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I'm Sherry from the U S. I'm not sure this list is the right one.

I have a very unusual problem. When I was a kid I had a lot of trouble

with constipation. When I was 22, I suddenly stopped having the urge

to have a BM. Laxatives did no good. Oh yes everything would liquify

but I still didn't have a urge to go. Finally I started taking enemas.

I went to about 20 doctors and they all more or less told me I could

go if I wanted to. I was put a high bulk diet and a dozen other

remedies over the years but nothing worked. I took enemas 2 times wkly.

for years and years. It took and average of 2 hours to get cleaned out.

I almost lived in the bathroom. Finally, many years after I was married

I had been seeing a Dr. who is an interenist. He didn't tell him about

my problem because I had given up after being told I was crazy from

dozens of other doctors.

Anyway, he asked me if I had any problem with my bowels. Well I fugured

what the heck so I told him about my miserable enema routine. He was

doumbfounded. He ordered a colonoscopy and low and behold. Instead of

the normal 12 feet of large intestine...I had almost 40. I had surgery

to remove all but the 12 I should have. I was in the ICU for 4 days

and went home on the 6th day after surgery. I for the first time in

years actually started having normal bowel movements. I had the urge

to go and was so happy I can't even describe it.

Well, about a year ago everything stopped working again. I am back

to taking enemas. The surgical procedure worked for 5 years and

just like that quit. Obviously the intestine hasn't grown back. I am

so depressed I'v even thought of suicde. I'm in my mid 50's and

have arthritis. I don't know how long i will be able to get up off

the floor and unto the pot.

Ok, now that I've dumped on you (no pun intended) it's your turn.

Has anyone ever heard of what I have?

The Bag Lady

Dusan Stojkovic wrote:


> From: " Dusan Stojkovic " <dusan_stojkovic@...>


> Hello list members,


> What do you think about introduction ?


> My name is Dusan Stojkovic.

> I am from Norway.


> I am very much interested in Bowel cleanse, so that's why I am here.


> I have tried different methods.


> I did have some unpleasant exeperienseces with parasites (Enterobius

> Vermicularis, and with Candida), but that is over.


> Anyone else here who have had those problems ?


> I will write more next time, so for this post one little story:



> How to STOP

> Colon-Rectal Cancer



> Excerpts from Sam Biser's Newsletter " Herbal Therapy for Serious

> Illness " featuring medical Herbalist


> Dr. Schulze


> How to STOP

> Colon-Rectal Cancer.


> Americans have the highest incidence of Colon-Rectal Cancer of any

> nation in the world, and it is now KILLING more Americans than ever

> before in history.


> Okay, it's a dirty subject. Okay, it's embarrassing, but

> cancer and death are worse so let's talk about preventing this horrible

> disease, because no one else will.


> Now, let's begin our interview with medical herbalist Dr.

> Schulze.


> SCHULZE: I studied and then taught for years with the late, great

> herbalist Dr. . I interned with Dr. Jensen; I

> apprenticed with Paavo Airola, and studied with many more of the great

> old wise Nature Cure Doctors. They all had one thing in common. They ALL

> believed that the cause of most all disease was a dirty bowel,

> constipation, bad elimination, whatever you want to call it.


> They ALL believed that by retaining pounds of this old

> infected material in Bowel Pockets (Diverticulosis), that this material

> would be reabsorbed into the body and infect nearby organs, make the

> blood toxic and cause disease. Now for the first time in the history of

> medicine, doctors are saying this is so.


> BISER: I know, it was a common message from all the old great ones, but

> the message has fallen silent. I don't see bowel cleansing mentioned in

> ANY of the new herbal books I recently purchased. I thought it was a

> disease of the past until you showed me the medical books.


> SCHULZE: Sam, doctors now say that digestive system and colon disease

> has reached an all time high in America, and is still on the rise. They



> The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the

> diagnosis and treatment of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is

> on the rise. The incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically

> over the last 40 years. It states that in 1950 only 10% of adults over

> the age of 45 had this disease, in 1955, 15%, in 1972, 30% and in 1987,

> almost half. The latest edition states that every person will have many

> bowel pockets if they live long enough. Every American adult will have

> herniation of the large intestine.


> Clogged Intestines


> " Modern natural healers would rather discuss the latest enzyme fad or

> debate how melatonin helps jet lag, but in the meantime millions of

> Americans are rotting from the inside out. "


> BISER: So Natural Healers have politely swept it under the carpet and

> consider it dirty - or not high tech!


> SCHULZE: I have one of the latest best sellers right here in my hand by

> this bearded M.D. guy on healing. In all 300 pages, he never once

> mentioned colon cleansing. It seems as though all he says you have to do

> is have a good attitude or something.


> I have seen good bowel cleansing change a person's attitude -

> even heal the emotionally ill, but I never saw a positive affirmation

> blast out years of retained poisonous fecal matter from the bowel or

> expel a 30-foot tape worm.


