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<<Can you please tell me if that last sentence, about it not working, relates

to using the garlic crusher? I am a bit confused here. Thanks a lot


Crushed garlic will work. If you chop garlic and swallow it with water without

chewing it the pieces of chopped garlic pass through without being digested.

Garlic has to be crushed either by chewing, or a garlic press or other means in

order to work.


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I can not figure out how to post to these messages.

Can you help me out?

Hi, Joan,

Once you get an e-mail message from the group, you simply hit " reply " like

you do when you receive any e-mail.

Take care,


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On Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 09:52:12 -0700, Jay T wrote:


> What I'd do if you haven't eaten raw garlic before is do one good size clove a


I've even taken a very big one and cut it in two and eaten the two at two

different times,

but you should have at least one clove a day. Do it with food on your stomach

because on an

empty stomach it can make you nauseous.


> If you haven't eaten it before and you can't chew and swallow it with a good

size glass

of water afterward, then what I've done is to use a garlic crusher and get it

onto a spoon

all crushed, and put it in your mouth and wash it down with a good sized glass

of water.

Chopping it and swallowing it that way won't work because it will pass right

through you


Can you please tell me if that last sentence, about it not working, relates

to using the garlic crusher? I am a bit confused here. Thanks a lot


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<<Does anyone know if the garlic run the worms out or kills them?>>

From everything I've read, garlic kills all worms. However, there are some worm

eggs that it does not kill so that's why you have to keep at it with the raw

garlic for several days, or through what ever the life cycle of an egg is before

it becomes a worm.

You know yourself better than I do but if you could do at least 2 cloves of

garlic a day you will have better results. (As I reported earlier, a woman who

ate a large quantity of garlic one evening became ill the next day and was ill

for 3 days before passing the worms. It may take a while for them to come out.)


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I fully realise that it flys in the face of conventional " wisdom " but

I came to the logical conclusion a long time ago that any substance

that irritates the digestive tract lining cannot be good for you. It

really is common sense if you care to think about it. If you were

intent on consuming it, it should at least be in a very dilute form.

This has been confirmed by Dr. Beck, inventor of the Beck

Zapper, a well respected physicist and health researcher. He claims

that garlic specifically interferes with brain function and can cause

headaches and impaired mental processes. He also relates an anecdote

from world war 2. Some soldiers dipped their bullets in garlic oil.

Such was the toxicity, that they would only have to nick their

opponent to ensure that he would not survive.

He also claims that this technique is taught to CIA agents along with

the more well known oleander leaves.

GARLIC: TOXIC SHOCK! ....Reprinted from Nexus Feb/Mar 2001

A respected scientist, Bob Beck reported that garlic is highly toxic.>

The reason garlic is so toxic, the sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates

the blood brain barrier, just like DMSO, and is a specific poison for

higher life forms and brain cells.

We discovered this much to our horror, when I was the world's largest

manufacturer of ethical EEG biofeedback equipment. We'd have people

come back from lunch that looked clinically dead on the

encephalograph, which we used to calibrate their progress. " Well,

what happened? " " Well, I went to an Italian restaurant and there was

some garlic in my salad dressing! " .

So we had 'em sign things that they wouldn't touch garlic before

classes or we were wasting their time, and money and my time. I guess

those of you who are pilots or have been in flight tests... I was in

flight test engineering in Doc Hallan's group in the 1950's.

The flight surgeon would come around every month and remind all of

us: " Don't you dare touch any garlic 72 hours before you fly one of

our airplanes, because it'll double or triple your reaction time.

You're three times slower than you would be if you'd [not] had a few

drops of garlic. "

Well, we didn't know why for 20 years later, until I owned the

Alpha-Metrics Corporation. We were building biofeedback equipment and

found out that garlic totally desynchronises your brain waves.

So I funded a study at Stanford and, sure enough, they found that

it's a poison. You can rub a clove of garlic on your foot - on the

sole of your foot - and you can smell it shortly later on your

wrists. So it penetrates the body. This is why DMSO smells a lot like

garlic: that sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates all the barriers

including the corpus callosum in the brain.

