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--- dlpmjpwl@... wrote:

> 1997.Secondly

> Reliance out of Canada manufactures a plastic 10

> liter water container, buy

> the

> appropriate pcv hose in any hardware store and you

> have your own cheap system

> dave


Reliance are they on the net? I must have missed the

question to this answer..but am assuming this is for

your own colonic container......was this the $10.00

container....once the container is purchased then what

kind of setup is easily achieved. Thanks Pat




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I think you did a fine job explaining. I have the Balch book but would also

recommend another: Nutritional Herbology by Mark Pedersen. It is a

phenomenol book and I found a company with all the right combinations he

speaks of. I am an Herb Specialist and very picky.

Glad you explained your position.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Kandy, sounds like you have your hands full. Go ahead and tell us about

your candida problem, we can take it!!

Welcome to the list. It is a wonderful wealth of information and a

generally friendly place to be.





I am new to this group and looking forward to meeting some new

friends who have lots in common with me. I live in Vancouver, WA

with my husband and 4 children. I also have two step-children who

are older. My youngest is a 7 month old nursling and I home-school

the rest - and BOY do we have a candida problem!

Kandy - Aspiring Midwife - Wife to a great man,

Mother of six, - Home-schooler/Home-birther

Love is the answer - Give in to God

If I could show you how to make $500-$800/mo at home part-time,

with no selling, inventory, or MLM type pitfalls, would you like to

hear about it?



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  • 2 weeks later...
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<< I personally don't think I need these

meds, all I need to do is get rid of the yeast. I really think I am

ready to do the hard thing and eat right. In the past I'd look at going

on a " diet " or " food plan " as a form of torture; however, I am suffering

from eating all the wrong stuff...being overweight...feeling tired all

the time...in pain most of the time. I finally think I get that eating

right is the lesser of the two sufferings.


------------------- >>

Good for you, ! Sounds like you are on the right track. It's all about

taking responsibility for you own health and well-being, because no one else

is going to do it (especially those prescription-happy doctors!)


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Hi D

I also joined this group yesterday.. so welcome to you.. and welcome to


I am sorry to hear of all the stresses in your life.

I have been thinking to purchase The Yeast Connection? Is it a good book?

I suffer from IBD, Chronic Candida, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis and

Trigeminal Neurlagia and I'm only 24!!!

I can never clear up this candida. It's driving me nuts.

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I don't think i have written lately about what i'm going thru, so i hope

everyone's had breakfast here goes. my yeast is under control i think

BUT.......i have parasites!!!!!!!! it will be a year this fall i'm sure. i

don't want to gross any one out but this is very serious stuff. i can

understand how it killed someone, i had one go thru my heart about 3 yrs ago.

& they are alive and well and hungry LOL! LOL! to make a long story short, i

have passed 2 about 3 " long, flat and white, i kept the last one just last

week and took it to the Dr. here at home & they are still trying to analize

it, my internet Dr. says they won't find out what kind it is there are

thousands of them. it was alive, moved twice than died. they can die in your

body but the eggs will hatch and multiply every 5 days. i feel them moving,

my Internet Dr. just sent a creme which is so potent you rub it in with a q

tip once a day where the movements are & he said don't be surprised if they

come out of your skin! WHOA!!!!! this creme he said is the most potent

natural creme they use for cancer. so i oped to do the first try this

afternoon. i have numerous herbs to take also, so this is why i want to write

of my experiences and others. this is where i am now. i have a friend

sending me Hulda's zapper also. at this point i will try anything. what

else is there, i have had 2 prescription drugs for these WORMS it helped some

with the passing of 2.

running out of room. Hmmmmmm me and Lee have the something in common huh?

getting rid of worms!!!!!!!its a thought! LOL! LOL! Mogdrmom

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Gosh Paxil - that's what my doctor here in England has been trying to

make me take for three years. All the time it was candida!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't take Paxil. You do not need it.

So you are 100lbs overweight. I weigh about 263 so I suppose I am the

same as you? How many other people on this list are overweight? can we

have a count-up please?

We will give you all the support we can . Tehre is a wealth of info and

experise on this list. The candida diet is easy really - until you try

to eat out!!!!!!!!!


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In a message dated 7/22/00 4:24:22 AM, artemis.agency@... wrote:

<< The candida diet is easy really - until you try

to eat out!!!!!!!!!