> BISER: I know you are famous for your bowel tonic formulas, your

> Intestinal Corrective Formulas #1 and #2. I heard some of the stories,

> but couldn't you hurt someone with these extremely strong herbal

> laxatives?


> SCHULZE: As I see it you only have two choices when it comes to herbal

> bowel cleansers, ones that work, and ones that make promises as your

> belly gets bigger.


> BISER: You are saying that some of the herbal bowel cleansers don't

> work.


> SCHULZE: NONE of them. I used them all; my patients used them all, and

> you are better off with prune juice.


> Arnold Ehret's Innerclean: I started off with that one as did

> many of my patients. It was a good formula for Buffalo Bill and Wyatt

> Earp but it just doesn't have the power to work on today's constipation.


> BISER: What do you mean Buffalo Bill?

> The rest of the story is here:

> http://home.sol.no/~dusan/herbal_news_colon_cancer.html


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Dusan,Thankyou I was looking for conformaton.I take cascara sagrada for

about 6 months and have noticed my back pain is gone.NOBODY BELIEVES

ME.I'm so glad to find a little reality in all this confussion.

Now, that I finally get my head together, my body's starting to go .

mailto:Vickie_@... Hep-B & C


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Wanda:

Have you ever heard of BMF #1 & #2?

This is a two week bowel cleansing program that works wonders on just about

everything from asthma - zits! I know at least 15 people who either are

using it now or have in the past and they have reported that they have

accomplished many of their health goals through the use of this product. One

gentleman is about 56 years old, has had psoriasis for over 35 years, and

nothing has ever helped him before. He did the bowel cleanse for 2 weeks and

his psoriasis is more than half gone! Another lady, who was suffering with

asthma, allergies and angxiety attacks, along with insomnia, has used this

regime to get a complete nights sleep, no panick attacks since her third

night on the program, and after the two weeks of the program, she was

completely symptom free of both her allergies and her asthma. Another young

lady has lost 6 inches on her waist line, and a full thee inches just on her

jowl - needless to say she is feeling and looking much better than she has

in years! Another lady had a colonoscopy back in Nov. The doctors had said

that she was a candidate for polyps. They did the colonoscopy - found

nothing, but left her extremely uncomfortable for three weeks, during which

time she bled and had extremely painful bowel movements - she had had no

symptoms before the proceedure. By the middle of Nov.she was sick with a

very bad cold - not in her profile - and she could not shake it for the

entire winter. as a matter of fact, she still had it at the end of April, to

the point that she could hardly even talk! She started the program and in

two days she was already sounding better than she had in over four months!

by the time that she had completed the 2 week program, she had passed some

of the most vile garbage out of her colon and she was back to her healthy

self! This was accomplished despite the fact that even the accupunturist

could find nothing that he was able to do to relieve her pain and

discompfort. Even her chiropractor was unable to help her with her

discompfort and pain with the weekly treatments that he was performing on

her! Just 2 weeks of this formula, at a cost of $35 did more for her than 22

chiro treatments @ $30 each, and 17 accupuncture treatments @ $45 each for a

total of $1425 - not counting the scope that apparently started or triggered

the whole incident!

If you would like to know more about it I will send you the information.

Hope you find this info useful



From: " W M " <titanic30@...>

Hi everyone! I am new to this list and would like to ask a question about

Asthma. I have come across the mention of asthma a lot from today's email

and since I am an asthmatic, Iwould like to ask what I have to do with bowel

cleanse to get rid of symptoms?

Thanks for any info!



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Web Sites:

http://home.sol.no/~dusan/bowel cleanse.html




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,why don't you list the ingredients of this bowel cleanse.

Sincerely Vicki Now, that I

finally get my head together,I'going to get my body back.

mailto:Vickie_@... Hep-B & C


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At 21:52 02.05.99 -0500, you wrote:

>From: " & Currie " <Healthy@...>


>If you would like to know more about it I will send you the information.

>Hope you find this info useful



Hi ,

Do you have that information in digital form ?

Could you send it by e-mail to the whole group ?

Dusan Stojkovic


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Yes Wanda, please list where it can be obtained from as well.




> From: Vickie_@... (Vicki )

> Subject: Re: introduction


> ,why don't you list the ingredients of this bowel cleanse.


> Sincerely Vicki

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Hi everyone, just a quick note, this is Mogdrmom, i believe i am having my

7th. Die-off case now. about 6-7 months ago my shoulders were grinding &

very painfull, well 2 weeks ago they got very bad, would ball up at the

shoulders & spasmns constantly, going up the neck on both sides, i was doing

good on the diet till 2 days ago & had 3 donuts (wrong) I was really sick. i

drink Oraganol Oil on a rotation, so i had asked the Dr. B if i could use it

as a massage oil. well i did last night. had heart palpations, but today i

am watching the diet & getting plenty of water, also rubbed more Oraganol oil

on my shoulders, i know they will be better tomorrow, i just have to be

patient & wait, just wanted to let you know, not everyone has the same

symptons. anyone else have this in the muscles? i know it is not uncommon.