Any of you who are organic gardeners know that if you don't want to

use DDT, garlic will kill anything in the way of insects.

Now, most people have heard most of their lives that garlic is good

for you, and we put those people in the same class of ignorance as

the mothers who at the turn of the century would buy morphine

sulphate in the drugstore and give it to their babies to put 'em to


If you have any patients who have low-grade headaches or attention

deficit [disorder], they can't quite focus on the computer in the

afternoon, just do an experiment - you owe it to yourselves.

Take those people off garlic and see how much better they get, very,

very shortly. And then let them eat a little garlic after about three

weeks. They'll say: " My God, I had no idea that this was the cause of

our problems. " And this includes the de-skunked garlics, Kyolic, some

of the other products.

Very unpopular, but I've got to tell you the truth.

(Source: From a lecture by Dr [bob] C. Beck, DSc., given at

the Whole Life Expo, Seattle, WA, USA, in March 1996)

Bob Beck also found in his research on human brain function in the

1980's that garlic has a detrimental effect on the brain and

researching this further he learned that many yoga groups and

philosophical teachings caution against the use of garlic and onions

as they are known to interfere with meditation practices. Some aware

individuals have actually described themselves as experiencing brain

fog after having garlic.

Regards, Neo.

> I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. I was

interested in the posts about

> garlic. I tried eating a whole clove of garlic at a time and found

the next morning I am

> slighty dizzy.

> I am sure that I have worms as I did a cleanse about 9 years again

with Black Walnut and

> expelled a great deal of roundworms. I am now getting more

senstive to even herbs and

> am looking for easier ways.

> I wonder if I get dizzy because of the amount of worms I might have.

> Does anyone have any idea about this?

> I get worse if I combine garlic and onions together.

> Does anyone know if the garlic run the worms out or kills them?


> Thanks for your help

> Joan

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<<This has been confirmed by Dr. Beck, inventor of the Beck

Zapper, a well respected physicist and health researcher. He claims

that garlic specifically interferes with brain function and can cause

headaches and impaired mental processes. He also relates an anecdote

from world war 2. Some soldiers dipped their bullets in garlic oil.

Such was the toxicity, that they would only have to nick their

opponent to ensure that he would not survive.

He also claims that this technique is taught to CIA agents along with

the more well known oleander leaves.>>

What he wrote is wild conjecture not supported by literally hundreds and

hundreds of valid scientific studies. Dipping bullets in garlic oil? Ha, ha,

ha, ha. What a lie!!!! I removed a wart from my finger by applying a slice of

garlic to it. (You have to be careful not to burn the skin.) CIA and garlic?

Paranoia incarnate! Well, we could go back to the middle ages and at that time

we KNEW that garlic warded off vampires.

The entire population of Korea eats garlic by the ton as does many in Japan.

Studies in both of those countries show they fare much better on their diet

regarding health and longevity than does the SAD.

I don't believe a thing that Beck wrote and I don't believe any of the claims

about bullets or CIA uses of garlic. It is simply paranoia.


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<<Thanks for the information. Do you think that the dizziness comes from the

killing of the worms?


I certainly can't say for sure, but it could be that or it could be any of a

number of things that are clearing out from the garlic. It is an antibacterial,

antiviral, and parasite cleanser, including parasites that are in the blood

stream. If you have not ingested raw garlic before, it could be doing a lot of

beneficial things which can cause a healing event.

Below are some of the accepted benefits of garlic.


The Physiological Effects of Garlic

Experiments by competent scientists, as well as ordinary people, have shown

beyond any reasonable doubt that consuming garlic generally has the following

physical effects:

a.. Garlic lowers blood pressure a little.

b.. Garlic lowers LDL Cholesterol a little.

c.. Garlic helps reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) within the arterial

system. One recent study shows this effect to be greater in women than men.

d.. Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar.

e.. Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the

possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may not be good for hemophiliacs).

f.. Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system,

prevents certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain


g.. Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the


h.. Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and, while far less strong

than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have

become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.

i.. Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

j.. Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.

k.. Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium.

l.. Garlic probably has other benefits as well.

