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In a message dated 01/05/2003 1:08:54 PM Central Standard Time,

abrs@... writes:


No but it sure helps while your getting there. ;~) Since I've started taking

Colostrum, my nodule on my thyroid has almost disappeared. I also

do the healthy diet and make my own tinctures.


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I tried it when I was eating a pure diet and feeling really good. It did

nothing for me. I paid a hefty price for a bottle $35.00, and it was a multi

level sales person. Multilevel sales always raises a red flag. Additionally I

only took it because my Doctor recommended it. I don't ever think I can find a

good immune system in a bottle. As Ben lin said " Let food be your medicine

and medicine be your food " . This is another one of those things that I think

make people think they can eat all they want and get well with a pill. We would

all save a lot of money (and I do) if we stop eating the wrong things and eat

what is right and then take a few herbs or helpful supplement for the specific

condition, rather then supplementing a bad diet. These comments are not meant to

degrade anyone or anything helpful. They are my thoughts on the ongoing pursuit

of Americans to find overindulgence acceptable and our cure in a pill mentality.


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That's true Edith, every little bit I do always helps. Sometimes though we have

to watch our money, along with our health. When I am real run down and to weak

to go all out, even if I juice a little and eat a lot, the juicing still reaps

rewards. Even if I eat horrible and exercise I still benefit.



No but it sure helps while your getting there. ;~) Since I've started taking

Colostrum, my nodule on my thyroid has almost disappeared. I also

do the healthy diet and make my own tinctures.



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  • 5 months later...
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Mike wrote:

> Gordon,


> While I hate to see anyone fall prey to a medical scam, need I remind

> you that many of the most benifical advances in medicine came about

> 'accidentally', and that the double-blind studies only happened as an

> after thought b/c it looked profitable?

Need I remind you that people took all manner of noxious substances in hopes

of all manner of ridiculous outcomes before medicine embraced the scientific


I was watching a documentary just the other day about the bubonic plague, as

a perfect example. So called " doctors " of the day recommended that the

smoking of tobacco would prevent the plague. Tobacco sales skyrocketed. But

it only increased cancer and lung disease.

Controlled studies are necessary because, as in the above example, some

people who smoked tobacco during the plague epidemic in London did not

contract the disease. Was it a cure for the plague? Or was it just a

coincidence? We can't answer those questions without doing good science.

Those who would criticize my insistence on hard scientific proof are, I

think, ignorant about the history of medical science and the importance of

science in general. Snake oils have been with us for literally thousands of

years. It is only since the renaissance that we have even begun to weed them



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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Obie. I noticed in a few weeks, actually, that my calf muscles were

increasing. This was a huge blessing to me as they were quite atrophied from

being so ill for so many years. Within six months I had calves that looked like

I had a major work out schedule. It was awesome. Mine both grew equally.

I din't know you had leg issues. Do both legs have braces? And why? If you

don't mind me asking.



Re: Colostrum

Well, Donna, guess what's happening to me????? My right calf is growing

larger. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if I'll need a larger brace or if this

means I'll discard the brace completely. I remember you relating a similar

experience with Colostrum but how long after you began the C. did you notice

your calves were larger, please. And did they grow at about the same rate or

did one enlarge and then the other? I'm just curious about your own experience.


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Well, Donna, guess what's happening to me????? My right calf is growing larger.

In fact, I'm starting to wonder if I'll need a larger brace or if this means

I'll discard the brace completely. I remember you relating a similar experience

with Colostrum but how long after you began the C. did you notice your calves

were larger, please. And did they grow at about the same rate or did one

enlarge and then the other? I'm just curious about your own experience. Obie.

Re: R-TYPE Arthritus/Heart Mumer


Where is the best place to find Amylase?

Thank's for your reply.


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  • 5 weeks later...
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I haven't used colostrum on its own. But, just wanted to point out that it is

one of the ingredients in DynaWhey, the protein drink mix that Duncan

recommends. This is the Canadian website to read about DynaWhey and its

ingredients http://www.fortius.ca/dynawhey.htm . Duncan recommends using this,

along with selenium. I'm sure you've all read about what it does, (glutathione)

It's inexpensive, easy to mix, and tastes good. I can honestly say that after

two months, I'm feeling a bit of difference.

I might look into getting colostrum at the saddle shop though, if I decide I

want or need more.



Anyway my question is... Does anyone take colostrum? I

wouldn't think that it would promote yeast. Anybody have an opinion on

it? Or any info they've read or heard? Thanx, D

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I have used Colostrum---I'm sensitive to milk (as many w/candida) and reacted

some to Colostrum---at first I felt good and then after a week or so, I

didn't---I don't know if it was fighting the fungal/candida and I was

experiencing die-off or not, now that I understand more about die-off.

Now that I have been taking the ThreeLac for apx 3 months, I will try Colostrum

again after another 3 months, maybe. I have recently taken HGH w/Colostrum and

felt good--but reacted some again, although again it might have been die-off, I

just don't know

anyone else take Colostrum or HGH?



Does anyone take this? I kind of think of it as a multi-vit & mineral or

royal jelly. One substance packed with lots of good stuff. In the book

RX for Nutritional healing they don't mention taking it under Candida

but they do mention using it under Fungal Infections. It says that it "

fights fungal infection, possesses healing properties & boosts the

immune system " Which I have already heard. I've also read that it has

high levels of protein & growth factors as well as immune factors. Also

I've read that it can help the body burn fat & build lean muscle & that

it may accelerate the healing of injuries increase vitality & stamina &

have an anti-aging effect. This pain specialist I used to see was very

up on supplements. He really seemed to know his stuff as far as I was

concerned. This is going to sound weird but he sent me to a saddle shop.

I've never been around cows or horses so this was a new experience for

me.. He sent me there to buy several things [ more about that another

time ] but what he told me to buy was a bag of dried bovine colostrum by

Sav-a Caf products. A 10 oz. bag for $11.95 much cheaper than capsules

or powder at a health food store. Of course the directions said give the

whole mix to your new born calf but he told me to take several heaping

tablespoonful a day. Before he sent me there he took huge scoops of it

himself in front of me & said that he had it tested & it was just a good

as the other [ human ] type. I thought about having it tested myself.