Have a good day everyone! Mogdrmom

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Can anyone tell me about Stevia? Can it be used in coffee? I know I

shouldn't be drinking coffee and I've cut down to a 1/2 cup about 4 days a

week bu I can't hanle it w/out sugar. I went off sugar, white flour and

artifical sweetners on April 8th. Last night I ate a sandwhich (white bread)

I thought I was going to be sick afterwards. I had the worse migraine

headache for hours afterwards. Is this from not having it in my system or is

it an allergic reaction to putting it into my system? I don't think I'll do

that again. Kirby

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I just finished having Stevia , yes you can put in your coffee, i squeezed 1

lemon, add seltzer water & Stevia it makes the best lemonade, i am allowed

the lemon for inflammation, & in 1 minute or less it lessons the pain.

Eating the bread was probably due to the fact you hadn't had it for a while,

so it was an allergic reaction, whenever you get headaches drink warm water,

it circulates in your stomach to dilute it much faster than cold water, cold

water takes a while to warm up to circulate. at least this is what i have

been taught. Take care! Mogdrmom

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I use Stevia as a sweetener. It can be used in just about anything, apparently.

I use it in hot herbal tea, & it is listed as an ingredient in some recipes in

the Yeast Connection Cookbook, so apparently heat doesn't hurt it. I have found

that I need a lot more than the recommended two or three drops to be able to

taste it, but it is a nutritional supplement, so I feel safe in using it to


I joined the group April 23rd, & there was some discussion of Stevia soon after

that. I could not find it in my saved files, but if you go to Onelist & look in

the archives of the Candida group, I'm sure you can find it. Good luck, & I

hope you get off that coffee soon.


Re: Introduction

From: Scooch529@...

Can anyone tell me about Stevia? Can it be used in coffee? I know I

shouldn't be drinking coffee and I've cut down to a 1/2 cup about 4 days a

week bu I can't hanle it w/out sugar. I went off sugar, white flour and

artifical sweetners on April 8th. Last night I ate a sandwhich (white


I thought I was going to be sick afterwards. I had the worse migraine

headache for hours afterwards. Is this from not having it in my system or


it an allergic reaction to putting it into my system? I don't think I'll do

that again. Kirby


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Wanita, so sorry your going thru this, i take Echinacea, gargle with

peroxide, acidolphilis & in 2 days i was better. my shoulders are better, i

went to the chiropractor today to see if he could get the knots out of my

shoulders, don't have the pain as much. had 1 lemon today for inflamation,

(that really works!) also i ordered colon capsules to help with the die-off,

my Dr. always says if you get to feeling to bad lower your doses of meds, but

i would just as soon get it over with. i get the chills, real bad, very upset

stomach.your lucky you have a Dr. in town who knows what to do. my first die

off was the worst, than in 24 hrs i started another one, is this your first?

hang in there, you'll get thru it, tell them critters they are on there way

out! you don't have broncitis, Candida can make it look like other things,

i thought i had broncitis twice, but i took my echinacea & got thru it, i was

amazed! did you get hungry? when the candida is dying it makes you hungry!

last week i was wanting food badly. stick to your diet, when you start going

to the restroom 3-6 times a day, it's leaving your body. keep it up. drink

lots of water to help it! let me know tomorrow how your doing! I had

insomnia very bad, 45 mins. of sleep every night, i still take meds to help

me relax & sleep. during die-off it helps a little, after this is over i will

get off of them. if you can't sleep, keep notes of every days activities &

what you ate, it comes in handy, I would like to publish mine so it would

help others. take care & i'll be praying for you. Mogdrmom

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Hi everyone, I can identify with you Mogdrmom. I'm also experiencing a new

die-off. It's my own fault. I was messing around with my diet, so I can't

blame anyone but my self. Does everyone have to learn the hard way, or am I the

only one dumb enough to do something that crazy. I dropped in on my Dr. last

week for just a minute, & told him my Nystatin no longer seemed to be working, &

he informed me that that usually meant that the patient had gotten off the diet.