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Dehydration..will send a link later

You may also check into your electrolites (sp) you can buy at the health

food store

It could be low blood pressure...salt helps

It could be low blood sugar also...protein helps


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Greetings to all


I am smiling right now :-) I know just how you feel right about now!!!

But there is a happy ending to the story!!!

When I first had and adventure with roundworms I thought I would die.

Now I smile.

Yes, garlic will run the worms out faster then the slowest major league


The first time I had raw garlic I thought I had a child inside that was

ready to come out!!! My stomach and everything started to churn. In

about 10 minutes I had to RUN to the potty and the most massive amount

of things came out of me...I was in a state of shock.

After I got my head around what had just happened, I realized that I had

to continue this until I was not having things moving around. I spent

the next two days home and eating garlic on and of and drinking

Magnesium sulfate. In those two days I turned the tv around and lived

in the bathroom.

After all was over I felt tired but empty.

I then went right back to my old habits and two years later I had to do

the same thing and get rid of Candida as well.

I have learned my lesson.

It is garlic for me on a daily basis for life as well as a permanent

life style change. I find now that things do not bother me as much. I

had some food sensitive happening with me, I know now that it was just

my worms reacting to what I was eating, things they did not like.

Good luck with your situation.

Oh yes, I would bulk up a bit before you get ready to go on the

relocation project. If you have a bit of substance in you before hand,

you might get the main portion out with that first one or two times.



>I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. I was interested in the

posts about

>garlic. I tried eating a whole clove of garlic at a time and found the next

morning I am

>slighty dizzy.

> I am sure that I have worms as I did a cleanse about 9 years again with Black

Walnut and

>expelled a great deal of roundworms. I am now getting more senstive to even

herbs and

>am looking for easier ways.

>I wonder if I get dizzy because of the amount of worms I might have.

>Does anyone have any idea about this?

>I get worse if I combine garlic and onions together.

>Does anyone know if the garlic run the worms out or kills them?


>Thanks for your help



Natures is doing her best to make us well, she exists for no other end.


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Greetings to all

Well Kathy, I love garlic and was using the granules for cooking. ( I

was also taking garlic in capsules trying to hid the fact that I was

healing from candida imbalance :-) you know not wanting to offend anyone

:-( )

When I read that raw garlic was good for worms I decided to chew two

small/meduim cloves.

Just that little bit caused the adventure I wrote about!!! I am so glad

that I did these thing!!!

As for the magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts), I used that to make my

system work faster, making the inside a little more hydrated so that the

mucus could start to come away letting the worms just slid out along

with the other ishy stuff that was/is still up in the colon and all thru

the digestive system!

I did a parasite cleanse that was not one that was listed anywhere I

have seen. I used the medicine for worms...sorry the name escapes me

now but it is the most popular one prescribed in the US.

I belong to another group that is very helpful in these matters as is

this group. I am sure that we all know that candida works well with

worms they both love much the same environment.


Many of you are a part of this group as well I am sure, if not it is a

wonderfully helpful and friendly respectful group.

Good health


Natures is doing her best to make us well, she exists for no other end.


The Mitcheners wrote:

> Hi

> I was wondering why you used magnesium sulfate?



> Have you done a parasite cleanse?

How much garlic did you eat that first time?



> Kathy




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Hello everyone,

I don't know if y'all have ever read anything by Dr. Cabot, the lady

who has the liver-cleansing diet, but in her book entitled " The Healthy Liver

and Bowel Book, " she has a note about taking 4 to 6 cloves of garlic every day

for six weeks, that it kills parasites. I didn't have any parasites come out

that I could see anyway, but when I did this I had a huge white, net-looking

thing come out, which I assume was yeast or something. Plus all that garlic

healed my left thumbnail from a fungus that I had for 20+ years.