It's not that bad.... you can always order something like a big salad (with

chicken or something " interesting " ). Or sometimes we go to a Mexican

restaurant, since they are pretty heavy on the veggies. I even eat pizza

sometimes, as the bread there is minimal, and the yeast in it doesn't seem to

bother me. So it can be done..... you jsut have to be picky and RESIST



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i don't know how i got them, but you can get them from going barefoot

out side, animals, undercooked food (pork, sausage) dirt, probably all kind

of places, they say everyone has them from our enviornment just not the kind

i have, when cleansing for yeast you are also cleansing for micro-parasites!

which you can't see but can tell from the toxins from your waste. when

traveling always wear house slippers or shoes in hotel rooms, watch the

beaches barefoot, talk later by! mogdrmom

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Lee and

My English Pals!

What's the best treatment for Candida?

Another thing is that my doctor wants me to find out the relationship

between IBD and Candida? Any ideas?


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I don't want to sound totally ignorant but how does one know they have


However I am glad to hear that the yeast is under control. This is something

I don't know how to achieve.

How does one even get parasites?

Poor you!

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I never knew that one can get parasites through all those ways. That is

really creepy to even get it by goingbarefoot, as I have also heard that

it's healthy for the circulation (I think!) for one to go at times barefoot.

What is the anti candida diet?

How can my candida ever get better?

Your ideas would be much appreciated.

Best wishes


ICQ - 53662031

AOL Instant Messenger (Screen name: crohn)

ID - sarah_krein

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Please tell me more about this cream. What is the name, where can I get

some? What herbs are you taking?



Re: Introduction

I don't think i have written lately about what i'm going thru, so i hope

everyone's had breakfast here goes. my yeast is under control i think

BUT.......i have parasites!!!!!!!! it will be a year this fall i'm sure. i

don't want to gross any one out but this is very serious stuff. i can

understand how it killed someone, i had one go thru my heart about 3 yrs


& they are alive and well and hungry LOL! LOL! to make a long story short, i

have passed 2 about 3 " long, flat and white, i kept the last one just last

week and took it to the Dr. here at home & they are still trying to analize

it, my internet Dr. says they won't find out what kind it is there are

thousands of them. it was alive, moved twice than died. they can die in your

body but the eggs will hatch and multiply every 5 days. i feel them moving,

my Internet Dr. just sent a creme which is so potent you rub it in with a q

tip once a day where the movements are & he said don't be surprised if they

come out of your skin! WHOA!!!!! this creme he said is the most potent

natural creme they use for cancer. so i oped to do the first try this

afternoon. i have numerous herbs to take also, so this is why i want to


of my experiences and others. this is where i am now. i have a friend

sending me Hulda's zapper also. at this point i will try anything.


else is there, i have had 2 prescription drugs for these WORMS it helped


with the passing of 2.

running out of room. Hmmmmmm me and Lee have the something in common huh?

getting rid of worms!!!!!!!its a thought! LOL! LOL! Mogdrmom


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Lee, if your taking cleansers for yeast you might want to. i'm not the only

one with these parasites, i've heard a lot of people have them. they are much

like the yeast, they eat about the same and act a lot like the yeast. but you

can feel these moving. look up parasites on the web, you'll see some weird

stuff. mine are about 3 " .i talked to another lady today who has yeast & she

passed parasites hers were 1 " they like to cling to the stools for dear life.

talk to everyone later. Mogdrmom

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Robin, the cream i am using is to get rid of parasites, it is called Can-x

the Dr. said it is the best natural remedy for skin cancer so i wouldn't

reccommend it for the yeast. i used it today for the first time, i didn't use

to much, tomorrow i will try a little more. Thanks Lee for letting me use

your story. Mogdrmom

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, i don't know what you mean by anti-candida diet. Exercise, drink

distilled water and lots of it, no sugar, fruit, fermented foods, nitrates,

try meat loaf, garlic, onions, tomatoes, celery, radishes, cucumbers, some

carrots, turkey, beef, chicken, fish, lettuce, make soup from all the

veggies, turnips, parsnips (some) no beets, i could have toast now and than,

i browned it real good. Stevia is a good sweetener, i could eat rice also now

and than. i'm sure others will give you some pointers, Lemons squeezed, add

soda water and stevia and it is a great lemonade! when having die-offs i

would get muscle spasmns in my back for about 2 weeks, every day it would go

lower and lower till gone, take 1 fresh squeezed lemon and drink it straight

and the spasmns calmed down in a matter of 1/2 minute, it's amazing! well

time for bed i'll talk to everyone tomorrow afternoon after church.

God's Blessings Mogdrmom

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I think it's fantastic that you have a doctor that believes you! But, why

isn't he finding the relationship between IBD and candida?

There is a relationship. I have both, too. I think the relationship has

something to do with the leaky gut syndrome, but I'm not sure.


