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> Hello, I am transitioning to the diet. I removed fruit/fruit juice from my

diet and now I am removing dairy. I plan to fully be on the diet by the end of

the month. I am starting to take the coconut oil daily. I want to know how long

does it take for rashes to heal? About a week and a half ago I developed a rash

on my neck which has become worse its very unsightly and uncomfortable. I have

had eczema since birth and know it may take some time for that to heal. A couple

months ago I developed rashes on my chest also. What is the best way to soothe

the rash? I have been using coconut oil. For people that have had rashes once

your fully on the diet how long did it take for them to heal?

+++Hi Alison. Welcome to our group. All rashes and skin eruptions are toxins

coming out through the skin, so they are not a bad thing, and your body may

create rashes at any time it needs to detoxify itself. Natural healing takes 1

month for every year, so healing your original eczema will take a lot of time.

See this for help with skin problems:



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> >

> > Hello, I am transitioning to the diet.

Hi and welcome to our group!

>For people that have had rashes once your fully on the diet how long did it

take for them to heal?

These healing reactions may occur throughout your healing. So, even though I

have been fully on the diet for over a year, I still get rashes on a regular

basis. They are part of the detox. For me it has been easiest to just accept

that rashes are a part of my life and my healing. I don't mind it so much and

people often don't even notice it, it's just me thinking about it a little.

Itches though are much more difficult for me to deal with since I'll itch until

I bleed. So, what has worked best for me is to use baking soda as a powder and

just covered any itching area with it. That has helped me a lot.

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<elisabeteriksson@...> wrote:

" These healing reactions may occur throughout your healing. So, even though I

have been fully on the diet for over a year, I still get rashes on a regular

basis. They are part of the detox. "

thanks a lot for replying. I will try the baking soda I have also itched

until I bleed several times. When you get the rashes do they come and go? For

instance does the rash go away and then you get another in a different location?

I don't like to be in public becuase of the rash on my neck I see people looking

at me becuase it is so bad,and start to become depressed becuase its getting

worse and is more noticable. Even though I know getting rashes means the body is

healing, I am very self-conscious. Thanks a lot, Alison

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> When you get the rashes do they come and go? For instance does the rash go

away and then you get another in a different location?

I would classify my rashes as 4 different groups:

1. niacin flush - red all over but only for about 2 hours and it hurts but it

doesn't itch so I tolerate it pretty well. In public I just think to myself

that people may think I just came back from a trip in Hawaii and I got sun

burnt. But yes, this does attracts looks from people, especially if it's a

blotchy flush....

2. Random red itchy areas on my body. They last for about 1 hour in one area

and then the following day a totally new area of my skin is red. Also, ok cause

they don't itch.

3. Longer term detoxes: I've had this twice and it was pretty uncomfortable and

intense. Both ears got totally red, itchy like nothing else, and also swollen

(this is where itch til' I bleed comes from..so add little wounds to this

beautiful mixture). Lasted for about 3 months on each ear. Not cool....but I

knew it would go away.

4. Itchy scalp. This is just itchy and bad and I think it's more my

uncontrollable itching making the entire scalp look red.

>start to become depressed becuase its getting worse and is more noticable. Even

though >I know getting rashes means the body is healing, I am very

self-conscious. Thanks a lot,

I know this is difficult. Especially socially. My rashes are the least of my

troubles though, cause I am so severely bloated I have to wear clothes that

covers this, but much worse is that I have so much gas and it's smelling so bad.

I can't not burp in public. It's terrible....but I know there is only one way

to get out of this - going right through it....At least we are not alone.

Rashes are easier to hide than smells....

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Thanks for tip. I googled thyroid autoimmune rashes and found an article of

interest to this forum.

" Thyroid Autoimmunity and Hives-Rash "


I don't think my rash is hives as it didn't itch but the way it heralds other

symptoms is similar to that discribed in the article. All my TPO tests have come

back " negative " in the past.


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Thanks for this Tracey - I have put it into our LINKS.There's

some good links there. I haven't been there for a while.

luv - Sheila

" Thyroid Autoimmunity and Hives-Rash "


I don't think my rash is hives as it didn't itch but the way it heralds other

symptoms is similar to that discribed in the article. All my TPO tests have

come back " negative " in the past.


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***> I don't think my rash is hives as it didn't itch but the way it heralds other symptoms is similar to that discribed in the article. All my TPO tests have come back "negative" in the past.

