your kids talking the servers' ears off, both of my boys used to

be that way when they were toddlers and preschoolers, but they don't talk as

much anymore...Ironically, although Braden has developed a phobia of talking

to servers, he has no inhibitions about shouting out jokes in the middle of

class. Unfortunately, the teachers don't think he's very funny. However,

when I ask him what he said that upset them and he tells me, I usually crack

up. Not a good example to set, but that kid makes me laugh. It's not my

fault the teachers have no sense of humor (I know, I know, before someone

lectures me...there IS a proper time and place....)


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Good luck Kathy

I'm sure you'll do fine.


Wish me luck. My husband is coming home early and we're going to

lunch beforehand. Can't face the lions on an empty stomach!!!

Kathy :)

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good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: ( ) Kathy


> Good luck Kathy

> I'm sure you'll do fine.

> Dawn


> Wish me luck. My husband is coming home early and we're going to

> lunch beforehand. Can't face the lions on an empty stomach!!!


> Kathy :)



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Good for You !!!

p.s. Who cares what they think about you.

As long as they know you're not one to be

messed with. Good for you.



but overall I am pleased with the way the meeting

went. In the end, they may think I'm a b@#$%, but they know I'm a

smart one and a darn assertive one!! Kathy :)

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  • 1 month later...
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Please don't apologize. It's just wonderful that you're so kind to your

neighbor! You must be exhausted, and I'll be sore. I know first hand how

much work caregiving is, and how tiresome. The sad thing here is that

nobody has volunteered to help my mom. I've called her church and nobody

will return my call (she's not a member of my church - LDS). I wish she had

a neighbor as kind as you, dear friend.

Please be good to yourself, too. And hopefully we will get to meet someday.

I would just love that.

Love you,


Re: [ ] Friends in person / Heading home

carol, sorry i have been so distant lately, but taking care of my neighbor

from his accident and work doesn't leave me with much energy!! i'm glad your


is doing better and you can go home. i hope sometime you do come back


chicago. i'd really love to meet you someday. you are a great person. have


safe trip home. kathy in il

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i really don't mind helping him, i feel bad that not many of his friends are

helping. but i guess that is how it goes. today he needs a ride to park ridge

(just north of chicago) i did my mtx last night ( i was kinda shorted last

week) i woke up at 4:30 this am. my left wrist and foot were hurting so bad. we

had a big storm and cold front come in last night. i am not sure if i have to

drive him or not. i hope not!!! but i will if no one else will. what else can

i do? kathy in il

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i am trying. i feel i am going into a flare. i have been running a fever for

almost 5 days now. yesterday i just sat on the chair and hardly moved. but

everytime i fell asleep something woke me. i am due to go back to work tomorrow

and i really need the money, but unsure if i can continue. i see my rheumi on

wednesday and i'm supposed to have an interview at the same time that i need to

reschedule tomorrow. i just miss everyone. kathy in il

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Kathy,

Sorry things are so hectic for you right now. You've been such a

sweetie to your neighbor, you deserve a good turn right about now. I'll

be praying for you.

Lots of love,


[ ] (no subject)

well i went to the job interview and did the best i could, but i would

be ver

surprised if they picked me. it was really hard to interview with a

counselor. it felt like therapy!!! i got my acknowlegement from public

aid. my spend

down was raised to $672.00 a monrh. so i guess i am still being hopeful

i will

get in on the circuit breaker program for prescription coverage this

year only.

i had to send them proof i was no longer employed with trustmark and i


that on monday. that has most drugs for $3-$4 co-pays. atleast i have

knowledge that after 1 hospital day stay i no longer need to worry about

the medical

bills, because public aid would pick up then. other than that if i do


qualify for circuit breaker i will probably have to get my drugs out of


thank god my injections are only about 15 a month (or so they told me)

dan is at

the american pet motel to apply for entry level manager. another


brought me over some flowers to plant because i gave her some coffee.

they just

got tired of planting, but i have a colorful yard now thanks to 2 of my

neighbors. other than that doing laundry and trying to enjoy my day off.

asked my

friend that had the accident to come over here for awhile. try to get

him out of

his house. but he is waiting for the home nurse to come by. kathy in il

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i just keep thinking that he has no one close to help him. his cable was shut

off andhe is getting so bored and depressed. i wish he had a computer so he

could find help like i did. it makes a big difference to be able to talk with

people who are surviving with the same problems. i tried to get him to come

over here, but he is afraid they will think bad things if he goes out. any


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In a message dated 6/22/2003 3:55:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

rwinters@... writes:

> p.s. Today is my birthday. Need I tell you how much attention I get

> in my house of Aspie males on my birthday? Thank God for my daughter

> who greeted me first thing in the morning by singing me Happy

> Birthday to You and lavished me with a decorated bag ful of her

> drawings. My husband gave me a toaster oven and went back to his

> yardwork. The boys said " Happy Birthday " after being told to!