In a message dated 7/22/00 5:36:23 AM Central Daylight Time,

krein@... writes:

<< Lee and

My English Pals!

What's the best treatment for Candida?

Another thing is that my doctor wants me to find out the relationship

between IBD and Candida? Any ideas?



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Worms!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

So should we all be checking our " stools " as you lot call it, (in

England it is called Number Twos) for these parasites?

Mog Your story sounds horrifric



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Hi ,

You sound a bit like me. I was doing so good and did a few

foolish things, and am feeling pretty bad again. Feeling

bad is a lot of incentive to do the right thing. I had a

bit of stress which sent me into a compulsive eating binge,

along with the overconfidence of feeling better, and I blew

it. Well, like you, i feel strongly that I do not want to

go through this again. I also have a weight problem and

have started a walking program, which I will miss out on

today because of my own mistakes. Tomorrow I will be out

there again, I hope. I take vitamins, herbs, and

supplements; and no meds. I am trying to get to eating

right and doing what will get me healthy and fit.

Good to hear from another who has taken control of her own




Hi! My name is , and I'm fairly new to this group

(I've been

lurking for a few weeks). Last spring/summer I was doing

the Atkins

diet with little or no success. One of the members of the

Atkins online

support group emailed me privately and shared a

yeast-fighting diet. I

followed that for about two months and I felt healthier than

I did for a

long, long time. However, too many social obligations and


won out over feeling healthy and here I am, feeling

miserable again.

I have been dealing with a lot of stress due to marital

separation and

my mother-in-law's recent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

This stress

seems to have caused all my worst symptoms to flare

up--irritable bowel,

acid reflux, arthritis-like pain in my joints (especially my


muscle soreness, fatigue, poor sleep patterns, fuzzy

thinking, and an

insatiable craving for food, esp. sweets. So I did a search

and found

this group.

I just bought " The Yeast Connection " by Crook

tonight. Last

year when I was doing the yeast-fighting diet, I was taking

(if I

remember correctly), Candida Cleanse, acidophilis,

pycnogenol, flaxseed

oil, a good-quality multi-vitamin, and I can't remember what

else. I

also was taking a dose of Metamucil every morning. I stayed

away from

sugar, aspartame, processed foods, yeast-containing foods,

cured meats,

aged cheeses, fermented foods, etc. I basically ate meat

and veggies

with the occassional fruit (usually melon or citrus).

I am currently about 110 pounds overweight. I was at the

doctor this

past week, and he looked at my list of symptoms and said it

was all

stress-related. I asked him about yeast and he didn't seem

to think I

am a candidate; however, whenever I've done a yeast test I

score very

high. So I am going to take care of this myself. He has me


something for irritable bowel, something for acid reflux,

and he upped

my Paxil to 40 mg. from 20 mg. I personally don't think I

need these

meds, all I need to do is get rid of the yeast. I really

think I am

ready to do the hard thing and eat right. In the past I'd

look at going

on a " diet " or " food plan " as a form of torture; however, I

am suffering

from eating all the wrong stuff...being overweight...feeling

tired all

the time...in pain most of the time. I finally think I get

that eating

right is the lesser of the two sufferings.




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I order fries and baked potatoes at the fast food restaurant near me.

> << The candida diet is easy really - until you try

> to eat out!!!!!!!!!

> >>


> It's not that bad.... you can always order something like a big salad


> chicken or something " interesting " ). Or sometimes we go to a Mexican

> restaurant, since they are pretty heavy on the veggies. I even eat pizza

> sometimes, as the bread there is minimal, and the yeast in it doesn't seem


> bother me. So it can be done..... you jsut have to be picky and RESIST



> Lynn

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Which IBD do you have? I have CD and it really sucks. It gets me down too.

How does one know if the have leaky gut syndrome?

I've got no idea why he isn't finding the relationship between IBD and

candida. It is odd - you can say!

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: you actually starve the yeast and parasites. in doing this along with

the meds , exercise you will kill them! When you feel compulsive with

certain foods like sugar, bread, DO NOT EAT THEM. the yeast is trying to

survive! I usually tell new people to go to the Internet Dr. i talk monthly

to and print out all 32 pages and read them and read them & if you have to

take it to the Dr's with you do it so they might understand more of your

situation. he explains the diet and everything, it is very good logic, he has

gotten my yeast out of the blood stream (candida tropicalis) his web site is

: http://www.health-truth.com/Welcome.htm or


or http://www.healthtruth.com/Articles/Candida.htm

talk to you later. Mogdrmom

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