Hi Tracey,

"negative" .... or below the norm ? I think there might be a difference (-in the real world, not in NHS-cloud-cuckoo-land)

Hives are often a tell-tale sign of an underlying autoimmune condition (not just Hashimoto's). They come and go... However, in your picture it did not look like hives, it looked to me more like a rash - but pictures can be deceptive.

Good idea to show your GP pictures of the rash.... and if you can swing it, ask for another check for TPO - and TgAB as well, if he is willing. The numbers of autoantibodies go up and down - so perhaps now is the time to catch them ??

All the best,

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My thoughts exactly! I asked what the figures for the test results were and was

told there are no figures, only positive or negative. I'm sure that was bullsh*t

as I was told the same 11 years ago for my TSH test. Took me 1o years of illness

to eventually extract a figure of 4.33 which had been labelled as " normal " . If

ONLY I had known that at the time, I wouldn't have lost 10 years of the prime of

my life :o(



> " negative " .... or below the norm ? I think there might be a

> difference (-in the real world, not in NHS-cloud-cuckoo-land)

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Hi Tracey,

Can you explain this pls. I had a test of 3.5 before diagnosis of hypothyroid, and the test I had since only said less than 60 (so no idea of actual number). My recent elevated FT4 for no reason that I can see has made me wonder & today I requested an antibody test (unless it gets stopped) so I am keen to see a proper result.


Took me 1o years of illness to eventually extract a figure of 4.33 which had been labelled as "normal".

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Interesting ...

.... it doesn't look like hives. I think it looks more like the rash people get

when they have 'systemic lupus', but it's obviously not that as it's in the

wrong place (it should be across your cheeks/face). It shouts of autoimmune to

me and it's interesting that, especially in the 2009 photo, it centres around

your thyroid area. Like me, you have red colouring (it can be a pain, can't

it?), so that will increase the chances of it being autoimmune.

Are you coeliac? And, can your GP test you for any other (other than thyroid)





> ***> I don't think my rash is hives as it didn't itch but the way it

> heralds other symptoms is similar to that discribed in the article. All my TPO

tests have come back " negative " in the past.


> Hives are often a tell-tale sign of an underlying autoimmune condition (not

just Hashimoto's). They come and go... However, in your picture it did not look

like hives, it looked to me more like a rash - but pictures can be deceptive.


> Good idea to show your GP pictures of the rash.... and if you can swing it,

ask for another check for TPO - and TgAB as well, if he is willing. The numbers

of autoantibodies go up and down - so perhaps now is the time to catch them ??

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Hi Val,

The 4.33 was a TSH test which had been done in 1998 when I first started feeling

ill. For years, everytime I went back to the GP I asked if my problems were

likely to be the same hypthyroid illness which affected practically every woman

in my then known family on my mother's side. He said No as my result was

" normal " .

Then I discovered the TPA-UK and learnt that there are actual numbers for the

TSH test. So I asked for the numbers from years back when I had another test.

When my TSH started coming back in 6s and 7s I finally thought that would be it

and I'd get treated. Nopre, the normal range upper limit has been covertly

raised from 5.5 to 10. It took a huge argument to get a trial of thyroxine and,

as I responded so well to it, only then was I given a retrospective diagnosis.

The one thing which bothered my GP is that my TSH never rose consistently. It

would zig-zag up and down quite dramatically at times. The endocrinologist

wasn't interested in that at all and simply said that it would only be treatable

once it hit 10. I think my GP's observation is quite valid and do wonder whether

we are observing autoimmune attacks too low to register on whatever test is




> Hi Tracey,


> Can you explain this pls. I had a test of 3.5 before diagnosis of

hypothyroid, and the test I had since only said less than 60 (so no idea of

actual number). My recent elevated FT4 for no reason that I can see has made me

wonder & today I requested an antibody test (unless it gets stopped) so I am

keen to see a proper result.


> Val


> Took me 1o years of illness to eventually extract a figure of 4.33 which had

been labelled as " normal " .


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Having googled lupus rashes I can confirm that some of the pictures are

identical to the face rash I also get. Once a complete stranger at a bus stop

even assumed I had lupus and told me I shouldn't be out in the sun. Thing is,

while I used to be terribly sensitive to the sun as a child and teenager, once

I'd gone through puberty I stopped burning.

My rashes, even the facial one, are never raised or sore merely bright red

resembling an alcoholic's or embarassed person's. The facial one has recently

started to do something weird to the end of my nose which now has a purple

blotch and is swollen - but again that comes and goes.