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In a message dated 4/30/2004 5:15:01 PM Central Daylight Time,

nieema0@... writes:

Oh yes, I do not have a problem with my stomach now and never did when

taking garlic. I have even upon occasion chewed on an empty stomach.

It is not unusual to go thru a mini chopper full of onion and garlic in

a day around our house.


Hi, Nieema:

Yes, I agree about garlic. I've noticed this in myself, but we're all

different. The more you eat it fresh-pressed or whatever, the less it bothers

you as

in the hotness of it. In the beginning when I first started having

fresh-pressed garlic in my fresh veggie juice or whatever, I had to have very

little at

a time because it was hot. Then after a while it never bothered me at all.


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mike man wrote:

> has a medical grade of garlic been defined yet? Some

> varities are more potent than others for example the

> elephant garlic is very impoent almost onion strength

> that is its potential content of allium.

Greetings to all

The garlic I used/use comes from China. It is the regular size cloves.

I have a tendency to pick the bunch/bulb that has larger single cloves

in it, so at times I have a bunch that has around five cloves only.

I am eating a lot of onions also. I eat much fish and will put raw

onions and garlic in the mixture...( herring and tuna type of fish)

When I have eggs, I will wait until the last minute and put the onions

and garlic on the top so they are only cooking for a couple of minutes only.

I will some days do just the on the food method and other days it is on

the food and chewing a couple of cloves.

I love garlic so much, it does not matter how I take it...I get a ton of

it :-)

Oh yes, I do not have a problem with my stomach now and never did when

taking garlic. I have even upon occasion chewed on an empty stomach.

It is not unusual to go thru a mini chopper full of onion and garlic in

a day around our house.


Natures is doing her best to make us well, she exists for no other end.


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<<has a medical grade of garlic been defined yet? Some

varities are more potent than others for example the

elephant garlic is very impoent almost onion strength

that is its potential content of allium.>>

You are right, elephant garlic is less potent because from what I can find out

it isn't garlic at all. From one site: " ...Although elephant garlic is more

closely related to leek than to garlic.... "

As far as other garlics are concerned I've read that the kind with the slight

purple skin is the most potent but from what I've read they all work equally

well. Japan has cultivated a high potency garlic which they cold process into

Kyolic and charge an arm and a leg for it. Yet to my knowledge Kyolic lacks the

antibacterial and anti-parasite properties of raw garlic.





A Most Potent Natural Herb

Here's one you probably haven't heard before, so keep an open mind. Get ready

for garlic. Only the real thing will work for you - not pills. This means,

organic and raw.

Put at least 3 cloves in a blender with juice and drink it down. It will make

the drink a little spicy, that's all.

Here's what it will do for you and your skin. Garlic is the best, most effective

broad spectrum anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal herb known. It kills all the

bad guys without harming any of the good guys. In fact, in laboratory tests, it

has been diluted to 1 part in125,000 and still killed bacteria. So, yes, it's

great if you get sick or have a virus of any kind. It's great for your heart and

blood - whole books have been written about it, but remember, it must be raw.

Your skin will have a real tough time breaking out if you have some raw garlic

in your system.

Just brush your teeth, drink some mouthwash, and drink up.

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You said

then went right back to my old habits and two years later I had to do

the same thing and get rid of Candida as well.

Are you saying that you got rid of Candida by eating garlic and nothing



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The Mitcheners wrote:


> Nieema


> You said


> then went right back to my old habits and two years later I had to do

> the same thing and get rid of Candida as well.


> Are you saying that you got rid of Candida by eating garlic and nothing

> else?


> Kathy

Greetings to all

I have to say that I think I did clean everything out that first time

using only garlic!!! Yes, I did get rid of my Candida :-)

I hope that I am not confusing you or myself.

It was years ago that I did the garlic only for Candida and then I felt

that I got all of it out. I feel I did because I noticed the changes.

That is when I went back to the old ways.

It was during that going back to my old ways that I think I got the (

tickle of the worm problem!!!)

