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Children are the best medicine. Enjoy and let her love do it's work. It is

times like this that you see how truly rich you are!

Be well, my friend.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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-: as always thank you very muck...Kathi in OK

-- In @y..., " " <Matsumura_Clan@m...> wrote:

> Hyperbaric, Altitude, Underwater, and Space Medicine:

> http://www.anesthesia.org/vat/hyperbaric.html



> Cautions about hyperbaric therapy from HeathWatcher.net:

> http://www.healthwatcher.net/Quackerywatch/Hyperbaric-O2/



> More about hyperbaric therapy from QuackWatch.com:

> http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/HBOT/hmindex.html




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  • 10 months later...
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Dear Cricket,

I think all the things you have mentioned are great, in addition the

other things I highly recomend are Dr Kolbs silicone protocol, there

are actually 2 levels, so look at them to see which one you would

most likely need. www.plastikos.com, she has the best protocol out

there that I am aware of. I never did the level 2 much, as I never

had an out of control issue with candida, but I did try a candida

diet that was on another site. I am not sure if I can remember but I

believe it was a girl named Tripp, try doing a search for

Tripps candida diet page, she had tons of recipes that made the diet

doable for the average person. Then the supplements that you

mentioned juice plus, should be good but also make sure to eat as

much organic produce and fresh poultry and fish that you can get. I

live in Idaho so I never had to give up dairy as we have a dairy

right across the street from where we live that has hormone free,

range fed dairy products that are amazingly good and healthy. I eat

allot of the grass fed beef too. Well, not a ton but some and find it

works well for me. I would double check your thyroid tests and see if

you need to supplement with armour or something else, armour is

prefered because it is natural and it worked for me but I ended up

getting hyper off it too, so that is a consideration. The other thing

is going to the gym if possible, which while your hurting seems

really difficult but trust me, it helps allot, it made a huge

difference for me in my health returning. I started off with just

cardio work outs because of my joint pain, and soon enough I was back

into all the weight machines, and then into pilates etc. It helps and

it will help you feel better about your body too.

anyhow, the chiropractor should be ok, I don't have a ton of faith in

it, as I went to one for awhile here in town and it never did much,

plus I don't like being cracked at all, it freaks me out. However, in

Ca I went to an accupuncturist and found that to be really awesome to

me and brain fog got better from it. It is personal preference and if

you can afford the alternative treatment and it helps you, then I say

go for it.

anyhthing els I can help with, please do not hesitate to ask me, I am

here for you.



In , " cricket5642000 "

<cricket5642000@y...> wrote:

> Thank You and for being there. This has been the


> experiance of my life. And to think I did this to my self.

> I have and appointment tomorrow with a natural pactiontioner. I'm

> sorry that My spelling is really bad. I couldn't even remember my

> zip code today. I have not had any tests for my thyroid yet but I

> know something is going on there. Having gained 30 pounds in a


> Is there something I should know not to do? The pain in my joints


> really bad today. But that could have been made worst because of

> stress. My 17 year had a motorcycle actsident yesterday,He's ok


> could drive me to drink. I took him to this doctor we have been

> going to, he is a chiropracter but differen't. He has helped me


> times in the past with problems. Dr. Molthen invented a machine


> 40 years ago that taps the top verabra (the only one that moves)

> back into place. Well any way I told him what I was going through

> and he said that if he could keep me in place my body would be able

> to fight all this off better. He has worked miricals on my son , me

> my husband and mother and father, so I thought I would pass this


> He has a office in Tustin, southern Ca., people fly in for


> from all over the world. They believe that if your out of aligement

> the nerves cannot send signels from you brain to other parts of


> body to heal. I know that my daughter no longer has migrains or


> bleeds since seeing him.


> What do you guys think about cleansing programs. I ordered three

> products from the awareness group that takes care of paracites and

> helps clean you out.


> As you can see I'm almost willing to try anything.