I don't really know who to see about that. I guess if I'm going to start

taking it again. I should probably stick to the kind meant for us

humans for now. Anyway my question is... Does anyone take colostrum? I

wouldn't think that it would promote yeast. Anybody have an opinion on

it? Or any info they've read or heard? Thanx, D

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I'm still wondering about this unpleasant feeling many of you refer to

as die off. Did everyone read the letter I posted when I was talking

about getting completely well from Diflucan those 2 or 3 times after

making what I know now were clear diet mistakes. I never experienced

any of that. I asked If anyone had an opinion on what that meant but I

don't believe anyone answered. D

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Yes, I take Colostrum from www.modernherbalist.com and have been for past 6-7

mos. I stopped taking it for maybe 3 weeks because I ran out and wanted to

see if I noticed a difference. I felt tired again and my nodes in my throat were

swollen more so I started up again on it. I think it is helping me and I

plan on taking it for a long while to get things back to normal. Kim

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 10/29/04 8:54:29 PM Central Daylight Time,

pixiepie2003@... writes:

> Has anyone here tried Colostrum for their immune

> system, and if so, did it work? I am taking a Candida

> specific Colostrum, so I'm hoping it will improve my

> candida situation.


I have an autoimmune disease and take Immune Tree for that. I can tell

it has helped certain problem areas.

What is colostrum is specific for Candida ?

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  • 6 months later...
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I couldn't tell about the taste in the eggnog except that it was very good. But


tasted some plain just now and it is fine. It actually reminds me a bit of


milk (of all things!) in flavor and consistency too, I suppose. Go ahead and

take the plunge! BTW, sorry I missed you yesterday at the farm. I managed to

go late in the day with Sara, our friend and my new friend .


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> I managed to

> go late in the day with Sara, our friend

Did she make it too? Oh I'm so sorry I missed seeing . I'm glad

she's getting out and about nowadays. Thanks for the tip on the

colostrum. :o)


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 04/07/2005 11:30:45 GMT Daylight Time, catherine.devereux@... writes:

Which colostrum are you using? We've been using KAL colostrum for several years now and are also happy with it.


We use the one from here


Great article you do dfor Autism File :)

Will get back to you at weekend re the tests

Mandi x

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  • 4 months later...

Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you more. In the olden

days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as witches because they

never got sick and they never seemed to age like the rest of us do. They

were drinking colostrum

Colostrum is the most powerful thing out there. However, you should know the

reason it is so powerful is because it contains glyconutrients. Every mammal

mother;s milk contains 5 of the 8 monosaccharides needed for the immune

system to function as well as the precursors to the other three. In effect

the milk of every mammal mother delivers all 8 monosaccharides to the

bloodstream within seconds. Colostrum products do not contain Ambrotose

but they go well together.

I take a product called ImmunoSTARTÒ. It is a specially made product for

sale by Mannatech associates only. The man who runs the company that makes

it for Mannatech did a wonderful six hour training in my town that I

attended. I learned more than I thought possible about colostrum and

ImmunoSTART. I was most impressed with the screening they put their dairy

farms through to be able to sell to his company. It takes several years of

inspection for a farm to sell their colostrum to Joe Woolsey. He says they

are looking for farms whose cows have NAMES, not numbers or UPC codes. The

calves get all the colostrum they need because those calves are the next

generation of livestock in these small family dairy farms. There is plenty

of colostrum for processing into ImmunoSTART and it is all collected from

momma within the first three hours of birth.

It is the first product in the Mannatech line that the FDA has cleared for

making claims. They realized that the science behind it was so convincing

that they could not deny the claims that were sent to them for this product.

At the end of these product training notes, you will find the documentation

of claims that came back from FDA for this product

Notice also that Colostrum was given FDA orphan drug status because of AIDS

activists who realized its value with people with AIDS/HIV.

Natural killer cells and T-cell production is shown to increase greatly as

well with colostrum.

Run don't walk to your local independent Mannatech associate and get this

product. It is dirt cheap compared to all those other clone products. It

is 2-3 times as powerful as anything else out there without the beta glucans

and Lactoferrin included in ImmunoSTART. Full retail is $38.50. You can

get it cheaper ask your local associate how. 1-2 bottles per month will

give you what you need.

Basically what all this means is when you get this in your body, your immune

system starts talking again and says. 3-2-1-BLAST OFF ! <LOL> I am

serious. Lets face it your own body is the only thing that will get rid of

AIDS whatever you believe actually causes it. Give your body the power to

do it.

I am sending more information on his training about this phenomenal product

and colostrum in general.

D.L. Bullock, independent Mannatech associate

Here is a great SAMPLE of Joe’s outstanding training on just one of our

incredible products, ImmunoSTART (I take this every day and I think everyone

should too). (I got these notes from Carol Merlo’s excellent newsletter)

4. Understanding the Features and Benefits of ImmunoSTART

Notes from a field teleconference interview with Joe Woolsey on

ImmunoSTARTÒ June 19, 2004. Joe is the President of the Marketing Division

of the company that licenses and provides Mannatech with its exclusive

formula. ImmunoSTARTÒ combines a few key components for immune system

modulation and enhancement – Certified Prime Colostrum®, Lactoferrin,

BetaRight™1,3/1,6 glucan, and Modified Citrus Pectin. The articles

referenced at the end of these notes provide reviews from scientific studies

on these components.

ImmunoSTARTÒ dovetails well with core glyconutrients in AmbrotoseÒ.

AmbrotoseÒ supports the body to know what to do, and ImmunoSTARTÒ provides

nutrients to ensure that the body is able to do what it is supposed to do.

Colostrum helps to achieve homeostasis and balance in all the metabolic

functions of the body. About 4-5 years ago, colostrum became the hot, new

nutrient in the marketplace. Many companies came to Joe’s company wanting an

exclusive formula because Joe’s company has the exclusive rights to the best

source of colostrum in North America. Mannatech was selected from many

companies interested in an exclusive agreement. Now Mannatech has the

exclusive contract on a formula that includes this form of colostrum

combined with the other companion components.

Colostrum contains pre-formed antibodies. Ideally, it is best to use

colostrum from cows living in an environment common to both the cows and the

humans, i.e. both exposed to the same set of pathogens. North American cows

have been exposed to West Nile Virus for example, and have, therefore,

developed antibodies for this pathogen.

