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I've had the most benefit from East Park Research d-Lenolate brand, so I

take that particular brand regularly, and have for a couple years. Before

that I used Solaray brand, using three times as much as the d-Lenolate. But

my husband has had sinus problems, and tried the d-Lenolate, and it did

nothing for him. But we tried Vitaminshoppe brand for him, because it was

cheap at the time, and the Vitaminshoppe brand seemed to really help him, so

we started buying that for him. I also began including it for myself along

with the East Park Research brand, thinking that maybe it might do something

more for me, since he benefited from it, and it would allow me to cut my

d-Lenolate dosage a little. And I occasionally resort to using just it on

it's own when I'm temporarily out of the d-Lenolate, but at a much higher

dose, to compensate for the concentration of the d-Lenolate. (It seems to

work for me at the rate of 12 of the Vitaminshoppe brand capsules day,

versus 2 of the d-Lenolate capsules per day.) I've also used Solaray brand,

which seems to be twice as concentrated as the Vitaminshoppe brand, (6

capsules per day) and only a third as concentrated as the d-Lenolate. I base

the concentration that I take on whether I develop yeast overgrowth

symptoms. When I drop the dose too low, I start having yeast overgrowth

problems. So far, it's been the only supplement that the yeast hasn't seemed

to develop a resistance to.


olive leaf extract

> Dear


> You wrote, " But I have been using olive leaf

> extract for years on a regular basis. "


> Would you mind telling us if you notice any difference between brands? A

> few years ago, the Keep Hope Alive guy thought that East Park made the



> Sue B.

> upstate New York




> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

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Hi All,

I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

others experiences with it.

According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

including bacteria, fungi,

and viruses.


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mike wrote:


> Hi All,

> I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

> others experiences with it.

> According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

> including bacteria, fungi,

> and viruses.

I have not personally tried it, however, a number of my friends have and

they found it to be a waste of money. It did nothing for them. That's

why I declined to try it.

I have read a lot of research on Oregano Oil, and it sounds far more

effective. It is, however, expensive, so I stick with Colloidal Silver

which works well. With Colloidal Silver, you have to be extremely

careful. There are a lot of companies who sell it who are merely out to

make a buck. The *only* Colloidal Silver I have found that works is

that sold by Home Cure. (http://www.homecure.com) I have *no*

affiliation with them, other than as a satisfied Colloidal Silver



@>--}-- * --{--<@


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Hi Mike

I have found OLE very useful for clearing up urinary tract infections and throat

infections and somewhat useful for acute sinusitis (note that to clear an

infection it needs to be taken in very high doses ie 4x 500mg capsules 4 times

a day). It also seems to kill candida as it has given me quite a herx before

when I've used it following antibiotics. The two best brands I have found are

Ameriden and East Park Research.

However I have found it no use at all for CFIDS symptoms no matter how much I


Re: Olive Leaf Extract

Hi All,

I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

others experiences with it.

According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

including bacteria, fungi,

and viruses.


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, your experience seems to be a clone of my experience with olive leaf

extract. It's been the only thing that suppresses candida for me that hasn't

developed a resistance to it, and I've tried Oregano oil, Caprilic acid,

monolaurin, garlic, colloidal silver, and a bunch of other things, and after

a few weeks they stopped working. Even now, after not using them for a long

time, if I try to use them, they are no longer effective in reducing

candida. But the olive leaf continues to keep the candida at bay, so long as

I keep taking it. If I stop, it begins to surge back after a week or so.

I've also found that when I take lots of it, it will help knock out sinus

infections. But it hasn't done a thing for my CFS symptoms. It also didn't

help clear a nail fungal infection in my foot (orally, or in ointment

extracts, soaps, etc.), or tinea versicolor on my chest and back.

My husband's sinus problems were helped with Vitaminshoppe brand, but not

with East Park Research brand. I seem to benefit more from East Park

Research brand than other brands. But my husbands experience suggests to me

that different people seem to react differently to different brands. But

I've tried a half dozen different brands, and none of them seem to phase the

CFS symptoms, regardless of the dosage.