> I have also started taking a product called Juice Plus. wonder if

> you have heard anything about them. Its supposed to be all your

> servings of fruits and veg. in capsule form.


> I'm sorry for rambling on. Please let me know if there is something

> I should not do or medicine I should not take.


> Thank you!


> Colleen

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I wanted to mention too that I think it is totally awesome that Dr. Mercola prayed with you at your appt--you did say that, didn't you? I have never had a doctor who was humble enough to pray with me about healing, and I would be TOTALLY blown away with that, what a blessing! Awesome!


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 7:56 AM

Subject: Re: thank you

Collen, I used the CandiGone and PariGone (You will find it at health food stores) by Ezymatic Therapy, and worked realy well. Actually, Dr Mercola does these live cell anaylisis that puts your blood under a microscope and it is then projected onto a tv screeen for viewing where they tell you everything that needs to be worked on.And before I did the treatments, the parasites and the yeast was realy bad, and weeks after use, I had the tests done again, to much improvement. So Seeing is believing! They realy do work to clean out that crap. Make sure to use alot of garlic, Patty is the know all when it comes to garlic! And I swear by probiotics and also oil of oregeno to clean stuff out. I also have done lemon fastings, and also plently of enemas (I know I hated it too,but works) Still do. It sounds like you should have your thyroid checked, as many as implanted women including myself have this. And the joint pain had gotten alot better, since rem oval and on this "road back" protcal Keep up the faith, and Im here for any questions. .


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Patty, That is how I felt totally! He is such a warm, compassionate man! I am very blessed with the support I have in friends, and doctors! Love julie

>From: "~*Patty*~"

>Reply- >

>Subject: Re: thank you >Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 08:03:05 -0700 > >, >I wanted to mention too that I think it is totally awesome that Dr. Mercola prayed with you at your appt--you did say that, didn't you? I have never had a doctor who was humble enough to pray with me about healing, and I would be TOTALLY blown away with that, what a blessing! Awesome! >Patty > ----- Original Message ----- > From: JOSEPH PALANCA > > Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 7:56 AM > Subject: Re: thank you > > > Collen, I used the CandiGone and PariGone (You will find it at health food stores) by Ezymatic Therapy, and worked realy well. Actually, Dr Mercola does these live cell anaylisis that puts your blood under a microscope and it is then projected onto a tv screeen for viewing where they tell you everything that needs to be worked on.And before I did the treatments, the parasites and the yeast was realy bad, and weeks after use, I had the tests done again, to much improvement. So Seeing is believing! They realy do work to clean out that crap. Make sure to use alot of garlic, Patty is the know all when it comes to garlic! And I swear by probiotics and also oil of oregeno to clean stuff out. I also have done lemon fastings, and also plently of enemas (I know I hated it too,but works) Still do. It sounds like you should have your thyroid checked, as many as implanted women including myself have this. And the joint pain had gotten alot better, since rem oval and on this "road back" protcal Keep up the faith, and Im here for any questions. . > > Love > MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

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I bought and split with Daryl an order for that Fatigued to Fantastic energy shake, also the Daily B vitamins that go with it. I agree, it did give me tons of energy when I took it! I need some more ideas on how you take it daily. I used to drink smoothies every morning, with almond milk, berries, protein mix, flax oil or seed, MSM powder and whatever else I could think of to throw in there, but I've gotten away from those, got burned out on them. I tried the FTF shake mix in water only--yucko! What ways do you use it?


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 8:42 AM

Subject: Re: Re: thank you

And to add, I swea by the Fatigued to Fantastic" energy shake by Enzyamtic Therapy for energy, and it also eliminated tons confusment with all of the supplements as it has so many high amounts of amino acids, minerals & Vitamins and it is made for people with auto immune problems! I swear by it! It is recommended on Dr Kolbs site as well.