To be classified as clinical grade colostrum, or certified prime

colostrum, it must be harvested within 6 hours after the birth of the

calves. This supplier exceeds that standard and harvests most colostrum

within 3 hours. Cows have to be free range. The cows are raised on small

family farms that must adhere to very high standards. For most of the year

they graze in pastures that would pass in most states as organic. In the

winter they are fed organic alfalfa silage. They drink water that is potable

i.e. safe for humans. This is not the case on most dairy farms. A spray,

flash freezing process helps stabilize immune factors in the colostrum. A

low-temperature, patented pasteurization process ensures that the colostrum

will be viable and effective when consumers use it.

It’s not the quantity in a colostrum product that is critical, it’s the

quality of the end product based on the process of harvesting and

stabilizing. Poor quality colostrum may have little to no value. This

supplier ensures third-party, independent testing for mad cow diseases,

other diseases, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, heavy metals etc.

Colostrum is great for all ages. For people who have trouble swallowing,

the chewable lozenges provide an exceptional solution. ImmunoSTARTÒ should

be allowed to dissolve in the mouth for 3-5 minutes before chewing. (You can

bite in half and then suck on the pieces if you prefer.) We have thousands

of receptors in our mouth. These receptors prepare the body for what’s

coming. 2200 components make up colostrum. The digestive process will

destroy most of the components, therefore making capsules ineffective. Oral

delivery of colostrum is critical and is what is used in all of the

supportive scientific studies. Interesting note: newborns, when they first

begin to breast feed, don’t have a swallow reflex, so mother’s milk is

absorbed through receptors in the mouth.

There are many anti-aging benefits. For example, ImmunoSTARTÒ raises your

own insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in the body. IGF-1 then goes to other

hormone resources and gets to work. Therefore you don’t have to look at

external sources of animal forms that help produce IGF-1. Colostrum helps

recovery from injury. Also, it raises proline-rich polypeptides (PRP). This

is vital for all organ tissue, e.g. your skin. Colostrum can help improve

the elasticity of your tissues.

There was a study done with babies, half breast-fed, half formula-fed.

Half of each of the groups was fed colostrum. The ones who got colostrum got

far fewer illnesses and had far greater cognitive abilities in standardized

tests than children that didn’t have colostrum supplemented...regardless of

whether or not they were breast fed. Crushed ImmunoSTARTÒ in topical

glyconutrient lotions or gels may be helpful for healing cuts and injuries.

Another element in ImmunoSTARTÒ is pectin. It has a large molecular

structure and cannot be easily absorbed. However, pH-modified citrus pectin

can be absorbed orally. It has the potential to protect against metastasis

of cancer and acts as a decoy for cancer by attracting cancer cells and

escorting them out of the body. The citrus pectin has a roto-rooter type

effect in cleaning out cholesterol and plaque in the system. Pectin is also

a glyconutrient (polysaccharide). [Note: pectin is also in MannaBears]

A third component of the ImmunoSTARTÒ is beta-glucan, also a

polysaccharide. The macrophage (a large white blood cell) is critical in

finding pathogens and directing NK and T cells to destroy them. Every

macrophage has a beta-glucan receptor on it. The 1,3/1,6 is the beta-glucan

form used in this formula. (There are about 200 forms available). This form

is the most potent form. The beta-glucan enhances the effectiveness of the

macrophage (a key immune cell that means ‘big eater’). The beta-glucan also

helps blood sugar balance, glucose uptake, and cholesterol uptake. The form

used in the ImmunoSTARTÒ is 120 times more potent than what’s in oatmeal.

The presence of beta-glucan in oatmeal is what allows the food industry to

make the claim that eating oatmeal will lower cholesterol.

If your cholesterol is high, you can take ImmunoSTARTÒ 15 minutes before

you eat to create balance as described above. Joe had a relative whose

cholesterol dropped from 238 to 138 in 3 weeks by doing this. This product

has its source of glucans from brewer’s yeast. Any yeast factors are removed

in the manufacturing process, therefore, people who have fungal

sensitivities such as those who have Candida need not be concerned about

yeast factors with ImmunoSTARTÒ. In fact, beta-glucans combat Candida. The

form of beta-glucan in ImmunoSTARTÒ is the most effective form on the

market. Other sources are from medicinal mushrooms. Since you cannot easily

separate out the fungal quality of the mushrooms, it is not a preferred

source. Many consumers have mold and fungal sensitivities.

Beta-glucan reduces glucose uptake and is therefore important to people

with diabetes and those following a low glycemic index diet. Additionally,

there is increasing evidence that beta-glucans should always be taken with

lactoferrin. Taking them before eating helps keep the meal low glycemic.

Beta-glucans can help build macrophages and the lactoferrin can help build

nutrophils (small white blood cells). The betaglucans also proliferate other

immune compounds and too many of these compounds can result in

overproduction which over a prolonged period can produce kidney and liver

damage. Lactoferrin is critical, therefore, because it modulates and

balances to keep appropriate levels.

Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein which is iron-binding. Its benefits relate

to balancing the immune system by making iron bio-available for a useful

function. We all produce lactoferrin in our bodies. It is anti-inflammatory.

It’s the element in tears that provides their soothing effect. Most eye drop

solutions in Japan have lactoferrin in them. They are superior to other eye

drops. Lactoferrin, especially in oral delivery, helps to bind free iron.

Excess iron is stored in the mucus lining of eyes, sinuses, nose, etc. These

dark moist, warm environments are home to free iron molecules. Bacteria can

latch on to free iron molecules, and once attached, they can enter the body.

This is where infection can manifest.

By scavenging free irons in the mucous membranes where most pathogens

enter the body, lactoferrin can thereby strengthen mucosal immunity.

Lactoferrin attaches to free iron molecules, carrying them to the

bloodstream. It is then involved in a recirculation process for building up

more nutrophils in the blood stream. One bacteria latching on to an iron

molecule can multiply to fill a swimming pool in a week. Note: many

vitamins/mineral combinations have eliminated iron so as to reduce the risk

of introducing excess iron to the body.

For people with serious health issues where the immune system is heavily

compromised, this product can be very helpful in modulating the immune

system. In the interview, Joe suggested that more than 6 per day might not

be utilized in a chronic condition. However, in an acute situation, such as

coming down with the flu or another bug, it could be valuable to take one

every hour or so. Be pro-active. If you’re going into an environment with a

lot of pathogens, e.g. traveling, etc., increase your intake of

ImmunoSTARTÒ. Don’t give the pathogens a chance.