I'll raise the question of lupus with my GP when I see him on Monday. I've

already been tested twice last year for coeliacs. Both tests came back clear.



> Interesting ...


> ... it doesn't look like hives. I think it looks more like the rash people get

when they have 'systemic lupus', but it's obviously not that as it's in the

wrong place (it should be across your cheeks/face). It shouts of autoimmune to

me and it's interesting that, especially in the 2009 photo, it centres around

your thyroid area. Like me, you have red colouring (it can be a pain, can't

it?), so that will increase the chances of it being autoimmune.


> Are you coeliac? And, can your GP test you for any other (other than thyroid)


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There's one drawback to your idea, Judith (even though it's a good one :-) ) -

if the antibodies are just in the gland then she probably wouldn't get a rash.

Take a look here ~


It's really important not to get too focused on one type of autoantibody, as it

could be another autoantibody that's causing the problem. For example, by

ex-mother-in-law (who had naturally, very red colouring, btw) was tested for a

few autoantibodies several years ago. She had a history of hayfever, asthma and

eczema. They discovered she had autoantibodies to her liver, but they didn't act

upon it in time. She's now got a progressive autoimmune liver condition. She's

not coeliac and she doesn't have Hashi's.

Hi , as your test for auto-antibodies is negative perhaps they are still in

the gland, as i believe that they start their and then move to the blood. but

often allergy's are part of the immune process, and as such will be present. I

have metal and plasters(dressings) as part of my autoimmunity. many will have

food allergy's. I often get a rash when some thing rubs my skin. I have cut all

the labels from my cloths as they rub the back of my neck.

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You wrote:

> ... I'll raise the question of lupus with my GP when I see him on Monday. I've

already been tested twice last year for coeliacs. Both tests came back clear.

That's no guarantee. You could be sensitive to gluten at a level the test does

not detect. Try avoiding gluten completely for a week.


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In the past I cut out gluten for a month (just to be absolutely sure)and it made

no difference whatsoever unfortunately. It was an education into just how much

gluten and other stuff is now in foods which never used to contain it. I tend to

stick to preparing food from scratch these days though I do eat bread and pasta

as well.


You could be sensitive to gluten at a level the test does not detect. Try

avoiding gluten completely for a week.


> Chuck


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You wrote:


> In the past I cut out gluten for a month (just to be absolutely sure)and

> it made no difference whatsoever unfortunately....

That seems more conclusive than a " test. "


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Hi Tracey, found this story in the mail online today with a lady with what looks

like your rash, they are claiming she is alergic to water.





> Thanks for tip. I googled thyroid autoimmune rashes and found an article of

interest to this forum.


> " Thyroid Autoimmunity and Hives-Rash "

> http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art24839.asp


> I don't think my rash is hives as it didn't itch but the way it heralds other

symptoms is similar to that discribed in the article. All my TPO tests have come

back " negative " in the past.


> Tracey


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Poor woman! No that is completely different to mine, fortunately. Mine is not

irritating and is, in itself, quite innoucuous. It is the fact that it

corresponds with times when other things are going wrong in my body which makes

it of concern.

I did take my photos into the GP and he is ordering in a special urine test to

check a few possibilities. He thinks it might be something to do with my

adrenals and wants to get to the bottom of it. I have to collect my pee in

separate bottles at 5 times over a day. I have a follow-up appointment in 2

months to discuss the test results.



> Hi Tracey, found this story in the mail online today with a lady with what

looks like your rash, they are claiming she is alergic to water.






> jennyF

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi there, I'm new to this group. I'm interested to read about other people who

are experiencing rashes and hives. I'm doing a slightly relaxed version of the

diet (e.g. I can have small amounts of wholemeal products and limited dairy and

fruit). I'm also on strong supplements prescribed by a naturopath that contain

Andrographis Paniculata, Tabebuia avellanedae, Anise Oil (Aniseed), Origanum

valgare leaf essential oil.

About 10 days into this I broke out in hives, and they became severe over the

next couple of days. I had never seen anything like it. The only other time I've

ever had hives was a couple of years ago when I took antibiotics and it was

nowhere near this bad.

I had to stop taking these herbal pills for a few days. The rash subsided, and

I've started taking a lower dosage, but the rash is slowly creeping back. It's

frustrating because I'm supposed to take these pills for a month, then start on

probiotics. I've got 8 days left, and can't seem to get through the pills

because I keep backing off, trying to control this rash.