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You sound like you are just pretty much traveling the same road we have all been down before. I am not sure there is anything you can really do to relieve much of these symptoms right now, or that there are any specific answers for you. There are no magic bullets. The only thing you can really do is to watch what you eat, (keep away from the junk foods, especially saturated fats), try to do things that will thin your blood as well as increase your oxygenation, and drink lots of water and do what exercise you can. After your implants are removed you will be able to really kick butt and get some things going regarding detoxing, like fasting, colon cleansing, liver cleansing, candida busting, etc.

The reason to avoid saturated fats is that these fats promote inflammation, while the omega 3 and 6 fatty acids reduce and fight inflammation. I found that (when I was at my sickest) that I needed to avoid red meats, dairy, anything that was animal related because that is where all the saturated fats were. I ate more fish, ate more veggies, more organics. The blood thinners and exercise help to keep the blood flow to your brain going and keep the dizziness down. I found garlic to be great for that!

As for your question on the humidity factor, I can only say that I have lived my whole adult life in the dry desert climate of Arizona and Nevada, and I was so sick I wanted to die. I felt better when I went to the beach and got some R & R there--so perhaps it is just the idea that you are getting away and putting this stuff out of your mind that makes you feel better? Don't know, just guessing, but there is definitely a "good day, bad day" fluctuation with this illness. Maybe you were having good days. It is very up and down, like a roller coaster ride with how good you feel. I am 5 years post explant, and I have no more of that. I feel great every day now, but I remember well that craziness of good and bad days.

Good luck on your thyroid stuff.....I have Hashimoto's, so I can relate. I think is our resident expert on thyroid issues, though!


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 9:14 AM

Subject: Re: Re: thank you

I have a question for you ladies. Do you think that dry and humid weather changes the way a person is feeling with the symptoms they are having? The reason I ask is I live in SAn Diego and traveled with the girls to Vegas for the weekend. My symptoms were still there but I think they were a little better with dry weather. My husband said my breathing was horrible last night while I slept and he is very worried, I could not walk fast yesterday or I would get dizzy and start to see black. I have all the aches and pains anytime I try to walk anywhere. Just horrible. I have set up my appt to have these damn things removed on June 27th, (would have it sooner but I have a wedding to attend the 21st) I am sure the saline implants are causing all my problems. Prior to being implanted and changing professions, I was a meter reader for the Gas and Electric company and in great shape, hiked, ran. CANNOT do any of it anymore! I was walking 8 to 15 miles a day on my route. Was never sick and I have gained only about 12 pounds since being implanted from an a to a "D".

As for my thyroid problem, I have been of synthroid for almost 3 weeks and my radiation testing will be done this thursday and friday. Another reason why I fee so bad, I have been on thyriod- hypo for 10 years and the docs told me to stop for the test. Plus I had to stop taking all my vitamins...I think that is why I am doing so lousy.

If anyone has any suggestions in regards to my weird asthmatic symptoms, aches and pains, blacking out...let me know. I have already seen neurologist, ashtma doc and cardio doc....nothing supposedly wrong with me... Thanks so much for all the support....

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PAtty, Dont you love the energy the shake gives you too? I cant believe the difference in the last 4 months, despite thyroid issues! Um.. lets see, I drink it a couple of ways: (I agree never with water- yuck!)And each way with a blender takes me about 5 min a morning:

1) I mix it with one cup of water, 6 strawberries, and 1/2 cup organic yogurt , and about 5 ice cubes. MMMM... tastes like a chilled strawberry smoothie.

2) I mix it with one cup organic milk, 1 banana, 5 ice cubes, and 2 teaspoons of organic (or hershey's) powdered chocolate, mmm chocolate banana smoothie! Ice realy makes it!

3) Cup of Orange juice, 5 ice cubes and 1/2 cup of plain yogurt..mmmm dreamsicles!

4) One cup of milk, 1/2 cup of blueberries, and ice! Berry Berry good!

And you can add, MSM or any other stuff, but I just do the fresh stuff, (yogurt 7 fruit) and take the other supplements at lunch!