I told him I'd just gotten off slightly a couple of times (on later reflection,

I remembered 5 times over the previous month), & he told me it only took once,

to throw you back to the beginning. Any way, he gave me some samples of a very

strong antifungel, & I started taking them. I also got back on my diet,

rigidly. The next day I started feeling really bad, but I figured I would just

ride if out. I have been sicker by the day all week, spending more time in bed

than out. I finally called him back today to see if it was normal for the

die-off symptoms to last this long without starting to ease off. When I told

him I'd been having flu-like symptoms, with fever & chills alternating with

full body sweating when my fever was down, along with a hard productive cough,

he told me that a die-off usually doesn't cause fever. He said I'd probably

developed Bronchitis. He told me to get liquid garlic, put two droppersfull in

a glass of V-8 three times a day, & take it along with Bromelian on an empty

stomach. If there's no improvement in 48 hours after beginning it, I'm to get

myself medical attention. He couldn't work me in at his office today, or

anytime this week. I had known that flu-like symptoms were frequently a symptom

of die-off, is the only reason I waited as long as I did to call him. What I

didn't know was that the flu-like symptoms should not be accompanied by a

temperature. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Are there differing

opinions on temperature during die-off? Hope everyone else is having a better

time of it than I have been. Wanita

Re: Introduction

From: MogdrMom@...

Hi everyone, just a quick note, this is Mogdrmom, i believe i am having my

7th. Die-off case now. about 6-7 months ago my shoulders were grinding &

very painfull, well 2 weeks ago they got very bad, would ball up at the

shoulders & spasmns constantly, going up the neck on both sides, i was doing

good on the diet till 2 days ago & had 3 donuts (wrong) I was really sick.


drink Oraganol Oil on a rotation, so i had asked the Dr. B if i could use it

as a massage oil. well i did last night. had heart palpations, but today i

am watching the diet & getting plenty of water, also rubbed more Oraganol


on my shoulders, i know they will be better tomorrow, i just have to be

patient & wait, just wanted to let you know, not everyone has the same

symptons. anyone else have this in the muscles? i know it is not uncommon.

Have a good day everyone! Mogdrmom


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  • 2 weeks later...
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MogdrMom, I just found this response to my letter, while editing my messages.

We have my teen cousin living with us, & lately I have been going to bed early,

& leaving it to him to shut down the computer before he goes to bed. He always

checks for new E-Mail just before shutting it down, & leaves mine unread, but

for some reason, I missed this one, or I was so sick that it didn't register.

Anyhow, I'm feeling some better, tho I'm still extremely weak, & still have a

hard cough. The reason my Dr. said it was probably bronchitis is because I was

running a measured temperature, & he said that the die-off shouldn't cause a

temperature. Did you run a temp. when you thought you had bronchitis?

I must admit to being very discouraged. I have gotten off my diet to some

extent, due mainly to just not having the energy to cook, but also due to lack

of appetite. My husband has tried to help with the cooking some, but my diet

restrictions confuse him, so he doesn't try too many things. I do feel hungry,

but after just a few bites I feel stuffed, & if I push myself to eat even a

childsize portion for the nutrition, I feel nauseated (really not such a major

problem, since I have a major weight problem anyhow). It's getting better, but

I'm still having to keep my portions very small. I have been careful not to eat

anything with refined sugar in it, but I did eat some pizza the other night when

I didn't feel like cooking, & was too discouraged to care. I paid for it with

both nausea & a stomach ache. My stomach isn't used to either the bread, or the

fat. Thanks for the encouragement. I needed it, badly, even tho I didn't find

it till 10 days later.


Re: Introduction

From: MogdrMom@...

Wanita, so sorry your going thru this, i take Echinacea, gargle with

peroxide, acidolphilis & in 2 days i was better. my shoulders are better,


went to the chiropractor today to see if he could get the knots out of my

shoulders, don't have the pain as much. had 1 lemon today for inflamation,

(that really works!) also i ordered colon capsules to help with the


my Dr. always says if you get to feeling to bad lower your doses of meds,


i would just as soon get it over with. i get the chills, real bad, very


stomach.your lucky you have a Dr. in town who knows what to do. my first die

off was the worst, than in 24 hrs i started another one, is this your first?

hang in there, you'll get thru it, tell them critters they are on there way

out! you don't have broncitis, Candida can make it look like other things,

i thought i had broncitis twice, but i took my echinacea & got thru it, i


amazed! did you get hungry? when the candida is dying it makes you hungry!

last week i was wanting food badly. stick to your diet, when you start


to the restroom 3-6 times a day, it's leaving your body. keep it up. drink

lots of water to help it! let me know tomorrow how your doing! I had

insomnia very bad, 45 mins. of sleep every night, i still take meds to help

me relax & sleep. during die-off it helps a little, after this is over i


get off of them. if you can't sleep, keep notes of every days activities &

what you ate, it comes in handy, I would like to publish mine so it would

help others. take care & i'll be praying for you. Mogdrmom


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


This is a and I am going through the same thing I think. I have

something called vulvodynia but my doctors don't know the cause. A lot of my

doctors have prescribed antidepressants which do not work for me at all so I

decided to go the yeast route. I convinced one of my doctors to prescribe

Diflucan for 1 month. When I took it, it made me worse at first (which means

my vulva was burning more) but after about 2 weeks it started to get better.