> >

> > When you get the rashes do they come and go? For instance does the rash go

away and then you get another in a different location?


> I would classify my rashes as 4 different groups:

> 1. niacin flush - red all over but only for about 2 hours and it hurts but it

doesn't itch so I tolerate it pretty well. In public I just think to myself

that people may think I just came back from a trip in Hawaii and I got sun

burnt. But yes, this does attracts looks from people, especially if it's a

blotchy flush....


> 2. Random red itchy areas on my body. They last for about 1 hour in one area

and then the following day a totally new area of my skin is red. Also, ok cause

they don't itch.


> 3. Longer term detoxes: I've had this twice and it was pretty uncomfortable

and intense. Both ears got totally red, itchy like nothing else, and also

swollen (this is where itch til' I bleed comes from..so add little wounds to

this beautiful mixture). Lasted for about 3 months on each ear. Not

cool....but I knew it would go away.


> 4. Itchy scalp. This is just itchy and bad and I think it's more my

uncontrollable itching making the entire scalp look red.


> >start to become depressed becuase its getting worse and is more noticable.

Even though >I know getting rashes means the body is healing, I am very

self-conscious. Thanks a lot,


> I know this is difficult. Especially socially. My rashes are the least of my

troubles though, cause I am so severely bloated I have to wear clothes that

covers this, but much worse is that I have so much gas and it's smelling so bad.

I can't not burp in public. It's terrible....but I know there is only one way

to get out of this - going right through it....At least we are not alone.

Rashes are easier to hide than smells....



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> Hello, I am transitioning to the diet. I removed fruit/fruit juice from my

diet and now I am removing dairy. I plan to fully be on the diet by the end of

the month. I am starting to take the coconut oil daily. I want to know how long

does it take for rashes to heal? About a week and a half ago I developed a rash

on my neck which has become worse its very unsightly and uncomfortable. I have

had eczema since birth and know it may take some time for that to heal. A couple

months ago I developed rashes on my chest also. What is the best way to soothe

the rash? I have been using coconut oil. For people that have had rashes once

your fully on the diet how long did it take for them to heal? Thanks a lot,




I was noticing your email address: sweettuth23, really? Well, you are in the

right place.

Rashes last as long as they do and they are a great sign. It's junk coming out.

I wouldn't sweat what others think. You are in healing mode and saving your

tuths. I would wave goodbye to them rashes as they are leaving. VCO may help and

don't forget the epsom salt baths.

I am a big fan of enemas as they help things out. Also consider saunas, niacin,

(at Bee's recommended dose) and skin brushing.


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> Hi there, I'm new to this group. I'm interested to read about other people who

are experiencing rashes and hives. I'm doing a slightly relaxed version of the

diet (e.g. I can have small amounts of wholemeal products and limited dairy and

fruit). I'm also on strong supplements prescribed by a naturopath that contain

Andrographis Paniculata, Tabebuia avellanedae, Anise Oil (Aniseed), Origanum

valgare leaf essential oil.

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

> About 10 days into this I broke out in hives, and they became severe over the

next couple of days. I had never seen anything like it. The only other time I've

ever had hives was a couple of years ago when I took antibiotics and it was

nowhere near this bad.

> I had to stop taking these herbal pills for a few days. The rash subsided, and

I've started taking a lower dosage, but the rash is slowly creeping back. It's

frustrating because I'm supposed to take these pills for a month, then start on

probiotics. I've got 8 days left, and can't seem to get through the pills

because I keep backing off, trying to control this rash.

+++All rashes and skin eruptions are caused by toxins coming out, so there are

no quick fixes or remedies. What heals the body and helps it detoxify is mainly

" proper nutrients " including high " good " fats that I recommend. The reason

" good " fats are so important for health, i.e. butter, lard, unrefined coconut

oil, and other natural fats, is because they are the most powerful antioxidants

for our bodies, and they also get rid of heavy metals throughout the body.

+++Do you have candida overgrowth, since the herbs you are taking are also

antifungal so they kill off candida which causes more toxins to be released

causing die-off symptoms, therefore you'd get more rashes and skin eruptions?

All the best, Bee

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest


My four year old who is on GFCF and on anti-fungals, is having rashes on his

body. The rashes appear on his body. They are of red color. They go to black

colour and disappear. Then they appear at new place on his body. His behaviour

is also going on to be aggressive from last few days. I suspect it is due to

culturelle. He has severe Gluten allergy.



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