And realy every week, I alternate one recipe for the shake.Like this week its strawberry smoothie,.and next week will be the babana chocolate. That way when I shop for groceries, I get a ton of strawberries and yogurt for that week, and the next Ill get plently of bananas, and its not confusing, as I have all ingredients ready! I cant live without the shake! And its so good. Hows your pilates, too by the way? Do you love it or what? I have Austin's 35 min Pilates tape, and love it. I do it about once a week. MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

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Thanks ! I'll have to mess around and come up with some good smoothies again! I never thought of the chocolate....hmmmm...I do have some carob powder that I wanted to use up! I'll give that a shot.

My Pilates class is great, the instructor has been teaching it for 13 years, and she is really good. I know I am going to love it, it was awesome this morning. I also have a Winsor Pilates DVD at home ( has been on my butt about doing this one!) I just really needed to be in a structured setting to be accountable to doing it, otherwise I have so much going on at home I never get around to doing it. But my outlook is changing and I think I am going to be seeing some results pretty quick. I am also doing a weight training class and my husband is doing that at home, so I am hoping we can get into a routine together. It is pretty cool to feel light on your feet!


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 11:51 AM

Subject: Re: Re: thank you

PAtty, Dont you love the energy the shake gives you too? I cant believe the difference in the last 4 months, despite thyroid issues! Um.. lets see, I drink it a couple of ways: (I agree never with water- yuck!)And each way with a blender takes me about 5 min a morning:

1) I mix it with one cup of water, 6 strawberries, and 1/2 cup organic yogurt , and about 5 ice cubes. MMMM... tastes like a chilled strawberry smoothie.

2) I mix it with one cup organic milk, 1 banana, 5 ice cubes, and 2 teaspoons of organic (or hershey's) powdered chocolate, mmm chocolate banana smoothie! Ice realy makes it!

3) Cup of Orange juice, 5 ice cubes and 1/2 cup of plain yogurt..mmmm dreamsicles!

4) One cup of milk, 1/2 cup of blueberries, and ice! Berry Berry good!

And you can add, MSM or any other stuff, but I just do the fresh stuff, (yogurt 7 fruit) and take the other supplements at lunch!

And realy every week, I alternate one recipe for the shake.Like this week its strawberry smoothie,.and next week will be the babana chocolate. That way when I shop for groceries, I get a ton of strawberries and yogurt for that week, and the next Ill get plently of bananas, and its not confusing, as I have all ingredients ready! I cant live without the shake! And its so good. Hows your pilates, too by the way? Do you love it or what? I have Austin's 35 min Pilates tape, and love it. I do it about once a week.

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I am sorry to hear about your 17 year old son! I lived around motorcycles my whole life, as my dad was a Yamaha dealer, but it still scares me to think of my son out there riding around on one. I hope your son is still doing fine.

As far as the thyroid goes, if you are concerned about that and maybe that yours might not be up to snuff, there are some foods that you should avoid because they are suppressive of thyroid function, and then there are foods that are supportive of thyroid function, so you might just want to try tweaking your diet for a few weeks and see if it helps at all. I am not sure that it will be noticeable right away, but then again, it can't hurt to try, right?

Here is the list:

A diet rich in vitamins A, C, E, and most B vitamins, and particularlyiodine can help stimulate the production of thyroid hormone. Kelp is a good source of iodine, as well as cod and cod-liver oil, seaweed, dulse, lobster,shrimp, crab, haddock, halibut and herring. Other foods, such as garlic, radishes, watercress, egg yolks, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, mushrooms,watermelon, tropical fruits and coconut oil are thyroid stimulating. The amino acid tyrosine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormone, which is comprised of tyrosine and iodine. Tyrosine supplements can helpstimulate thyroid function. (250-750 mg, taken between meals.)Exercise also stimulates the secretion of the thyroid gland.A 2-4 week diet of only raw foods, with heavy emphasis on raw greens, seaweed,nuts, seeds, sprouted beans and seeds, and freshly extracted vegetable juicescan help improve thyroid function. Certain foods should be temporarily avoided, as they diminish the release of thyroid hormone and interfere with hormone production. These include mustard greens, kale, cabbage, peanuts, soy flour, millet, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, kohlrabi, spinach, and unsaturated oils, such as flax, soybean,safflower, corn, and canola.