For older people who are run down, ImmunoSTARTÒ provides a good supportive

collection of nutrients. Literally, they feel younger. Adding ImmunoSTARTÒ

to a regime with other glyconutrients may dramatically accelerate the

benefits and results. A doctor who uses glyconutrients with her patients

always starts people with ImmunoSTARTÒ. This is a product where she finds

that her clients report noticeable results and benefits very quickly--often,

within 20 minutes. With others it may take 2 days, or 2 weeks, but not

usually very long to feel the benefits.

Pregnant and Nursing moms have used ImmunoSTARTÒ to enhance the immune

systems for their children. Crushed lozenges can be given to small babies.

Some people, who are lactose intolerant and can’t take other products, can

take this one, because it is truly colostrum and not milk. The FDA allows

any product to be called colostrum that has been harvested within 72 hours.

Most of these late harvests would largely be milk, NOT colostrum. Colostrum

has naturally occurring bone and cartilage growth factors that will increase

your utilization of minerals and n-acetyl glucosamine. If you’re not taking

some every day, you’re missing many benefits. 2 per day is a good base

amount. If you have blood pressure or cholesterol issues, take before meals

and 3 per day would be better. As mentioned above, more than 6 per day won’t

do much UNLESS you’re fighting a pathogen. If you have early symptoms of a

flu or other bug, you might take two, then take one every hour.

For children, you can give 1 per day, unless fighting a cold or flu. Then

you can give more as needed. Adjust by weight and/or need. If the child has

allergies, 2 per day or more ­ as needed. Under 4, be careful that the child

can suck without choking. They can also be crushed and put in food or drink

The pectin, lactoferrin and beta-glucans are all glyconutrients.

Colostrum does things for compromised immune systems that immune drugs can

’t do. Specific legal claims about the efficacy of colostrum can be made by

the supplier because colostrum was given orphan drug status by the FDA. An

orphan drug is a drug that has gone through an approval process that is much

less complicated than the normal approval process. (The term drug only means

a substance for which health claims can be made ­ it has nothing to do with

whether it is natural or synthetic). The orphan drug category is designed to

make substances available for treating diseases that are rare (based on the

number of cases). In the very beginning of the AIDS epidemic, AIDS was

considered rare. AIDS activists got the FDA to give approval to colostrum as

an orphan drug without the millions of dollars that would have typically

been necessary for the normal drug approval process.

These articles offer comprehensive surveys of the scientific literature.

Well-documented information and highly recommended reading:

Colostrum Biological Activities: A Review by Tom Gardiner September,

September 22, 2000:


Biological Activities of Lactoferrin by Tom Gardiner, February 2, 2001:


Beta-Glucan Biological Activities by Tom Gardiner, November 3, 2000:


Effective Date: PC No.: 123 US Product: IMMUNOSTART™ Dietary Supplement

Supersedes Issue Dated: N/A Revision No.: N/A

Count and Type: 60 Chewable Tablets

Structure/Function Claims of ImmunoSTART

Submitted and received no objections from the Food and Drug Administration


A strong immune system removes toxins and damaged cell material:

ImmunoSTART® chewables support the body’s ability to do cellular “house

cleaning.” It helps your body to:

· Remove harmful heavy metals.

· Remove daily toxins

· Remove damaged cellular materials.

Key Immune Health Benefits of ImmunoSTART

· Supports a cascade of immune responses that begin in the mouth and

proceeds throughout the body.

· Optimizes response of natural killer cells, B-cells and T-cells,

which seek out and destroy foreign substances.

· Strengthens the mucosal immune system, your first-line of defense.

· Supplies and enhances natural antibodies (immunoglobulins).

· Helps regulate the number and activities of circulating immune


· Initiates communication in the immune system, which releases

chemical messengers to keep your immune system strong.

· Helps the body remove heavy metals and toxins from the cells.

· Helps balance the immune system

A Fresh Start for Your Immune System

· ImmunoSTART® chewables feature a targeted array of nutrients for

building and nurturing immune system health.

· The specialized nutrients in ImmunoSTART™ Chewables can

immediately react with mucus membranes in your mouth and esophagus to

energize your immune system.

· ImmunoSTART™ features peptides, amino acids and glycoproteins that

engage your body’s natural ability to heal and repair itself.

· ImmunoSTART™ provides daily support for strong immune systems

Optimize Your First-Line of Defenses

· Supporting the mucous membranes that line your mouth, nose, lungs

and digestive tracts is very important

· Specialized nutrients in ImmunoSTART™ chewables can immediately

react with mucous membranes in the mouth and esophagus to energize your

immune system.

· They bind to specific receptor sites that send signals directly to

your lymphatic system – the roadway for your trillion circulating white

blood cells.

· The nutrient forces in ImmunoSTART™ chewables spread throughout

the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where they facilitate normal cell

proliferation and growth of beneficial GI bacteria.

· Components in ImmunoSTART™ help trigger a cascade of immune

signaling mechanisms.

· The combination of ImmunoSTART™ and Ambrotose™ complex provides a

synergistic array of proteins, peptides, polypeptides and

glycoproteins–nutrients that can help you achieve optimal health through an

appropriately immunomodulated immune system.


“Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.” Luther King

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Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you more. In the olden

days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as witches because they

never got sick and they never seemed to age like the rest of us do. They

were drinking colostrum

Colostrum is the most powerful thing out there. However, you should know the

reason it is so powerful is because it contains glyconutrients. Every mammal

mother;s milk contains 5 of the 8 monosaccharides needed for the immune

system to function as well as the precursors to the other three. In effect

the milk of every mammal mother delivers all 8 monosaccharides to the

bloodstream within seconds. Colostrum products do not contain Ambrotose

but they go well together.

I take a product called ImmunoSTARTÒ. It is a specially made product for

sale by Mannatech associates only. The man who runs the company that makes

it for Mannatech did a wonderful six hour training in my town that I

attended. I learned more than I thought possible about colostrum and

ImmunoSTART. I was most impressed with the screening they put their dairy

farms through to be able to sell to his company. It takes several years of

inspection for a farm to sell their colostrum to Joe Woolsey. He says they

are looking for farms whose cows have NAMES, not numbers or UPC codes. The

calves get all the colostrum they need because those calves are the next

generation of livestock in these small family dairy farms. There is plenty

of colostrum for processing into ImmunoSTART and it is all collected from

momma within the first three hours of birth.