Then I went back to see my doctor after a month and he said I looked 100%

better but I told him that my burning wasn't totally gone yet so he gave me 1

month supply of Lamisil (another oral antifungal). I have been on Lamisil

for 2 weeks and I think it's helping but what's really important is that I

stay on the Yeast diet!!!!!! I notice when I eat any sugar or bread or foods

high in carbohydrates I start to burn again. So I think you should

definitely go on the diet, no sugar, no bread, no beer, no foods high in

carbohydrates, and I mean none at all. This will help a lot. Also, you can

take acidolphilis, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, and capryllic acid.

These are a few herbs that help to fight yeast in the body. I really think

this will help but I really suggest telling your doctor to give you an oral

antifungal for a 1 month trial. Well, if you have any more questions e-mail




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Subject: Time: 1:52 PM

OFFICE MEMO RE>> Introduction Date: 6/5/99

I have not been helped by antidepressants for vulvodynia and 'UTIs' at all and

don't think they are an answer to my root problem anyway. I've noticed that

before I knew it was 'vulvodynia', yeast treatments always helped temporarily,

and my predominant symptom for years was itching instead of the burning. It's

also menstrual cyclic which indicates yeast, gets very bad come Spring/Summmer,

and I get yeast-related rashes on my chest and neck in warm weather as well.

I know what you mean about the sugar - I'm just trying to avoid breads, dairy

and obvious junk food of pure sugar, and take a multivitamin and acidopholous

--if it is yeast it should make some difference. I've also been trying Estrace,

and lately a little Monistat cream just on the sore areas that really worked

yesterday so we'll see.

It struck me that your doctor could even see any difference, usually nothing

ever looks like anything and nothing ever shows up on tests or anything.

Thanks very much for telling me your experience.



Date: 6/5/99 12:20 AM

Ann Gildea

From: candidiasisonelist

From: a1127@...


This is a and I am going through the same thing I think. I have

something called vulvodynia but my doctors don't know the cause. A lot of my

doctors have prescribed antidepressants which do not work for me at all so I

decided to go the yeast route. I convinced one of my doctors to prescribe

Diflucan for 1 month. When I took it, it made me worse at first (which means

my vulva was burning more) but after about 2 weeks it started to get better.

Then I went back to see my doctor after a month and he said I looked 100%

better but I told him that my burning wasn't totally gone yet so he gave me 1

month supply of Lamisil (another oral antifungal). I have been on Lamisil

for 2 weeks and I think it's helping but what's really important is that I

stay on the Yeast diet!!!!!! I notice when I eat any sugar or bread or foods

high in carbohydrates I start to burn again. So I think you should

definitely go on the diet, no sugar, no bread, no beer, no foods high in

carbohydrates, and I mean none at all. This will help a lot. Also, you can

take acidolphilis, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, and capryllic acid.

These are a few herbs that help to fight yeast in the body. I really think

this will help but I really suggest telling your doctor to give you an oral

antifungal for a 1 month trial. Well, if you have any more questions e-mail





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  • 4 months later...

Hi :

You've joined the right place. I just found it last week and am totally

blown away at how many others share our problem. I'm 42 mother of 2 and

grandmother to be. I have been having this problem for 6.5 years. Just hang

in there. I have already got some ideas from others. Don't give up, I

haven't. How do you think you developed this problem?


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Thanks Shirley,

I am really looking forward to the information!

As I reflect on my life, I think this has been a problem with me since

childhood and it has just gotten worse and worse. I have always eaten

mostly sweets and carbs like fruit, candy, pasta etc. These have been my

favorite foods from childhood and most of them were foods my family thought

were good for me so they encouraged it (except for the candy :o). I really

think that has been my main problem, but of course I am not sure. I know it

is my main problem right now. My sugar cravings are so strong I can't

hardly control them (o.k. let's face I am not controlling them, they are

controlling me!). Once I figure out what to do and how, I need to get my

diet under control. I have to get to the bookstore and get a book to start

learning about this. Sorry so long, thanks for the time.

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Hello Amy,

It's nice to have you with us. I hope that reading the messages here on

the jra list will help at least a little bit, as together we all learn a

little bit more about living with JRA. You know the lumps you mentioned?

My son Josh has been getting lumps for a couple of years, that I've

always referred to as nodules. Different from regular RA nodules,

though, in that ...fortunately... they always seem to disappear as

mysteriously as they appear. Right now, he's only got one. A HUGE one,

on his wrist. Well, this past Thursday he saw the rheumatologist. On the

same day, he also had his weekly MTX shot at the hospital, a dentist

appt to fill a cavity, and a Shriner's Hospital physical therapy

appt/check up. The doctor that saw him there said the 'nodules' Josh has

been getting since the JRA began are actually not nodules at all ... but

synovitis. So your description made sense. I wonder though, if you

daughter didn't have the surgery, if they might have just disappeared on

their own? I think the longest one has ever lasted on my son were some

on his feet/ankles that lasted for about 6 months. Sometimes they hurt

him, sometimes they're painless. Was your daughter's hurting her?