I found that fasting for a day or two took away all my joint pain, maybe you could give that a shot as well. Your cleansing program with the Awareness products should help you out too, though. Have you started them?

I have heard of that Juice Plus before. It was hyped pretty good. I guess it can't hurt to take it, but I do think it is pretty hard to get all of the benefits of fruits and vegetables in a pill. I just think it is better to eat the real thing. But definitely, it might be easier to take the pill if you find you can't eat the real thing often enough.

It sounds like you have a good doctor that is helping you. Please keep us updated!


----- Original Message -----

From: cricket5642000

Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 8:41 PM

Subject: thank you

Thank You and for being there. This has been the worst experiance of my life. And to think I did this to my self.I have and appointment tomorrow with a natural pactiontioner. I'm sorry that My spelling is really bad. I couldn't even remember my zip code today. I have not had any tests for my thyroid yet but I know something is going on there. Having gained 30 pounds in a year. Is there something I should know not to do? The pain in my joints is really bad today. But that could have been made worst because of stress. My 17 year had a motorcycle actsident yesterday,He's ok but could drive me to drink. I took him to this doctor we have been going to, he is a chiropracter but differen't. He has helped me many times in the past with problems. Dr. Molthen invented a machine over 40 years ago that taps the top verabra (the only one that moves) back into place. Well any way I told him what I was going through and he said that if he could keep me in place my body would be able to fight all this off better. He has worked miricals on my son , me my husband and mother and father, so I thought I would pass this on. He has a office in Tustin, southern Ca., people fly in for treatment from all over the world. They believe that if your out of aligement the nerves cannot send signels from you brain to other parts of your body to heal. I know that my daughter no longer has migrains or nose bleeds since seeing him.What do you guys think about cleansing programs. I ordered three products from the awareness group that takes care of paracites and helps clean you out.As you can see I'm almost willing to try anything.I have also started taking a product called Juice Plus. wonder if you have heard anything about them. Its supposed to be all your servings of fruits and veg. in capsule form.I'm sorry for rambling on. Please let me know if there is something I should not do or medicine I should not take. Thank you!Colleen

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

> Good news-- the report came back from the lab and my cat does NOT have cancer.

> She will have to have the lumps removed and biopsied again though. Thanks for

> repsonding so quickly to the mold remediation fraud issue. I do have a


> though-- basically they are holding my belongings hostage unless I pay them


> money. While there are no regulations on mold companies-- if any business did


> wouldn't this be considered illegal? Or fraudulent? (All of us could be mold



> we know when there is mold in the home. WE should get paid!) If anyone has an

> answer to my questions about fraud or other laws that might apply to any


> please email me or post.


> Thank you,

> Lori K and Meow Cat



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  • 5 months later...

--- In , " cardiff1944 " <cardiff1944@y...>


> I started Xolair at the end of March. By late June, I was ready to

> give up because I had seen little improvement. But then I found


> group and, from your posts, realized I should hang in there a


> longer. It didn't take long. After my shot on July 2, suddenly, my

> asthma and allergies got significantly better, and they've stayed

> that way. I'm freed from the nebulizer, which I was using to

> administer albuterol two or more times a day! I'm off the

> theophylline. And my doctor says that maybe we can even reduce my

> Flovent. Anyway, let this be a word of encouragement for other

> lurkers out there who need it. Don't give up too soon on Xolair.




What a GREAT story! Thanks for sharing it. It took me 6 months to see

any results. I keep trying to tell people who are just starting the

Xolair that it is NOT a fast acting medicine like an inhailer. It

takes time for some of us to see any relief.

I am still on the nebulizer, but I am off my daily 40 mg of

prednisone, have halfed my Pulmicort and my Peak Flows have gone from

350 to 750.