Re: Olive Leaf Extract



> Hi All,

> I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

> others experiences with it.

> According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

> including bacteria, fungi,

> and viruses.


> Mike







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Yes your experience with OLE is definately the same as mine - it doesn't help

CFIDS symptoms at all. I've been wondering though wether maybe it isn't helping

any CFIDS symptoms because my blood is too coagulated???? Maybe the OLE cannot

get at any of the virus/bacteria as they are protected by fibrin??

Is there anyone who has taken OLE after taking heparin/natto/bromelain who can


Re: Olive Leaf Extract



> Hi All,

> I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

> others experiences with it.

> According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

> including bacteria, fungi,

> and viruses.


> Mike







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Actually, I've recently begun taking bromelain about two weeks ago. I herx

majorly every day that I take it, and when I stop, I have really good days,

better than before the bromelain. I've been taking it for two days on, and

then a day off. So I know the bromelain is doing something, but the herx is

really big time for me, and I'm almost to the point of wanting to quit it,

just because of how bad I feel while I'm on it. I don't know if it is just

the bromelain, or if it is being synergistic with all the other things I'm

taking, including the olive leaf extract. I take a long list of supplements,

and the olive leaf extract is not the only anti-pathogen supplement that I


I guess the test would be to stop the olive leaf extract, and see if the

good effects from the bromelain on days I'm not taking it continues, except

that I need to find out if the herx from the bromelain continues, or if it

begins to let up eventually, and I haven't wanted to change anything else in

my protocol until things settle down a bit. I'd take the bromelain

continually, except that the longer I take it, the worse the herx gets, and

pulsing the dose is the only way I can think of to manage it a little.


Re: Olive Leaf Extract

> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> > I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

> > others experiences with it.

> > According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

> > including bacteria, fungi,

> > and viruses.

> >

> > Mike

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thats interesting. A couple of months ago I was taking a lot of bromelain with

OLE for a flare up of acute sinusitis and I got a herx reaction aswell but I

wasn't sure at the time wether it was a herx or a reaction to a local

anaesthetic that I'd had just about the same time. Now you mention this I

suspect it was the bromelain and OLE together or perhaps just the bromelain


Let us know if you work this one out

Re: Olive Leaf Extract

> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> > I am trying olive leaf extract and would like to hear of

> > others experiences with it.

> > According to some internet articles, it can kill all kinds of bugs

> > including bacteria, fungi,

> > and viruses.

> >

> > Mike

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I think pulsing is a good idea. I had to do that when taking

bromelain/antibiotics. I don't see the point in making oneself too miserable.

I would cut back to every couple days, or whatever is necessary to feel it but

not be miserable, then work your way up. I know exactly how you feel though. I

remember hating bromelain like crazy too. But eventually it didn't cause me to

feel sick.



----- Original Message -----


So I know the bromelain is doing something, but the herx is

really big time for me, and I'm almost to the point of wanting to quit it,

just because of how bad I feel while I'm on it.

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  • 5 months later...

I have just re-joined. I am currently trialing Olive leaf extract,

the die-off hasn't been too bad, not as bad as in past so there must

be some improvement. Anyone else had good results from using it?

My candida has flared up pretty bad so not sure whether that is as

result of candida dying or not. I was doing better on candex+ but

didn't think it was strong enough.



For what I know about it, the olive leaf extract is one of the best natural

anti-viral and anti-bacterial things known, together with goldenseal and

creosote. My nutritionist buddy thought that the olive will be one of the big

news items one of these days, especially in cancer treatment.


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  • 1 month later...

I have just used the cheap NOW foods brand olive leaf and it has worked well. I

am currently using it with my dad who has a bladder infection and it is working

well. I tried some other cheap brands from the grocery store and they didn't

work well, so I went back to the NOW brand. NOW can be found on line.



olive leaf extract

Does anyone have a good site to buy olive leaf extract from.

I haven't been able to find any sites that offer high quality capsules.