> LOL! Fortunately, after all these years, I've learned not to expect

> much and not to take it personally! ;)


Happy Birthday, Kathy!!!!!! (I think I may send your dh a social story

about toaster ovens and how you aren't supposed to give appliances as presents

LOL!!! ) Hang in there!..... I do hope you go out and buy yourself something

luxurious (jewelry, etc) or sinful.....lots of chocolate is what I have in

mind...yum! I'm learning too, that I have to plan my birthday and then I'm okay



Have a great one!!!!


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p.s. Today is my birthday. Need I tell you how much attention I get

> in my house of Aspie males on my birthday? Thank God for my daughter

> who greeted me first thing in the morning by singing me Happy

> Birthday to You and lavished me with a decorated bag ful of her

> drawings. My husband gave me a toaster oven and went back to his

> yardwork. The boys said " Happy Birthday " after being told to!

> LOL! Fortunately, after all these years, I've learned not to expect

> much and not to take it personally! ;)


Happy Birthday, Kathy!!!!!! (I think I may send your dh a social story

about toaster ovens and how you aren't supposed to give appliances as


LOL!!! ) Hang in there!..... I do hope you go out and buy yourself something

luxurious (jewelry, etc) or sinful.....lots of chocolate is what I have in

mind...yum! I'm learning too, that I have to plan my birthday and then I'm

okay with

it. Have a great one!!!! Johanna

Kathy - ( & Johanna)

Happy Birthday. I hope it was a good one.

I gave my husband a " bed-in-a-bag " last year for Father's Day.

Then this year for my anniversary - he gave me a $300 gift certificate

for Kohls. Think he got the hint???? haha


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In a message dated 6/22/2003 10:05:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dayton@... writes:

> I gave my husband a " bed-in-a-bag " last year for Father's Day.

> Then this year for my anniversary - he gave me a $300 gift certificate

> for Kohls. Think he got the hint???? haha

> Dawn



I just love hearing about these things!!! LOL! Bed-in-a-bag....too funny!


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> In a message dated 6/22/2003 10:05:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> dayton@d... writes:


> > I gave my husband a " bed-in-a-bag " last year for Father's Day.

> > Then this year for my anniversary - he gave me a $300 gift


> > for Kohls. Think he got the hint???? haha

> > Dawn

LOL! Funny!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear maria

You are very welcome. I will be praying that everything goes great for you---I know it will!God's blessings, kathymmdamaria@... wrote:

Dear kathy: Thank you very much for the input

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I forget where you are again.

I am near the Del Mem Bridge, but have van, will travel.

I really am looking forward to it.

Talk to you soon.



That is so funny!

As for lunch, my husband may not be around much come August. He works in

management for Verizon. The union's contract is expiring on August 1st and

there is a high probability that they will strike. That means that

management people - like my husband - have to take over their jobs. He will

be working 6 day weeks, minimum 12 hour days. So I can't really predict my

schedule very well right now with that looming and the kids all home for the

summer. I don't have a minute to myself.

If you want, you can email me directly. If we can't get together this

summer, maybe we can do lunch on a weekday when school starts again - I know

your schedule is tighter than mine so I could come down your way. Or, once

the strike ends, we could meet on a weekend.



Here is something funny . . . .

when you get the rental car, they say go out to the garage, go to

intermediate, (or whatever

size car you ordered) and pick one out. The keys are in it.

So . . . I go out there and say " OK guys, get in this car - we'll take it

" So they both freak out

because they think I am STEALING this car. You can't just take it, it isn't

ours. " It is now!! "

" Get in. " Aspie says just because somebody left the keys in it, doesn't

mean you can take it.

" Oh well, finders keepers, losers weepers. Get in or I'm leaving you here in

the garage. "

So for an hr they went on about how I stole this car. When we talked to dh

later that day, they

both told him I stole the car. It was pretty funny.

Let's arrange that lunch soon.


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Hi Kathy,

Well, it's good news that you got your paycheck, but of course bad news

that the funds haven't cleared. Did you ask when they will clear? I'd

be at that bank first thing in the morning waiting in line. You could

be one of many with checks to cash. What a shame that they do that to

you. Maybe all of you in the office should get together and decide to

invoke a prepay system of work. I'll only work if I'm paid half up

front. I'm kidding but half serious. Employees are supposed to give

their labor in good faith that they'll get paid. In this case the

employer should give his CASH in good faith that he'll get work.