Once more, thanks again,


group founder :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Beth

I am taking part in a study. When I go for my appointment in early November I will ask them this question.


-----Original Message-----From: Beth Gordon [mailto:bethgordon03@...]Sent: 25 October 2004 18:00blepharophimosis Subject: Re: blepharophimosis Re: Thank you

I have a question about POF, is it something that you definitely have, or something you develop as you age?

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Thank you, I will try to find out more about this, too.

BethAndy Bowles & Shireen Mohandes <andy.bowles@...> wrote:

Hi Beth

I am taking part in a study. When I go for my appointment in early November I will ask them this question.


-----Original Message-----From: Beth Gordon [mailto:bethgordon03@...]Sent: 25 October 2004 18:00blepharophimosis Subject: Re: blepharophimosis Re: Thank you

I have a question about POF, is it something that you definitely have, or something you develop as you age?

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Id really like to know the answer to this as well

thanks deniseAndy Bowles & Shireen Mohandes <andy.bowles@...> wrote:

Hi Beth

I am taking part in a study. When I go for my appointment in early November I will ask them this question.


-----Original Message-----From: Beth Gordon [mailto:bethgordon03@...]Sent: 25 October 2004 18:00blepharophimosis Subject: Re: blepharophimosis Re: Thank you

I have a question about POF, is it something that you definitely have, or something you develop as you age?

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  • 1 month later...

rub out the deposits - fast and relief is at


--- Bueno <amanda_bueno@...> wrote:

> A million thanks to all who shared information with

> me

> regarding treatment for pain, inflammation, and

> calcium deposits. I found Naturally Calm sold in a

> store here in LA and has started using it the other

> day. I saw the orthopedic doctor this afternoon and

> he said that it is indeed calcific tendinitis after

> looking at the x-ray. for the inflammation, he

> suggested cortisone injection. i said that i would

> like to stay on course with the physical therapist.

> Am still in pain although it has abated a bit.


> Happy holidays to everyone! Keep up the great work.






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Original Message -----

From: " Bueno " <amanda_bueno@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:59 PM

Subject: thank you

> A million thanks to all who shared information with me

> regarding treatment for pain, inflammation, and

> calcium deposits. I found Naturally Calm sold in a

> store here in LA and has started using it the other

> day. I saw the orthopedic doctor this afternoon and

> he said that it is indeed calcific tendinitis after

> looking at the x-ray. for the inflammation, he

> suggested cortisone injection.

STOP!!! Think very hard before doing cortisone injections. Cortisone will

break down joint tissue over a period of time. it will not help the problem

just relieve the symptom... TEMPORARILY (and hard on the liver). There will

reach a point they will not be able to give it to you anymore. Then you

will really be in a world of hurt; But of course you will have the option

of joint replacement then. If you are not sure of this ask the same doctor

recommending the injections. My practice is full of people having gone this


i said that i would

> like to stay on course with the physical therapist.

> Am still in pain although it has abated a bit.

Take more curcumin extract... remember " more anti-inflammatory than cortisol

steroids. "


> Happy holidays to everyone! Keep up the great work.






> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


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> gallstones-unsubscribe and then reply to confirmation

> message!


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> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

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> yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!

> Have a nice day !




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I would like to say a big thank you to all who welcomed me into the group.

Also thanks to those who responded to my question of the restless legs. I am

so glad I found this site.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


We've all been where you are at one point or another and understand

how much harder having a chronic illness (or illnesses) makes dealing

with regular daily life, much less family issues like what is going on

with your mom. I've had days where I can't waste the breath answering

folks about how I feel and it doesn't do any good anyway, b/c they

just can't understand.

I hope that Xolair will bring the level of remedy to you of your

asthma that it has brought to most of us. Certainly not having to

take any pred should also benefit your thyroid issues....