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East Park Research and Ameriden are both good quality brands of OLE. A google

search on either of these brands should bring up companies that sell them

olive leaf extract

Does anyone have a good site to buy olive leaf extract from.

I haven't been able to find any sites that offer high quality capsules.


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  • 8 months later...

For years. Helped. And yes, I herxed with it. Eventually things developed

resistance to it, with the exception of candida. I know that others have had

candida develop resistance to it, and I'm not sure why mine didn't. On the

other hand, I never got well with olive leaf extract. It only seems to hold

candida in check for me. It did nothing for other infections, including

other pathogens in my intestinal tract according to GI testing from Great

Smokies labs.

When I started on colloidal silver, though, I dropped the olive leaf

extract, because it seemed like it wasn't really helping except with the

candida, and colloidal silver does what olive leaf does without as much risk

of resistance. And because I make my own colloidal silver, it's cheaper than

buying olive leaf extract.

Aside from that, the olive leaf extract did NOT help prevent Type A

influenza in me from hitting twice over the years that I've been using it.

It did not shorten the duration of it, or lessen it's impact, as far as I

could tell. I was sick longer than I should have been, and sicker than

everyone else around me who did not use olive leaf extract.

I used East Park Research's brand of olive leaf extract called d-Lenolate,

most of the time. But I eventually added Solary to it, and then the

vitaminshoppe brand, in addition to what I was taking of East Park Research.

I started out with one capsule 3 times a day, and slowly worked my way up to

12 a day. When I was really sick I took as many as 20 capsules a day. So it

wasn't for lack of a sufficient dose that it didn't work, I think.


Olive Leaf Extract

> Have any of you used Olive leaf Extact? If so did it help you? Hurt? Did

you have a die off?


> Thanks,

> Suzanne



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Hi Suzanne,

I tried OLE in capsule form and had a really sore

stomach each time I took it. There were no good

benfits for me. I didn't get the " usual " sore throat,

glands etc which I normally associate with a possible


I also put the contents into a steamer for a sinus

infection but it did not help at all.

With warmest regards,



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  • 2 months later...

mcpherson.bg@... wrote:

> Has anyone experience with olive leaf extract? My son was taking it as an

> antibacterial agent when he had Lyme Disease, but I can't remember

> if it is generally good as a tonic of sorts.

It's a pretty great herbal way to take care of infectious organisms

including bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The only problem is that once you kill those infections you are left

with the damaged tissue they leave behind. That still needs to be

healed, and the gut bacteria restored. But as an antibiotic it is good

even for dogs. (It's a bit rough on cats and cats need their gut

bacteria to not be wiped out in the first place- but it can be used in

some circumstances and is way safer than antibiotics for example.)

It is nice because where antibiotics can only try to kill bacteria,

olive leaf extract helps with viruses and fungi as well.

Lyme disease responds really well to homeopathy by the way.

So no olive leaf extract is not a general tonic as you want to conserve

your good gut bacteria - but it is a good anti-microbial if that is needed.

A good immune system balancing supplement that does not affect the gut

bacteria you need for SCFAs and vitamin manufacture, is a plant sterol

and sterolin extract called Moducare. I use this myself as I have a

blocked immune system, and I use it in animals - it was originally

developed in cats, then humans with AIDS, but helps in all cases of TH-2

skewed illness (examples: allergy, arthritis, cushing's syndrome,

asthma, fibromyalgia, cancer, HIV, Lymes, leukaemia etc). It may not

help in TH-1 skewed diseases like Multiple sclerosis and certain liver

diseases - you'd have to look into that.

Most chronic diseases are TH-2 skewed however, and Moducare helps

restore TH-2/Th-1 balance when there is TH-2 skewing. I do not know

enough about the mechanism of Moducare to know if it will restore

balance after skewing in the opposite direction.

What's Th-1/Th-2? Th-1 helper cell versus TH-2 helper cell lymphocyte

response has to do with the body's form of defence.