My son sees his rheumatologists every month. He takes a lot of meds, so

he needs to have blood work done every month, too. Not fun, but he's

accustomed to it. He first got sick right after his 6th birthday. He's

10 now so he's pretty used to the schedule. He has the systemic type of


I'm sorry to hear that your last visit wasn't a good one. Hopefully,

your daughter will respond well to the MTX and maybe she'll be able to

regain some of her range of motion. I think someone else already said it

but early, aggressive treatment usually seems to work well to preserve

joints and mobility and control the inflammation and pain. MTX seems to

be the most commonly used DMARD in treating JRA. I hope it will help

your daughter. My son recently switched from the oral type to the

injectable type. He takes the equivalent of 15mgs a week but the doctor

said we might consider raising it up to 20 or even 25mgs. When he

switched to the shots, he seemed to do much better but then he got a

cold and things sort of went downhill a little. That's happened before.

I think the next blood labs will be better and more representative. Only

time will tell :-)

Well, I just wanted to say hello and Welcome! I'm glad you found our

email list and hope to hear from you again, soon.

Take care,


The Fox Family wrote:


> From: The Fox Family <foxpro@...>


> Hello! It is nice to have other parents to discuss this issue with. My

> daughter turned 3 years old in July. Last year on July

> 11 is when I first discovered HUGE lumps on her hands. No one (dr.'s) had

> ever seen anything like that before. We saw a bunch a different dr.'s.

> Then in October a plastic surgeron removed the lumps. The biopsy on the

> lumps showed swelling of the sylvonial. Which later got diagnosed correctly

> as JRA. She sees a pediatric rhuematologist every 3 months.

> started out with paui-jra. But she has been progress each visit (more and

> more joints are being effected). Currently it is her hands (knuckles and

> fingers), wrist, ankles, knees, feet, elbow and neck. Her knees are very

> swollen and she still

> has lumps on the backs of her hands.


> Her last visit didn't go well because she has lost range of motion. *which

> was depressing for us* Before that she only took Naproxen but the Rhuemy

> dr. added MTX.

> Anyway, that is a quick introduction.

> Amy


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  • 3 months later...

Hello Ginger,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. It's always interesting to

hear about how JRA affects different children. I'm very glad that it's

been limited to his one knee. Maybe that's the full extent of it but

then I wonder why 's wrists are sometimes sore? How much plaquinel

does your son take? My son takes 100/200mgs on alternating days and he's

10 but very small for his age.



> From: gbread2808@...


> Hello. My name is Ginger and I have been a member for a few months.

> My son has JRA. One morning he woke up and was limping so bad,

> he had to lean against the wall for support. He was around 26 months.

> We went to the dr and were sent to a specialist after about 1 month. We

> did not have any other symptoms, no rash, fever. He just woke up one

> morning and could not walk.


> He was put on naproxen and that seemed to do the trick for the pain. We later

tried plaquenil for the swelling and it worked great. He knee is the only

> joint affected so far.


> Around the age of 4 we noticed blood in his urine. They took us off

> the naproxen and did an ultra sound of the kidneys. One is smaller

> than the other. The urine cleared up and we stayed off the naproxen

> for around 1 1/2 years.


> is now almost 8. He has had 3 flare ups, all within a 2 year period. He

was put back on the naproxen along with the plaquenil. They flare ups were so

bad, he could not walk. We had to carry him to the bathroom. He recovered in

> just a few days. Another thing about is that he is autistic. He has a

very high tolerance for pain, if he complains that he is in pain, it is pretty

> severe.


> Sorry this is so long. enjoys school, playing soccer and running

> around like most " normal " children. You would not know he had JRA just

> by watching him. Sometimes he favors his knee and when he is standing

> still he will not place his full weight on his right leg. is

> the height and weight of boys 9 yrs old. We do not have sleeping problems

> or eating problems.


> Sometimes he does complain of his wrists hurting, but the dr has said that

> they are ok. I am praying that they stay that way.


> Well thanks for letting me go on and on and on! I do have 2 other children,

> age 12 and age 5.


> Ginger

> Alabama

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Bonnie,

Is Emma part of your family, too? :) She's adorable! I'm sorry to hear

about Alana's illness. It's rough on a child and can be hard for the

whole family, too. Most times it comes on totally unexpectedly and it

can be very scary. I hope you'll find the information and support here

on this list to be helpful, as you sort through it all. I wanted to ask

an important question about the types of nutritionals you have been

using with your daughter. A lot of times a common misperception that

people have is that they believe they need to build up the body by

strengthening the immune system. That is exactly the opposite of what

one should try to do when faced with an autoimmune disorder. We want to

try to weaken and calm an overactive immune response, which is what they

believe JRA stems from.