Good luck,


> Just wanted to thank everyone for the thoughts and well wishes that


> will get better..along with everyone else..Some days the fighting of

> the asthma just takes everything out of me and then I feel like


> is nothing left..or no hope..I almost cried when I read the


> in there it will get better..I truly believe that..THANK YOU again.

> I am just sooo sick of being sick and at the point if someone asks


> i am doing..i just shake my head no..just too much whining to


> lol.


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  • 1 year later...

I am right there with you. today my doctor's nurse was sort of nasty to me and

I realized she was just having a really bad day. It happens to all of us. The

worst part of MCS is the isolation, the reactions and the panic. I pray for all

of us. Leigh

felice <anupath14@...> wrote: to my new friends,

Thank you for your response re:MCS ideas. You've given me some hope. This is

quite an illness. Not your average, everyday kind. I get weepy when I see groups

I can't be with anymore, or people I can't just naturally hug like I used to.

And I am that kind of huggy person. Sorry, I just need to vent. I know things

will be ok thanks to people like you out there to support people like me.

Thanks again.



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  • 3 months later...


you all for inviting us; we had a wonderful time! To the mom who’s lil

one spilled the coke, it very well could have been my little one as well,

aren’t we glad they’re curious. Everyone’s child seemed very calm,

compared to my toddler, even more testimony telling me we need to give the diet

a try lol

God Bless You All! And thank you for such

a wonderful time

-----Original Message-----


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of If you want to know.. Ask!

Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006

1:27 PM

Subject: [ ] Thank you

Just a note of thank you

to everyone that attended the dinner

yesterday. It was nice to meet some new people and see some familiar

faces... You all have such beautiful families and it was a pleasure

to spend the evening with you all. Such musicians we have in our

children... a concert fit for royalty was had.. only wish that all of

my pictures didn't come out blurry but it was non-stop action! I will

post what I can as soon as possible!

A wish for the happiest of holidays to you all!

, Tim, igh & Kiernan Javorsky

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Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL Christmas party. The

music was so festive and a great idea. We all enjoyed

meeting new friends!



--- " If you want to know.. Ask! "

<mystique2574@...> wrote:

> Just a note of thank you to everyone that attended

> the dinner

> yesterday. It was nice to meet some new people and

> see some familiar

> faces... You all have such beautiful families and

> it was a pleasure

> to spend the evening with you all. Such musicians

> we have in our

> children... a concert fit for royalty was had..

> only wish that all of

> my pictures didn't come out blurry but it was

> non-stop action! I will

> post what I can as soon as possible!


> A wish for the happiest of holidays to you all!


> , Tim, igh & Kiernan Javorsky





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  • 2 months later...

Dear Iris

Your message brought tears to my eyes. You put it so well, it is

definately an extra dimension and depth that these groups have given

me too. Its my son who has cml, but I could not have stayed sane

without everyone out there that has helped me so much.

Yes, every story, every cyber hand that has been held out has kept

me 'level' and therefore helped too.

Cancer is in our lives, and always will be - I am just so

tremendously fortunate to be able to say that my life, and 's,

has actually improved dramatically since it came into our family.

And yes, strength to both you and Ilana as well as bunches of

smiles, lots of joy and a depth of happiness that comes from facing

something like cml. I have this very clear picture of a " Cure

Party " happening - I hold on to that firmly and just know it will

happen! :-)

Love, light and health to you both, Iris


's mom



> Hi to all,


> I lay awake till late last night thinking about the extra

dimension that you> have all added to my life since joining this

group 2 months ago when my twin> sister was diagnosed. I thought

about how, apart from the incredible> information I am learning

regarding the disease, treatment and> management, your stories of

courage and survival are a true inspiration. I> am so sorry that you

and my sister are ill and pray with all of my heart> that one of

these days soon there will be a way to actually cure CML.


> In the mean time, I wish everyone strength, hope and light and

thank you so> much for the privilege of your discussions. My life is

deeper and broader> thanks to you.


> Iris Vancouver BC

> Twin of Ilana, Johannesburg South Africa




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