It is the first product in the Mannatech line that the FDA has cleared for

making claims. They realized that the science behind it was so convincing

that they could not deny the claims that were sent to them for this product.

At the end of these product training notes, you will find the documentation

of claims that came back from FDA for this product

Notice also that Colostrum was given FDA orphan drug status because of AIDS

activists who realized its value with people with AIDS/HIV.

Natural killer cells and T-cell production is shown to increase greatly as

well with colostrum.

Run don't walk to your local independent Mannatech associate and get this

product. It is dirt cheap compared to all those other clone products. It

is 2-3 times as powerful as anything else out there without the beta glucans

and Lactoferrin included in ImmunoSTART. Full retail is $38.50. You can

get it cheaper ask your local associate how. 1-2 bottles per month will

give you what you need.

Basically what all this means is when you get this in your body, your immune

system starts talking again and says. 3-2-1-BLAST OFF ! <LOL> I am

serious. Lets face it your own body is the only thing that will get rid of

AIDS whatever you believe actually causes it. Give your body the power to

do it.

I am sending more information on his training about this phenomenal product

and colostrum in general.

D.L. Bullock, independent Mannatech associate

Here is a great SAMPLE of Joe’s outstanding training on just one of our

incredible products, ImmunoSTART (I take this every day and I think everyone

should too). (I got these notes from Carol Merlo’s excellent newsletter)

4. Understanding the Features and Benefits of ImmunoSTART

Notes from a field teleconference interview with Joe Woolsey on

ImmunoSTARTÒ June 19, 2004. Joe is the President of the Marketing Division

of the company that licenses and provides Mannatech with its exclusive

formula. ImmunoSTARTÒ combines a few key components for immune system

modulation and enhancement – Certified Prime Colostrum®, Lactoferrin,

BetaRight™1,3/1,6 glucan, and Modified Citrus Pectin. The articles

referenced at the end of these notes provide reviews from scientific studies

on these components.

ImmunoSTARTÒ dovetails well with core glyconutrients in AmbrotoseÒ.

AmbrotoseÒ supports the body to know what to do, and ImmunoSTARTÒ provides

nutrients to ensure that the body is able to do what it is supposed to do.

Colostrum helps to achieve homeostasis and balance in all the metabolic

functions of the body. About 4-5 years ago, colostrum became the hot, new

nutrient in the marketplace. Many companies came to Joe’s company wanting an

exclusive formula because Joe’s company has the exclusive rights to the best

source of colostrum in North America. Mannatech was selected from many

companies interested in an exclusive agreement. Now Mannatech has the

exclusive contract on a formula that includes this form of colostrum

combined with the other companion components.

Colostrum contains pre-formed antibodies. Ideally, it is best to use

colostrum from cows living in an environment common to both the cows and the

humans, i.e. both exposed to the same set of pathogens. North American cows

have been exposed to West Nile Virus for example, and have, therefore,

developed antibodies for this pathogen.

To be classified as clinical grade colostrum, or certified prime

colostrum, it must be harvested within 6 hours after the birth of the

calves. This supplier exceeds that standard and harvests most colostrum

within 3 hours. Cows have to be free range. The cows are raised on small

family farms that must adhere to very high standards. For most of the year

they graze in pastures that would pass in most states as organic. In the

winter they are fed organic alfalfa silage. They drink water that is potable

i.e. safe for humans. This is not the case on most dairy farms. A spray,

flash freezing process helps stabilize immune factors in the colostrum. A

low-temperature, patented pasteurization process ensures that the colostrum

will be viable and effective when consumers use it.

It’s not the quantity in a colostrum product that is critical, it’s the

quality of the end product based on the process of harvesting and

stabilizing. Poor quality colostrum may have little to no value. This

supplier ensures third-party, independent testing for mad cow diseases,

other diseases, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, heavy metals etc.

Colostrum is great for all ages. For people who have trouble swallowing,

the chewable lozenges provide an exceptional solution. ImmunoSTARTÒ should

be allowed to dissolve in the mouth for 3-5 minutes before chewing. (You can

bite in half and then suck on the pieces if you prefer.) We have thousands

of receptors in our mouth. These receptors prepare the body for what’s

coming. 2200 components make up colostrum. The digestive process will

destroy most of the components, therefore making capsules ineffective. Oral

delivery of colostrum is critical and is what is used in all of the

supportive scientific studies. Interesting note: newborns, when they first

begin to breast feed, don’t have a swallow reflex, so mother’s milk is

absorbed through receptors in the mouth.

There are many anti-aging benefits. For example, ImmunoSTARTÒ raises your

own insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in the body. IGF-1 then goes to other

hormone resources and gets to work. Therefore you don’t have to look at

external sources of animal forms that help produce IGF-1. Colostrum helps

recovery from injury. Also, it raises proline-rich polypeptides (PRP). This

is vital for all organ tissue, e.g. your skin. Colostrum can help improve

the elasticity of your tissues.

There was a study done with babies, half breast-fed, half formula-fed.

Half of each of the groups was fed colostrum. The ones who got colostrum got

far fewer illnesses and had far greater cognitive abilities in standardized

tests than children that didn’t have colostrum supplemented...regardless of

whether or not they were breast fed. Crushed ImmunoSTARTÒ in topical

glyconutrient lotions or gels may be helpful for healing cuts and injuries.

Another element in ImmunoSTARTÒ is pectin. It has a large molecular

structure and cannot be easily absorbed. However, pH-modified citrus pectin

can be absorbed orally. It has the potential to protect against metastasis

of cancer and acts as a decoy for cancer by attracting cancer cells and

escorting them out of the body. The citrus pectin has a roto-rooter type

effect in cleaning out cholesterol and plaque in the system. Pectin is also

a glyconutrient (polysaccharide). [Note: pectin is also in MannaBears]

A third component of the ImmunoSTARTÒ is beta-glucan, also a

polysaccharide. The macrophage (a large white blood cell) is critical in

finding pathogens and directing NK and T cells to destroy them. Every

macrophage has a beta-glucan receptor on it. The 1,3/1,6 is the beta-glucan

form used in this formula. (There are about 200 forms available). This form

is the most potent form. The beta-glucan enhances the effectiveness of the

macrophage (a key immune cell that means ‘big eater’). The beta-glucan also

helps blood sugar balance, glucose uptake, and cholesterol uptake. The form

used in the ImmunoSTARTÒ is 120 times more potent than what’s in oatmeal.

