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vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) and sleep apnea

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I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of neuro lyme being associated with

either of these?? I have just been diagnosed with possibly having both of

these but I need to go have more tests.

I am not sure yet if I have them. It seems that anything that affects the

cranial nerves (like lyme) could cause problems with the vocal cords or cause

central sleep apnea, but I don't know.

I am so tired of this disease. I am 41, but I feel 85. My neck and back are

falling apart. A new MRI shows much more severe deterioration even though I

am doing physical therapy. It seems like it's one thing after another.

I had lyme at least 10 years before being diagnosed and now have been on

antibiotics for three years. Just started another round of IV. Do I really

have hope of getting better??? Do the people who really have it a long time

and really badly, get better?? It is SO FRUSTRATING for me to be in Arizona

where the doctors don't know anything and freak when you mention lyme. I

have a great LLMD though in California, still I have to see other people.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to all of you suffering with this. I wish I

could be in NYC now with those of you who have it so I would feel I'm not


in Az

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I got laryngigitis from it that took a while to get rid of, but it went away.

Also if you check the archives for Ann Prow she is from AZ. You could contact


bailieboy@... wrote:I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of neuro lyme

being associated with

either of these?? I have just been diagnosed with possibly having both of

these but I need to go have more tests.

I am not sure yet if I have them. It seems that anything that affects the

cranial nerves (like lyme) could cause problems with the vocal cords or cause

central sleep apnea, but I don't know.

I am so tired of this disease. I am 41, but I feel 85. My neck and back are

falling apart. A new MRI shows much more severe deterioration even though I

am doing physical therapy. It seems like it's one thing after another.

I had lyme at least 10 years before being diagnosed and now have been on

antibiotics for three years. Just started another round of IV. Do I really

have hope of getting better??? Do the people who really have it a long time

and really badly, get better?? It is SO FRUSTRATING for me to be in Arizona

where the doctors don't know anything and freak when you mention lyme. I

have a great LLMD though in California, still I have to see other people.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to all of you suffering with this. I wish I

could be in NYC now with those of you who have it so I would feel I'm not


in Az

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>if you have not been experiencing improvemen after -let's say- three

>moths of abx- you should change your abx . i leave it to the

>regular posters to explain how a particular abx could be effective

>and not

1) create herxes within a week

2) not result in an improvement within three months

either the treatment is wrong or you do not have BB as your main problem.

meanwhile, it would not do any harm to treat your problems

specifically with alternative therapies specific to them. meanwhile,

you need to support yourself with the healthiest life style practical

for you.


>I had lyme at least 10 years before being diagnosed and now have been on

>antibiotics for three years. Just started another round of IV. Do I really

>have hope of getting better??? Do the people who really have it a long time

>and really badly, get better??




william meyer

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Hi /group,

Not sure exactly what the manifestations of VCD are. could you give some

details? I may have something similar. My voice changed abruptly after I was

first infected. I noticed I became hoarse and had lost a great deal of volume

from my voice. I also have sleep apnea.

Can't answer the question about getting better because of losing touch with

people over the years. This is hardly a scientific response but of the people

I've known with LATE STAGE lyme, antibiotics are not enough. It's possible after

we lost touch they made a recovery, but I doubt it. I ran into a friend who had

3 rounds of IV antibiotics over the years we were apart and was still sick.

Using my own case, anecdotal as it is, Every time the abx were stopped I got

sicker so I was caught in a descending spiral of pain weakness isolation and

despair. I am slowly improving since I began using one specific alternative last


If you have deteriorating joints as I have/do you might want to look into castor

oil therapy. Bill Mc MD (ret AZ) made a practice of this til the AZ state

medical board shut him down (typical). By massaging castor oil into the affected

joints with a heat lamp he observed a regrowth of catrilidge and a decrease in

bone spurs, calcium and the like. ANy questions holler.



[ ] vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) and sleep apnea

I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of neuro lyme being associated with

either of these?? I have just been diagnosed with possibly having both of

these but I need to go have more tests.

I am not sure yet if I have them. It seems that anything that affects the

cranial nerves (like lyme) could cause problems with the vocal cords or cause

central sleep apnea, but I don't know.

I am so tired of this disease. I am 41, but I feel 85. My neck and back are

falling apart. A new MRI shows much more severe deterioration even though I

am doing physical therapy. It seems like it's one thing after another.

I had lyme at least 10 years before being diagnosed and now have been on

antibiotics for three years. Just started another round of IV. Do I really

have hope of getting better??? Do the people who really have it a long time

and really badly, get better?? It is SO FRUSTRATING for me to be in Arizona

where the doctors don't know anything and freak when you mention lyme. I

have a great LLMD though in California, still I have to see other people.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to all of you suffering with this. I wish I

could be in NYC now with those of you who have it so I would feel I'm not


in Az

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I agree Bill,

I presumably had lyme for 37 yrs b4 treatment. Abx helped a little, but couldn't

cut the mustard. The last attempt was biaxin and doxy. I was taking a 3rd,

ceftin , too, for a while. Even after 7 months of the abx cocktail I really

can't say I felt different. Your logic is paramount for my taking responsibility

for my own well being.

Those of you who have had it caught fairly early needn't follow my course of



Re: [ ] vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) and sleep apnea

>if you have not been experiencing improvemen after -let's say- three

>moths of abx- you should change your abx . i leave it to the

>regular posters to explain how a particular abx could be effective

>and not

1) create herxes within a week

2) not result in an improvement within three months

either the treatment is wrong or you do not have BB as your main problem.

meanwhile, it would not do any harm to treat your problems

specifically with alternative therapies specific to them. meanwhile,

you need to support yourself with the healthiest life style practical

for you.


>I had lyme at least 10 years before being diagnosed and now have been on

>antibiotics for three years. Just started another round of IV. Do I really

>have hope of getting better??? Do the people who really have it a long time

>and really badly, get better??




william meyer

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  • 2 weeks later...

you know I was going over this e-mail again and it hit me that I would bet I

have VCD. I talk very horse and I have to strain to do it and noone can ever

hear me even when I thing I yelling. When I talk like I said it horse and feels

like the air needs to come from the stomache or I wont have enough.

just a though


[ ] vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) and sleep apnea

I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of neuro lyme being associated with

either of these?? I have just been diagnosed with possibly having both of

these but I need to go have more tests.

I am not sure yet if I have them. It seems that anything that affects the

cranial nerves (like lyme) could cause problems with the vocal cords or cause

central sleep apnea, but I don't know.

I am so tired of this disease. I am 41, but I feel 85. My neck and back are

falling apart. A new MRI shows much more severe deterioration even though I

am doing physical therapy. It seems like it's one thing after another.

I had lyme at least 10 years before being diagnosed and now have been on

antibiotics for three years. Just started another round of IV. Do I really

have hope of getting better??? Do the people who really have it a long time

and really badly, get better?? It is SO FRUSTRATING for me to be in Arizona

where the doctors don't know anything and freak when you mention lyme. I

have a great LLMD though in California, still I have to see other people.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to all of you suffering with this. I wish I

could be in NYC now with those of you who have it so I would feel I'm not


in Az

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