Th-1 killer cells are first line defence (if they are working) from the

thymus, spleen and lymph that destroy viruses, cancer, yeasts,

intracellular bacteria etc.

Th-2 response from the bone marrow by way of antibodies is what we

usually have too much of (thanks to vaccines, drugs etc all stimulating

TH-2 and damaging Th-1 activity) and it is in charge of response using

eosinophils, polymononuclear cells and antibodies to overcome

extracellular bacteria, toxins, parasites and allergens.

If you have too much TH-2 response your body attacks itself instead of

the invaders. If you have too much Th-1 response your body also attacks

itself instead of the invaders. In both cases you have auto-immune

disease of some kind whether it is being prone to allergy, being prone

to chronic disease like cancer, or the other way round prone to multiple

sclerosis - and you need the TH-1/Th-2 responsiveness to be put back in


With the immune system in balance, your body can do what it is supposed

to do at the right intensity level, for each type of invader. Otherwise

the interferon you have naturally will detect that the TH-1 system is

not working and will call in the big antibody guns to make big war

against a piece of dust, and you will be caught in the crossfire as the

victim. That is how we get cancer and fibromyalgia and asthma and all

the other TH-2 skewed diseases. It's lack of proper TH-1 activity as it

was destroyed by chemicals.

Worst offender chemicals:

Vaccines - they always skew to Th-2. Many drugs also do this.

Steroids - A single steroid can shut down 90% of thymus (TH-1) activity.

So there's an oversimplified clue to keeping the two defence types in

your immune system in balance so it can do the work it was designed to do.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

P.O.Box 4703, Spokane, WA 99220-0703.


Veterinary Homeopath and Feline Information Counsellor.

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  • 10 months later...

> Hi


> Ive just ordered Olive leaf extract - did anyone experience any bad effects

> from this?


> and Does it kill of good bacteria aswell as bad bacteria?


> Regards CS

Hi CS,

I've been using olive leaf caps a lot without any side effect of any type.

And I love olive oil. Maybe that's because I grew up in a country where

olive trees are common :-)

I don't know what bacteria it kills but it sure kills something. I would say

staphylococcus and pseudomonas (I had those both in respiratory tract), so

it can presumably kill gut flora too, I suppose...


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 20/05/2006 09:07:10 GMT Daylight Time, acmpope@... writes:

Being half English and half American it is a delight to mix the groups a little and get a fantastic cocktail, but part of me is a little offput by the raving about OLE as a natural antiviral?

Mandi, everyone, what do WE think,

>>>Its good stuff, many are using in it combo with other treatments, Virastop, Valtrex, LDN however, it tastes yucky and it is GREEN, Sam does not do green, I even imported some high quality Austrailian brown stuff which tasted like prune juice and he would wretch that also.

But ah ha, I am now getting 2 measley drops but thats better than none, of liquid OLE into him during the night along with his probios.

Does O do caps now? Easy if they swallow caps, trickier if not.

Mandi x

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In a message dated 20/05/2006 09:07:10 GMT Daylight Time, acmpope@... writes:

Being half English and half American it is a delight to mix the groups a little and get a fantastic cocktail, but part of me is a little offput by the raving about OLE as a natural antiviral?

Mandi, everyone, what do WE think,

>>>Its good stuff, many are using in it combo with other treatments, Virastop, Valtrex, LDN however, it tastes yucky and it is GREEN, Sam does not do green, I even imported some high quality Austrailian brown stuff which tasted like prune juice and he would wretch that also.

But ah ha, I am now getting 2 measley drops but thats better than none, of liquid OLE into him during the night along with his probios.

Does O do caps now? Easy if they swallow caps, trickier if not.

Mandi x

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In a message dated 20/05/2006 09:07:10 GMT Daylight Time, acmpope@... writes:

Being half English and half American it is a delight to mix the groups a little and get a fantastic cocktail, but part of me is a little offput by the raving about OLE as a natural antiviral?