The presence of beta-glucan in oatmeal is what allows the food industry to

make the claim that eating oatmeal will lower cholesterol.

If your cholesterol is high, you can take ImmunoSTARTÒ 15 minutes before

you eat to create balance as described above. Joe had a relative whose

cholesterol dropped from 238 to 138 in 3 weeks by doing this. This product

has its source of glucans from brewer’s yeast. Any yeast factors are removed

in the manufacturing process, therefore, people who have fungal

sensitivities such as those who have Candida need not be concerned about

yeast factors with ImmunoSTARTÒ. In fact, beta-glucans combat Candida. The

form of beta-glucan in ImmunoSTARTÒ is the most effective form on the

market. Other sources are from medicinal mushrooms. Since you cannot easily

separate out the fungal quality of the mushrooms, it is not a preferred

source. Many consumers have mold and fungal sensitivities.

Beta-glucan reduces glucose uptake and is therefore important to people

with diabetes and those following a low glycemic index diet. Additionally,

there is increasing evidence that beta-glucans should always be taken with

lactoferrin. Taking them before eating helps keep the meal low glycemic.

Beta-glucans can help build macrophages and the lactoferrin can help build

nutrophils (small white blood cells). The betaglucans also proliferate other

immune compounds and too many of these compounds can result in

overproduction which over a prolonged period can produce kidney and liver

damage. Lactoferrin is critical, therefore, because it modulates and

balances to keep appropriate levels.

Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein which is iron-binding. Its benefits relate

to balancing the immune system by making iron bio-available for a useful

function. We all produce lactoferrin in our bodies. It is anti-inflammatory.

It’s the element in tears that provides their soothing effect. Most eye drop

solutions in Japan have lactoferrin in them. They are superior to other eye

drops. Lactoferrin, especially in oral delivery, helps to bind free iron.

Excess iron is stored in the mucus lining of eyes, sinuses, nose, etc. These

dark moist, warm environments are home to free iron molecules. Bacteria can

latch on to free iron molecules, and once attached, they can enter the body.

This is where infection can manifest.

By scavenging free irons in the mucous membranes where most pathogens

enter the body, lactoferrin can thereby strengthen mucosal immunity.

Lactoferrin attaches to free iron molecules, carrying them to the

bloodstream. It is then involved in a recirculation process for building up

more nutrophils in the blood stream. One bacteria latching on to an iron

molecule can multiply to fill a swimming pool in a week. Note: many

vitamins/mineral combinations have eliminated iron so as to reduce the risk

of introducing excess iron to the body.

For people with serious health issues where the immune system is heavily

compromised, this product can be very helpful in modulating the immune

system. In the interview, Joe suggested that more than 6 per day might not

be utilized in a chronic condition. However, in an acute situation, such as

coming down with the flu or another bug, it could be valuable to take one

every hour or so. Be pro-active. If you’re going into an environment with a

lot of pathogens, e.g. traveling, etc., increase your intake of

ImmunoSTARTÒ. Don’t give the pathogens a chance.

For older people who are run down, ImmunoSTARTÒ provides a good supportive

collection of nutrients. Literally, they feel younger. Adding ImmunoSTARTÒ

to a regime with other glyconutrients may dramatically accelerate the

benefits and results. A doctor who uses glyconutrients with her patients

always starts people with ImmunoSTARTÒ. This is a product where she finds

that her clients report noticeable results and benefits very quickly--often,

within 20 minutes. With others it may take 2 days, or 2 weeks, but not

usually very long to feel the benefits.

Pregnant and Nursing moms have used ImmunoSTARTÒ to enhance the immune

systems for their children. Crushed lozenges can be given to small babies.

Some people, who are lactose intolerant and can’t take other products, can

take this one, because it is truly colostrum and not milk. The FDA allows

any product to be called colostrum that has been harvested within 72 hours.

Most of these late harvests would largely be milk, NOT colostrum. Colostrum

has naturally occurring bone and cartilage growth factors that will increase

your utilization of minerals and n-acetyl glucosamine. If you’re not taking

some every day, you’re missing many benefits. 2 per day is a good base

amount. If you have blood pressure or cholesterol issues, take before meals

and 3 per day would be better. As mentioned above, more than 6 per day won’t

do much UNLESS you’re fighting a pathogen. If you have early symptoms of a

flu or other bug, you might take two, then take one every hour.

For children, you can give 1 per day, unless fighting a cold or flu. Then

you can give more as needed. Adjust by weight and/or need. If the child has

allergies, 2 per day or more ­ as needed. Under 4, be careful that the child

can suck without choking. They can also be crushed and put in food or drink

The pectin, lactoferrin and beta-glucans are all glyconutrients.

Colostrum does things for compromised immune systems that immune drugs can

’t do. Specific legal claims about the efficacy of colostrum can be made by

the supplier because colostrum was given orphan drug status by the FDA. An

orphan drug is a drug that has gone through an approval process that is much

less complicated than the normal approval process. (The term drug only means

a substance for which health claims can be made ­ it has nothing to do with

whether it is natural or synthetic). The orphan drug category is designed to

make substances available for treating diseases that are rare (based on the

number of cases). In the very beginning of the AIDS epidemic, AIDS was

considered rare. AIDS activists got the FDA to give approval to colostrum as

an orphan drug without the millions of dollars that would have typically

been necessary for the normal drug approval process.

These articles offer comprehensive surveys of the scientific literature.

Well-documented information and highly recommended reading:

Colostrum Biological Activities: A Review by Tom Gardiner September,

September 22, 2000:


Biological Activities of Lactoferrin by Tom Gardiner, February 2, 2001:


Beta-Glucan Biological Activities by Tom Gardiner, November 3, 2000:


Effective Date: PC No.: 123 US Product: IMMUNOSTART™ Dietary Supplement

Supersedes Issue Dated: N/A Revision No.: N/A

Count and Type: 60 Chewable Tablets

Structure/Function Claims of ImmunoSTART

Submitted and received no objections from the Food and Drug Administration


A strong immune system removes toxins and damaged cell material:

ImmunoSTART® chewables support the body’s ability to do cellular “house

cleaning.” It helps your body to:

· Remove harmful heavy metals.