Love you, kiddo!!!


Re: [ ] Hi All!

hey carol. good to hear from you and thanks. well i did get a paycheck

yesterday. i took it to their bank and just my luck.....the funds

haven't cleared

yet. i hope your ebay business does well. i've never bought or sold


online yet. kathy in il

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I have a 16 yr old black persian with yellow eyes. He is absolutely


His name is Samson. (get it - the hair)

Then I fed a cat outside and she paid me back with 4 kittens, and I couldn't

catch her, but I got all the kittens fixed - and then she had 2 more kittens

So, I got them fixed and I got a sedative from the vet and caught her and


her fixed. I have been feeding her, almost every single night, for the past

4 1/2

yrs - milk and canned food. And she still will not let me pet her. It

drives me crazy.

one cat from the first litter and one from the second litter disappeared. I

don't know

what happened to them. But we are down to 5 cats. plus the mommy kitty and


else decides to show up at the back door. :o)

The other night, it was raining and I opened the back door and yelled " SAM -


IN - oh, there you are right here eating, get in here " . And " Sam " made a

kooky noise at me, so

I turned on the flashlight (the outside light blew out and dh hasn't

replaced it yet) and what

do I see " Pepe Le Pue " making a " phft " " phft " sound at me. good thing he

has been coming here

since he was little or he might have sprayed me. LOL!!!!!!


What do you have.

I have 5 cats too. I used to breed my oldest cat (show quality

pedrigree show cat). Kathy

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i know his nurse of over 5 years and i were going to leave on friday if we

didn't get paid. (she hasn't been paid in a month and has 3 kids to feed!!! i've

brought in food for her the last 2 weeks.) but when i got my check i told her

i'd see her monday. when it didn't clear i called the office to let her know.

i think we are gonna just keep working until we find another job. i decided

to call the bank yesterday morning instead of wasting my time and energy. the

funds are still not cleared. they told me a 2 day hold. so i said ok so

monday?? she said no....we are on monday now. looks like wednesday!!! the end of


NEXT pay period is thursday. my sister's 50th surprise party was a success!!!

she had no idea until she got at the end of the driveway!!! it was a beautiful

day for a change and we all had a nice time. but when i got home all my

lights were flashing. did we have a storm up north here yesterday??? kathy in il

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I live in Bucks County. I guess we could meet somewhere in Cherry Hill area

or Northeast Philly. I really don't know those areas that well though - do

you? I honestly wouldn't mind coming down to your area if it would give

us a little more time to talk.



Cherry Hill is fine.

Mount Laurel, Marlton, even Philly.

I am not afraid of driving anywhere.

I'm a rebel.

We could meet at an Olive Garden or

TGI Friday's or whatever and have a nice l.....o.....n.....g ..........lunch

and just

sit and talk. It will be fun. Let me know. Tuesday and Thursday are out


the next three weeks. Gymnastics and make up classes from vacation.

But M,W, F, S & S are fine - I am easy going and it is up to you.

Name the time and place and I will be there.

If you want me to find someplace that you prefer, I will look it up on


and get the directions for both of us. whatever you want is great with me.



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But don't

get too hung up on the issue of Braden getting upset. Braden gets upset

over his toes touching each other in the morning, over the wrong brand of

string cheese, over having to go to karate class two evenings a week because

it is cutting into his summer leisure time!! LOL! " Pissed " is Braden's

middle name. He'll get over it!


ROFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the time.

I am going to have to cut you a check for all the entertainment I get from


You are better than watching an HBO special with a stand up comic.

(still laughing)


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In a message dated 7/17/2003 6:37:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

rwinters@... writes:

> Kathy

> p.s. I didn't have to make that stuff up - Braden really does get upset

> over all those silly things and more.....when he was little he used to get

> up freaking out because he was having a little erection (MY PENIS IS

> STANDING UUUUUUUUP!!!!) Oh, I do so love these trips down memory lane.


ROFLOL!!! This was too funny. Reminded me of our recent camping trip where

Joe was in his carseat traveling along and we hear " Its going up up up! " As

we are looking frantically around for a bird or airplane, we then hear, " I

can't get it to go down. " Ummm......yeah.


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>Reminded me of our recent camping trip where

> Joe was in his carseat traveling along and we hear " Its going up up

up! " As

> we are looking frantically around for a bird or airplane, we then

hear, " I

> can't get it to go down. " Ummm......yeah.

> Johanna


Kathy :)

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