Mandi, everyone, what do WE think,

>>>Its good stuff, many are using in it combo with other treatments, Virastop, Valtrex, LDN however, it tastes yucky and it is GREEN, Sam does not do green, I even imported some high quality Austrailian brown stuff which tasted like prune juice and he would wretch that also.

But ah ha, I am now getting 2 measley drops but thats better than none, of liquid OLE into him during the night along with his probios.

Does O do caps now? Easy if they swallow caps, trickier if not.

Mandi x

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ive just started using it, kai is taking it fine hes so obliging

with all his supplements - the only one hes balked with is oil of

oregano - says its too hot but if anyones found a way to disguise

the taste feel free to let me know!!! ;-)

his younger brother will take it with a little honey, were just

having to top up with a drop of GSE here and there to counteract the






> In a message dated 20/05/2006 09:07:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> acmpope@... writes:


> Being half English and half American it is a delight to mix the

groups a

> little and get a fantastic cocktail, but part of me is a little

offput by the

> raving about OLE as a natural antiviral?

> Mandi, everyone, what do WE think,



> >>>Its good stuff, many are using in it combo with other


> Virastop, Valtrex, LDN however, it tastes yucky and it is GREEN,

Sam does not do

> green, I even imported some high quality Austrailian brown stuff

which tasted

> like prune juice and he would wretch that also.


> But ah ha, I am now getting 2 measley drops but thats better than

none, of

> liquid OLE into him during the night along with his probios.


> Does O do caps now? Easy if they swallow caps, trickier if not.


> Mandi x


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ive just started using it, kai is taking it fine hes so obliging

with all his supplements - the only one hes balked with is oil of

oregano - says its too hot but if anyones found a way to disguise

the taste feel free to let me know!!! ;-)

his younger brother will take it with a little honey, were just

having to top up with a drop of GSE here and there to counteract the






> In a message dated 20/05/2006 09:07:10 GMT Daylight Time,

> acmpope@... writes:


> Being half English and half American it is a delight to mix the

groups a

> little and get a fantastic cocktail, but part of me is a little

offput by the

> raving about OLE as a natural antiviral?

> Mandi, everyone, what do WE think,



> >>>Its good stuff, many are using in it combo with other


> Virastop, Valtrex, LDN however, it tastes yucky and it is GREEN,

Sam does not do

> green, I even imported some high quality Austrailian brown stuff

which tasted

> like prune juice and he would wretch that also.


> But ah ha, I am now getting 2 measley drops but thats better than

none, of

> liquid OLE into him during the night along with his probios.


> Does O do caps now? Easy if they swallow caps, trickier if not.


> Mandi x


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I think the usual equation is 1/4 of whatever the adult

dose is (see the instructions on the bottle and give 1/4

of that).


> I bought the capsules.......does anyone know how much to give a 3 yr

> old 31 lb boy?


> Thanks,

> Patty


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I think the usual equation is 1/4 of whatever the adult

dose is (see the instructions on the bottle and give 1/4

of that).


> I bought the capsules.......does anyone know how much to give a 3 yr

> old 31 lb boy?


> Thanks,

> Patty


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Where do you buy the Olive Leaf Extract capsules?

I'm new to this list (joined today). We have a DAN! doctor. I want to ask him about Olive Leaf Extract next time we see him. We tried Valtrex for a few days but had a hard time getting our son to swallow pills. Also tried rinsing off the blue coating, drying them, crushing with mortar and pestal, and putting in juice (very bitter). A syringe with some strong tasting fluid to mask the taste of the Valtrex seems like the only way to go, but shooting it in his mouth 3x/day for a long period of time seems pretty difficult for him and me. What is the best way to get them to take it? Thanks!


Portland, OR

-----Original Message-----From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ]On Behalf Of djajhootenSent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:45 PMmb12 valtrex Subject: Re: Olive Leaf ExtractI think the usual equation is 1/4 of whatever the adultdose is (see the instructions on the bottle and give 1/4of that).>> I bought the capsules.......does anyone know how much to give a 3 yr > old 31 lb boy?> > Thanks,> Patty>

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