Also, there have recently been more and more news and medical reports

about unexpected and unwanted interactions between prescription meds and

nutritional supplements. Some may actually be dangerous to ingest and

some interfere with the body's absorption of and the effects of

prescribed treatments. I wonder if this is the case with your daughter,

as most times an alternate day dosing of 40mgs of steroids will cause a

much more rapid and noticeable improvement in symptoms. Have you shown

or told your daughter's rheumatologist the type of supplements you are

using to complement their recommended therapy? If not, please do. We had

a bad experience using an all natural, usually very safe supplement.

Echinecia. It should not be used by those who have active JRA and it can

interfere with the benefits of MTX and prednisone.

Take care,


Bonnie wrote:

> Hi,

> I just joined your list this weekend and would like to introduce myself. My

> daughter, Alana, is 14 and has recently been diagnosed with Stills disease

> (systemic JRA). After many months of believing it was lymes, it was

> determined that it in fact was not lymes, but was JRA. We don't know how

> it started, but believe that last summer was the beginning of it. Alana had

> terrible headaches which was shown to be sinusitus through an xray and was

> given augmentin. About 8 days later she had what we believed to be an

> allergy to the meds and got hives which we used atarax for to relieve the

> itchiness. They would come and go. She would get the hives only in the

> evening and only where her skin was exposed to the air. Very strange, but

> they continued for 3 months. Around the time when they were decreasing she

> came home from school and wasn't able to move her joints, it went from her

> hands to her feets, all through her body. Our pediatrician sent us to a

> pediatric rheumatologist who put her on naproxin which in our opinion did

> basically nothing. She was out of school that week (It was Thanksgiving

> vacation) and went back to school in pain on Monday. Two weeks later, we

> believed she got the flu but now believe that it was the JRA acting up. She

> had no " flu " symptoms except for fevers and headaches. She had 102-103 for

> the entire week and wouldn't move out of bed and wanted to be in a dark

> room. After that the entire body became so inflamed we needed to find an

> answer, after going from one doc to the other we ended up at Columbia

> Presbytarian Hospital in the Babies and Children's Hospital with a pediatric

> rheumatologist we were told is great.......... She ran a million blood tests

> and seemed to have backed into this JRA. Alana's rf factor in her blood is

> negative so it is a harder diagnosis. She's been out of school since the

> week before xmas since it is too painful to walk very long and her hand

> joints are very swollen. She can't straighten the fingers or make a fist.

> As a nutritional counselor for animals I have a very hard time with western

> medicines. At first we tried to get her " out of this stage " using a lot of

> nutritionals but it wasn't breaking the cycle. We finally decided that we

> needed to do the meds to at least get her comfortable. They put her on 15

> mg methotrexate once a week and for the first month they put her on 40 mg of

> prednisone every other day to start making her comfortable. I see a small

> improvement, its only been 2 weeks, but not as large as I hoped for.

> I'm using a tremendous quantity of nutritionals to try to build her body

> back, not only to cover the symptoms.

> We're hoping she'll go back to school after February break at least part

> time. We'll see.


> I joined this list to learn as much as I can, to help others if and when I

> can and as a support group.

> Sorry this was so long. Thanks for reading.

> Bonnie

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Welcome to the list Lymesurvivor,

I am sending you a list of Lyme doctors in Florida for your brother

privately as we do not list doctors names on the list.

I sure do sympathize with your long journey to finally get a valid

diagnosis of Lyme disease, and your current suffering from the herx of IV

Rocephin. I have heard over and over how it is a good thing to herx, but

when one is going through it, it just does not seem like the word good

should be used. I do hope that the IV treatment works for you, you are

lucky to be on it, many of us have a difficult time getting insurance to

approve. I know you have a website, but I forgot to bookmark it, could you

post it for us in your next post to the list. I hope you find the list

supportive and informative, and I look forward to hearing from you again.

Oh, and to answer your question about Vibramycin for Lyme, I haven't heard

of it either, but maybe someone on our list has.

Welcome hugs,


-----Original Message-----

From: lymesurvivor@... <lymesurvivor@...>

>Hello All,I am new to this group and thought I should introduce myself. I

wasdiagnosed with late stage chronic Lyme about a 1 & 1/2 year ago afterthe

usual torture of finding a diagnosis. I suffer from severeneurological and

musculoskeletal problems accompanied by debilitatingfatigue and pain. It

has been a truly challenging and eye openingordeal to say the least. After

endless consecutive IV and oral abxtxs, I am currently back on Rocephin IV

and at my 5+ weeks of 2grams/day and experiencing a severe Herx reaction and

feeling veryill. I am finding new meaning to the word " awful " . Supposedly,

thisis a good thing as the little boogers are dying off. I'm hoping

thatsoon things will hopefully improve a bit as in the past. Recently, my

brother (43 years old) who lives in ville FL wasdiagnosed with Lyme.