· Remove daily toxins

· Remove damaged cellular materials.

Key Immune Health Benefits of ImmunoSTART

· Supports a cascade of immune responses that begin in the mouth and

proceeds throughout the body.

· Optimizes response of natural killer cells, B-cells and T-cells,

which seek out and destroy foreign substances.

· Strengthens the mucosal immune system, your first-line of defense.

· Supplies and enhances natural antibodies (immunoglobulins).

· Helps regulate the number and activities of circulating immune


· Initiates communication in the immune system, which releases

chemical messengers to keep your immune system strong.

· Helps the body remove heavy metals and toxins from the cells.

· Helps balance the immune system

A Fresh Start for Your Immune System

· ImmunoSTART® chewables feature a targeted array of nutrients for

building and nurturing immune system health.

· The specialized nutrients in ImmunoSTART™ Chewables can

immediately react with mucus membranes in your mouth and esophagus to

energize your immune system.

· ImmunoSTART™ features peptides, amino acids and glycoproteins that

engage your body’s natural ability to heal and repair itself.

· ImmunoSTART™ provides daily support for strong immune systems

Optimize Your First-Line of Defenses

· Supporting the mucous membranes that line your mouth, nose, lungs

and digestive tracts is very important

· Specialized nutrients in ImmunoSTART™ chewables can immediately

react with mucous membranes in the mouth and esophagus to energize your

immune system.

· They bind to specific receptor sites that send signals directly to

your lymphatic system – the roadway for your trillion circulating white

blood cells.

· The nutrient forces in ImmunoSTART™ chewables spread throughout

the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where they facilitate normal cell

proliferation and growth of beneficial GI bacteria.

· Components in ImmunoSTART™ help trigger a cascade of immune

signaling mechanisms.

· The combination of ImmunoSTART™ and Ambrotose™ complex provides a

synergistic array of proteins, peptides, polypeptides and

glycoproteins–nutrients that can help you achieve optimal health through an

appropriately immunomodulated immune system.


“Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.” Luther King

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finally, someone that knows about colostrum. this product sounds

good, I am working on pill form of my product, but as stated, if it

is ravenging your system, walk don't run to get your hands on some of

this, and if you can afford to visit southern california and come to

pbi, you can get colostrum that will hyperimmunized from your white

blood cells and get the colostrum in pure liquid form and benefit

from the full power of it. usually 15 gallons is collected and you

drink around 1/2 gallon a day. If you want to see a person that I

interviewed who took colostrum from pbi look at

http://www.passivebovineimmunity.com/alvin.html. He was in such an

advanced state of HIV/AIDS that he couldn't walk on his own, was

legally blind, down to 75lbs., lost his hair, had cheked into the

hospital and they said all they could do is hook him up ti morphine

until he passed away. His mother had actually already bought a

tombstone for him, thats when he came to see us and that was 11

months ago. Nobody thought he would survive past the end of 2004,

well he did and at the time of the interview his viral load went from

levels above 60,000 down to 250 and still dropping. The interview is

astonishing and there are some before and after pictures that really

doesn't even look like the same person, in fact he got on the bus

where the bus driver used to help him get out and cross the street

and the bus driver didn't even recognise him and was shocked he had

regained his vision and was out and about in such a healthy state.

People , seriously colostrum is not new, just the ways to implement

it are, if you want to get better, you need to use this. You can

always call me personally or the office for further questions.


Office (909)606-0776

Sincerely, J.

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finally, someone that knows about colostrum. this product sounds

good, I am working on pill form of my product, but as stated, if it

is ravenging your system, walk don't run to get your hands on some of

this, and if you can afford to visit southern california and come to

pbi, you can get colostrum that will hyperimmunized from your white

blood cells and get the colostrum in pure liquid form and benefit

from the full power of it. usually 15 gallons is collected and you

drink around 1/2 gallon a day. If you want to see a person that I

interviewed who took colostrum from pbi look at

http://www.passivebovineimmunity.com/alvin.html. He was in such an

advanced state of HIV/AIDS that he couldn't walk on his own, was

legally blind, down to 75lbs., lost his hair, had cheked into the

hospital and they said all they could do is hook him up ti morphine

until he passed away. His mother had actually already bought a

tombstone for him, thats when he came to see us and that was 11

months ago. Nobody thought he would survive past the end of 2004,

well he did and at the time of the interview his viral load went from

levels above 60,000 down to 250 and still dropping. The interview is

astonishing and there are some before and after pictures that really

doesn't even look like the same person, in fact he got on the bus

where the bus driver used to help him get out and cross the street

and the bus driver didn't even recognise him and was shocked he had

regained his vision and was out and about in such a healthy state.

People , seriously colostrum is not new, just the ways to implement

it are, if you want to get better, you need to use this. You can

always call me personally or the office for further questions.


Office (909)606-0776

Sincerely, J.

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The only time you post is when you see a chance to

make some money.

--- " D.L. Bullock " <d.l.bullock@...> wrote:

> Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you

> more. In the olden

> days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as

> witches because they

> never got sick and they never seemed to age like the

> rest of us do. They

> were drinking colostrum



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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The only time you post is when you see a chance to

make some money.

--- " D.L. Bullock " <d.l.bullock@...> wrote:

> Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you

> more. In the olden

> days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as

> witches because they

> never got sick and they never seemed to age like the

> rest of us do. They

> were drinking colostrum



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Because you don't like me, you are willing to pass up something that will

very likely save your life and you discourage others from investigating the

life saving nutrition that will save THEIR lives as well. I would say SHAME

SHAME SHAME on you for having the blood on your hands of the people who did

not investigate this whole new division of science simply because you

discouraged them from doing so.

It would be different if I was telling about something that did not work.

This stuff works and you are unable to prove that it does not. There are

scientist better than you who have tried to discredit glyconutrients...most

of them now buy them for their families. There are Universities that are

spending tens of millions putting in new glycobiology divisions. University

of Missouri in Columbia just did that this year. They don't do that for

snake oil. Care to guess who they paid to come out and help them set up the

glycobiology department last spring?.---Reg Mc---The doctor who did

most of the original testing of the products I take and that you don't want

to know about.