I then was educating myself to that situation of getting rid of the

worms, in my research I found that garlic was good for worms too. That

is when I put together the whole thing about garlic, running the worms

out and changing my whole diet for good.

Garlic is a great all round healer and a help.

If I did not have my minerals and vitamins and all these great groups

and such, I truly do feel that garlic alone with a change in diet would

be the answer to many of our problems.

That is just my 4 cents...inflation you know :-)


Natures is doing her best to make us well, she exists for no other end.


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Anja wrote:


> Well, I thought maybe the problems I have with garlic and onions might

> be a cleansing reaction. So, I now want to try.

> I just pressed 3 cloves onto a tablespoon, put that in my mouth and

> downed with juice.

> Now, it feels a bit nauseus (well, maybe especially because I'm

> expecting something) and I don't like the taste. But I think, by

> pressing and swallowing I got around most of the taste!

> I'm afraid I now smell of it (I can't really smell garlic, or tell its

> smell from any other bad smell, does anyone have this, too?), so I'm

> glad I don't have to work this week.

Greetings to all

:-) :-) :-)

I am blessed with a husband that loves garlic too!!!

He does not care cause we both smell so good. Our nick name has become

the Smellings :-)

We are both ok with the fact that there is a smell, that is better then

being sick. Once I told people that I was using garlic to clean myself

they became interested and the smell no longer was an issue.

You will be suprised how people feel about you taking the brave step to

do something about your health.

Good Health

Natures is doing her best to make us well, she exists for no other end.


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<<....If I did not have my minerals and vitamins and all these great groups

and such, I truly do feel that garlic alone with a change in diet would

be the answer to many of our problems.

That is just my 4 cents...inflation you know :-)


Add my 2 cents to make it 6.


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joan wrote:

> I agree with you guys. I am going to try just the

> garlic. I have changed a lot in my diet already.


> Joan

Greetings to all

I hope for you all that the garlic and all the other things being done

will make your health journey a successful one. And now that we have 6

cents worth of information success is assured :-)

The only thing I can add is to take things slowly and remember to check

in with curezone once in a while for that great network of information

contained there.

Oh, and drink plenty of room temp plain old H2O. If you can stand it,

drink hot water thru the day. (add a bit of lemon) Boiled water is

good to have around.

Good Health to all


Natures is doing her best to make us well, she exists for no other end.


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OK. Update. I had a small bm 2 hours afterwards and a tiny one in the

evening. Doesn't have to be caused by the garlic, though. I couldn't

sleep all night! I drank ALOT of tea in the afternoon, so maybe my

body knew I was going to have to get up a lot anyways and figured it

didn't pay to fall asleep in the first place... ???

Well, apart from all that, *nothing* happened (OK, I far*** through

the night and think it was caused by the garlic, because I thought it

smelled of it). I think it was about 4 a.m. when I fell asleep.

So, I thought, this morning, I'd increase the dosage and get back to

bed, then later, drink lots of raw milk (the tea worked very well

against the bad taste in my mouth, but only as long as I kept drinking


So, I had 4 and 2 tiny cloves the same way as yesterday, pressed onto

a tablespoon and downed with juice.

It was AWFUL! Immeadiate feeling that I had to vomit. I went into the

bathroom and put water in my mouth, to keep my mouth occupied, then

juice, was spitting out water and juice and spit. Then had my morning

bm. More water. Now, I'm in bed with a bubblegum and feeling nauseus,

but not as bad as before!

Do you feel the need to vomit with just 1 clove? I thought I'd

decrease to 1 clove to avoid all this?

CU Anja

> this is what I do

> get yourself a small food processor for 40 bucks

> peel your clove of garlic

> put it into the food processor and chop it up until

> the pieces get not smaller

> then remove content into a glass

> then fill glass with water.

> next drink solution chopped garlic and all to get the

> effect of the allium going thru your body i.e.:

> sweating, feeling the need to vomit and the need to go

> and take a number 2 .....

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