He was feeling extreme fatigue havingheadaches........ and one day woke up

and couldn't lift his armsabove his shoulders. He knew instantly what was

going on as He hadLyme many years ago when he lived in NJ. Back then, He

went on oraland seemed to be fine for many years except severe arthritis in

hisknees and hands that forced him to move to FL for the weather. Anyway,

the Dr. (primary care) prescribed an antibiotic calledVibramycin....100 mg.

2x daily. Has anyone here taken Vibramycin fortheir lyme? I freaked when I

heard this because not only is thedosage so low, I'm not familar with this

tx. When I first started onorals, I was taking 500 mg of Biaxin 3x a day.

Yes, I was veryadvanced but nonetheless I begged him to follow up with a

specialist. Can anyone recommend a good infectious disease, lyme literate

Dr. inthe ville Florida area? Any input is appreciated. I'm sohappy

I found you guys!!!Brightest Blessings to all,Lyme Survivor --NY

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Yes! Twinlab is great, and acidophilus with the fructooligosacharides is one

of the best, since both encourage the growth of friendly bacteria. Other

books aside from the

Yeast Connection (it is good, but it tends to give advise more towards

modern medicine, than natural alternatives) are Candida-Related Complex,

what your Doctor Might Be Missing by

chrstine Winderlin and The Yeast Syndrome, by Trowbridge. Some of these

books I found at my local library. Others through internet searches or at


Candida is a very strong fungus that penetrates membranes, and will take

advantage of any weak point in our health to expand and grow (i.e. menstrual

cycle, pregnancies, colds, etc.). It also gets used to our routines, so

changing what you eat once in a while will trick it. Try to avoid sugars

and carbs (anything that becomes glucose in your blood). There is a natural

sweetener called STEVIA, that is possible for candida sufferers, and

diabetics, to ingest, because it does not get absorbed into our bodies, that

you could use to sweeten your teas, etc.

I encourage you to continue your research and to find what works for you.

It is an uphill battle, but not a war! We can win it!

- Introduction

Hi all,

My name is , I've been leery of introducing myself, kind of

personal stuff going over the web.

But anyway here goes....I am 27 yrs old, I have had recurrent yeast

infections for about 6 years now. My first occurred while I was pregnant

with my second child, I had been on b.c. pills for about 6 months prior

to getting pregnant and my health has not been right since. For the

first 5 yrs. I used o.t.c. products to treat myself but through the

internet I discovered more natural remedies. I usually have atleast one

episode a month, usually right before or after my period. I use tea tree

oil, yogurt, garlic, and peroxide, alternately to kill the yeast. It

does work but lately fighting the monthly yeast infection has started to

get to me mentally. What I mean is that I feel like I am fighting a

loosing battle. How can a single celled organism make my life so


I have tried ingesting various things to help, echinacea, yogurt, citrus

seed extract, not really seeing any improvement. I am currently taking a

supplement called The Missing Link, for the first three weeks on it I

felt great, I really thought my yeast problems were over but then...

bam! out of the blue, it was very depressing. I am still taking the

supplement, I know that these things aren't cured overnight. I am also

trying to greatly reduce the amount of sugar I ingest. No surprise to

all of you I'm sure but I tend to be borderline sugar addict. I could

live on ice cream and pastries, but I don't and I fight the urge to eat

sweets everyday. I have noticed that when I cut sweets out of my diet it

helps greatly, I would like to someday be able to enjoy an occasional

danish without fearing the outcome. I want to make my body as healthy as

possible, eat natural, not processed foods and enjoy my family and my


Book recommendations, I was thinking about ordering The Yeast Connection

Handbook? Is this a good book?

I was also thinking about starting to take a supplement by Twinlab

called " Super Acidolphilus " at formulation it has 2 billion live

Lactobacillus, 1 billion live Bifidobacterium bifidom, 1 billion

Bifidobacterium longum, and 300 mg. Fructooligossacharides. Is Twinlab

is a good name brand? Any other suggestions?

Thank you, I am glad to find a group of people who understand what I am

going through.


Get paid for the stuff you know!

Get answers for the stuff you don’t. And get $10 to spend on the site!



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  • 1 month later...
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i must enumerate again in am sorry that i got off to such a beastly start

with some

of the members, i hope others have taken a wait and see approach to see if i

am of the truth. the bible says the truth shall set you free before i go any


to show i'm on the up and up, i want to pitch a book " Prescription for


Healing by F. Balch, M.D. by Avery Publishing Group copyrite


Reliance out of Canada manufactures a plastic 10 liter water container, buy


appropriate pcv hose in any hardware store and you have your own cheap system


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