There are over a million and a half medical papers, studies and treatises

telling how, why, and how well glyconutrients work. They are coming as

standard of care and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. I

happen to know there are several people on this group--probably many people

who use glyconutrients and they have told me they like the benefits they get

from them. You have intimidated them so you will never hear from them

because of your nasty retorts to me when I mention them.

But you just keep on discouraging others from using nutritional products

that make AIDS irrelevant to their lives. What do you gain by doing so?

Are you satisfied when someone keeps getting sicker and sicker? I happen to

get satisfaction when someone tells me how much better their lives are when

they take glyconutrients. If you think I give a rat's ass about where they

get it you are way off base. If they get it from me, fine. If they get it

from one of the five or six hundred thousand other associates, fine. If

they get it from the company and get put in the downline of some random

anonymous associate, why would I care. The important thing is they got the

nutrition needed to make them well. We have lost enough good people to this

plague. Lets not endlessly debate how we got it and what causes it and lets

just make our own bodies beat it up and imprison it into some deep, dark

corner so we can get on with a normal life free of opportune illnesses and

impending doom. Glyconutrients have done that for over twenty years and

will do it for anyone who gets enough of it for long enough.

Cool your jets, Sara and learn how to save your own life.

D.L. Bullock

RE: colostrum


The only time you post is when you see a chance to

make some money.

--- " D.L. Bullock " <d.l.bullock@...> wrote:

> Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you

> more. In the olden

> days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as

> witches because they

> never got sick and they never seemed to age like the

> rest of us do. They

> were drinking colostrum



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


Read AIDS-Cured

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Because you don't like me, you are willing to pass up something that will

very likely save your life and you discourage others from investigating the

life saving nutrition that will save THEIR lives as well. I would say SHAME

SHAME SHAME on you for having the blood on your hands of the people who did

not investigate this whole new division of science simply because you

discouraged them from doing so.

It would be different if I was telling about something that did not work.

This stuff works and you are unable to prove that it does not. There are

scientist better than you who have tried to discredit glyconutrients...most

of them now buy them for their families. There are Universities that are

spending tens of millions putting in new glycobiology divisions. University

of Missouri in Columbia just did that this year. They don't do that for

snake oil. Care to guess who they paid to come out and help them set up the

glycobiology department last spring?.---Reg Mc---The doctor who did

most of the original testing of the products I take and that you don't want

to know about.

There are over a million and a half medical papers, studies and treatises

telling how, why, and how well glyconutrients work. They are coming as

standard of care and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. I

happen to know there are several people on this group--probably many people

who use glyconutrients and they have told me they like the benefits they get

from them. You have intimidated them so you will never hear from them

because of your nasty retorts to me when I mention them.

But you just keep on discouraging others from using nutritional products

that make AIDS irrelevant to their lives. What do you gain by doing so?

Are you satisfied when someone keeps getting sicker and sicker? I happen to

get satisfaction when someone tells me how much better their lives are when

they take glyconutrients. If you think I give a rat's ass about where they

get it you are way off base. If they get it from me, fine. If they get it

from one of the five or six hundred thousand other associates, fine. If

they get it from the company and get put in the downline of some random

anonymous associate, why would I care. The important thing is they got the

nutrition needed to make them well. We have lost enough good people to this

plague. Lets not endlessly debate how we got it and what causes it and lets

just make our own bodies beat it up and imprison it into some deep, dark

corner so we can get on with a normal life free of opportune illnesses and

impending doom. Glyconutrients have done that for over twenty years and

will do it for anyone who gets enough of it for long enough.

Cool your jets, Sara and learn how to save your own life.

D.L. Bullock

RE: colostrum


The only time you post is when you see a chance to

make some money.

--- " D.L. Bullock " <d.l.bullock@...> wrote:

> Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you

> more. In the olden

> days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as

> witches because they

> never got sick and they never seemed to age like the

> rest of us do. They

> were drinking colostrum



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


Read AIDS-Cured

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And what are we saving our lives from again? I forget. Not that I'm against

nutrition, but I certainly don't approve of selling the " AIDS scare " to someone

just to get them to buy ozone or glyconutrients or snake oil, or whatever.

In my opinion... if it ain't broke, there's no need to fix it. Nor to spend

tons of money on things you don't need.

It really does seem like a " sell " to me.

I might point out that " AIDS " is irrelevant to the lives of most people here.

Why should they spend what little money they have on things they don't

necessarily need? If there is a problem, then nutrition is probably the best

way to start changing it.

At the same time, Glyconutrients aren't the cure-all for everything. Anyone who

tells you different?

Is probably selling something.

Better and cheaper probably to start with basic nutrition and work your way

around from there. But only if there's a REAL problem.


RE: colostrum


The only time you post is when you see a chance to

make some money.

--- " D.L. Bullock " <d.l.bullock@...> wrote:

> Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you

> more. In the olden

> days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as

> witches because they

> never got sick and they never seemed to age like the

> rest of us do. They

> were drinking colostrum



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


Read AIDS-Cured

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And what are we saving our lives from again? I forget. Not that I'm against

nutrition, but I certainly don't approve of selling the " AIDS scare " to someone

just to get them to buy ozone or glyconutrients or snake oil, or whatever.

In my opinion... if it ain't broke, there's no need to fix it. Nor to spend

tons of money on things you don't need.

It really does seem like a " sell " to me.

I might point out that " AIDS " is irrelevant to the lives of most people here.

Why should they spend what little money they have on things they don't

necessarily need? If there is a problem, then nutrition is probably the best

way to start changing it.

At the same time, Glyconutrients aren't the cure-all for everything. Anyone who

tells you different?

Is probably selling something.

Better and cheaper probably to start with basic nutrition and work your way

around from there. But only if there's a REAL problem.


RE: colostrum


The only time you post is when you see a chance to

make some money.

--- " D.L. Bullock " <d.l.bullock@...> wrote:

> Yes, Yes and again YES! I could not agree with you

> more. In the olden

> days, they used to burn milk maids at the stake as

> witches because they

> never got sick and they never seemed to age like the

> rest of us do. They

> were drinking colostrum



- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


Read AIDS-Cured

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